Big Brother 18 Live Feeds Week 3: Thursday Night Highlights

The power in the Big Brother 18 house shifted Thursday night, well sort of. Bridgette won HOH but it didn’t take Frank long to take control and make her decisions for her. But that didn’t stop the rest of the house from scrambling and panicking.

Corey tries to get comfortable on BB18

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 18 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, July 7, 2016:

7:01 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Team Frank is safe. Da’Vonne is already in his ear saying she feels nervous.

7:05 PM BBT – Michelle really worried. She warns Nicole and Zakiyah that Bridgette is Frank’s spy and will do what he wants.

7:10 PM BBT – Paulie, Nicole, and Zakiyah all in a panic.

7:15 PM BBT – Frank lets Nicole & Zakiyah know he’s going to push for Tiffany and Paul.

7:25 PM BBT – Frank and Bridgette sit down to talk noms. She wants to either go with noms from Team Day or Team Nicole and doesn’t want to touch Team James (her PowerPuff/Spy Girls are on that team).

7:30 PM BBT – Frank is pushing Tiffany and Paul for the noms. Bridgette is okay with that. She says she doesn’t care if Paul goes. Frank suggests the other Vets really want him there and even need him. He has no idea they’re all united in trying to get rid of him.

7:35 PM BBT – Team Nicole are this week’s Have-Nots. They performed the worst in the HoH comp.

7:45 PM BBT – Paulie joined the conversation. He suggests Bronte as an option, but Bridgette immediately says no and suggests the guys will have to do that themselves.

7:50 PM BBT – James & Da’Vonne stressing in the Lounge. James says if Tiffany has to go this week then she goes. He doesn’t care as long as it’s not one of them. James thinks Frank could be planning a BD against one of the Vets.

8:05 PM BBT – Corey trying out his new HN bed with the bumper car. He doesn’t even come close to fitting. This seems cruel.

8:05 PM BBT – Bridgette promises Zakiyah she isn’t going up. They talk for the first time in weeks and Zakiyah acts like they’re best friends.

8:10 PM BBT – Frank talks with Corey and Nicole, assuring them they won’t go up. He says Tiffany and Paul are probably going to be the noms.

8:30 PM BBT – Natalie, Bronte, and Frank agree the one vote against Bronte must have been from Paul.

8:33 PM BBT – Nicole tells Tiffany that Paul might be going up, but she doesn’t know who the other person is. This is a lie. She was told to expect Tiffany and Paul as the noms.

8:35 PM BBT – Michelle, who is safe this week, is worried that Bridgette knows she doesn’t like her.

8:36 PM BBT – Bronte tells Natalie that James told her things didn’t go to plan. Bronte suspects James was hoping to target Frank this week.

8:45 PM BBT – Nicole is worried Tiffany will try to make a deal with Bridgette. She says someone needs to stay on top of Tiffany to block game talk.

9:01 PM BBT – Frank tells Michelle that Bridgette thinks she and Nicole hate her. Michelle says if she apologizes for saying she would shave off her eyebrows then she can try to have a better relationship with Bridgette.

9:03 PM BBT – Day and Frank agree that if Tiffany goes this week, then it won’t exactly be a wasted week for them.

9:04 PM BBT – Nicole, Paulie, James and Zakiyah talk get their stories straight on Tiffany saying she was targeting Frank.

9:06 PM BBT – Paulie says Tiffany might cry and freak out and Zakiyah said and that might work and then she could go up herself. Paulie mentions going for the Roadkill and nominating Natalie as a backup plan. James just kind of looks on to that idea.

9:08 PM BBT – Paulie compares Tiffany to Vanessa and says it might be good for her to go this week before she has a chance to pull all the tricks Vanessa pulled last season. James agrees with Paulie.

9:15 PM BBT – Tiffany asks Day and Michelle if she’s going up. They say they don’t know. They just play off being upset that they can’t get Frank out this week. Tiffany tells them they just need to win Roadkill and put Bronte up so they can all vote her out.

9:17 PM BBT – Michelle asks Tiffany why she thinks she’s going up and she says because Bridgette is Frank’s sidekick and Frank is gunning for her. Tiffany said there’s an 85 percent chance she’s going up and that’s OK because she will be able to play in the Veto competition.

9:22 PM BBT – Natalie tells Bronte that the guys are starting to target the girls because they are getting outnumbered.

9:33 PM BBT – Nicole tells Paulie and Michelle she’s afraid Tiffany will throw her under the bus. Nicole says Tiffany is already talking about making deals. Paulie said she’s going to take some pages out of Vanessa’s playbook.

9:37 PM BBT – Paulie says they just need to get through this week because this was the one competition (a crapshoot) any of those girls could win and that they won’t win any more.

9:40 PM BBT – Paulie tells Nicole to not get paranoid because Tiffany is going up, will lose the veto and go home.

9:44 PM BBT – Tiffany comes in and breaks up the talk about her. She tells them that it’s down to four people: Her, Corey, Paul and Nicole. No one really reacts to that news (these people don’t know how to fake anything).

9:45 PM BBT – Zakiyah and Paulie have a private hug and she apologizes for losing the HOH. He tells her not to be sorry because it was a crapshoot.

It was a long night with a lot more to go in our highlights report on the next page.



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  1. I thought if you put your hands on someone else you were done? This is even worse. It’s 2016 this behavior towards women he’ll anyone isn’t ok anymore. Frank has to go.

    • My husband asked the same thing last night. Why is he allowed to smacked the girls. I said I didn’t know maybe because he is joking around.. he said yeah, but it’s unwanted by the girls so technically that’s assult.

      • I get it, but that seems extreme don’t you think for an act he probably thought was a gift not a threat … but then again, how else do you finally get the point across and change the behavior.

