‘Big Brother 18’ Live Feeds: James Remains Clueless On Week’s Target

James and Natalie are in for a surprise for their game this week if things stay on their current course but don’t tell James just yet. His gut is telling him the opposite and he’s feeling good about his gut.

James and Natalie don't see it coming on BB18

While Nicole and her new allies have been wondering why no one from James’s team has approached her regarding the vote we’re getting insight directly from James on how sure he’s feeling about Paul’s pending demise in the game, but this unfounded confidence isn’t doing his team any favors.

Soon after the Power of Veto meeting ended James comforted Michelle’s fears that she could be the one going. Flashback to 11:10 AM BBT 8/29 Cams 3/4 on your Live Feeds (get the Free Trial now).

“It’s official. One of us (Paul & Michelle) won’t be winning Big Brother,” says Michelle. James says he hopes she’ll be safe and now it’s time for him to go to battle for her. He says he’ll go to Nicole and Corey to make sure they’ve got the votes. Well I haven’t seen that visit happen yet and it could be leading to a failure to campaign by Michelle with all these false hope promises of security. James isn’t helping her here with these coments.

James says Nicole will be “straight up” and had even given him a heads up that she wasn’t going to use the Power of Veto. He thinks if he asks Nicole about the vote plans then she’ll give him a truthful answer. Well we do know that Nicole doesn’t want to blindside James but she might not be ready to give him all the details just yet.

Later in another talk last night James assured both Natalie and Michelle that Paul was going home. Flashback to 11:55 PM BBT 8/29 to listen in.

Natalie is detailing the obstacles she and Michelle have faced coming in to the game as women against big competitors like Victor. Natalie says she hopes Michelle will stay in the game when James expresses his confidence:

“Michelle? She’ll survive. Paul’s going home. Paul knows it. Victor knows it. My gut is telling me Paul is going home and my gut has been right 98% of this game.”

James is feeling good about this situation possibly because he and Nicole have been on good terms the whole game. He certainly hasn’t been told by Nicole that she’s keeping Michelle so his assumption is based on nothing but that gut of his.

There’s going to be some serious surprises for that group when they realize they’re outnumbered 4-2 with the F4 group against James and Natalie after Michelle is gone. And if Corey can get James to accept his BB Bribe to throw the next HoH competition (as James has said he would) then it’ll be 3-1 in that challenge with just Natalie fighting for their safety. Yikes.

I’m guessing there will be some self-reflection by James and Natalie wishing they had stuck with their F5 deal with Paul and Victor the week before. But maybe this will all still work out for the best for the pair, though losing a vote in their camp is not an easy thing to overcome this late in the race.

What do you think of James’s expectation of safety for Michelle? Does he have a good reason to believe she’s safe or could he just not even care if she goes? It seems that someone should be checking in on the votes here and so far no one on their side of the fence is doing any serious investigation of the issue. The clock is ticking.



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  1. Although he has given me reasons to question his integrity(10K bribe) regarding respect for the game rules, and even intelligence at times this season, I do not believe James would take that bribe if it is offered. I hope he has the chance and does prove me wrong.

    • Said this in another thread, if he’s already banked 50 grand for returning and heading to jury, then that explains his passive gameplay. Hell I’d be the same way

    • I believe that he will take that bribe. He already told Corey he would throw the HOH comp for the money. He doesn’t care about Michelle and she even said that he is only protecting Natalie and not her when he made the deal with Nicole.

      • Yes, he said he would, but it’s hard for me to believe that he actually would when it comes right down to it. I hope you are right.

      • There is always a chance that something could happen and she stays. I’m sure there will be a few DR sessions between now and then.

    • If Nicole was smart then she’d get her meat shield (aka Corey) to accept the bribe to throw the next HOH before she reveals that Michelle is going home this week. James has previously stated that he’d accept a bribe to do just this, and the verbal contract is binding so he can’t change his mind about it later. This will deservedly put some heat on Corey, which is just fine imo as Nicole has been carrying him this entire game and it’s the least he can do.

    • I believe James would take the bribe. Simply because he isn’t nearly as good at comps as he likes to portray himself be. I don’t believe for a minute that he threw as many comps as he’s said he has. A few? Sure. But he likes to embellish the facts to try to make himself look better.

      • How exactly do you bind to the “throw HOH” contract though? Does Julie basically just announce that James took the bribe and force him to sit out of the comp?

