‘Big Brother 18’ Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results

Big Brother spoilers are in for the Power of Veto competition after this week’s nominations were revealed Friday through the Feeds. Time to see who could be changing things up for the final noms of the week following the latest Big Brother 18 competition.

Power of Veto Medallion on Big Brother

Heading in to the comp we had several HGs promising to throw it away and that’ll just help the this week’s targets, but was it enough to make a differ?

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Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results:

  • Paulie won the Power of Veto!

The comp lasted nearly eight hours and was the hide & seek themed comp so the house was destroyed when they came back. Well this should be interesting for Paulie’s situation.

Paulie, Nicole, and James were selected to play along with HoH Victor and Noms Michelle and Zakiyah. James told Natalie he’d throw the come and Nicole had suggested she would as well especially to avoid being responsible for Corey going up (nevermind he’d be at risk if she didn’t win and couldn’t prevent it from being used). Then we had Paulie telling Paul overnight that he wouldn’t use it if he won, except a moment later he talked about a case where “if” he didn’t use it. Hmm.

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What do you think of the PoV Comp results? What will happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be coming up on Monday and we’ll post spoilers when they happen.

Turn on your Live Feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.



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  1. …and they want to take out Michelle/Zakiyah because they great competitiors. I can’t with these people.

      • With Z gone there is still one less vote Paulie can count on. This still weakens him a bit

      • Victor. He is the one put these 2 girls up, he could of not took the HOH and played next week DE or put up 2 great players and tried to make a move! I can see why you said Paulie, LOL!

    • It’s like playing chess…. You start to thin the board eventually.
      This is a game & it happens every year. Some stragglers just happen to leave a bit early but, they have to go sometime. Plus, these 2 are the residual of ‘the other side!’
      I’m surprised that some of you are throughly disgusted that these 2 are on the block.

    • Wow I’m shocked! Paulie won? He never wins anything. Why don’t they hand him 500,000 and end it now

      • James throws another comp James absolutely sucks he got played by Vanessa last year now getting played by paulie James maybe a fan favorite but as a game player he sucks just end this season and give paulie the money waste season if you watch big brother Canada or big brother Australia they make big brother game moves not being pussies like victor or James. Paulie is really the Hoh this week not victor

      • Tee yeap paulie has been hoh the whole season execpt when bridgette won Hoh it was franks

      • And when Nicole had it she did what she wanted. Too bad Paulie was just a pawn then. But I liked him then.

      • Nicole is bad too. I want Z gone, Paulie gone and Nicole gone. Z first, Nicole 2nd then Paulie!!

      • I used to want Paulie gone first but after watching the feeds tonight I want Natalie gone first. She is the biggest hypocritical dirty snake. Then Michelle can go followed by Paulie or Bridgette.

      • I was just thinking the same thing… I liked Paulie then but now he can kick rocks✌?️

      • I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a hand in that. Remember, he acted like he was Frank’s ally. He was working Frank side of the house w/Frank.

      • Couldn’t agree more! I wish we could just go to September & end this snoozefest! In the meantime, I’m counting down the days until Survivor starts!

      • Maybe this win will wake some people up and they will realize he’s going to take it all if they don’t get rid of him. At least I’m hoping someone will wake up. I’m sick of the Paulie show.

      • I pray Bridgette is playing them n wins hoh on de n puts pp up n neither wins veto so one of them go da had James back n they gna pick him off anyway I’m disappointed he went against her cause just maybe Paul would’ve sent Bridgette home it’s a game n may the best player win even if they look like horrible ppl trying

      • Why can’t they pick houseguests that are 30+ in age that would be so much more interesting than these 20somethings with no real life experience

  2. It’s no way they can get rid of Paulie now. They waited too late! I don’t even hardly watch anymore, it’s the same ole same ole boring moves.

      • That’s the reason why everyone clings ton him because he is the strongest physical in the house and everyone is using him for protection

      • I think they catching on to James throwing comps so he can get less dirt on his hands. I think pretty soon u will see James front and center getting scorned.

      • Right! They are scared of him because of his wins. BB should just pay these morons to pack and leave and never return, instead of dragging it out like something is going to change.

      • From now on i think Paulie should be referred to as the PIED PIPER because the rodents are just following him around,while he toots his big pipe (mouth}

    • They probably will, which is good. Michelle and Z bring nothing to the house at this point. Michelle’s the mean girl and Z’s too obsessive and clingy for my taste. That is not how I want to see my gender portrayed.

      • I’m still trying to figure out what Corey has been doing? Nicole just needs to go for being so annoying and a snake! Nicole’s face when Frank outed her to Da’Vonne….priceless ?

      • Corey is satisfied with fingergate! I hope when Paulie take him to the final 2 that Corey wins it all and him and Ratcole can go have a finger bang party all by themselves.

      • That’s good to hear. One of those 2 deserves to go home this week as they’ve floated long enough and Zak is a complete embarrassment to watch.

  3. I can’t stand Paulie. I’m done with him.

    I’m also done with the houseguests all rolling over and being complete wimps.

  4. I wonder what everyone’s reaction was when he won….
    This is just getting absurd. I hope he does use it on Z , doubt it but I wanna see what happens either way. He should’ve thrown it but of course he can’t help but try to win. Smh.

  5. Damn! It seems like he only lose comps that he throw. Gotta hand it to him. He has a nice record so far……5 wins now?

  6. I hate Paulie. I hate this game. Paul is going to remain Paul’s bitch. BB has turned from one of the best shows on television to a jock driven chauvinistic show of discrimatory garbage. It’s total hogwash and it’s totally rigged. It’s racist. It’s sexist. It’s homophobic. I’m through this time. It’s a failed sociological experiment and needs to be cancelled immediately. Kiss my ass Big Brother and every person supporting Paulie and that nauseating nasally impaired Nicole and other nitwits on that inane and pointless show. Keep this mind. No female will ever never win again and no minority will ever win ever. ::flipping my bird:: to Julie, Rich and Allison. Zing that bitches. I’m out.

