‘Big Brother 18’ Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Ceremony Results

This week’s Veto Ceremony was held today to give us our final noms of the week and we now have the latest Big Brother spoilers for our Week 6 Power of Veto events.

Power of Veto Medallion on Big Brother

Who would come down from the Block today as Paulie and Bridgette sat on the hot seats? Was Paul ready for a renom? You know it, and so did the new target. Find out who went up and who is slated to head out the door this week.

Power of Veto Ceremony Results – Week 6:

  • Paulie used the Veto on himself
  • Paul named Da’Vonne as the renom
  • Bridgette & Da’Vonne are the final noms

Votes are stacking up against Da’Vonne with at least five Houseguests likely against her already and that doesn’t even include James who didn’t like this plan at all. He may end up being her greatest champion this week if he decides to fight the movement. Otherwise James will fall in line and we could have a 6-2 or 7-1 vote depending on how stubborn Michelle wants to be with what she knows is going on.

What do you think of Paul’s decision. Da’Vonne tried to remind Paul of their team alignment from the start of the season but has become too entrenched with Paulie to find his way back out? I’m thinking Paul just cost himself an ally in the fight, but could he really trust her in the long run?

Want to watch the meeting fallout and next moves made by the rookies and the Vets? Grab the Live FeedsFree Trial and start watching what’s going on inside the house right now!



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  1. YES!!!!!!!!!!! I think Paul made a good decision. Day CANT be trusted, just look what she did to 2 people who werent even after her, and were actually her friend (Tiff and Frank) This is KARMA baby!!!!

      • Love this! Poor MammaDay…. You shoudve stuck with the vets, you shouldnt have started that fued between Frank and Tiff, and you SHOULDVE kept your damn mouth closed BooBooo…. Now guess what…….. HA HA HA HA HA You Lose, Someone else WINS…. lol im being so petty right now, but Ive been wanting this since 3 weeks ago. I will be watching this Wednesday!

    • Only problem is she may have the round trip envelope. Someone said she had the number 8 envelope and there is a clue of Ocho Rios or 8 rivers so, what if she has the round trip ticket? Will that mean no eviction for this week? As long as Bridgette survives one more week and has a chance at HOH! Who knows what may happen?

  2. If finished watching the remainder of the season. James has truly disappointed me. He has no balls!! I can’t believe these MEN are being BITCHED by Paulie. No one sees Nicole’s game. If it wasn’t for Paulie, she could possibly win. Either way it’s game over.

    • AGREED! I expected wayyyyy more from James being he was the puppy dog last season, and was used. You would think he learned a thing or two his first time around but I guess hes using his other head…. lololol Not good Jamesie…

      • James has as good of a chance as Z to end up with Natalie. She has repeatedly said he is her BB boyfriend.
        This season can’t be over with fast enough.

      • I wonder if this season being so sucky has anything to do with the BB airing in the fall…. Is this CBS’s way for making up for this horrible failure of a season? I got to admit however, these updates on the past few days has got me excited to watch again. But if DAY does not leave its over for good for me this season.

      • IDK I read something about that here on the Network…. ill see if I can find it and copy it here.

      • I pasted the link to a message here but its waiting to be approved by the BBNetwork. But its on the 4th or 5th page back from the main page.

      • Natalie will fall for Paulie but, not James! She is only using him and serves him right! He should be concentrating on playing the game properly instead, he has his head kissing Natalie’s butt! He deserves to be played!

      • He is just hanging around thinking, or hoping to win AFP again. That is his goal. I suppose he figures if he plays the fame game as last year, he will win it

      • None of the vets learned from their original season. Everyone of them ended up going about their old ways LOL! None of them improved (Day made jury this season but thats about it) and it’s funny yet sad to see !

    • I wonder if she knows that’s when her game died?

      Honestly – she made a terrible decision pitting her allies against each other so early on but her game was salvageable until she wanted to rub it in Frank’s face that the the house had turned against him rather than just letting him think he was safe and going along with it until it was too late for him to mobilize any kind of defense. Sure Tiffany and then Frank left the house but not without making every single HG aware of what Day did first and all of her alliances, etc. One of the absolute worst thought out moves in BB history (Paulie was right to reject it even though it’s probably benefited him and Paul the most).