      • Yep. He’s not getting the message that those women don’t want him to smack them where he’s smacking them. AFAIK all of them he’s done it to have told him they didn’t want him to touch them.

        Sure, some women love it — and some of them probably do too — but NOT from him. That’s what makes it battery.

      • Not just from him but from anyone that consent has not been given to…. And yes, that could constitute battery!

        Maybe some PEOPLE do like it….. (let’s not just say women please)
        but it has to be consensual!

        The end!

    • Totally agree, he should have been taken out of the game. His behavior is disgusting and unacceptable period!

      • Not disagreeing with you, but knowing production, they’ve taken a backseat as far as behavior like that. So I think they would give Frank a warning but not intimidatly expel him.

        Not defending Frank, I’m starting to get irritated as well. And that kind of behavior is not okay. But I don’t think production will expel him

      • Right on Mary!

        Frank needs to go!
        I’m a grown ass adult & I KNOW it’s totally unacceptable but, there’s also an audience of young impressionable viewers & by not doing anything about Frank’s behaviour & derogative name calling PRODUCTION seem like they are condoning this type of behaviour!!

        I wonder if CBS has a clause that allows sexual harassment cuz if they don’t (which I’m playing on words there)
        I’d strongly suggest that those affected get legal council. (I say those affected cuz you don’t have to be an actual, physical receiver of sexual harassment. Just having it be accepted by production or having to witness it should harassment on its own!)

    • I totally agree that smacking someone’s behind (whatever the recipient’s gender) is offensive, rude, off limits and even criminal. It seems to me, however, that there are so many mixed signals with this kind of behavior that it makes it easy for some people to assume it is OK because they are joking or flirting … and I have seen people allow the behavior when it is someone they want attention from (on this very show) and then be incredibly insulted (to the point of assaulted) when it is someone they don’t want attention from. You are probably right that someone needs to be “done” on this show for any clear understanding to be had. I would rather a serious discussion take place by all in the house about the stupidity and insensitivity of assuming this behavior is acceptable by the offender OR the recipient and they decide what consequences happen in this case.

      • It’s true that some women might not mind, but once they complain he should back off. I guess they’ve just been putting up with it until Da finally said something to him. I think the general guideline is if someone tells you they don’t like what you’re doing, you need to stop. Frank is really an idiot.

      • But the girls are asking/telling him to stop it!! It’s like when girls say no they mean yes!! When will behaviour such as this stop? Esp when asked to be stopped?? It’s insane that CBS or production would allow this! They are just as crimally guilty allowing it!!
        CBS stop this BS!! Smacking girls or anyone on the ass isn’t ok!! Ok?!

    • Wasn’t Frankie always groping the guys and production never did anything about it during Nicole’s season?

      • I had forgotten all about Frankie’s groping the guys but you’re absolutely right.

  2. Nicole made the comment that Frank playfully punches her in the arm however it hurts and she has bruises from him… Along with all the other things he’s done and said…

    What happened to him??

    • The usual…nothing. Nicole (or anyone) should require some kind of serious discussion to take place – one-on-one or with the house or with a producer, but just like always, she doesn’t want to risk something to set it straight or she feels powerless in the situation. I guess I kind of put a lot of responsibility on the receiver because I feel dishonorable in my own non-reaction to such behavior. I was afraid to do something serious about it because that result might be worse for me. Guess I am still working this out … geeeeez. I sure hope this generation does better.

      • I know… If someone was hitting me, even playfully like Frank does her, to where it made me bruise… I wouldn’t have to talk to production I would speak up but at the same time they are playing a game and Nicole said the other day if Frank says something, you go along with it so I really do think she feels powerless in this situation with Frank.

        I even felt bad for Day while watching the feeds last night (3rd trimester pregnancy… I chase sleep all night lol) because she even said she’s tried to not go off on Frank for fear he would target her and she said she’s trying NOT to be Day from last season.

      • I think the word these days is bullying! Frank is being a bully. If they feel like they can’t speak becuz of repercussion from Frank that is being bullied to shut it!! Plain & simple!
        Again CBS what are you going to do about it? You’re watching it & allowing it!! You’re just as guilty!!

      • The women in the house should join together and confront Frank. Have some of the guys with them if they feel intimidated. This is only the beginning of the summer.

    • Just one question, should Paulie or Coery, maybe even James do this, would they get the same type of hateful resentment that Frank gets from the girls? Not what you think should happen to them but what these girls in the house would say or do.

      • It is not a moot question, just one that you prefer to not answer so you say it is moot. I smack my wife’s bottom and when I was single I would smack the girl I was dating bottom. If I was told to stop I stopped. Sometimes the girls would smack my bottom too. Just because we don’t see these guys doing it on TV doesn’t mean they don’t do it. I bet you will tell me you don’t do it either (and that is assuming your a male).

      • Paulie smacked his gf’s butt, he said it to Z, but I believe it’s part of foreplay. I don’t think James and Paulie would go around smacking girls’ butts just for fun like what Frank did.

      • Smacking your wife or girlfriends butt is a different story. They were strangers 3 weeks ago. And I am sure if James or someone else did this,the girls would speak up, because they don’t act controlling or scream and call the girls sluts and hussys like frank does. I don’t mind if my hubby smacks my butt, but no one else. It is not acceptable behavior.

      • So true!!

        Well said!!

        Frank should have to leave the show as he’s not only degrading all women by the continued butt slapping, but the names he’s been slamming the girls with as well!!

        Frank is being very degrading & I think he needs to leave. That’s may sound harsh to some but I’m assuming all players sign a contract with many rules. I’d think this would stand in the first 5 rules!