  7. Say what you want about Paulie, but hard to deny if he’s in the F2, then he deserves to win at this point.

  8. Ugh. Was really hoping one of the girls would win. I hate when people plan way ahead in the game (seems majorly arrogant to me) and I really wanted their plans to get messed up.
    I’m watching my first episode of BBCAN right now. With this to keep me busy, I may give up on this season…..

  9. Paulie is planning on taking Corey and z to the end. Corey won’t get the jury’s votes because he’s done NOTHING and Z well no need to explain about her.

    • Like I said before Corey has ADD and is not taking his meds. He has a hard time focusing.

      • They should have let him had his medicine. He cracks me up by always talking about someone can’t win comps but he is the main one that can’t win a comp.

      • Nicole told him he needed to take his meds. I don’t know if they didn’t let him or he doesn’t want them. They were talking on the feeds and some of it was hard to hear but he said adderall would give him an advantage in the comps so he’s not taking it. He said they told him in the DR. So I don’t know if they gave him a choice to take them and he doesn’t want to. But Nicole did tell him you need to tell them you need your meds. It’s pretty sad because when I watch on the feeds looking at his eyes you can tell he has a hard time focusing.

      • They told him he could not take them bcz of the advantage it would give him. Nicole was telling him he needs them. People was saying he has serial killer eyes, but now I understand why his eyes are like that. He can’t concentrate to play BB but he can concentrate to play w/Ratcole every night. Mmmmk

  10. Did I just sense an epiphany between Paul and Victor about Paulie?? I hope so!!

    • I agree. But his head is so big. He was talking about being the one that wins the most comps.

      • I applaud that. That’s part of Big Brother. You could argue winning ones you don’t need to paints a bigger target on your back, but I still applaud it. Good for Paulie for playing Big Brother to win. He backs up the tough talk more often than not, he says he likes comps, and he proves it by winning them frequently. That’s what I would strive to do if I ever played.

      • But like you said it puts a bigger target on you. If they wake up maybe they’ll see he needs to go because he’s such a strong player.

      • It might (well, it does, not might) make me crazy, but I would welcome it and embrace it if winning competitions made people want me out sooner. I would try to tell them that’s a reason to get me on your side, to work with me, as opposed to being a reason to send me out. Because if I win a lot, I can protect you and get you further in the game if you’re my ally. And I can assure you, I’m not a cocky person at all. Paulie I can admit he seems pretty cocky.

        I don’t condone overboard arrogance, but what I do condone is not backing down aka throwing competitions just to avoid that target. He seems to want to go up against anybody, and I can’t help but respect that. That’s what I relate to and why I like Paulie as a player.

      • I think he’s playing a great game but what turns me off is like you said he’s arrogant and cocky. If he’d be a little humble I would probably be rooting for him like I was in the beginning.

      • I can definitely understand that. I liked him a little more early on than I have lately. I wish he would tone down some of what he’s doing. It just hasn’t changed the bigger picture for me, at least not yet anyway. I hope he doesn’t do anything else to make it any worse…

  11. Per Jokers:
    Sat 7:26 PM BBTPeople were roasted during the comp by Paul. Paul says Paulie never found a veto, but he won because his was found last or not – CassieM
    found at all.

  12. Z has been giving oral fellatio to that Paulie impersonator. Until recently because of her relationship with that loudmouth Da and emotional Michelle, Paul doesn’t want no parts of her; he won’t even save her with the veto. His brother should be ashamed of him. He’s a joke. I can’t believe that I’m saying this but I miss Frank and Tiffany already.

  13. James is a twat. He’s always throwing comps and makes the same mistakes. Didn’t he learn anything from his last season?? I’m sick of him too because of his incompetence and senility.

      • It’s good to have to some common ground. He’s going home soon. His Care Package might come in handy.

      • If Zakiyah actually is saved with the Veto (I’m still doubtful) and if James does go up (still doubtful on that too) I just hope the care package doesn’t save James. Then again, I want Michelle gone too. Tough call.

    • He’s always talking about AFP and he wants to win that! He may win but I will keep my little ole vote to myself. I will be d-mn if I even think about giving him a vote. Gnat has more insight of the game than him, but he stops her from making moves. I wish James didn’t have those 2 votes.

  14. We need to get ridg of the stragglers who wanted to go to jury anyway! Now, they are getting their wish! Sorry, I will never cheer for the floaters to win that $500,000. Paul or Paulie deserve it because they have been playing! The others, who cares? They don’t care about winning so, why should we?

    • I agree with you bud. Their trying the most and getting their way! It’s not very entertaining to watch, but they do seem deserving.

    • It’s scripted Rich. Come on now. Production is manipulating you and stirring up the pot.

    • Refreshing to hear somebody finally say this. Year after year people want floaters who contribute nothing, bring nothing on the table, to stay in the game. Paulie looks to be wanting to go up against the best (leaving tough competitors in the game to go up against later, in crunch time) and he’s getting knocked for it. I applaud him for it.

  15. Jozea told them week 1 to get rid of Paulie and called Ratcole a snake and to watch out for her. They should have listened!

  16. This season is so boring and predictable. Poor Z will be sad when she goes back to watch these episodes. I want Paulie and Nicole out. I rather Zingbot win this season. He is more entertaining than this cast. I bet Da’vonne is enjoying the jury house better than that big brother house. I’m getting bored just talking about it.

      • Truth would imply facts. That was a comment of strictly opinion. No facts involved, no truth involved.

      • Here’s my facts. There’s sufficient proof that every season since Jordan won that this show has been getting worse and worse. Look at the ratings and the comments on here in the past.

      • No offense to the good people posting here, but using comments here as evidence for your case isn’t strong support. Many viewers of this show don’t go on sites like this. So your comment still remains largely opinion-based and not very fact-based at all. The only thing valid that you mentioned was if ratings have dipped.