      • Day is a pawn for cbs don’t you get it! She knows that being being mean will not win fan favorite but, makes good tv. She was down with Frank but, baiting Tiffany to see if stuff would get back. Frank through her name out first when it got back to her she knew the Alliance was not all Loyal. In the diary room she was crying and said Frank was her favorite. Nobody ever wanted to truly align with her from day one lies or no lies and if she is a target now imagine she won something. will be glad when leaves as well because anybody that is not going to be able to go all the way better earlier than later. They were not all lies that’s how they knew it was the truth. People should be calling her a rat not a lier because that is what she was doing when caught she lied. Just like Nicole did when Frank called her out. Paul said he wanted Day out the first day even when she was on his team. You do get emotional just like Bridget when she thought the house was against her. Finally, she did try to comfort Tiffany when She was crying she said game aside get it together. She was laughing but, trying not to laugh because she was hysterical.

  3. Hahahahaha!!!! Day….. you lost, you lost, yooooou loooooost!! See you never Day!!! Bye girl!!
    Oh please let her feel miserable like she made Tiffany, Frank and Bridgette feel!!!!

    • He was kidding I guess, they would never know how much each person gets paid. Probably the same amount. If some are more than others, do you think the person left second would get paid more than 2 AFP winners?

      • I believe it. Producers clearly wanted Day back for a reason. When else in history has someone come back for another season, after being the second evicted. I also think they probably wanted Donny over Nicole. But Donny probably turned them down, bc Nicole had said before the season to was not going to be on BB this season. That’s why the casting was delayed.

      • Well if Donny was cast instead of Nicole, it would make 3 guys and 1 girl. Hardly.
        You see, 4 vets, 2 guys 2 girls, 2 white, 1 Asian 1 African American.
        Day was supposed to be on the waiting list or something for Survivor, on the last minute she was called to play BB, she said so on the live feeds.

      • Thought I heard that they wanted Elissa (before Da) but she got pregnant and then they tapped Da. IDK.
        But she would have returned as both a vet and as a sibling. She & Tiffany might have been an interesting duo. IDK.

      • You should know better than me hahaha coz I never follow anything before the game starts.

      • So 6 vets then? Not sure what do you mean but anyway hehehe. Coz 3 guys and 1 girl is not balanced. They need to be 50/50 in gender.

      • lol I was saying that they would have 7 girl newbies, and 5 guy newbies, with the 3 guy vets, and 1 girl vet. I didnt mean to confuse you. It’s not a big deal anyway, it’s just speculation that never even happened.

  4. Matt keeps saying that Day is an ally for Paul, but to be honest I don’t really see it that way. Day has made alliances right left and centre and Paul is never part of any of those. They might be Big Sister together but that’s just about it.
    While Paulie is Paul’s strongest ally right now, even more than Victor. And Paul has support from the boys as well. So sticking with Paulie makes more sense. I know a lot of people don’t like PP ruling the house, but game wise, it’s a great move.

    • Paulie is an ally to himself only. Paul made a bad decision for his own game. Sticking with Paulie makes absolutly no sense. He should have teamed up with Day and James and Victor. It is definitly time for the rat Nicole to go and her follower Corey.

      • Yes, Amen, and Thank You very much.

        Paul, Victor James, Nat, Michelle and Da could definitey have takin that house if they look at the big pic. Nicole is sh!ting on people and droowling over Corey’s cockeyed ass, Corey and Paulie are really the only ones who want Da out of he house. and Z is pissing Paulie off on a daily basis to the point that he (Paulie) wants to put Z on the block. Paulie is going to have nothing to do with Z when the season is over which he pretty much has said a few times on BBAD. If Z gets a clue and sees this and start winning some comps, she will go far in this game, only if she hooks up with the people I mentioned above. But right now Z is not pulling any weight, and she sucks at the comp espiecally since she’s riding Paulie’s coat tail. Da may not be winning any comp, but at least she tries hard when she is competeing in them. Al least that’s what I see. I hope to God that Da has the round trip ticket.

    • Paulie is setting himself up to become untouchable. He has all these people around him that would never put him up and he can cut each of them if they get out of line. Paul would have been better keeping Da in case he becomes expendable to Paulie.

      • Plus he keeps adding people to the group when it’s not necessary which means he will always have the numbers on his side.

      • That’s true but from now onwards it’s time to “clip” people as Paulie said it. And Paulie won’t cut Corey, Paul and James.
        Day would keep Z, Mich and James, but cut everyone else.
        The one that could be more of an ally to Day than Paulie is James, not Paul.

