Big Brother 17: Who Went Home Last Night? Live Eviction Results

Big Brother 17 Week 12.5 Veto Ceremony:

  • Vanessa saves herself, Liz is renom’d

This will be a quick and painful eviction. Out in the open with no need to go into the DR we’ll find out who is going to walk out the door to the Jury.

Big Brother 17 Week 12.5 Eviction Votes:

  • Vanessa evicts John.

Vanessa said she couldn’t keep John in with his “game long” alliance with Steve. They did not have a game long alliance. John heads out and tells Julie he would have voted Vanessa out if he had the chance. He also regrets keeping Steve so Vanessa would have had to split up the showmance this round instead of targeting him. Yeah.

This part of the final HoH comp will be an endurance battle and the 3 remaining HGs will face off for a chance to move on to the third round. The two HGs who lose this round will face off in part two for a second chance and the winner there will meet this round’s winner in the final part.

Big Brother 17 Final HoH – Round 1:
Tonight’s show ended without the launch of the endurance competition as we often see. Hmm. Well that stinks. We’re now waiting for the Feeds to return and find out what will happen. The news ticker on Feeds says we’ll get to start watching soon, but Feeds are back and HGs are still in fancy clothes. Hopefully it’ll start soon.

BB17 wraps up on September 23, 2015 with a 90-minute season finale following the debut of Survivor 2015. One of these remaining four Houseguests will walk away with a half-million dollars.



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    • I am eating crow saying he wouldn’t be evicted over Liz! So now I can finally say, Go Girl Power! :-)

    • Julie: Ladies and Gentlemen the first Lesbian to win Big Brother US -Vanessa.
      Vanessa: Thank you Julie and can I say you look very yummy tonight.
      Julie: Thanks Vanessa. Let’s start out by asking how do you feel?
      Vanessa: Wonderful. Another 1/2 million in the pocket.
      Julie: Oh yes. How difficult was it to win?
      Vanessa: Not too hard when you have puppets like I had in the house.
      Julie: Some people say you were a bully, liar, you always cried. What do you have to say to those people?
      Vanessa: Well this is Big Brother right? Let’s start with the crying. It was all fake and part of the game is to gain sympathy from people inside the house. I was playing for a 1/2 million right? I wasn’t playing to be America’s favorite player. The bullying, does anyone remember the antics of Evil Dick. The lying does anyone remember Dan lying to Danielle that he would never evict Shane. The people who watch Big Brother have short memories.
      Julie: Do you think people don’t like you because you are a Lesbian?
      Vanessa: People will say it has nothing to with my sexuality. But I believe it does. If I was like the girl next door people would be rooting for me like crazy. Since I love women, I don’t fit into the norm.
      Julie: People thought you were crazy and acted out too much. They also think you will not have any opportunities coming out of the house. What do you have to say about that.
      Vanessa: Well I think there are many opportunities, but first I just want to get a nice hotel with my girlfriend and celebrate. Then it’s off to the amazing race with my girl and back to Big Brother Allstars where I will be the first double winner.
      Julie: Well thank you Vanessa and you should be proud for all the Lesbians out there.
      Vanessa: Thank you Julie. I am. You are more than welcome to join my girl and me.
      Julie: Thank you Vanessa, but I’m married.
      Vanessa: So was I.

    • Which is exactly why I think VanEvil keeps Liz-uh, for now. She is aware that Johnny and Steve would take each other over her if she doesn’t win HoH again.

  1. Can anyone tell me the pay scale for the HG? I’d like to know what my poor James is getting since JMac will go to jury and win the $25,000.

  2. Just for the record, I’m joining Cyril and Matt S. This is the worse BB ever, I hate it and I will never watch BB again.

    • Well, that’s the last straw for me. I’m not doing this without you guys. So I guess I make..
      Me four.

    • Right on Capt..My last season..Also I may add, if JMac is evicted, it’s rigged, and if he’s safe, then I don’t believe it’s rigged.

    • Why do people say they will never watch a show again, but once the summer comes rolling around again, they’re right in front of the TV with a bowl of popcorn and a huge grin on their face?
      I did that with ANTM, said I wasn’t going to watch anymore because of how crappy it’s gotten…but I was right back there when season 22 premiered.

      • Not really. The cycles have gone downhill once they started having guys. Now it’s all about forming romantic relationships. The show is called America’s Next Top Model, not America’s Next Top Relationship. The boys this season are so annoying. The girls aren’t much better.
        I wish it would go back to all girls and start focusing on actual modeling again.
        CYCLE 5, rip.

      • I don’t know about that. Robyn from Cycle 1 made sure to throw the modeling part away from the very first year with that prayer circle she did that made Ebony roll her eyes on camera.

      • That season was pure entertainment. I’ll never forget that moment. Now, all the show seems to focus on is drama. Also, Devin and Mikey are getting a lot of screentime, does this mean they make it very far?

