‘Big Brother 18’ Live Feeds Week 11: Friday Highlights

The Big Brother 18 nomination went just as suspected on Friday afternoon and with only six houseguests remaining and a showmance on the block, we probably shouldn’t expect a lot of drama but we will be getting a lot of strategizing for the couple of weeks that remain of the season.

Natalie Negrotti on Big Brother 18

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 18 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Friday, September 2, 2016:

10:00 AM BBT – HGs get their wake up call, but no one is in a hurry to get up.

10:30 AM BBT – Victor was awake but alone so he goes to wake Nicole and asks her to join him for breakfast.

11:00 AM BBT – Nicole and Victor having some eggs he made for them.

11:30 AM BBT – Paul has joined Victor and they’re chatting about how well positioned they are in the game right now. Nicole comes back. Paul jokes with her that they should pair up and go against Victor and Corey.

12:45 PM BBT – Everyone is up and moving around. James tells the group in the kitchen that he expects to go on the Block today. Victor and Nicole are playing dominoes upstairs.

1:10 PM BBT – Natalie and James wonder how things might have worked out if they hadn’t flipped on their F4 deal with Victor and Paul. Natalie says she just can’t trust Paul. James couldn’t believe that Nicole and Corey flipped on them in return since they had been with him since the first day.

1:20 PM BBT – Natalie isn’t happy that James trusted Nicole and says she expected something like this when he wouldn’t go along with her asking him to keep Victor.

1:25 PM BBT – Natalie wants to see Paul and Victor at the end if they’re gone because she doesn’t want Nicole or Corey to win.

2:00 PM BBT – James and Natalie talk about the chances of a Reset button this week. James says it’s not too likely.

2:40 PM BBT – Natalie asks James if he took the BB Bribe to throw the HoH comp. (His performance was pretty terrible.) James promises her he did not. (Corey gave it to Victor, but they don’t know that.)

3:00 PM BBT – F4 group playing dominoes from Victor’s HoH basket.

3:15 PM BBT – James says he’ll leave with honor this week if he doesn’t get the Veto. James will use the Veto on himself and wants Natalie to use it on herself if she wins it.

3:30 PM BBT – Natalie worries about being in the game without James but says she had fun here with him.

3:40 PM BBT – Now James says he’ll give Natalie the Veto if he wins it.

4:00 PM BBT – James again rehashes past decisions and says they should have stuck with Victor.

4:05 PM BBT – Natalie wishes they had put up Nicole and Corey during her HoH reign. Coulda-shoulda.

4:15 PM BBT – James tells Natalie she’ll be in a good spot next week when each of the pairs want to have her on their side but he recommends she go with Paul and Victor over Corey and Nicole if she can.

4:30 PM BBT – HGs milling around waiting for the noms. Paul is working on homemade lemonade. HGs discussing Michelle’s game play.

5:09 PM BBT – Feeds cut for noms.

5:54 PM BBT – Feeds are back. James & Natalie were nominated. Nicole immediately worrying that Victor might change up the noms but Corey promises her they’ll be okay and Victor won’t do that.

6:00 PM BBT – Natalie apologizes to Victor and Paul over the betrayal and says she sees they had James/Natalie’s back.

6:15 PM BBT – Natalie and James are playing dominoes. Natalie tells James she’s excited to be on the Block with him. James jokes he’s glad she’s enjoying it.

6:20 PM BBT – Paul reports back to Victor, Nicole, and Corey what Natalie said about being happy to be on the Block. Paul wishes Victor hadn’t called Natalie a pawn in his speech so they could keep her stressed out more. They discuss having Nicole and Corey each tell James and Natalie they one will vote for each of them so they have to come to Paul who will then tell them to pick a number between one and ten.

Feed Highlights continue on the next page…



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  1. This is what I wish would happen. Dingus and Doofus go to James and tell him they will vote out Gnat, even tho’ James is Vic’s target, in return for James’s loyalty to them the rest of the game. James agrees. Dingus and Doofus vote to evict Gnat. James wins HOH and puts Dingus and Doofus otb. One of them (hopefully Dingus) FINALLY is evicted.

      • I guess I’m just an old fogey and look at her from a mother/grandmother aspect and would be embarassed and ashamed if she was my daughter or granddaughter. She’s on TV for heaven’s sake, show a little respect for your family. She said that her mother didn’t say she was proud of her and her brother didn’t look very happy…and for good reason.