      • That’s the thing though how do you know he won’t cut James when James gets upset that he’s cutting Nat before Nic or Z. Same thing with Corey. He says one thing today and another the next day.

      • HGs need to be cut eventually if he wants to win the game. So far he has shown big loyalties to Corey, James and Paul. He has never talked bad things about them, right?

      • Paulie has made it clear he wants the boys club. So he would take either Paul or Corey to F2. Do you seriously think Day would take Paul to F2? She would cut him lose as soon as possible if she has a chance.

      • Didn’t he also say he would take James to final 2? So he has the options. Paul is banking on Paulie taking him. He’s not weighing his options.

      • That was like 2-3 weeks ago about the same time he was also tight with Corey and Frank.
        And how many F2 that Day actually has or allegedly has? Hehehehe.

  5. I am just more upset with myself that I went “Phew” when it wasn’t Nicole. She was my favorite coming into the game but she is really screwing herself royally with the one track mind (Corey may be pretty to look at but come on girl!) and my mind can’t convince my heart yet to start rooting against her.

    I have to say that the ‘Corey puppy store’ scene was fanFRICKINtastic! Way to go editors! I had to watch it again to make sure that really happened…

    • did u see the look on his face…. its like his brain is working to hard so he goes on auto pilot…. deer in the headlights kind of look, mixed with some googly eyes… u got urself a Corey.

      • I would say he’s super tired being a HN and didn’t take adderall as he badly needed it but yesterday I was bashed for saying this so yeah I don’t say anything this time hehehe.

      • it must suck… I forgot about his HN stay… Being a tall person myself I would be pissed if I was forced to sleep in those little cars….

      • He agreed to it. If he doesn’t like it, he is free to exist out the front door whenever he pleases. Like julie always says, the door is closed, not locked.

      • What type of medications are the HG allowed to take? I know what is prescribed by a dr.

        Glad Da is leaving. Karma to Da for lying about Frank and Tiff.

      • I don’t have any idea. Corey said he took adderall for his ADD to help him focus, but somehow wasn’t allowed in the house because the meds could give him a game advantage or something.

      • Thought a few of the females were on this a couple of years back. Even Vanessa!

      • yes they were. There were complaints from fans that it gave them an unfair advantage in some of the comps cause it helps concentration. This year they must of changed the rules.

      • I wonder if they will allow anyone who takes meds for chronic pain? I would like to tryout for BB but my days in SWAT and injuries to my joints cause chronic pain.

    • But there is a bright side to the Nicorey showmance. Corey is in good with the person running the house and because of this he can keep Nicole well informed of what’s really going on.

      • He does not know that Paulie has Nicole on his hit list after Meech ( next) then Z or Nicole then Bridgette

      • I can certainly see why Paulie would keep that from Corey but eventually Corey Will find out and might even make a game move.

      • We’ll find out very soon where Corey’s loyalty lies because Nicole is definitely on the guy’s hit list like the rest of the girls.

      • I’ve talked to other people here that have the feeds about Nicorey and the consensus seems to be that Corey is more loyal to Nic than to Paulie.
        Nicole is in a much better spot than Day or any of the girls right now so I’m sure that’s why Day wanted her out so badly.

      • Da seems to want everybody out badly. and it kills me the shock on their faces when they get voted out. Thats the game folks vote one after another out to the end, and then one last compitition…. get it?

      • I noticed that earlier sara, Day is taking this very emotionally and her feelings are hurt of course. Her endless claims of innocence and bewilderment over being put OTB make me wonder how she could not understand why she’s on the block. She caused a lot of problems and everyone wants her gone, mostly. I hope she will calm down and just accept her fate soon and not act out.

      • On Nicole’s message I would love to see her say in a sing song way ‘I Got You – I Got You’

      • The only issue is Nicole did not get her Paulie got her. Day is a numbers game person she was only playing for jury. She has to know that if anyone has done the statistics on big brother hI istory no b

      • In that case I hope Nicole’s message will be “I outlasted you, I outlasted you” in a sing song voice.

      • LOL…keep hope alive on Corey being loyal to Nicole. Her DAY (pun intended) is coming when the guys will go after her. Corey may not vote to evict her, but he darn sure will campaign against her if they go OTB together.