      • Its on camera? Corey: Heres $5000 to throw it. James: I accept

        Probably have some DR talk to confirm it and then its done.

      • That sounds right and then James is in the comp, but throws it. The bribe can be public or private, but known to production.

      • Gosh I wish we would get the chance to see. I’m, for sure, outnumbered with my opinion and I’d be very happy to admit I was wrong.


      • I would take it to if I were him if he already has more money than 2nd place gets n he keeps adding he wants the mo ey I don’t blame him! Wonder if they goer even more to make it to the final 3

    • Nic told Corey not to offer the bribe to James to throw the HOH.
      Corey went outside and without asking, James told Corey he’d take the bribe to throw HOH! Corey is like, “Really?”

      James’ explanation seems to be that it will prolly be a mental comp and he prolly wouldn’t win it anyway so why not take the money. Lol.

      Last I heard, Nic still didn’t agree to it even after Corey told her James offered.

  2. James just really isn’t that good at this game. If he were, he would have at least considered the possibility that Nicorey might want to team up with the 2 strongest players in the house.
    I really, really hope Nicorey and/or VP do NOT give Jatalie or Meech the heads up about the eviction and instead completely blindside them. This will rattle Jatalie sufficiently to lose the next HoH followed hopefully by 1 of them out the door and the other forced to actually fight for their life.

    • Or force Jatalie to fight even harder for the win. At this point it can go either way. Remember the best laid out plans crumple in a heart beat. Paul hasn’t done much around the house so far this week. The one thing that strikes me funny is James and Natalie hasn’t questioned why Paul is not campaigning to stay. Also, Victor and Corey has been on slop this week so that may weaken them to a point and Nicole can’t play in the HOH comp. So really it is gonna be two against one if James doesn’t take the bribe.

      • I agree Willie. Corey needs to make that money count and offer it to James. We all know he isn’t fighting to win BB, he’s trying for AFP, so an extra 5gs would, more than likely, sway his vote, imo.

      • It very well could sway him but the bribe is for James to throw the next HOH comp which I doubt he would do if he knew Michelle was leaving. If it was to just vote Michelle out then HELL YEAH do it James but don’t take the bribe to throw a HOH comp, that is just plain crazy.

      • I don’t know if James would actually take a bribe to throw an HOH at this stage in the game…but I think he definitely would take it to sway his vote. At least that way, it would not go to waste, plus it would stir up some drama to make for interesting live feeds…
        Win/Win!! :)

      • Being on slop isn’t a good reason to perform poorly imo. If they’re hungry enough for the money then they’d give their all every single competition. Slop is a decent source of protein, so all they have to do is fill up on that and focus on the comps.

    • I agree. If Nicole doesn’t (pull a James) and give the other HG a heads up to the actual vote, we should have a great blindside this week! FINALLY! I sincerely hope she holds true and does not tell James how she is voting.
      On a side note, what would make for some *real* interesting BB game playing would be for Corey to offer James the BB bribe to vote Meech out this week… Like maybe an hour before eviction… if James takes it and votes out Michelle, IMO that should create some pretty hilarious scenes between James and an irate Natalie!! ;)

    • I’m also hoping for a blindside because it’s always amusing to watch the houseguests reactions! Nicole should realize that this really is the best option because if Michelle finds out about her impending eviction then she will blow up Nicole’s game 100%. If Michelle didn’t have a history of doing that then I’d consider telling her before, but that girl holds nothing back. Nicole should lie straight to Michelle’s face and tell her she’s safe. It should be fairly easy to patch things up with James and Nat afterwards as Nicole doesn’t have a reason to tell them. After all, Nicole, Corey, James and Nat have a supposed F4 that doesn’t include Michelle.

      • I’m hoping for a blindside too. Especially after james ruined all the other possible blindsides tho season!

    • It might just get James out of the doldrums and win a comp for self respect and the respect of Natalie who rightly is bewildered by him making the deal, jumping off the Wall and allowing Nicole HOH.

  3. I am hoping and praying that Nicole does not mention anything to James and she has to break the tie and vote Michelle out. He should have already been suspicious that she didn’t backdoor Victor, but Natalie tends to be a ditz sometimes so they are made for each other.

