Nominations are in for Week 9 with Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Feeds after the overnight plans combined with the America’s Care Package twist for an interesting nomination round.
Instead of the new HoH getting to put two HGs up on the Block it was just a single choice combined with the ACP’s winner’s own choice for two different takes on the week’s nominations. Now that must have been at least a little annoying for the Head of Household!
Read on to find out which two Houseguests better get ready to play for that Veto comp on Saturday!
Big Brother 18 Week 9 Nominations:
- Natalie nominated: Victor
- Michelle nominated: Paul
Things are HOT right now in the house. Paul is pissed and he’s not going to take this sitting down. Get on your Live Feeds right now and watch! Flashback to 7:19 PM BBT so you can
So Natalie is the new HoH & Michelle got the ACP prize which aligned well after all when it first looked like Natalie could run in to a problem if Paul or Victor had snagged the prize.
Instead Natalie made quick work of Michelle’s plan to get Nicole up and turned it in to a plan to get Michelle going after Paul. Yep. Somehow Michelle is now telling Natalie and others that she’s been after Paul for weeks. Huh what?
Before the nominations were made official Natalie and Michelle brought Victor upstairs and let him know what they were going to do. Victor didn’t get upset but patiently tried to get the women turned around and going in the other direction. He pointed out that if they get Corey out this week then they’re guaranteed to get the ACP for either him or Paul next week and then they can use it against Nicole. (We know it’s a bribe prize and not really worthwhile for their goals.)
What do you think of these noms? Victor knew it was coming but Paul sure didn’t! Turn on your Feeds right now to watch the fallout on the in-house cams!
Good times ahead on the Feeds! Grab your Free Trial to watch the next week for free then keep it for $5.99/month. That’s 20 cents a day for 24/7 access to Feeds content. Silly cheap.
Michelle just sealed her own fate. I had hope she would be a decent player but she is just another clueless super fan who likes to watch but doesn’t know how to play. How do you leave two showmances in the game when you are alone?
There are three showmances
Which is the third?
Paul and Victor.
yep,its now p.v..
But Paul and Vic are on the block so there won’t be three for long
Don’t count that veto out just yet.
I hope Vic takes the veto
It was one of the best moves. Why wouldn’t they target the two strongest players in the house? Every comp Victor plays in he wins.
And he’s going to come down when he uses the Veto on himself, then Nicole or Cory will go up. I hope the house flips to take one of them out.
It doesn’t matter they want Paul out so if Corey or Nicole go up they have the votes to stay. There’s only 3 votes. James will vote Paul out and whoever isn’t on the block between Nicole or Corey will vote Paul out. Believe me if they have a shot to get Paul or Victor out they won’t change their minds. Especially after nominating them.
I said “I hope”.
Not me. One of those guys needs to go.
Well, the house may be flipping now against Nicole and frankly I like this move better. I would rather see a good player win than a whiny, floater like Nicole. She has played a terrible game and is only still in the house because she is such a weak player.
Hopefully V or P do NOT win the VETO…..or have they played already? lol. I don’t have feeds.
Veto comp tomorrow I think.
Yep so we’ll know if either of them will be safe.
Veto is always played on Saturday. Production will wake them early to pick players and then, depending on the temp, the comp will either be played in the afternoon or the evening.
But Paul and Victor are a strong pair. Why leave them in the house over a weak showmance?
Exactly. But people are mad because their favorites are on the block.
Now don’t be mad when we come at you hard once SNAKE FAKE NICOLE is evicted. The same way you dish it you better be prepared to take it. And no blocking people.
I’m not a cry baby like some people and have never blocked anyone. And believe me I’ve taken a lot this season because of liking Nicole. Funny when I support Nicole people come at me. Now I’m happy about noms and people come at me. Can’t win.
But you always come at people that disagree with you in a degoratory way. If you fall back and be humble, you wouldn’t have this problem with people :(
I agree with you totally!!! Paul and Vic need to go and Paulie needs to get back in the house
Was this really necessary?
Very necessary
She is really annoying
Yes, she sure is,her whiny voice is terrible!
Not true. I think you are happy because your favorites are not and you do not like Paul and Vic.
Exactly my point.
I wasn’t bitter when Frank and Bridgette was on the block or when they went out the door. It is just a game. I don’t think Nicole is playing the best game but she is? to be doing something right to still be in the game at this point. Same goes for James. Yes it was a smart and strategic move to put both Paul and Victor on the block, thus ensuring one of them is going.
I feel the same. I want Nicole to make it to the end. But if she gets put up and voted out oh well. I’ll be disappointed but then I can sit back, relax and enjoy them all turning on each other.
Not if one of them wins the VETO.
Not really a true statement if Natalie wants Victor gone, he will be gone. Since Paul won the VETO, that means either Nicole or Corey will go up and James will be the deciding factor.
Thanks for the update, Thought Nat wanted Paul out. Hope they put Corey on the block. Would like to see Nicole start playing the game.
You might be right about Paul being the target. Meech will do the renom so it is up to her as to put on the block.
Because Paul and Victor are playing together but have no emotional connection. When it gets to F3 they have no reason to keep each other if they want to win the game. On the other hand, the people in showmances will not dump their partners to keep Michelle around.
Also consider Natalie is a terrible player and a perfect person to take to F2. James and Nicole aren’t bad either since they really didn’t do much except float with the house.
Corey and Nicole are bad a comps. Victor is a beast and Paul has won some, too.
Remind me why this was such a bad move on Michelle’s part again?
I like Victor and Paul too, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to slam Michelle for making the better game move.
Exactly, always target the strongest players at this point in the game. Comp wins are critical down the stretch or you’re out.
I agree. I think it was a great strategic move. People are butt hurt.
Bc Michelle is taking the target instead of Natalie when it was Natalie’s idea
How is Michelle taking the target? They each put one of them up.
Because Michelle is putting up the one they really are all going to vote out if noms stay the same and if Paul comes back for jury buy back who do u think he’s gonna go after
I don’t understand, isn’t it BETTER for Michelle that the person she puts up is the target to go home whereas the person Natalie put up will likely stay in the game and potentially come after her in retaliation?
Michelle is no exactly a comp beast either. She would be better off riding the Vic/Paul train to F3 than hoping one of the showmances will keep her or that she can defeat them alone.
I think her best bet is to ride with Vic/Paul and when they get to F3 convince them they cannot beat each other so they should each take her to F2. And I think they both would rather than risk losing to each other. No one is going to do a “Cody” again.
If Michelle isn’t a comp beast as you say, why in the world would she choose to go with Victor and Paul to final 3? That’s the opposite of what she should be doing. Her best bet by far is going with Nicole and Corey. She has a much better chance at 1) beating them at the final HoH and 2) beating them for jury votes.
Don’t understand Michelle at all. She claims to be a superfan and she doesn’t see that she has a better chance with Vic and Paul than being the 5th wheel with the two showmances? And why, do people feel the need to insult their nominees with their nomination speeches. Sounds like Natalie is showing her bitchy side, guess she feels like she doesn’t need the sweet act any longer. Don’t they realize that they are HoH for one week and the next totally vulnerable?
Nat’s told Michelle that they can split Nicorey up next, but they can’t do both at the same time.
