Big Brother 18 Live Feeds Week 2: Sunday Highlights

Houseguests and Feedsters waited to see if the Veto Ceremony would arrive on Sunday for Big Brother 18 which left most of them in a holding pattern. Speaking of planes, one sent the HGs on a quick lockdown after a streak of skywriting filled the sky. When they weren’t busy with that Frank seemed to be on a mission to send one ally out the door as soon as possible.

Bridgette and Paul play a game of pool

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 18 Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, July 3, 2016:

11:10 AM BBT – HGs are finally getting up for the day.

11:20 AM BBT – Nicole having some eviction guilt and discusses how nice Victor has been lately.

11:40 AM BBT – James and Paulie preparing for Victor’s renom. Going over what Paulie could say.

12:00 PM BBT – James lets Paulie know Frank has Tiffany high on his list, maybe even before Bronte and Paul.

12:05 PM BBT – Day and Zakiyah discuss getting Tiffany out, but letting Frank handle that effort.

12:20 PM BBT – Paulie doesn’t think they can’t trust Tiffany, but just hopes she can keep it together and stick with the team.

12:30 PM BBT – Backyard is finally open. HGs are anxious to be back outside.

1:05 PM BBT – Frank talked to Da’Vonne about getting Tiffany out. Day agrees with everything, but then gives the cam a funny look after Frank leaves.

2:30 PM BBT – Houseguests relaxing around the pool and getting some sun.

3:20 PM BBT – Lockdown quickly called after a plane is skywriting “Will You…”

3:30 PM BBT – Zakiyah and Michelle talking eviction plans. They know Frank wants Tiffany out, but they want to keep her a bit longer.

4:35 PM BBT – Michelle and Nicole discuss the idea of an all-girls alliance that’s being floated around. Michelle is suspicious and not sure if that’s a good idea or not.

4:50 PM BBT – Michelle crying in the hammock. She’s worried people (fans) hate her.

4:55 PM BBT – Nicole and Frank reaffirm their F2 deal.

5:05 PM BBT – Frank again pitching the idea of getting Tiffany out. He wants Nicole’s team to throw some HoH comps so Tiffany is vulnerable.

5:45 PM BBT – Nicole lets Da’Vonne know she’s okay with Tiffany going next week if that’s the decision.

6:33 PM BBT – Tiffany tells Corey that Vanessa is her sister, but he doesn’t even know who she is.

6:39 PM BBT – Again, Tiffany confirms that she didn’t audition for Big Brother and they contacted her a week before the cast reveal.

7:14 PM BBT – James and Natalie are cuddling. James is flirting with her.

7:30 PM BBT – Natalie and James are embarrassed that America saw the Roadkill competition tonight. Natalie tells us they aren’t really that dumb.

7:40 PM BBT – Paulie tells Zakiyah that Bronte might be the next target after Victor.

8:10 PM BBT – HGs working out, lounging, chatting. No game talk at the moment.

8:30 PM BBT – Frank and Paulie talk about how the Big Brother girls always go for each other and usually evict the pretty ones first.

8:50 PM BBT – Some of the 8 Pack girls are talking about the house dynamics. They feel the guys are getting closer to each other and to Paulie. Day thinks Tiffany will be coming for her. Day, Michelle and Zakiyah agree the three of them and Nicole are at least very solid.

8:56 PM BBT – Da’Vonne wants Tiffany and Frank to take each other out. Day says Frank needs to go during a double eviction. Michelle says she’s fine with Frank going whenever. Da’Vonne says Frank is running the house right now.

9:04 PM BBT – Booze delivery.

9:10 PM BBT – Zakiyah tells Day and Michelle that Tiffany is in multiple alliances. Nicole joins and tells them Frank wants Tiffany out next over Bronte.

9:16 PM BBT – The girls continue to talk about getting the guys out. Day says she is happy they have the 8 and numbers on their side but they shouldn’t miss any opportunities.

9:25 PM BBT – Da’Vonne thinks Bronte is Becky’s sister.

9:33 PM BBT – Frank and Corey talk game over a game of pool. Corey says he wants to distance himself from Nicole so he isn’t considered a showmance threat. Frank and Corey hint at a final two deal and Frank says Zakiyah would be a good one to have at final three with them because she’d never win. They say they need Da’Vonne since she knows her stuff, but they can cut her closer to the end.

9:45 PM BBT – Spy Girls talk about Nicole, Frank, Paulie, James and Corey working together. They say the house was dumb for not voting Paulie out while they had the chance. Natalie tells them that Frank is running the house.

9:50 PM BBT – Tiffany talking about how good Frank is at the game. Day tells her she could win HOH and try to get him out.

10:10 PM BBT – Paul and Victor discussing veto ceremony. Victor doesn’t think Paulie will use the veto. Paul suggests Paul might save Bronte and put up Victor instead.

