New spoilers today on the Big Brother 18 Feeds as the latest America’s Care Package winner was revealed to the Houseguests in the backyard.
This week’s reward was “Super Safety” and after the chaos last night I’m guessing a lot of fans strategic voting for Bridgette was nuked when she became the second victim of the Double Eviction. Time to find out who snagged the valuable reward this week.
Big Brother 18 Round 3 Care Package:
- Nicole was awarded this week’s prize: Super Safety
Update: Nicole’s costume has been revealed. It even lights up. This is pretty well put together.
This week’s power will give the winner a full week of immunity from the Block and eviction along with a goofy costume. Nicole won’t be going anywhere. How’s that going to work with this week’s nomination plans? Shouldn’t change things at all. We’ll see those picks made official later today so get ready for some great drama for Big Brother fans!
No surprises here as Nicole was in our Top 3 for popularity polling for weeks and weeks now. She was a likely expectation considering James and Natalie were the top two spots this week and both were ineligible.
But again, this won’t change their ability to evict either Corey or Paulie. Could it change Victor’s thinking though? You never know.
Want to watch more of the Live Feeds? Jump on with the Free Trial and see what’s happening.
Well it’s Meech for HOH next week. Meech can get out whoever remains of Corey/Paulie/Nicole
if merech get hoh she have co hoh!
That would be priceless, though! Ooops
Well again America – James and now Nicole. Both worthless players. People voting for those two dunderheads must only watch the show
Nicole might be the 2nd choice. I voted for Bridgette but, she got evicted. My guess is the 2nd place in votes got it instead. What I do not understand is they should have the care package arrive before the eviction then, Bridgette if she got it might have been saved! So, all her votes got wasted!
Any idea who to vote for the next Care Package?
Okay let’s guess who America will vote for – since we think the majority likely watch show only
We have to see who is left. I do not like Michelle, James, Natalie, Victor and Paul. Might vote for Corey or Paulie if they are still in the game for the drama and force everyone else to play the game instead, of just floating along. I would like Michelle, James and Natalie to go to the jury house. Whoever wins, I do not really care!
Sorry. I seem to like the people that you don’t. I would never vote for Paulie or Corey.
Me either
That is okay. I do not like anyone in particular. Just used to enjoy Big Brother because of the game play and too bad the days of Dan Gheesling, Dr. Will and Mike Boogie are long gone! Now, most house guests need to be forced into making moves! Survivor is number 1 because majority of tribal members are out to win that $1,000,000 check. Without Corey, Paulie and Nicole, it would be pretty boring. We need drama and we need these slugs to be forced to make the moves! As long as there are house guests on the other side, the game can be turned on its head which is a good thing!
I agree with you on that. I miss Evel Dick. That was a great season. Loved Will and Boogie and their antics
Respect your views. But James is my favorite and Paulie is at the bottom of the list. Now that the game has gotten more interesting Paulie may be good for viewers interest. But I can’t wait for him to go home. The F word comes out so much I can’t quite catch what they are saying.
That makes sense Richie
Meech is disgusting. Trashed people when she was safe and sobbed when on block. She is trash. All she does is bad mouth others. Let’s count…lol. And Paulie has been on block, week 1..he knows how it feels.
meech or cry btchy rach?
Do not like Michelle too! She was mean when she was safe and Bridgette voted to save her! I would rather Bridgette stayed over her!
Who the hell voted for Nicole?!?
People who don’t go online and/or feeds — they only have the TV edited version of the players.
Yeah she is shown to be some type of nice girl when she is a POS like Paulie and Corey. You aren’t friends with guys like that without being like them.
I don’t think Nic thinks that.
Eh. She was telling James how she didn’t think men should be spoken to badly about Nat/Paulie. James asked what Nat said and she said nothing.
She said this year the girls were catty. When Meech asked her if it was catty to pick off the women one after the other in her season. She felt it was not.
Nicole is the kind of girl who wants to be liked by the guys, and will crap all over other girls to be a cool girl.
Nicole is desperate. She apparently isn’t picky about the guys she sleeps around with
How can u pick on Nicole? Natalie is gross. Desperate for attention. Nicole annoying, yes. But Natalie and Michele are DISGUSTING
Nope! Nat does not hang all over James like Nicole does with Cory. She also hasn’t aligned herself with Paulie as Nicole has.
Exactly – she’s the girl who wasn’t cool in school, and now wants to be
Well she’s an idiot
Yup..but you have to understand they can’t put the really bad stuff on the show because it’s prime time television…protect children, etc.
They could make it more real than they do, tho … editing is an art and they can manage to spin it either way or even try to make it fair … ha!
I know right they give Natalie such a good edit. I hope they start showing the fake mean girl she really is.
How is Natalie mean?
michelle had better edit mean girl!
I like Natalie. At least she knows the guys’ intentions, which is to pick the girls off one by one
Yes but give her an edit like others get
Sorry I watch the feeds and voted for Nicole. See I watch what’s really happening and not an edited version. Michelle and Natalie after last night are just as bad as Paulie.
Glad to see someone feel the same way as me. Meech was already as bad as Paulie but then Nat decided to drop to that level also. Just sad to see.
How did Nat drop to that level?
meanguiirls gowesd july 22!
She didn’t. How is it Meech and Nat are mean girls, but that idiot Paulie who treats women like dirt, and can’t open his mouth without saying the f word. He’s a snake, yet we are talking about the girls
Thank you. Funny other articles I’ve read on other websites the majority love Nicole. And now they are also commenting how Natalie has changed since the beginning into a mean girl. Guess they watch the feeds too and not just read what Joker posts. Which Joker omits soooooo much. They don’t post half of what goes on. Not knocking the site because before I had feeds several years ago it was a great site to go to for info.
I don’t feel she mean or fake…she’s now playing the game. As far as what she said to Z, I have mixed feelings, I would want to know any info…JMO
I would want to know too. But it would of been different if Natalie told her with good intentions. But she didn’t. She told her the night before she knew she was leaving and said she couldn’t hold it in. She had plenty of time to tell her. She wanted Z to blow up at Paulie and in case she had the round trip ticket then she would come back and go after him.
I think Natalie is trying to survive without being voted out. At least she has the guys’ number, including James. She showed poor judgment telling Z about Paulie
I like Meech at least just says it, instead of being fake. She’s still better than Paulie
I watched her during first season and now this repeat. Same ole Nicole. Always wants to snag a guy and cling to the boys
It has to be
Not me. But not to worry…it only saves her this week only. No matter who replaces either Corey or Paulie, Corey or Paulie will still be going home because Nic, Corey and Paulie don’t have enough numbers to save themselves over the other five.
Right .. and Nicole was not the target this week anyway and now she will have to wear the costume … hope she hates it and that it’s hot and uncomfortable and extremely embarrassing. Maybe others will convince her that America just wanted her to have to wear the costume.
