‘Big Brother 18’ Special Episode On Friday – Update: Ziggy Marley Performs & Jessie Returns To Host Comp

CBS has scheduled another bonus Friday night episode of Big Brother 18 but so far other than announcing the episode will happen there have yet to be any details as to what’s going on.

Update: Former HG Jessie has revealed what Friday’s show will feature. Details below.

Jessie Godderz returns to Big Brother 18

The last time we got to see Big Brother on a Friday night was just a few weeks ago when the Battle Back special episode featured the first four five evictees facing off in four comps for a chance to get back in the game. It actually turned out to be an awesome episode with very exciting competitions. So what are they doing this time around?

You’ll notice that Julie Chen gave no other details about Friday’s pending episode, which will air at 8/7c and we’ll be covering live here on the site. That suggests to me they might not yet know what it’ll be. Well, I’m guessing now they do, but on Thursday night I bet they didn’t.

This Friday will be the day after the Round Trip ticket twist ends. Should this week’s evictee not have the Round Trip in his envelope then we’ll have four Jury members at that point. (Assuming Paulie doesn’t quit like he’s threatening.) Remember the last time we had this episode it was a Battle Back with the evicted HGs. Hmm.

Houseguests have speculated another Juror could come back and that is possible, but we’d need another Double Eviction along the way. Fine by me. DE’s are crazy. Otherwise with no returnee and no DE to balance it out we’d reach three HGs left in the game on September 15th, the week before the finale. So this could work.

Something else going on to support the chance of another episode featuring a series of competitions is the fact that the backyard went on lockdown as of this morning. HGs are trapped inside and they don’t know for how long (neither do we, of course). Last time things went on lockdown like this they were building that massive pyramid set up for the final Battle Back stage and subsequent HoH competition that followed soon after.

Update: Houseguests received a surprise announcement on the Feeds that Ziggy Marley would be performing for them Monday night in the backyard and in a country fair theme so maybe carnival games or things of the sort. We do not know if this is related to the Friday show.

Update 2: Jessie Godderz, Mr. Pec-tacular, has announced Friday’s episode will be a special competition show with a county fair theme like we heard from the HGs. At least one of the competitions, if there are more than one, is the dunk tank so you’d think Corey, a baseball pitcher, would win that one, right? From HG talks it sounds like he didn’t pull through on that.

So they filmed this on Monday night and it will feature both Corey and Paulie, one of which will be voted out on Thursday night. Would they air an entire episode featuring one of these two guys if they were going to be gone by then? Also, there were supposedly game advantages for the next HoH comp available to win during these carnival comps. Does that mean CBS is prepared to see them back in the next round or are they going to risk having an evicted player featured in the latest timeline and potentially winning advantages that they wouldn’t be around to use? Not impossible, but gives you pause, right?

Update 3: CBS released their own announcement confirming what we already knew about Ziggy Marley performing:

BIG BROTHER is throwing the ultimate summer bash with a county fair themed special episode, Friday, August 19 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Houseguests will have the opportunity to compete for prizes, perks and power, and seven-time Grammy-winning reggae artist Ziggy Marley stops by to surprise the houseguests with a performance of his single “Weekend’s Long,” from his new self-titled sixth studio album.

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HONORED 2 Announce…

FRIDAY, I return home 2 @CBSBigBrother!

I'm in the #BB18 County Fair 8/7c ONLY @CBS! #STOKED pic.twitter.com/sAWvCyQqxt

— Mr. PEC-Tacular™ (@MrPEC_Tacular) August 17, 2016



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  1. If there is a jury battle back then Paulie should be banned from competiting as a punshiment for his behavoiur and threats this week.

    • They probably wanted him back in the game, until he went all stupid. Now they probably canceled the play back episode and we’ll see a clip show

      • I feel like they don’t want him back now. Him ignoring rules and breaking down a lot didn’t really help him at all. If he would have came up swinging after the house flipped, they’d probably be ok saving him.

      • The guy is such a douche bag. Great job his parents did raising him. Guess they left out common decency, morals and respect for women.