      • I’m taking offense to that Ted. The posters and moderators on this blog are some of the most knowledgeable and true BB fans out there. I value their information like gold on here. Myself and others on this site are real fans and WE know what the real deal is. If the common BB fan watched the live feeds, watch BBAD, follow Jokers and read our comments, their view of this trashy show would change. Maybe got the better because it’s getting dramatically worse. And you know it.

      • A lot of people don’t see this comments. That’s my point, and that’s all I was saying. I wasn’t saying the comments from people on here are worthless.

        The show getting worse each year and your reasoning is because people on here are voicing it as such — this is your point, unless I’m mistaken…and it’s not a strong point. Sorry.

        As mentioned, the show has viewership that don’t touch these sites, and perhaps never will. There must be tons of Americans who simply tune in on TV three times a week and don’t involve the internet with their enjoyment of Big Brother. So these comments won’t affect them or their frequency of viewership.

      • I know so so so many people who just watch the broadcasts and have no interest in the show beyond that. You are absolutely correct.

      • Well said. Every year someone complains about the show being boring and they hate this one and blah, blah, blah. But every year they watch. Funny how they talk about ratings too. Well the show is obviously doing very well in the ratings because it keeps coming back. I’m always rooting for certain people to make it to the end also. But if they don’t I just enjoy the show and see who does make it. Some winners I’m disappointed in but by the next day after the season is over you don’t even think about it. People need to lighten up. Supporting and defending your favorites is fine. But remember it’s a reality show and how can you hate someone you don’t even know. You can hate the way they’re playing the game but to hate a person you know nothing about. Sorry I can’t do that.

      • Thank you. And I couldn’t agree more with what you added. Absolutely, go ahead and have the ones you like and dislike, I do too. But I won’t sit here and say “This show sucks” if a week doesn’t go my way, or call it boring and predictable, or pretend that so and so’s best game move in the house is the one that perfectly caters to what I personally want to see happen. I hated the week Frank got evicted, he was one of my favourites, I don’t like Michelle who won that Veto and then didn’t use it, and Frank left without a return ticket. But I didn’t say I’m done with this show or this show is worse and worse every year, I stuck it out and hoped the next week was better — and it was, I didn’t like Da’Vonne and she was gone next.

      • Yes. Can Lav act like Frozen and let it go? Damn. We are entitled to our fact driven opinions and accurate observations.

      • Does nobody here believe in scrolling up? I responded directly to Tannie, and I agreed everyone has their opinion. Now who isn’t letting things go?

      • I apologize Ted. I am directing my comment to Lavendar. Not you. These fruitloop dinguses never cease to amaze me.

      • Excuse me? I’ve been on this website since it started. I believe you’re the one that’s trolling. Nobody can have an opinion that’s different from you so you attack them with pitiful remarks. Like I said Bye Felicia. I’m done with you. You’re not worth my time. Go ahead and keep making your ignorant comments.

      • Look here you ogre. I’m tired of your blasphemous lies and allegations on here. You don’t know me and I don’t know you from a can of paint. Frankly, I don’t want to know you. I do my best to respect others on here but a few of you really try my patience. My ancestors were the camps in Dachau and Chelmno so don’t you DARE mock me and my background. I’m proud of my heritage and I will never forget. I have read your comments before and I have come to the conclusion that you’re a bigot and a racist. You hated Davonne. You hated Frankie. You hated Jozea. Your miserable reflections depict your true human nature and spirit as an individual. You make me sick and others sick on here but I have testicular fortitude to tell you directly. It’s people like you that make this country the cesspool that it is today and it’s morally disgusting. If we met in person, you wouldn’t say any of this to my face. Shut your damn mouth and don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.

      • Oh sigh. Here I go, wading in.

        Every season, there is someone who pops into these discussions who have issues that are far beyond Big Brother. They always seem to be working out their anger here, among a group of people they don’t know and don’t care to know, but somehow, they find it … I don’t know … maybe cathartic? Who f’in knows why people get so heated and blow up like they do. I’m sure they have a lot of sh$t going on and they’ve decided this is their outlet …. or something. But here’s the thing. The interwebs is a big place. There are all kinds of therapists out there who would happily listen to angry (and kind of delusional) rantings. If you want to be over-the-top angry about someone else’s opinion or about whatever you are reading between lines, surely you can find somewhere else online that will satisfy that need more fully.

        I’m giving a big thumbs up to BB talk …. no matter what your opinion is …. because that’s what this forum is for. We often disagree on here. It happens all the time! But most people retain a level of respect for differing opinions. Yes there are arguments about players, but again, most people retain a level of respect for differing opinions, even when debating. Simply shutting down someone else’s opinion with nasty and defensive posts is just dumb and not what this forum is about at all.

        And now, I will sit back and await the attack, because I’m sure it’s coming.

      • Thanks! Just felt like it needed to be said. Even though I know I will “hear about it.” I just get so tired of this kind of nonsense.

      • I do too. I’m glad you said it, I agree it needed to be said. You probably will hear about it, but I guess that goes with the territory. It’s absolute nonsense though as you said, and it should be spoken up against.

      • Hopefully, his more aggressive, out of line posts will be flagged by Matt and maybe we won’t have to deal with so much of it. I do have to say, this year, there seems to be less of this stuff. Or maybe I am just not on here as often this year to see it.

      • I hope you’re right that there really is less of this this year. There’s no place for that. I’ll actually be a little disappointed if it’s not flagged and removed. I would say remove the user, but at the very least give a final warning or something. I don’t know, I’m not a moderator so I won’t pretend to know what the right course of action is. I just think it shouldn’t be tolerated.

      • Jozea, Frankie and Da’Vonne all had good reasons to be disliked based on personalities alone. And I’m not sure what your heritage has to do with this, Lavendargirl never insulted your background.