RADDDDD! hahaha
Corey probably won’t be able to finger dip if she has to wear it to.bed.
And you talk about Paulie? What a disgusting thing to say.
Yes, it is disqusting. Thought I would write it before having to read it. Lessened the shock/!#!#!/
Why is it disgusting to talk about when it is displayed on national tv? They are the ones doing it…Should we say “Bless his little heart, he wont get to F—– D– her if she wears that costume to bed.. Is that better?
Ok so Paulie makes a comment about Natalies fake boobs and he’s just so awful but you agree that comment was just fine. Okay talk about double standards. Bye hypocrite.
He says f word 1000 x a day. He really was inappropriate with Z, but they are adults. He’s a douche
You just come across as someone who likes Nicole.
LOL Lavendargirl must be Nicole’s mother to be upset over that comment.
Another hypocrite.
It has a slit in it.
GROSS and uncalled for Banitap
. Corey was an idiot to not go after Paul and Victor or back door Victor!
You know, I have read worst comments and I decided to beat others to the punch. I have seen no one else objecting to the vulgarity in others’ comments. Nicole is a snake and needs to sliver out the door in two weeks time. But wait, she never does anything, does she.
Nicole is a snake
He was a little late to the game. Remember, he said Bros before hos.
Well Nicole ran to Paulie like the nutter she is, and asked who do we put up? Paulie told her and she relayed to Corey. Those two deserve each other, and Paulie can go back to the shore, and fade into oblivion like Corey
We have a lot of people acting and saying things that are just as ugly or worse than all of them in the house, I don’t like the way some are playing, but I will not day anything ugly about them because I do not know them personally. You have to remember its just a game and everyone in their has family, I’m sure you all would not like people saying some of the hateful things said about your family
Well here’s the thing. I don’t watch BB, live feeds, updates, and agreed to be watched 24/7. They did. So, I’m not going to sit around and be nice when they aren’t nice, just to appease a few. If they act and have ugly language, guess what? It’s going to be talked about. Apparently they don’t care what their families think, so why should I? Don’t sign up and be a tool or be sexually active, if you don’t want viewers to talk about it. You worry about their families.
Thank you! I was lost for a moment in anger at who SUPPOSEDLY won the CP this week. No way she won that,.. Im sorry but for the first time ever I will be joining the “production helps certain players” bandwagon. Michelle or Paul (imo) would’ve been the ones to win it this week. Bridgette has she stayed. This is crap. But back to my point Thank You for pointing out the fact one of the 3 will be gone next week no matter what!
She’s going to be soooo peeoed when she finds out it won’t help her to keep her honey bun safe if he should go home.
Now Paul and Michelle are still able to win a different care package.
They could still vote her to sit on the chair to ensure paulie goes home. Wouldn’t that be Huge for Nicole to sit next to him.
I wish that was true, but according to this care package rules, she can’t be put on the block as well as evicted. She’ll have the same perks as the hoh of this week. And that also includes her having a say of who should go on the block, but the ultimate decision of that call is Victor and Victor’s alone, so what ever she says to Victor about who should be put up will be falling on deaf ears. She just won’t know that until it happens. So please Victor, stick to Paul’s and your plan to put up Corey and Paulie.
That’s co -hoh
Safety acts the same can’t put her on block, thus she can’t be renommed or evicted.
you are looking at the wrong care package. she won super safety, not co-hoh
thank God.
I know, I went back and looked to make sure. Nicole can have this one, she won’t get the Co-HOH package next week. I’m good with that.
My bad,
had to go back and read cp rules, Co-hoh is in week 4 care package.
Happens to me all the time :)
Then this is one horrible package. Bet victor will Hate this.
I can just envision this, Nicole ‘ s bird nest will certainly expand to enormous portion.
Does she brush that mop? It always looks the same mess. I think her extensions are falling out
I honestly believe she likes it this way cause she thinks it’s sexy. She is constantly looking at herself, pulling at that mop.
I agree! It’s her new messy ‘do
Obviously, stupid people like her. No way she deserves this package.
They probably regret it now. :-)
But I hope she hates the costume.
OMG..I forgot about that…RAD!!!
america did!
You forgot to capitalize America Mickey :D (just kidding you)
That’s what I’d like to know????????????
I voted for her only because I didn’t know if Michelle or the other girls would be evicted and I didn’t want any guys to get it.
Exactly! Who in the hell voted for that nasally do nothing
I want names lolol
So Nic got the care package. It’s wasted either way.
This is totally fine. She need it, it’s kept out of the hands of Paulie and Corey, and she’s now ineligible to win it next week, when it would probably be of more use to her.
I meant it was wasted on Nic..LOL She’ll need that next week.
I really hope everyone votes for Michelle to get co-HOH next week.
YES! Please let’s all vote for Meech next!
Yes I will!!!
I will…with the condition that she doesn’t cry for the next five days.
I am ok with her crying, as long as one of those douchebags leaves under her reign next week.
I will be.
Me 2. hehe
Oh hell no. If anyone, should have been Meech.
BB must be protecting Nicole. Bet she goes to end. Make me barf.
I will DROP BB like a hot potato if this happens.
She was safe this week anyway though. Better for her to get this one this week rather than the co-HOH one next week. The pool for that reward will be Paul, Victor, Michelle, and whoever remains from Paulie/Corey. Nothing to worry about.
Exactly. I can live with this outcome so long as Paulie or Corey go to jury
Oh it’s written. She will go to the end with Paulie
Well. I do hope she gets eliminated next week right after Paulie. If Victor doesn’t change his mind.
Michelle may be safe this week anyway.
What?! I call bullsh*t.
I feel like this is trolling.
That was Bridgette’s care package…
I know. The DEs always get me. I lost Elissa, Jackie and now Bridge.
But sometimes they work out like when Christine left and it was glorious.
That was great
I hope Nicole remembers to thank Michelle for making her the recipient of the care package due to Michel’s ‘snake’ comments.
…I don’t get it.
It truly doesn’t matter. Even in the worst case scenario, either Paulie or Corey are going to jury (barring the round trip ticket.) This package has literally no effect on what’s happening this week (as things stand right now.)
It does if the veto is used. She would have been the replacement. Even so, it won’t change who’s evicted.
I hope the costume is itchy and hot.
So if Corey or Paulie (the apparent nominees) win Veto and take themselves off the block I wonder who Victor would put up?
Maybe Natalie? or James?
I think Meech has been ok with being a pawn.
If there was EVER a week to be a pawn, this is it. lol
Riiiight? Paulie is going to be so peeoed if he doesn’t win Veto and Mich’s accusation will have come true for her.
Aren’t Victor and Paul closer to Big Meech though?
Especially after Nat humiliated Victor with her farewell speech?
I mean Nat hasn’t offered herself, whereas Meech has. They might still not put her up but she said she would be ok with it.