Right, except neither one of them can be HoH. So they’re counting on James to win HoH and not niccorey or Vic if he stays. Good luck with that/
Natalie has a deal with Nicorey. She promised them safety if they don’t target Jatalie next week. That was before she spoke to Michelle, though what she told Michelle could’ve just been placating, since Michelle was wavering.
I think she told Michelle that because she wanted the two guys up. But Natalie, James, Nicole and Corey made a deal. It’s about time they started working together. I thought for a long time work until the F4 then everyone for themselves. At least then its 2 on 2.
Yeah, same. And I do think Natalie was just placating Michelle when she hesitated about nominating Victor rather than Nicole, hence why I brought it up.
Nat said she won’t forget what nic said about her behind her back she doesn’t really like her
Then if I was Nat i would have put up Nic and Corey.
Ha-ha. That James is playing so good this year– NOT. He is a wussy just like last year
How. Paul and Vic were talking about their picking order to go the other night. First Corey, then Nicole then Michelle. So how does she have a better chance? These two think they have the game won. This was a great strategic move targeting the two strongest guys.
You really think that they would have gone after Michelle sooner than Jatalie? They would have picked off the couples before her.
Yes I do. That’s all they talked about this entire week that Victor had HOH. I heard at least a dozen times their pecking order.
It’s the same chances either way.. She would have made f4 with Vic and Paul or nic and Corey now but I don’t think nic and Corey will keep their word they will get her out and leave meech
Michelle is so dumb. Even when he’s evicted Paulie still has people doing his dirty work.
She can’t think for herself! She’ll probably cry away when or if Paul is evicted just like she did when she wouldn’t take Frank off the block.
Tell me about it! Which is why I’m both annoyed and confused on how she won the ACP.
Yep. Whyyyy would anyone believe what Paulie said. Paulie will win jury buy back and clip James. And he deserves it
From your lips to Big Brother god’s ears…..
Very smart choice she made.
How come is no one is putting up Nicole? Her and Cory make me so sick. They are on the feeds now celebrating in the pantry. Such weasels.
Everyone celebrates in the pantry.
They sure do! Lol
Yup. Paul and Vic were doing it a lot last week.
And the duck.
Which we’ll hopefully have seen the last of after this week.
Hahaha I hope so.
But wait, if Paul is evicted does that mean the duck goes to jury too?
Yep he’s the 10th member.
Then he’ll get the chance to wattle back, I guess
I know it was an innocent typo, but the thought of a ‘waddle back’ to get back into the house sounds amazing.
Yep. I love it.
They’re going to coast to the end bc no one wants to nominate them ever.
Oh, their time is coming. People just aren’t scared of them because they usually lose in the comps.
I was hoping their time was this week tho! Lol
Get over it. Your two bro’s are up. Oh and I’d rather be a weasel then a racist like Paul.
Paul is not a racist. Please go on the BB timeline and we want the exact day and time. We would have heard about this if was the actual truth.
Week 1, June 29 5:53am. Paul: “You let little Korean man (James) invade your brain. What the f*ck are you doing? Are you blind? Do you not see it?”
Go back to when the feeds first started. I believe it was the 2nd week in the house. That entire week Jozea was on the block Paul, Jozea, Victor and Bronte said awful, hateful remarks. They made fun of James and his race, they were wanting people killed. Victor wasn’t as bad as Paul, Jozea and Bronte. I wish I could remember word for word but I can’t. I just know I was shaking my head. I’m on an iPad and it doesn’t have the rewind feature and I don’t feel like getting my laptop out to look for you. You can look. If anyone on here can remember their exact words please comment. I know a few people have mentioned it.
Oh come on man, I’m not a Nicole or Corey fan but Paul and Victor practically turned that pantry into a disco this summer. You can’t really call them out on that.
Funny! LOL
Lol. Good one. I just can’t stand the fakeness by tweedle dee and tweedle dumb Nicory.
Michelle’s speech was harsh, according to the HGs. Apparently they called Paul out on being an atheist, yet continually swearing on God.
Yeah, and they’re calling him a liar but can’t recall what he lied about?? I’m very pissed that productions and outside ppl interfered. Nat and Nicole both said that the DR pushed them to align with one another. Nat also said her parents said the same thing. WTF?! .
Mom and Dad is code for DR. Not surprised they tipped them off in the DR. They’ve done things like that in the past. Used little things to tip the scales and hope like hell that the HGs pick up on their tips.
And, honestly, Paul has been tossing James’ name around, as has Vic, so that portion of it wasn’t a lie. Everything else was fueled by Paulie as payback for when he was evicted and to protect Nicorey.
Are you kidding? That creep lied to Paulie all week. Wake up. Karma is a bitch and Paul is learning that. He NEVER should have gone against Paulie. Oh well. He’s cooked and I could not be happier.
Paul has snuck around as a spy & has been lying his ass off for weeks …. As have they all.
Paul rubbed me the wrong way last week. He took it way to far and now I am glad to see him on the block. I actually liked him from about week 4 to before Paulie eviction. But he went way too far.
Yes he has. I’m loving this. Pay back.
He hasn’t lied to them and they all lied to Paulie. They knew they weren’t going to consider keeping him but kept insisting they might. It’s ironic they’re lying about putting a “liar” OTB. The real reason is because the DR pushed them in that direction using Paulie’s lies as fuel.
Interesting. So Paulie is still running things…..that’s funny. I believe you but I still think that is funny. I wonder if Paulie will be the one going back in the house.
Most likely and if he’s smart as hell for turning them on Victor and Paul. Once they’re gone he’ll probably gun for James & Nat.
Music to my ears.
I love to see those two leave
Paul’s middle name is lie.
OMG are you watching the same show? Every other word out of Pauls mouth is a lie. At least the others lie about who they’re voting out or who they’re nominating which is game. Paul makes up lies that people are saying things that aren’t true. He lies just to lie.
Hey Natalie, what goes around comes around. Karma’s waiting for you1
As it was for V & P?
I think this was a good move on their part. It guarantees that at least one of the big guns is going out.
They don’t know that there is a battle-back so this makes sense.
Not saying that it wasn’t a good move, just not necessary to call someone a liar or whatever in the speech. Strategy is one thing, personal attacks not necessary especially by someone who has been crying over and over and over and over about being personally attacked
Calling Paul a liar is truth. Did you not see last week when Paul was lying to Paulie constantly?
They all lie
They do but it’s how you do it.
So it was okay what Victor did to Michelle and Z when he nominated them? Payback.
It was Paul she attacked not Victor apparently
Sweet! Will be so glad to see her ass go out the door
Ooh, if true, that is totally unnecessary. What does that have to do with the game?
Honestly, I agree that a speech like that was uncalled for. They could have said anything else. “This is a game, you have the best chance of winning, you’re so well liked…” Which is entirely true.
Made the right move for all the wrong reasons, IMO. What happened to just saying “saying you are a threat to my game because you’re a good competitor or have a good social game.” Keep it simple.
These girls like to make things “personal.”
Yes, which is unfortunate
They’re all too busy trying to have a “memorable” speech. #fail
*rolls eyes*
I hope this isn’t true. So they find swearing on god as an atheist distasteful but apparently if you swear on god to win $500,000 that’s totally cool with them.
