CBS has just announced the new fall season of Big Brother “Over The Top” will start on September 28, 2016. Yes, just one week after the current season of Big Brother 18 ends and yes, “Over The Top” is the new title for this digital edition of BB and will not impact Big Brother 19 next year.
Starting at the end of this month the new season of Big Brother will launch a first ever All-Access based, online only version of Big Brother and we’ve got our first official details of the new season so get ready because this sounds awesome.
First up, on top of all the crazy Big Brother action you’re used to we will also get an Over The Top “weekly episode with live eviction” each Wednesday at 10PM ET (7PM PT). Good. So this will be very similar to what we’re used to on CBS but instead of it being on broadcast it’ll be online. And yes, you can easily watch All Access on your TV with the right connected devices. Very easily.
There will also be “weekday recaps” which could be some sort of packaged clip shows to catch you up on all the highlights of what’s been going on. And of course, “24/7 Live Feeds.” Yes, lots and lots of feeds for Big Brother Over The Top, with, sit down for this, “no scheduled blackouts.”
As we recently covered the competitions will be all live, “100%” said co-producer Heath Luman. So that means instead of hours upon hours of down Feeds to record competitions they’ll include all those events live for us to watch as they happen. That’s fantastic!
But wait, there’s more! (But first?) “The viewer will have more influence over the game than ever before.” Well that sounds interesting, but as we’ve seen with these America’s Care Package votes that’s not always a good or reliable thing. Either way, we’ll get to own it I suppose.
As for the prize money, it’s lower but still a huge amount. The winner of Big Brother Over The Top will earn $250,000.
Okay, so yes, we’ve got a new 10-week season of Big Brother Over The Top starting on Wednesday, September 28th. It’ll be entirely on your Live Feeds through All Access and the price will remain at $5.99/mo along with the 1-week Free Trial. And yeah, we’ll be covering every minute of the new season which means we’ve got Big Brother until nearly Christmas! My wife will be thrilled…
If you’re planning to sign-up for All Access to watch the new Big Brother season then please consider using our links and banners since those sign-ups are a big part of what keeps this site going. Thank you very much!
Big Brother Over The Top announcement takeaways:
- New season starts 9/28/16
- Season will last 10 weeks
- Online only through All Access ($5.99/mo – US-only)
- Can be viewed on your TV through certain devices
- Weekly eviction episodes Wed @ 10PM ET (7PM PT)
- No blackouts. Live competitions.
- Diary Room sessions
- Viewer voting
What do you think? Ready to watch the new Big Brother Fall 2016 season? Remember just because it’s online doesn’t mean it can’t also be on your TV. Grab our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook and Twitter, then get our Email Updates and you’ll never miss a bit of Over The Top this fall.
Hat tip to reader Jarrod for the heads up.
Sounds awesome. Really looking forward to no blackouts on the feeds!!!
Let’s do it.
All of this is exactly what I wanted to hear. No blackouts, all live competitions and the show. I was worried it would be live feeds only. The daily clip show sounds great too. I’m really excited for this!
I’ve heard rumors, but we’ll wait to see if it’s true, but the all new “Ad Free CBS subscribers” will actually get bonus cams for the upcoming online Big Brother house. Now, ok… Yes, I know that scam has been said every single year since Big Brother started. It’s always floating around out there. It’s probably that old rumor coming back up just because there is now a higher tier of service.
But, I want it to be true this time. Could you imagine being able to watch a dumb conversation that you enjoy between some HGs in the backyard, instead of it switching to a couple cuddling because for 3 seconds they talked game, and then the operator does NOT switch it back to the backyard? It would be crazy. Or or or… JURY CAMS!!
Game talk is fun, and I watch for the game, but you know full well when it gets down to the last 8 people it starts to get harder to get good game talk, and then you find yourself watching just for what’s entertaining until game talk picks up again. (also, a lot of the time it’s so obvious what needs to happen next that the game talk is the same thing you’ve heard all week long)
That’d be nice, but i have not heard a single thing about extra cams. Of course until an hour ago I hadn’t even heard the new season’s name, so who knows.