      • First of all, I take full responsibility for my actions on here and in the real world. I’ve been an avid watcher of this show and many others like it. I honestly have came to the conclusion that many of the people on this site that don’t agree with me, are subconsciously thinking irrational and discriminatory thoughts. For instance, I’m not a African American, but I feel that a lot of people dislike Davonne because of her skin color. She put up with a lot of bullshit in the house and no really cared except for a few people. Except for the issues with Tiffany and Frank, she stayed to her self. For instance, she was reading the Bible like my friend several years ago who was reading the Torah daily. On the other hand, Nicole was consistently running her mouth and causing all sorts of a trouble and no one considers her a target. Why? Because she is white. Except for a few loyal commenters on here, everyone else doesn’t see her a threat because her skin is not dark. You think racism is dead but if you pay attention to the world around you, it’s sadly not. I have read people making fun of her weave, her emotions, and her background and it’s morally and ethically disgusting. Everyone gets so defensive on here when myself or someone else on here gets on a rampage but it has to start somewhere. Sadly, most of you disgusting sons of bitches will never walk in a minority’s shoes and live a day in their lives. Even with this reality show, we can’t escape ours because it’s so warped and f’ed up, you can’t see straight anymore.

      • You can’t win with some people. After a few comments expressing my opinion I just ignore them.

      • I thought you said an hour ago you were done and out of here? By the way I’m also entitled to my opinion.

      • Everyone has their own opinion. I have seen better seasons. I understand it’s only a tv show guys! Didn’t mean any harm at all guys…#feelings

      • Understood. Sorry if what I said came across as harsh. I can see how it might have. I agree, everyone has their opinion.

  17. The season was so good but now it has taken a hard curve and it’s becoming bland and predictable. Paulie is untouchable, the girls are… yknow. Bad. And the rest of the guys do what Paulie wants…
    Lol this show makes me so mad a lot of times and i have said this many times, if they cast players with knowledge of the game, they would see right through Paulie.

  18. I just hope that Victor gets the 3rd care package. That way it would actually be useful! Why the hell did America voted James this week?!

    • It will only be another package for Paulie! Like this HOH was and everything else. He already told James how he wanted his eviction votes used.

    • To me it’s the best that could happen. My favourite player now can’t be backdoored. Sorry it didn’t work out for you.

      • What bull? That’s my opinion, so I think I’ll just stand by it if that’s alright. I think it’s bull everybody else wants a player who deserves it to be out of the game because “he’s not very nice”.

      • You don’t think it’s odd that’s he’s involved in every single critical aspect of this game lately? He’s like Boston Rob on the last season of Survivor but Paulie is a total scumbag.

      • About as odd as Vanessa last season? I didn’t like Vanessa, she nearly made it all the way to the end, and I dealt with it. It’s about time people start dealing with Paulie this season. They don’t have to like him as a person, but they’re blinded to the good things he’s doing in the game. I like Paulie as a player in Big Brother. I don’t know him as a person and neither does anybody else here.

      • He’s not doing nothing good and bringing nothing to this game. The casting staff on this ludicrous show needs to be terminated. Vanessa and Paulie are exactly the same in their own annoying and trifling ways. Vanessa was a jerk and Paulie is exploiting poor black women and using them for his sick perverted sexual fetishes. However, do you remember Gina Marie from several years back? They keep finding people that are disgusting on the inside and as well on the outside. That taint was an ingrate. Anyways, Paulie is not like Cody at all. Cody was enjoyable during his season. The only mistake he made was bringing Derrick instead of Victoria. He was not womanizing or acting like a douchebag like his brother.

      • LOL! I did not like Cody and he was a floater that hid behind Derrick but I like him better than Paulie!

      • I think you might want to educate yourself on what “floater” means. It’s original meaning was someone who floated from one side of the house to the other, like Andy Herren. Cody was never a floater. he was with Derrick the whole season.

      • That’s your opinion. Floater or coaster they’re all the same to me. Cody hid behind Derrick the whole time is the reason why he got so far. He was not all that great in comps like Paulie. You call it waht you want I say Floater.

      • On the side of fairness, you absolutely have to blame Christine for that too. She was so unbelievably far from innocent. She was married, Cody wasn’t. In my eyes Christine was more out of control than Cody in that situation.

      • Unfortunately for us, as viewers, Paulie is the only one playing. Yes, I think he’s a jerk, and no, I don’t want to hang out with him, but he is playing the game and that’s more than anyone else is doing. I’ve said it before … Paulie stands out as bulldozing the house, but come on. The rest of these people are just laying around. I was hoping that after Frank got evicted, some of them would step up. I was hoping that Victor would use his HOH to try to make a big move. Sigh. The only thing I can say is that maybe Paulie can relax a bit, because as things are, he is winning this thing.

      • I respect that — That despite not liking Paulie, you can see the pros of what he’s doing in that house and aren’t letting the dislike blind you from it. I don’t mind the bulldozing currently going on but I admit, that’s because Paulie is my first choice of who I want to see win the game. I can admit it probably isn’t the most entertaining thing for the general audience to watch, even if I do get enjoyment out of it personally. I’ve always sided with competitors who don’t back down from challenges. This guy volunteered to go up on the block, then won Veto and pulled himself down. That’s pretty cool, that he’s able to back up the tough talk.

      • Absolutely, but it would be so much more interesting to watch if he had some real competition. That would make it so much for exciting as a viewer. As it is, he’s sailing to the end.

      • Agreed, for the most part his competition hasn’t been too strong. Although in that Veto I mentioned, where he volunteered to be on the block, he beat Victor in the final round, and Victor is arguably the second strongest in competitions this season. I haven’t seen his Veto win this week but it sounds like it wasn’t easy as they mentioned the competition took 8 hours or so.