Honestly, it’s a week excuse for him to be on the block. He’s up there because he’s a threat to their games. They should’ve just come right out and said that.
I absolutely friggin love this. About time Paul got blindsided. He thought he had the game won. Can’t wait to watch it play out Sunday.
not sure how you could know what he was thinking.
Because all they do is talk to the camera on the feeds. I watch the feeds that’s how I know what he’s thinking.
Yep. Paul and Vic were practically counting their winnings all last week. James was absolutely a target of theirs as well.
Yes he was too.
This is nomination could had waited. The showmance of Cory and Nicole had to be destroyed now. The reason why is that either one of those idiots would be an extra vote for either side of the house. Plus with the twist happening next Thursday is going to totally throw a monkey wrench into everyone’s plans.
Hell no. Get rid of Paul. He is a snake. Look at how he screwed Paulie when he was supposed to be in an alliance. He treated Paulie like absolute dirt and this is so good. Paul is a jerk and need to leave. I actually want Corey to win the whole thing now.
Ummmm, no.
I know…..I don’t mean the Corey thing BUT I do like seeing paul in a pickle right now.
I like Paul so it’s hard for me to see.
Same here.
So if Paul goes are you getting rid of your duck too? Lol
Eventually, but not right away. I like it.
Well I’m used to it now. So I like it too. ?
Thank you :)
Corey and his rat of a girlfriend don’t deserve to win this game.
I spoke to soon. Probably from joy of Paul getting nominated. I take back the Corey thing. But Paul deserves this.
Is that you Paulie?
Considering the comment about Nat’s breast implants… which, I forgot, is none of our business, despite the fact that this is a reality show where it was made public knowledge.
Are you Da’Vonne? Lol. Paulie was a womanizing jerk and Vic doesn’t deserve this. Nicole should be in his place along with Mr. Cory.
Why what did they do to you? And your comments sound like you’re a womanizing jerk.
Wtf?? I was totally offended when Paulie was acting the way when he was in the house. I was shocked that a man would treat women in this way. I would have put that Pauly D wannabe in his place. They would have kicked me out the house because his ass would be in a bed ridden coma. I read your comments about Paulie before and you were praising his game from a comp and social standpoint. You stated you watch the feeds but if that was the case, you would know that Paulie’s behavior was inexcusable and unacceptable.You think are the BB know it all and you are clearly not. You’re not respectful towards to me and others on here because you don’t agree with our opinions and that’s wrong. If you were correct with your viewpoints and observations, then maybe there would be some common grounds. However, you have a narrowed minded and warped sense of reality of this show and tolerance of people such as that idiot Paulie and that annoying Nicole. It’s a shame you condone their manic and disruptive behavior and it makes me question how you carry out your life. If you can dish out, please be prepared to receive it back. By the way, instead of making cocktails on Sunday, you need to working your manners and being respectful to others.
Maybe you need to put on your glasses before you read my comments because I have clearly stated many, many times that I found Paulie’s behavior disgusting. Did I like him in the beginning? Yes. I only stuck up for him with the truth. Like when people were complaining about the editing. And really I wasn’t even sticking up for him. I just said they dedicated an entire show to his bad behavior and people were still bitching that they were giving him a good edit and why didn’t they show more. I also said this is BB and not the Paulie show and they can’t dedicate every episode to him. So how is that praising him? And when I said about 5 people ganging up on him I also said I wouldn’t want that done to anyone know matter who you are. So how am I praising him? And by the way your talking about him but look at the names and how your talking about Natalie and her fake boobs. So you kind of sound hypocritical. And by the way where did I ever say I was a know it all? Just because my opinion is different than yours? Wake up because people don’t always agree. And you’re the one sounding like the know it all saying my viewpoints and observations aren’t correct. Why because they’re not the same as yours? Like I said before if you would read you would know that I’ve NEVER condoned his behavior. I also have a very wonderful, fulfilling life surrounded by loving family and friends. So you just don’t worry about that. And I’ll have a cocktail for you.
Sounds like it he is just as demeaning to women as Paulie whether Nat has FT or not is NOBODIES business but hers
And who does? Paul the dirtbag? Corey and victor are actually two of the HG that have not talked nasty about other HG. Would be fine with either one
Corey has laughed when houseguests made nasty remarks about others in the house, according to people on this site. I don’t get the feeds.
Or Nicole
Amen!! Paul biggest dirtbag in house. House needs to see..if he would throw his boy under bus, what does that tell you? What does the house think he said about the rest of wonder Paulie was so upset. Paul lying straight to his face and acting like Paulie is the asshole for coming in “hot”..Paul has shown his true colors several times. He is a wanna be fake tough guy who has made I’ll advised racist comments and talked crap about the HG. He also threatened to terrorize Bridgette once Frank was out. Paul is disgusting!! I can’t type that enough. Paul is a gross dirtbag. Paul needs to go. Him and his dirty facial hair
They’ll have to get rid of him later. Ugh.
Who’s plans? Not Natalie and James plans. Buh bye Paul.
I glad the girl stuck to their plan.
Me too. I’m celebrating. Lol
I feel so bad for Paul. I just heard Michelle saying that nominated him because she smelled like urine. I hope that either Victor or Paul can pull themselves down and that rat weasel Nicole can be the backdoor nominee. Nat and Michelle just wasted their HOH and should have just stuck to the plan to get rid of the rat Nicole or lame brain Cory. I never seen such the flip flops and stupidity ever in a season. No loyalty or no common sense whatsoever. And Natalie just said Paul being the nominee is a big move for the house now. Honey, you’re dead wrong. It’s going to bite your fake boobs in the butt.
Yeah like she’s such a big threat. Hahahaha those two arrogant idiots got what they deserved. And you’re the stupid one if you think targeting the two biggest threats in the house wasn’t a good move. It’s about time someone is playing strategic and not personal. What’s the matter got your feelings hurt because your boys are on the block. Haha
Interesting how fan opinions shift from one week to another, huh?
A lot of switching? I was all for the Nicole Cory going next from the get go. (Earlier in the season would have been great!)
I mostly meant attitudes towards Natalie and Michelle, not Nicorey.
Ahhhh. Ok. I like Nata and Michelle. I don’t like their noms though. Even if it turns out to be a good move.
I agree. They should have waited. Nicole and Corey are playing the fake sympathy card.
The plan is messed up.
Yes. I wanted Natalie gone and now she makes a big move and I am thinking twice about her now. Still think she’s fake with the things she says but she made a big move and I give credit where credit is due. I’ve wanted Paul and Victor gone but same thing Victor made a big move last week.
Arguably Corey and Victor are the biggest threats competition-wise.
Victor is a competition beast and Cory is not a threat at all except for Nicole riding his coat tails.
Corey’s won one more comp than Paul has at this point.
Including the one that he accidentally won with the ice cream veto?
Corey has had more competition wins (3) than Paul (2). He isn’t stronger on likability or social game.
Yeah but you can’t nom both of them this week b/c you’ll have both their better halves gunning for you. Instead of just the one who remains.
Please don’t call me stupid honey. It’s just a game and it’s not my life like it is for some people here. Let’s enjoy the dialogue and get along.