Natalie would certainly be an idiot to volunteer and I don’t see that happening at all :D
Michelle already promised she’d be a pawn whenever Paulie or Vic needed her to be.
So then Michelle will realize she’s at the bottom of the ‘new alliance’s’ pecking order and Nat is favored over her? Bottom is not a good place to be and if Nicole is smart she’ll try to recruit Michelle.
Just my thoughts Joni.
Nat and Vic cleared that all up.
Idk Joni, I don’t think Victor has really gotten over that incident and is just pretending. His ego seems fairly healthy after all..
Yeh, but Paul’s talking sense into him so he doesn’t use that as a personal reason instead of a strategic move.
But Big Meech will still realize that she is considered as the bottom of the pecking order. Does Victor want to make a new enemy out of Michele by showing his hand?
Michelle has resigned herself to going no matter what, she just didn’t want to go until after Zingbot is all.
May she get her wish then :D
Does it matter? They’ll still have all the numbers to send Paulie or Corey home.
But who will Victor put on the block to replace Corey or Paulie if one of the them wins VETO since we know it won’t be Nicole?
James. Paul. Michelle. Natalie. It could be anyone at this point because that person is just a warm body sitting next to whomever is remaining between Paulie and Corey.
The chosen person may still remain, but they won’t hesitate to nominate Victor if they get the chance in the future.
Instead of making a new enemy I think Vic will nominate Nat instead. We’ll see Gus.
You could be right..anything to soothe Paulie’s ego.
it don’t matter cause if one comes down the other goes home cause the 1 remaining will only have 2 votes (if all goes as planned) I think maybe Paul should be put up as pawn cause he won’t be voted out ..
Victor will be burning a lot of bridges and making new unnecessary enemies who won’t vote for him to win. Victor is a smart guy and I think he’ll consider all options before making his decision since this does seem to be Paul’s plan for him.
that would make me want to vote Victor to win the whole thing, if he got Paulie out…good move
But it wouldn’t make Paulie vote for Victor after V. stabbed him in the back
If Victor was sitting next to Michelle or Natalie he would probably vote for him.
Yeah, Paulie definitely won’t vote for a female winner I agree.
Why would AMercia pick her? They should have picked Miche
America picked Bridgette but she went home so Nicole was second. But now Michelle can get the coHOH so vote Michelle.
Right .. so many votes were probably wasted when Bridgette was evicted and then there was not enough time to gain on whoever had been voting for days before for Nicole.
tt is exactly why a person should not vote early.
I can’t stand Meech or Natalie. I gave Nicole every single one of my votes. I still don’t understand all the hate.
It’s simple. She’s a terrible person.
I don’t understand the hate either.
She’s the kind of girl who hates other girls.
She’s the kind of guy who is friends with racists like Aaryn.
She’s the kind of girl who is friends with misogynists like Paulie
She’s the kind of girl who is hooking up with racists/misogynists like Corey
But most of all she is a moron. She thinks she is playing the game with the guys when all she is is a body and a number. They will dump her the moment they can. And she will never learn. She will continue looking for that validation from them. If she wasn’t such a POS, I would feel bad for her.
Isn’t Natalie playing the same type of game as Nicole except it’s with James instead of Corey?
Since both Nat and Nic have survived so far with this strategy I’m not so sure it’s a stupid strategy.
Perhaps Day, Tiffany or Bridgette should have employed a similar strategy and they would still be in the house.
Nicole seems to be having her vote go with whomever Corey is voting for. Nat seems to make up her mind and has to convince James to vote the same way.
Yes, but Nicorey were in the inner circle of power players so there was no reason to make waves at that time.
What bothers me is that Corey had the guys alliance and left Nicole in the dark so apparently he has no problem stabbing her in the back.
Neither Corey or Paulie is good for her game but she didn’t realize it.
Good thing Victor seems to have taken a shine to Nicole though…
I definitely would not want Nicole’s game to be blown up because of Corey or Paulie. Hope she wises up before it’s too late.
So do I Lisa. Nicole might want to tell Victor everything she knows about Paulie to save herself.
After all, he planned on getting rid of her during the DE – I wish someone would tell her this.
Only problem is that Nicole is so into Corey would she even listen. Look what happened to Z. Paulie wouldn’t use his Veto on her and she was still all over him.
I don’t care for Corey at all and someone needs to tell Nicole that Corey was going with the guys to the end and not her.
Maybe Vic can help her see the light because Corey is bringing her to a dead end.
You have the right to your opinion. Now can I get your reasons why Michelle’s treatment of Bridgette was justified?
I dont hate Nicole too muich either but she really is useless. She is sneaky which is okay because its bb I guess, but she is just all around useless. She is being played by the boys once again after saying she wont fall for anyone. And she falls for the most boring person in the house.
That is why I voted for her. She has no clue that her allies were getting ready to throw her under the bus.
Because they evicted Day for lies, at least Day did it to their faces. Nicole is always under cover
That too, they should at least be consistent in the voting lol. Day is a very good reader of the game. She is average at comps and all around terrible in the social aspect (which is what got her in her 2 attempts)
Damn, you would think she was playing Big Brother.
Nicole just takes info back to her alliance. She is loyal to them. She does”t make up stories about people like Day did.
Too funny Lynne :D
She just lied on James today
Good for her since he stabbed her in the back.
Because James lied to them about voting Z out.
James was in on the plan to get Victor out in the DE. He just was not the only one.
Name one person in there who has NOT lied.
What show have you been watching? Nicole is the enemy.
I keep getting bumped off. BB must not like my response. They are protecting Nicole to the end and if she wins, I’m definitely dropping BB like a hot potato. Don’t like being manipulated into watching a fake show. And I’m not talking about Nats fake boobs.
You are not the only one … this site freezes up on me a lot, it’s so annoying especially when you are in the middle of a reply and I’ve seen others comment about it also.
I think it’s all the moving ads causing the problems.
The same thing happens when I’m checking my emails. there are so many moving ads constantly uploading that I can’t even access my email at times.
The only way to get rid of them is to pay $45.00 a year; and it’s beginning to sound very tempting.
I am not seeing any ads at all.
I’m computer illiterate so please tell me how to get rid of all these moving ads – they’re driving me crazy!
I have no clue? I have a pop up occasionally when I first get here, then nothing. I have a Mac and am using Safari. Not sure if that makes a difference.
I think I might have a computer virus then if I’m the only one having gazillion moving ads on every page I go to. It’s so aggravating I think I’ll buy a new computer.
thanks for that info, I really need advice on what kind of computer to buy. I’ve heard from others that Apple computers are the best.
I think you are right about ads …tho only happens to me when I am on BB site. You might go on internet and research how to alleviate that problem if it happens even with your email.
I have Linda, and I tried to tell my hubby (he’s a lot older than me and hates computers) that we had a problem with moving ads but he always disagrees with anything I say so he’s no help at all. I think I’ll just fork over $45.00 to get rid of them.