  4. LIke most weeks Paul and Victor are the only one’s putting in work. James isn’t the smartest player. He spent a lot of time with Nicorey throwing Michelle under the bus last Wednesday night. He also threw Natalie under the bus on Thursday by letting the whole house know that she wanted Corey out over Vic. If he gets screwed in the next few weeks, he will only have himself to blame. I would not be surprised though if production cleans up this mess for him.

    • But in the end who was voted out? That alone should ring a bell in Nicorey’s heads.

    • Agree that James is not bright when it comes to this game. He needs to focus on the game and not on chasing Gnat. He is immature with his stupid pranks and I don’t believe that he has thrown half of the comps he says he has. However I don’t think that he intentionally threw Gnat UTB when he said that she wanted to keep Vic. Like the other times previous in this game, he talks without thinking. He did it to Day when he mentioned that he wanted to nom Briget the next week which meant Day was being evicted that week. His gut has proven him wrong before (Jury member coming back) and will again. Can’t wait till he is out of there. HOpe he gets blindsided

    • Paul and Vic are playing the game perfectly. They sit back and watch Nicorey battle with James’ camp. Let them fight and take each other out, then Paul and Vic F2.

      You really gotta give Paul and Vic credit. They were both good as dead by week 3.

      • I think if they survive the next couple of weeks, they will get to the final 2. It’s essentially Cory/Paul/Victor vs. James and Natalie for next week’s HOH. And if James takes the bribe, its 3 against 1. I’m looking at last year’s HOH results on Wiki and it was a puzzle game similar to what Victor played in during battle back. Not sure if they do that again, they still haven’t done the chicken through the wire HOH yet, or have they?

      • No they haven’t done chicken wire yet. Corey would probably be the best at this comp out of all the remaining HGs eligible for the next HOH, because he and Nicole do… things with their fingers under the sheets… LOL

      • I really don’t want to think about Corey’s long fingers, but the egg through the wire thing would be in his favor.

      • Actually it’s P/V that want N/J out so if either P, V or Corey win then James or Natalie will go.

    • I can’t believe James actually said Nat wanted Corey out right in front of Corey! And what’s worse, neither of them realized their mistake! They are just not made for this game.

      • Nicole heard it from the bathroom from what I seen on Sunday’s show. But Corey probably also reported it to her not knowing that.

      • IMO, that was one of the biggest mistakes of the season. You could hear/see the anger and mistrust in Nicole during that DR session following this. That was one unscripped DR.

  5. Corey needs to get James to take the bribe BEFORE the eviction Thursday. There’s no way he’ll take it after Michelle goes and it’s only Natalie fighting to keep them same. Natalie would castrate James if he took $5k and left her hanging knowing they’re going to be nominated.

    • But Nicole is telling Corey to not make the deal with James. She wants Corey to make the deal with Natalie instead.

      • If Corey lies to her and tells her Meech is safe, she’ll take it maybe.He’d have to pull a Dan and mist Jatalie afterward that Nic went back & forth and got paranoid and changed her mind. But at the time he offered it to her, Meech was safe and Paul was def going home.

        Or blame Vic who came to make a deal after the bribe, to save Paul in exchange for their safety – otherwise he will win HOH and put NICorey OTB.

        Get VPs buy in on it first. Paul already threatening to tell James before HOH that he better win it or Jatalie is going up. So prolly #nevercared anyway.

        Just in casssssssse….Natalie wins (another) HOH.

        If Natalie doesn’t take it, and doesn’t win HOH, tell her you lost trust in her/James when she didn’t show friendship by taking a “gift”. She acted #sketch to them.

      • When Corey mentioned to Nic about offering it to James to throw HOH, she said no. Ok. Corey goes outside. Doesn’t even have to ask James!

        James told Corey he’d take the bribe to throw the next HOH (of course he would lol) esp if it was a mental comp cuz he’d lose anyway.

        Still not a bad move. The sooner James drops, the more pressure on Nat and the less hard Corey will have to work to possibly win it. Not “likely”, just “possibly”. He’s won before. Plus the more tempting it will be for Nat to accept a BB check from Corey that will inevitably bounce.

        Just food for Corey’s thought. Lol
        Also, I’m on meds right now so….

      • You I would say you are surely taking something because I lost your train of thought LOL. Yes James did say he would throw the HOH comp for the bribe and Corey never asked him but Corey will do what Nicole tells him to do.

    • He will be pathetic enough to throw the next HOH for the money if Corey makes him think that he is part of their final four.