Matt- Will Pop have a BB After Dark show or is everything strictly on-line?
bb18 just convinced me not to spend any more money on feeds…idk how i feel about that now…i am an addict to this i will probably flip…ugh i’m gonna be a flipper….
If you’re basing your take on next season from this season with a different cast then you could miss out.
yes i was doing that because the sleeping hg’s to fish made me nuts, but as i love big brother…i am gonna flip on my original “no more feeds” to watching this new online season…i am a little disappointed in turning myself into a flipper but that’s what i get for making an assumption lol, i will subscribe from here aswell i love this site more than the show sometimes.
If I choose to do what I said I wouldn’t, it will be from here Matt. 7 yr loyal to you, but….. I too said done with feeds as we weren’t getting 24/7 all day…all night.
I’m with you.
Still no word on watching outside US? k. nevermind then
Pisses me off…. I’m in Canada and would like to know….
Android box. Google Kodi + TVAddons.
I’ll be getting all access. I’ll order from your links, because you guys have the best coverage of BB and I’ve enjoyed reading your feed recaps all summer
Thank you so much. Greatly appreciated!
I’m happy to order it and use your links, but do you know if they will work in Canada?
Will you be having this site for the on-line version? Can’t afford to pay for the service but would still be interested in reading about it.
10 weeks that means we will have a back to basics season. $15 for a back to basics BB im down.
I’m very excited for that sort of approach. Just give us the game and let’s see what happens!
Me too!
So it sounds like no episodes except for the evictions and some type of mini episodes every day. Weird not sure if i like that.
Definitely weird probably at first, but considering how much the Sun/Wed shows are just filler we might get used to it quickly.
I’m ready for BB18 to end already. I’m kinda excited for the fall season. But I am not looking forward to the “viewers influence” part. I don’t want the viewers to screw over a deserving player.
Couldn’t agree more. Not at all thrilled about the viewer voting.
Vewer voting could be kind of interesting in this format, because the voters will likely be more feeders who follow the HG more closely than just on network tv a few times a week.
I guess they don’t need or won’t do diary room sessions this season. Although they aren’t really helpful anymore.
Good point. They’ve diluted DRs to the point of “why bother?” most times now.
I know, how many more times do I need to hear a houseguest say, “I’ve got to win this veto or HOH.” But if they let us watch or listen to sessions (if they do them) without alterations or edits, that would be really cool.
I also kind of miss the interview with hoh prior to evictions, just to get their play on the week. The 1-1 in the hoh room, and voting on cbs is locked up half the time.
I guess there’ll still be DR sessions, if only to “discuss” the goings on with each HG.
I wonder how they will do it though. I’d like to hear unedited DRs, that would be interesting.
Anyone planning on editing the episodes them self and posting them on youtube?
Copyrighted content. I wouldn’t rely on that since it’s illegal and all.
technically anything you pay for can be shared as long as you do not get money off of it.
No more “We’ll be right back,” with the lovely fish tank in the background? I am excited! Live comps sounds awesome!
Lynn, we’ll probably still get plenty of fish when production wants to block HG’s personal conversations and of course for the damn singing.
You can count on that!
Yep, I don’t think the fish will go away completely, unfortunately.
I’ll probably tune in with the one week free, and see whether or not I wanna spend 18 bucks. So we will see! ^_^
Who’s got that kind of time to spend on the computer?
No more than any Feed watchers would or TV-only viewers. You can watch the content on your TV without much difficult.
but unless your computer is hooked up to your TV set, i would be in my office all day and all night with no time spent with other family members.
BB can be pretty addictive and that’s one reason I probably won’t be watching this version.
No. It’s very easy to get All Access on your regular TV with no computer involved.
How Matt ?
Do you know if it will have to be watched live or will we be able to watch it at our leisure? I work
8p to 8a and seldom get to watch the shows the days they air.
Love the show, but i will be sitting this one out
I’m excited to give it a shot! Anyone know if there will be diary room sessions? Sometimes it’s hard to know what the houseguests’s motives are/what they’re really thinking based solely on the live feeds.