I totally understand that!
Woooooohoooooooo WTG America and Nic!!
Can somebody please remind me what the last care package contains? I’m too lazy to go look it up LOL
It’s 5k to bribe whoever you want.
Thank you darling!
co-HOH per the comments here
Co-HOH is the 4th one. $5K to bribe is the fifth and final one.
oh ok
THAT’S the one! Thanks!
but thisd care package should played last night
OMG … I think Nicole’s costume is a ……. yes, a snake!!!!!!! ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah and it looks really uncomfortable and hot and itcy and she also got a can of bug spray and she wonders why. Saw that on tweets. Hope it’s right. Maybe too good to be true.
haha i would die, the trolling is real
that y victor hoh!
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha 5
How appropriate
Don’t take it as true yet …. I saw it on tweets and someone may have just pranked it. I was all for it, tho!!!!!!!!
She doesn’t have it on yet so we don’t know what it is
OMG I LOVE love love it!
Like I said … don’t get too excited … it might be a prank tweet! I fell for it hook line and sinker! Sure would be good, though.
I hadn’t read that far when I wrote this. :( I was very excited.
I know, I’m sorry … I was jumping up and down and typing as fast as I could and then afterward, it hit me, like …. uh-oh, that’s just toooooo good to be true … maybe it will still be something she hates!!! Duh to me.
We’ve all been there!
Fri 12:58 PM BBTNicole emerges from DR with appears to be an orange/yellow safety cone
Yes .. got it…thanks. I Jumped the gun and fell for a prank!!
Corey thinks he or Paulie are going to get the next care pachage. Corey is so stupid.
this care poacakage screwwed up double evixtion night
Corey is stupid, but I didn’t think America was ever going to give it to Nicole. She is as doofy as her boy toy.
It’s because everyone was voting for Bridge and Nicole still has some of her fans from BB16 (why I will never know)
double eviction night screwed up whole care package now
worst case scenerio….Paulie wins veto and saves Corey….Then what??? These other guys better fight hard for the veto…. Any one have any idea what this veto comp might be?
more paul save corey!
Paulie can’t because both Paulie and Corey are going up.
not in les he goes up on the block!
Yes the plan is to put up Paulie and Corey together at the start no backdoor.
corey win pov!this why this care package should platyed last night!
What are you watching? I think you are a day behind.
corey goes the bloxck this week
I think he/she is a language behind.
lol. If he/she is not a troll I don’t mind the language barrier, but at least keep up with what’s happening on the show.
Goofy photos?
Paulie would not pull Corey down…you kidding? You probably meant Paul, right?
Now that Nic won the safety. Putting Corey and Paulie up is best and whomever wins it, then vote out the other. Either of them leaving is fine by me and then Nicole after Paulie. The replacement could be Michelle and she won’t get voted out again.
Sad, that, huh? I want Michelle to tell Paulie she was right and he was wrong…about his game being blown up.
Michelle not being voted out again is sad.
She needs to not suck up to Paulie if that’s what you meant. I am liking her again because she spoke up about it and got the house to flip.
It was a collaborative effort I think. If Nat hadn’t gone to bat for Michelle and got others on board, Michelle would have been evicted.
If Paulie wins veto and saves Corey, Paulie is still on the block and can go home.
Yep. The veto only removes one hg from the block…he’ll remove himself guaranteed and vice versa.
If Corey had won Safety (has a man worn a unitard yet? I forget) and then Nicole won POV, she could save Paulie and all 3 would be safe this week.
Then it’d be back to putting up the girls. James would no likey because even if he wasn’t up there, it’s just his & Paul’s vote vs P/N/C’s so Nat Nat might go bye bye. I don’t think P/C/N would trust James to make a deal to keep Nat.
Yeh, I know that why I didn’t want Corey or Paulie winning this CP! LOL Glad neither did! :-)
If Paulie wins veto (and he’s on the block), he’s not going to save Corey. Paulie doesn’t have it in him to be selfless.
Paulie is likely going up now. He would have to save himself.
of course the cocksucker won
At least we don’t have to listen to Nicole whine all week about this (though she will when Coryand Paulie are OTB). Wait until she finds out after the season is done that she only won by default Bridget got evicted. I would like to be a fly on the wall then!
No Nicole will whinnnne about the costume all week lone.
Unless she doesn’t like the costume she has to wear and then she will whine a lot.
Great minds think alike.
oooooooo. dammit don’t ruin my day, lol
She whines regardless. Her talks with Corey are whiny and everything else that comes out of her mouth, even a vowel.
Right, all those two-syllable vowelszuuuuuh.
Who the heck would vote for that stupid man hungry girl? Either two things happen, the vote was rigged as usual by CBS or we voted for Nicole to wear a costume as a punishment for siding with Paulie.
Ugh!! I don’t care much about Nicole, but the perception will be that America likes her side of the house. That just can’t be. (Can it??)
Either way, makes no difference IF Victor sticks with the plan. Put up Paulie and Corey. If either win the veto, Victor puts up someone on his side, but they still have the votes to send home P or C.
No, it can’t. America is sick of Big P systematically ridding the house of women, and since Nicole is #3 in popularity, at least we had the power to stop Big P from removing yet another woman. From the way Matt wrote the article, I’d bet Bridgette was the real winner, but because she got nixed, it went to the runner-up (Nicole).
I’m just worried that Victor will take this as a sign that he shouldn’t go against Nicole’s side of the house. PLEASE stick with the plan, Victor!!
He still is holding a grudge against Nat for the goodbye speech she’d given him weeks ago.
True, and he’s been talking with Paul about splitting up the couples so hopefully Nat goes on the block and Victor hasn’t burned any bridges.
I am pretty concerned about that too.
I don’t think Vic will leave Paul at this point especially after everything he has learned.
Especially since Victor or Paul haven’t received a care package yet and can’t help but wonder why.
They’ll be glad about the next two coming instead! For sure.
We’ll have to see about that Joni and Paulie or Corey could become a comp beast yet.
I won’t be here then…sooo glad, if that happens.
How can you bear to go on vacation during BB??? :D
It’s not easy, but it can be done! hahaha I went about this time last year. I can go to the internet cafe 20 min drive away and see who got evicted, but that’s about it. I’ll survive it. Been needing this vacay more than BB. LOL
I don’t blame you for wanting to get away. Be safe and have fun :D
Enjoy that costume snakole
Voting for Corey next week for Co-HOH. Then I hope Nicole wins HOH. Get one of the mean girls out. I don’t care if it’s James, Natalie or Michelle as long as one goes.
What are we going to do with you!! lol
Lol. Sorry. I like who I like and stand behind it. I’ll be glad when it’s done I’m exhausted. Lol
Me, too … lots of ups and downs and I get so emotional about it sometimes and it’s so silly. I guess it’s a social game out here, too. I’ve learned a few things about myself. I will be especially glad for this BB to be over, but then I always look forward to the next – just hope there is more game playing next time.
