Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Week 2 Nominations

Spoilers are in for the Big Brother 18 nominations this week after our new Head of Household set up a plan to Backdoor his target. Will it work?

Nominations on Big Brother

We listened to an all night planning session from the team in control and it looks like they settled on a potentially riskier approach of putting pawns in to play. With the Roadkill competition ahead we could get some surprises, but here’s how we’ll start the week.

Big Brother 18 Week 2 Nominations:

  • Paulie nominated: Paul and Bronte

Victor is the main target, per Paulie’s plan, but Paulie wants to avoid having him on the Block for the Veto competition even though he could still end up there thanks to the BB Roadkill twist which is coming up later tonight. What do you think of his plan? Good idea or too risky?

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Paulie has been talking with his team to make sure they understand not to nominate Victor if any of them get the Roadkill win so they can Backdoor him instead. Paulie suggests he even has the support of Bronte, Natalie, and Paul for this mission.

Good times ahead on the Feeds! Grab your Free Trial to watch the next week for free then keep it for $5.99/month. That’s 20 cents a day for 24/7 access to Feeds content. Silly cheap.



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  1. Natalie is the Road Kill nominee. Well basically they can enforce that to everyone (except Victor and Victor can’t nominate himself) since both Paul and Bronte know about Victor being the main target.
    It would be fun if Victor’s name picked from the draw for PoV tho haha.
    Honestly I hope the noms stay the same, so they have to evict Bronte instead.

    • What if winner of RK secretly chooses Victor to be third nominee without consulting with Paulie and the 8pack alliance?

      • Natalie will be the pawn and she voted against Paulie, I don’t think James would push too hard coz someone has to be the pawn.

      • Wasn’t he telling her that the other night? She could pick up some Cred if she agrees. Paulie is a genuinely nice guy; he knows how it feels to be a pawn. He’d keep his word.

      • U don’t know that these ppl go crazy in here we can judge from out here but imagine being in there! I couldn’t do it I would be crazy with the ants n fifth omg n the different attitudes but I agree kind of a risky move although that leaves a bigger target for now than u if it doesn’t work

    • Technically it’s easier to backdoor at the beginning since there’s a slimmer chance of them playing in the veto. Still stupid though, especially if Victor wins and takes down Paul.

      • While possible, it’s even more unlikely that’ll ever happen, even if Victor does get picked and then wins, because that would involve strategy and a smart game move (and a lot of luck), something they lack. I mean, they had to explain what “backdoor” meant to Paul—and Victor isn’t any smarter.

    • Actually, it’s a pretty solid move.

      If Paulie nominates Victor straight up, Victor is guaranteed to play in the POV.

      The way it’s set up now, Victor only has a 30% chance of playing in the POV. EVERYONE in the house seems to be in on the idea that Victor is going to be backdoored. If anyone goes against the plan, that person will be target number one next week.

      From Paulie’s perspective, the WORST outcome is that Victor gets to play POV and he wins. In that case Bronte, one of his targets, goes home.

      As Tigerbite rightly points out, NOW is the BEST time for a backdoor. Each successive week make a backdoor a little LESS of a strategic play.

  2. I’m not a fan of the group that runs around with Victor and Paul, but at this point, I would love to see Paul or Victor win Roadkill, then Victor win veto and save Paul.

    When one side dominates the entire game it’s just not as entertaining.

    • It is entertaining if you are rooting for the side that is dominating, esp. after having to live through the Vanessa show from last season.

    • Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. I agree with this 100%. Paul or Victor for Roadkill or Victor for veto and save Paul.

    • Agreed completely. I dislike Paul and Victor’s side (minus Bridgette and Natalie whom I actually like) I don’t want to see this go down like BB17 where it was two alliances where one alliance completely dominated the other most of the time

  3. I think it is way too early for a BD..but, thanks to Frank..I think this was mainly his idea..I don’t think it’s going to work..too many opportunities for Victor to win either Roadkill or Veto. Listen to your gut, Paulie, not Frank.

    • This is the PERFECT time for a back door!

      As the number of players diminishes, the odds of executing a backdoor decrease.