      • Yes…why would they…like you said…on national tv you are the main characters of the BB porn fest…come on…show some respect… if not for you at least for your family.

      • Earlier in the season, she mentioned something about her mother warning her against getting involved in a showmance. She speaks of her mother very lovingly and says she is her best friend. Obviously, she will still have her mother’s love, as she should, but she should expect that her mother would feel disrespected and hurt by her disgusting behavior for all the world to see. I guess some people would do almost anything for $500K.

      • She’s filling the void from her break-up with Hayden I guess. Perhaps, she really was head over heels on him but they couldn’t make it work long-term.

      • Don’t forget Doofus is only using her. He’s already made it clear to Victor and others once BB is over he’s done with her.

      • I am not even going to comment on the void filling here, it speaks for itself even not going to say anything about Corey filling any voids :)

      • I am a grandmother and I would be so embarrassed by the way that her and Corey act! If they want to lay in bed don’t put blanket over them , or have separate blankets!

      • Maybe Nic thought if she took a different approach her luck would change. Outcome will be worse than with Hayden.

      • I have to preface this with I’m speculating because I’ll never know. I feel like I would be mortified if my daughter/granddaughter behaved like a racist like past houseguests than I would if they fooled around under the covers. I will never forget Aaryn. Her behavior seriously bothered me more than Nicole.

      • The only season I haven’t watched was Season 15. Heard it was horrible so I’m not wasting my time. Either way, as a parent, I’d be embarrassed to go out in public.

      • I don’t blame you. It was bad. First time I considered not watching the next season. My kids are in their 20’s and the grandkids are young. They haven’t embarrassed me in public yet. I’m sure my time will come, I hope not as publicly as being on BB though. ?

      • I couldn’t agree more, Eclectic! Aaryn made comments that were socially reprehensible and inexcusable! I cannot imagine anyone being more offended by Nicole’s behavior on either of her season’s than someone like Aaryn…or even let’s say…Amanda too. She was a spiteful, terrible bully, until it was her bum sitting OTB, then she turned into a weeping willow who couldn’t understand why everyone was mad at her! Ugh! Could not stand her! IMO Nicole is nowhere near as bad as those two.

      • I, too, would be so embarrassed if she were my daughter and behaving that way. Keep your panties on till after the show, geez.

    • Actually, that would be very typical of the way James plays. He tends to make a promise and break it almost immediately. Dingus should know that after watching James in action for 2 seasons. I think Dingus and Doofus know that their evictions are coming very soon. Considering the strengths of the remaining players, only a stroke of luck would get Gnat, Dingus or Doofus to the final 3. Any one of them would be this season’s Victoria. I think Steve had more luck than skill last season. He was totally shocked to win the final HOH and but knew that evicting Vanessa would likely give him the win. I don’t believe Gnat, Doofus or Dingus would be that smart.

      • I hope you are correct, James. And yes, James going back on his word wouldn’t be the first time for sure. It would be difficult to trust him for good reason, but it would be oh so gratifying to see him get the better of Dingus/Doofus…as long as he went after them.

      • Only 2 remain at the end, so they will very likely get evicted. Now that there are so few people it becomes dicey. The HOH nominates foes for eviction. One of them is saved by the veto and comes off the block. The only people left for renoms are allies. The foe then becomes a voter and votes out the HOH’s ally thus upsetting the HOH’s plan. The current HOH is not eligible to compete in the next HOH. Odds are he or she will no on the block and will likely be evicted since there are likely 2 votes against them already ( the 2 previous nominees who escaped eviction.

      • Yes, it becomes a dog eat dingus world…unlike the kind we’ve been experiencing all summer though.

  2. Sounded like a lot of whining to me and Natalie pointing fingers at James. I don’t see that ending well. Nicole is sneaky but she’s playing the game and kept them off the block. Should she have just let it happen and say nothing? Someone was going to be upset no matter what.

    • She can whine because she has used James as a meat shield all season….has manipulated that poor guy and he’s trying to find love…in the wrong places…he did it on his first round and it again this round….i guess he will never learn. Paulie’s words hold some truth about the vixen.

    • Exactly. Nat and James are mad at Nicole and Corey for having F4 with them as well as Victor and Paul. They did the exact same thing!