Yeah I’m hoping for some nonscripted DRs in this new format. Also, I wish production would encourage more solo cam talking, that’s where we can really get an idea what the HG are thinking and what their strategies are.
I hope so. That is one of my favorite parts of the show.
We need to know what they are really thinking or how much of what they say is a complete lie.
Really bummed i thought we were going to get another televised edition this fall, this stinks
Cheer up Jon, it’s likely we’re going to get a BB season this fall that’s better than the TV editions.
could very well be better, but i watch the show with my family when it’s on tv, and none of them are going to cram into my office with one chair to watch it.
Jon, do you know if your TV has “smart” capabilities? Or maybe your DVD player?
The CBS All Access application is available on most devices now. Apple TV is another excellent option for streaming content directly to your TV.
Thanks, i will look into it
You can cast your computer screen to the TV, look into it. There are many different ways, I use Chromecast. Very easy and I’m digitally challenged, so there is hope. :)
That is my hope, BB going back to basics.
Will this be the end of the tv version if it is successful? I hope not. because that would mean I am watching my last season right now.
I would think that it’s unlikely. At least for the foreseeable future…the TV edition was just picked up for two additional seasons.
I thought they were counting this all access season as one of the 2, but i am glad they are not, thanks again!
I don’t think so either. The TV version is not go away anytime soon.This Online version of BB could be the experimental one.
Doubt it. BB works as a multi-platform show, including being in a linear outlet such as traditional TV.
I think if it is successful, they will have 2 seasons per year or possibly more.
On TV there is more advertisements and they probably pay more.
The bad thing about watching things online is that blocking Ads on CBS is not possible.
The big revenues are from the TV shows as it reaches wider demographics.
It’s suppose to be commercial free anyway, but I think only the feeds. I doubt that the actual days that they nominate and evict will be commercial free. The days they get more viewers will probably have a few ads.
Absolutely not. BB19 & BB20 have already been ordered for TV. This is just to promote their All Access service. BB will continue on TV.
I’ll be tuned in and I can’t wait.
No thanks! I’ve had enough of the manipulation that they’ve done to get the results they wanted this season. I’m afraid next season there will be twice as many chances for the evicted guests to return. Meh!
99 days equate to a huge deficit of housemates if we only take into account single evictions across 14 weeks hence the need to have those buybacks.
I just wish CBS would syndicate overseas the same way they did with Star Trek when they got Netflix onbaord to stream it outside the US.
But I guess Endemol Shine likely may not want the show competing with the rest of its worlwide franchise.
I am expecting this will not be available in Canada.
I’m very happy to hear the price will be the same for the new online season. I will give it a shot. I hope the format goes back to more of BB old school. I guess we will see.
Has the cast been aired yet? I heard there might be some vets returning for this… Does anyone know if that is true or just rumor?
No cast yet. What you’re hearing are fake rumors. Try not to spread them.
I love Big Brother and it wouldn’t be the same without BB in the summer, but I feel I may not watch this as closely. It may be overkill for me. I still will watch some to give it a chance.
I like Big Brother but I’ve had enough for 1 year. Back to back BB is overload. Moving on to Survivor and Amazing Race. Plus I won’t pay for any show in addition to what I’m already paying my cable company. But to those who will watch, enjoy!
I’m so pumped!
I hope ‘Over the Top’ doesnt mean over the top twists! Lol and lets hope for some hardcore gamers and not desperate lovers!
why does everyone think paying to watch this is a good idea? I have watched this show since day 1 never missed an episode but I refuse to pay for it
Oh no, casting must be wrapping up? I wanted to apply!
Matt, will bbad still be on?
Really nice not available in Canada thanks big brother……………..
Love the show but you blew it CBS. Netflix officially kicked your butt and you are way too late to the party. Begging for more money on a new service seems like extortion. You’ve lost me for good. Too bad.
Well I have watched every year of Big Brother but I guess I will be done…I pay enough for tv…I will not pay to watch online..this just sucks oh well