We settled in for one very wild ride during last night’s Big Brother 17 special eviction episode as the Final 5 face the Power of Veto, an elimination, and another HoH competition played out with spectacular drama in a fast-forward round of Big Brother
When things left off on Sunday we had just seen Vanessa send John and Steve to the Block, but with Veto looming nearby anything could happen and the week’s target could shift dramatically. By the end of this show we’ll have one less Houseguest and be on our way to another eviction show on Wednesday.
This wasn’t a live show, but we still got a lot of important events to watch leading up to the first eviction of this week’s double elimination round. The second eviction arrives during Wednesday’s live eviction show starting at 8/7c.
Announced during the show, America’s Favorite Player poll is now open! Vote here to award $25K to your fav.
Big Brother 17 Week 12 Veto Competition:
This challenge required the HGs to run across a beam to work on a magnetic puzzle on one side and the 20 second timer on the other side.
- Johnny Mac wins the Veto!
Big Brother 17 Week 12 Veto Ceremony:
- John saves himself, Vanessa names Austin as the renom
Now John will decide to evict Steve or let things go to a tie. In the case of a tie the choice goes to Vanessa: evict Steve or Austin.
Big Brother 17 Week 12 Eviction Votes:
- Liz votes to evict Steve
- John votes to evict Austin
- Tie!
Vanessa breaks the tie against Austin! Just as I explained would happen here yesterday.
Liz is shocked & Austin is pissed. Really, really pissed. Austin tells Julie that no one in Jury will vote for Vanessa.
Big Brother 17 Week 12.5 HoH Competition – “What The Bleep?”:
Houseguests have to guess True/False on words provided by Julie to fill in the blanks for things the evicted HGs have said. It’s pretty silly and there’s even a “camping” reference mixed in which is an inside joke for the Feed watchers.
- Round 1: All get a point
- Round 2: All get a point
- Round 3: Steve gets a point
- Round 4: All get a point
- Round 5: John gets a point
- Round 6: No one gets a point
- Round 7: John & Steve get a point
- Tie-breaker: Steve wins after John goes over!
Congrats to Steve, the new HoH!
Now we await the Feeds return to find out who won the Veto comp while things were on blackout. Want to know what happens as soon as it’s revealed on the Feeds? Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates to get the latest news sent to you.
Tomorrow night (Wednesday) Big Brother returns with another eviction show at 8/7c and we’ll see how HoH and the Veto comps played out before the next eviction. Can’t wait for those spoilers? We’ll have those results posted on our site starting at 9PM BBT.
Once tonight’s episode ends on the west coast we’ll be jumping back on the Live Feeds to continue watching our final days of the Big Brother season. You can get one free week of Feeds here:
BB17 wraps up on September 23, 2015 with a 90-minute season finale following the debut of Survivor 2015. One of these remaining four Houseguests will walk away with a half-million dollars.
Austin voted out, Johnny Mac won HOH!!!
Well, that’s the most recent rumor. I hope it’s true as far as the eviction is concerned. But when it comes to HOH, I’m actually on the fence. Not sure what John would necessarily do with the nominations. I’d hope he’s still staying loyal to Steve and the whole plan to work with Lizten is just an elaborate ruse to protect his ass, but there’s no real way to know when there’s only one HG willing to chat it out with us feedsters (and, again, thank you, Steve!). But, honestly, just as long as it’s not Liz, I think we’ll be okay.
Not wasting our time with baseless rumors. Austin is the projected evictee then they can pick 1 of the 3 options for HoH. Using the most popular of the 3 insures a high rate of frantic (hopeful) repeats of the baseless rumor.
Hence why I pointed out that it WAS a rumor and not fact. I agree that there’s no sense in wasting time on it, especially with the results less than an hour away. The rest was pure speculation, not fact.
I think Steve may have, at times, purposefully misled us when speaking to the cameras.
Why do you think would he do that? For what purpose?
Mischievousness. I think he enjoys making us guess.
I think John would for sure put Liz up then tell Steve and Vanessa it doesn’t matter which one of you goes up its who wins the veto.
but he chooses Vanessa bc it’s her turn. she has to b a team player and show her loyalty, right? isn’t that what she’s pulled on steve
Yep that’s what he should say.
And hasn’t she only been nominated once?
As usual I have this game down like Vanessa. Johnny Mac will be going home tomorrow. The final two will be Vanessa and Steve and Vanessa will win the 1/2 million.
Dream on.
Dream on….If Bobcat Goldwaith and Steve cant figure out keep Liz and get rid of Vanessa they are both as brain dead as they look, nobody wins keeping Vanessa around. She just wants one of the 2 losers there so she can say she did everything they did nothing, and even did exactly what she told them to do at the end.
Wouldn’t it be sweet to drop Vanessa as F4?
Ain’t that right !!!
Yeah Vanessa REALLY needs the money. Her bank account is down to $4.2 million as it is.
The Lambo need an oil change.
Hope your wishes aren’t crushed if it doesn’t pan out!
No way!
I have to go on what is told on bbn since I don’t do the feeds. at last info out there it looked like Austin is going. hope that’s what it is. I’ve been checking for leaks here all day so as far as the rumor, those feeds are reliable and they aren’t up yet. I’ll just have to be in the dark until…I’m not.
If you check out Celeb Dirty Laundry, they have the latest rumors on who won HOH. I’d say it here but first, I’m afraid it’s wishful thinking. Second, I don’t want to disappoint anybody who feels the same.