      • There’s no need to taunt people in your comments, you must have been watching too much of Day on the feeds :D

      • There’s no need to take it personal. If you can’t take my comments or don’t like what I have to say, then don’t respond or post on this board.

      • It’s seems that you’re the one taking Day’s imminent eviction too personal.
        It’s ok though, she could return to the game next Thursday.
        You have a good day TX :D

      • You have a good day too Inky!! Saddle up for Nicole’s eviction…coming soon!!!

      • I’m afraid I had to block you Tx so you can go find someone else to fight with as I’m not interested.
        Have a great day :D

      • Day went after the people she thought were the strongest players that she is afraid of, and I think Nic fall into that category for that

      • Absolutely Lenore. Day has been behind the eviction of 2 players that showed a lot of promise and weren’t afraid to play the game.
        I’m sure Day finds Nicole threatening to her or she would be targeting another HG>

      • Corey is more loyal to Paulie than Nic or else she would’ve known about the boys’ alliance. He’s such a hypocrite, he was mad when he heard there was a girls’ alliance but it is or for the boys.

    • Haha. Yes that was good:)
      I wonder if Corey suffers from some mild form of Asperger’s…

      • Yeah coming from someone who has Asperger’s I really doubt it. He would be as awkward as Ian or Steve.

      • didn’t mean to offend – just wondering as I don’t have any direct experience with the condition – it’s just that Corey seems to exhibit – er – difficulties when he’s interacting with other people at times.
        I read somewhere else that he apparently suffers ADD and the producers won’t let him take his Adderall while he’s in the house so that probably explains it.

      • No I hear you. And I don’t think Corey has that disorder. He’s just a bit awkward. I think Asperger’s would apply more to Steve or Ian like I said earlier.

  6. Honestly — not sure why everyone hates this move.. Too early in the game for Paul to do anything drastic and by following the “house” he still isn’t being considered a “threat” even though he’s won multiple competitions.. He even had Paulie volunteer to put himself in a vulnerable position (so he was very close to getting Paulie on the chopping block).. I think this is about as good as he could hope for, having won this comp.. Also, he can continue to use Paulie and Vic as a shield.. All in all – he did fine IMO

    • Paulie volunteered because of his ego it had nothing to do with trust. Paulie “knew” he would win it and he’s confident that if it wasn’t used, he would not go home.
      Day is the only remaining houseguest that even had a chance of taking Paulie out. I don’t care who wins, as long as it’s not Paulie

      • Don’t disagree that it was based on his own hubris — but Paul would have be credited with getting out the “biggest threat in the game” and on paper would have had one of the biggest power moves of the game — even tho that didn’t happen, Paulie is not targeting Paul. Rarely do you see a big target go on the block and not feel any resentment to the HOH

      • Paulie has a the confidence of Derrick. Who he is modeling his game after. Poorly might I add. Yet he has all the horrible gameplay of Vanessa. Who he unwittingly is more like. He wants to be Derrick, but hes more of a Vanessa.

      • I don’t like Paulie by any means – but to say he’s playing a poor game is a bit of a stretch.. He’s controlling the house (Even though we might not want him to). I do agree though, from an outsiders perspective, he could be positioning himself better in the long-run than he is

      • “The” said he’s poorly modeling his game after Derrick, not that he’s playing a poor game.

      • “he has all the horrible gameplay” — seems like they are saying he’s playing a poor game

      • I don’t like the threats and intimidation. Just like today when Paul said whoever didn’t like the renom will go home next week. He is winning out of fear- not by good game play. If he would’ve ran every HOH, just like he did so far, but not with fear of retribution, I would give him the game

      • Respectfully, disagree.. Intimidation may be part of his game play.. as long as he’s still in the game he is doing something right.. Now, is that how I’d play? Certainly not. But, if it works for him and its helping him get closer to the end, then I can’t say its poor game play

    • I dont think there is much fight here…. She has caused too much drama, and shared to much info with the wrong people over and over. What she needs now is a miracle in the form of a round trip ticket

      • As long as she’s in the house…she has a fighting chance! I hope she doesn’t just give up or believe she’s not the target this week.

