Big Brother 17 Live Feeds Week 12: Tuesday Night Highlights

The Big Brother 17 Live Feeds finally returned Tuesday night after the long outage, and it didn’t take very long to find out who Steve nominated and who won the final Power of Veto.

Johnny Mac spends what could be his last night in the house – Source: CBS All Access

So now the question is who will join Steve and the veto winner in the final three. We’ll find out tonight on the live episode, but read on to find out any possible plans ahead of the episode.

Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, September 15, 2015:

9:00 PM BBT – Feeds return after 36+ hours of downtime.

9:05 PM BBT – Liz, Steve, and Vanessa hanging around in the kitchen. The tiny table has arrived.

9:08 PM BBT – John finally spotted and comes back to join HGs for slingband.

9:29 PM BBT – Vanessa returns from a nap and asks if she has to give a speech tomorrow. Yep, Vanessa won the Power of Veto this round.

9:30 PM BBT – Houseguests discussing how the Veto will work. It’s revealed that Steve nominated Vanessa and John, but Vanessa will obviously use the Veto making the final noms Liz and John at tomorrow’s show.

10:04 PM BBT – Vanessa says she’d come back and play Big Brother again. Steve says he’s done and wouldn’t return.

10:08 PM BBT – Steve and Vanessa start discussing who Vanessa should evict: Liz or John. It’s a long talk as they debate who is better to keep.

10:13 PM BBT – Vanessa warns that John would be harder to beat in the first two rounds of the F3 HoH. (Bye, John.) On the other hand, Vanessa says that it would be tempting to take John to then end because he wouldn’t win the jury vote.

10:25 PM BBT – Vanessa insists to Steve that she can’t win, but is happy to get second against him. She promises that she “honestly” doesn’t think she can win.

10:37 PM BBT – Vanessa and Steve are making fun of John and Liz not knowing things about the game. Steve earlier said they’re at the end of the game with “two recruits.”

10:38 PM BBT – Johnny Mac comes into the room with Steve and Vanessa to floss.

11:00 PM BBT – Steve and Liz talking about past HGs coming back to host competitions. They talk about meeting Caleb. Sounds like he hosted the veto competition.

11:03 PM BBT – Liz talks about Victoria from last season not being pretty. She says she just cakes on makeup like Jackie does. Steve says he thinks Jackie is pretty.

11:04 PM BBT  – Steve asks Liz what she wants to get out this experience. She says her goal is not to be on TV. She says if she wins any money, she wants to open a business with Julia.

11:08 PM BBT – Liz and Steve are just having a general conversation, Vanessa is in the diary room and John is in bed.

11:25 PM BBT – Steve is talking to himself in the HoH room. He questions if he should take Liz to the Final 2 if he wins the last HoH competition.

11:30 PM BBT – Steve, still talking alone, thinks John would take him over Vanessa if he was still in the game. He’s feeling confident that Vanessa will evict John no matter how he might try to sway her.

11:50 PM BBT – John and Steve talk. John says he doesn’t know what Vanessa will do. Steve wonders if she should campaign, but John is against that.

12:10 AM BBT – Steve is crying in the HoH room. He says he made a $500,000 mistake today when he let Vanessa talk him in to throwing the Veto comp. (Oh, Steve.) Steve admits he should have won it and used it on John to get Vanessa evicted. Steve is crying and saying he can not beat Vanessa at F2. He apologizes to his mom and says he chickened out on sending Vanessa to Jury.

12:20 AM BBT – Steve debates ideas on getting Vanessa to evict Liz. He believes if John does go to Jury then he’d campaign for him to win.

12:30 AM BBT – Steve goes downstairs and is crying to Liz. She comforts Steve and gives him encouragement. Vanessa comes in and tells Steve to go to bed.

12:45 AM BBT – HGs are back in bed, but though doesn’t stay there for long. Big day ahead.

If Vanessa talked her way in to winning this F4 Veto and securing herself a spot in the F3 then Steve has no one else to blame for this. He knows it too. We’ll have to wait and see when the Veto comp airs tonight. Right now though, things look very bad for John.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. You know what I cannot stand? The cattiness from Liz. She has to be the prettiest girl around…

    ” Liz talks about Victoria from last season not being pretty. She says she just cakes on makeup like Jackie does.”

    Honestly, why? How do people get their jollies off of putting others down like that. I think Jackie and Victoria are both pretty! Liz is just ugly because her personality makes her a monster.