        Production is just as guilty if they don’t do something drastic & soon. If I were one of those girls I’d be seeking legal advice as soon as I left the show. Or I’d leave the show & seek it. I wouldn’t stick around to be abused!

        He made those choices; he’s an adult acting this way! He knows better for sure!!

      • I believe they would welcome it and the only drama to come out of it would be jealousy between the girls! That is why some of these things are so hard to resolve. They deal with so much possibility for misconstrued perception and intent. I think you have to take the risk and talk it out directly or shut up. In this case, if you don’t jump to a “battery” conclusion, I really believe just telling Frank a kindly … hey, we’re friendly, but not that friendly would actually go a long way instead of all this drama crap.

      • We love drama but not this kind. If Frank were to do this in his life outside the BB house with his clients (because they have friendly working relationship) would he get away with it? I think not.

      • I see your point Willie, if Paulie was smacking butts would the reaction be the same? It makes me wonder…
        So Frank needs to realize that he’s no paulie.

      • True and spanking these girls butts and not being either in a relationship with them or enticing him to do so then he should stop it pronto.

      • Right, Frank is having trouble reading the situation apparently and thinks the butt smacks are just a sign of friendly affection maybe?
        But he has to be made aware that his behavior is inappropriate and when a girl says stop she means stop.
        I had a situation at work once where a coworker became overly familiar by touching me repeatedly and I bluntly told him he could look but don’t touch. That solved the problem pronto.
        But then again I wasn’t playing a game to win half a million either so this definitely puts the females at a disadvantage when Frank behaves in this manner.
        A stern talking to is in order for Frank from production and he needs to apologize.

      • You are right ,but what if the ladies got angry and kicked Frank in the groin ,production would most likely kick them off the show,guys like him just don,t care,because they have no respect ,he better be thankful that i,m not in that house because he would have been launched thru a wall,because i don,t tolerate men disrespecting any woman like he did EVER.

      • I think the process on BB is that the HG has to file some type of formal complaint against Frank for touching their butt and calling them sluts – which of course is reprehensible.
        So before kicking Frank in the groin area (no matter how tempting that might be !!) they should file the formal complaint instead or risk being kicked off the show.
        Which brings us back to Frankie’s season when he was manhandling the guys and nothing was ever done about that either.

      • I did not like that POS either and when he did that the guys he was touching should have knocked his ass out ,to hell with the money,Frank should have his ass knocked out too if BB won,t do anything,i do not take sexual assault of any kind ,lightly

      • I’m starting to wonder what meds Frank might be taking; he didn’t act like this last time around. He sat on his butt and won comps. Now he can’t stop plotting and planning, running his mouth and getting all touchy feely with the girls. I want the old Frank back.

      • I agree that Paulie and Corey would receive less backlash. The booty smacking along with certain comments he’s made to each girl combined with him being the current exiled houseguest makes them even more mad about the situation. However, even when they were on good terms with Frank both Day and Z complained they didn’t like him smacking their butts.

      • I agree but it is never too late to tell him to stop either. They have to be the ones to let him know otherwise he may continue to do so.

  3. I’ll add this – Frank grew up in my town. I was around him quite often as he was in my brothers baseball team and he was NOT raised that way and I’m very disappointed in his behavior.

    • When I grew up, we were absolutely were raised that way … even if your particular parents didn’t subscribe to it, that kind of behavior was accepted all around us and that’s why it exists today.

      • Yeah but now it’s 2016. What’s considered as accepted in those days might not apply to these days. Even if I were raised that way, I would think a thousand time before smacking butt of someone I barely knew.

      • Honestly I think Frank’s letting the fame get into his head. You don’t do this stuff. Even if it is for flirtation or game, thats really uncalled for

  4. As much as I dislike Frank’s behavior but it would be not fair for him to be ejected from the house as some have suggested.
    I don’t think he’s malicious and a bad person. However I would like him to get some kind of punishment or reprimand, like stripping him of his team safety this week, so he could sweat a lil bit hehe.
    I am really disappointed with him. Not only he’s a returner (that he should have known better what to do and what not to do than those newbies) but he’s also a former AFP winner.

    • I wish you were in the house to have a meeting and be brave enough to risk your own position in the game and put that out there for everyone to discuss, decide. Even though it is a game, what happens in that house is a reflection of what happens in the world and something good can really come of this situation … or not.

      • Paulie did. He has a talk with Frank. Frank would apologize to Day today.
        And Day has complained in DR as well. So yeah Frank might have some kind of warning/reprimand coming his way.

      • I definitely think the DR is going to get onto him and he will be given a stern don’t do it again or else talk HOWEVER I don’t think Frank’s ego will let any of the other house guests onto him getting in trouble in the DR.

  5. The women in that house are just that– women. If a man is punching you, or slapping you on the butt, playful or not, it is your job to firmly tell him no. If the behavior continues, it is then time to go to take action and/or go to production about his behavior. No man should feel comfortable enough to touch a woman so intimately unless she welcomes it. These girls should have given Frank a stern talking to long ago, game or not. You do no let something like that fly, and that’s why Frank’s behavior has gotten as disgusting as it is– enough women have not put him in his place and they need to start doing so.

    Frank is lucky that he hasn’t crossed a more aggressive woman before. If it were me, I’d have slapped Frank across his mouth like he’s never been slapped before, and threatened to sue production if I got kicked off the show for reacting to sexual assault. His behavior is just unacceptable.

    • I agree. I’ve watched a lot of the live feeds this year and Day and Z both really didn’t act like it bothered them when he did it so I really do think Frank was shocked to hear it does (even though he should know better in my opinion!) BUT PRODUCTION has seen it, has seen the girls complaints about it and THEY should have taken the step to talk to Frank themselves. They have to remember a game is being played and the girls don’t want to rock the boat and risk blowing their game up you know? Production should step in when things are out of hand and they clearly were.