      • Her demise was talking too much. She stood a chance to align with James but she told him she wanted to break up the showmance. Idk how far her alignment with James would’ve taken her but at least she would’ve had someone.
        In the beginning James just observed and listened, now he runs and reports just like the rest of them. Paul, Victor, Cory, Nicole and now James. I just can’t believe what I am seeing. I feel like this is a PUNK’D version of BB

      • Right! Julie will let us know at the end of the season when she introduces the new producer of BB Mr. Ashton Kutcher

      • Making it to the final 6 wouldn’t be all that bad for PP, Nicorey James and Victor would it?

  7. Well Bridgette should be thrilled. The 2nd most exciting HG is getting evicted, and she is just sliding right to jury. If she can re-allign herself, win a few comps, Bridgette can make it to the final 3. And if she gets involved more socially, she could even win the final hoh.

    • If Bridgette doesn’t get brainwashed by Paulie, she’s the only one left in the house to possibly win over Paulie.

    • She’s already brainwashed. Just like the rest of them, she feels Paulie is the only one that could protect her. We will see next week when they are forced to turn on each other. He wants all the girls out but he fails to realize he will have a jury full of hurt, angry, bitter women. Not good!

      • I’m actually happy bridgette is safe. I might just be being fooled, but bridgette seems like the sweetest person ever. I just wanna hug her.

      • Please rewind to the beginning of the season. She was the worse. She’s not cute and innocent. I wish all of America could have live feeds to see the real houseguest

      • I do have live feeds. I don’t watch it all the time. But I guess I’m being fooled. I think if I was in the house, which I would never agree to their ridiculous rules, I think I would doing everything to protect her.

      • She turned into this “sweet Bridgette” with the munchkin voice after Bronte was back doored. She curse like a sailor and said mean things. They (Bridgette and Bronte) even made a Asian joke about James

      • Oh, yeah, I remember now, I called her “Rhoda” from the movie “The Bad Seed”. Ha! That was on the other night in her honor, I guess.

      • Wait a sec. I don’t think Bridge made any joke about that. Only Bronte. Bridge is Asian herself.

      • Oh yeah it’s all coming back to me. I do remember her cursing a lot. It was really cringe worthy. Paulie even said that he thought that she had grown up all brothers and other male influences, when in fact she only has a sister. But I like this new sweet Bridgette much better. Even if it is all an act. I hope she keeps it up. Much more pleasant to watch.

      • I actually think so, too, and I feel badly for saying that thing about Frank’s mouth not moving when she talks. She still hasn’t shown much on her own though. There’s time, maybe.

      • I liked her when Michelle and Paul were bullying her. I thought she might start playing her own game since Frank left. But it looks like Paulie is her new puppet master :/

    • Considering the other women and how they have been acting, I think I like Bridgette over the others. Michelle only hates her because she has a crush of Frank. She motioned with her fingers and said that Bridgette caused her to be split from Frank. I do hope she survives this week, wins HOH and starts putting the other floaters like James, Natalie and Michelle on the block for eviction! Can’t stand these floaters doing nothing in the Big Brother House! Just remove them all! If she is able to do that, I would be happy and satisfied.

      • James is not a floater, his gameplay is not good but he is definitely not a floater.

      • If you hear something then you run to tell the boss, you are either a suck up or floater.
        Everyone immediately run to Paulie to give report. This is unbelievable

      • Actually, no. A “floater,” in BB terminology, is someone who floats to the power in the house, no matter where their allegiance truly lies. James’ allegiance is to Natalie first and the boys second. Therefore, James is NOT a floater by definition. He is, however, a do-little. Laying low is his strategy and it’s working out pretty well for him – for the second season in a row! :D

      • He doesn’t have too much loyalty to Natalie, telling the guys how Natalie didn’t save his place in her bed last night. We’ll see soon enough who James is truly loyal too.

      • I think he’s just trying to throw them off a little so he doesn’t appear to be whipped by her. You know – a good old boys’ pissing contest to show they’re still the man. Hahaha

      • It drives me absolutely bonkers when people misuse the word, “floater.” Just because a player doesn’t seem to be really doing anything in the game, it does NOT mean they’re floating, by BB definition. My guess is that people assume the term refers to HGs who don’t seem to be doing anything in the game and appear to be merely floating along, like one would on a lazy river. Problem with that is, it’s technically incorrect in the BB world.