    • Actually, unless Frank got in his ear before th feeds returned last night… It was Paulie who came up with the BD plan for Victor not Frank.

      • I’m way behind on Jokers so there’s a lot that happened that I’m still unaware of.

      • That is why I always read Jokers update before coming here. Then I go back and forth.

      • That’s my problem, I didn’t have time to visit Jokers much the first week so I’m still trying to get to know the HG’s and get a read on them. Watching BBAD has helped a lot.

      • Bronte needs to go..she is a mean girl. She sits around with an evil look on her face..especially when Nicole is around.

  4. It’s actually a pretty solid plan by Paulie. He will ensure that whoever wins the roadkill comp doesn’t nominate Victor. Most likely Natalie would be the nom or possibly James as another strong player. Then As long as Victor isn’t picked he can be backdoored. Worst case Scenario, Victor gets picked, wins the veto, and saves paul. That still leaves Bronte on the block and they have the votes to send her home. They want Victor first, but Bronte was #2 on the hitlist so either way it’ll be a productive HOH for Paulie.

    • If the worst happens and Victor does get picked to play in the POV and wins – they can always nominate Tiffany.

      • I don’t see Paulie nominating Tiffany. They have that sibling twist that brought them together. Whoever the renom is wouldn’t matter as Bronte would be the one going.

      • Unfortunately you could be right about paulie and tiffany, but since Frank seems to be running Paulie’s HOH he might insist on Tiffany anyway.

      • I don’t really feel Frank is running things in my opinion. Paulie values his opinion to be sure but he seems to be making his own moves. Honestly if Victor wins POV, I see Paulie getting someone from the 8 pack to volunteer to be the pawn and sending Bronte home.

      • I’m pretty sure the 8 pack will insist Tiffany ‘volunteer’ if it comes to that :D

      • Are you thinking or are you hoping? hehehehe
        If he ever comes to need a pawn, Paulie would ask Nicole to return the favor, he has a sibling pact with Tiffany, I don’t think he would want to jeopardize it this early.

      • And if Nicole refuses, Tiffany might as well tell Paulie that he IS NOT part of the 8 Pack, it would blow over everything … that would be more fun!!!

      • Oh yehhhh! You sure he doesn’t know about the 8-pack though? Frank seems to make a point of spoiling things.

      • I don’t think Frank would dare telling him this before PoV and the renom. In Paulie’s mind he’s part of the group already,
        If the blow up happens, say Bronte is still evicted, Paulie can form a new alliance with Tiffany, Natalie, Bridgette, Paul and Victor, that’s 6 persons. They just need to persuade one more person to join them, Corey or Zakiyah or even James and they are the majority already haha.

      • Hope they’re careful and don’t find out about the Fatal 5 all girl alliance where several are part of the 8 pack too! hahaha

      • Oh no! I was hoping you wouldn’t see my ‘very hopeful’ post about Tiffany. Idk about that sibling pact though since Tiff hasn’t really bonded with anyone in the 8 pack yet has she?

      • I didn’t notice that on BBAD but since you have the feeds I guess you would know more about it than me. Anytime Tiff is with the 8 pack all I’ve seen is that she’s very quiet and observant, almost cold. I think that’s what I don’t like about her – she’s so cold and sly – I just find her creepy.
        Oh wait, I do remember last night Michelle said she was distancing herself from Tiff after the emotional outburst with Frank.

      • Here I was thinking Nic and Day were getting along so well too – what happened between them?

      • As far as Day knew, they were. But Nic still has her reservations…and only speaks to her when spoken to.

      • Nicole is playing very cautiously this year; I suppose after ‘her friend’ Christina stabbed her in the back last time she’s needs more time to warm up to people.

      • One thing about it, she needs to be cautious this year and seems to have learned a lot from her first season. Nicole is one of my faves and so far her prospects are looking good.

      • I don’t think they need a pawn. They have the votes. :) However if he did, Nicole should return the favor. Lol.

    • As long as natalie does not go home this week if it’s victor, Paul or Bronte am good with that not natalie she is the better player than the other 3

  5. Only 2 people other than the nominees and the HoH get picked anyways, so the odds of Victor not getting picked are very good…it’s not a terrible plan IMO…I don’t know why people think it is…

    • Yup I agree. Besides if Victor and Paul are safe, Bronte goes instead, still a win-win situation, they still rule the majority.