Block her. I did. It’s not worth the time.
Thanks obviously you still read my comments.
Thanks for the suggestion. Done!
You’re the one calling names. Making rude comments. What does Natalies fake chest have to do with playing the game?
I just went back and read my comment to you and I apologize. I didn’t mean it like it came out. Poor choice of words on my part and I apologize.
I said things recently and I am sorry too.
Okay. Friends? Lol. We can agree to disagree.
” It’s going to bite your fake boobs in the butt.”
NOT Cool Chad ..How P-lie if you.
Lol it’s a just bad strategy right now for them to put both of the guys up.
Best strategy this season.
It’s not the best strategy because they had the alliance to eliminate the rest of the house and have a final four. Plus you ripped Natalie before because of her gameplay and now you think she’s like the best ever. Smh. Again, such a waste of a HOH.
Was she playing the game before? No. She did what James wanted. Is she playing the game now? Yes. So I say great move. And once again that alliance was destroyed by all of Paul’s lies. She would of been picked off before the F4. Such a great HOH. You don’t think so because your racist boys are on the block.
Racist?? Wtf?
You use that word a little too freely IMO.
Too bad. It’s the truth. And nobody is forcing you to read my comments. I believe we can state are opinions here. IMO
Yup,,was told that Paul won Veto. Waste of an HOH!
Get the heck out of the house Paul. He is scum. Lied all last week about Paulie. He is a complete jerk and glad to see him blindsided especially.
He didn’t lie about Paulie. Paulie was speaking the truth but he was the real total jerk on this show.
Wow! Natalie woke up in the 4th quarter. I wish they never have a season with return players or family members of past players. It’s unfair to the others. This was James HOH. He had a bond with Nicole since day 1 because of their relationship outside the house. He played like Paulie. Saying he wanted Nicole up knowing it was a lie.
Like I said earlier, this would be a great decision if Paulie did not have a strong chance of getting back in the game. If he comes back, he will align with Corey and Nicole, and Natalie/Michelle will realize the mistake they’ve made: breaking up a two-some in favor of a more powerful three-some.
Yeah, well, hindsight and all that.
Besides, I’m so ready for Paul to go.
I like him. But that’s probably why they want him gone. He has a strong chance of winning if he got to the end. An understandable long-term game move.
I second that.
But they don’t know there is going to be a jury battle back. They should suspect it since the RT ticket wasn’t used, but that would just be speculation.
True. I feel comfortable with the move given they have no idea it’s going to happen. I would have done the same thing.
Me too
Sorry for the all-caps. I’m so excited!!!! ?
You’re not alone!
And here we all thought we were in for a boring week!
I’m celebrating too. In fact I’m going to make a nice cocktail before Sunday’s show.
Are we going to spend the rest of the BB week posting about P-Lie coming back the same way we did about the arsehole having the RT?
Please say it isn’t so.
I hope he doesn’t but he has a strong possibility to come back in that house.
And that’s why it’s important to send either Vic or Paul to the jury house – someone has to be evicted who can (and hopefully will) beat Paulie in whatever the battle back competition is.
I think it’s not going to be a physical competition due the amount of females in the jury house.
Oh I hope not. I’m so tired of hearing his name.
Paul to Nat: “You HAD mine and Victor’s word! Who do you think convinced Victor? Who got Victor to trust them with his social game?”
Natalie: “I did believe you until I heard that (hard to understand, I think it’s about James being thrown under the bus by Paul). And I’m protective of James, that hurt me.”
I gotta put the feeds on and get off here. Lol
Ah, didn’t P-Lie have V & P’s word last week?
A promise not worth the paper it’s printed on …. LOL
Yep. Remember Paul telling Paulie “I’m hurt you don’t trust me bro” his word is good for……
Natalie’s stomach hurts because of the guilt and the wrongdoings that transpired in the BB house tonight of her actions.
She’s been in pain for days.
She’s faking it :( now she’s crying.
Which is all these girls do lately.
Lol. I never seen so many people cry ever on television.
Bring back Vanessa.
Lmao. Heavens no :)
Just a thought, lol. We have enough criers on this show.
Has Michelle started crying yet?
She claims that she was crying the DR. Paul was actually happy to hear that.
if they end up rushing to the hospital for emergency surgery, will you feel badly?
Kim, you’re out of control! As soon as Paul leaves the room, the waterworks will stop.
I’m out of control? I don’t have 50 posts on this thread beating up girls! LOL
What’s your problem? You’re not funny and you are misinformed and delusional. If you read my posts correctly, I have criticized Cory, Nicole, and Paulie. Please get your facts straight.
How do you know?
Because I’m really watching the live feeds unlike some people on here that claim that they do. Geez.
I also watch the feeds. That doesn’t answer my question. How do you know she’s faking? Her stomach has been bothering her for awhile now so did you ever think maybe she’s not faking? You really don’t know that. Unless you personally know her.
She IS a pain
What a load of crap! LOL
I hate Paulie but he was right about Nat.
James has been awfully silent throughout this confrontation, now that Natalie’s cry, we’ll see if that changes.
He has never stuck up for her.
He did with Paulie.
I misread that. He does. Apologies!
I agree with the philosopher Paul. You can’t trust Nicole. You can’t trust something with a nose like that. Pinocchio’s sister makes me ill.
Paul is handling things much better than Paulie. Paul called them on it but then played nice and teases info he has. Paulie would have kept being belligerent or sulked.
Agreed Matt.
Paul now teases info he has on NiCorey and a rude comment people made about Natalie. Mich and Natalie are pushing hard to know what it is, but he refuses to say it. He wants to have a house meeting.
Before the nominations were made official Natalie and Michelle brought Victor upstairs and let him know what they were going to do. Victor didn’t get upset but patiently tried to get the women turned around and going in the other direction. He pointed out that if they get Corey out this week then they’re guaranteed to get the ACP for either him or Paul next week and then they can use it against Nicole.
Victor deserves to win this game!
Thanks for the Copy and Paste from the article, lol.
Saturn0205a. And a comment about that portion of the article to drive conversation. Jeez! Passive -aggressive much
BTW Ive noticed you copy paste parts of a convo to make a point here and there but I guess it’s ok for you but not for anyone else?
Be careful he’ll block you. Lol
Oh, that would be such a tragedy, lol!
Natalie continues to cry. “I don’t want to be in this game because people just talk about me.”
THEN WHY DID YOU SIGN ON TO DO A REALITY SHOW??? God, these girls have no skin on them!
Now they want to backdoor Cory.
It’s a house full of headless chickens.
Well said.
Discussion about whether Jatalie/Michelle made the right move for their game aside….
This week we have seen Nicorey and PV both trying hard to play this game and sway the HOH crew in their favor…
I’m always team feeds!
They made a horrible choice to trust Corey and Nicole. Very dumb and gullible of them. James should know better too. He’s not getting America’s Favorite this year.
No one deserves the 500k or the America’s favorite this year except for Vic or James.
Vic deserves it
This is a weird year… we’ve hated each and every one of the HGs at some point this year…
Maybe we should vote for Glenn?
Poor Glenn
Glenn got my vote. Hands down.
