Last night during the Big Brother 18 premiere we watched as four former Houseguests climbed out of luggage, well that was weird, and joined the rest of the twelve newbies to form the season’s full cast list. Now it’s time to refresh your memory on these new additions.

This season’s casting twist brought back Nicole Franzel (BB16), James Huling (BB17), Frank Eudy (BB14), and Da’Vonne Rogers (BB17) and while it’s been only a few months since you last saw two of those we’ve got their original interviews and bio details to get you caught up.
Nicole Franzel – Big Brother 16
Nicole Franzel
Age: 23
Hometown: Ubly, MI
Current city: Ubly, MI
Occupation: ER nurse
Nicole was previously on Big Brother during 2014’s Season 16 where she performed well but was evicted not once, but twice after winning her way back in through a Jurors’ competition. Now she’s got a second chance (third chance?) and she isn’t going to get hung up on a boy again like she did last time (Hayden Voss). As far as Hayden, sounds like Nicole is single these days so that must be over.
Watch my original interview with Nicole from BB16 and let’s see how far she’s come in two years.
James Huling – Big Brother 17
James Huling
Age: 32
Hometown: Sumter, SC
Current city: Wichita Falls, TX
Occupation: Staff recruiter
James hasn’t been out of the Big Brother house even a full year since his BB17 season where he spent a good bit of his time chasing Meg Maley, trusting the wrong people, and goofing around with the Goblins. Now he’s back and a whole nine months more mature in his game strategy. Oh who are we kidding? It’ll be the same ol’ James and that should make for plenty of fun.
Watch my interview with James from last season and see what mistakes he might be ready to not repeat this summer.
Frank Eudy – Big Brother 14
Frank Eudy
Age: 32
Hometown: Marion, AR
Current city: Charlotte, NC
Occupation: Medical sales rep
Now here’s a serious competitor with Frank. We haven’t seen him since BB14 so it’s been awhile but this was the guy who seemingly couldn’t be kept down even if he did get a production’s save with that Coaches Reset twist timing. I’m excited to see Frank back and find out if he’s still got that fire in him.
Travel back to 2012 and watch our original interview with Frank. I still remember sitting down for his one and enjoying just chatting with him off camera for a good bit of time. He was a really nice guy and I’d be happy to see him do well this season.
Da’Vonne Rogers – Big Brother 17
Da’Vonne Rogers
Age: 28
Hometown: Inglewood, CA
Current city: Lancaster, CA
Occupation: Poker dealer
Gone far too soon last season so I’m glad to see Da’Vonne back but so far she isn’t doing herself many favors with poor team picks and lots of in-fighting on Team Da’Vonne. Yep, she should have stuck with Paulie, not Paul, and that decision could ruin her game, but we’ll have to wait and see.
We’ve got our original interview with Da’Vonne from last summer so take a look back at her strategy talk from BB17 and let’s find out if she can outlast her previous performance.
If the tables were turned and Houseguests were choosing their own Coaches Team Captains, then which team would you have wanted to join this season? Da’Vonne, Frank, James, or Nicole? Share your thoughts below!
Glad to see this people back.
I guess now I know how fans of Brenchel the Donatos and JeJo feel when they heard about them returning back in BB13.
But deep inside, I still wanna see a newbie win in a mixed season.
It seems like it’d be very hard for the Vets to win if the newbies decide to stick together. If 2 Vets aren’t in the F2 then I’d strongly expect a newbie to win.
I don’t like any of those 4. The faster they are gone the better.
Da’Gone can’t be gone fast enough for me. In her mind anything somebody else says or does is wrong, and everything she says or does is golden. Yeah right.
You know what would be hilarious to watch? Da’Gone and Jokeasta in the house together.
Oh crap, sorry. I mixed up Jocasta and Chima. Jocasta was great! I wish I could remember houseguest’s names better.
It’s like she getting angry at Paul for being the male version of herself. I agree, she is already crying in the DR…
She has to stop bitching, everything that comes out of her mouth is bitching about something.
unfortunately, when you go into the house with attitude or emotions you definitely go home fast…especially, since men tend to run the house..they don’t like a lotta drama..she should have kept her ill feelings about Frank to herself..and she should have kicked Tiffany out the first time…letting her linger only blew a big whole into her game, then compound that with never winning when it counts..poor Da’..
I feel like there should have been more than 4 returning players. and I wish we could have voted.
Not happy at all about the returning guests. This twist is so played out!!!
Agreed. It’s bad enough having to see Jesse in Pandora’s Box year after year.