  6. Can the winner of the Roadkill comp be nominated for eviction? For example: Victor wins Roadkill and nominates Nicole, Paul wins veto and saves himself, can Victor be the replacement nominee?

    • Sure. Just as a current nominee could win Roadkill and nominate someone else. Roadkill doesn’t guarantee safety, just the ability to nominate someone anonymously.

    • The roadkill winner is the one who secretly nominates another person if their nominee is taken off the block with the veto.

      • Nope..the winner anonymously chooses third nominee and if nominee wins veto, then he’ll more likely take himself off and winner of RK has to secretly nominate another to go up. NM after all! LOLOL I finally understood what you just said.

    • they probably can be nominated b/c the winner is kept secret; you can’t give immunity to someone without saying who it is, which would reveal who the winner is

  7. Okay, here is a bitchy girl comment ….

    Tiffany, what is up with those cornrows? Bo Derek you are NOT!

    One of your “friends” should give you a clue.

    • Day or Z did those… They wanted to do Nicole’s hair too and started but Nicole didn’t like it and took it down… I guess they are just passing time? But I agree, I don’t like it either!!

  8. What will be funnier is if Paul or Bronte win Roadkill and one of them nominate Victor just to save themselves.

  9. I never understand why the HOH always only has one target. Why can’t Paulie just say, “Victor and Bronte are my targets. I nominate them.” It just seems like they overcomplicate everything trying to get out one specific person, when getting out Bronte would be just as effective.

    • Early on normally more than one is targeted, and this week is no different. If Victor comes down, Bronte goes home, and Victor goes back up next week. They’d prefer Victor to go this week, but either is fine.

    • Paulie will settle for a Bronte eviction if Victor is safe. I really hope that Paulie doesn’t get his way. I hope both Victor and Paul are safe this week.

      • They’re going to need them to go against the girls. Eight girls to 6 guys as it stands now.

      • Loud, foul mouthed & hot-tempered. I don’t think he will be in the house long.
        I was digusted with his drunk act, and this concusion thing is just another cry for attention. Are you sure he is not the one related to Vanessa?

  10. I think it’s too soon for a BD plan with the RoadKill twist. Should have waited til there were less players.

  11. I hope Victor or Paul wins roadkill OR Victor wins veto and save Paul. Sometimes I hate it when a majority alliance gets their way. Especially if they can steamroll through the season.

    • Me too. I’m rooting for the underdogs now. I hate that they won because James threw the comp too. LAME. I want Paul and Victor to stick around.

  12. Poor Glenn. He has to win not one, not two, but four competitions in a row in order for him to get back in the house. Sequestered at least more than a month. lol

      • Well…Glenn will be going head to head with Jozea first. Wish we knew if they had that separate comp and who won it…or if they have to wait til the rest join them.

      • Hey Cy, you were the first person to reply to me last year when I first joined this site that’s why I know you are real haha,
        I just got a feeling that there’s a poster that is posing as a few people, agreeing and replying at his/her other names to validate his/her point. It could happen, right? Anyway just a feeling tho.

      • I’m hoping the Jozea monster won’t prevail over dog loving Glenn. GO GLENN!

      • I think he will, but someone else will eventually beat him is my hope! But I’ll root for Glenn for now! :-)

      • Poor Glenn. He never had a chance in this game. I wish they would put more people over 25 in the game.

      • It’s not looking too good for Glenn, he probably needs lots and lots of prayers to pull this one off :D

      • They’re not. It’ll be a week to week. Whoever wins this week will play next week’s evictee. Whoever wins the 4th comp goes back in the house.

      • That would be spoiling since they plan to make a special episode for it. The losers would be kept in sequester until that Battle Back episode airs, I guess.

      • I thought Julie said the loser goes home? I was thinking nom ore than 2 losers in sequester at a time.

    • Then after he triumphantly walks into the house, he’ll be evicted right away.