      • I think the second that Nicole keeps Paul over Michelle will send red flags in the air that Nicole and Paul are obviously working together. If James doesn’t see those he’s an idiot.

  6. Totally unrelated question that came up when out with friends last night. Were any of the HG’s this season smokers? We couldn’t think of one and also couldn’t think of a previous season when there wasn’t. Anyone help?

    • I could be mistaken, but wasn’t Frank smoking a little and didn’t Paul smoke a few, too?

      • Frank used to his first time. Not sure about now. He was telling someone that when he was on before, that he and Boogie would be first ones up and sit outside, smoke and talk crap about people. :)

  7. For two seasons, James has played a clueless game, focusing more on his one-sided “showmances” and passively letting most everything happen around him instead of keeping his head in the game. He also has no recourse against Nicole because technically, by not nominating him or Natalie and evicting Michelle, she has not gone against the deal they made on the wall, so she owes him nothing, and it’s really still more than he deserves, since time and again he has broken his word every chance he’s gotten.

    Plus, James is just the worst. He constantly robs the fans and viewers of drama, spoiling every blindside before air time. I’ll never understand his enduring popularity with so many viewers. Sadly, he’ll probably win AFP again this season; I just hope production doesn’t bring him back on the show again (ideally ever, but at least for several seasons) because I don’t think I can take another season of having to watch this brain-dead hick…

    • I really don’t think James will get AFP this season – 1) because he keeps asking for it and talking about it and that is annoying and 2) because his noshowmance was entertaining last time, not at all this time and you are right, it is his focus, not the game.
      I’m not going to agree with your “brain-dead hick” description just yet, but other than that ..!

      • But the casuals don’t necessarily see James in the same light. Which is why we can’t split the votes amongst a few of our favorites when it comes to AFP this year. A lot of casuals are going to vote for James and we need to stop that

      • Last year was kinda cute (hear me though – I HATE showmances!) because Meg kept him at bay and he was playfully chasing her. People could get on board with that.

        The Natalie situation is different. Yes, he is chasing her but a segment of the viewership have vocalized they feel she is leading him on and using him. The audience is not getting behind it this time. Plus it’s not his first rodeo so I think we expected him to be smarter this time. He might know more from experience but may not have learned so much.

    • Agree that’s why I hope he gets no offer of an additional $5000 to throw a comp. Even if he gets evicted, dude has gotten enough money for doing nothing and ruining blindsides.

    • I didn’t vote for James last year and was actually surprised he won. I voted Johnny Mac. I’m not voting for him this year either and I’m hoping he doesn’t win. Honestly I didn’t understand the allure for him last year and certainly not this year.

      • I voted for Johnny Mac last year as well. Too bad they didn’t bring him back this year, but I guess unlike James, he actually has a career and couldn’t take off two summers in a row…

  8. Curious question…James said in the live feeds that Julie Chen is his Aunt… Is that true?? Or was he just talking nonsense?

  9. That’s the thing with any bad BB player, James included. No one is willing to draw the line and go to battle for the HOH’s target if said target is not their closest ally.
    James will eventually know Michelle is going home and he will be a complete pushover in order to please Nicorey. It is way too late now to do anything now, but earlier in the week, even if he could not save Michelle, he and Natalie should have cried Nicole a river to prevent her from ever wanting to take sitting ducks to f4

  10. James (and Nat) were in a great spot two weeks ago when they teamed up with Nicorey following Paulie’s eviction, then these events happened:

    1) Nat won HOH (with Meech), targeted Paul and Victor (great for them). Then she lets Paul guilt trip her about the noms which put doubt in Nicorey about this new alliance. Nat’s emotional game play really got in the way here (and continues to).

    2) Paul and Vic outplayed James and Nat by splitting up and getting close to each showmance. This was a brilliant strategy by Paul and the resulting chaos further drove Nicorey and Jatalie apart.

    3) James admits during his argument with Paul that Nat wants to evict Corey. Absolutely no reason to let this out of the bag.

    4) Jury Battle-Back. James voted to evict the strongest player in the house despite Nat and Meech pushing for Vic to stay (good for him). Vic then turned around and won the battle-back comp and paired back up with Paul.

    5) James hands Nic the HOH win. Yes, he was struggling on the wall near the end, but he should have made it clear to Nic prior to this that he would stay up there all night, nothing personal against her, but he has unfinished business (Paul and Vic). Solidify his alliance with Nicorey however he needs to, but force her off that wall.

