Big Brother 18 Popularity Poll – Week 10

Our latest poll is open for this week’s Big Brother 18 popularity contest where you can vote up your favorite Houseguests of the 2016 season. We’ve also got our results from last week so we can make our new rise and fall comparison of the summer.

Big Brother 18 Memory Wall featuring Houseguests

Once again all sixteen Houseguests are here in the poll so even if they’ve been voted out you can still support your favorite.

For the first time all season James has been dethroned from atop our polling. Nicole climbed up three spots this week to take the crown while James slid back a spot to second. Could his plans to secure AFP be threatened? He’s told Natalie he’ll fall on his sword for her because he expects to win the $25K this season so that’d be a stinger for him if he bails and then loses it. Of course I’ve felt the newbies were at a serious disadvantage all season for the Fav Player prize with the Vets and their built-in fanbase, but that’s not my decision to make.

Rounding out the top we’ve got Paul in third again and Natalie dropping two spots to fourth. Victor remains in fifth place while Michelle dropped way down and actually helped Corey finally not be the least popular active player. Of course he’s still less popular than several evicted HGs, but it’s Corey so what could you expect?

Once again this week we’ve got the same bottom four Houseguests in the same ranks counting down with Zakiyah, Bronte, Glenn, and yes, Jozea who once again reigns champion of the last place spot with less than a tenth of a point again this week. Ahh well.

Check out all the results from last week and see how they performed when compared to the previous round’s results for gains and drops then be sure to scroll down and vote for your current favorite in our latest poll.

Big Brother 18 Popularity Poll Results – Wk 9 vs Wk 8:

  1. Nicole Franzel – 27.6% (+3)
  2. James Huling – 24.6% (-1)
  3. Paul Abrahamian – 14.8% (+0)
  4. Natalie Negrotti – 10.8% (-2)
  5. Victor Arroyo – 9.8% (+0)
  6. Frank Eudy – 2.2% (+1)
  7. Paulie Calafiore – 2.1% (+3)
  8. Corey Brooks – 2.0% (+0)
  9. Michelle Meyer – 1.5% (-3)
  10. Da’Vonne Rogers – 1.4% (+1)
  11. Tiffany Rousso – 1.1% (+1)
  12. Bridgette Dunning – 1.0% (-3)
  13. Zakiyah Everette – 0.18% (+0)
  14. Bronte D’Acquisto – 0.17% (+0)
  15. Glenn Garcia – 0.11% (+0)
  16. Jozea Flores – 0.08% (+0)

Vote here to support your favorite Houseguest for Week 10 of Big Brother 18.



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  1. Dingus and Doofus must be in the minus %. I didn’t see their names anywhere. :D
    When it comes down to the final vote for AFP this season, the one that counts, I will vote for whomever is trending highest that could most insure that James nor Dingus win that vote. Either of those would be a huge disappointment.

  2. Think its hilarious that Paulie is currently tied with Glenn …. although that is an insult to Glenn

  3. Nicole is 1st last week and Victor is 1st in the one for this site. Why is Glenn even there?

  4. Michelle better go this week. I don’t think I can take watching or listening to her eat anymore. Good Lord

  5. Not surprised Nicole was #1 last week. She is very popular on other sites too. Hope if she doesn’t win she wins AFP.

  6. Surprised Nicole is number one especially since she’s making dumb move after dumb move. I personally think Paul is gonna be on top.

  7. It’s hilarious how the polls on nearly every site is different. Yet I think this poll has always been pretty accurate. This poll was very accurate in predicting the first three ACP recipients (despite that not being the purpose of this poll).

    But of course, these polls do not count the TV-only viewers, who also have an opinion and also have a vote towards AFP.

  8. No! Haaha.
    Where do all of these James fans come from? Holy cow.
    His pranks are not funny, he has been acting very arrogant, he is about thirty years old and acts like he is fifteen. He says at first this is for his daughter yet his daughter lives in another state from him and I think he had only mentioned her once.
    I have not liked him for a while yet the final straw was him laying in the HOH bed and rubbing his feet on the fish tank.
    Does he even have a job in real life? At this point I actually like Nicole a lot more than him (shudder). I so want to see his face with someone else getting AFP.

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