    • If Glenn uses his time wisely before he reenters the BB house he could be all sleek, tan and buff after working out for a solid month.
      I’m hoping the play off comp he’ll have with Jozea will be who can bathe a poodle the fastest.

    • Considering Glenn isn’t that athletic he seems to have very little chance.

      Hope I’m wrong

    • Why is he dumb, again? Two of his targets are on the block, with the major target will be BD. If Victor and Paul are safe, Bronte the No.2 target will be evicted.
      It’s a win-win situation.

      • Outside of his obvious arrogance that has grown since winning HOH (which makes him seem even less intelligent), his inability to see past a good looking girl (or like.. all of them). And yes.. he has two targets on the block. That the Veterans want. But he has alliances all around him (including 8 pack), which he served as a pawn for. He’s a threat. If he was smart he would have angled against the majority.

      • “If he was smart he would have angled against the majority.”
        Well … yeah okay,

      • Lol. I like your response. I just don’t see his long-term goal. I don’t see how getting rid of them will really benefit him later. He doesn’t have a Derrick to ride beside.

      • He has a sibling pact with Tiffany.
        He is close to Zakiyah.
        He has said to both Frank and Corey they are his ride or die.
        And as of yesterday he’s trying to pull Paul to his side.
        He’s on good terms and has proven loyalty to Nicole.
        Week 2 has just started, still how many weeks to go? People that are playing hard and fast are usually evicted, just ask Jozea or Day last year.

      • Oh I know. But he is a competitions threat. And once he’s not HOH all these people that been buttering him up with promises etc I.E: pacts/ ride of dies are going to gravitate to whoever is on top that week. He’s dumb because he’s being blinded. That’s all. Plus man, ever reallltyy listen to him on livefeeds?

      • That reminds me…How are these people so diluted? How do they not pick up on people just mmhmm’ing their way through the conversation more? Like Paul and Nicole. He was talking game and she repeatedly said mmhmm over and over every two seconds. Clue #1: SHE ISN’T ON YOUR SIDE. Also before Joze left (and I know, he’s his own kind of monster) he would be saying these ridiculous things and all the responses would be noises haha. Like Day and Joze that time. I love it. When he says he’s a hawk.

      • Since you can’t see it … so I am gonna type it … I’m nodding and saying “yeah ,.. yeah …”

      • Because I was having a discussion. I thought that’s what we were doing here. Wow. Bullies much?

      • And I was elaborating.. so I came across clearly. I was laughing for christ’s sake. But I was being rude? You two are horrible.

      • Oh it certainly does. I wasn’t rude I was just explaining. You weren’t even in the discussion, and to come into a convo just to make someone feel bad is bullying… I was never mean or disrespectful but the two of you made me feel like two inches tall. Bully.

      • You know.. when someone is laughing having a good time and someone stomps on them?

      • You the Becky from BB17? Paulie is playing a decent game. One of his targets will go home and he has the votes to do it! If I was him I would do the same thing! If he cannot back door Vic then Bronte goes home which is good too for him. Bronte is smart but fake mean etc If we were in the house you would try and be quiet and maybe Ahuh or make noises so no one knows what you are saying. Victor and Bronte will be the next 2 to go!

      • I know what you’re saying. They see him as a carbon copy of Cody, but I don’t see him playing beyond Cody 1.0 He seemed to be playing like Cody, but I don’t think he has the same aptitude as Cody did…I also thought his good bye message to Jozea, bragging about Calafiore’s social game was amateurish.

      • I know! What was up with that? He’s for sure letting it get to his head now too. Expect more of that lingo.

      • Everyone is playing his or her own game basically. It’s tough for both Paulie and Tiffany to live up to their siblings’ success. If they are evicted earlier they will be seen as failures, even tho entering the house as the siblings of successful HGs really put the target on their backs, that’s why Tiffany still hasn’t mentioned who she is to the whole house.
        I’m glad that I didn’t watch Cody’s season so I don’t have a biased opinion about Paulie.
        So far Paulie is playing an okay game, I guess. But nobody can be really playing excellent game this early. As for how he talks etc, it’s easy to pinpoint his mishap rather than other times when he’s being genuine or smart. Nobody’s perfect.