    6) Nicole targets Meech without any clue by James and Co. James has been way to passive this week, letting Paul and Vic further drive a wedge between the showmances (and form a final four). James and Nat should have been spending much more time with Nicorey smoothing things over and putting doubt in their minds about Paul and Vic as the two HGs they would need to beat in the end. Push Nicorey to target this week Paul (or replace with Vic) with the promise that they will do the same with Meech when at final five.

    • Jatalie’s behavior this week is enough to make a person think the DR is calming all their fears – otherwise it makes no sense at all.

      • I agree about that, somehow James doesn’t seem to think that the others have noticed he’s in a threesome alliance and has a big advantage with the numbers.

      • I completely agree. If I were James, I would have make it very clear to Nicorey (prior to noms) that I’d send Meech to jury once Paul or Vic (or both) are out of the game.

        Be open and admit to Nicorey that each showmance will have a wingman after this week (assuming Paul or Vic is evicted). But talk freely about the end game strategy with Nicorey so that both sides know how things are to play out to get to final four. Right now there’s been too little game conversation between Jatalie and Nicorey…it’s no wonder why there’s so little trust. Paul and Vic are playing a much better game and they will get further because of it.

      • I believe if Nicole talks to James on Wednesday and tells him how big a threat Michelle is to her game and that she wants M. evicted next, would be a better idea than blindsiding the guy.
        If James refuses to cooperate with the Michelle eviction then Nicole has covered all her bases with James at least.
        Since they’re both vets I imagine they do have a little bit of loyalty to each other. Especially James, who’s been disloyal to everyone he’s aligned with except natalie.
        Making James look like a fool is not a wise move imo.

      • Only problem is that if Nic tells James and that she wants to evict Michelle, there goes the blindside cuz he can’t seem to keep his mouth shut…and I used to be a James fan.

      • Very true Lisa, so in this case Nicole should delay telling James the truth until right before showtime. I wonder if James will ever get over this blindside?

  11. I am confused about Nicorey’s reason for blindsiding James. I know they don’t like Nat and want her gone, but the veto and veto meeting have been held and now James/Nat can’t do/offer anything.
    If they blindside Jatalie it makes them want to fight harder. It also leaves Nicorey with less ability to play the middle.
    I totally get why Nicole wants Michele out (even though I don’t think Michele is a threat to her since she doesn’t win anything) but I don’t see the reason for a blindside of James.

    • Because James can’t keep his mouth shut. First he will say he will not tell and agree with blindsiding Michelle, then he will tell Gnat and then Gnat will talk him into them both telling Michelle. I know what you mean, but by the way, a blindside is only the one being voted out I think – if the game were played in a pure way, others would almost never know who was voting for who. Unfortunately, in this game, it has been a “house” agreement to vote a certain way and so I guess now it has become a blindside for someone to not know what all of the votes are!

      • But who cares if Michele knows? She can’t vote. Who cares if Nat knows? She has 1 vote only and it’s already against Paul.

      • LOL. I guess I am saying as a viewer it makes sense.
        But for Nicole’s game, why do it?

      • Exactly, I expect James to know by Thursday, regardless of whether we want to see that happen or not

      • If James knows that Michelle is going, then he knows that Nicorey is for sure teaming with Paul and Vic and if he knows that then he knows Jatalie is going to be their target.

      • He’s going to know that the moment there is a tie because Corey is the only other possible vote for Paul to stay.

      • You mean Nicorey is going to become Jatalie’s target? Jatalie is forced to deal with the Sitting Ducks the minute they win HOH, since they are the stronger duo in the house

      • I mean that James will know that Nicorey might have an F4 with Paul and Vic and the sooner he knows, the sooner he takes action (or at least you would think he would!).

      • Natalie may take action…I think you’re giving James too much credit, ;)

      • Corey could always win HOH if he tried harder. I doubt he wants a 5th week of slop.

      • HNs usually is over about this time of the season. I’m thinking this is the last week, but there could be one more.

      • I don’t like him, but I really feel bad about that. I thought slop was oatmeal, but I could be wrong. Him and Victor are miserable and keep talking about how bad their farts are while eating it. it makes it even more disgusting. Didn’t they have to eat peanut butter in the earlier seasons? I’d rather eat that.