      • I think he’s very strong in the comps for sure, but when I talk about having real competition, I mean more in the sense of game strategy and how to work these people. He’s got going in both categories. While he might have some competition for some of the comps (as you mentioned, Victor), no one is coming close to his strategic game play. And really, I’m not even sure he’s that strategic so much as he is a very strong and confident personality and no one in this group is willing to challenge that.

      • I agree with that completely. He’s not exactly masterminding like Dan or Derrick on the strategic side, and nobody is challenging his confident personality to take him on in any way at all. I’m sure some think “that time will come later” but are likely using that as an excuse for the time being to stand pat. He’s doing something right strategically and socially, but he hasn’t been amazing with those aspects.

      • I just can’t imagine seeing a brilliant move like Dan’s funeral happening with this group. I would so love another season like that one.

      • Right? People complain that “no one plays the game, all they do is float”. Well guess what, Paulie is actually playing the game. Good for him.

      • Exactly. Thank you wiggy. People keep wanting players like Michelle and Zakiyah to stay in the game because others need to go first. Maybe, yeah, because they’re bigger threats, but the people I want out first are the people who don’t deserve to be there. Who are floating or worse, intentionally floating. People keep complaining that it’s boring now, and don’t stop to think if Paulie continues on this track, he’s setting up a final 5-6 weeks of the best against the best (competition wise). That won’t be boring.

      • I’m with you. Michelle, Zakiyah, James and Natalie need to all go and get evicted, one after the other! Then, we can have have the others go after each other then!

      • Bingo. I’d love to see the final weeks’ competitions be battles of the best. I get the sense Paulie wants this, as an example the Veto he won in that False Start competition it was down to him and Victor and he embraced it. “Mono E mono”…and he won.

      • The only thing is he has no one to play with or give him any kind of comp! Seem like they wimp out when Paulie is up!

  19. How was Paulie playing veto anyway?
    Things could change for the better when and hopefully if Z leaves. Whenever she was in bed with Paulie all I kept thinking about was her smelly hair.

  20. The way I see it is like this…if Paulie does not use the POV on Z then Z will have to be the one evicted cos she is gonna know the gig is up otherwise. If Paulie leaves the noms alone Z will feel betrayed forever, so she will have to go because Paulie will not want to deal with a betrayed Z. Now, if Paulie uses it on Z then who is Victor gonna put up? Me thinks another girl, so that leaves us Natalie, Bridge and Nicole ~ I guess we’ll know soon enough…

      • Victor should put up James if Paulie uses the veto to take off Zakiyeh. He has two nullification votes but, can still be evicted! Send James to the jury house with Davonne!

      • Victor is mad at James because James destroyed everyone personal belongings and left his neat. James DESTROYED the house

      • Sounds like something James would do. For two seasons now I’ve gotten sick of him thinking he’s funny. The damn endless annoying comments too during competitions when others are trying to focus. And last but oh so not least, the absolute bonehead move of talking to Da’Vonne, sitting on the block with Bridgette, and suggesting that Bridgette will still be around during double eviction. Absolute joke of a move and he just calls it a “rookie mistake”. No James, call it a brainfart or a blonde moment and maybe I respect it. It wasn’t a rookie mistake, it was flat-out stupid.

      • I didn’t mean offense. Hopefully you knew what I was getting at. The term ‘blonde moment’ and what it entails. Bottom line James let himself off easy calling it a rookie mistake. It was worse than that and I had no respect for him not properly owning up to it.

    • As much as it’s a tough spot for Paulie not to use it on Zakiyah, I don’t think he will. I think he’s going to see that doing so will cause waves with Paul and Victor. He will then, as you mentioned, likely be more ok with Zakiyah being evicted this week, to not deal with the fallout of a betrayed flirtmance. Maybe he’ll even tell Michelle they have her back and prove it when/if she’s not evicted, the same way he told Bridgette he had her back when she won the eviction vote over Da’Vonne.

  21. Dagnabbit..now there’s no chance of BDing Paulie and Michelle will most likely go home because Paulie will use the Veto on Z and Vic will more than likely put Natalie up. James will use the care package advantage to save her over Michelle. And last but not least, Paul probably will have no chance of going to the end with Paulie.

  22. very interesting situation….Paulie has a lot of thinking to do….He is dammed if he uses the veto and dammed he don’t…The guys all know that “PAULIE” pushed for Zakiyah to be OTB…Now for him to do a complete turn around to wanna keep Zakiyah is gonna be a big red flag raiser…Especially for Paul and Victor who will be very watch full. They did say that Paulie did not win the veto but “found” it..

    • I hope z does leave. Did anyone see after dark tues? That whole fight with her a paulie showed her true colors. I don’t think he was yelling at her at all I think he felt lied to by her and was just talking to her about it but she overreacted and played the victim when as the night goes on its glaringly obvious she WAS lying! Esp when she was talking to meech about it and kept dodging every time she asked but what did he say we said?( she told paulie meech said Vic said something to meech but actually meech said it to Vic) so when she kept not telling meech what was said that was a lie it was pretty clear who the liar was. All this aside grime the fact she said James wasnt in the room for the convo but then was like oh I didn’t know he was there he was sleeping but james was like no I was up walking around even asked if they wanted water. Now zs crying and playing victim saying she’s never been treated so bad!? Like what? U lied!

      • Rare to see somebody see things like I do when it comes to Paulie. Always the villain according to so many on here. “Berated Zakiyah”…not really. He wasn’t perfect, but she was worse.

      • I know even the person writing the updates on the Pop station was like Paulie yelled at zakiyah until she cried, I was like what?!

      • I’ve seen a lot of biased writing on Big Brother lately. It’s unfortunate, but I guess it is what it is. People can not like somebody, that’s their choice (Paulie in this case) but be fair in writing recaps and reports. Don’t skew or alter information to coordinate with your personal opinion on him. That’s what’s been happening a few times, sadly.

        I don’t like Da’Vonne or James for example, but I’m not about to write things about them that aren’t true.