      • They are experienced models so unless they get a bad photo, they’ll reach the end for sure. I can’t be mad at them if they can deliver.

      • I guess you can’t…you’re right. But seriously, you can’t deny that the cycles have gone downhill.

      • Just when the recent cycles went “downhill”, many of its alumni are getting actual modeling jobs these days, probably more so than from those coming from earlier seasons.

    • I will say is the first year I have not had a favorite. I haven’t posted as much this year as I have in the past. Guess that has to mean something, right?

    • As much as I say I will quit, I’ve been watching this show since season 2…there’s no way I can stop now. It’s like Survivor, nomatter how bad it gets I’ll still hang on!

    • Don’t say that … yet. If Season 18 is an All-Stars and Vanessa is part of it, wouldn’t you watch it to see how real players would make mincemeat out of her?

      • That is what I read somewhere. If they do not make it an All Stars, TV viewers will just tune out. We have had 3 years of very bad casting. I am ready to bailout myself. Have stopped watching DWTS a long time ago and do not even miss it. Lots of good TV series like Suits, Blacklist and Game of Thrones to entertain me including, MLB TV. Whoever is in charge needs to get fired. If you do not do your job, will your employer continue to pay for your services? I am glad Survivor is starting up on Sept 23 and I had a vote in the tribe members returning. A few do nothing floaters like Kaz and Shirin got voted back in but, majority of the others will play the game. That is all the viewers want and expect and is not asking too much. It should be a very good season!

  3. I wonder if a bold faced lie to Vanessa would have worked. Johnny Mac could go to Liz and in a sly way, mention him and her in F2 or even working together in some way at all. If she agrees (even just to agree and not even mean it), JM could then go to Vanessa and let it slip Liz is open to working with him. If Vanessa thinks there’s ba chance for them working together in any way, maybe she would vote out Liz. A long shot but it’s something.

      • Liz will take Vanessa. she has said many times that she wants a female to win this season, not to mention how much she dislikes Steve

      • Maybe but Steve will take Liz. I also could see Liz saying for Austin I evict you Vanessa. That would be hilarious.

      • I can’t stand them either…in fact, if you look waaay up above, you’ll see that I have interjected a statement between you and someone who shall remain nameless. It’s all in capital letters. Can’t miss it.

      • I did see that. Thanks. I’m very passionate about my opinions but also a very kind and compassionate person. I love making a smart a$$ joke and love when people make it right back. That’s why I love Cyril and Captain so much they have a good sense of humor and get me. It takes a lot to get me going but when people comment to me and make it personal and not about the game it ticks me off. Sometimes I might say a little too much though. Lol. Guess I need to have a few cocktails before coming here.

      • I know you’re kind and compassionate—it shows through your relationships with your friends. And I love that you’re smart a** because I’m one myself! I haven’t had as much fun this year because of the ‘those who shall remain nameless’. Listen, I’ve gotten into screaming matches this year, and I am NOT a confrontational person. I HATE it. So, I totally get your passion. Keep it coming! And I don’t care how many times a certain person denies it—Van is a BULLY. :)

  4. Anybody have time warner cable? For some reason they aren’t showing big brother tonight….! Please help!

    • Go to Hamsterwatch dot com, on the left, further down, he has some link to a few streaming site.

  5. Okay so this clears up the whole cloud of mystery. John did know and was in on the plan to have Steve throw the Veto. Oh well.

      • It clears up what went on that led to Vanessa winning. But as far as Steven “throwing” the veto as he claimed he had last night, we did not see anything that suggests as such.

  6. Ohh, Julia…the sweeter twin.
    Yeah, Meg, you shouldn’t be talking. Julia did win a veto. Meg won what?
    Still love you, Meg.

  7. Exactly…SHELLI! What I’ve been telling some of these people on here! Vanessa’s still in the house.

    • I hope the jury has brains and decided no way Vanessa will you get any votes. Yet, she keeps getting a pass. Barf

      • Is that your thing now? Wait till someone else comments on my post and then you comment?
        Go on ahead and not reply. That’s your thing.

      • Excuse me you know absolutely nothing you ignorant big mouth. Emma and I happen to be friends. Which you would know if you weren’t just trolling to contradict everyone. And the bucket is a long standing joke.

      • I’m not trolling. I’m not ignorant. I realize the joke with the bucket. I’ve heard that phrase hundreds of times now on this board.
        I only posted that because it seems that every time I post something and someone else comments, then you comment.
        Starting to call me names now, huh? You’re no better than the hate you Vanessa haters were spewing on her.

      • If you weren’t ignorant then you would of realized I was commenting to Emma about what she said. You had to stick your nose into it. Your not worth wasting my comments on. When you grow up come back.

      • I don’t care about spelling/grammar etc..Go on LG find somebody here..BB is boring now anyway.

      • And my iPad finishes a lot of the words for me. I usually double check but not always. Is that good enough for you grammar police?