      • FEAR is the strongest component to steering ham nature, not insecurity. Insecurity is fears, 3rd cousin. Liz has fear. Fear she doesn’t have the Witt to win knowledge, days comp. Steve us afraid of everything, which is why shelter at home by a good family. He has deff grown the most but that decision is sad. Vanessa used fear as the capitalist for most her manips’ all summer. Simple if you know what to look for in others.

      • Did he really grow? Or is he just more aware? Throwing a competition knowing the outcome if he did, then turning around to cry about it? Is that growth or still operating on fear?

        Hopefully leaving the game, he becomes less fearful.

      • Grow in social abilities and making friends. Also being more acertive. Fear never goes away in any of us. In tough people and smart people it constantly churns and changes its identy, hiding in new pathological gateways. It’s inate.

      • I disagree, fear does go away. Of course it requires work and self awareness but it can and does go away.

      • Nope. Ask any psychologist. Inate means genetically stored in your neurons. If fear went away, we wouldn’t exist and would have been wiped out by the cave men who all were eaten by mouthing lions. It can be worked on and (recognized) as such by your psyche in order to enable you toake a better choice. But never goes away. Even the pope is afraid on his death bed. Just not about death. Maybe he’s afraid his legacy will be forgotten, the city will fall to ruin, the apocalypse will come and hell.miss the second coming. Point is we sneakily stick it away somewhere else and pretend it isn’t there. Trust me. Even bill gates, hillary clinton, Obama, mother Teresa and other super well read self succeeding highly aware and intelligent superstars are scared of something.

      • I should have said fear of…. We will always have fear of something but not (always) the same fear. His fear of people like Vanessa may go away but with work. Of course there are other fears.

        The fear I had years ago is gone but others popped up. It wasn’t until I became a mother I became fearful of certain things/situation (that I would have shrugged off as being silly).

        For Steve, I hope he watch this season and work on his social skills and become less fearful of people like Vanessa. I am not sure he would ever overcome that fear.

      • Exactly. Me too, I had to over come the fear of being shy. IT made me internally sick. So one day I said I never want to feel this way again. And any time I feel it coming I’m going to get nuts and loud . Kind of like pinching ypurself. It worked and now I’m a narcissist lol. But.I learned it is so damn rltricky how it finds new ways subconscious ways even creative ways to show up, like you stated, in different situations. Agree

      • I hope so too! I hope he can look at the season and then see how he was used or bullied into doing her bidding and be able to slowly change those things to become a stronger person

      • Funny thing with the twins, they could have been “pretty” but when their inner starts to show on the outer, the less “pretty” they became. The same with Austin. He could have been a tall (dark) handsome man but instead he turned into Sasquatch, a troll, etc… and his Judas character din’t help him at all.

      • Yes! This is exactly the point I was getting at. I have found the ugliest of people become the most attractive when their personalities come through, and vice versa.

      • Yes!! But who is worst??? I think Vannessa just as bad if not worst then the twins and Austin!!! But saying that. She has two have Liz in f2 for her too win!!! Because they want vote for Liz. But if Liz gets vote out!! She want win. Because there will be 3 vote agains her before they even start voteing!! All they need is 2 more and she will lose. If she takes Steve. She has a god chance of not winning too. So she has too have Liz in F2. Because I don’t think Liz can get 3 more votes other then her sister and Austin. But I think Steve r John can get 2 votes with the twins and Austin agains Vannssa!!!! But she will vote John out and hope that her r Liz will when and take each other. But If I was Steve r Liz I wouldn’t take her at all. I think Steve will know that. But I don’t think Liz will. So she is hoping her r Liz will win. There is no way she is taking John and Steve with her in f3. She know if one of them wins she is out if she don’t win. So it’s goikng too be Steve and Liz and Vannssa in f3.

    • Unfortunately it’s human nature to be insecure. Without Austin there to “remind” Liz of how beautiful she is constantly, this is how she copes. Watch the chatters in the live feeds…a lot of them are just as bad.

      • A very good observation my friend… Let me take it a step further and bring the topic full circle –> Who makes Liz think that being pretty is important to begin with? Sadly people like US (and Austin) who drop anything and offer up everything to get attention from people like her. That’s why she spends her days planning which casting party her & her sister will go check out after their modeling shoot… Again, sadly it’s human nature at it’s…well…most human. We create the Liz’s & Julia’s of this world and though we don’t like what we see, 99% of the population forgets their moral outrage when they get a little bit of attention from ”the pretty girl.”