      • You can say whatever u want about day in my eyes, im glad she’s gone, she had EVERYONES name in her mouth at all times

      • Trust me I’m extremely glad she’s gone. I wish she was gone earlier, but as long as she’s gone now and won’t come back… I’m good.

        Sucks though that producers only showed nice, pleasant goodbye messages for her. Yet when Tiffany is evicted they show Da’Vonne dancing and taunting.

      • Omg that was sooo rude, she did the same thing to frank. I thoughttiffany was annoying and glad to see her go but that is just rude and classless, same as when she left and only hugged z

      • Exactly, I agree. I don’t know why production gives her that seemingly preferential treatment, in terms of sometimes sweetheart edits and showing her mocking others, only to show only nice things said about her. I don’t really get it. Just like I shake my head at acting that way when she’s barely halfway through the game and has nothing to brag about yet, so she got what she deserved for that. I just wish she got a taste of her own medicine in those goodbye messages after her eviction. Disappointing, but oh well.

      • She had a really bad hypocrite problem, always mad and calling people out for exactly what she had been doing, made me crazy!

      • So many things she did drove me crazy. They brought her back for a 2nd season so all I ask now is they never bring her back for a 3rd. I don’t think I’m asking much… I never want to see her again.

      • Victor and gave him some good info. She should of known Victor is not logically capable to put in context of what she was trying to imply.

  23. I cant stomach watching get the live feeds and it looks like the “Executives” are meeting at 3am.
    I’m going to have to read joker updates to see what happens.

  24. I miss the seasons where everyone played. This is madness. It really sucks when half the house or more are floaters or just dumb aces. If this was an intense season where everyone played more people would like Paulie. People aren’t liking him because everyone is kissing his patootie. With frank and day gone this season is a wash, hell even with Tiffany gone.

    • Exactly. At this point, who else deserves it other than Paulie? Maybe Paul cause he managed to go from target#1 to one of the HGs in power. Unless someone takes out Paulie, no one else deserves it.

      • Yes as much as I don’t want to say it, Paulie ftw or Paul. I miss all the greats. Derrick is not even a great given how crappy the other houseguests were that season. And it’s just been a domino effect since season 15.

      • I’d be curious to see how Paul would play if Paulie was gone. I’m not convinced he would be such a strong player on his own. He too easily bends to Paulie’s will and seems to make decisions based on personal reactions rather than game strategy.

  25. There were 6 people playing and 3 were gonna throw the comp…one of the 3 that was gonna throw the comp ended up with the veto.. I wonder if production purposely made the comp a “hide & seek” to make sure nobody could throw it????

    • All you have to do to throw it is hide your veto card in a place that’s easy for someone to find. Once your card is found your eliminated

  26. *Rubbing hands together* It seems that Paul wants to put up James. He keeps stating that everyone hates James right now.

    • Y’know, I wouldn’t mind if James gets renominated. At least that’ll open his eyes to the game, and see that he’s not actually with the guys. It’d be too late though. He used to be my favorite player, but him throwing comps just made me not like him anymore.

    • Z baby won’t like that. That means Nat will be free to ship Paulie. Watch for her & Nic to shun Nat if that happens. #MeanGirlCity

    • He got the 2 eviction vote package so it will kinda be a waste, unless they do put him up and he uses it and won’t have any power for DE.

  27. Natalie is probably pissed at James for his sad ass game play. Natalie came to win and she thought James would get her there. But he’s throwing comps and constantly consulting Paulie. Hopefully if she’s pissed he’ll get his head back in the game

      • Lol her whining during the hoh comp to Vic telling him to just give it to her was sooo annoying, I liked when he was finally like hello I’ve been evicted I’m not giving up

      • She did come to win, she just did not want to do the work to get there so she latched onto James. Now James is throwing the game and she’s pissed

    • What Natalie needs to have is to have James evicted! Maybe, she can concentrate on playing the game if she wants that $500,000 however, she did not use her head and blindly followed James! The blind leading the blind! Probably too late for her to save her game at this point.

    • Are we talking about Natalie that’s in the BB house? The Natalie that said I just want to make it to jury? The Natalie that hides behind Jamesy? The Natalie that didn’t know what backdoor meant? Lol. I don’t think Natalie came to win.

  28. Paulie just told James and Corey he won’t be using the Veto on Z. That way they don’t have to put up a replacement. Right before that Paul was telling Paulie that everyone hates..hates..hates… James. Someone walked in and they are going to talk later about it. Guess James might be getting busted for his strange behavior soon.

  29. And the domination of the house by one player continues for another year, just like it did with Vanessa, and Derrick, and so on and so on…

    Let’s face it, Big Brother is in a rut – The producers need to either shake up the game or the casting (I suspect it’s the latter) so that this doesn’t keep happening year after year like it has the last several seasons.

    Something needs to be fixed so that “I’m just going with the what the house wants” ceases to be a viable mantra week after week for every player every year. When even a nitwit like Paulie can dominate a season, something’s broken, and it needs to be fixed!

    • They need to now start bringing in better twist for this season to shake it up! These morons is just laying around doing nothing but being lazy! I kind of fault the producers and the flop twist they do have going!

      • It’s absolutely the producers. It begins with casting this puppy. And lose the f’in twists!

      • I love the twists if they are real twists! Like right now, I’m tired of seeing the same thing happen over and over and no one doing anything but waiting for the next eviction and veto! Being lazy and bored! I need some on the edge twist that shakes it up and keep me on the edge of my seat! The twist that’s going now is just flops!

      • I can’t remember a good twist in the last three or four seasons. Mind you, I pretty much forget a season once it’s done, so …..

      • Yes! I know it’s like the last few seasons they quit with the twist and now they are bringing these flop twist to the game.

      • Me Too! When people post about previous season gameplay and players I usually have to look it up! The only players Zi remember are Janelle, Will, Roddy, and Amy! And I watched lots of seasons after those guys!