      • I realize what you were doing. I wasn’t commenting about the bucket thing. If that one thing makes me ignorant…then nobody can please you…

      • I’m not going anywhere, despite your condescending nature. I will not be silenced.
        I do still have some growing up to do, after all…I’m only 21. You’re right about that.

      • Yes, I am a rookie. Proud of it! This is my first time watching the season as it’s been going on. I have seen previous seasons however.

      • Ok..I understand, but you need to relax a lil bit sometimes. We do have inside jokes here among friends.

      • I am relaxed. To clarify, I wasn’t commenting on the bucket thing. I was commenting on the fact that Lavendargirl seems to only comment on my posts when others have already commented. She said she wasn’t ‘talking to me anymore.’

      • What is the problem with Lavendargirl commenting on your posts after someone else has? I’ve done that and no one has bothered me with it? Also, WTH is with this BUCKET? Inside joke aside…. Bantering with Lavendargirl or anyone else aside….

      • Cyril, I don’t want you to get in any trouble, but I want to remind you that our Cuddles is having her cancer surgery tomorrow (11/30)…it’s not a secret as she posted it on Wed. evening. If you’re a spiritual person, please pray for her…to give the doctor guidance and wisdom; and for healing. If you’re not into prayer, please send healing wishes her way. I know she’d appreciate it. I hope she still knows that we love her. Thanks my dear friend.

      • Hey you…I’m sitting here wondering what on earth I did that upset her so much? In that ‘secret’ post between you and me, I said I adored her! She sent me a note that said to stop butting in, and that I seem to show up in the past present and future…I’ve been emailing her for months and sending e-cards, and all that went to hell because I sent that note to you in the past—the way I’m doing now. You needn’t reply. I just wanted to get this off my chest because I honest-to-God don’t know what I did! She won’t respond to any of my comments…unless they’re sarcastic. Thanks for listening, Cyril. I’m sitting here, crying, knowing she’s having surgery and knowing she doesn’t even want my prayers. She’s made that clear. Talk to you later.

      • This is what I was talking about in the Survivor post last night (see above). Everyone keeps asking me if I’ve heard from Cuddles, and I say, “No, but I doubt I will. At least not for a while anyway.” What am I supposed to say? That for some reason she’s infuriated with me? Do YOU know what I said? I emailed her over and over again…but she just kept telling me to leave her alone. I should just say, “Oh well…whatever.” , but that’s not who I am. I care about her. Oh well. Whatever. If she wants to warm back up to me, she will. I’m just sorry I dragged you into this. Honestly though, what did I do? Anyhoo, take care. Oh! It was nice to hear from K…at least briefly. Wish she’d stayed for the whole show.

      • Oh I got it…Don’t worry about it. Just say, you haven’t heard from her..period. They ask why?..say “I don’t know” lol.You’re very respectful..just continue that attitude.

      • I see you’ve been absolved. If anyone else’s eyes see this, good. I’d like you to. All I’ve done is keep asking people to pray for Cuddles. That’s all. Have I done anything wrong? Notice how I’m being ignored? That’s OK…it does hurt, but all I wanted was for her to feel better. If you get this Cyril, delete it when you’ve read it.

      • It’s ok..We know what you are trying to’s all good….then why don’t you just pray for me?…I’m trying to get this big (you can delete your post, I can’t)

      • Brains… You must have missed the past couple months of the show.. As for brains, I think they all thought someone said train not brain and hopped a ride on first one through.

    • Mark my words. If Vanessa gets to Final 2, pop the champagne, she has won $500,000.00. Despite, all talk of a bitter jury, Vanessa still has these guys in the palm of her hands. Like hostages, as in Patty Hearst, remember the term Stockholm syndrome? This jury will be more than happy to give it to Vanessa because she played the best game and they still love her! They are not going to give that $500,000.00 to Liz or Steve.

  8. And I agree Brendon,he’s said exactly what I feel. JMAC is funny,but he doesn’t to win it all yet.

  9. I can’t believe…..
    Liz said to Vaneesa about Austin eviction: It was so fast. I couldn’t kiss or cry. I was show shocked. Really she wasn’t expecting that one of them could go at any time now!!??

  10. I’ll say once more, I don’t think Vanessa is worried about jury votes.
    Judas thought he would still have a say in matter and its obvious to even him, that he’s alone in his thoughts.

  11. Wow. They actually changed the F4 Veto. Yes, we’ve seen this comp before, but it’s not the one they usually use for F4.

    • With a comp, like that. How can you throw it? They couldn’t see each other. There was no way that Steve would’ve known how Vanessa was doing…right?

      • Perhaps. There’s still a lot of footage we didn’t see between Sunday and Tuesday but I think we can assume that there was no hint during the veto comp that Steve intentionally took himself out of the challenge.

  12. from what I hear is van wins veto. takes herself off block. liz goes up. steve convinces van to keep jmac.