    • OMG, I hope not!! He’s not entertainment, he’s just vile. I’d rather watch re-runs of 3’s company than anything with him in it. The guy’s ego is huge & for no reason. He’s not really very good looking, he’s short, he’s not wealthy, he’s a pig, and he’s from Jersey!! Just threw that in there because he made such a big deal about Jersey girls. Hey girls out there, if he’s any indication of guys from Jersey…STAY AWAY!!!

      • Of all the HG, there are far worse than him…sounds like you have some Paulie envy…maybe 1 day you can meet him. Maybe you want everyone else to stay away so you have him all to your self..hmm. Your a schemer. Are u a jersey girl? Lmao..

      • You cannot be serious! He’s a douche and an a**hat. You take him, since you like him so much. I wish you well

      • I’d still like to know if anyone has asked the Dad if cancer Aunt actually exists. I really think it’s a lie like practically everything else he’s been spewing.

        Paulie acts like weaponized narcissism where everything is imaginary and aggressive.

  2. Maybe he’ll still be rattled and get beat by Da’, Z or Bridget. Being beat by a female would really fry him!

    • I wish. I really wanted Corey gone this week, so Bridgette could return and rattle him some more. I guess I could accept Bridgette beating him to enter the house again too…

  3. Would be neat if they had a Co-HoH comp for the jurors only. The juror Co-HoH wouldn’t be back in the game, but they would get to pick the other nomination.

  4. They wouldn’t put the backyard on lockdown for a clip show. My guess is that there’s some major twist coming concerning jury members.

      • That would make sense if nobody get to use the round trip to go back in, that would have a comp to send a juror back.

      • Just a theory here, if the lock down is due to the Ziggy concert and country fair theme, maybe Friday’s show would be about it.

      • There is voting for ACP till Friday so, it will be for the next eviction if at all! More likely, it will be announced Sunday.
        If someone is new HOH on Thursday and makes the nominations, the co-HOH will not apply to the new HOH but, in the following week’s HOH! Just like what happened to Bridgette votes not counting and Nicole probably get the 2nd most votes and got ACP!

      • The care pkg we are voting now will place the person in as Co-HOH starting on Friday after they receive the pkg.

    • Maybe it’s some sort of major twist concerning the current HGs, and has nothing to do with the jury.

  5. I said it this morning and Ill say it again- Here’s my speculation: Production DOES know who has the round trip ticket because they were numbered. I bet you that Victor has the Round Trip- so as soon as he became HOH this week they knew that nobody being evicted was going to have the round trip ticket in time for a houseguest to return within that 4 weeks. So now they have to make up for the extra houseguest they were hoping to come back from the Ticket Twist- which MIGHT happen in the form of the special episode on Friday where a jury member could come back. Mark my words….I’m feeling pretty Psychic ;)

  6. I see a lot of comments about how CBS should kick Paulie out or take away his RT if it has it or punish him in some other way. But everyone who thinks that could happen is forgetting one important word…..RATINGS.

    Yes, I think he’s a douche and I’d love to see him off my TV screen forever but you’ve gotta admit that nothing drives ratings like a villain that everyone loves to hate.

    Imagine the WWE with just good guy wrestlers….nobody would watch!

    So while morally CBS should want him gone, this isn’t about anything other than Rating$ so it wouldn’t surprise me if CBS did everything it could to keep him!

    • Ratings is beside the point in the eyes of the viewers..Paulie as we have seen to date has not been punished for non-compliance. I said earlier that if Paulie is not punished in some way that we as viewers are advised of then CBS/Production better come with a good explanation to cover their ass cause Paulie got special treatment..

      • I think them not punishing Paulie could be a huge mistake for CBS. Although we pretty much know production interferes during any season of BB, we would lose a lot of respect for CBS and BB if it appears they obviously play favorites.

      • There’s nothing to punish him for. He made the pies. He was outside running and said he wasn’t going to but went in the DR 10minutes later and came out and made pies.

      • That’s true…but then today, he wouldn’t wave his stupid flag. So for some reason, he doesn’t have to wave his little flag anymore. Maybe it made him claustrophobic.