    • Natalie needs to stop brow-beating James for his lame game moves. She chose to hook up with him. He did help keep her under the nominations radar a few times at least.
      Nicole is playing the game, albeit from bed. She’s such a snake. Loves to be the lone girl in the guys alliance. In last episode she stuck her tongue out and it looked like a reptile tongue. So gross. No idea what these dudes see in her. Victor’s all over her.

    • Yep she did keep them safe and kept her deal. Look how many James has gone back on. And he could care less about it. Like putting up Bridgette and flipping the votes from Michelle to Z and going after Paulie. How soon they forget. Both hypocrites IMO. Funny how everyone that gets evicted blames Nicole.

      • I couldn’t agree more! James never thinks twice about screwing other people over but thinks that he and Nat
        should be untouchable. I love that everyone who has
        gunned for Nicole has ended up walking out the door.

  3. Oh where oh where has Paul’s little duck gone
    Oh where oh where can he be
    With his cute orange bill and his colorful tone
    Oh where oh where can he be

      • Come on, it was fun! I enjoyed Paul/Pablo. That fit Paul’s personality perfectly and he really played it up well. I guess I’m easily entertained.

      • He was just having fun! I just don’t understand people getting so annoyed by it. People talk about it being boring in the house but can you imagine how boring it would be if he wasn’t there right now? I enjoyed Pablo! :-)

      • Pablo is/was a Pelican. Not a duck. You guys quack me up with your repeatedly getting this wrong. James blew up his own game, twice. Big betrayal of Nat when he disclosed her talk of evicting cory over vic. Revealing that private comment seemingly, from the broadcast edit, was the impetus for nic to flip on JNat. But james giving up in the hoh comp that made nic hoh, just a dumb move. Yeh sure james thought that Nicor and Jnat had a f4, and possibly believed it was intuitively obvious that vicpaul had to be nommed to protect the nicor/jnat f4. When nic didnt nom vicpaul, it seemed nic had zero loyalty to james. It was one thing to give safety for a week, another to switch allegiance and go with the evictee/returnee that left because jnat saved your boyfriend. Turning on james immediately after saving corey, and, prior to, james dumb stupid reveal of his private convo w nat, was, to me, sneaky underhanded dirty and ungrateful. James reminder that nic backstabbed donny in s16 is a remembered-too-late warning. As for any houseguest getting, ahem, “busy”, on tv the internet or otherwise: actors do this all of the time. Paid job with a director and crew. Families and friends may or may not be okay with that. I doubt that bb producers encourage or direct heavy petting or otherwise.

      • Pablo was adorable & Paul gave him life! The poor HG’s have squat to play with:pool table,chess,pool,weights. Big deal-most dull & boring for feeders to watch. The pelican had great colors,a goofy face & personality.More than some in the house! Plus he was not hers to take then toss in the audience. I miss him. Miss Baldwin too.Am easily entertained also!

      • Oops! I used the word duck in my little song, but Pablo is a pelican. Yes, he is adorable and Paul used it to liven up the house. He does have an imagination. I’d rather watch Pablo hugging Paul’s waist any day than the others in bed hugging around on each other.

    • I was just telling my daughter this morning that we should spam CBSBigBrother on Twitter demanding that Pablo be returned to Paul immediately! :)

  4. I have to say I do not like Paul …its because he seems to enjoy hurting people and kicking em when their down.. I don’t believe in treating a person that way.. for that reason I hope he does not make it to final 2..Victor deserves a better partner and I hope he realizes that.. At this late date not sure who the better partner would be…

    • You have to admit Paul has played a great social game and Victor a great physical game. Paul has skirted eviction early on when he aligned himself with a questionable group…and since then has adapted to how the game changes.

      • I didn’t say he was not playing the game…I said its the way he treats people and the uncalled for remarks he comes out with…..And his social game as u call it is “2 faced” whereas Victor has shown understanding and some compassion toward most of the HGs where Paul has nothing but slurs and vulgar remarks..

      • I have watched Big Brother After Dark and I have to say this one has more profanity than any of the others. And most of it comes from Paul’s mouth!!

  5. Maybe Paul and Paulie can get together after the show and go around the world chitting on women and people in general. Two of the most disgusting men to ever be on BB

    • Very true…but imagine BB with all prim and proper….thank-you…excuse me contestants…..a total love fest…..no one would watch it….unfortunately.