    • If your source is credible I hope. Call me Gullible. Vannessa will keep Liz because she knows that Austin and her sister will not throw vote away in jury. If JMAC is sent home for sure he will not give Vanessa a vote. She is screwed.

  13. Caleb, stop being so overdramatic. You’re a stalker, not a judo master.

    in Britney’s words that is. :D

  14. No one’s dressed for an endurance comp. Is the first comp starting after the show or are they gonna wait?

  15. I did like John, but didn’t want him to win. I never knew Liz would still be in this house…final 3. Who would’ve thought that these would be the people in the final 3 when there was 16 (17) people? I’m satisfied.

    They don’t know what an arbiter is?

    • Because Steve and Liz both played under Vanessa’s wings the entire game. Steve can’t think for himself, and when he tries, he chickens out. And Liz, though she won comps, was protected by Austin and Vanessa all season long.

    • I agree. Another season where I’m not happy with the outcome. The only thing that will salvage it will be watching Vanessa walk out the door. She can cry her tears all over Julie.

    • I didn’t think Jordan, Natalie, and Kevin were a good final 3. That was odd as well.
      This one, not so much. You have 3 good competitors…well…Steve’s an okay competitor.

      • Oh I agree, I think they played great in different ways, even steve!
        But on day one I would not think these three would stand here tonight, Vanessa yes (based on her playing poker). But steve being a social outcast and liz with a twin, who would’ve thought it!

      • I know, it’s just so fascinating. I thought Liz was going to be one of the first one’s out. Happily surprised she’s still there. I’m not surprised that Vanessa’s in the final 3. There was just something about her that stood out to me immediately. and she was a fav of mine from the get go.
        Can’t believe Steve is there either! Kudos to them all!

      • I always thought that Steve was going to get evicted pre jury because of his social skills. I thought that Liz would get evicted around the middle and I knew that Vanessa would make it far. She was my pre season pick to win (along with Da’Vonne, Meg, and Jace).

      • She was my pick to win too! Let’s hope that happens. She has made it this far. It’d be a shame if she doesn’t especially considering she ran the house and had the most power and influence of any house guest this season! Vanessa, win that HOH!

      • Oh I agree, I think they played great in different ways, even steve!
        But on day one I would not think these three would stand here tonight, Vanessa yes (based on her playing poker). But steve being a social outcast and liz with a twin, who would’ve thought it!

  16. Vanessa will take Liz to the end if she could get away with it. She is fine with either one. They are both stupid enough to take her to the end. Write her check. Watch out Steve. Girl Power according to Van.

  17. Well this wasn’t unexpected,he didn’t make a big enough impact. He was floating thru…and now if Vanessa is smart,she’ll take Steve to the end

    • He might not have won any HOH but he won bob (and threw some) and several veto. That’s not a floater.

    • John just wasn’t good at this game. Nobody can convince me that he was good. I like him, I think he is funny, but he is extremely overrated by the fans. Everyone tries to paint him as a good player, but he did nothing in this game except be clueless. He even said he had no idea what he was doing.

      • You’re the truth,and the truth doesn’t lie. People like to make excuses because they’ve created some bond with him based on his DR quips. Sad that they’d vote him AFP and he didn’t so anything but quips

      • I believe if it wasn’t for his DR people would call him a floater or his game would be trashed by the viewers.

    • No I think Liz loses either way.

      Liz v. Steve
      L: Austin, Julia
      S: Shelli, Becky, Jackie, Meg, James, John,
      Vanessa is a toss up

      Liz v. Vanessa
      L: Austin, Julia
      V: Shelli, Becky, Jackie, Steve, John, (Both Meg and James are toss up but I can see them voting for vanessa)

    • I would say no. But with this year cast, who the hell knows. They always do the opposite of what makes sense.

  18. Sorry but Vanessa is a dirty player! Derek never had to play dirty! Go Steve go! At the end of the day, you still have to live with your ugliness and no amount of money can fix that.

  19. I don’t care who goes or wins now. Sucks that a zero changed the course of the game though…I don’t believe it anyway…too lame.

    The show goes back to boring now.

  20. Vannessa seems to only care about final 2 never says anything about the money (she is a millionaire) I wonder if she has any side bets in the outside world thay she will make final 2 and that’s what she is focused on?!?

  21. this show sucks, i don’t want to see any of these people win any kind of money. the only one that could really use it in real life is steve because he is so awkward. he’ll need it. liz is a pig and doesn’t deserve it and vanessa is a POS and somehow has been given enough luck to win a few good hands of poker. again this show is a joke. its easy to trick the audience into thinking its not rigged. they cut out feeds for many of the competitions and you can’t see the diary room. do you really think nothing is being talked about in these places?

  22. Love the final 3. Wish these 3 luck. Would love for Vanessa to win, but honestly, I wouldn’t be mad if Liz or Steve won.