Why do people think dirty laundry is credible? It’s a bunch of rubbish.
If you saw my pile in the laundry room right now, you’d be a believer. :(
Hahaha you crack me up.
Mines bigger
Ok, I’ll give you bragging rights since I have a feeling that you are not referring to a laundry pile.
Obviously was laundry pile…nothing else I have is any bigger than the rest lol
lol…no proof required!
Just think when this is all over we can keep busy doing our laundry and cleaning our houses – stuff that hasn’t been done for the past 11 weeks!
This is true…..i was all fired up because they said Jmac won HOH and now i find out it was Steve
Big brother 17 sucks for the fans the best players need to be at the end and the worst players need to be evited that’s for the viewers but for the other house guests they don’t want good players around
Ok, so I guessed we will settle here for the show.
Was wondering when you’d get here. Lol
I was here. Saw that a post was deleted. Someone try to spill the beans.
Spreading rumors.
Yea. I try to find something on twitter and saw that there was nothing solid.
I know. They’ve really kept it quiet. I can’t wait. I’m nervous.
Probably the 1st time ever that there was no leak whatsoever.
Hope it goes the way we want.
There’s a twist UK does that US BB should do. They should have a fake eviction at some point in the season that person goes in a secret room and spies on the house…diary room and all. Then when the person comes back in, they blow up liars and alliances. That way we don’t have to deal with the bully alliances all summer long!!! Of course, producers would only do this for the “good guys” so the good guy gets to come back in and only the bully alliances are busted.
Was wasn’t THIS a Takeover???
OK that one I like
OK that one I like
I can name two of the 4 we are about to see, how about you lol
Vanessa looks to be the swing vote no matter what. I haven’t seen what she’s been saying to LIz or John, but the smart move is to split up Liz & Austin as Matthew says. We know that Liz is going to vote out Steve. John should be voting out Austin. If Vanessa keeps Steve she risks his becoming HoH in a memory comp. If she keeps Austin she’ll never get past Liz & Austin. Her best bet is to go Final 2 with John.
I was going through withdrawals with no feeds. So glad there back tonight.
Me too!
Here we go.
Is Cyril lost?
Is it on? Help us west coasters!
It’s on….
Awesome. Never have gotten my BB updates on the bus ride home!
Can’t find a feed somewhere ?
I’m on a bus.
Oh, ok.
I hope the missing link is evicted!
Oh ok good
Done, he’s a goner.
Much better outfit, Julie, even though it looks homemade.
With the money they have, wonder how they can do better than that.
Not to mention her hairdon’t.
I made that exact dress in my 7th grade Home Ec class.
I like the dress. And love the color.
Let’s see how Wil does it on the saga. :D
I liked it, but I wanted to pull that side down till I realized it was gathered on purpose and not just accidentally bunched up
Did you see how nervous Steve got?
Well, that was a surprise, I thought they knew.
I’m sure they had some kind of an idea.
Austin? Evicted?
Not yet. Going thru the discussion right now.
Not yet. Showing POV first
Oh yea, I got too excited.
Steve was trembly.
Julie has redeemed herself this week. Lovely dress!
The top doesn’t look too good.
That color is hideous on her.
I love the color.
LOL. The color is pretty, just not on her.
Oh ok lol
I’m so happy!..I have connection….Let’s GO!!!!!
Hey friend there you are.
LG..I so want Judas a*s out the door…He think he’s so cool!
He better go. I can’t wait to see his face. Hahaha
He’s cool, he’s bold, he’s beautiful!
So I guess he needs to go on “The Bold and the Beautiful”.
I’m practicing my lying.
Didn’t he say that to Julie Chen
OMG my mother kills me she says:Vanessa is like a crocodile she eats her youngs and then cries lmao
Good one.
Thanks to your mother. Give her a hug for me.
“One with Judas”. I CANNOT stand Judas.
Double evictions are even sweeter.
He thinks he’s so cool and suave and it makes me gag! Judas is just a dumb excuse to do whatever he wants, so really he’s only a coward.
I wish they’d get some new comps.
Reduce, reuse, recycle. It’s the green thing to do.
There was some discussion among the HGs that some of their pieces or buzzers were malfunctioning. We’ll see.
Didn’t see anything but this is one that gets complaints every time. They just don’t want to admit they were lousy.
Wow Vanessa that’s awful.
JMac is so funny.
Yep he’s a winner when he wants to be. That was smart how he did that.
In the comp, his technique was flawless.
Mumble mumble , grumble, grumble. Lol
If ever he was doing a comedy routine, his delivery would just bring the house down.
Here comes the waterworks.
Right on cue.
Wow. Austin sucks at this comp, lol.
Austin plain sucks.
Mos def.
Funny. Liz didn’t. She almost won.
Vanessa’s paranoia is brought to you by LYRICA.
JMac-what a hoot.
ugh! stop crying.
OMG she drives me crazy.
cry me a river
“One of you people have to go and it’s not me ha.ha.ha
Oh. My. God. She’s now crying to NOBODY!!!
HGs, please evict Vanessa next week. Love, the entire universe.
Oh barf, Austin.
Lol@ Steve…
This is why I love that boy, lol.
LOL. Biyatch! Just MEAN to Steve. He’s not my favorite but sheesh. He’s still a jury vote! Where does that behavior fit in game theory, oh expert? Sigh.