    • I don’t think this is the issue. Rating are pretty consistent throughout the summer. Penalty vote seems fair, that’s what they gave Audrey last year when she was eating pizza as a have not.

      • Things are going to get pretty quiet (read=dull) if Paulie is truly gone, well, except for Paul’s entertainment. That just can’t help ratings. The HG’s will have to revive Potball. ;)

      • I agree, I’m always for keeping the crazies around. That’s why Rachel was always a favorite player of mine. Of course not on a personal level, but for entertainment purposes only. Still think they should have a 2nd chance season for all the truly crazy people that ever played the game (Chima, Audrey, Rachel, Devon, all those girls that went crazy over Jessie and “Cappie”, that guy that put knife to that girl’s throat in season 2, and really that girl for that matter – although I hear she’s in jail now or something).

      • Pauls entertainment is getting old just like Jamesy’s pranks. Couple of 2yr olds.

      • So true! Enough already with their types of “entertainment”(I use that term loosely)!!

  7. This is the last week for the rt why don’t they all open them now minus Paulie so they know who has the return one?

    • I think production may have said something to the houseguest to stop them from opening them. I know they said that if they were open they are void but that wouldn’t matter for the ones not on the block so I think production has another punshiment that we don’t know about. It the houseguests were allowed to open them you’d think at least one of them would have mentioned opening them by now.

    • Why minus Paulie? If all the rest open them now Paulie will know the results anyway.

      • They may not tell him. He needs to keep it sealed so Julie can open it or it will be void. So he should keep it sealed just in case.

  8. You know what would be one of the coolest twists ever? Let me explain it:

    The BB Swap Meet!

    Here’s how it works:

    The remaining hamsters have to run a series of simple and short knockout competitions until there is only 1 left. IMPORTANT: They are not told why they are doing this!

    After all of this, and only after, the hamsters are put on lock down in the house, and outside the jurors are brought into the back yard.

    The jurors do the same, quick knockout comps, until there is only 1 left.

    And now the fun begins.

    “Expect the unexpected”, right?

    The winning hamster is now brought outside ALONE with only the winning juror. nobody else is there. The jurors are all sent off and the hamsters are still inside on lockdown, told only to wait in the living room and to not move.

    Suspense inside now. Outside, the winning hamster is confused and does not know what’s going on. the winning chair is pumped full of adrenaline and excitement which is also going to equalize the playing field and make them kind of crazy from it. ;)

    Now here’s the twist:

    The news is given to the winning hamster that the hamsters were actually playing to LOSE the whole time and did not know it. Those inside the house who lost are actually safe and you, the winner, are not. Expect the unexpected, remember? And now you get to play for your Big Brother life!

    Now, the winning hamster and the winning juror must compete head-on in a game of CHANCE. (It must be chance because it’s the only way they could possibly hide the set, that there was something still on used in the yard and that there was more to come, a game of chance can require no setup. Also, in this confusion it’s the only thing left that’s fair.)

    The game of chance is then played. If the hamster wins, they are safe. Game over.

    But what if the juror wins?

    They SWAP!

    The hamster is immediately evicted and the juror is immediately back in the house and gets to walk right back into the waiting hamsters inside. We get to enjoy the live feeds later and everything else and the losing hamster is sent off to the jury house.

    But wait! Why stop at just one twist?

    While the returning juror and other hamsters are trying to grasp and process what is going on inside, and while they are still on lockdown, the lone evictee outside I’d told that there’s still another twist. This person gets to play one more quick game of chance, right now, a “high low” or whatever, best out of three even, and if they win their instant eviction is null and void and they ALSO get to go right back into the house.

    This game is then played and if they win they get to go back in and if they lose they are off to jury.

    Fun fun fun, yes? EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! ;)

  9. If it’s a returning juror comp, I’d be fine with either Da’vonne or Bridgette winning. :)

  10. Maybe they’ll opt for a “Here’s why we pulled Paulie from the show” episode.

  11. They are having a party. That is why they locked back yard down. Something about Bob Marley’s son *Ziggy* going to be there!

