‘Big Brother 18’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH & Jury Battle Back?

We’ve got our first Head of Household endurance competition on the Live Feeds! We just saw the fifth Juror evicted from Big Brother 18, now are you ready to find out who will be the new HoH after hanging in there the longest in this week’s comp?

Big Brother 18 Endurance comp Week 10

Houseguests were shocked to discover one of their past targets was about to come right back in the game and while they were still on tilt from the vote the HGs were hit with another one: endurance comp time! CBS is delivering this right now on the Live Feeds so turn yours own and start watching!

So who did win the Big Brother HoH comp tonight? Read on for the spoilers & results.

Big Brother 18 Jury Battle Back:

  • Victor Arroyo beat out Paulie Calafiore to come back!

Big Brother 18 Week 10 HoH Comp:

Big Brother 18 Live Feeds featuring HoH endurance comp

  • 7:04 PM BBT – Feeds return. Everyone is still in.
  • 7:09 PM BBT – Da’Vonne and Zakiyah both jump down at the same time.
  • 7:10 PM BBT – 3 Jurors left: Paulie, Victor, & Bridgette
  • 7:16 PM BBT – Corey fell
  • 7:20 PM BBT – Other 6 still hanging on
  • 7:22 PM BBT – James encouraging Nicole saying the big guys will fall soon
  • 7:25 PM BBT – Bridgette fell. Jury Battle Back down to Paulie and Victor
  • 7:35 PM BBT – Five left in the comp: Paulie, Victor, Paul, Nicole, & James
  • 7:40 PM BBT – Paulie fell! Victor won his way back!
  • 7:41 PM BBT – Victor drops. He’s back in the game.
  • 7:45 PM BBT – James tells Nicole he won’t drop because he wants to stop being a HN
  • 7:55 PM BBT – Paul is struggling with his grip
  • 8:05 PM BBT – Wall keeps going really steep but the three hang on
  • 8:20 PM BBT – James starts to admit he’s struggling a bit
  • 8:27 PM BBT – Paul falls and is out. Nicole or James will win
  • 8:30 PM BBT – Nicole tells James she really wants her letter from home
  • 8:35 PM BBT – James promising Nicole safety.
  • 8:45 PM BBT – Back and forth deals being offered but not taking
  • 8:50 PM BBT – James says he’d drop if he weren’t a HN this week
  • 8:54 PM BBT – James asks again if Nicole will keep him and Natalie safe. Nicole says yes
  • 8:55 PM BBT – James drops. Nicole is the new HoH
  • The new HoH is… Nicole Franzel after James accepted her deal & dropped.

What do you think of these results? Jump on the Feeds right now to see what happens next!

Now before you go thinking this will just be a repeat of last week, like I initially assumed, Nicole has other plans. She told Corey that she will not put up Paul. Nicole wants him to help her and Corey next week in case of a DE.

Late night talks revealed who Nicole plans to send to the Block. Read all the details here.

The final round of America’s Care Package voting opens Friday morning at 3AM ET so get ready to cast one day’s worth of 20 votes for the BB Bribe. No, that isn’t James offering Nicole and her showmance $10,000 again, it’s something all new. $5K in Big Brother gold to hand over for another HG to do something they need. Cast your votes and get ready for the next ACP reveal.

Nominations are coming up on Friday already so get ready for those spoilers soon then Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. It’ll be a very busy weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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  1. If Paulie loses this comp, I’m willing to bet a buffalo nickel he leaves jury.

  2. LMAOOOOO!!!!! Da’vonne is the best. I do hope Victor or Da comes back and wins HOH.
    Paulie wanted to crawl under a rock when he got to Jury house.

  3. This is rigged for sure. Both of the beautiful black sistas, Day and Z just fell off at the exact same time.

      • It happened. Both of the black people fell off the same time. This show is rigged against black people. This show is racist. That’s why no black person has ever won.

      • I’m more inclined to think it’s because they cast the stereotypical “ghetto” woman. If they picked someone who actually played the game instead of failing competition after competition and focusing on creating more drama than anything else, they would stand a real chance.
        Think about it. Day won nothing, neither did Z. Z cried over Paulie the entire time she was in the house while Day just went around lying. They were simply bad at the game lol.