Gonna expect the unexpected and hope production changes their mind about Vanessa winning. Getting tired of that crying, whining pscho. Does anyone else think Sasquatch looks like Captain Hook?
They can only protect her for so long.
Why you disrespect Cpt. Hook like that?
He looks more like Captain Morgan.
boy he thinks a lot of himself-austin
He wanted to call Steve boy and he did.
You’re delusional Austin if you think you’re a great player.
The audacity.
Who is the other game player? Austin is a funny dude.
Leave it up to Vanessa, Blood!!!
Oooh John go use some hand sanitizer.
Stupid Vanessa slowly realizing the obvious.
unfortunately we all know van’s handshake means nothing
More hand sanitizer jmac…
At least Austin put a t-shirt on.
Check out Austin on Celebrity BBUK. He actually does look good without a shirt on but he always does put one on. :))
There’s another Austin on BBUK ?
And another James.
Well James is such a common name. LOL
Haha. I wish they’d hurry up. I’m sick to my stomach. I’m either going to be really happy or really ticked off.
And the world breathes a collective sigh of relief.
Oh I hope Austin goes… can’t stand him, he is so full of himself. Puke! Yuck! Gross!
Bucket needed in aisle 9!
I wonder if thought he was safe all the way up to eviction-assuming its Austin. hope we see the shocked face
Okay, it looks like production tried to tip it towards Steve going. Is that the impression everyone else got? Because if yes, then that might be the tv-only bluff.
It better be Austin or I’m going to blow up my TV
Johnny Mac and Mr. Veto=BEST.SHOWMANCE.EVER!!
My cable is acting up. I have a blank screen!
oh no
Are you sure your not looking at Vanessa?
That’s possible, no personality.
It’s back, for now.
off topic during commercial-did anyone see ANW last night
Yes, awesome!
Ninja Warrior? Yes and it was awesome! I was kind of rooting for the other guy to get the big prize but it was amazing tv.
OK, let’s do it!!!!
No because there aren’t any tears, running mascara or that stupid beanie!!!
Steve’s throw-ups is brought to you by TYLENOL.
John’s madness is brought to you by ADVIL.
Liz’s b!tchfits is brought to you by TARGET.
Austin’s ponytail beard is brought to you by KFC: Finger Licking Good. So Good!
If he hasn’t washed his hands like they say,
Then he can relax tonight and enjoy.
Julie probably needs to was hers though.
Last night when he came out of the bathroom..and he was in there for a while…he only washed the very tips of his fingers on one hand. He is so gross. What the hell is wrong with Liz?
That’s when I had to turn the tv off. I could watch no more. I hope James wins AFP.
Did you notice that when he did put his fingers under the water the camera zoomed in to see if he was really doing anything
Here we go.
Shut up Austin.
He’s an ASS
That’s being kind. I was thinking much worse.
This comment was deleted.
What do you have against asses? LOL
Haha only the human ones
Oh gawd, where is the bucket? Quick! Arsetin…
Come on, Vanessa. Don’t screw this up.
I love this.
Was it a tie?
Austin is out.
Yes and Vanessa voted Austin out.
yippee! good bye Austin. hahaha. loved the face.
I’m planning to obtain this episode to keep forever just to see Liz and Austin’s faces again and again.
Bye Austin!!!!!
ok, everybody breathe now, omg listen to him argue with her
wow. lol. hahaha. shut up vanessa
Love the face!!!
Thata girl.
Shut up, Vanessa!!
“you’re not gonna win the jury votes.”
We’ll see about that. Shelli is already thinking about giving the win to Vanessa if she makes final 2. I’m sure Shelli would be able to persuade the others.
I was just repeating his quote. That’s all.
I know that. I saw the quotation marks. I was just replying like I would in my head. “No, Austin, you’re not necessarily right……”
He has no shoe on.
Yeah, really caught them off guard this year.
and most likely filthy feet! He was so sure that he was staying
Haha Austin walk out that door with your big fat arrogant head.
Just proved most of use right he’s classless dirty and deserved to lose
Ugh and he’s barefoot that pig!!!!!
He is a pig
Oink Oink
Sponsored by KFC.
YES YES YES!!!!!!!!
bahahaha. good lash out
Boo hoo!!!
Thank good Austin gone he rode on Liz coat take all the way or should I say Judas . Here come the tears ..
That was all Vanessa and her doing, but still exciting anyways.
John made it look like it all came from her but John out-reversed psych her into thinking the opposite side of the argument is the opposite of how she wants to go forward, which led her going back to settling on the obvious move all week.
I happened to see the After Dark when the plan took place. It was totally 100% Vanessa.
And I happened to watch the feeds and it was all John.
Nope, but ok
You missed the other discussions. John pulled one over on her.
I think you’re giving him way too much credit, but it’s not worth fighting over. It’s not that serious. :-)
that the blindside happens is what counts at this point
I’ll buy that!
John did manipulate Vanessa
John had the power to force a tie on Vanessa hence he did some mind games to make it look like the idea of taking out Austin came from her.
BBN pretty much covered that 2 days ago.
No it wasn’t. They couldn’t show all the discussions, but John convinced Van he was voting to evict Steve. Van got paranoid. Steve told Van she needed to convince John that they needed to keep him. Reverse psychology and Van fell for it. John was always going to evict Austin, but he didn’t want Austin or Vanessa to know. Brilliant.