  12. it should be a special interview with Paulie, confronting him with his sexist, racist and violent comments he’s made. Make him cry (again), Julie.

  13. Paulie legit stated to Nicole that he might just hit James or Vic in the face… God help us all if he has that RT!

  14. I hope Paulie gets a chance to come back..he deserves it. That would make for great TV. He’s the only one playing the BB game. This game is not based on puppy dogs and rainbows..this game is based on out playing, out witting other houseguest (which Paulie has done) if it wasnt for him all of the others who have left would still be in the House. Hes the best player BB has this year. Bravo Paulie???

    • Huh? Yeah…NO. This game is based on gamesmanship. Not poor sportsmanship. Not playing just when you’re in charge, but refusing to participate in a punishment when you’re on the block.
      That’s the kind of game you want to watch?

      • He’s the best player in my opinion. Look @ Meech and Nat they both cry daily..but that’s OK..why? Because they are girls. And Paulie is doing what he suppose to be doing..what’s the big fricken deal? Because he’s a man and had a moment..who cares!! He’s human, but a great player who deserves to stay.

      • I know men shouldn’t berate women. I know men shouldn’t degrade women. I know men, when they aren’t in charge any longer, accept their fate. I know men, when asked to abide by their contract, DO SO. I know MEN, when asked to participate in a Nat’l TV show, don’t give the fans the middle finger by giving up. I know MEN honor their word. Now, how do I not know how this game is played? What have I missed? Explain it to me, because I must be a-stoopid.

      • I don’t see Paulie disrespecting no woman in that house. You explain to me what he’s done. What he’s done is to himself no one else

      • LOL. Lady, go back under your bridge from whence you came. There are no Billy Goats up here for you. But if you’re not careful, we may just gobble you up!!

      • OK, and you keep rooting for your misogynistic-egomanical-poor-sport.

        C’mon, Waggedy Ann! Let’s get away fwom da mean old twoll.

      • I figured I was speaking with a little girl. Sorry but I only talk to ppl my age..someone who can carry on a conversation without lashing out because I have a different opinion then you.

      • I am more than capable of having a civil and intelligent conversation—and WANT to—but my dear, you seem not to be missing a lot of information about Paulie. Listen, I apologize for my snarkiness; but the truth is, Paulie has been a brute to the women in the house. I’m not making it up. He’s been verbally abusive–and as I said earlier, he was talking about having Nat beaten up by his cousins.
        While he was “Winning the game” he was a totally different guy. Now that he’s on the verge of leaving, he’s been refusing to participate in his punishments; he started making his pies—but now he won’t wave his little flag while they’re baking. He’s also saying that he’s NOT going to go to jury. He wants to open his ticket (to invalidate it). He’s not being a stand-up guy. So. There you go.

      • Thank you. I know I was snarky, but that person, I realize, was just there to stir things up. BUT, I was PISSED and wasn’t going to just let it pass…but I felt I needed to reply civilly…and you notice they didn’t reply to THIS message. I wish I’d handled it differently though. I don’t like it when I allow people to get me that riled up.

      • It’s just a game So I don’t know why people are so mad and I am sure they all are different outside the house.

      • People take their Big Brother characters pretty seriously. It’s kind of neat really, how diverse the fan base is with their favorites and the reasoning for it.

      • The mob mentality is alive and well here, so don’t get upset if you get railed for supporting a character.

      • You can take offense with whatever you like, just like I can not give a flying shyte what you think.

      • I do too – I have never been told I have a ‘mob mentality.’ However, I did suggest they watch the show.

      • Clearly, you haven’t watched this season. Go back and watch and then you can apologize for being wrong.

      • Ok so what about what Frank was doing to all the girls…that’s fine though? Double standard..that’s all I got to say

      • We know that you are talking to yourself. Your game has now been blown up. Now please take a seat on the Block.

      • Evil Dick was THE most disgusting BB player ever and everyone (except me) loves him. Get over Paulie, he is not the worst to ever play.