If Corey is evicted I might have to vote to give it to Paulie next week.
Glad to see another Nicorey fan here.
Not that I like Paulie but just to keep Nicole safe for another week. Once the alpha males start going after each other Nicole might manage to stay around a little longer.
I second that!
He couldn’t even make a decision. This would be a total waste of an HOH
Especially if Paulie’s gone – no one to tell him what to do.
But Nicole would be safe the next week if Corey won HOH after losing Paulie. There are Nicole fans obviously or she wouldn’t have received the care package.
I think it’s more like there are ‘women’ fans. Just tired of watching Paulie have women removed just because of their gender.
Apparently you aren’t aware of Nicole’s continued popularity with her fans.
Uh, did you just refer to James as a mean girl?
Lol yep he’s acting like a little girl.
I’m with you Lavendargirl. I hope that whichever one of Corey or Paulie had the RT. This is after Nic wins HOH and we give Corey or Paulie the co-HOH I’m going to split my votes this week between them.
Don’t split them it will hurt one of them. I’m giving all mine to Corey until after POV. Then if they are still both on the block I’ll continue to give them to Corey because I think Paulie will get evicted. People voted for Bridgette and their votes were cancelled because she was evicted.
It will all depend on if Paulie wins veto today. If he does and goes down. Then Corey will probably be gone. Or if Corey comes down or both of them stay up..then Paulie will go home.
Yeah after the veto if both of them are still up I’ll give all mine to Corey but if Paulie comes off and Corey is still up I’ll have to decide who to give them to because your right Corey will probably go. But Corey could have the round trip.
Oh come on! That’s a point for Paulie yet again!
i bet meech next week care package
OK AMERICA I do hope this does not backfire on those that voted Nicole.. If it does and yall don’t like what plays out this week Do Not come in here and bitch moan and groan.. The goal is to get the “d-hays” out not keep em in…
I voted for Nicole to keep her safe from the d-heas. They were contemplating putting her up. She is loyal to them, but they planned on getting rid of her like they did Z.
Yep, they sure did. Big P wants all the women out of the house, loyal or not. Period.
right…. right… keep telling urself that Nicole is loyal….”sometimes u just gotta believe”
How has she not been loyal to Paulie and Corey?
last night before the vote she tried to make a deal with the remaining girls.
Ummm you have a time for that? Because I watched and never seen that.
I think it was meant for Bridgette though if she’d stayed over Michelle.
In her first season Nicole was a ditz. This season she’s a ditzy B.
What site do you suggest I switch to since I can’t comment if this ‘backfires’ on Nicole.?
personally I don’t care what site u go on.. and I said nothing about people switching sites.. and why would u take my comment “personal”??? It was not directed at u as an individual cause I could less how u voted or ur opinion and Nicole was 2nd choice not # 1…
Thanks littlefly , I’ll just avoid all the sites where you comment then :D
No worries…I’ll be out of town then anyway! LOL
u have a good trip…see soon..
This whole thing is fixed . Do you really believe Nicole actually won the votes to get it. The only reason they gave it to her was because CBS new she has a high chance of getting backdoored this week.
yet every1 wanted michele have the next care package to!
I’m okay Michelle didn’t get it…as long as Corey or Paulie didn’t now. It will not help Nicole long term any way you look at it.
look what just to vvixctor know he so screwed him over should have let meech win hoh this week to!
She was runner up. No one wants her to get CoHoH because that would basically be Corey’s HoH.She was already safe. This sets the situation up so she can’t get any other packages and those are more important.
Everyone needs to vote Meech to get the Co-HoH power.
A lot of people are saying Vic since he can’t play HoH, but don’t do it. That’s a big, big mistake.
After Corey or Paulie leaves this week, there’s a very good chance that Vic/Paul will try to scoop up whoever is left and go after the girls. Giving that power to Vic risks him going after Meech/Natalie.
Remember, Vic is still kind of annoyed at Nat over her goodbye message. Plus, remember who Vic was early season… not a big fan of women in general. He’s hiding it to stay in the house and improve his position, but the real Vic likes to bro down HARD. If Paulie leaves, he and Paul could scoop up Corey/Nicole and dominate to the end. That will be really tempting for him.
Meanwhile there’s a very very low chance Meech or Natalie wins HoH at this point.
The only sure bet is Meech for co-HoH. She’s the only player 100% guaranteed to go after the remnants of Corey/Nicole/Paulie.
Vote Meech! Accept no substitute
“A lot of people are saying Vic since he can’t play HoH, but don’t do it. That’s a big, big mistake.”
Uh…what if you’re cheering for Victor? Then it wouldn’t be a big, big mistake! lol
michele should have won this week hoh!
I say Vic for coHOH if you don’t like paulie and want to freak him out. Three weeks in a row? America, have you lost your minds?? (Paulie)
And let Paul bribe! he’s been hiding all season! make him play For REAL, he’s been getting off easy with his innocent “I had no idea bridgette was going, I had no idea they were voting Z out”.
Let’s make Paul bleed a little
vic cant play hoh
just rwemember who voted v!
Hey Paulie! Where’s your throne? And your Queen?
right beside paul
I think they’re back at Jersey Shore where everyone there are a bunch of Guidos.
His throne is in the bathroom and his Queen … well, that must be Corey now.
Don’t tell Nic, she’ll get jealous! :-)
victor so screwed himself over haha
It was actually going to go to Bridgette…but she left yesterday…. so, Nicole got it which does not surprise me…
CoCory thinks he or paulie will probably will get the next care package. Really? I think not!
look just posted
Who cares about super safety… doesn’t do much anyways …co HOH to Michelle is still an option….
Nic likes it because it keeps her from going on the block and she can help save Corey if it comes to that. Okaaaay now! SMH
Then Paulie can just GTFO!!!…..
I’m hoping Paulie does not win the Veto…sooo much!
The bad news would be if Paulie wins VETO, takes himself down, Corey gets evicted and has the RT ticket. Now that would be a true waste of a week.
Sadly, you could be right.
I’ll admit.. I split my votes each day between Bridgett and Nicole. The guys were gunning for girls.. nobody liked Z, Meech was supposed to go home Nat can’t get anything else, so that left Brig and Nic.
I agree, and I think that’s the main reason Nicole got it. I believe Bridgette really was the winner, but with her gone, Nicole was the runner up. Not surprised America would want to stop Paulie’s rant against women however we could.
I’m thinking that too.
Nicole is wondering why she got Deep Woods Off in her package…hmmmm…she’s not the only one but I can guess why. To protect herself from the bugs that will soon attack her, namely Paulie, Vic or Paul. LOL
I thought maybe she’s in the thicket of it all
Look, I’m surprised that they did not give her “coattails”! Lol
Shocked Nicole won. Though it was Bridgette’s to lose wasn’t it?