      • Not defending the production, but I don’t think they would interfere with what’s going on in the house unless there’s an official complaint or an actual physical confrontation.
        Coz in gametalks, HGs lie all the time and they might exaggerate things and feelings.

      • That’s true… They try to paint someone they want out as a bad guy and production may not have known how the girls really felt about it. I feel like the girls should have said something in the DR and production could have withheld that the girls complained or whatever.

      • At least finally Day did. She made an official complaint.
        Even tho Nicole mentioned it yesterday, but perhaps they took what Nicole said as confession like what Natalie complained about Victor. They can’t do anything based on confessions in the DR coz it’s basically spoiling the games.

      • Except for it’s on film & there’s actual real people representing production and there all the time!!!


        They are totally aware of what is being done in that house & by not reacting to Frank’s gestures they are allowing behaviour that is morally wrong & offensive!

        So what if houseguests lie & exagerate all the time? Does that mean that give Frank is permission to degrade these women?

        I think not!!

      • I totally agree about production needing to take the step and reach out to the women first. Production is very aware of what happens on the live feeds, and they really dropped the ball on this one.

    • Upon rereading my post, i realize that what I said can be interpreted as victim blaming. Not all women are outspoken, so I sincerely apologize for anyone i may have offended. I learned long ago to not always expect someone else to run to my defense when I feel wronged and to handle certain matters on my own. That was the reason for my passion. Furthermore, having your personal space respected is a basic human right, regardless of gender.

      • The first time Frank committed battery he should have been immediately hauled to the DR and given a warning that one more time would result in expulsion.

      • Totally agree! I’m so disappointed in production for allowing him to get this out of control.

      • But it’s OK when YOU decide it’s OK, but not when Frank decides it’s OK? Intent to harm is clearly missing here as far as Frank’s actions are concerned and there was truly no bodily harm done, but you still believe you have a basic human right to react with violence and cause bodily harm because your personal space was not respected?

      • I very clearly stated that I would slap Frank in response to him assaulting me AFTER a proper verbal warning. I’m not normally an advocate of violence, but in this case all that goes out the window when I’m inappropriately touched. When humans are assaulted, some choose to turn the other cheek and some choose to react more firmly. He slapped her across the behind without her consent. To think that he would ever be able to get away with that considering they aren’t even friends is ridiculous. Also, I use this account mostly for Youtube and that’s why I use a nickname. Drama is a pseudonym, and it’s clearly appropriately chosen lol.

      • Totally agree BB18Fan. But I want to add something. I hope you don’t mind…I’m not being argumentative. You’ve had enough of that! Lol.. I like your username.
        I’ve been a battered woman and while what Frank did was stupid and inappropriate, it was NOT battery, as some people have stated. Now, having said that,
        I don’t believe for one single, solitary, moment that if Da’ had made it clear to Frank the VERY FIRST TIME it happened, it would have happened again.

        As I said before, I’m a survivor of battery. I think you’ll agree with what I’m about to say. If I told a man, don’t touch my ass; hair; arm; leg; WHATEVER, and it happened again, his balls would be in a whole lotta hurt.. Period. If production didn’t intervene, they obviously didn’t find it worthy of any action. Was this right? I don’t know because I don’t know what Da’s real story is. But as much as I like Frank, if I’d told him ONCE, don’t slap my ass and he did it again, his balls would be hurting. He wouldn’t be able to participate in comps for the rest of his time in the house.

        Nicole says, ‘Ow, Frank..that huuuurts’,,,but doesn’t go further. Why? I don’t know, but if she really has a problem and has bruises, GO TO PRODUCTION, STAT!! Mama Da’? Hell to the no. If she didn’t want Frank to touch her again, she WOULD have said something. NO, I’m NOT blaming the victim. I am a survivor, so I KNOW that if you can’t confront the person who is hurting you, GO TO PRODUCTION. Paulie and Corey held Da’ after Frank slapped her bottom. Aw, that was sweet. Then Frank came in. What did those two big strong men do? NOTHING. What did Da’ do? Leave the room. Then we saw her in the DR saying how she ‘accepted’ his apology. I give her BIG TIME props for teaching her daughter that it’s not OK for a man to put hands on a woman. But she also taught her daughter it’s OK to lie by fake accepting his apology.
        Bottom line: NO MEANS NO. You don’t like what they did to you–tell them and tell them it will NOT happen again. Second time it happens (and production doesn’t step in and even if they do) those balls are going to be twisted.

        Those women have mouths. They’re being recorded. They have no reason to be afraid.
        Battery? Battery is being thrown around the room, making sure you hit each wall and every single piece of furniture. Battery is being dragged by your hair from room to room, until chunks of hair come out in your abusers hands. Battery is being kicked and punched over and over and over again in specially marked spots on the body where bruises don’t show. Battery is being pushed out of a moving car.
        THAT’S battery.

      • I totally agree with all of your statements. I did label Frank’s inappropriate actions as (sexual) assault, while others have used the term battery. I’m really sorry to hear that you had that experience, and I appreciate your detailed response to my comments.

        I certainly agree that the women should have spoken up the first time they felt Frank had crossed the line. I do realize that on a personal level, not all women are outspoken, but I’m a believer of the phrase that if you give a person an inch, they’ll take a mile. It’s really important to nip bad behavior in the bud, whether or not you’re playing a game.

        Frank is insensitive and brash, but one thing he isn’t is a mind reader. If the women (and men) let him get away with spanking them, and complain only once he’s left, how is he to know that he’s in the wrong? How would he know that they all cry and complain once he leaves the room? Common sense would say that a person shouldn’t spank anyone at all unless the people are in an intimate relationship, but nowadays common sense ain’t so common after all. I totally agree with your point that if the women had said something to Frank after the first time he crossed the line then he would not have done it again!