      • His name is EVEL Dick and he’s not even close to being the worst to ever play. By worst, we’re all talking about gameplay here. Paulie has none. His only strategy was to be a self-serving bully and then as soon as they caught on to his crap even a little, his entire game fell apart because he had zero ability to stop it from happening. He couldn’t do any real damage control and he was totally unable to sway anyone back into the fold. In short, as far as his game play goes, he’s one of the worst players I’ve ever seen. He’s also a complete pig, but that’s beside the point.

      • It was not fine but Frank didn’t pee in the hot tub right before the rest of the house guests were about to use it either.

      • It’s a game and what about the girls Michelle treated Bridgette really bad and everything was okay. Just because he’s a guy he can’t get emotional.

      • So what they are saying is that it is OK for Natalie to flirt with everyone, but if Paulie does it, it is sexist and wrong.

      • I’m sure he cancer stricken aunt/grandmother wants him to stay. I hope she lives long enough for him to get back from the Hawaiian vacation he invited himself to (and offered to pay himself even though he needs the money for said aunt/grandmother)

        Lying is part of the game, but he can’t even do that right. He’s an awful player.

      • Exactly. He’s absolutely terrible. His poor dying Aunt needs money and yet he’s talking about buying houses, investing in real estate and going on trips on his dime… he absolutely sucks and can’t keep track of his own lies.

      • Yeah I love that one time where he accidentally screwed up and said Grandmother instead of Aunt. That was hilarious!

      • No doubt in my mind…no doubt that they’re either family members or somehow Paulie himself! LOL.

      • Yes that much is very clear. Whoever’s doing this Is either a troll or a family member or something that I don’t want to think about

      • We all know that you’re talking to yourself. You’re being way too obvious. Just like Paulie. he wasn’t able to lie well either. That’s why he’s going home this week.

      • I think Paulie has the RT ticket , plenty of chances to switch out the tickets… Lockdowns, comps ect.. It would be a waste to have a secret room and the power not be used.. I hope that duck wearing douche bag with the disgusting beard goes home next!!! Go Paulie , Corey and Nicole. James is a bitch and so is Natalie and Mychelke. Victor is a cocky asshole, this game would suck if Paulie didn’t have the RT.

      • You haven’t seen Paulie cry like the big baby he is? You call out Meech and Nat, but leave Paulie out

    • Tammy, I respect your opinion, but I disagree. He deserves to be voted out. He’s a poor sport. His self entitled attitude is on full display. IMO, he deserves a swift kick in the ass and be reminded that he’s 28 years old.

    • I do not think he deserves it at all. He is whining and threatening to quit, and refusing to do his punishment. If anyone else was acting like that, he surely would be criticizing them.

    • He’s is not the only one playing the game. Victor, Paul and James certainly are. Paulie is a spoiled, misogoninigonist child who throws a temper tantrum when he doesn’t get his way. He is getting what he deserves.

      • Victor is good at comps, but no social skills at all, Paul is a flip flopper (who also turned on his boy Vic) and James is a big time floater who was handed a HOH and let’s Nat play his game for him..at least Paulie plays his own game, and is a beast in comps. I don’t get what the big issue is..the guy makes a mistake and he’s marked a bad guy. Others in the house makes mistakes and nothing is said. He’s in the house making his pies doing what he’s suppose to do. James hurt him bad..and that’s ok..at least Paulie isn’t afraid of showing his emotions.

      • I am definitely watching a different show than you are if that is what you are seeing Tammy….

    • I so agree with you. It kills me how everyone took it against Paulie but not against Natalie. Meanwhile she was the one who started everything buy 1 not minding her own business when it came to his relationship with Zee, and 2 admitting she is the flirt. How else would any guy behave if a good looking chick is flirting with you.

  15. i wish they would do a vote so Da’Vonne could come back. I think she could beat Z and maybe even Bridgette but Paulie IDTS. Unless its a brains comp or just he’s thrown off by being evicted, I don’t think she could win 3 times in a row :(

  16. Paul, and Michelle would be perfect for each other, as long as they promise to never have children together!

  17. My cable box guide says this episode will be a power of veto comp. This could be meaningless. But maybe they are gonna speed this week up. Not sure if that makes much sense. Guess we will see

  18. production knows who has the return ticket. they know james or nicole or meech, anyone thats not going home this week has it. they blocked another week in anticipation someone getting the ticket. now, no one has said ticket, and production needs another week to fill. Ergo, another battle back comp show to come back in.