James? he’s just acted like a lovesick puppy the whole season. He made one big move but other than that he just follows Natalie around and acts pathetic. I liked him last season but I’m over it
Agree. James made no impact on this game and definitely deserves to be sent to the jury house already.
Playing the same game as last time- vacation time and snag a gal. Nat has about used him up- if he leaves she will just go to next guy that can help her game
I’ve been considering giving it to Frank. He got the raw end of the deal here.
In retrospect he did.
Corey, Nicole, James are definitely last on that list.
I mean, there were both pros and cons for Jatalie to flip. So we can’t look at it from one perspective.
Then again… one thing is for certain: no BB fan likes Nicorey this summer so whoever works with Nicorey will get shat on by the fans
Sounds like the pea brains realized they f*cked up and are now apologizing and crying to Vic and Paul. A little to late in my opinion but whatever. Hopefully veto is used and Corey is back doored.
James continuing to be silent, except to make a comment about Derrick’s BB16 win.
Don’t want to sound mean but Nicole/Corey and James/Natalie are both disappointments and a joke.
Nicole plants the most seeds and has won nothing at all this season. She is constantly lying, causing drama, and has never been nominated. And everyone thinks she’s a sweetheart. She’s the biggest threat in the house. If no one else realizes that Ms. Pinocchio isn’t a threat, they all deserve to lose this game. Nat keeps talking about self evicting and is still talking about backdooring Cory. Morons.
True statement last week she was in bed so sick and today she wins a long ass HOH game. I call her as a fake ass lier
Poor Vic needs to win the POV to get him off the block and Corey backdoored.
Yes please! Then Corey can go to jury and knock out Paulie :)
Either way, it’s too late to take the noms back now. The veto has yet to be played, but it won’t matter if Corey or Nicole manage to win. That’ll keep them both safe, since they won’t change the nominations.
It’s less than two hours and they want to take the noms back already? Whoever said morons earlier is right.
Paul got to them. Big time. All he had to do was suggest that Corey said something about Natalie and she was hysterical because everyone keeps talking about her. (cue eye roll)
Can we all agree she is playing to the TV audience for AFP
They cut the feed when Paul said that $14k is a lot of money for him and he is grateful for being on Big Brother to Natalie, James and Michelle.
Why would production encourage Natalie and Michelle to side with Corey and Nicole? Ratings?
The show is less appealing now that Victor and Paul are both on the block.
It should have been Nicole and Corey. …James after
I was wondering that too. Maybe because it is causing drama because it is not what we were expecting?
I said it earlier, but I’m saying it again because we all ready seem to have it. This is a Vanessa-esque reign for these girls.
Are you including Paulie as one of the girls? lol
I mean, this isn’t a BAD move, but it’s not a GREAT one, either. Paul and Victor are, without question, the two best competitors remaining in the house right now, so getting rid of them while they have the chance to is kind of smart.
But that being said, if Michelle thinks she’s gonna survive longer between two showmances than with Paul and Victor, she’s out of her mind. If literally anybody but her wins HOH next week, she’s on the block and likely going home, unless the guys can pull off a flip this week.
Michelle should have stood her ground. Bad move
Michelle’s a goner, period. She can’t win the game. She’s the odd man out of 3 strong pairings. Which is something she has said repeatedly, yet does nothing about.
Victor and Paul are a duo as well so take your pick
Yes, and they would go after the other pairs first. What can Michelle do alone?
Maybe, but they’re a duo that sees the value of breaking up the other pairs first. It’s the difference between maybe placing 3rd, and placing 6th.
but so are the others a pair is a pair to break up it does not matter is its a boy/girl or a boy /boy
They called Vic to DR. It’s Paul chance to blow things up with Nicole and Corey. Let’s see if he does
I can’t stand Michelle, the big crybaby!!!
Natalie is a blonde with a burnette hair. Nicole is sneaky. the only one that deserves to win, i think was either Frank, Corey, or Bridgette.
James doesn’t look to happy with going against Nicorey again. But will he stand up for himself or cower behind Nat-Nat and Meech?
EDIT: In fact, James wants to keep to the plan to evict Paul. Guess he still doesn’t trust him. And I’d imagine he lost points because he made Natalie cry.
James has been cowering all season.
James drives me insane…he sits there and say absolutely nothing for the longest time…SPEAK UP JAMES!!!! Yes, I’m shouting!
Nicole and Corey could still be in a lot of trouble if Paul or Victor wins the veto, which, let’s face it, is very possible.
One of them will no doubt go up, but I think that V or P will still go out.
Natalie.. I get where you are coming from in switching your target and I guess it was smart of you to make Michelle nom Paul instead of you that way the target is on her back and not yours.. However, I just worry that nic and Corey will stab you in the back faster than Vic and Paul would have… Very riskey move chick.. May the odds be ever in your favor. ?
We are at the point in the game where just about everybody is going to be stabbing & slashing. It is smart to go after the more powerful players first.
I get it but how can nicorey promise them safety when at this point in the game you can’t keep anyone safe. I just feel like Vic and Paul would have taken nat to f3 who knows how long she’ll make it now
Hopefully she’s gone next week when she has no chance to come back ….. unless there’s another twist for someone to come back
Someone is coming back. Sorry to say.
Yes, but that only applies to whoever is evicted this week plus the 4 already in the Jury. She can go next week and then we’re rid of her
Esp when nic and cor don’t when hoh how can they promis her safety? It’s laughable
You’re right. Vermin Nic can’t be trusted. This move will come back to haunt them.
It’s partly Vic and Paul’s own fault for being OTB. Why weren’t they up in HOH working on Nat and Meech the same way Nicory did. They already had a feeling Nat was changing her mind and that Nicory and James were talking more.
Think Victor tried bu it didn’t work. Don’t think Paul had any idea he was going up.
Are we supposed to be rooting for them or disliking them? Because Nicole, Corey and James are on our dislike list.
We always know who NOT to vote for AFP
It’s hard to like Corey, James and Nicole
Well turning live feeds off. Disagree with Victor and Paul going on the block and production encouraging them to side with Nicole and Corey.
It’s gotten really boring now.
What is up with production encouraging? I hadn’t heard that yet.
Natalie allegedly mentions that production is trying to brainwash her into working with NiCorey. I call BS on this though…
It was recapped in one of those summaries and Natalie said the same too
Natalie wanted to work with NiCorey before the HOH comp even began. Production had little to none influence in what she was going to do
Production didn’t nominate. She did..that’s all her choice.
They encouraged them in DR
She’s still in control of her game, unless they use hypnosis.
Production is in charge of any additional fees or gifts given to them. So no
What do you mean?..They used those in exchange of something they want?..quid pro quo? Where do you get this info? lol
It’s in their contract. Production can give the HG more monies or gifts on top of their weekly stipend which is $750 a week.
Seriously? I would need to confirm a legit source before I can agree with that… since first of all I remember the stipend being 1000/wk
Google it. The contract was leaked on line. They get paid for being in the jury house too.
Leaked by a reputable source?
Deep Throat?
…and they bribe them? Tell them who to nominate? or they wont get sh*t?
I no longer believe anything that comes out of Natalie’s mouth. It’s all self serving, she itakes no responsibity for what she does.