        And yes, don’t get me started on Paulie and Corey’s response to the situation. People all over social media have been giving Paulie props for standing up to Frank in defense of Day. I think he meant well, but the first thing he said when he spoke to Frank was that Day was acting out because she missed her family. No dude. She was acting out because your buddy was treating her like a piece of meat. Paulie really rubbed me the wrong way in that moment, as it seemed like he was making excuses for Frank’s bad behavior.

      • Thanks for your reply. I understand what you’re saying so much better, and I still think we agree more than you think. Actually, I think maybe I should have responded to a different post, but felt safer talking to you. :)
        Please don’t think I was criticizing. I wasn’t. And I appreciate what you had to say and how you feel. Absolutely. You’re absolutely right too, about Frank not being a mind reader–something I hadn’t taken into consideration.
        Yeah, Paulie and Corey…Don’t get me started on them, either! I’ve had my own experiences with big, strong men watching and doing and saying NOTHING.
        Anyway, thanks for listening and for responding. Again, I wasn’t criticizing. I hope you understand that. I guess I was mad that if you say no once, you don’t let it happen again. But, that’s just me.
        Take care, and have a great weekend!

      • Hey there! I’m glad I provided some clarity, and I do believe that we agree on most things concerning this issue. I don’t think you were criticizing at all, and I welcome your comments in the future. Thanks for the convo, and you take care as well! :)

    • Sooooooo, how’d you get (Drama) in your name? Just kidding and trying to be funny here … I need to lighten up. I think it’s great that you take good care of yourself and I hope you don’t have to go further than a stern talking.

    • Are you kidding me? It’s up to the women to put him in his place???

      Perhaps he shouldn’t have slapped them to begin with? Maybe Framk needs a life lesson here but really it shouldn’t come from the women he’s slapping!! That still suggests the behaviour is ok!! Wth?

      • How would Frank, at this point in his life, know that he was doing wrong unless the women said something, aka put him in his place? He clearly was not raised with any manners, or respect for women. Long gone are the days of women needing to play the role of damsel in distress. Yes, production should intervene and punish Frank for his actions, but it is ALSO the responsibility of those women to tell Frank he is wrong. Hope this cleared it up for ya.

      • Give me a break PLEASE!!

        From what I’m reading you are suggesting that Frank doesn’t know any better….and that these ‘women’ in the house need to educate him? Seriously?

        Frank absolutely DOES know better!!
        He has manners; you’ve seen them when he played in his season. He was voted AFP!!!

        You (Dixie) thinking he knows no better is making you look bad too!
        He’s just making bad choices & being an ass!!

        Even if the ladies did say something they shouldn’t ‘HAVE’ to in this day & age!!

        And why would any woman now, then or whenever ‘need to PLAY the role of damsel in distress?’
        It isn’t a role woman want to PLAY!!

        This is real life!!

        Do you not think that women in the past were seriously treated with such dis-respect & not just ‘playing the role’ that men wanted them to?

        We are in 2016. I really don’t know why you’re even thinking like that let alone writing it down in this forum!!

        You’ve gotten me so riled up about this!!! I just can’t believe that you’re stating it’s up to the women to set him straight…..

        (I don’t like the word punishment as that’s barbaric too) But there should be consequences to his actions 100% & in my opinion he should have to leave the show.


        I’m sure there’s a contract these players are required to sign & I bet one of the rules is that there is no unsolicited body contact.
        If the boys broke out in a fight do you think production would step in? 100% they would & right away!!!

        Women have moved so far forward then to have someone like you post that
        ‘not enough women have put Frank in his place?!!’ ‘Frank’s is ‘lucky’ he never crossed a more aggressive woman before!!!!!’

        I’ve said my rant.

        Please do not include me in your response as I’m really not interested in going back about 100 plus years!!!

        A woman NOT PLAYING A PART!!

      • “You (Dixie) thinking he knows no better is making you look bad too!
        He’s just making bad choices & being an ass!!”–Tink

        You need to learn how to comprehend better before you go on attacking people. The strange thing about you getting “riled up” over my opinion is that you don’t seem to realize that we’re in agreement about most things. We have both stated that production should’ve gotten involved once Frank assaulted the girls, and also that Frank was in the wrong- not the girls. Also, I am a woman so you definitely don’t speak for all of us when you say that we are all damsels in distress. I am not, and I will never be silent when I feel I am being mistreated like some of the women have done after being touched by Frank. Women are equal to men in this day and age, and we DO NOT need a man to come rescue us from every situation we face. In this case of Frank inappropriately touching the girls, the first step would be to verbally warn him, and THEN follow the rules of the game by alerting production.

        One point of disagreement we have is that Frank supposedly knows better. He is almost 40 years old, hence he clearly DOESN’T know better as he has been displaying this behavior for years. The feeds do not lie. His lack of manners is due to his poor parenting, and lack of growth throughout the years. And it absolutely does not excuse his behavior– another point of agreement between us. As a result of all these observations, Frank will not know he is doing wrong unless the women say something to him AND production get involved.

        Furthermore, Da’vonne has stated on the feeds that she has not said anything to Frank in fear of being perceived as an angry person like she was on the previous season. I totally understand her perspective. Personally, I would never turn a blind eye to being assaulted over a game but that’s just me.

        In closing, if you’re not sure about what you’re reading- reread it before attacking someone. Additionally, do not follow me around to multiple comments responding to what I’ve said. It’s weird.

      • Dixie Drama, BB18Fan or whoever you want to be today….. Seems like you change your name often for what reason??……

        Here’s the deal; to set you straight!