      • But none of what you just said they did has ANYTHING to do with their race…so…

      • my point in a nutshell, the guy brought up their race to begin with…but it’s not their race that’s the factor it’s just that they are horrible players LOL

      • it’s baffling when mutt scented trash like you can call black women ghetto. The absolute nerve. Paulie behaves like a white trash hoodrat. Michelle comes in second.

      • And that has nothing to do with their race or being ghetto they just suck at comps and messed up there own social games. Just like Tiff and Meech cried all of the time and michelle sucks in comps as well as well as all of the other girls who were in bthe house. And we haven’t seen a woman win white or black since Rachel so boom!!!

      • Lying is part of the big brother game. Da was playing a good game until she went gung ho on getting Frank and Tiffany out. Those two blew up her game when they teamed up. I don’t mind the “ghetto” black women. I love Da’s sass. She cracks me up every time she opens her mouth, and she would’ve won the watch your dubstep comp but she wanted to be a woman of her word and throw it to James like she said she would. I do agree with you on Z though.

      • The only reason no black person has ever won is because the idiot producers at CBS hadn’t come up with the idea of a jury house back in season 3 so the entire jury got to go home and watch Danielle make fun of them in the diary room.

        Also when there’s like 1 black houseguest per season, it’s not that statistically likely for the winner to be black…

      • Look here Hillary… Jun won season 4 and she was Asian. Then hop a long Eddie won the 1st season. The drug runner Adam won season 9. And isn’t Andy, the winner of season 16(?), a ‘Mo? So much for your racist/minority/disability & criminal conspiracies against CBS.They definitely aren’t owned by the Republican Party. Now go read your emails

      • So funny when your person does not win the first reply is the show is rigged and as for you n the racist remark stop using racism as an excuse n empower yourself by ridding your ignorance!! I live in a world where I am not black enough I am not white enough I am not Hispanic so what I create my own destiny my own limits and I’m me!!! I was raised this way not to judge any person but to embrace and learn from their differences and to lift my head high and pray for the ignorant soul!!!

  4. Those three just gave it to Paulie in the jury house. I didn’t quite expect it like that…man was that good!

    • Didn’t think that Corey had a chance, he was so tall the board that he had to hold on to was so much lower for him than the others. Knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold on too long.

  5. What do you guys think of this twist: The BB House Flip, where the
    people in the jury house trade places with the people in the BB house,
    saving viewers from having to watch the trainwreck games of Corey,
    Nicole, Michelle, etc. any longer.

    • I’d rather watch Corey Nicole than the Jury Crybabies. I me, I used to like Brigette but she was sucha crybaby there.

  6. Was Paul talking to Bridget to mess up her concentration to help out Vic? She fell off shortly after

    • Did Vic not realize that he could stay on and get HOH?? Maybe he just couldn’t stay … but sooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad Paulie was not “bred for this”!!!!

      • That’s correct. He would become the first houseguest to be evicted 3 times in the same season and would become the 2nd houseguest after Janelle to be evicted 3 times overall.

      • Correction: He would become the 4th ever houseguest to be evicted 3 times. Kaysar, Brendon and Janelle have all been evicted 3 times

  7. Vic is officially the best BB comp player of all time. A care package is coming your way Victor.

  8. Game is officially rigged for Victor to win it all…you shouldn’t have a shot at $500k if you can’t win it the first time. This show will be cancelled after next year. Good Job BB…you have dropped yourself to the level of terrible gameshows

      • Julie’s married to the head of CBS. If she doesn’t want to do this show anymore, it’ll get canned

      • It’s a show that’s reaching and reaching every season…it went from “expect the unexpected” to “we’ll create twists and comps topics who we want”…

      • Ok…then ?bye Felicia. ?

        You don’t have to be here, trashing the show for those of us who like it. You do know how that works, right?

    • Um, how was this rigged for Vic? The people who do well at this comp are usually the physical opposite of Victor. The odds were actually against him if you think about it.