    • Would hate for Liz to win. My pick is obviously Steve, and he’s been my pick since his initial interviews pre-season. However, I’m more than willing to admit that Vanessa’s been playing the game – she’s been playing it dirty, but she has been playing it – so if she wins, I’ll be annoyed, but it won’t be the end of the BB universe.

  23. I never condone the jury being bitter. It’s a game, and you have to do bad stuff sometimes to make it to the end. The victor should be decided by who played the best game.

    But Vanessa’s speech at the end is making me seriously reconsider that. I mean… wow. What a freaking hypocrite. How much nerve can she have to say that she can’t trust John if he was willing to break a season long alliance, TWO DAYS after she did the exact same thing to Austin??? Tell the truth: you’re scared someone will take him to F2 over you.

    I have no problem with dirty gameplay. It’s Big Brother. Some of the best players ever played very dirty games. But they OWNED it. They never pretended they were heroes or that they were doing the right thing for anyone but themselves. Vanessa always insists that she is the victim, that she’s the honest one, that she has “integrity,” and in doing so, not only lies to the houseguests, but lies to US, the audience.

    She may have been the best player this season, but I cannot respect the game she has played if she refuses to own it. I genuinely hope she does not make it to Final 2.

    Oh, and that quote John said in his speech was from the game Halo 2.

  24. I never condone the jury being bitter. It’s a game, and you have to do bad stuff sometimes to make it to the end. The victor should be decided by who played the best game.

    But Vanessa’s speech at the end is making me seriously reconsider that. I mean… wow. What a freaking hypocrite. How much nerve can she have to say that she can’t trust John if he was willing to break a season long alliance, TWO DAYS after she did the exact same thing to Austin??? Tell the truth: you’re scared someone will take him to F2 over you.

    I have no problem with dirty gameplay. It’s Big Brother. Some of the best players ever played very dirty games. But they OWNED it. They never pretended they were heroes or that they were doing the right thing for anyone but themselves. Vanessa always insists that she is the victim, that she’s the honest one, that she has “integrity,” and in doing so, not only lies to the houseguests, but lies to US, the audience.

    She may have been the best player this season, but I cannot respect the game she has played if she refuses to own it. I genuinely hope she does not make it to Final 2.

    Oh, and that quote John said in his speech was from the game Halo 2.

      • I just don’t see it as bitter to hold Vanessa accountable for the bullying tactics she has used. That can be done by not allowing her to win.

      • Everyone knows I was kidding about the ‘rigging’ part, right? She’s still a mean, nasty, despicable bully.

      • Right. All that mean-spirited mouthy crap she spews at everyone is really unnecessary. You can nominate or VTE anyone, but that should be it. All that extra garbage is just unnecessarily mean.

      • Someone reminded me of the Jeff argument, that she made up completely. That was bad. I would slap her just for that one.

      • Here we go with the bullying tactics situation. Vanessa deserves to win. Just admit it. She was not a bully. John and Steve are stronger than you think. Steve is a badass in the DR.

      • Jasmine, Vanessa was the best manipulator. She played the game the hardest. And she played it by being a BULLY. Bully. Bully. Bully.

      • Jasmine, you have a lot to learn. Start here, if you have a mind that is open and capable of grasping this. JMac said he felt bullied by her. That may be the only time there was someone willing to approach the subject, but that one time makes her a bully. There is nothing you can do about it. She bullied JMac. She used bullying tactics to further her game. I really hope these HGs in the jury send a message to her and others like her with a no vote for Vanessa because of that. A person who bullies should never be perceived to be a winner in any circumstance. Bullies are losers.

    • True. I was trying think of why everyone dislikes Vanessa being a dirty player but was ok with Dan (forget season, the one where he was a coach) possibly being worse.
      The reason? Dan owned up to it in the DR where Vanessa truly thinks she sticked with her word and played nice.

    • I agree and so do many others. Got sick of hearing “no blood on my hands and my integrity”. It’s a game own up to what you do that’s how you get respect for your game play.

    • I agree and so do many others. Got sick of hearing “no blood on my hands and my integrity”. It’s a game own up to what you do that’s how you get respect for your game play.

    • Part of the reason people (read: I) don’t like Vanessa is because of how mean she is. These mean-spirited comments when she votes people out are uncalled for and unnecessary. If you’re going to vote someone out, just say the HGs name and, if you need to, add “I’m sorry, just game play.” That’s enough. It is not necessary to stick the knife in and then twist it around and around before you finally shut up. She’s done that all season, and it’s just plain ignorant and rude.

  25. I hate to say it, but Vanessa’s about to steam roll through these remaining bitches. I can’t stand her at all, but I guess her gameplay was good enough for 500K. This season was a joke. I really hope she doesn’t win, but look for her to anyway. She is an odd, manipulative person.

    • Indeed, she is a manipulative person. But that’s what got her to final 3. She played this game! Go, girl!