      • Playing an under the radar game in Survivor is actually highly respected. Doing it in BB isn’t as respected, but of course there’s a difference between playing a low key game and floating. Plus BB and Survivor are different games too…. but still. I always find it interesring

      • I absolutely agree with you on that. Under the radar in Survivor = Good, Under the Radar in BB = Bad. The divergence in thinking between two similar games is mind-boggling, isn’t it? Here’s the other thing I find funny – why is floating such a bad thing when the objective for EVERYONE is (or *should be*) to get to the end and win the damn money, whatever it takes?!?!? In both, it should be fully understood and accepted that you will be lied to, sometimes even by your closest ally. Because THEY’RE TRYING TO WIN, TOO. The double standard in both games’ players and their fan bases is really bizarre, IMO.

      • That is what James is doing. Floating to the bigger alliance and giving up his power as HOH to make the nominations that help his game. He is still a floater because of it! All he is concerned is pleasing the bigger alliance! That is floating to me! Floating takes multiple forms, like Paul is also, a floater who snitches on other players.

      • It’s becoming embarrassing to watch, how they’re ALL Paulie’s little flunky.

  8. I believe Paulie would be a more loyal ally than Day, who has yet to show any loyalty to anyone. Due to Day’s constant lies no one can believe a word she says and she’s constantly using the divide and conquer tactic on everyone, including every alliance she was ever in, and there’s been quite a few of them.
    In other words, Day doesn’t have much to offer any of the remaining HG’s as an ally. Would you trust her???

      • Me too. And I liked her early on, but she is too emotional and then impulsive..and too vocal and negative. In turn betraying people, lying. It’s a shame. The only girl left (other than Brig) who is actually playing. The others are too worried about showmances. And then Michelle. Who’s…just.. .

      • I just read that the guys are going to use Bridgette to get out the girls with Nicole as her primary target. Too bad both Day and Bridge can’t leave this week, don’t want another guys finale.

      • I don’t either but at the same time I don’t want girls there just for the sake of it. More guys deserve it at this point.

      • Yes, the guys have certainly outplayed the girls at this point but I’m hoping the girls will come alive and start winning HOH. Be interesting to see who’d they put up. Sadly, I think they would put up Bridge/Nat instead of one of the guys.

      • I am with you. I am tired of all the lackluster females… I hope we find a solid playing, likable female houseguest that actually wins a season one day!

      • Meanwhile, Day, Nat and Bridge for some reason see Nicole as the most dangerous person in the house and want her out fast.
        This is such horrible game play from the females, except for Nicole who at least knows what’s going on in the house.
        Day should be working against Paulie not Nicole.

    • Yes, I would trust her about as much as I’d trust the others. Lies are part of the game. If Day is evicted Thursday, it won’t be because of lies. She’ll be evicted because she’s the only one out of all the girls to see through Paulie’s crap. Idiot girls don’t realize, the guys are just lining them up for eviction with Meech, Nicole and Bridgette at the top of their list to go next.

      • NOwhere in my comment did I say Day was the only one telling lies and I already know lies are part of the game.
        I’m referring to the degree of Day’s lying which is pretty much nonstop and is the reason no one trusts her anymore and wants her gone.
        Once Day leaves I want to see the remaining girls win HOH and get rid of some of the guys because I do not want to see an all guy finale.
        I’ve seen no evidence of Day seeing through Paulie’s crap either.

      • Whether it’s the degree of lies or not…Day is going home because Paulie see her as the greatest threat to his game in that she has great perception unlike the other girls in the game allowing the guys to do as they please. Unless you have feeds, you wouldn’t see evidence of Day seeing through Paulies crap.

      • Day is going home because of her lies, trouble making and lack of loyalty to her alliances. Notice I say allianceS. Day has played a one note game of being devious and telling lies which didn’t get her very far in the game did it?
        Nicole is playing a much better game than Day because Nicole was able to get out Day before Day could have Nicole evicted.
        It’s great that you’re a Day fan but you have to accept the fact that Day did not play well this season. Maybe Day has the ticket to return so I can see why you still have hope for Day.

      • Day has played a strong game which is why Paulie has targeted her 1st out of the girls. Keep watching and maybe you’ll see where eventually all the girls are being targeted, included your beloved Nicole. As I said, her DAY is coming and I’ll be on this board typing with GLEE!!!

      • Perhaps you’re a little too emotional about Day? I know it hurts to have your favorite leave so maybe you’ll be able to discuss her eviction more calmly in a day or two?
        Best of luck TX. :D

      • LOL…too funny!! Unlike you, I understand this is simply a game and I have no stake in any of these people winning. I just loooovee to debate and make my point. On that note, I will “calmly” bid you good-bye!!