    • If it was rigged for Victor, why would they let him get evicted twice? Thats like saying God rigged 50 Cent to live after he got shot 9 times, because other people die after only getting shot once.

    • You arer nuts. Look at the comp, think hard. It’s rigged for James or nicole. Vic winning would actually save this season

      • No doubt. I have seen and read enough this season to believe that.
        Then to give a comp that the chipmunk and chipette can win.

  9. Did Vic say he was tired at all? It just seems weird, b/c the exact same week can play out again

  10. Lol, James is now saying that there will be another DE. Now he realizes that there will be after he was so adamant no Jury member back in the house, no more DE. Goofball.

  11. Based on my math, if history tells us anything, the last juror comes on finale night and Julie didn’t announce double eviction next week so I’m guessing it happens on 9/8.This would be a good week to get HOH, its next week’s HOH thats tricky.

      • I’m a fan of Victor and Paul. Game wise, they needed to win this week. I guess it’s OK to win next week but if there’s a DE, that leaves you in a vulnerable position for that HOH since you can’t play.

  12. Now that Victor is back in the house,how long until he can eat? Hope the HG’s didn’t get the house too dirty while he was gone ;))

    • Poor guy, just when he had it looking really good .. hopefully they did not have enough time to trash it.

  13. I’m surprised that the water cannons shooting Nicole and James don’t suddenly quit working!

  14. Are Paulie, Day, Z, Bridgette still on the side … or have they been banished back to the Jury House?? Assume they would have had to leave and not be able to speak with the current HGs??

  15. BB News:The girls are back in the jury house, Paulie in a straight jacket repeating over and over, but I was bread for this, just kidding

      • Paulie’s arrogance is 24/7 nonstop. He said he wished he could have some time to tell Z what he was feeling inside, but that he just had to respect that she does not want to talk right now. THAT comment was strictly for the camera shot and typical of what I call “Paulie wanna cracker” talk … he mimics what a normal, feeling, empathetic human being would say when he wants to appear to look like one for whatever ego-driven reason.

  16. As much as I’ve been disappointed with Nicole this season… I’m going to have to give the gal some credit. This performance reminds me of her first season. That being said… Come on Paul!

    • Yes. I hope Nicole wins HOH so that, she and Corey are safe this week. They need to put Paul and Victor back in the hot seats and try and take one of them out again! This time it will stick!

      • We don’t need another repeat week which we got. That was a very boring week. Just like the remainder of the season will be. Production messed this game up completely.

      • Yep, Paul, Vic on the block.
        Another snooze fest listening to these boring showmances.
        BBAD over for me now.

      • It is not boring. Evicting Victor was a big move. The only big move other than the Paulie eviction! For the first time, other house guests like James and Natalie are playing to win that $500,000. Before that, you only had Paulie and Paul playing before Paulie’s eviction! It would have been utterly boring if Victor and Paul got their wish and managed to evict Nicole and Corey, then, they would evict one by one James,
        Natalie and Michelle and end up in Final 2! Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Now, that would have been a snoozefest. Now, we get big moves. Evict Victor or Paul then, evict who is left in the house of the big threats. Then, it will be Michelle, James, Natalie, Nicole and Corey going after each other!

      • Boring , boring and more boring none of them deserve anything except for Vic and Paul.

    • Apparently it doesn’t make much dif which one since James and Nic seem to have some BB deal in the background. Darn.

  17. Well that’s it. Paul and Victor will be nominated again. Boring, boring, boring players will go to the end. What a horrible season. That’s it for me.

    • James apparently just bragged to everyone that this would be his 4th wall win. Well, there goes CBS’s attempt to say it wasn’t planned for him to win.

    • Completely agree. I wanted Paul or Victor to win this HOH! Exact repeat of the week. They’ll be on the block and whoever doesn’t get veto goes home. Paul goes before Vic if neither have the veto.

  18. victor fought his way in 3 times…how can it be between nicole on summer camp and james i got a buffalo nickle….