Not what I saw. John was following Vanessa’s lead.
CBS tries to have everything be Vanessa’s doing, which most is, but this was all John.
stop crying
What’s the reason to stop crying?
best night of the whole season ya
It sure is!
Best true blindside in a long time. This is one that will be remembered
Redemption f hahaving to watch Vanessa ‘ s bull crappie all summer.
Wow! What a sore loser! Dislike him even more. Quit crying, this is a game.
He just can’t go out gracefully
This entire season Austin has been nothing but an arrogant POS. No surprise here. What a loser.
Nothing graceful about him. He’s a jerk
Just showing his true colors for second time. First-time when he won veto. Classless arrogant dirty not hand washing bum
he came on BB to show casting people and wrestling promoters how entertaining he can be-maybe he thinks being a poor loser and trashing Van to Julie is entertaining? yes, he was so surprised that he showed his true colors and probably will live to regret it.
Agreed also did anyone noticed that when he said nice to meet you to Julie she did not reply and just said have a seat.
God, please, I may never cry again just to avoid looking like her.
OMG Scumbag….really???
Um… shouldn’t Liz be crying, not Vanessa? Oh, wait. It’s Vanessa.
No, cause it’s all about her.
There is an audience.
CBS employees to avoid leaks.
Must be. The applaude were very tepid.
So Celebrity Dirty Laundry got it right. Hmmm. Just a lucky guess?
Even they’re entitled to a lucky day, lol.
A broken clock is right twice a day
They had Austin right but not Steve. They had JM winning HOH.
Arsehole! Omg! Bold and Beautiful, not!
Come on jmac!
he said he knew he was gonna win the game. lol
I had to rewind to double check I didn’t mishear him! Hahahaha The fumes from his beard funk has corroded his brain.
Austin, everyone is thrilled you were evicted. The jury will be thrilled and vote for Vanessa.
Until someone takes out Vanessa, then they will vote for that person!
He’s wrong about Vanessa though. If she makes it to final 2, she’s winning it all.
uh huh. Even he’ll probably vote for her.
Nope she won’t if she against JMac.
I agreeThank You
I think she loses to all remaining.
She won’t lose to Liz. Why would they vote for Liz? Yeah, she’s won some comps, but her strategy was non-existent.
However, if Vanessa doesn’t make final 2, I want Liz to and and I want her to win.
Liz has been a strong competitor, no doubt. But she didn’t always have the best of strategies. Even still, I still think she can pull a win off.
Liz would get austin and julia’s for sure. Would likely get meg and james because meg said she would never vote for vanessa and james will do anything meg does. That is 4 so she needs JMac, Steve, Becky, Shelli, or Jackie to vote for her. I would say she gets at least 1 of the 5.
She has a chance against Liz. But won’t happen.
He’s such a steaming pile of monkey crap.
Ok first half went my way so come on JMac win HOH and make the second half go accordingly.
At F4, HoH is usually forward-backward type of comp with questions.
Questions but true or false.
I hope that JMac win the next HoH comp!
Looking for Vanessa and Liz to get put up next. But Vanessa will win POV.
real nasty of Austin to tell Vanessa she will not win. What a spiteful baby.
She shoulda said “and you’re not going to win either”.
Or “at least I still have a chance …”
well he is right
Austin said Vanessa you are not going to win this game………hahaha Austin, neither are you.
If Steve wins HoH I’m sure John is history……………………again. Nobody 4 LATER!!!
I think Steve will nom van and the twin
Steve can beat Vanessa and he has a great chance against Liz, but no chance in #3LL against John (John has no enemies in the Jury House). Nobody 4 EVER!!!
here we go. come on jmac
Huh. Not the circle version.
Not fair Liz had advantage
Look out Bold and the Beautiful, Austin is available.
Their casting director just felt the need to jump off a bridge and he has no clue why unless he’s been watching this show.
He’ll play the role of Unnamed Club Bouncer #2.
Bye Liz :)
If they’re smart, it’s bye Vanessa. Liz is not their best move.
I meant Bye Liz in this comp. Of course I hope it’s bye Vanessa.
Oh, right. My bad.
No prob.
Don’t care who wins at this point.
lol. Steve.
No sweat Veto is more important.
And there’s that.
Veto is safe and choose who go to jury with the only vote.
He won’t turn on John.
No he won’t. Plus JMac will win Veto.
Yep I hope so.
I know but it’s who wins POV now. At least John would be safe if he won tonight.
Yay!!!!! Austin is gone !!!!!
“Breathing” again.
lol. Steve forgot a zero.
What would have happened had they both gone over? John, as he was closer?
Then it is the one closer.
STEVE WINS!!!!! Woohooo!! Guaranteed Final 3!
Hope it’s Liz and Vanessa on the block,
I hope John wins POV.
JMac gotta win another veto.
Yes he will.
So Steve puts up JMac and Liz because Vanessa tells him to. How anti-climatic.
Not necessarily. He’s not exactly thrilled with Vanessa these days.
She just put him on the block.
But she saved him, Captain. Lol
Oh yea, she will try to say that, but Jmac will set him straight on that one.
Without the Veto John is going back to the Jury House…………mark my post! Nobody 4 NOW!!!
Don’t worry.
Unless the Veto goes to Steve. He won’t screw John over.