Ask James in about a month– not that I give two shits about James tho.
Game talk has stopped for the time being. We’ll see what happens later. Hopefully things pick up again.
They got duped by Nicole and Corey. Smh
You might be giving Nicole and Corey a little too much credit…
LOL. True.
I am sitting here listening to Paul up in the HOH room for the longest time..then he leaves and the all of the cameras go to Victor and Corey putting a ton of hamburger on their tacos. We missed the convo right after he left..who is running production tonight? Wake up!
Basically, James wants to stick to the plan, Michelle wants to BD Corey, and Nat seems to be leaning towards “girl power” because Corey supposedly talked about her. Notice how Natalie’s decisions are made based on who talked smack about her rather than any real game strategy?
Yeah, that’s really frustrating. She changes her mind so quickly, for very stupid reasons.
Stuck on her self- stuck up bitc-
James is so blah. He asks Nicole what happened and then he backed down.
What does Paul’s religion have to do with anything. James is so ignorant.
Nic and Corey don’t win any hoh so how can they promis meech and nat safety? We r at the point in the game where you can’t really promise people safety after this round..
We’re at the point, though, where the votes matter more than the HOH.
Keeping Corey with all girls he will def win the comps against them.. And with battle back if Vic or Paul come back they r gonna be out for blood
Especially Victor. He would def earn the $500k prize.
The fact that they are not winning is why they should be kept. Paul and Vic are a pair. They’re going to take each other to f2. Keep the weaker ones(nicorey) and send one of the powerhouses home. with nicorey still in the house james nat and meech have a better chance of winning comps. Plus they’d still have the numbers on their side. Take the shot, it’s a no brainer. Unfortunately James is the only one thinking logically right now. Nat and meech are playing on emotions.
I still think that Corey can and will win against all girls and James so that’s why it’s not smart to keep him when he will back stab for Nicole and Vic and Paul would have kept nat know what I mean?
I can’t stand Cor-hole, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that one of them wins the POV this week. I want to see one of the Duck’s out.
Michelle’s throwing Natalie under the bus to Paul and Vic.
EDIT: And she just threw James under the bus by telling them she’s not sure if James is with them to BD one half of Nicorey.
Yep, this HoH is shaping up to be a disaster.
Tonight’s show was worthless. Why even have it. Really BB?
It was a totally waste. Great comments by the way tonight my friend. Kudos!
Thank you, Cool Chad! I appreciate it.
Thanks. i appreciate it. :)
Michelle just said it’s not in her best interest for Paul/Vic to be on the block. Really? Really? Michelle, nothing’s in your best interest at this point. You are up against three pairs. Consider yourself evicted.
She should have stood her ground. What happened to her? Smh
Then again… the pairs would go after each other before they would go after Michelle. The only thing that can change that is whoever returns next week
Best case scenario is that Vic or Paul win POV and they backdoor Nicole or Corey.
Imagine if they backdoor Nicole. Ha ha ha
So if the veto is used, who gets to pick the renom?
Believe someone earlier said that it was like the Roadkill, whoever made the nomination gets to renom.
I’ve been saying it, and it’s only what I think will happen. Not confirmed.
And I believed you! lol
Who would you rather compete against in the F4? Nicory or Paul/Vic? I think Nat made a good strategic move… Here’s one for girl power! Good job Nat-Nat..
Then again she is questioning her move… diehard Natalie fan but not exactly a fan of her gameplay this week
A girl is not going to win BB this season.
I think everyone in the house still has a shot to win… except for Corey
Meech doesn’t have a chance. Lol.
I mean, she probably has to be carried to f2 at this point. But Meech does have some friends in jury and I think she would be able to explain her game to the jurors
I hate Nicole but she’s flying under the radar. I think if Bridgette was still there, she would win the whole thing. God I miss Frank.
Natalie is smarter than ppl give her credit for. Plus she is stronger at physical comps then Corey.. If Meech is able to explain her game to the jurors that would be a first. She hasn’t been able to explain much of anything regarding her game thus far… IMHO..
So says the misogynist.
I disagree with you misandrist.
I think it’s very possible. They all have an equal shot at this point. A few have better strategic plans, a few are more social, and one is better at comps than the others. Seems pretty up in the air at this point, imho.
Yeah, now if she will only stick to the plan.
Her backbone is made of aluminum foil!
Watch Paulie win the jury battleback. If Nat sticks to these noms then she can be assured that Paulie and Nicole or Corey will be in Final 2
Doubtful, but how so?
Votes are important now.
So if Paulie comes back and if Nicole and Corey are still in the house – that’s 3 votes.
They need to keep Vic and Paul to keep the majority.
Mark my words. If Paulie the womanizing sociopath comes back, and if Paul or Vic is gone, Paulie will win this game and I will be pissed :(
Serious question-
Can you imagine being stuck in the house with
Natalie James Nicole and Corey?
No. I would have self evict.
“I’d rather stick needles in my eye!”
Day called it… when was it OK to have a showmance in the house?
Jeff and Jordan.
Also how many weeks is BB? Because Paul mentioned to Natalie, Michelle and James right after the nominations that he needs the money and he will be okay with going home with $14k.
Divide $14k by the # of weeks to see whether it’s still $750 or more.
14k divided by 99 days (14 wks + 1 day)…
The contract on line was from 2011.
Which is why it is slightly outdated. But even if this were the contract that they actually still use now, it doesn’t say BB can bribe HGs into doing certain things…
…be interviewed by Julie Chen immediately following eviction, which is a contractual requirement.
…understand they may not be chosen; producers say they are looking for people who are “strong willed, outgoing, adventurous, physically and mentally adept, adaptable to new environments, and to have interesting life styles [sic], backgrounds and personalities.” Or, potentially, none of those things.
be “aware that it is a federal offense … to do anything that would rig or in any way influence the outcome of the Series.” Producers, as noted above, can do whatever they want, however
Again though… I think this might be talking about things like twists and yes, potentially some questions in the DR that would influence the HGs. But this would mean that everything in all the seasons that we have watched over the years have all been single-handedly predetermined by production…
Which kind of makes me sad and not want to admit this is true…
To a certain degree!
…let producers decide what information to share with them, including about personal or family-related events.
…that they will receive $750 per week that they’re in the house. There is no explicit mention of compensation for time in the jury house, but the contract says producers “may also give additional consolation and/or runner-up prizes in cash or in kind … but has no obligation to do so.”
Where’s Bronte when you need her?
Is that better or worse than having to watch BB house with Natalie, James, Nicole and Corey?
Great point. Lmao
If you take twists out of the equation, this is actually the best game move to be made. If Paul goes to F2, he wins the game. That having been said, Nat & Meech are in big trouble come next week when Paulie/Paul/Victor get back in the house.
That is unless Paul manages to gaslight Natalie and Meech, which he seems to be doing right now.
Paul is good at this game. We can’t deny that.
Expect Nicorey, and to a certain degree, James, to push back on the idea though…
Honestly, after Paul gave Nat and Meech that verbal spanking, I’m pretty sure the only person that Nat will listen to is James. And he’ll always defer to Natalie in just about every situation.
Also, from what I’m seeing, seems James want Victor out more than anything and Nat isn’t having that.