      • Of course not. It’s too early to know any of them or their game. But how horrible is it that the 8 pack was created without him? Clearly not a lot of stock there.

      • Didn’t Frank say on one morning, Paulie just happened to be not there, and he regretted that. If Paulie was there, they could become 9 Pack. Anyway Paulie is on good terms with most 8 Pack anyway, that matters.

      • Yeah, if it were up to Frank he would be in the 8 pack… Day & Nicole were the ones who mainly picked people for that alliance… I’m holding on to hope though that Paulie is eventually an official member of some kind of alliance with The vets

      • I’m not biased and I watched that season. There are a lot of similarities between him and his brother. But nothing that dictates his play. I don’t think he will last. Tiffany maybe a little longer. If I don’t root for them, personally, it’s because personality wise they don’t seem relatable.

      • Well some people like these HGs and some people like those HGs. And it happens I like both Paulie and Tiffany, isn’t that obvious? Hahaha.

      • Yeah. Not to echo previous sentiments but… this is here to discuss opinions right?

      • As long as we are civil about it yeah. Every HG must have their own fans, even Jozea.
        So I am always trying to be careful to not saying things like that HG is dumb, that HG is snake, that HG is ugly coz those are not nice to be read about. We can convey our point in more nicer way I guess. But well, people are free to express their own opinions I guess, same with those HGs. The difference is when the HGs say their opinions freely they will get slammed harshly.

      • I’m not slamming anyone harshly. I’ve seen harshly last year. Dumb to me is about on board with poo poo head. But hey, we’re all different. Respect is hard to come by.

      • Oh..I don’t censor myself when it comes to players of the game. When they do dumb move in the game, or they’re just incoherent lie Jozea, I’ll call it as I see it…now I’m mindful with posters.

      • If it’s a general bad move I understand, but now I have learned my lesson not to engage in convos that are baiting to be argumentative.

      • From the house, all the way to Julie Chen…She asked “What went wrong?” Jozea: ” aah well you know what, It was Natalie, She flipped against me”..He’s not even right what went wrong.. lol

      • To be fair with Jozea, he’s just got evicted and many things may run thru his mind. He couldn’t have known that Day and Zakiyah betrayed him until Day mentioned it in the goodbye message. Give him time to think over it in a peaceful surroundings in sequester, he might be able to think straight.

      • Well, he’s clear now who betrayed him. Have you read Matt’s interview with him? It’s interesting how his approach will be if he re-enters the house.

      • Of course. He wouldn’t target Day and Zakiyah for the same reason why he trusted them I guess, that’s what Matt wondered about, right?
        As of now he hurts or his ego has been brushed by losing to Paulie, that’s why he said he’s after Paulie. Giving him more time to reflect, he might want to play differently …. or not haha.

      • Guess I feel sorry for him. Once he sees the online reactions who knows how he is going to react. Actually I was hoping he threw a temper tantrum yesterday hahaha but he didn’t, and he actually handled himself quite well, I was like so disappointed after all the hype about the blindside … but looking back, kudos to him to be able to maintain his composure, he sure handled the situation better than barefoot Judas did last year hehehehe.

      • god..Austin!! see what I’m saying? hehe. I blame Frank for spilling the beans. He came from supreme confident down to just confident.

      • Haha i know. That was great. It’s bad but part of me wants him back just because he was so damn entertaining. He says and does things that aren’t accurate and most people would be embarrassed about this (once they find out), but I don’t see that for him. His confidence is so high he’s literally in the clouds. He don’t mind.

      • Last year was some of the worst. People hated Lizton, and they were horrible at times. That’s what bothers me.. the things like “they are so gross, ugly, fat..” blah blah. Their attitude can say a lot and so comments from Joze come from somewhere. He showed his colors. But attacking someone for the shape of their face? It’s like… whaaatt??

    • I’m glad that you see the light. He is the typical brawn with no brain. At least Cody had some neurons in that thick skull of his.

  13. If you don’t get victor, you go for Paul. Pretty simple. Easy to pull off if 8 pack is behind the plan.

  14. I hope Paul wins the road kill, so he can nominate Victor and blame the major alliance since know one will know who won it.