Maybe not. I want JMac to win veto so he won’t end up there if someone else wins it.
Doesn’t matter who he puts up. He should just ask who wants to be.
So Steve puts up Liz and Vanessa and JMac wins POV and its buy Vanessa…how exciting!
Austins blindside was epic………..one for the history book.
He was so pissed! I was cheering so hard at his shock !
So was I.
My hands hurt from clapping lol
Woah, Austin was pissed! That was a true blindside…but Vanessa had to do what she had to do.
don’t necessarily think Austin is right when he says no one will vote
for Vanessa if she’s in final 2. She’s played the best game. The jurors
are privy to that. Despite personal differences, they just might give
her the win.
However, I hope she did make the right decision in
evicting Austin over Steve because that might affect who she makes final
2 with (assuming she makes final 2). But we have to get to final 3
first…can’t wait for tomorrow.
She will get some votes, but no more than 2-3 no matter who she is against.
Just because people dislike that she’s gotten them out of the game does not mean that they won’t vote for her when it comes down to it. The best gamer of this season was Vanessa.
I agree she has played the best this season, but the jury members don’t think that.
Austin blindsided tonight….Vanessa blindsided tomorrow.
With John likely to cast the deciding vote, I’m guessing he’ll be stupid and evict Liz, not Vanessa.
Oh I don’t think he will. He’s not stupid.
Are we watching the same show? The same show where he said in his eviction interview that if he got back in the house, his #1 target would be Meg? The one who was willing to throw the veto tonight if Liz or Austin were close?
That was a long time ago. If John gets the vote Van is gone.
Duh. The Meg thing was a long time ago. John never intended on throwing the veto. He was covering his bases in case he didn’t win, then he could say he threw it. CBS didn’t edit well tonight.
Some people don’t get it.
Not just tonight they have been playing up Vanessa and downplaying John for a while. His game is not great, but it is much better than they let on.
Thank you
I’m not getting into an argument with you. YES I’m watching the same show.
She’s right.
He was never going to throw it. Read the transcripts of JMac and Steve’s conversation after he won the POV. It’s on Jokers and is very enlightening. He is quietly manipulating everyone.
1. He could’ve been bluffing
2. It was long ago
3. James and Meg have been considered a strong pair (though for stupid reasons)
4. Meg is a jury threat (as stupid as it sounds)
He knows Liz likely takes him to finals over Steve. Also, the respect from jury for getting out Vanessa is too much to pass up.
Why? Because he was stupid enough to set this whole thing up? He would have won HOH is Steve didn’t forget a 0.
No way Vanessa is winning it all. She is the best!
She won’t be in F2.
I really hope you are correct, Captain.
Hang on to that.
The only way she is in final 2 is if she wins veto and HOH. Even then though she loses in votes.
Too much to overcome. If she win veto and the las HoH, then she would deserve to win.
If she wins veto Jmac is gone. She’d cast the only vote and Jmac would be on the block she does not want f3 with Jmac. She thinks Liz and Steve would both take her to f2. I hope Jmac wins veto, but if not, Id love Steve to take Liz. Now that would be a blindside
Then you’re going to be one disappointed viewer tomorrow.
I recall you’ve been saying something similar for months now. :)
No you recall wrong. I’ve been saying they need to get her out. There’s a difference.
Who’s the disappointed viewer now?
I know, I’m immature, but I couldn’t resist.
I hope she wins! I love her. But if she does get evicted tomorrow, it will be devastating. But never fret, she will for sure be on an all-stars season!
No way.
She would be the first one evicted.
I don’t know about first. She is not good enough or respected enough to be voted out first. Pre jury though is likely.
I agree that she isn’t good enough or respected enough. That wouldn’t be the reason she would go first. No one would want to deal with her; the bullying tactics, the crying, the mouthiness, the complete craziness that goes with the territory that surrounds her.
I’d love to see her in a one-on-one against Derrick.
V: I’m going to nominate Steve and JMac over Liztin because it maximises my chances of winning!
D: Are you sure about that?
LOL. Oh, the carnage!
No contest. Derrick would annihilate her.
Derrick would talk her into self evicting
Agreed. They already know she will make the house guests crazy.
And isn’t that what we need in this show. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have a show if everyone was tame.
Perfect week!
It could be nice see Vanessa & Liz on the block, John with the POV, and Vanessa be sending to the jury house!
Was veto already played?
I’m not sure but I think it was played today. I’ll find out when the feeds come back tonight.
JMac made the best blindside this season! :)
I am glad she saved all the blood on her hands for tonight.
*Vanessa made the best blindside, John was going to evict Steve but Vanessa decided to blindside Austin.
JMac manoeuvered that one.
It was her decision. She could’ve decided to evict Steve. In the end, she’s doing what’s best for her game. Vanessa’s not a puppet. John didn’t tell her what to do.
He pretty much made her do what he wanted.
No, she did what she wanted. Just because J-Mac wanted Austin gone, doesn’t mean that that wasn’t also the decision that was the best for Vanessa. She’s looking out for her game, not J-Mac’s. They just happened to agree with each other.
You miss their convo when he lead her into it without her knowing she was manipulated.
I don’t care what went on. Millions of conversations go on, doesn’t mean one necessarily influenced her decision to keep STEVE over AUSTIN. Vanessa was already aware that keeping the showmance in the house was a big risk.