      • Not necessarily. No one can blame Nic for evicting Michelle after Michelle has fired all those warning shots and no one knows better than Jatalie how badly Meech wants Nic gone. Even Jatalie have talked about taking Nic out before Victor. Pot, meet kettle.

        Nic can just pull Jamesy in and look pitiful and tell him, “If it comes to a tie, I have to get Meech out, I can’t trust her and I can’t play next HOH. If Meech wins HOH, she’ll totally gun for me! I have to get her out for my game but I still 100% have your back, James. I promise!”

        He may not like it (depending on what his gut says) but he’d prolly say he understands and knows he can’t control Meech’s HOH to keep Nic safe so nothing he can offer except to make sure Meech doesn’t win. Nic can argue not a sure thing. And if she is convincing enough, James can assure Natalie it’s Showmance City against the Dynamic Duo for F4.

        If Jatalie still think they can team up with NiCorey, they won’t be as upset. Nat will be but will have to keep it pass-aggressive, because she liked having a gf to talk with and she won’t want to talk with Nicole like that if she has a choice.

        If VP wins HOH and puts up Jatalie as promised, can’t blame that on NiCorey either. If Corey gets it (we have seen it is possible no matter how unlikely), then they have to show their cards cuz doubtful they can mist like Dan can.

        After that, Meech can destroy Nic in her “last plea” on eviction night. Nic should brace herself, smile & listen, then afterward, wave and say calmly, “Bye, Michelle.” – She won’t get her vote from jury anyway if she did make it to the end.

        And when the jury hears that, they may give Nic props for being cold blooded. At least they won’t get to enjoy her falling to pieces and have to listen to Meech brag about that for the next month.

      • If they were smart they will only ask him to vote her out and not mention Victor at all. If they discuss it and allow him to make the decision of voting her out it will work out.

      • The earlier that Michelle knows she’s going the longer they have to put up with her hysterics -crying and insulting people. Then of course, Gnat will probably start crying too and whining. I’m sure the HG’s figure who needs the drama?

      • That is certainly true and it also delays the possible scheming by James and Gnat (everything’s possible, right?) in their defense of an F4 of Nicole, Corey, Paul, Vic. Afterall, I do believe JameS still thinks he has a strong alliance with Nicole to the end.

      • Even If James tells Michelle and Natalie, they can’t do anything about the votes. It will be best for Nicole and Corey’s game if they tell James the truth and he knows Michelle had mentioned putting up Nicole before. I hope Nicole doesn’t say anything though and makes him look like the fool that he is so he could go after her next week.

  12. OK, btw, does anyone think Paul absolutely deserves to win this game? He severed an alliance that was previously built upon the trust of alleged bribery… (regardless of what you think of the 10K incident, if James is willing to say something like that to plead allegiance, it should’ve been a strong alliance, yet Paul has managed to break that up)

  13. One reason the final 4 alliance with Jatalie isn’t a good idea for Nicorey is because they know James will always put Natalie above any kind of F2 agreement with either of them. He will put Michelle first as well in order to keep his superior numbers. So any kind of alliance with Jatalie at this point is useless to Nicorey; but after they get rid of Natalie and Michelle then they could use him to get to the finale.
    It would be a good idea for Nicole to put all the blame on Corey for Michelle’s eviction too :D

  14. For Michelle being a super fan she sure is an idiot. She’s on the block and doesn’t even campaign to Nicole to stay. She just assumes it. But this is why Nicole made a smart move. Last night James, Michelle and Natalie were talking about targeting Nicole next. So much for loyalty from James. Michelle will be one less person to play in the HOH. Very smart move. Now it will be 4 against 2. Hope Batalie goes next.

  15. I may be giving James too much credit here but …… Maybe insisting to Michelle and Natalie that is Michelle safe his part of his strategy. Thus way he does not actively have to campaign for her. Maybe he secretly wants Michelle gone so he can have Natalie to himself. With all Natalie’s talk about “girl power” maybe he is afraid that Natalie will dump him for Michelle if/when it comes down to it.

  16. I do believe that James has given up on a romance with Natalie…Unless I am misunderstanding their very long conversation both have decided to be friends.. I may be wrong as Jokers has not posted a lot of the talk…Still listening..

  17. What happens if James accepts the bribe and then goes back on his word (like it says you can’t in the rules)? Would all he lose is the 5K? Doesn’t sound like a good punishment to me.

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