      • What did she say? Now you make me curious coz I chose to blank out that convo hahaha.

      • Now I’m curious. I don’t have live feeds, and I rarely ever see her on BBAD, so start anywhere.

      • Well she has quite a lot of extreme views on things. But for starters shes a fat shamer. So that right there is more than enough to know she’s a horrible person. But the stuff she’s said about overweight people is really explicit and disgusting, so you’re gonna have to look it up yourself.

      • Huh. That’s surprising. But now that I think back on her intro, I do remember borderline fat-shaming comments she made because she’s a nutritionist (blah, blah, blah). Funny, though, because I read on Joker’s how she was whining to Frank how she was the fattest girl on the show. Just goes to show you…karma!

      • She is a nutritionist! She wants people to be healthy! She is not fat herself but compared to super slender girls like Bronte and Zak and the other girls slender with a little meat a normal girl like her looks fat! She is fine! I think she is sweet girl and it is being blown out of proportion! If there is another comment she made please fill me in? Bronte is mean and Bridgette is a snake! We all stick our foot in mouth and everyone here would be guilty of something! Especially being trapped in a house without communication from anything! Some people show their true colors like Austwins last year Jozea Paul Victor and Bronte. Michelle seems really sweet like Nicole and Natalie.

      • She’s a skank. Yahweh please forgive me for my choice words but it’s the truth.

    • I started out really liking her but she’s quickly become one of my least fav’s… I did feel bad for her when she had a melt down the other day about the pixel punishment and how she doesn’t like being almost naked since she thinks she is the fattest girl in the house.

      You’d think her and Bronte would team up since they are both mean girls!

  15. It’s too early in the game for me to have a dog in this fight, but I must confess that I wouldn’t miss the hideous beard and what look to be appalling tattoos that Victor sports. That beard looks like one either/both Peter Griffin and Homer Simpson sported in an episode(s) where some endangered birds took up residence. Really. Disgusting.

  16. Also what is it with people suddenly liking Paul or Victor? Weren’t they the hated group?

    • Guess “people” dislike Bronte more.
      You mean people in the house or people in here? hahaha sorry not sure what you mean.

  17. Ugh, so annoyed Michelle is safe. I wish they had voted ot Paulie last night. Can’t stand him. Hope Paul wins veto again. And I hate this idea of picking an HOH. The person who wins should be the HOH.

  18. There are only two scenarios where victor does not end up as a nominee. So this is a good plan for the 8 pack + Paulie
    The first is simple, he wins POV
    The second is a bit more complex; He wins RK and nominates a HG. That HG wins POV or has it used on them. He then names the renom which won’t be himself. What are the chances ?

  19. It’s a perfect time to backdoor people because there is so many people who could play Veto so better odds :-) and granted yes one side of the house is a lot heavier than the other but it’s still early, they won’t stay solid for ever. Shomances will start, people will crack…. people will start to realize they are on the bottom and start looking elsewhere…… it’s big brother! Solid alliances at the beginning never stay solid moving forward for very long. I am actually surprised no one to my knowledge has swayed yet?! And I for one like the 8 pack….. I am impartial to Tiffani but I also (from what I’ve seen) like everyone else in that group. And as for Paul and Victor ( especially Paul) I don’t like the arrogance, do these people not learn for watching previous seasons?
    And another question, Jozea said he was only ” able to watch season 16!?” What does that mean?? If I had even just auditioned for Big Brother I would be watching as many seasons as possible just in case I got pick. Season 17 to start with move my way back.
    Is anyone in the house a big brother Junkie? And as for Victor, I haven’t watched any live feeds or read much about him but he seems pretty bossy and insulting! Anyway… That’s it for now :-)

  20. This Roadkill comp is taking forever. Feeds have been off for a very long time today.

  21. i feel sorry for anyone that gets stuck in the house with josea…i mean god

  22. I missed this part. I’m glad Bronte was nominated. Now if one of the eights wins they could leave things the same or go for Victor. I think Bronte should go first.. I think she is too nosy and creates the most problems, plus her voice gets on my nerves.

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