You should’ve been paying more attention. John pretty much orchestrated the blindside
Didn’t you read what she said she don’t care what went on. She’s obviously blinded by Vanessas hatred and doesn’t care what goes on. Pretty ignorant if you ask me. Makes comments when she doesn’t even pay attention to what’s going on. Lol
She just doesn’t want to have to admit she was wrong.
I can admit when I’m wrong, but in this instance I don’t think I’m wrong. Vanessa made the decision that was best for her. She already made cases for keeping one over the other in the game. She was already aware of what she might have to face if she kept Austin. Johnny might’ve just reiterated what she was thinking, but she already knew that keeping the showmance in the house was a huge risk that might not pay off for her.
I’ll give you that much, it was the best decision for her. Thanks to JMac.
Agree to disagree. In the end…who was the deciding factor for getting out Austin? Vanessa.
Who got the blood on their hands? Vanessa.
That’s the brilliance in Jmac’s plan, he got the blood on Van’s hand. Beautiful. Such a great play from JMac.
Now he’s gone, ha!
What hatred? Vanessa doesn’t have any hatred. I’m not an ignorant person.
I don’t expect you to reply to my comments since you said you weren’t going to anymore. So keep on being a coward and refer to me as “She” through other people’s posts.
You’re playing ostrich. The true is staring you in the face, yet you choose to ignore it.
I’m not ignoring anything. In the end it was Vanessa’s decision. simple.
All I’m saying is she didn’t make that decision simply because John told her to. She always has reasons for either case.
That’s the beauty of his manipulation he never told her he got Steve to have her tell him
No, she did make that decision because Jmac lead her into it, without her noticing. Brilliant manoeuver from JMac.
If that’s the case why didn’t she originally nominate austin? She picked the shomance to roll to the final 3 with. John was her target not austin she totally got played by the vampire dentist
JMac put her up to it.
I don’t think she evicted Austin simply because J-Mac wanted her to. Do you realize who we’re talking about here? Vanessa’s not going to do what she doesn’t want to do. She thought evicting Austin was best for her game and, ultimately, she was driven by that thought process when she made her decision.
Yes she did what JMac wanted, and she doesn’t even know about it. That the beauty of JMac’s play. He was brilliant.
Vanessa thinks JMac didn’t have an input into her decision but he does and cloaked in the guise of “I’ll go what the majority wants”.
If anything is to come by this season is that no one “went with the majority”.
At no point was John going to evict Steve. He played you just like he did Vanessa.
Haha so true. God he’s good!
Unless you are inside the mind of John, he was going to evict Steve. He told Austin, Liz, and Steve that Steve was going.
Unless you are inside the mind of John, he was going to evict Steve. He told Austin, Liz, and Steve that Steve was going.
He obviously told Austin and Liz that. He told Steve to make it seem that way, so Vanessa thinks John wants him gone. All part of John’s plan.
Vanessa really made the blindside. It was ultimately her decision.
That was what I was going to type.
Nope JMac manoeuvered that one. Didn’t you listen to the DR tonight ?
Should of watched the feeds it was all John playing her like a fiddle. Like he said he used reverse psychology on her.
He was amazing in his convo with her the other night. Pure genius. Unless Steve is a fool JMac will make F2 without much carnage. If Steve doesn’t stick with JMac Steve will not make F2 unless he wins his way in.
Best guess that Brenchel gets BBB=Big Brother Baby.
That’s my guess.
I hate Brenchel, but I would gladly have them on this season instead of some of the other “players”
If so, happy for them.
I hear that they are unlike how they were in the BB house and are actually great people. They just play up their character.
Yeah despite their appearances on BB and TAR they’re actually good people. Plus they even invited two of their enemies to their wedding.
Yeah despite their appearances on BB and TAR they’re actually good people. Plus they even invited two of their enemies to their wedding.
When do feed so one back on?
Probably soon, as long as they’re not doing the Veto comp still.
Feeds are supposed to be back at 9 p.m. BBT.
Matthew said after show comes to west coast, but they have to have nomns don’t they. Also don’t know if veto will be played tonight r during live show.
They filmed eviction and HOH comp yesterday when the feeds went down. Noms probably happened either late last night or early today. Veto was today.
Sounds about right.
After the west coast show. 12H00 am on east coast.
JeanJeannie enjoying her Tennessee Sipping Spirits staring at the cardboard box still full of rotten fruit at her feet…. Guess I’m gonna have to chuck a few at the mean neighbor guy instead of my TV. All in all, a pretty satisfing evening!
so gratifying to watch the Austwins crumble
Nice that Endemol finally uyses its new logo as Endemol Shine.
HAHAHAHAHA Vanessa is DONE! Finally, she will end up getting what’s coming around.
We still have Veto. All Vanessa has to do is win it and she’s safe.
Hate to let you down. The 1/2 million is going to Vanessa
Dream on..
You’ve got that kind of money to give her?
Doubtful. She’ll be on the block around three enemies. I mean she has a one in four chance of winning veto. Otherwise, she’s gone. And people in the jury house aren’t necessarily going to vote for that “C U Next Tuesday.”
Honestly, anyone rooting for her is a pathetic human being…
I’m rooting for her! She’s the winner in my eyes, no matter what happens.
Did you not hear Judas? Nobody is voting for her.