  19. LOL!! The Big Brother Network twitter page just said “Well, maybe if James offered Nicole another $10,000

    • Like you can enforce that promise? Yauman on Survivor gave up a truck he won in an immunity challenge to Dreamz in exchange for the immunity necklace if Dreamz won it! He reneged on the promise and evicted Yauman and kept the truck! Empty talk does not mean squat! Janelle promised her diamond ring in her season with Boogie and Frankie. Do not remember who she promised her support. She should have taken her ring for insurance. Janelle did not honor her promise as well!

  20. Something that always confused me, does the person who wins veto and is not on the block safe as well? As in they can’t be the re-nom

  21. Anyone who even entertains the thought of making a deal with James during an endurance comp DESERVES to be done dirty by him at this point.

  22. so they all dropped off the same order they went to jury’s house for all the conspiracy people saying is rigged just saying

    • There’s no use in arguing with the conspiracy theorists. Any time something doesn’t go their way, they cry wolf.

  23. No matter how much I like Victor, I can’t root for someone to win who has been evicted twice… America’s Favorite Player, sure, but not the winner of Big Brother 19.

    • i kind of agree getting voted out twice isn’t a small thing but fighting your way back in is pretty impressive, he deserves it more than the summer camper and her fellow cheater

      • I think so, too, and he has really played hard in the house as far as his social game goes, too – he was able to recognize he needed to improve that. Says a lot for someone to have some real insight in spite of being contained in a house like that and surrounded by, well, you know.

      • I love the guy, but you don’t get evicted twice in one season if you have a great social game. He 100% deserves America’s Favorite, though.

      • Corey hasn’t been evicted, are you saying that he has a great social game? There are many reasons people get evicted, social game is only one of them.

      • People need to remember his first eviction was a blindside by that eight man aliance. All newbies were being targeted.

  24. If anything this should clearly tell James that Nichole dosen’t trust him and vise versa, or else both of them would have dropped after Paul dropped. YOU THINK???????????

    • Yeah, this definitely proves they don’t trust one another as much as they claim to.

    • Can you really blame someone for not trusting James during an endurance competition? He’s blatantly gone back on a deal both of his seasons.

      • I certainly don’t blame her, and this is another welcome sign that there is still a semblance of the competitor inside her (that we last saw on her first season).

    • James has been wishy washy and who knows can switch back to Paul and Victor and Nicole and Corey are screwed! You need the HOH for insurance that there are no blindsides! Bridgette trusted James and he put Bridgette and Frank on the block! I hope Nicole wins this HOH to be safe then, put up Victor and Paul!

  25. Paul and Vic should be getting into Michelle’s head while all this is going on. If she really is a super fan, she cannot possibly be happy with 5th place. I think Victor could get her on board possibly. I’m not saying its enough to keep both Paul and Vic in the game this week, but its probably their best shot.

    • But they better check in with her every hour on the hour and for sure right before a vote because she can be swayed by the slightest breeze.

      • This ACP will not do anything for anyone now. The two couples want Paul and Victor out. Whoever is left after the Veto is gone even if they got the ACP

      • That’s definitely true. I didn’t say it was a really great plan, just that it was a plan. Give me a break, I’m spit ballin here, lol.

      • You have no idea how slim… Here’s Michelle’s latest sideline update (from BB Network twitter feed)…

        “Michelle believes the Loch Ness monster is real. And it possibly lives in Ireland. Maybe Scotland”

        WOW… Just WOW

      • Well there you go! Just promise her $10,000 worth of Grocery Store gift cards and she should be all set to jump on board with Paul and Victor!

      • hahahahahahahahahahaha … but she probably grabbed something on her way to the portapotty, don’t ‘cha think?

      • But she was thinking of it. From Jokers – “Michelle says that Frank went in an ate during his wall comp and they believe this is why they cant go inside now”

    • Would you want to get into Michelle’s head…lol. michelle is a 2 to 3 seasons of BB fan if she’s even watched that much of BB. On some of the BBAD shows Michelle have been asked question about BB comps and what not, and she was unable to answer a lot of those questions. Michelle is such a spazz…

    • For a so called Super fan, Michelle has done nothing in this game. She wasted her VETO by not saving Frank. It may have changed this game quite a bit! Maybe, that is her strategy to get to the Final 2? She might succeed to a point if say, James and Natalie were in Final 2 or James, Nicole were in Final 2. When it is down to 3, the winner of the 3 sets of HOH will take Michelle if they are smart because she has done nothing!