11:10 PM BBT – After previously telling HGs that she received a hint in DR not to trust Tiffany, Da’Vonne is now explaining to those same HGs that she did not receive any such information. She was scolded in the DR. This is known as “using production as strategy” and is against the Big Brother rules.

11:35 PM BBT – James flirting with Natalie. They’re talking about doing Amazing Race together. Natalie has been teasing that maybe they’d have a showmance this season.

1:30 AM BBT – Nicole and James talking about Frank getting upset over a pizza that they took out of the oven a little too soon. Nicole isn’t happy with the way he acted toward them.

2:55 AM BBT – Da’Vonne and Zakiyah talking game plans. Day wants to get out a guy next, but agrees that they need to stick together and get out Bronte for now. They’ve also moved on from the Fatal Five and cut out Tiffany.

The house is shifting around as the all-girls alliance could truly become a thing while even within that group there are cracks. Houseguests are playing hard and fast and we’re only in week two! Lots of Big Brother 18 to go.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. If the house is too big for Tiffany and Frank to co-exist, I’d rather see Frank leave.

  2. Take a breath – Week 2 – Get out Bronte next.
    Ladies – You’ll Still outnumber the men.
    Men – You’ll get a lady out.
    Don’t get distracted/comfy with Bronte.
    Of course, assuming the alliance wins HOH.

    • If Van Van could dodge the Becky train, hopefully Tiff can pull the same this week and next week. Hopefully Bronte’s next in the line but I’m happy (secretly hoping) it’s Frank.
      Every one has noticed now that he’s running the house so yeah …

  3. I’ve never seen a season with people who are more flighty and paranoid. We’re not even through the second week and they’re bouncing around alliances like a kettle full of popcorn.

    • Should be today. I was thinking it’d be Sunday to avoid them having to do too much work on a holiday, but looks like they’re going with the usual day for Veto Ceremony.

      • Thanks. That’s what I couldn’t remember from last year. I thought the ceremony was on Sunday’s. I was waiting all day yesterday for it. I hope they still do it today being its a holiday.

  4. Frank is in total control of the house…these girls better stick together as long as they can and get him out or he will end up in F3. Sometimes, he talks to people in such a rude and nasty way….this feud with Tiffany is becoming nauseating..I don’t really see what she has done wrong..but, I don’t think she will last much longer..all of the girls wants her out as well..most of them. Everyone else can make three of four alliances..I guess she is not allowed to. I am starting to like Natalie..I hope she steps up her game play.

    • He’s really getting aggressive. He’s very rude when someone try’s to talk to him about something he doesn’t like. I really liked him in the beginning but I’m starting to change my opinion of him. He bit James head off last night over pizza. And he’s not the first person in his alliance that he’s snapped at. I say get rid of him after Victor and Bronte.

      • Totally agree. He gets angry at things that are so trivial. Not liking Frank so much this season.

      • The HGs true nature can’t help but come our after a while and this seems to be happening with Frank.

      • I agree but it seems like it happened overnight. This is my first season watching BBAD so maybe you are able to see the houseguests personalities a lot quicker rather than when you just watch Big Brother episodes.

  5. When Frank raised his voice to Tiffy over the alcohol that Z took a while back, I thought Tiffy getting so upset about it was an overreaction. I never actually viewed the scene, but I saw the way Tiffy acted as Frank tried repeatedly to apologize. Now, I just read on Jokers where Frank yelled at James over taking a pizza out of the oven too soon or something to that effect. I didn’t see it, only read what was written. Whatever happened obviously upset Nicole and she was irritated with Frank. Anybody have more insight about what’s going on with Frank? I’m a little hesitant to cheer for him staying in the house if he has an issue with his temper when things don’t go just so so. Do the feeds show my feelings may be justified?

    • I didn’t see the pizza issue on the feeds…but, Frank, in my opinion, has a temper and gets easily irritated when things don’t go his way or if someone tries to over-rule him..he can be very intimidating and talks down to certain people..Tiff..being his main target. He really does not like her at all and wants her gone. I really don’t know what she has done to tick him off so much…I guess he thinks she is too emotional and can’t be trusted. I really liked Frank in season 14..this season..I am not liking Frank so much. I wouldn’t mind if he left sooner rather than later..I really want this girls’ alliance to stay intact.

      • The issue between Frank and Tiff is they both want to run the house and call all the shots. From what Im reading in the feeds, Frank seems to think he is entitled to his power in the house… And as we know from big brother, getting a big head will hurt you.

      • If Frank was evicted, I think that would impact the dynamics of the house greatly and positively as far as for the entertainment factor. He appears to be a little bit of a control freak type in the house. I don’t know how he is outside of the house, but if he doesn’t bring it down a notch, I hope the HGs realize just how controlling he is becoming and do something about it.