Steve is not gonna turn on Vanessa. She will fill Steves head with all kinds of stuff. I don’t even think he will put her on the block. Can’t take her tantrums even though she was treating him like dirt when she won. JMac may go home if he doesn’t win veto. Did we all forget from Jokers that Steve use to lay his head in her lap? It would hurt me more if he betrayed JMac.
JMac will win veto.
So true, his best bet is to leave her off the block, even if he does want her out, and hopes anybody but her wins the PoV.
Steve will not turn on JMac. I think Liz will be joining her BF (boyfriend and bigfoot) and sis Juli-uh in Jury in 24 hours
Vanessa first, then Liz, unless she wins veto.
Anyone but Vanessa win veto, she’s out.
Did you see his (Steve’s) conversation with himself? He is planning on getting Van out as his big move – he says over and over he is loyal to Jmac to the end.
Of course he is. JMac just save his bacon.
Now that Steve just won head of household unless Vanessa wins the power of Veto she will be evicted. Liz will vote her out for evicting Austin and even if John does not vote to evict Vanessa Steve will for putting him on the block next week. Unless Vanessa wins the power of veto it is goodbye Vanessa.
I disagree. I think Steve noms Liz and Van and if Liz doesn’t win Veto it’s buh-bye Liz-uh and the end of Austwits!
See everyone tomorrow. Same place.
So are we assuming Steve is the odds on favorite to also win the last HoH as well?
It is endurance, mental, and knowing your houseguests if I remember right. Steve loses the endurance, but I would say he wins the other 2.
I’d say so, if he gets that far.
Well he is that far now. He made final 3.
I had a visitor but I watched the whole thing……cheers!!! Best episode for me. Love the ending!
Steve will keep JMac, it’s the only way he’s getting to the F2. JMac would be happy to give Steve the big prize and I’m sure he’ll be telling him that. Steve has had no reason to distrust him. Vanessa to go, Liz as standby.
The best part of the episode was Austin’s tantrum when evicted and the fact he was so sure he was staying, that he didn’t even have on shoes. Ha hah
He never has on shoes.
Actually, he had on black sneakers the other episode.
You’re getting too technical. Most of the times, he never has on shoes.
Lighten up. He didn’t think he was going. That’s all I’m saying. Shoes or no shoes, he did not expect it. His face was priceless when he heard it was a tie. He kept looking at Liz. We’re all fans here. No fighting.m
Me, lighten up? I’m not tense. You’re the one who replied to my comment. Why not reply back?
You sure that wasn’t just his dirty feet?
Ding Ding Ding…we have a winner!
Won’t it be funny when they show his bare feet stepping out if the limo at the jury house? Hahahaha!
Now he’s going to contaminate the jury house with his poor hygiene.
And he’ll have taken his shirt off too!
Did he even pack his bag?
Didn’t know
Shoeless and clueless.
Van needs to go, and DaVonne All the way for America’s Player. I don’t care if she was the second one voted out.
Who’s DaVonne?
ha ha
That’s exactly what I was going to say…lol.
What? America’s favorite Player is either Meg, James, or Johnny Mac. Not to say that they were my favorite players…I’m Vanessa and the twins all day…but of course, I’m in the minority.
JMac in every poll.
I like James better, but the only way JMac doesn’t win is if he makes final 2. Then he will take home $500k.
Da alll the way, I don’t care what you say. Hey that, well you know…lol
I liked Davonne on the show, until I read her Twitter posts. The girl has some serious rage issues she needs to work through.
Most of the people from this season needs to I bet as well.
Go read her Twitter posts for the past month, then compare those to the other evicted HGs pre-jury. One of these things is not like the other.
Don’t have access to that, but still voting for Da.
Go for it.
It’s nice she will get ONE vote.
Ha Ha
Yes, a pity vote.
You don’t have to have a Twitter account to read them. Just search for her name and twitter and it’ll be the first hit you see on your search engine.
Careful… I once referred to her as “ABW” and got all sorts of grief from her blind followers.
Has someone evicted as early as second ever won AVP?
No that’s why it’s time someone did.
It’s time you hit reality. JMac is leading every poll on the Net.
The only way John won’t win AVP is if he’s in Final 2, at which point it looks like the title will go to James.
Jmac lead by a lot and every poll on the net.
The only way John won’t win AVP is if he’s in Final 2, at which point it looks like the title will go to James.
I’m always real, of course he’s leading, he’s still in the bb house and well liked by everyone, including me, but I’m still voting for Da. That’s my parogative. even if I did just spell that word wrong…lol Don’t get it or me twisted..
Go for it, she need a pity vote. Give her one.
Bet you she gets more than one smarty pants…
Oups, oups, no name calling…. not nice. I didn’t called you name.
Really, you’re offended by smarty pants..omg
Who’s DaVonne?
Ha Ha to you too Lavendargirl
people like DaVonne, but she will not come close to americas favorite gone way to early to make an impact. Even if she stayed I don’t think she could beat out James or John they are just too far ahead.
I know, just fu@king with folks on here, look at them attacking my comment…lol, but now if she was still there or stayed a little longer, I don’t know…
No attack, just disagrement.
Steve won, but he shouldn’t have. He admitted he forgot to put a 0 in his number. Since Julie made John speak his number out loud then by all rights Steve should have had to do the same. Then he would’ve said 6010 and lost like he should have. But CBS knows Steve will do bug eyed Vanessa’s bidding so they allow the double standard in her favor.