  19. No it’s not a battle back game if you remember last year they had a couple that got married and live on their show and it was for an hour there was no battle I’m glad Paulie going home He is embarrassing himself on live TV it’s a shame see what happens when you talk s*** behind other people’s backs karma’s a b**** and he got what he deserved I used to like him but after watching him what he’s been doing nope not anymore.

  20. They are having a concert in the backyard right now that’s the reason why they were getting all dressed up they shut down live feed that will be showing Friday that is what we’re going to be seeing there is no battle back in the game this is our surprise and so sure that’s what this is another boring hour it’s no game competition

  21. There’s already been one returning juror. Enough. I never liked the round trip ticket idea either. One returnee per season us enough. Glad it was Victor though!

  22. Totally against them bringing another house guest back. They already brought Victor back. That should be enough and we are reaching the point the game where game moves can be made assuming Corey or Nicole next wins HOH, putting someone else back in will spoil the game play already at play. Leave it alone!

    • Totally agree! Having the big “Battle Back” with Vic coming back into the house was more than enough…and why he wasn’t sent right back out again is beyond me! The guy is a comp beast and such
      a physical threat plus the returnee is usually sent right back out!!

  23. Production already knows who has the round trip ticket so I’m guessing they know Paulie and Corey don’t have it which is why they decided to have a surprise episode on Friday so the jurors can have a comp to get back in the house and then there will be another DE episode but I could be wrong!

  24. I hope and pray Paulie comes back in the house. What Natalie did was not cool. It’s ok for her to be a flirt but then blames the other person for doing it back and making it seem like he is the bad guy. I hope he comes back and wins hoh to rattle the house. Now that’s good tv. I want to see all of them frazzled as to who he would put on the block.

      • I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Paulie ends up having the RT ticket-I’m expecting and preparing for it! I want to see him come right back in for the sole purpose of helping Nicole/Corey go after the other hg’s & rain on their parade!

  25. If we don’t see a round trip ticket holder this week, I think production are prepared to have some type of comp to let a juror return. Seeing Paulie fall from grace is entertaining to a point but he hasn’t taken it well. It has been particularly cringe worthy listening to him go on and on about being betrayed. He keeps talking but nobody is really taking him seriously, he’s done. He could have showed more class but hasn’t.

  26. I would be surprised if they let Paulie back in. Because if he does go back off and punch someone them knowing he has threatened violence it could be a lawsuit.

  27. Oh boy sounds like Paulie may have the RT if Friday’s episode features him and Corey and game advantage competitions. I’m hoping that’s not true.

  28. It sounds to me like Paulie has the RT. CBS was just waiting to see how the POV played out and if Paulie would self evict before they decided what was going to be on the show set up for Friday. Look at how many times they have changed the episode name for Friday. Just my observation.

  29. So let me get this straight. There is no jury buy back and there are more game twist further past to the point where they should start playing the game like how it’s normally played?

  30. I want Paulie to come back,he plays the game,Victor and Paul and NATALIE are my least favorites

  31. It looks like the douche that induces uncontrollable vomiting in most humans young and old alike will be on the show? Someone please tell me this is not to be.

  32. Some weird, low budget Ziggy Marley concert and more Mr. Pec-tacular?

    Yeah… pretty sure I suddenly have a thing Friday night.

    • Ziggy Marley is hardly low budget. I’ve seen them and they are outstanding. Those HG’s were lucky to get their very own private concert from them.

      • Oh I’m sure Ziggy was great. It was the low-budget country theme I was referring to.

  33. To me this pretty much confirms that Paulie has the Round Trip Ticket. I can’t imagine they’d want to show him in a comp if he was known to already be gone for the American tv viewing audience… I guess unless they totally edit him out?

  34. DaVonne can’t win a competition to save her life…So if this a battle back comp for the jury members don’t think she will win the only girl that has a shot of winning back is Bridgette

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