  26. So can Victor count his beating out the other jurors as a comp win? He’s said he wants to get the record of comp wins. How many has he won and is the record 7?

    • He’s a beast, no doubt, but in order to compare him to the other greats we need to only count HoH and PoV wins, right? Including his battle back wins and Road kill results aren’t exactly fair.

    • I would say yes. So 5 comps to return to house + 5 others makes it 10. He wanted to get to double digits.

  27. I am a Big brother fan for years and casually check out this site. I was surprised in the official tweets they are dissing this as rigged and what a shocker. I always laugh at the rigging comments from the commenters… I mean why do you watch then… but the official tweets for this site ?

    • Just because it didn’t go the way you wanted it to go, it doesn’t mean it was rigged. Stop.

      How can you even rig something where all you do is literally stand?

      • Could you explain to me how production would go about knocking down select houseguests while millions of people are watching the competition live on screen?

      • No. You said Nicole and James were the last two in the HoH competition because it was rigged. You said production “pushed them”. Explain to me how production managed to get certain people to fall and not others in front of millions of live viewers.

      • No. You said production “pushed them”. Explain to me how production pushed specific people off the platform in front of millions of live viewers.

      • Oooohh, you mean production ‘pushed them’ to go in certain directions while in the diary room. I thought you meant production literally pushed certain people off the platform during this HoH competition.

        My bad! I’m sure you can see why I was confused.

      • Agreed, agreed, agreed.

        Anyone else notice that Paulie was so drenched, it looked like he’d just rolled through a full service car wash whenever he got sprayed, but Nicole’s spot was somehow strategically placed gently in between the sprayers??

        It seemed like all she got was a fine mist coming off the 2 sprayers to the sides of her, but she never got a full on face hosing like Paulie, as well as some of the others did. Paulie looked as if he’d just dived into a pool each time he was sprayed & Nicole’s mysteriously never sprayed her hard in the face like his did. Hmph.

      • I would say this comp was more designed for a smaller person.
        Say like a chipmunk and his sidekick.

      • They always do this comp for the jury buyback. No one wants to watch a carnival game or some weird furniture trivia determine who wins their way back into the house. We want to see the jury members dig deep for their spot and earn it.

      • DR/production has made sure that some of these HGs haven’t had to “dig deep” at all. They have given reason after reason for many people to question the legitimacy of this game. You constantly try to make people feel stupid for doing so. How are the spots on the wall selected? Are they assigned? If so, that is questionable. Many things are manipulated. I can’t figure out if you are ignorant or are a plant for CBS. One thing for sure; most of the time you are very arrogant.

      • And might I add to the incredibly intelligent and perceptive KSJB (I’m not speaking for her, BTW–just adding MY two cents), it sucks for the many viewers who actually love this show…and prefer to think that it doesn’t resort to ‘suggestions’ or ‘incentives’ or WHATEVER. Call me naive, but I love this show and I feel really sickened to think that I’ve invested YEARS of my life watching bulls***.

      • KSJB, why do you keep going out of your way to try and put me down? I’ve done nothing to you to deserve it. Nothing in the comment I made that you replied to was arrogant, and it certainly didn’t warrant you attacking my character. I was simply sharing my opinion. Just like everyone else on here. That’s what this site is for.

        Let’s get one thing out of the way first. Just because I disagree with someone doesn’t mean I’m trying to make them feel stupid, and it doesn’t mean I’m arrogant. It means I’m discussing Big Brother. And this is the appropriate place to discuss Big Brother.

        Man, that really makes me sad. Most, if not all the people I converse with on here are happy to discuss Big Brother with me, even if we disagree. You, however, don’t seem to be able to handle it.

        It’s perfectly okay to disagree with people!

        This is the second time I’ve let you in on the fact that you don’t have to read my posts, yet you continue to do so and become excessively triggered by doing so.