      • I dis agree, we didn’t create the monster that We see in Liz, her parents did. We don’t really know her, but based solely on what we have seen on BB, her actions speak directly to the environment in which she was raised. Privileged, entitled, sorority mean girl.

      • I agree with you and Matt. I am a strong believer that the way you were raised is how you turn into the person that you are. The twins parenting was clearly lacking in the self esteem department, either that or it gave them too much! The fact that they are the “mean girls” of the house I think says a lot about their environment outside the house.
        I used to have a friend who would consistently do the same things Liz does, and it took someone like me to tell her it is not okay for her to finally realize. If the twins influences and friends all partake in the snottiness and what not,they will never learn.
        Then again, we live in a society that is based on looks. As much as we try to deny it people tend to gravitate towards the “pretty” people. Shows like BB or Survivor would not be as popular among the “average” American if it wasn’t a bunch of good looking people on the show.
        While I would personally love to see 16 houseguests who are picked for their insides alone, I know it will never happen because ratings will not be as high.

        I am by no means condoning the behavior of the shallow houseguests, I just see what you guys are trying to say. As depressing as it is, I guess this is the world we live in heh

      • How very astute! It’s amazing!

        You can tell, just by viewing a person thrust into a completely unnatural environment and forced to compete against total strangers for a half million dollar prize, how she was raised by her parents!

        Really, really amazing! You must have written many books and given lectures your unbelievable powers of observation. Could you please direct me to some of your on line materials?

        I’m sure you’re VERY busy profiling many of the most dangerous people on the planet, but being that you have taken the time to grace us mere mortals with your wisdom, I hope that you can spare us just a few more minutes and share with us how you obtained such amazing powers of discernment.

      • Well I can tell you, as being a mother of 2 adult children and 4 grandchildren with one being a teenager that your home environment and attitudes of parents absolutely have a influence on how your children act in public. Nobody is perfect, never said I was but I have lived long enough to know that how you treat children from an early age has everything to do with how they act as adults. It’s not all about morals, it’s about teaching them to make difficult choices and being responsible for the choices you make and having a sense of accountability for your choices. I can only speak for myself and tell you that if Liz was my child, I would be embarrassed and humiliated, I would think I would have raised her better than to act such a way in public. And if you are not embarrassed for her, it speaks to what kind of parent you are. You never quit being a parent even after they become adults, if they trust your wisdom they will always come to you for advice. My adult children have not been perfect by no means, but I do believe there’s no way my children would act a immoral fool on TV just out of respect for their family. They may not win 500k but they will have their self respect in tact. That’s my opinion, like it or not I really don’t care. If you don’t want my opinion don’t ask. I won’t answer any response. Have a nice life.

      • A couple of points.

        YOU have no way of knowing how your 23 year old daughter will behave in a given situation.

        YOU have no way of knowing how Liz’s parents raised her.

        YOU said yourself that you are not perfect, yet you want to judge Liz AND her parents.

        Judge not, lest ye be judged.

      • I don’t know what my daughter would do behind my back, I said she would never go on a tv show and embarass her family and friends in public, I absolutely know that. I said we we’re not perfect. Why does everyone take an observation and turn it into a judgement. This generation wants everyone to be so PC but yet they are the most intolerant. Its okay for people to have an opinion different from yours.

      • First off Alyce, I am probably closer to your age than I am to “this generation”.

        Second, this has NOTHING to do with PC and everything to do with judgement.

        Finally, people are permitted to say or in this case, write whatever they want. Others are permitted to comment on said writings. You can have an opinion, but others are permitted to disagree.

        If you don’t want anyone to comment or disagree with your opinions, there is a simple solution.

        Don’t share your opinions on a public forum!

        YOURS is the new idea Alyce, (coming mainly from the fringes of American right wing thought) that somehow you are permitted to express whatever opinion you want and no one is permitted to challenge that opinion. If anyone does challenge your opinion, THEY are intolerant.

        It’s a nice little game, frankly I chose not to play. To quote one of the “great minds” of this Big Brother season,

        “Sorry, not sorry!”

      • I disagree on the parents creating Liz and Julia’s attitude. I have 3 girls and they were all treated the same. The oldest thrives on drama and is a narcissist. The other 2 are not. They avoid drama and their sister when she’s in one of her moods. She has said many times she’s the prettiest. I think friends and experiences create someone like that more than parents do.