I guess it dont matter because Michelle isnt being targeted this week so far. Hopefully she wins co hoh! I wish Natalie didnt win never have not now so she could win the better stuff.
I read won by default, Bridget got the top vote, but she is not here…Nicole got the next highest votes.
Glad Nicole has it.
I don’t understand why everyone hates Nicole, Cory and Paulie so much. They were playing the game the way its supposed to be played. I voted for Nicole and if Paulie or Cory make it through the week I’ll vote for them. Meech and Nat are the mean girls in the house and Paul is the most annoying braggart I’ve ever seen.
Paulie is a pig and Corey agrees with everything he says. Paulie could have saved Z with his Veto win but he didn’t. Just led her on.
She allowed it! If she is that desperate for a mans attention she deserved it. The girl was ridiculously jealous
That is what I thought as well. But other people told me Paulie insulted the other women on BBAD. I also do not like Michelle, Natalie, and Paul. I think Nicole or Corey should win.
Now we have to listen to Meech cry and Nats Jamesy
I hate Meech, James, and Natalie. I like Victor, Corey, and Nicole. Paulie is definitely going home this week.
if victor was smart enough her put up taget that won pacakage
Gah why Nicole? Shes already so self righteous. I can’t stand her
oine thing is she cant get anymore care packages
I think she is a good player
It was supposed to go to Bridgette, Nic was runner up.
nope supposer go to meech!
Nope; Bridgette got the top votes.
the house meech to win it that ll
And you know this how? CBS doesn’t post the results/numbers!
Because this package is worthless to her. Next is Co HOH and no one wants that to go to Nicole or the guys.
yup she need win hoh that all but i dont she cant because this week care pacakage
Funny how things change during the season. At the start, I really liked Day and Paulie. But I ended up not caring when Day was evicted, and Paulie is now my least favorite. I did not like Victor and Paul, but now they and Natalie are my three favorites.
ywt every1 wanted paul out!
That’s big brother for you!
remermber how every1 wanted paul out that big brother for u
OMFG I was so freaking happy was I saw she won on the live feed (And yes I watch the live feeds and still love Nicole) I spent all my votes on this week and even forced my aunt and parents who don’t like Nicole to vote her
be glad brecause she cant anymore now!
I know but this was the best one for Nicole to win :-)
i ratheh ave next week care package co hoh!
only 1 week saftey!
Next week need to get Corey the Co-HOH pkg. We are all voting that way in chat room I go to on BB feeds. I am saying Nic wins the HOH and then shares the HOH with Corey!
Yasss! That’s exactly what I was thinking
paul meanguy
People keep comparing Nat/Nic game play as being similar…both hanging on guys coat tails. this is the difference to me. Nat is honest, admits she hasn’t won anything, says she is terrible at comps, but at least she is trying… Nic brags about all she has done ( her TEAM) won the comp for her hoh, not her. then she says she just wants to lay low and not win anything but if one of her “group” wins something, it’s high fives all around about how she helped!!!! Confusing, No,, Nic is just a hippocrit.
Another difference is Nicole didn’t hop from guy, to guy to guy.
Neither did Nat. I don’t recall seeing her do anything with any of the guys, not even James.
Before there was james both Victor and Corey rejected her advances. This is why Nat is jealous of Nicole, Corey preferred her over Nat.
Natalie flirted with them. She was looking for a guy to latch on to and James took the bait. Nicole is doing god knows what with Corey who has said many times he is not into her and Z was a huge hole. Natalie may be annoying with her girlie behavior, but she has not behaved as indecent as those other girls. She flirts and talks to James, but nothing inappropriate that I have seen. All 3 girls are floaters and using the guys. The guys are also using them.
Absolutely right. Everybody’s using everybody else right now. Everybody.
Yes indeed Natalie was flirting with all the men but had to settle for Jamesey.
Don’t forget, she always says she hasn’t done anything. Corey gives her that blank look.
Ok..did you watch the comp that Nic got the HOH in? She was the first one to finish the comp. She clearly did win it.
nicole was already safe dumbass voters
She could’ve went up as renom.
Thank you Brys! The care package saved her this week from being the renom.
america voters!
The voting started earlier in the week. Most of the voter probably strictly watch the show. They have been showing the guys talking about “clipping” Nicole.
this why i think this care package shoiuld played last night
At first I thought it was going to be too. That was another reason I voted for Nic. I figured the guys were going to try to backdoor her again. This was before any of this flip talk started.
bu i dont think she can play next week hoh bexcause the care package next week co hoh!
She should be able to play. She just has safety. It would be equivalent to winning a veto but without the ability to remove anyone from the block.
ya co hoh that all
Yeah that’s the point! Now she can’t get another package.
but wonder id she play thre next hoh wuith being choh?tyhis wghy this care packagwe should have played last night!now people cryn over it!
At least we know that Nicole’s not going to get co-HOH next week. Michelle or Paul for co-HOH, let’s do this!
nicole couild be gone next week!
You mean if Paul or Michelle were to receive co-HOH? Well, if she didn’t want to be gone she should’ve focused more on the game than on Corey
victor cant play next week!
But, WE have the POWER to give him HOH without him even playing!
I say we give it to Vic!
Paul for the bribe
Paulie or Corey for co HoH, let’s do this!!
corey and paul better
Or even Vic. The new HOH will be picked Thursday, and the Co on Friday, so Vic could be Co.
VIC!!! Paulie would be so mad wondering why America want Vic in HOH three weeks in a row!
And Paul for bribe! With his personality it would be great tv!
Michelle is just too emotional for either of them
victor need play it smart put up whoever has won care packages
This is better because next week is the Co HOH and no one wants Nicole or any of the other guys to get that.
victor cant play next week that all!
Now there is a pic of Nicole in her costume and I think it is some sort of spoof on keeping her safe from her own clumsy self. (Darn, a snake costume would have been soooooooooooo much better!) She has knee pads, safety orange colored suit and a safety cone for a hat (looks like an orange witch), etc.
wonder ifd nicole can play next week hoh because the care package
i bet she cant because won a carepacakage
That’s telling
woinder if nicole can play hoh next week because the care package
Nicole can play in HOH next week. Super Safety doesnt affect it.
but care package that all
I like this. If Meech got safety this week when she really isn’t in any danger, it saves a more valuable prize for her next week. After all with James and Natalie out of the running, who would you vote for for co HOH? Unfortunately, we’re not going to have a lot of options left when it comes to the bribe package.
but nicole screwed over now i dont think she play next week hoh to
you wonder this 2 care packages should have played last night
Sorry to go off point here , but since this is a fairly large forum, I have a question. When did jumping on a trampoline become an Olympic sport? I am 60 and have never seen this event.