        Frank obviously knows better. He’s trying to get under the skin of the game mates. He said it himself. Part of his game play perhaps?

        He won AFP in his season….. Tell me why America voted for an asshole then?
        And did you vote for him as well?

        I don’t agree with the fact that you seem to KNOW Frank & that Frank has been displaying this behaviour for years. How the hell would you KNOW that?

        You seem to also KNOW that his lack of manners is due to his poor parenting?? What does that even mean? His poor parenting is responsible for his bad behaviour? Really? Whatever!

        Also you seem to KNOW that his lack of manners is becuz of his lack of growth thru-out the years….. Again this makes no sense but you seem to KNOW him so you must be right!

        You state that Frank won’t know he’s doing wrong until the women say something to him & production gets involved. He totally knows his game play….but it’s a game & his game play sucks & is hurting people. Production totally needs to get involved but they seem to not want to do that. They seem like they’re letting the players work it out. But I’m not sure about that cuz I don’t know production personally…..perhaps you do?! You seem to KNOW everything!!! Yes, you are one amazing fan thatbKNOWS IT ALL!!

        So i’ll just let you ramble on & if I make a remark on your posts…. Whoever you want to be that day…. It’s becuz I can!!!

        So you can just shut it & move along.

        Cya…. Ummmm? Who are you today? Dixie DRAMA… Or…. BB18Fan??? Or is there more?? I think there is…. And I think I know who you think you are!!

        Now shut it & don’t respond or i’ll claim you’re harassing me…… Maybe! Lol

      • Oh, making fun of my name is rich considering the source. Are you really in a position to poke fun with a name like ‘Tink’? I didn’t get to choose my username when I signed up, so I changed it. Big whoop.

        It’s obvious that you’re fighting a losing battle, as you don’t have anything to do but insult my username. Did you really think that would hurt my feelings? You’re so childish.

        It’s interesting how you go from defending the girls and championing damsels in distress to doing a 180 and defending Frank now. It’s apparent you only want to argue. I’ll do a quick breakdown for you as we’ve already established that you have trouble comprehending things.

        I do not need to know Frank personally to make an assessment of his character. I believe what I see, and if people tell others negative qualities about themselves then why shouldn’t I believe them? Frank has said ON THE FEEDS that he was raised to inappropriately pinch women on the behind and spank them. Frank groped others during his first season which was YEARS ago, and he’s doing it this season to the men and women of the house YEARS LATER. His behavior has not changed. Frank has openly stated that he learned this behavior from his parents, and grandma, and it’s frankly poor manners. It’s not gameplay, it is simply his horrid personality.

        So no, I didn’t pull those facts out of thin air. I would grab the timestamps for you to observe for yourself, but you’re willfully ignorant so it’s pointless.

        “And I think I know who you think you are!!”– Tink

        …What? You have no idea who I am LOL. Please get a life. I won’t be responding to you anymore; you don’t provide interesting conversation and you’re only here to cause trouble. Have fun talking to yourself.

      • Listen, you were the one who brought up the damsel comment not me;
        “Long gone are the days of women needing to ‘play’ the role of damsel in distress”
        I suggested that no one ‘played’ the role but perhaps were not given a choice by men or society back in the day.” I don’t know why you keep going on about what my thoughts are about damsels & distress?? That’s weird, cuz you don’t even know me???

        I make suggestions or at least say words like perhaps or may or it seems like, but you seem to think you KNOW. That’s frustrating when you do not know these people but keep going on like you are their best friend which you are not. You state that these are ‘facts’ which they are just your assumptions.
        This is your opinion which you are entitled to, as am I & everyone else posting as it is their right to do so as well. In a friendly banter; which is my intent.

        I am not defending Frank, I have stated that he was voted AFP and how could America be so stupid to vote a guy in if he was such a jerk?

        You make several comments of how Frank was brought up & his parenting which makes no sense if you go back & read it anyway. You don’t know how he was raised as you were not there. Frank made one comment of slapping his mothers & grandmothers tush & in that house where he grew up it was ok. He doesn’t mention that he’s touched of slapped anyone else’s tush. This is your assumption.

        I wasn’t making fun of your name I was mentioning that you have 2 names and seem to interchange them when it suits you. Seems like you comment on your comments??

        I’ve asked you several times to not respond becuz your comments seem to contradict things you’ve said over your posts. Go back & read them if you want to know what I am saying there.

        I’m not trying to argue with you. I have the right to comment & I will continue to do so. My comments are based off what your comments are & my ‘opinion’ is that Frank does know better & in the end it isn’t up to the girls to advise Frank to follow the rules that he agreed to when signing his name to the contract, it’s up to production. Which they choose to do nothing about it. That’s when I suggest the girls should get legal council when & if they choose to.

        My comments are interpretations of what their actions are but I certainly do not comment that I KNOW I KNOW! You can come to a conclusion based on what you watch or interpret but please stop saying I KNOW THIS & I KNOW THAT….. Cuz you don’t.

        And if you know so much then how was it possible a whole country voted Frank as AFP?

        I wish you continued enjoyment in watching this season but please refrain from stating you know who these players are. It’s a game & no one is telling the truth about who they really are. Everyone is lying or over exaggerating at one point. Don’t you agree? They’re playing a game.

        Regards, t

  6. Frank is getting out of control really fast. I liked him at first but now he’s seriously a problem. He really can’t be trusted and how he is treating some of the girls is not okay. I don’t watch the feeds and I’ve been on vacation without reliable internet access, so I’ve missed some of this as it was happening. For me it seems sudden but I’m guessing I just missed the beginning of it all…. *sigh*

  7. Paulie is a true, stand up guy. The first week he was a pawn, on the block, I didn’t notice him much. This past week as HOH… He got more live feed time and his personality traits started to show. He is becoming a favorite of mine!