      • I’ve probably watched every season and I forget them as soon as they are done. I definitely remember Janelle and Will, but Roddy and Amy? Nope. I’d have to google them.

    • I honestly think BB should go back to it’s roots. Ditch all the stupid twists, cast without recruiting people who have no interest, and just allow people to play, using strategy. The twists so often mess with players’ games and almost always suck, frankly. You get a very strategic player, one who is seriously working to play the game, and suddenly some stupid twist gets in their way. I want to see a season with no ridiculous twists. Double Eviction? Great. Dumb ass twists? Lose them!

      • Yes how I long for a season of ‘Classic’ BB – no strange twists, only PoV and maybe a DE and lots of comps requiring different skill sets where HGs can win actual prizes and money.

      • What was t he season w/Amanda? It was literally no twist! OMG! I think that’s when all the twist ended. It was painful to watch her just wreck havoc being nasty.

    • Agreed… too many pretty people being picked for romance. They probably do a human body scent test to ensure attractions .

    • I would like the casting to come in as four groups of four friends. Male/Female ratio doesn’t matter. I think that would create a little bit of friction for the HG’s to sift through.

    • Logic: The game isn’t going well so the system is broken.

      Look I’m not the biggest Paulie fan, but I really doubt the producers are to blame for him dominating the season.

      • Exactly… this is a common reaction though when the game isn’t going to somebody’s liking

      • How exactly are his comments unclear? He said the show’s in a rut and blames it on casting saying that he feels the Producers need to shake it up. In my opinion he’s 100% right. The Producers/Network are 100% responsible for the casting choices. The #1 problem this Season seems to be everyone commenting on how much they dislike the players this year. Most of the people on the show seem to be recruits looking for TV time or vets being paid to be there. (IF comments I’ve read here saying that Frank announced he was being paid and Nicole said she was too are accurate. If not, my apologies.) I haven’t missed a season in years and this year I gave up because of the personalities. I skim through an ep if I remember but spend more time here reading recaps. I think his points were very clear and well stated. The Producers are 100% responsible for this season. Casting choices make this show. Lower ratings during the Summer when there is no competition means something.

      • It’s not that I think the game isn’t going “well”, per se, as much as it is the game is going exactly the same way it has for each of the last several seasons – one player dominates the game, and everyone else spends the rest of the season saying things like “I just want to go with the house” and “I don’t want to get any blood on my hands” and “I just want to make it to jury”, and each season becomes a slow, predictable death march to an inevitable ending.

        And I really do blame it on the casting. Do you remember when the show started, how everyone who was in the house was a fan and someone who, you know, actually wanted to be there, and not just recruited for their good looks and/or connection to a previous popular houseguest? Or when the cast wasn’t all good looking people in their twenties? Remember when they used ro have actual senior citizens on the show? When was the last time we saw an actual fat person, someone who didn’t have six-pack abs? Or more than one token “old” person who was older than in, say their forties? Or when the fat and “old” person wasn’t the same person?

        I’d just love to see a season with no returnees, no former cast member’s relatives, no people recruited at the last minute for their looks (like Corey), an entire cast of real fans who are real people who actually want and/or need the money and who look like the actual population – a full range of ages, races, body types – and not eleven people who are all young and good-looking.

        Maybe then, there would be more than one person each season who could actually think for themselves and who might actually be motivated to play hard for the money instead of being just satisfied to pretend its twentysomething summer camp where all they do is work on their tan and obsess over their showmances and nobody has much ambition beyond making it to jury so they can get their stipend for the whole summer…

      • Wow, you nailed it & can’t agree more! Esp on getting folks over 40 & plus size bodies. They are all over the US. Yet BB can’t seem to cast any.Why not? The 1st winner Eddie rocked & was a disabled man. He was the real deal & played so well despite missing a leg. They also had a pug for the house pet. Why didn’t they keep up with a pet for them to care for. Just the boring fish!! Still watching & hope to God I finally choose someone I want to win.

      • Okay I hear you.
        Yeah the casting was utter crap, atleast with last year we had people like Jason and Johnny Mac.

    • All the newbies that are cast are shown one or two recent seasons. They are totally unfamiliar with how the original game was played. Maybe they should be shown some much older seasons instead, for real game play. Season 2, for example, or any of several more distant seasons, when “the house” didn’t vote as one body.

    • But you’re still watching, right? Don’t worry about what others are or aren’t doing, or watching.

      • I see I struck a nerve with you. Truth hurts. TVseries website provided that data. Shut your damn mouth. I’m tired of retards and imbeciles like you on here acting like this. I find evidence and you complain and bitch about it. Grow a pair and mind your business.

      • Unbelievably over-the-top remark for what RQ88 said… he/she was being pretty respectful and calm. Not sure where your tirade came from.

      • Interesting response. I thought I was being nice. You called it a forsaken show so all I did was ask are you yourself still watching it. And if you’re still watching why do you care if others aren’t.

        Thanks Teddy and Kevin

      • So not only was your jackass response unnecessarily rude, but it didn’t even make any f***ing sense. Grow a pair? Do you even know the meaning of that phrase or how to use it? There’s zero sense or context in the way you used it, in response to RQ’s comment. I don’t know what’s worse, your idiotic comment’s existence, or the fact somebody up-voted it. Get your unintelligent ass off of the site if that’s how you want to talk to people. Your comment should be flagged and removed.

      • Mind your business yet you decide to speak on a public website.

        Also he’s not complaining or bitching. You’re putting words in his mouth.

  30. They might as well just go ahead and hand Paulie the $500,000 check. All of these dumb players are basically handing him the win. I mean, how is he not a target by now after winning all those comps? I just don’t understand!

  31. WOW how can they not see any of this? James throwing comps, Nicole can’t see past her nose unless it is Corey, Corey to wrapped up in dog’s and Christmas, Natalie just wanting to get to jury, Michelle too emotional, Bridgette stuck between a rock and a hard spot, Z too busy licking Paulie in spots I do not even want to know about, Victor talking big when winning the Battle Back and Paul who might have a idea what’s going on but bows down to Paulie because he is team PP and too busy being “Your Boy” and making “Friendship”. Yep that about sums it up, just watching now to see which doofus, Fruit Loop Dingus goes next.