        I haven’t once gone for personal blows with people on here. I don’t do that. You, however, have gone out of your way to attack me twice now this week. I just don’t get it. I’ve done nothing to you. Is it seriously just because I’ve disagreed with you?

        You seem to want everything you say to become law, with no room for interpretation or discussion. I wish you luck on that. But just know that just because I may disagree with you on something as trivial as this summer game show, that doesn’t mean I’m being mean. You’re the one who gets mean, and you go out of your way to do so. Case in point? ^

        So I ask again, why do you keep picking on me?

      • As for your fears about production, would you please explain where you’re going with this theory?

        “How are the spots on the wall selected?” I’m trying to understand how some people standing on the same wall would have an advantage over others. That’s pretty much one of the fairest premises I could think of.

      • It is called creative license! The producers have the right to do anything they pleased because it is a show! Try looking up Dave Hester vs A & E, if you are Storage Wars fan. Dave Hester alleged that producers of the show planted expensive watches, gold, silver, monies in the lockers. He is probably right but, the judge sided with the producers, A & E.
        So, that actual court case is a precedent which I am sure Big Brother is aware of as well!
        In the Bachelorette, you have a guy Chad punch a door with his fist, tear the shirt of another guy, Evan.
        Don’t you think it is scripted? Of course it is!
        The same way Frank’s spanking Davonne’s butt, saying outrageous things, maybe, some of the things Paulie said, Bridgette talking about shaving Michelle’s eyebrows, James and Nicole talking about
        collusion and sharing prices? You think it is all real? LOL

      • That said, Big Brother does not choose the actual winner because this is still a contest of sorts and they can be prosecuted for fraud! They may make suggestions in the DR to the house guests and say things to steer them, a certain way. Offer inducements and twists to change the dynamics of the game and add to the drama. It is still a SHOW people. Let us not forget that! This thing is NOT REAL even if you call it reality TV!

    • True, or more likely… James actually had an intelligent thought for a second. Something along the lines of, “The longer I hang on, the less she’s going to trust me.”

      That could be giving him too much credit though.

      • Personally I think he was struggling on this one. His arms were shaking badly. Nicole looked strong. I think he did it to save face and look like a gentleman.

  28. Come on Nicole… You have one shot to redeem yourself to everyone who liked you in your first season. Nominate James!

      • They sure did seem reluctant to let each other win HOH though. You’re probably right, but I am holding out hope.

      • Everyone makes final deals they don’t always go through. Remember everyone lies in this game to some degree.

    • Nonsense. That would be stupid and as someone who likes her I would lsoe respect for such a dumb game move.

    • You’re giving her too much credit. This is the same person who’d rather cuddle with Corey instead of planning game.

      • This time, Nicole has a chance to get further in the game! She is not dumb too like some say. In real life, she is a nurse!
        Bridgette too is a nurse. Too bad, she got evicted too early.

      • I don’t think occupation means squat. Danielle Murphree was a nurse and she was dumb as rocks. Plus she also had a boy toy to flirt with. Coincidence?

    • No. That would be dumb. If she is trying to win that $500,000, you evict the strongest competitors first, meaning Victor and Paul. You do not want to be playing against those two guys in HOH and VETO! How many have those two guys won? Nicole and Corey has a better chance of getting to Final 2 against James, Natalie and Michelle. For those 5 people, you want both Victor and Paul evicted, one after the other! Then, it is everyone for themselves right after that!

  29. Let’s look on the bright side: Victor is back in the game.

    But this ACP isn’t that important.

    B/c of the deal she made with James, she will most likely put up Michelle and poor Vic again.

  30. well now she can sleep until nominations, dr calls and veto and really enjoy her summer at camp i guess

  31. If there’s any justice in the world, James will get put on the block and evicted this week. It’s about time someone gave him a taste of his own medicine when it comes to endurance comp deals.

    P.S. I know it won’t happen, but I can dream, can’t I?

  32. Loved the outcome of this comp!!!! Nic wins it against James. Her first comp win of the season!!! Now I just hope she puts up Michelle and Nat, but probably will put up Michelle and Paul or Vic.