  8. I haven’t seen the smack but I’ve seen Frank flirting with some of the girls and they are usually laughing and nice. We know it’s an act but Frank doesn’t. As far as he knows these people are all his friends and it’s OK to flirt and joke around. I think when it sets in that these people are only pretending to be his friends the joking, flirting and messing around will stop and he might even feel bad about it. A smack on the rear and playful punch is all relative to the relationship. Do it to a stranger and you’re probably going to jail. You’re wife or romantic interest on the other hand might be turned on by it. It’s all relative but relationships in the BB house are complicated because everyone’s fake all the time. They should just say something to production or to Frank and I’m sure it will stop.

    • I think that was very well said and reflects the same in or out of this house. We are all restricted by risks “in the game”.

      • True Linda, is it worth half a million to complain directly to Frank when it could ruin your game?

      • I don’t think so, at least not to me. I’ve chilled for a lot less than that and in this case, I could deal with him after the show for sure.

    • I get what you’re saying but I’m going to have to disagree. Even under these circumstances (being in the BB house) it is still never ok or justifiable to do what Frank is doing. First, he supposedly has a gf. I would hope he’d have some respect for her and not touch other girls butts even if it’s “playful”. Second, he of all people know these HG’s are not his friends. He is a vet so he knows it’s not about friendship first in that house, it’s a game. So he can’t say oh we’re all friends here so it’s ok to touch these girls like this. Third, I think he is well aware that these girls might not say anything to him. He believes he has all the power in that house and knows these girls wont say anything unless they want to be targeted. He’s pushing to see how far he can go and it’s disgusting.
      I just wish these girls would’ve said something right away. Yeah, you worry you might be targeted for opening your mouth but the difference is its not like you’re yelling or fighting with him because of a pizza made wrong, you’re yelling and fighting with him for touching you inappropriately. I doubt any HG would fault or retaliate against you for that.

      • I agree with you. BUT I also think it productions job to say something as well. They know what is going on at all times. They also here what is being said and should have jumped in as soon as it started.

      • I agree but I think someone else has commented on here that maybe they didn’t want to interfere unless someone complained because they don’t know if it’s a strategy on the girls part or not.

      • Yeah I don’t know. I remember really liking Frank when he played last
        time so maybe I’m cutting him to much slack and I haven’t seen all the things he’s done this year. I personally don’t think he’s doing it to take advantage but I could be wrong. Either way I do think if the girls are uncomfortable they should tell production. I’m sure production could try to keep it as anonymous as possible to minimize how it affects their games while also getting the point across to Frank that he has to chill.

  9. Day is overplaying the whole thing purposely. I’m not buying it — she has wanted him gone, and is just using cheap tactics. I hope she’s cut loose soon…a conniving opportunist. Cant stand that type.

    • It’s not the first time Frank did it to Day and also he did that and a few other things to other girls as well that made them upset. So Day has every right to report him to production, tactics or not.

    • I disagree. We have seen Day’s personality in the past and it’s apparent that she doesn’t have an issue speaking up. However, her outspokenness got her eliminated from the game the last time she played, so she is more hesitant to speak up this time around. She might have felt powerless to stop Frank’s behavior.

      • Powerless to stop Frank’s behaviour???

        Day shouldn’t have to speak up!! Production should haul his ass & set him out the backdoor with the garbage!!
        Who the hell does he or anyone else think they are that they can make rude gestures & slap someone’s behind & think there won’t be consequences?

        So what about Day’s personality or your assumption she’s hesitate to say something!!

        Frank shouldn’t have touched anyone; production NEEDS to do something to right the situation. The only alternative I see is to kick Frank out of the game….. Period!

    • Um….. Frank even admitted it. He even laughed about it. And that’s why Paulie confronted the dude.

  10. So disappointed in Frank this season…what the heck happened to him? Why is he acting so crazy now? I don’t ever remember him being such a male chauvinist his first season. Production needs to stop this mess, and fast!

    • I mean he was a jerk back in 14, but not THIS bad. I think being America’s favorite got into his head

      • Agreed on the last part.
        And people have been saying he’a a fave of Grodner, the producer. Is that true?

    • I don’t know why production hast done something about Frank smacking butts and the things he says to the girls. He thinks it’s ok, it’s not.

    • All this tells me why he especially wants Tiffany gone. She’s the only one calling him out to everyone about his behavior. Yes she has other reasons she’s a target but I think its more so because its personal to him and he doesn’t want her opening her mouth anymore. And him wanting to tell here something to “frazzle” her is him just being a bully and intimidating her.
      After reading everything that happened last night, it opened my eyes to see what he’s really doing in targeting her.

      • I agree! I’m beginning to see what his intentions really are in wanting Tiffany out.. It’s sad because I actually really liked him in the beginning, not so much anymore :(

  11. Frank’s ego will be his downfall. All he does is act high and mighty when he’s in charge. And when people don’t take his side, he throws a fit (remember the whole episode with Ian after Ashley and Boogie got evicted?)

  12. Btw Frank mentioned to Paulie that once Tiff’s nominated, he would confront her and try to make her frazzled, so Tiff would be too upset when she’s playing the PoV comp so she would lose.
    I know this is a tactic or gameplay, but honestly I don’t really like this kind of gameship.

    • That’s what I was saying but it’s also because she’s the only one calling him out on his behavior. He’s making it extremely personal and is being a bully and intimidating her by doing that to her. It’s disgusting.

    • I think he did that with Dan and Ian last time. Only difference was it had nothing to do with game last time. He just hated them.