      • Game or no game.. there is a thing called “common decency” which Paul does not possess.. The man can’t open his mouth without a “foul” word coming out of it.. I realize that foul language is rampant on BB but Paul does not seem to know that u can make a sentence without a vulgar word in it..

      • I didn’t grow up with that type of language being used often at all. But I realize that it is 2nd nature in some homes and areas. Those who have grown up with parents and family who speak that way, genuinely seem to think that is normal and not offensive.

      • Most parents raising kids when my parents were would have criminal records in today’s society. I hear we’re damaged because of it but the only thing that was damaged was my pride when my friends seen it and of coarse my butt. :-)

      • Isn’t that the truth! I learned respect. Growing up in the 70’s was interesting. Some friend’s parents were what we called “cool”, mine were not.

      • Respect and responsibility…and my parents weren’t cool either. They both worked too hard to be cool.

      • Oh yeah! I grew up the same way. No switch, mom’s monster hand was what I faced. I swear I can still feel the sting. Lol

      • I can still feel the sting because my 80 yr old Mom still uses that hand if her children, grandchildren or great grandchildren say anything with any bad language or other type of conotations that she finds distasteful in her home. She’s 5′ tall and weighs around 100 lbs but she still has a wallop that can make your back sting like a bee. We all get a kick out of it, though.

      • I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and if you got at whipping a school you’d get on when you got home if they found out about it. Nowadays they sue! Heck you wasn’t even safe at a friend’s said house because their parents would get you too. lol

      • Me too even though both of them are gone. I never got anything that I didn’t deserve. I didn’t think so at the time but I realized it later in life and laughed about it because I didn’t dare laugh about it then or I would’ve got another one. lol

      • If that didn’t happen to you in those days you were probably a spoiled rotten little brat that thought they could do and say anything to anyone. Sorta like a lot of kids today.

      • I was so lucky to have 2 brothers 6 & 7 years older.I saw what they did to get the laundry stick then made a note not to do that!Very rarely needed the stick.Yeah I guess it was needed but today our folks would have been reported!

      • I had good parents, but they didn’t believe in sparing the rod. Luckily, I was a fairly good kid and didn’t have to cut very many.

      • Hahaha! Me too. I have a friend whose husband talks like Paul…every other word out of his mouth is the F bomb. I actually counted Jeff (my friend’s husband) once and he said the F word 6 times in one sentence using it as an adjective as well as a noun and a verb! It is how some people talk when they feel they cannot effectively communicate their points, they like to accentuate their dialogue with curse words. :)

      • I can be like that at times but I’ve got enough respect for people to not use it around those that don’t. But…. If I get real mad the cards are off the table. :-)

      • Mom is usually good about avoiding bad language. Dad slipped a little but it was not common. I work in a prison where foul language is rampant among both inmates and staff. I cringe when I hear administrators and co-workers sound like ignorant pigs. So much for professionalism in the workplace.

      • The only time I ever heard my grandmother say a bad word was when she was watching wrestling. She sat in her recliner with her tiny chihuahua stuffed underneath her huge breasts and every time my gm shifted and shouted $hit, the poor little dog came out for a bark and fresh air. Fond memories.

  6. Now that they’ve mentioned it, I wish the BB Comics comp is back this season. I really did enjoy watching that from the past two seasons and the artwork done for each of the housemates are top-notch.

    Other than that, it’s a combo of both physical and mental challenges so it’s a level playing field for those who do well in either of those and both.

  7. “8:00 PM BBT โ€“ Natalie says the only people sheโ€™d vote to win this season are James, Victor or Paul.”

    Well if NiCorey ends up at the end (God forbid) I am pretty sure you just can’t abstain from voting, honey!

    • Good point. Talk all you want, you’re going to vote. Doesn’t BB bring someone in to coach them on voting? Like putting aside personal feelings?

      • In the American version it was Dr Will in the jury.
        In the Canadian version it was Dan in the jury.

    • LOL! Yeah, I think production would have a problem with that. Cannot stand the idea of Nicole & Corey beating Paul & Vic! Nope. Not even going there. :)

  8. If James stays he will join back up with Nicole and Corey and that’s why they want him to stay. If I were Vic and Paul and won the veto I’d take Nat down and put up Nicole or Corey if I really wanted James out. Nat would then team with them.

  9. I’m betting when James is evicted he will make a plea to America to vote for him as AFP! He’ll be the only one in the house to do it on eviction night.