      • I’m not sure that you know the meaning of ‘debate’ but anyway, it’s been a real joy talking to you and I hope you’ll feel better soon.

      • Ahhh Inky don’t take it personal. You’re being too sensitive. Nicole still have a week or so left before she’s evicted.

  9. OK…am I just out of touch? When did the person with the veto get to do the renom? I thought it was always the HOH that did that?

    • Didn’t you know, there is a new higher level than HOH in this game, it’s called Paulie.

      • Right. He said Paul was going to do whatever Paulie told him to do. It was repeated to James by Meech and James was like, he said that?? Then he ran to Paul and told him Meech Z want to save Day
        No balls at all!!

    • Did you not see his splitting twin? They get to switch like last season when we had the twins switching? Paulie is actually Paul and Paul is Paulie! Take your pick! So, it is all perfectly legal! Ha ha ha!

  10. Don’t like Paulie, but at least he has the &@!!$ to get a big target out, unlike the rest of them. I hope Bridgette wins the next hoh, and make all the rats squirm!

  11. Welp, sorry Da, but that’s how the cookie crumbles.. You made your bed now you can lie in it! ;)

  12. If Paulies still in the house its because he’s doing something right, If James is still in the house he’s a floater. Paulie is running the house because he’s playing a good game, uh, er, noooooo, Paulies running the house because JAMES got Frank out. Paulie the puss is targeting the house mouse & the house mouth. If James was HOH Paulie might have pulled himself off with a veto buy Vic would be going home.Just keep watching, so there

  13. Apologies if I’m asking a question that’s already been answered. (I’m a bit behind this season.) What’re the odds Da’ has the Round Trip ticket?

      • Sorry…I meant it kind of sarcastically. I know it’s 1 in 11 but everyone loves a conspiracy.

      • But if she has the eighth envelope and the seventh phone call… on season what the hell ,,,, and and and
        yeah one out of eleven sounds right to me

      • It’s Season 18, but there are only 12 envelopes.
        So 1 + 8 = 9.
        Day must have envelope No. 9 if she wants to return.

      • Someone said envelope 8 is what Davonne has and it has the round trip ticket because of the ocho rios or 8 rivers clue in the hidden room search. If she has it then, she is not going home so, there is no eviction this week?

      • Really? That would make sense.
        How about the Paris flight number 211?
        2 + 1 + 1 = 4.
        Yeah, no eviction, she walks right in.

      • No. The eviction will still take place. Remember, the envelope isn’t opened until the HG is on the couch with Julie. Then she’d either walk right back in at the end of the show for drama’s sake or start off the next episode Sunday night with finishing the HOH comp and have her re-appear right after the HOH has won to make it more dramatic. (Just a guess here.)

    • I think Nicole’s allowed to take whine medication in order to help maintain her whining levels. As for real meds, I’m not sure. But they have a pretty detailed medical evaluation before being allowed to take part so if they have a medical treatment plan that requires meds I’d imagine those meds are made available daily under medical supervision by an on set medic or doc.

    • It’s a good question, actually. I thought those with ADD and ADHD were allowed to keep taking their meds, but Corey said that production told him no. So now… yeah, not sure.

  14. Da’ should’ve been went home. She sucks at this game. She tells way too many lies which is how she gets caught every time. She also plays too emotionally. It was stupid of her to try turn against Frank so early. Also, Tiffany still trusted when she told her she had won the RK. What did Da’ do? She cried and showed how paranoid and scared she was to everyone. If she hadn’t done that Nicole would’ve likely been Corey’s replacement and that would’ve gave her a chance to break up a showmance. Smh…these people are stupid.

    • Day could just be a pathological liar. It seems to just roll out of her mouth without thinking. Plus she is so good at it she must have had a lot of practice.

  15. I marked Da off my list when I saw her laughing at Tiffany’s breakdown. That was just cruel. If she found out someone did that to her she’d think they were the worst person in the world. Sorry but even in this game you put out negative you get negative back in one form or another. I’ll be glad to see her go.

  16. I wouldn’t mind this move….. if Paul thought of it from the start. Instead he did it because Paulie told him too. Don’t get me wrong, Day is a huge threat but this isn’t the best moment.