  32. Might as well leave that nasty house the same bcz in 5 min after cleanup it will be like a whirlwind hit it again! Just save the trouble, they been living in filth this long.

    • Not even close. And I wasn’t a Derrick fan. He had finesse and made the other players think everything was their idea. Pauie pouts and steamrolls over everyone if he doesn’t get his way, He is a better player than Cody, I’ll give him that.

  33. I think he’ll use it to save Zak since Paul is so hellbent on sending her home. I predict Natalie being the replacement nom and Michelle going home.

  34. Problem is these morons for weeks for playing to best certain people…like Tiffany, Frank, etc. even still..Natalie wants to best Nicole, etc. the point of this game is to best everyone!! They are finally waking up to the fact that they cannot beat Paulie now. He has too much of a strangle hold on house. Once Frank was evicted game over. If da was not a complete idiot, she would have teamed with Frank to take down PP

  35. Vic is HOH but can’t take a shower in the HOH room? I get confused as to who exactly is HOH because so many people line the bed. I guess staking their claim as hoh even though they didn’t earn it.

  36. And natalie just proved y I don’t get how women can like her, she just told meech she had to try on her clothes she brought for production because they thought they were too revealing. A TV company that knows sex sells thinks something too revealing! Come on I remember the first week she had on shorts where her ass checks were hanging out. I just don’t get it like ur going on TV y purposely try and look like trash?

    • Maybe because she likes what she wears ? I don’t need Natalie or any other women conforming to my Puritan clothing standards to like them. The guys walk around half naked all day and it’s chill, but heaven forbid Natalie wear something revealing.

      • When a TV co has a problem with it then I do too, guys can go topless that’s normal a girls ass checks hanging out is not esp when that girl tries to portray herself a different way. If z had said It i wouldn’t have commented but Natalie tries to act a certain way and i just think she’s fake kinda like how she lies about her fake boobs, y lie? Y be fake? Just own who u are

      • Remember when they took all of GinaMarie’s clothes? I don’t know the exact reason why, but can’t they give the HG’s rules in advance and tell them what they can and can’t wear. Makes sense to me.

      • They take clothes that have any brand names on them; with Gina Marie, they probably also took things that said “F*** you” and the like.

  37. Big Brother needs to reduce how much people get paid in jury. Too many people in the house are floating along knowing they can at least go to jury and get paid a decent amount of money. These morons need some motivation so they can put up a decent fight against Paulie. At this point I think Paulie should win since the rest of these idiots aren’t even playing the game.

    Side note, Vic might be the biggest idiot in the house. Paulie got his ass kicked out and he still goes along with the douche’s plans…

    • Paul can be thanked for that. After Victor left the first time, Paul got close to Paulie. When Victor came back, already close with Paul, Paul told Victor something along the lines of “Don’t worry bro Paulie’s cool now. Paulie is friendship. Your boy wouldn’t steer you wrong. Let’s bake muffins to blow off steam from being pissed.”

      Seems likely that Victor would listen to Paul on this. Paul was his only vote to stay when Victor was evicted.

    • Agreed, jury seems to be the main goal for most of these HG, so they should also make jury less rewarding. One way to do this would be to keep the jury members separated until the last few days so that they can compare notes, but not have an extended Summer vacation with their new besties.

    • What they should do, keep it at 25, reduce by number of weeks left, redistribute funds to rest of house. That would get them moving,bid they were to lose money. But remember, they’re NOT supposed to talk about production. These people are constantly being reminded.

    • And thus I hope he’s never evicted — because I don’t want the others’ chances to get better because I don’t like most of them. Paulie, Bridgette and Corey are the only ones left that I like.

      • Yukkkk, dirty Nicole. Didn’t you hear what innocent Natalie said about her, how dirty she’s playing.

      • Natalie was in hot tub with Meech discussing strategy and game. Natalie commented on how shady Nicole has been playing. She really didn’t want to say too much out of fear of being outted. Remember, Meech is looking for a way to stay in the game. Didn’t think Natalie was paying that much attention to what was going on around her.

        Natalie also stated James never tells her anything, which we know he has told her half-truths. She is also not sleeping with him this week thinking this will help her game, but she is a little late

  38. Wait! I have a question. Say James gets put up if Paulie uses the veto. Can James then still use his care package? Didn’t he win the ability to cancel out two votes? Can he still use that power if he is on the block?

  39. The vets made out pretty good coming back! Remember Frank said for coming back he got close to 100K, plus what you rack up for each week being there, and if you make it to jury you get 25K. Nicole said she got less than Frank coming in. I think it was Da or Nicole was pissed Frank let out this info, but it seemed to go right over everyone’s head anyway.

    • Not sure I believe that amount, if that’s what Frank said. I just heard him say that the vets got a stipend (lump sum) and not a weekly amount. That seems really high for a show where the winner gets $500K.

  40. Let’s hope he gets some backlash after he openly betrays Z, James fixes the vote, and someone with guts wins the DE HOH and back doors Paulie. Cuz I don’t want my gender portrayed like that…….o yeah, no one with guts this season except him.

    • Personally I can’t wait for Paulie to go after Z, not only is she NOT playing the game, she is talking about having babies with Numbnuts Paulie. They are both dipshits and I can’t wait to see Z go. She brings nothing to the game but looking at herself in the mirror and getting purty for her boy. Whoopee!!!!!

      • I don’t disagree, but he made that bed……as annoying as Z is, michelle is inconceivably more annoying to me. And Paulie is a bully I can’t wait to see go……

  41. I’m reminded of a movie drill Sergeant line “these houseguest are gutless, and the ones that aren’t that are brainless”

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