    • Indeed, she is a manipulative person. But that’s what got her to final 3. She played this game! Go, girl!

  26. I hate to say it, but Vanessa’s about to steam roll through these remaining bitches. I can’t stand her at all, but I guess her gameplay was good enough for 500K. This season was a joke. I really hope she doesn’t win, but look for her to anyway. She is an odd, manipulative person.

  27. This is probably the correct final 3 based on gameplay. But really, not rooting for anyone. Guess Liz by default. Kind of hope Steve gets 2nd.

    • Game play? Liz deserves to be there? Maybe she does…pimping yourself out is a strategy I suppose.

      • Liz won some HOHs so I guess she gets some bragging rights for that. But any though or decision she made was due to the guidance of someone else.Two of Vanessa’s biggest puppets are in the final three lol

    • Game play? Liz deserves to be there? Maybe she does…pimping yourself out is a strategy I suppose.

  28. John is gone ! Nooooo! Final 3 is Van,Liz and Steve. This last HOH will determine who goes to final two ! If Liz wins i assume she will take Van but if Van wins, i assume the same thing. I feel Steve will be next to be evicted.

  29. John is gone ! Nooooo! Final 3 is Van,Liz and Steve. This last HOH will determine who goes to final two ! If Liz wins i assume she will take Van but if Van wins, i assume the same thing. I feel Steve will be next to be evicted.

  30. Awwww. Jmac was the ‘Greek chorus’ of the house. Atleast, he had the ‘WTF?’ look that these people have had me feeling most of this summer.

  31. Awwww. Jmac was the ‘Greek chorus’ of the house. Atleast, he had the ‘WTF?’ look that these people have had me feeling most of this summer.

  32. Turned on my TV to see the eviction interview, even though I was trying not to spoil it for once. Le sigh.
    Poor JMac :|

  33. Turned on my TV to see the eviction interview, even though I was trying not to spoil it for once. Le sigh.
    Poor JMac :|

  34. Vanessa is an IDIOT!!!!! Why wouldn’t you evict Liz?!?!!! You would’ve had 3 votes for sure with Austwins!! Well Austin is a toss up right now but he wouldn’t have voted for Johnny Mac over her. Ugh if Steve doesn’t pull through and make F2 then this will be THE WORST F2 EVER!

      • That’s not necessarily true. It’s a toss up for all of them but if Liz was in the jury then Vanessa would get the 3 Austwin votes not Steve and not Johnny Mac. That was my point. With Liz next to her she for sure doesn’t have 2 votes, the rest no one knows for sure.

      • Steve will vote for Vanessa. As a superfan, I think he would have respect for the way that she played the game and give her his vote.

      • I agree but that’s not what I was talking about. I was saying that if it had been Vanessa/Steve or Vanessa/JMac then Vanessa would have all the 3 Austwin votes for sure because they would never vote for Steve or Johnny Mac.

  35. Austin has been a major disappointment. Saying that he is going to try and taint the jury against Vanessa. Hey Austin..she got to you before you got to her and that is what this game we call Big Brother is all about so put your big big boy panties on and deal with i! Sore loser!

      • True, but, did you notice how they were all shutting Shelli down? I think this is going to be a very bitter jury and not just because of Austin and his crap

      • He was upset. I understand why he said it. That’s no reason to dislike him, though. And this is coming from a Vanessa fan

      • The reason why I dislike Austin for saying that is because he came into the game talking about how he was going to backstab people or whatever, than when he gets backstabbed he wants to bitch about it. Than on top of that he wants to taint the jury. I just don’t like that. He needs to understand that it’s a game. He is a superfan, he knows what goes on when it comes to Big Brother.

  36. I don’t understand why everybody Hates Vanessa so Much. She has definitely played the best game out of all of the houseguest so far and she hasn’t done anything Really wrong. Sure she has been manipulative and lied to people throughout the game but isn’t that how it’s supposed to be played? Based on her gameplay I think she deserves to win big brother.

    • I think people are more upset of how she played and didn’t own up to it. Always playing a victim.
      But I agree, who cares how she got there. She’s about to win 500k

      • Does everybody else own up to their game? No! It’s not just Vanessa! It’s strategy, anyways.
        She got to the final 3 fair and square.

      • Not true, everyone owns up to it in the DR. Even in the DR she is crazy blaming everyone else.
        The Jeff fight is a perfect example! She said prior to the fight that she needed a reason to put him up, and everyone needs to find her one. She ends up fighting with Jeff, even saying she was going to provoke him. And Bam! All of a sudden she is the victim, boohoo this, boohoo that – you provoked it, get over yourself hunny.

        It’s funny, my mother never watches the live feeds, or even gets updates on them – she purely watches the show. And even with the BB fantastic edits, even she hates Vanessa and think she only cries her way through everything.

      • That’s game-play! Vanessa WANTS people to believe one thing, when she really means another.
        She did cry a little too much, but I think that was just strategy, to get people on her side.