But she clearly saw Steve’s number. She didn’t have to ask. It doesn’t matter whether he meant to put that number down or not. John wrote all sloppily. That’s why she asked him to say the number out loud.
That’s 100% right, the number that he would have read would have been 601, he couldn’t add the 0 after the fact.
Nope. If he didn’t look at what he wrote then he would’ve read 6010 thinking that’s what he wrote down. If one had to speak it then both should’ve had to speak it. If the spoken word was the final judgment for one then it should’ve been the final judgment for both.
John only had to speak because Julie couldn’t read his numbers. I wasn’t for sure what his number was either.
There’s no rule saying they have to speak their numbers out loud.
John was asked first so what James is saying is that steve’s answer is 601 whether he meant 6010 or not.
He probably would have looked at his chalkboard and read out…six, zero, one. He was nervous and unprepared. Hopefully Steve and JMac have the same thing in mind anyway.
He would have to read what was on the board which was 601, he can’t read a number he never wrote down.
Austin…I’m speechless…too bad he wasn’t. I have never seen such a case of sour grapes. His self marketing is laughable.
His Bold and the Beautiful pitch made me squirm. That was uncomfortable to the max to watch.
It would be pretty awesome if they invite some of the other hg to be on the show and not him.
They usually invite the favorite HGs of the season.
He’s just PO’d that offer was made to Donny last season and no one has come to him with an offer yet.
Liz must be so proud…and yes, it was terribly uncomfortable to watch. As a human being with empathy I actually felt sorry for him…then I blinked.
No one like a sore loser,this is the gig he signed up for.
I counted 3 shows: WWF, Life in Pieces & Bold & Beautiful. Lol
The only thing that compares for me was howie’s eviction in all stars.
As much as I’d like to agree, john’s number was less legible so I can understand why they made him read it off.
Exactly my point. If they make one read it off then both should’ve had to read it off. Regardless of legibility.
Steve would have still won the HOH because John went over and Steve would have to read the number that was on the board..
I have lost all respect for Austin after the way he left the house. He said that if Vanessa is smart she takes him out. Now he wants to tank jury against Vanessa who he knows has played the best game.
He has no reason to be mad because
1. He got a Girl friend
2. Gets 16k for making jury.
Way to be classless Austin.
He will have no sway with the jury except maybe Julia,no one cares a fig in what Austin has to say.
And 2 votes does not make a BB winner.
Exactly,not even sure Julia will listen,he forgets sometimes that Julia is not in love with him like her sis.
Vanessa may not maje it that far. Who knows. The veto winner this week is the power.
Vanessa has a tough road ahead but one can never count her out,her survival skills are the best in the house and with Steve winning HOH her odds just got a bit better,my guess..Liz and John go up,Vanessa biggest worry is John,not Liz..she will make her see that Austin going was not only good for her but also makes her less of a target and at this point everyone left need to grasp any edge offered.
Doesn’t matter who won HoH. Veto has the vote to evict.
HOH can’t be evicted. Veto decides between the other two. matters :). have fun this last week!!
Vanessa may not maje it that far. Who knows. The veto winner this week is the power.
If it came down to Steve/Van, they’d have a conundrum even if they can’t spell it. Mad at V but hate Steve. Twins might ask if they have to vote. Or they can do RPS.
Do you mean that you actually had some respect for Austin before he was evicted. He lost all respect long ago. All i could think when he shook Julie’s hand was that I hope that he had washed it!
Eww. Julie should have wiped her hand on her dress.
I think she’ll wash it when the episode ends
And wash it, and wash it, and wash it, etc.
Would have been hilarious if she had a glove on.
Yeah I liked his game before the incident tonight. He was playing a great game and a very close 2nd to Vanessa and he was playing for 3. But after tonight he just proved he is a bitter player.
His behavior was not that big of a deal. You act as if he were upping tables and cursing like a sailor. He was completely blindsided. He does have the right to be upset. But he calmed down significantly as soon as he walked out the door and saw Julie.
All he did was push the door a little too hard. Give him a break.
If his vote is not bitter then ill respect him again.
Bingo! and furthermore he was been wanting others do his dirty work for weeks and that is blindside Vanessa.
I don’t believe any vote against a person who used bullying tactics so blatantly would be a bitter vote. It would be sending a needed message to the public that Vanessa went too far and it won’t be tolerated. That would be a vote of integrity, not bitter whatsoever.
Eeeewwww. Had he and Liz “taken a nap” recently?
He won’t have to sway anybody. Everybody don’t like Vanessa and won’t vote for her.
He won’t have to sway anybody. Everybody don’t like Vanessa and won’t vote for her.
1. He lost a girlfriend and won’t have this one for long especially since he isn’t bringing home the big money
2. His marketing technique had the reverse effect and he probably lost a lot more than 16k in future opportunities because of his lack of class.
Do we know the nominations?
During F4 noms don’t matter… it’s all about the veto.
Does anyone know the official rule? Can the Grand prize winner also win America’s Player?
Sure he can.
How do you know, Cap? I’d think it possible too because America Votes for their favorite but there seems to be some disagreement about it. Has it happened before that you’re aware of?
I am pretty sure he can’t. If you are a finalist you are not able to.
Can’t find an official answer online but after looking at all the winners of AFP none of them have ever won the Grand prize for their season so it looks like that must be right. – Thanks!
I can’t remember if it ever happened on BB, but I remember it happened twice on Survivor. Has to be same rules for that.