  10. Natalie was saying last night how sorry she is for betraying Victor and how hurt he must have been by her betrayal… I’m not sure if she really means that, but it did make me dislike her a little less! I think she might be trying to take James’ AFP title.

      • Hahaha! Right? I personally do not see WHY so many people like him in this game. I get that he seems like a good ol’ boy and all, but his game moves are not the brightest and he has the *BIGGEST* mouth! His comment about Natalie wanting to keep Victor only solidified Nicole’s decision to vote Meech out. I mean really, James? Why would he even say that? It didn’t matter anymore. What was done was done and mentioning it could only hurt his and Natalie’s game…which it did. IMO he should not be America’s Favorite anything…

      • This is off topic but I thought I was in CA this morning instead of AR. We had a 5.6 earthquake about the time I was making coffee and it rattled things pretty good. It was centered in OK and some minor damage has been reported there.

      • James is genuinely embarrassing to watch, because he’s too slow to know he should be embarrassed for himself. His begging when Natalie went to bed angry after the Executive reveal was painful. Last night he was trying to do “caring and concerned pep talk” as Natalie just rolled her eyes. It was agony.

      • James ruined their game when he dropped and handed HOH to Nic. Even if he wasn’t able to hold on much longer he could have tried.

    • I think little Natalia still has a crush on Victor. It will be interesting to see how Nat reacts to Vic’s crush on Nicole, if James is evicted.

      • Yeah, she definitely liked Vic in the beginning of the season… As for Vic’s strange crushing on Nicole…I cannot imagine Nat would like it one bit b/c we all know she likes to be the center of attention and p[laying second fiddle to Nicole is probably like one of her worst nightmares come to life! ;)

      • This is correct. She’s not only saying whatever she needs to say, but she’s barely attempting to hide it. I’m surprised that bald faced disingenuous posturing works for some.

  11. I said this about 2 weeks ago when Jatalie was thinking about flipping. It all came down to who was the most trustworthy. Obviously it was Paul and Victor. I just hope that Natalie when the veto. That way James will definitely go home. Or maybe James wins it and saves her.

  12. “10:18 PM BBT โ€“ James says he forgot that Nicole shouldnโ€™t be trusted. He talks about her voting Donny out. Natalie asks why he told her to work with her then.”

    Uh newsflash James! Donny and Nicole were on the block together you moron! Plus they had a father/daughter relationship in 16.

  13. I’m surprised by how many are treating Jatalie like anything other than a rote, by the numbers showmance. I can only guess people who think Jatalie is a “thing” haven’t been watching. Natalie walked in the door looking to start a showmance as her sole game strategy and James was not her first–or even second–choice. She’s teased, flirted, cuddled and cooed in his ear since she settled on him, and she’s always known she has him wrapped around her finger. She’s been consistent, using professional training that instructs NFL cheerleaders how to coddle the drunkest and most belligerent fans. Her simultaneous disdain has been on bold display throughout the back half of the season.

  14. Nicole and Corey wants to evict Natalie as well as Paul does too. I think both Paul and Corey want an all male cast in the final or final 3 but the final 2 for sure.

    So here is what they need to do as far as Nicole and Corey goes. Go up to James, tell him they need him and want to work with them because they know he can be trusted due to him not voting out Corey when he had the chance. Embolden this by offering to throw him the Veto win.

    Once the veto is over and should James win it, take himself down then Nicole and Corey should somehow worm their way into both Paul and Victor’s ear and see if Victor will put up the pawn king Paul on the block beside Natalie but only for the sheer sake of having her squirm thinking she is going home. At the vote, then Nicole, Corey and James all three vote out Paul.

    Great move since Victor can’t play for HOH next week then they can vote out Victor and complete their final four hey had planned earlier.

    Will it happen? No way but it is fun to think about it because this group does no thinking at all.

  15. Question: In the weird wierd case (I hope that this don’t happen) that Nicole and Corey reach the F2 who have more chances to win the season?

    • I don’t know, a lot of them don’t like Nicole. And you know Paulie wouldn’t vote for a lady. I also have a feeling that if faced with the choice, James and Natalie would pick Corey over Nicole at this point.
      So Nicole might deserve it but I don’t know if that’s enough.

  16. Everyone was berating Natalie for pestering James about throwing the HoH comp, but she was right. Dumb move on his part. End of their game.

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