    • Well, she won’t put up Corey, and probably wouldn’t have the nerve to put up Natalie, so that leaves Victor and Paul, or maybe Paul and Michelle. We know there’s no love lost between Nicole and Michelle.

      • If you put up Paul you have to put up Vic. If Vic wins veto he pulls off Paul and they are both safe. Same as this past week. Surely they don’t still think Paul and Vic are still “fighting”?

  33. Well, here comes another boring week.

    Nice that Victor gets his third try. But it may only last a week.

    • Vic made BB history, so he probably doesn’t care at this point if he doesn’t make it to final 2. But what a night for him tonight! huh?

      • YEAAAAAA!!!! I wanted Vic to win and come back.. But I thought Nicole won… so how did Vic get back in the house? I’m sooooo confused… lol

      • Ohhhhhh OK… Thank you Ted Bouchard!!!! I’m sooooooo Happy Victor is back!!! Now I’ll watch the season… I’m rooting for Victor to win.. :)

      • Victor lasted longer than all the jurors to win his way back. He didn’t have to beat everyone just the jurors. If he had of outlasted everyone he would of also been HOH.

  34. BBAD should be a lot of fun to watch tonight.
    I wonder if Paul will take over the HOH room again?

      • No..they just “cuddled” and dry you know what. He had to leave the bed one night when she got a little bit more vigorous! LOLOL

      • How about Nicole and Natalie? It could happen. Assuming they target and get out both Victor and Paul this week and the next week, it will be a showdown by the showmances and I would not be surprised for one of the showmances to wind up on the hot seats. That said, one of them will survive. The surviving house guest will be out for blood and got after the other showmance couple assuming he or she wins HOH so, you could have both showmance couples broken up and you have one of each showmance plus Michelle in last 3!

      • I wouldn’t mind that outcome either! :-) But realistically, I don’t think it will happen. But stranger things have, so we’ll just have to wait and see how this next ACP adds to the outcome as well.

      • Nah. It’s just the bed that will look like that. They can’t mess up the whole room if they never get out of bed.

  35. These people are so dumb for not voting out Corey. Now Corey and Ratcole are safe another week. If they had evicted Corey, he would be gone forever.

  36. When you get evicted. You should stay gone. So I hope Vic and Paul go on the block again, or at least back door Vic… And stay gone foreal this dang time.

    • I was rooting for Victor after he came back the first time because he really cleaned up his game, but I just can’t look past getting evicted twice… No matter what you say about the other houseguests, they at least didn’t get themselves evicted, much less twice.

    • Agree with you 100% Wasted this week for nothing! Evicting Victor was a big move! Natalie’s HOH was waste as a result. In any case, I hope Paul is evicted this time out! If not, then, Victor again!

  37. Kick James out. He obviously made a deal with Nicole before the show, he offered bribes, and now just hands Nicole HOH. How obvious can the cheaters be?

  38. I think Michelle will be Nicole’s target…I really hope she doesn’t let James pick the noms..how dumb that would be..deal or no deal…The only thing I am not looking forward to is the undercover sex that we will have to endure all week!

  39. Well Vic is pretty much one of the strongest players in this game. Allow me to put the guy from Hall of Shame to Hall of Fame. Him and Paul both. And Let me take James and Nicole out of the Hall of Fame to the Hall of Shame.

    Can somebody help me with these pictures?

  40. This show is racist, and rigged against black people. Both of the sistas were pushed off, and they fell 5 mins into it. Racism.

  41. I’m hoping next season that the jury buy-back competition is the old-school “button pushing” comp. Where you literally keep your hand on the button and if you want it bad enough, you win. Athletic people have a clear advantage in the one from tonight.

  42. James just whimped out by giving Nicole the HOH. Her excuse was she needed to hear from her family. Hope her family doesn’t watch the live feeds. Would be funny if James and Natalie went up on the block but Paul and Vic will go up.

  43. So…Paulie is pretty much the same ole jackass he was when he left the house. I thought maybe he may have been humbled just a bit..but..no…”being in the jury house with three catty women.” What a jerk this guy is..I hope he is never invited back on this show.