I know, I just saw that. What the heck….lol
2000 summer games canad ajust won b2b gold
I just watched it and it was great.
I was glad they brought back Rugby after 92 years. My daughter played that all through out her college years.
That’s interesting…what’s the name of the sport? lol
Paulie still thinks Michelle and Natalie are going OTB and has been preparing his speech! hahahaha
The look on he and corey’s face will be priceless…
Riiiight? He really thinks he’s safe. I think they should give Vic and Paul an academy! :-)
you see the reason y i love seen this pacakage played last night!
I do now..yes!
now vixtor screwed himself this this week hoh because next week co hoh!
So what if Nat gets HoH and James gets co-HoH?
james cant get pacakge last week
Crap I forgot.
this is natalie sjhouldnt pl;ay in the next hoh to
Is Victor really putting them up or is he still confused.?
I hope he does, but Paulie has a good chance of winning Veto. I hope the guys prepare to evict him again if he has the golden ticket.
if vixctor was smart enough he putr james and natalie
why? They are not after him and he could beat both of them in the comps.
but who care pacakages so far?
;lok at the bigger picture you get it
I don’t. Paulie will get rid of Victor before Paul, Nicole and corey.
but whoever had care package sure does paint hufe targwet on your back now
Good. Nicole has it. I can’t stand her. She needs to go next.
james and natalie both qwon packages why not put therm up?
He needs their votes to stay in the house. They’re allies.
I think without Paul he might let Paulie back in his head, but Paul seems to be keeping him in line:
(from Jokers:)
Paulie talks as if it’s his HOH, then says, Sorry, Vic. Put up whoever you want. Vic laughs. “Got you bro” –
Yeah, and it’s a mean one, too. He plans to interrupt Vic’s nomination speech to fire it out. Vic’s noms might pour some ice water on that – or make it hotter.
Just got back..Who’s preparing a mean speech?
Paulie wants to call out Michelle and Natalie during the noms. .Paulie thinks that Victor is putting them up…(hope not)
Ha!..this is non- stop fun !
He’s not…the plan is still for Paulie and Corey to go up!
Paulie wants to come clean with the newly nominated Michelle and Natalie; admit he’s been running the house the entire time (with assistance from the guys’ alliance). Now he’s thinking after the noms, not during Vic’s speech. But I don’t think M and N will be the noms … still Paulie and Corey, I think.
Can Paulie hone his mean speech enough? This is good TV.
Knowing how versatile Paulie’s command of the English language is, I’m sure he could. His weakness is time and stress when he’s blindsided, like he was last night with Z’s eviction. (He’s already admitted he’s been “in a haze” since she was evicted.) So if he’s nominated, he’d do a better job with his speech if he saves it for a more opportune moment. If he fires it off from the hot seat, he’s liable to come across as a belligerent, crybaby, sore loser.
He’s yet to even think about his eviction speech..still working on the one he’s supposedly giving Michelle – over and over and over! LOL
There will be no speech! So it will not need to be edited! :-)
Michelle should wink at Paulie and Nat should wink at Corey! Piss Paulie off and make Nic jealous. :-)
zingbot prediction?
I am just glad Natalie didnt get it.. I dont think I could stand seeing her cheerlead all over the house in it!
Didn’t get what … she did get ACP.
yup she gpt first care package of the season
She got it week 1, and her cheerleading is awesome.
james and natalie botrh have care pacakages should be easy going up on the block?
memory wall is fixed to
Maybe we should vote Victor or Michelle for the next care package. Both of them are on the opposing side of Paulie, and a jury buyback will happen if the HGs don’t have a return ticket by Thursday (i think). Voting for one of them will keep Nat’s side of the house in control no matter what.
nat win hoh andf meech get co hoh perfect!
Victor maybe, but Michelle?
Yeah if Victor goes through with nominating Paulie and Corey and one of them goes home this week then next week he will need some protection since he can’t compete for HOH. So I think I will vote for him so the other side of the house can stay strong.
I’m definitely voting for Victor next week for the care package.
I think we keep victor in HOH and make paulie,Corey,Nicole wonder why America wants victor HOH three weeks in a row. It would piss paulie off.
And, I think Paul’s personality would be good for the bribe. Make his ass fess up. He has walked around all season acting innocent like he didn’t know who was being voted out, didn’t know Bridgette was leaving, yadayadayada.
Great tv.
I think Michelle would fumble either one. She would cave to whoever wins HOH, and she’s too damn emotional
Somebody should wrap that duck around Paul’s throat! lol
james should fill it up with and put in the freezer!
Yeah, production needs to find a way to get rid of that thing.
james using thosde giels has pawns thatall
Eww!!! I don’t know a single person who can even tolerate her let alone likes her.
I know, very strange
Not that strange. You’re looking at it wrong, I think. America is sick of Paulie (et al) on a rampage to remove all females from the house just because of gender. America simply wants to stop that. Bridgette was the winner of the CP; Nicole was the runner up.
I voted for Bridgette all week
tghis why this should have played last night!
Me too.
I voted for Bridgette and Victor so my votes went down the drain. Why couldn’t have Michelle gotten it? Freaking Nicole? No one even likes her! Whatever at least Paulie or Corey will go, I just wanted to see Corey and Nicole on the block next to each other bc honestly Paulie will win veto like always.
this like sayn why natalie and james get care pacjkages?
Nicole is #3 in the popularity poll (behind James and Natalie), so someone likes her.
nicole could have got saftey all week when jasmes got his pacakage to with twist!
Go figure
james cant win the pacakage
No one likes Michelle, either. She’s as mean and nasty as some of the guys.
And let’s face it, no one’s a saint in that house. Bridgette threatened to pull out Tiffany’s eyebrows. Paul threatened to punch anyone who went against him, Vic, and Jozea. Paulie… well, we all know what he’s said. This isn’t a house of nice people. We don’t have that this year. We have to therefore judge them on whether or not they’re playing this game, same as we had to do with Dick and Danielle Donato their season.
This stuff is rigged AF. CBS probably doesn’t even count votes and just chooses who they think makes the best tv.
lok ther memory wall is fixed to let paul win it to
kind of looks that way
look at the memory wall derek-ian was placved same spot to win now paul has chance to win it
I think no one has the golden ticket and they will give it to the HG they choose after eviction.
Which is probably Paulie
Funny thing is, his odds got better. With a little luck, he might get it.
What they can’t fix is Paulie. I really believe he wont get any. based on stats..It will be obvious. There will be an outcry.
paulkoe stats are great rifght up there vixctor and james
bitter jury much? lol
day and z already there lol
The popularity poll on this site says otherwise.
The one thing that I loved about last season is, that even though they were all after each other, they knew it was just a game. The HGS played games and tried to spend a lot of time hanging out and socializing together regardless of who was nominated.