      • He actually does hate Tiff, he said so to Nicole. So there’s a pattern in his ‘gameplay’, huh.

  13. Maybe I’m just getting old, but who goes around smacking people’s butts thinking it is funny? Or flirty? My 6 year old nephew thinks it’s hilarious to smack people on the butt and has to be told constantly it’s not ok. So basically I think Frankn is acting like a 6 yrbold.

    • Who? Frank. And a lot of others. I am old and I’ve seen nephews grow up and become Frank over and over again … and they pay no attention to being constantly told it’s not OK and the butts they smack continue to like it or not depending on if they are attracted to the “buttsmacker” or not, so the poor guy who doesn’t perceive the right message is a batterer and opens himself up to grave consequences, so just stop it altogether and we have no problem. I am now retiring from this conversation, but it’s been interesting.

  14. You know it doesn’t matter how your raised or whatever these days times have changed. Smack your boss on the butt today and see what happens.

  15. *facepalm* Frank… stop spanking the girls! This sounded like a crazy night and i cant believe i decided not to watch the feeds!

  16. I was a YUGE champion of Frank’s during his season, and was really stoked to find out he was coming back this year. But what’s his deal…and why is he targeting Tiffany?! There are bigger targets than Tiff—Da’vonne for one. So what if she’s a vet? She’s not contributing anything, and quite frankly, neither is Frank…and it pains me to say that (especially since I still have a crush on him. Yeah, I know–leave me alone!) The only vet I REALLY like is Nicole and honestly, I’d love it if she were to win this season. I like Z; Paulie is cool–I really like him—as I did his brother; Paul is just too amusing because of his stupidity, but does need to go within a few weeks; Bridgette, Natalie and Michelle–Meh. Bronte needs to get gone YESTERDAY. If she stays too long, I can see her ending up a Gina Marie and that scares the bejesus outta me. Corey and his ‘spooky, staring-at-nothing-eyes can leave anytime…he’s a distraction to Nic. James is pretty innocuous right now, but I can’t get a read on him.
    I wish I had the feeds, but I’d never get anything done.
    A big thanks to Brandon for his daily synopses.
    Now that I’ve written my Novella, I’ll leave. But seriously: WHAT is Frank’s deal?!

    • Good comments…
      I like your post minus the Paulie gotta go in a few weeks thingy…. I’d like to see him & Nicole at the end with the returning player from the ‘new twist!’ Or James cuz he’s funny & I think that’s his strategy. Myself?

      Yes, i’ll leave you alone…. Some ppl can’t help themselves & its up to you to realize whatever you need to realize….. No judgement tho! I think I judged enough for the day in other posts…. I kinda went on a spree! But it needed it! Lol

      • Oh, I LIKE Pauly—It’s PAUL that’s gotta go in a few weeks…And I said, “..Now I’LL leave.” But it’s all good, Tink! Lol…I’m glad we both were able to rant! After Dallas, I waited a day before letting loose…that’s why my post was so long. I think we actually feel the same way! I wouldn’t mind seeing Nic and James at the end at all…in fact, I’d love for Nicole to win.

  17. Frank is way out of line. He should be kicked out for continuing to touch Day inappropriately after she told him to stop. Misogynist jerk.

  18. I’m very disappointed in Frank and believe it’s time for him to go home. In addition to that slaps on the butt, he’s made inappropriate comments about the girls bodies. No excuse, no explanation, no reason for his behavior. Time to send him stepping out the door

    • I agree. Sexual harassment at it’s finest. Frank should be ushered to and out of the door by production.

      • And don’t let it hit you, Frank, on the way out!!

        Or…….maybe let it hit you on the way out! See if you like that, eh?

    • Thank you!!!
      I can’t believe some of the comments on this forum.
      Many are suggesting it’s ok for Frank to do this but not if the girls say ‘ please don’t.’
      Many are suggesting the girls should be firm in their responses.

      • That sounds like victim blaming. What he’s doing is harassment and it needs to stop.

      • He needs to be removed from the game. This is part of the contract that houseguests sign before being accepted as a player.
        He clearly shouldn’t have done that & the consequence needs to be harsh or firm. Whatever…. Lol

  19. I think that when Frank is told to butt slapping women that he will pretend to be apologetic. However, he will secretly seethe with rage, because he is an entitled, misogynistic narcissist. This will lead

  20. Just to finish the comment, I hope this will be Frank’s undoing and hopefully, production will butt slap him right out the door.

  21. Has Frank lost his mind???
    Ready to sacrifice Corey or Paulie already?
    Doesn’t have a clue about the all girls alliance?
    Slapping the female’s butts?
    I want the old Frank back…enough of trying to be a Dan or Boogie; he’s just not capable of playing the BB at such a level as those 2.
    He needs to team up with a brainy person to guide his game…such as Tiffany – although I’m sure that won’t happen.

  22. 11:50 PM BBT – Paul won’t admit to the Power Puff alliance that he was the vote against Bronte. He denies it and suggests maybe it was Tiffany.


  23. I’m sorry, but Frank needs to be pulled from the game- that is straight up sexual harassment (some would even see it as assault) and not only is it against the BB rules about no hands on other people, but it is also against the law. Especially because this has happened repeatedly. Leaving him in the game would set a bad precedent and look as if CBS et al condones such behavior.

  24. Okay Frank has gots to go. Honestly I was rooting for him in the beginning but these past few weeks have made me realized that he’s nothing but a man-child who needs some major growing up. Like really “that’s the way I was brought up”!! Who says things like that?!! Ughh im in utter disbelief! Kudos to Paulie for setting things straight on how the women are feeling. Considering that Frank is much older than Paulie he should know better than to do despicable acts like that. SMH sorry for the rant you guys :)

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