  44. Is it still a showmance when they call each other babe . Just wondering…

    I trust you babe – Natalie to James
    She starting to steal my technique – James talking about Nicole to Natalie

  45. Put Vic in the BB HOF…he is the ultimate comp beast! I hope Nicole betrays James and put him and Natalie OTB. It’ll create some good drama, give him a taste of his own medicine, and it’ll teach him a lesson on trusting non-trustworthy people.

    • She’s already said she’s putting up Michelle and Victor. The more interesting nom will be who goes up when Victor comes down during the Veto competition.

      • Come on this is Nicole we’re talking about. She’s always flip flopping. Plus neither showmances completely trust the other so it is possible for her to put them up.

  46. Even though I wanted someone else to return, I am very impressed. If he makes it to the end somehow he can say well I battled back twice what did you do?

    Still not sure how I feel about this so late in the comp. Although for all who say it’s unfair I mean he did win after being a have not when the jurors were all rested and well fed (if you like tofu).


    We got Vic back in the game. ???

    He’s a shoe in for ACP ??
    (if history repeats itself, he can use the $5k to bribe James over a vote.)

    Paul has his alliance with Nicole/Corey in the interim.

    Seems like Meech is Nicole’s target for this week.

    So we are all happy for the most part!

    • I guess only time will tell. Lord knows all the conspiracy theories with Nicole and James this week have been…lively. If Nicole is protecting him it would be in her best interests to go for Paul/Vic like Natalie did last week.
      I mean it would be hilarious to see her put Natalie on the block and have her get voted out, but I doubt it would happen.

      • It’s no conspiracy It has been PROVEN. Time stamps AND the rules are both posted and available. Right here on BBN. Go look. There is an entire thread about it.

  48. I find it ironic that James is ranting about people returning to the game. Like dude you’re a returnee….from another season at that!

  49. Even though the girls in jury were catty it was so funny. Z finally stood up for herself. The “short man syndrome” comment was hilarious. He thinks he’s all that and he’s stuck in the jury with women who know he’s not. Will they all wind up friends, I dunno.

  50. Do any BB Historians here know what the next POV comp might be? We know Victor’s great with physical comps but if it’s a mental one how do we expect he’ll do there? If he does get nommed this week I hope he’s up against Michelle (as someone has mentioned) and destroys her in the POV. But do we know what the odds are of it being a mental challenge?

      • I think the slip & slide is typically an HoH comp, but I could be wrong. I’m feeling a face morph Veto this week, myself. ;)

      • I know, but this season hasn’t been as predictable when it comes to comps as in previous seasons, so who knows? haha I wouldn’t mind the face morph one at all!

      • Thanks! I assume so too but we haven’t seen him excel in a mental challenge yet, have we? (Apologies if so and I’ve just forgotten.)

      • Don’t apologize….. All good! (You Canadian? Cuz we are always saying sorry…. Lol)

        I think there was a mental comp he did well at and won but can’t remember. He did get 19 of the rain storm things….total to get was 21…. Michelle got 20…. So there’s some mental competition there.
        I think! Lol

      • Wow. Goes to show how short term my memory is. It was just a recent win and I think he actually got 21 to win, didn’t he? You’re right! He DOES have a brain. Thanks for the reminder!

  51. For those wondering why Zakiyah and D’Avonne jumped so early — it’s because they rather enjoy the next few weeks in the posh jury house then endure drama in the house.

    They still get paid the same. They knew their chances of winning the $500k/$50k was slim – so why not keep their weekly stipend and live the life @ jury house.

  52. Does anyone else think they had an awful lot of physical comps this year? Give me a mental comp so I don’t have to hear whining.
    I still wanna know what Corey said to make fans so mad. No one ever told me.

    • He laughed over what Paulie said to Natalie and Bridgette, as did Nicole too, but it was Corey who thought it was funny until James told them both he didn’t find it a bit funny whatsoever. Pair that with what Corey said about almost setting a goat on fire at a frat party and that there alone was reason enough to make fans mad, not to mention the ASPCA and Peta.

      • there are just no words…luckily it is easy to pretend corey is already gone because all he does is…well we all know what he does all day…