This season is so much unnecessary cattiness and not enough balls.
yet production still scrwewed up week3!
people are upset because nicole got care pacage!wel james asnd natalie both got care pacakages
I wasn’t that thrilled with those either
that what happen when america votes oops!
if this was bb canada there qwould hafve 2 care package with double eviction bb usa so weak!
well would love seen get therm then?
Seriously, now I’m gonna nerd here:
The reason this America’s Care Package voting system isn’t the best is that it’s FPTP (First Past the Post) voting. Everyone gets 20 votes, but in the end, it’s just 20 votes for ONE choice. Whomever has the largest plurality wins. If the vote was all over the place, someone could win with just 1/6 + 1 vote or 1/7 + 1 vote. It’s even worse when the possibility of the top vote getter getting eliminated. This is what happened in Week Three with the Super Safety vote. Bridgette likely won and by a large margin. But because she was evicted, those votes basically became as relevant to reality as a mythical unicorn. The remaining votes still in the game + leftover Thursday and early Friday votes probably scattered all over the place, with Nicole holding enough of an edge to win.
A better system CBS could use is reduce the number of votes per day, but make the votes be a preferential voting system (like Alternative Vote). Instead of just using one to twenty of your daily votes for one person, you have to rank your choices accordingly to who you most want to win, then second most, third most, etc.
So let’s replay Week Three with this new system. Bridgette gets voted out. The computer immediately reallocates all of her votes to whomever was the listed second choice for each vote. This in turn ensures EVERY vote still counts, and depending on how the votes split, a different result is likely to emerge, as it’s highly doubtful that someone who would put Bridge first would put Nicole second (at least, probably not enough of a critical mass to tip the balance to Nicole).
I welcome your thoughts.
Source: CGP Grey “Politics of the Animal Kingdom” videos and my studies which netted me a Masters in Political Science
Mr Mousaroni,
Why have you gone to great lengths to disguise yourself???? Inquiring minds would like to know
the things i find oops!
Yay this means if one of the 3 win veto M will become emotionally distrot for another 5 dayswhen she gets renominated and realises that she is the only one who is “disposable”. Good job america :D
america vote oops!
Who cares if Nicole got Super Safety. Paul and Corey are the Targets, if one comes down… nominate James because he is least likely to stay on course.
Votes will still go:
Paulie Vs Corey
Nicole: Paulie
Nat: Paulie
Paul: Paulie
Mech: Paulie
James: Paulie.
Even if Paul and James flipped it would take Nicole voting to evict Corey to flip the results. It is unlikely that Nicole would vote out Corey.
James vs. Paulie/ Corey
Nicole: James
Corey: James
Nat: Paulie/ Corey
Meech: Paulie/ Corey
Paul: Paulie/ Corey
this would be the tricky votes… Paul might Flip but those two girls hate Paulie and they do not trust Nicorey.
Paulie/ Corey still go’s hom as long as things stay on course. The veto just has to stay un-used and people need to stay on course… still if the worst thing happens… how much of a loss is James. He really disappointed me this year.
Paulie would campaign so heavy, these people would lose their minds. They’ll be so confused.
It would be interesting. He really has yet to prove how good a campaigner he might be. We all know he’s a good bully, but that’s when the house was taking it lying down. Right now they could just toss him a “kiss off, Paulie, we’ve seen the light” and send him into a downward spiral. Sometimes bullies get off on their power, but when confronted they turn into simpering wimps (remember “A Christmas Story”? LOL).
but at the sametim,w ehy not target because playn lien to
I’d love to see this melt down but I doubt production is this sadistic. Then again……
hey production and casting stuck us with the bunch we watching…that is sadistic..
Truly, Madly, Deeply
well how caleb and framnlkie did drek dirty wotrk oops
There’s always one in the bunch
look at the bigger james care pacakage this pastr week oops
No…… she is the worst…mean girl!
nat or meech nicole?
Look, I think we should all discuss this and get on the same page for the last two cp’s so the casual votes won’t go to the scumbags. I don’t care that much for ANY LEFT available to vote for BUT, I do know who we all DONT want!!
I think putting victor in coHOH would be good. Piss off paulie. Make them wonder why the heck America would want VICTOR in HOH spot THREE weeks in a row!
I think Paul would be awesome doing the bribe thing. He goes around the innocent one, doesn’t know anything happening in the house. This would put him on the spot.
How can we all get on the same page?
We can’t. Over half the vote comes from the TV-only viewers. Plus, we’re not all gonna agree because we all have our favorites. Personally, I don’t see the need to give the Co-HOH to someone just to piss Paulie off because as of now, he’s the target. Unless he wins the POV, has the Round Trip, or finds a way to pull a Dan, he’s a non-factor for the rest of the game.
Plus there is a very vocal majority on other social media (like Twitter) who are all over the place but VERY passionate about Paulie, about Meech, etc. Just vote as best you can and try to post your viewpoint and try to sway others to vote with you. :)
I am on board 10000000%
Yup, not surprised in the least. Anyone looking at the polls knew how this was gonna go. As far as how this changes the nomination plan, I agree that it won’t. It may give Victor some pause, seeing as he had to be talked into the plan in the first place (he didn’t want to be the one with “dirt” on his hands), but ultimately, it won’t change a thing.
But victor might also be thinking its him and Paul left for the last two. It could go either way. I think victor would see America as not liking paulie with all his trash talk.
Hence why I said it only might make him hesitate. I honestly don’t know what he’ll do with it. He might not care all together, since Nicole was only the back-up plan to the back-up plan anyway.
i brt jurty house gonna be fun now with all girls in it
victor screwed himself for nerxt week hoh!
i bet jury house more entertaining them regular house!
I know people hate Paulie. But, sorry, I recall the MAJOR dooshbags Vic and Paul were at the beginning when they foolishly thought they controlled the game. With power, they were as big of idiots I can remember, so there is no way I can root for them.
who vbored out vicxtor oops!
i paul didnt want to get out so badly now he floater
So, lotsa dooshbags are littering the house now.
Well as of recently Paul and Victor wised up and realize that Paulie doesn’t have their best interest.
paul usdingh vixctor right now float by!
Who knows Paulies end plan…he was all over the place really.
paul is using victor for his hoh right look are bigger picture jusdt howe frank used bridegettre hoh
And they’re gonna be a nightmare once Paulie leaves, because they’ll be the one’s in charge. Either way, we’re in for either a season finale of annoying game players or HGs who have barely done anything or mean spirited people. Only a couple can save this season now.
Times have changed, so must your thinking. Move forward
A jerk is a jerk is a jerk. They say the mark of character is how you treat people when you have power. They were jerks, period.
Come to 5he party and do the happy dance at midnight
just remember first 3 week every1 wanted paul out now floating by now!
More than floating….the house dummies have made Vic and Paul THE power duo in the house.
remember paul voted out victor oops!
who usingh victor right noiw get further in the game?