That’s definitely the case. James seems to be jealous of Vic. Do you get that feeling too?
Plus Vic called him out on his pranks, which I agreed with
When James looks at Vic I can see why–HUNK verses boy toy.
Victor or Paul, I think. He’s not backing down.
I would take Paul over Victor at this point. Paul is the funnier and smarter player out of the two. From an anti-Paulie perspective don’t most ppl want a competitor to stop Paulie from returning as well?
But they don’t know someone is coming back
As a fan? I think the only person who would be a legitimate winner is Paul (maybe Natalie too). And I like seeing legit players win the game, not people who sit around and wait for their number to get called (James, Nicole, etc.)
And we’re back to the crying and the whining.
James, get out. Get out now.
Thanks for the update. Were watching Vic in the kitchen
BBAD is on James and Nat in the HOH room.
::sigh:: Why is she using Paulie’s dirty Kleenex from his intimate sessions with Zakiyah to wipe her tears??
Victor is the nicest guy – Natalie
Am banging my head on the desk. I can’t believe these two co HoH.
It’s Vanessa all over again. Only she was more coherent and easier to follow.
I think that was part of the CP plan, to have differing opinions trying to make decisions?
Right but once you make the decision , own it
Good point.
James is working Natalie hard. He still doesn’t trust Paul, I feel.
We don’t trust / like the character James is portraying.
This year for AFP us fans really need to band together and vote for one HG. A lot of casuals might vote for James and Nicole…
And the TV only viewers will probably vote for those two, as well.
To me: Casuals = TV only viewers
Anyone who cares about what’s going on on the feeds wouldn’t want to be stuck with that somewhat ugly title
Truth! The live feed is the light and salvation.
Never James
Wish I could get the feeds…or at least BBAD. Not a possibility for me though. :(
Corey just broke up the talk to take a shower in the HOH.
Nicole running and using the bathroom earlier. Cory using shower. Gee, think they are trying to keep an eye on things?
Nah, probably just using the cleaner of the 2 bathrooms.
Both of those bathrooms are filthy and inhumane. Except for Vic, I never seen people so dirty and unkept,
He’s back in the HOH room.
He’s just like a snake like his rat girlfriend.
You don’t have Pop?
I have pop to drink…lol. That’s it.
Lol :)
Long story short. Got sick, lost my job, lost my house, living with a relative who only has an antenna which picks up CBS, FOX, and ABC. Not a penny to my name right now. Grateful to have a place to live, and my computer.
Omg. I’m sorry to hear that my friend :( hang in there and I will keep the you in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you. I truly am not looking for sympathy, I just felt the need to explain why I can’t get the feeds and BBAD.
Stay strong. Sure you’ve heard this before but if it doesn’t break you it will make you stronger. ???
Things have a way of working out, you just need to hang in there. You will get through this.
Thank you. Thank you. I truly am not looking for sympathy, I just felt the need to explain why I can’t get the feeds and BBAD.
Think of it as support
We are here for you amigo!
Life is not going to give you anything you can’t bear. I am so sorry to hear about this but I believe that there is a way out and you will find it very soon
Thank you. I truly am not looking for sympathy, I just felt the need to explain why I can’t get the feeds and BBAD.
Nah man… everyone needs some positive energy from someone else once in a while…
POP to drink!! I miss people from the midwest saying POP. I’m in Dallas right now and everything is a ‘coke’.
Oh man I would love it if Paul went home. I lost all respect for him when he let Paulie puppet master him.
If you think about it it was really the other way around.
Oh come on, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t rewrite history. Paulie controlled the game until his very last week. It’s why so much of the season was so boring. Everyone on this site kept saying the houseguests might as well hand him the check.
Paulie is hatable in his own right. You don’t have to make up stuff to justify disliking him at this point.
I think Paulie was the puppet master in the beginning when he took Paul off the block and for the few weeks after but Paul is smart and learned from Paulie.
That’s fair. Paul definitely smartened up, but he still in no way ‘controlled’ Paulie. In fact it’s the reason he had to break ties with him early and cut him.
Don’t dislike Paulie at all. Hopes he wins jury battleback. Which he very may will
You don’t dislike Paulie but you think he was a puppet for other people?
You are certainly entitled to your own opinion but I feel like the opposite is true. You should dislike Paulie while at the same time recognize his stronghold on the game for the majority of his time in the Big Brother house.
Paulie was/is far brighter than James, Nat, Nicole, Michelle and Corey
He is but he’s a real douche.
TBH glad the TV edits favored him a bit and didn’t show all his antics. He just had a meltdown. It happens
A credible, if modest claim.
Then why is Paulie in the jury house and the others you mentioned are still in the BB house?
Jealousy. He was too good a player. They are doing the same now with poor Vic
I agree with you that Vic is a good player but Paulie is too full of himself and there is no way to excuse his treatment of Z.
The sad thing is that Paulie had so much going for him and could have won if he had treated people better and not tried to control every HoH. I personally don’t like him but have to admit he managed to control the game for quite a while
He really did. He was a favorite of mine until his actions and words started to show his real and true self. Karma is real and things caught up to him.
Exactly. I just get so tired of the hypocrisy and flipflopping around here.
It’s okay to disagree with Paulie’s behavior and dislike him while still recognizing he played an amazing game up until his final week in the house. The constant rewriting of history in these forums is so frustrating. They’ll manipulate the truth in any way possible just for an extra dig on the houseguests.
Same here Joe. The hypocrisy is rampant.
Well that’s what us BB fans are like. Reddit refers to us as circlejerks
Reddit -> They don’t want it with us :)
Paulie took things personal with the women which is unacceptable. There is playing the game and then there is being a douche. Then he had that full blow cry temper tantrum. Its a bad look.
How many different ways do I have to say this?
The guy’s behavior in the house was bad. It doesn’t mean we have to pretend that he didn’t play really, really well up until his last week in the house.
It’s possible to vehemently disagree with someone’s character while still acknowledging the fact that they played well.
They are calling Natalie to the diary room again to catch her all emotional.
and she’ll cry how everyone is being so mean to her
Shrugs smh lol
More waterworks coming.
Hope her mascara is waterproof
Truest words spoken by Nat al night. “I think I’m losing my mind.”
Team feeds always wins :)
Lol…. poor Nat..
Victor is giving Nicorey too much credit. They didn’t put the idea to go after Paul in Natalie’s head. She talked to James first.
James is turning into the most disliked houseguest this season.
No one could be disliked more than P-lie… I don’t understand the dislike for James… I still like and respect him. :)
One reason to dislike James: we all agree that James is not a smart player and yet he keeps on receiving power in the house. He continues stirring shxt up when things are going all right and not doing anything when he needs to stir shxt up
Don’t know what the fuss was about him. If anything he hasn’t done much and is going after the guys over jealousy (Nat)
Feed2: Vic and Michelle are in the safari room. Paul just walked in.
Feed1: Natalie crying to James
When Paulie was put up last week I thought that was the craziest nomination night we’re going to have all season…
I literally don’t know a thing about this show…
Don’t worry you are not the only one.
They got James downstairs and are discussing the possibility of backdooring Nicole
Thank you God!!!!