  17. James is such a snake in the grass and day is a fool, both times james played a snake, when he was in the house, telling someone you are safe then stabbing them in the back, and day was happy the vets should have held together, James may well be next, The vets could have ruled , but with frank and day at each other was a dumb , the vets of all should understand that no matter who makes you mad stay true, it is about staying in the house ,not getting even, They all were in the house before, and of course James had to his stunt all over again, he should have said to heck with the house and kept Frank and did damage to the other side,, Too late now.
    No vet is going to make it to the end, Frank was the strongest link, now they are just all floating in the house,
    Day will be gone, more than likely, Unless she has the magic ticket,

  18. Paul nominating Day is the worst move for his game, only because she is a number. If Day is evicted and does not get the round trip ticket then Paul’s days in the house are limited. Do you really think that Corey is going to vote out Paulie or Nicole if they are up for eviction. Do you think that Paulie would back stab Corey and leave him in the dust. I do not think so. Paulie’s game is to get as close as he can to Paul, and Paul is falling for it. Paul is for sure not going to win Big Brother. At least Day have enough sense to break up the duo’s because she understands that she would have no chance against them. Paul is a nut for believing Paulie. If Paulie is willing to drop the person that he is cuddling with at night, that is discussing the “future” between them, then they are not to be trusted. At the end of the day James is a coward for not campaigning for Day, Corey and Nicole are doubled standard, and Paulie is not to far from being exactly like Frank. What I learned this week on Big Brother is that you can not practice your religion without being “sketchy” (poor Day) and you can not trust friends for nothing. Da’Vonne is the REAL MVP.

  19. oh man please let da’vonne leave… I can’t take another da’vonne diary room…

  20. I know that people can’t stand day because she tells everyone what another has said, but she isn’t a great competitor and her social game stinks. Yes she is annoying to the players in the house, but a true BB player would deal with that and let her coast while getting someone who is a fierce competitor and has excellent social skills. IT’S A GAME BB PKAYERS. YOU HAVE TIME AFTER THE GAME TO BE FRIENDS WITH THE OTHER PLAYERS. So play the game and cut those (even friends), because in the end they may be the one putting you on the block!
    ♡♡♡Just wish they could hear me!♡♡♡

  21. Who do we want to win the 2nd week of America’s Care Package?? Will this person choose to eliminate votes this Thursday or next Thursday the 11th?

  22. Ha-Ha LOVE IT!! Was she completely blindsided??? Although she is one of the only people in the house that’s entertaining for the most part it should be a pretty entertaining week this week watching her try and stay! We all know she’s not just going to give up! I really hope it was a Blind Side! I love me that type of entertainment :-) :-)
    But she did this to herself! She should have stayed true with the vets and she shouldn’t have lied to Frank about Tiffany and she should not have told James (one of the stupidest “moves” in Big Brother history) that she wants to get rid of the “Showmances!” She did this to herself! It will be interesting to see if she can get her way out and somehow turn the house on Paul and Paulie!!

  23. & as much as Day it drives me crazy with her arrogance, the “2 Pauls” are worse! I initially like Paulie” but this bromance needs to end! I especially do not want to see Paul in the end! So, it might be good to watch Day flip the house if she could and everyone turn on the bromance! And hopefully Paul goes home next week and Paulie smartens up!!
    Although I wouldn’t want to give Day that satisfaction,( it would only make her ten times more arrogant!) at the same time I can’t stand Paul! So I would enjoy another Blind Side on Thursday and Brittany go home. Make sense?!

    • What do you think? I do kinda hope James goes after Paulie at the final 3 but no I don’t want Nicole in that final 3!!! What a freaking whinner this year! Holy macaroni! She’s a mess…. All over Corey! For sure she said she wasn’t interested in a showmance again!
      Does this child have no self control? I say child cuz she is acting like one! Spoiled, privileged brat!
      My words…. My opinion. Lol

      • I agree, Nicole is too much this season. She’d have been better off not coming back for the sake of her popularity. I think James may go after Paulie if Natalie convinces him to do it. The real question is if Natalie is going to try and win the game instead of just trying to make jury. She could be a good player if she’d try to make it to the end

  24. No! Paulie will slide right on thru. The only way is on DE night after one of the other guys have been evicted. James is my bet to put Paulie up on the block for the kill. If he does it will be him, Paul and Nicole in the F3. Just my take!

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