      • Yeap, the Jeff fight was completely made up. I had forgot about that. Another reason to “dislike” her.

      • That’s half of it. People who don’t own up to their games rarely win in the end. The voters don’t want to hear platitudes or how you didn’t get blood on your hands. If you’re a finalist, you got blood on your hands.

        The other half of it is that people think she’s played such an imperfect game. She’s made so many mistakes, yet gets away with it. A smarter cast would have tossed her weeks ago. Hell, this season’s cast knew what she was doing two months ago, but they’re too scared to do anything about it.

      • Maybe she’ll own up to it on finale? Probably not based on her DR.
        She definitely did not play a perfect game and got caught multiple times but yet she got away with it. Good on her

      • Remember when everybody was wondering who was the fourth vote to evict James when Jeff and James were on the block? Liz didn’t own up to that either. She sat there in that bathroom with Vanessa and the others. They were all inquiring as to who that vote was, but Liz didn’t say a word and made it seem like she wasn’t the vote. It’s called withholding information which is a strategy.

      • I understand not owning up to it in the House – why would you tell everyone you did a bad?
        But the DR is private, no one finds out about that until after the show, and who cares if the HGs like you after BB when you are 500k richer?

      • She still owned up to it in the DR and explained her reasoning!
        I agree it’s smart for van to withhold her game play info, but own up your lies for DR at least. I still think she played the best game though

      • Some people have said that her game play is the reason. They don’t like the way she played the game.

      • Her hysterical interrogations, crying and not owning up to her crap are my reasons for disliking her. I would be 100% on board if it weren’t for that. I kinda am now anyways because I don’t think Steve or especially Liz deserve to win anything.

      • Those points you just mentioned…that was all strategy. No rule book states that you have to own up to the moves you make in the game. There is nothing wrong with her crying. The interrogations were part of her game.

      • We’ll see about that. Shelli is the only reasonable person in the house. She realizes that they should vote with their heads and not their hearts. Sure, they are upset that Vanessa got them out, but it was game-play. The object of the game is to be the last one standing.

      • So be it. I don’t care if she gets the money, maybe she does deserve it. I doubt she cares what any of us thinks anyways lol

      • Some people have said that her game play is the reason. They don’t like the way she played the game.

    • Clearly, (and others can vouch for this), I don’t hate Vanessa one bit. I love everything about her. She has an awesome personality. It was just overshadowed by game-play.
      Just like Audrey, she was so witty and funny, but we hardly ever saw that side of her because she was always talking about game.

    • That’s not the issue. Some of the best BB players ever have done FAR worse than her. But unlike them, Vanessa won’t own up to her own game. She always pretends that she’s the victim and that she’s nothing but honest and full of integrity, not just to the other players, but to US. How are we supposed to respect her when she’s lying to the people watching even more than she’s lying to the people she’s playing with?

    • I don’t dislike Vanessa at all…I think she has played an awesome game and deserves the win. My problem with Vanessa is that she never “owned” her game. I wanted to see her go into the DR and say this: I can’t believe I keep getting away with this..I am playing these people like fiddles.” But, she never did.

      • If she had said this, even once or twice, instead of going into the DR thinking America will love her as a victim…

        No, every fan favourite player has gone into the DR and laughed their faces off that they are getting away with manipulating the eff out of everything!!!

  37. 2 votes already locked up for Liz and Austin has time to persuade more. Dumb move Vanessa! Bet her girlfriend is reconsidering her game play on maybe her too. This is a pitiful season

  38. 2 votes already locked up for Liz and Austin has time to persuade more. Dumb move Vanessa! Bet her girlfriend is reconsidering her game play on maybe her too. This is a pitiful season

    • I liked John but did he really deserve to be the winner? No.

      He can win fan fave….even though his goofy, pretending to be dumb schtick got old real fast.

      • I think he’s genuine and played the game well, just had a different strategy and wanted to maintain his dignity. Better to win AFP with class than to win it all and have to live with yourself…well, maybe not. No, I believe that’s true, he’s got a bright future and lots of good karma without the money. I can also see him being called on in future…too bad Austin.
        I think I’m done here…not the same without my boy Johnny.

    • I liked John but did he really deserve to be the winner? No.

      He can win fan fave….even though his goofy, pretending to be dumb schtick got old real fast.

  39. I don’t know why it bothers me so much that many people have hated this season! It boggles my mind. I love all the people on this season! I don’t think it was a joke.
    I just remembering reading numerous comments in the beginning saying how this was going to be a great season.
    It was for me. But for the majority of people, I guess not. Was it the lack of game-play from most house-guests OR was it just anger that Vanessa’s a beast at playing such an imperfect game, yet she’s still in the house?