And James will do what Natalie wants
Again, where’s Bronte when you need her, I’m trying to calculate how many days until the Veto ceremony so how many times Natalie and Meech will flip/flop on their noms
0% Loyalty & Constant HG Flip Flops = Theme for the season
So much for FRIENDSHIP smh
Nicole has to go!
Nicole has to go!
Backdoor the rat!
Backdoor the rat!
It may be mean to say that but YES!! Backdoor that snake
Don’t forget that she is the cutest snake ever!!!!
Trolling so hard and preparing to get downvoted so bad
Lmao. There’s nothing cute or appealing about that Pinocchioian rat.
Yeah if you’re deaf
I’m not a Nicole fan, but aren’t James and Natalie more rat-like than Nicole? Who has Nicole turned on that James and Natalie haven’t?
P.S. Nothing wrong with being a rat. I’m rooting for Natalie!
Gaging from the discussions online, everyone thinks Nicole and Corey were a complete waste this season because all they do is lay in bed and whisper.
Okay totally agreed, but why does that make them rats? Are we just saying that for the sake of saying it because it sounds bad?
They have been dishonest and went to Natalie to plant a seed. It worked but not fully.
We have the POV to look to
I mean… I doubt if Paulie doesn’t return next week Nicorey will turn on Jatalie immediately
Exactly the same point made below.
They will have a majority of 3 votes. That’s why it was so dumb to put Vic and Paul on the block.
Hope so
I mean, is that being a rat or just playing Big Brother? Everyone tries to talk to the HoH before nominations. Or at least they should.
They have no class.
Ask Tiffany, Da, Glenn, Jozea, Frank and Bronte. Her sneaky and rat-like loose lips caused their demise in this game.
Even Glenn is a scapegoat to Nicole’s grand scheme to winning the game…
That was so horrible too. Forgot about that. Thanks for reminding us how much a manipulator she is.
She’s a nuisance and annoying. Can’t wait for the veto to take place and I pray that she goes up as the renominee.
I feel like Natalie and James are just as guilty though. More so since they actually put them on the block in the first place.
Because the word “assholes” would be censored?
They indeed are. They are some every season and some have been worse and more despicable.
Well are rats nice animals?
They have horrible and contagious diseases.
I guess this is truly the season of backstabbing and being snakish…
Jozea saw it coming… (still not gonna refer to him as Messiah though…)
Hah! :D
The messiah hath spoken indeed.
Jozea was one of the weirdest people I’ve ever seen on here.
Right? If he didn’t say such reprehensible things I’d almost miss him!
Davonne’s “can you believe this guy” laugh when he says he sounds like Obama still makes me literally laugh out loud.
He had his humble pie when he got evicted. And as you said, he was right about the blonde Ratoutille.
I mean… when he was evicted he thought Natalie masterminded his eviction last minute…
So yeah, humble but deluded
when Paul defended himself saying he aint a liar, i just wanted to literally RoFL!
He’s the rattiest rat and the snakiest snake in the house, but of course he will just keep on lying about being not a liar.
let’s see come Monday when Corey or James wins veto and doesnt use it and he stays on the block with his bro Vic, i hope production awards him with some cheerful punishment, how he’s going to handle it?
Certainly hope not.
They need to backdoor Nicole. Nicole and Corey are bad energy.
Hello. I’d like to introduce my two middle fingers. On the left, a salutation from Disgusted. On the right, kindly meet Pissed. May the twerps of Big Brother 18 have their brief moment of glory, then crash and burn all the way to the jury house, while the Knights of the Sitting Ducks become swans.
Hello. I’d like to introduce you to free will. You actually already have it. It allows you to stop watching something if you aren’t enjoying it.
Totally misread your initial comment. My bad! I read it as a slight on the show, not Victor and Paul.
That’s okay! I love Big Brother and the wide range of perspectives. My favorites to win are just my way of seeing the game. As you may gather, Paul and Victor are my two preferences to beat everyone who is still left in the house.
Sounds like James is now on board for blindsiding Nicorey. Didn’t take long for him to switch too
Woah… did Natalie cry her way into making James change his mind?
Nope Paul and Vic and Michelle knocked some sense back into his air head.
I’m so glad they did.
Whatever Natalie wants, James panders too. Think she said Jaaaaaaaaames
I like Natalie, but I think you pegged it there.
I think I like her better because of it!
She might have let him crop a feel of them f.t.s
I’m not so sure. James is likely just waiting for POV to be decided before he takes a side. Ride the middle in the meantime.
When do they play the POV and when do we find out?
Sunday for POV I think
Oh two more days???
Ah but so much can happen in between, especially with these 2 as co HoH
So true. I do think Veto comp is held on Sat. though.
Nope, Saturday for POV
So we will know very soon!
Nope, Saturday for POV
I stand corrected
I really expect Jatalie and Michelle to waver a few more times before the noms are finalized this week…
However, the No Names need to at least hold the POV first for any flexibility to a change in plans… if Nicorey wins veto then everything is set in stone
I agree. I think James is riding the fence and agreeing with both sides waiting until the POV is decided. I’m thinking he’ll apply the pressure to get Paul or Vic out if veto allows for it.
I mean, no matter how the veto comp turns out Paul/Vic will be vulnerable on the block. So yeah, veto doesn’t really have anything to do with this
True. But if Nicorey wins veto noms will stay the same and James works with them to VTE who he would like to see go. If Paul or Vic win veto and one of Nicorey go up James will have the deciding vote. He’s going to play the middle until all this is decided.
Really seems to me he wants to ride with Nicorey and he’s just appeasing P&V, Nat, and Meech in the meantime. Bet he throws veto as well so he’s not exposed.
Yep little James can’t get blood on those hands.he sucks at this game
Paul, Michelle, Vic and James are in safari room.
They plan to have Paul call Nicole out tonight before they go to sleep.
Nat is an idiot if she changes her mind. Paul and Vic need to go or she’ll be next. Karma Paul and Vic for being so smug last week
Isn’t everyone smug when they make a move or cause an upset in this game? And looking ahead at half a million, heck every one of them are planning what they would do with it if they get to the end.
She will be an idiot when she and James are on
the block if Nicory doesn’t split up and go home.
I still can’t believe James is a returning player and is so willing to throw away his chance at winning for a showmance. Absolutely unreal. Think of the returnees who haven’t gotten the opportunity to come back yet who would KILL for the chance to play the game, while he is just rolling over.
Didn’t he have a confessional this week where he essentially said he was fine throwing away his game for Natalie?
Same with Nicole. This is probably the first time the newbies are stronger than the returners.
True indeed!
I think these are good noms. Why waste an HOH on Nicole who has 0% chance of winning this game? Paul and Vic are pretty much a strong duo with Paul’s brains and Vic’s brawn. I hope Paul stays, but Natalie made a good move
Agreed. People just tend to look at the game based on the houseguests they personally like or dislike instead of thinking objectively.
I like seeing ANYONE actively making the best moves to get themselves further in the game. No matter my personal feelings about them.
Hey as long as people are playing this game for themselves I’m cool
You can’t count out the rat. She’s never been nominated and never got blood on her hands at all.
Paul has been the biggest RAT in the house!!!