      • Most of the girls do realize that..especially Day and Tiff..I don’t know what Nicole will do since her and Frank have a F2. He is reminding me of total control of the house..which I find very boring..keeping all of his little duckies in a row and not letting anyway “get away!” I want these girls to think for themselves..I think they can do it..but, they do want Tiff out of the “Fatal Five.”

      • There is always someone who wants to control the house. What I don’t understand is why some people are so willing to allow that to happen. I saw where Da is onto Frank and I know that Tiffy is non to fond of him. But Da isn’t very keen on Tiffy either. Hopefully they can get it together long enough to usurp Frank’s quest for domination. But I don’t have high hopes for this all girls alliance.

      • Day is wanting to use Tiff so she can be the one who puts up Frank..since they have been arguing almost the entire time…she has a reason…you know the Rousso’s and their reasons! That way, Day gets no blood on her hands…I really don’t understand all of the girls’ distrust of Tiffany…I haven’t really caught anything on the feeds that answers that question for me..she does ask alot of questions…I keep watching for stuff..but, am not seeing it. They don’t like her close relationship with Paulie..but, Z has a thing for Paulie too..and Day is fine with that..for now. Girls alliances always seem to fall apart…we will see how this one goes!

      • I know it probably doesn’t seem fair, but I do think a few of the females have preconceived notions because Tiffy is V’s sister. It would make me very leery for sure, and I’d be watching her every move. It would be easy to see the negative before the positive. I liked V for a little while and changed my opinion of her a few times, but those last couple of weeks, she tortured me. If I was in that house and had watched last season, the thought of that happening again, would have me on high alert. Maybe the gals will surprise us all and one of them will win BB this year; just not one with those little floaties on.

      • Like Karen said, if Tiffy wasn’t Van’s sister she would’ve had a much better chance in the house and gone far.
        What I’ve noticed about Tiffy on BBAD is her lack of human emotions. When she’s with a small group of people she’s analyzing people with such a cold, predatory look which I found personally off-putting and I can only imagine how it makes the HG’s feel. If I hadn’t seen Van I don’t know if she would’ve affected me in this manner.

      • I don’t think Nicole would care if Frank goes. Everyone has a final 2. Day has one with Z then Day tells Nicole the 4 vets need to be the F4 and her and Nicole have a F2. Frank made a F2 with Corey last night. He also has a F2 with Paulie. Until a few more people are gone I think these F2’s are going to be fake. After a few weeks maybe then we’ll see who’s F2 is real.

      • Frank seems to be alot worse than Derrick, I can’t recall being as irritated with him as I am with Frank. Maybe watching BBAD does that to ya. Lol.

    • I don’t know I missed it on the feeds too but on Jokers it said James and Frank were half playing so I’m not sure?

      • Me either, Nicole. James is usually playing, so maybe he was the playing half. What I read gave me the impression that Frank was seriously yelling. Hard to conclude.

      • I have the feeds but since I access it on my phone, I can’t rewind to see anything. Normally I can view the highlights that CBS posts but those won’t even open for me this year so if I miss it on the feeds, I miss it.

        I don’t know if I’ve mentioned to you that Frank is from my hometown and I grew up around him (mainly my older brothers) but I could see him having somewhat of a temper. It wouldn’t be too far fetched for me to believe it. I just haven’t witnessed it for myself yet.

      • Hard not to cheer for the homeboy, right Nicole? That’s a bummer about the phone feeds. Is it that your phone doesn’t have the capability or any phone? I’m sure that is most likely an ignorant question. I am admittedly very tech-challenged.

      • I don’t know… I have an iPhone… If anyone reading this has any tips on how I could access the rewind feature on my iPhone I would LOVE you for sharing! :)

      • That feature is only available on PCs. It’s not available on tablets or phones.

      • Growing up in the south I have to say that there are a lot of men like Frank and it’s not considered abnormal here lol. Also, a lot of Celtic folks live in the south and they tend to have a more passionate nature.

    • I don’t know if I’m allowed to say this but there’s another site called “Big Brother Sucks Forum” that might have more info on the incident. They also have real time recaps like Jokers. I only go there when needing info since the regulars tend to be extremely vulgar.

      • What a name! hehe I hadn’t heard of it. There must be several devoted to BB when it is airing.

  6. Not knowing the area, if the BB house is close to where the LA Angels play, the sky writing was probably Mike Trout’s proposal to his girlfriend….

    • The BB house is in CBS Television City so it should be nearby any important landmarks connected to the main road in that particular locality. :)

    • If you mean Angel Stadium, that’d be in Anaheim, which is actually Orange County not Los Angeles County and quite far from the CBS lot, which is in Studio City. But I agree, the sky writing does seem like a proposal.

  7. Happy 4th everyone and many, many thanks to our Vets for your selfless sacrifices that have allowed us so many freedoms that others only dream about. God bless all and God bless America.

  8. Bronte the Becky’s sister? No, no, no Day; Becky reminds me a lot of Rachel Plencner from BB6.

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