    • It was just the utter lack of game play. No one wanted to do anything…
      Half the house was gone before Meg even realized she was on BB – even then it took her until the final 5 before she was like “hey maybe I should win something!”
      Through everything all we ever heard from Van was “I don’t want to get blood on my hands…” Well that’s kind of what the game is about, lol.
      Brian pointed it out earlier, there’s no huge personalities left, and there was no manipulative man this season, so it was just a bummer to watch. No one wanted to play BB it seemed.

      • I found it very disappointing as well, I loved some of the drama but the way its been favoring a certain player, just didn’t feel exciting or even fun. place Vanessa in that house in any other season, she would of been walking out that door before she could have her third tantrum.

      • That’s what you think. I think she still would’ve been sitting in final 3 any other season. Not all of these people in the house this season were idiots. Vanessa just got to them before they got to her.

    • A beast, yes, but a mean-spirited, patronizing, lying, hypocritical beast. (“I’m a straight-shooter …” as well as the rest of the garbage she’s spewed all season.) At least she should have the decency to walk into the DR and admit to the viewers that she used every tactic she knew, fair and unfair, to play all the HGs like a well-oiled fiddle. Then we could agree with her. But for now, especially since she appears to think she’s beyond all reproach, she may win, but she’ll go down in BB history as one of the most unpopular winners ever.

      • It’s like she was talking to the audience in the same way she talked to the houseguests. Like we couldn’t see what she was doing.

      • Exactly. She may have gotten lucky with a bunch of HGs who weren’t the sharpest crayons in the box, but she’s seriously underestimating the rest of us out here who find her a transparent phony. I just hope she takes the time to read through these threads after the season ends so she can see what at least some of us thought of her both as a game player and as a human being.

      • I’m not mad at her for being phony though. I honestly believe that is not how she is in real life. She had to play the game and this was the way she played it. Nothing wrong with that….and seriously, if you come into this game not expecting to be lied to or manipulated, then you deserve to be sitting in the jury. Saying she’s not a good human being is over the top and unnecessary. I saw numerous glimpses of what a wonderful human being Vanessa is. Not surprisingly, it was when she wasn’t constantly thinking about game.

      • As last night’s episode suggested, people say whatever they can to get people on their side. Vanessa wanted them to believe she was a straight shooter so she could get them on her side. But they realized that she wasn’t as much of a straight shooter as she claimed, yet they still kept her in the house. She was able to persuade and convince the house-guests numerous times. Props should be given to her.

      • Who cares,she still would leave with 500,000,so in my book she gets the last laugh and not only that,most likely will be invited back for another show,at least Vanessa is not boring,can’t say the same for most of the others.

      • Its her crying and her statements like I don’t want to do this but I have to so please don’t hold it against me because I’m a really really really nice person and I swear on Mel it won’t happen but I will give you $10,000 if it does happen so just do what I tell you or you might be the next person I rant and rave about how you did me wrong song!!!!!

        Inhale here and breathe…….whooo!

  40. I don’t know why it bothers me so much that many people have hated this season! It boggles my mind. I love all the people on this season! I don’t think it was a joke.
    I just remembering reading numerous comments in the beginning saying how this was going to be a great season.
    It was for me. But for the majority of people, I guess not. Was it the lack of game-play from most house-guests OR was it just anger that Vanessa’s a beast at playing such an imperfect game, yet she’s still in the house?

      • True, the only person who was the WORST liar was Austin. His eyes get bigger and he quivers too much.

      • I guess all the eye rolling made me notice. She’s looking to the left and that means she’s creating what she says on the right side of her brain.

        Its called how to tell if someone is lying to you….look it up later. JFYI.

      • She does all of that…she always been super animated and annoying. I guess I just think it’s much to be paying so hard to details. I’m aware of tales,and also aware that they aren’t 100% accurate. And sometimes people just have “ticks.”

        And no thanks,it’s information about a show. So you can keep it. My life does go on…

      • Not for the show…for your life. You need to know when someone is creating a lie. If right handed that person will look to their left.

        When my girls were little they were very good at lying. Only their eyes would give them away.

  41. The best part of the night was Austin digging himself in deeper as someone with no character and no class whatsoever…I commend myself for saying it nicely.

  42. I’d also like to say I called it! Everyone who was reading yesterday, I knew it would be a baby announcement! lol

    • Yeah but why waste air time on that. We’re going from the final four to three and we have to suffer through Brenchel. Vomit time

  43. So the dentist finally went packing, really not surprising. no points for actually playing the game that well, maybe his target shouldn’t of been Meg when he went out the first time, no wonder Vanessa is looking good in that house, when you are surrounded by weak players, its easy to look strong. next.

    • JM was like a zombie walking around the house..that is, when he wasn’t sleeping. I think I am the only one who didn’t really care for him.

      • I didn’t see the charm either, he just sounded like a muppet and he had no real strategy, he wanted to ‘make a big move’ all season but ended up just being used for bigger moves. but I wouldn’t mind him or James winning favorite player.