      • Yes her parents have accountability in this… and so…do…we. The problem isn’t always ”somebody else”, and in this case, to simply say ”bad parents” is only a partial truth that negates our own responsibility in creating a society that says on public forums ”Yeah mean girls are horrible!” but then in our personal lives following them around like they are the Queen of the Nile… Like it or not, if we don’t want divas in our society, then we need to stop giving divas the attention they so easily get from us.

    • People who are truly happy with themselves don’t really worry about others’ looks. They see people for who they are and not what they look like.

      Those who are insecure, no amount of reassurance of “your’e the prettiest” would calm their insecurities, they need to do that for themselves. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest of them all?”

    • I agree. And times when the hair and make-up slip, she is not real pretty, in my opinion, either. Ooops I guess I just did the same thing by putting her down….but.

    • Really…all girls aren’t like that? I need to find these women. I don’t know if it’s just the age of social media or what, but it seems like women can’t leave behind that high school drama these days. Sure, they mature to a point, but they still talk bad about others behind their backs, friends and enemies alike.

      • I have noticed this trend, but I am happily not friends with girls like that…and I don’t think I am a girl like that LOL

    • I totally agree. Why does she, or any other pretty woman, find the need to sit around and bash others ?

    • That seems to be the smart move, I would think not wanting a single Austwin in the final three should be everyone’s priority.

      • Sending Liz 2 jury makes 3 votes against Vanessa. Keeping her in the game means only Austin and Julia are guaranteed to vote for Liz.

        Vanessa will evict JMac for sure. She missed him last eviction so it makes no sense to decide to keep him this time around.

    • she finally used her ‘math’ skills to evict Austin maybe she will use her math skills and figure out that taking Liz means that she already has 2 jury votes, I am hoping that fact alone will make her evict Liz, I am sure those with live feeds will see her do her usual and think it to death, but she looked like the cat’s meow last night on BBAD, BUT to get her to evict Liz they have to use the reverse psychology and get her to think it is her idea, she would not have it any other way

      • HighSnides makes the point above that evicting Liz means Austwins are all in the jury and bitter. Better to have two vote for Liz than to have 3 vote for JMac/Steve. I think she should absolutely take Liz to F2 if it’s up to her.

      • Agreed. Plus, Steve won’t take Liz, Liz will most likely not take Steve to F2 and Van will be at least in 2nd place.

    • I’m hoping. She was freaking out last night because Steve was talking to Liz. She was in bed and had to get up and go in there to see what they were doing, maybe she’ll get paranoid that their making a deal and vote Liz out.

  2. He has been on the block for 9 times! Is that a record or something? Sadly even cats only have nine lives, so yeah Vampire Dentist is toast.
    There is no way he’ll survive this, unless the BB God throws some curve balls, a twist or something. Come on, where’s the unexpected???

    • Nah, Victoria was on the block 9 times as well.. unless you count her eviction, then it was 10 times :P

      Queen Victoria! <3 :D

  3. If Steve threw the veto to Vanessa he doesn’t even deserve second place.he should just go home now.

    • It has to take a toll on his popularity. If he hadn’t saved Vanessa, he’d be wildly popular, I think.

      • :)
        I meant Steve missed out on a chance to be the Vanessa slayer and get a big feather in his cap for F2. I think his saving her by throwing the veto to her will hurt his popularity a lot.

      • Sorry I realized I used a dentist analogy for Steve… Meant to say something closer to ”His dance card will be full for quite some time” ;)

  4. If Steve really threw the veto, then this cast went from stupid to the most stupid cast ever. Still though, it makes me think Vanessa has to win if in the final 2. I mean to get someone to throw the veto at THIS point?

  5. Steve through the pov to Vanessa because he thinks he can beat her in final 2 and does not want to lose a jury vote by being the one to evict him. He wants Vanessa to evict him instead.

  6. These people are dumb if they take Liz to f2, she has a solid 2 votes already. Plus, she’s got a bunch of comp wins under her belt and has at least played the game. John has not made any big game moves except saving himself when he had to. Sure, he’s likeable, but essentially a useless player. Not deserving of the 500k (though def my favorite out of the 4), and I think this jury will see that no matter who he’s against in f2. Additionally, Steve is dumb to take Vanessa to f2, she’s a clear front runner no matter what Austin says. She’s won more comps than anyone and had a hand in every single person’s eviction even when she WASN’T HOH.

  7. Steve made a epic mistake,may end up being the worst in BB history,lord Vanessa is more powerful than we realized,to get him to do this so late in the game is really something!

    • I don’t think Van is that powerful at all, it’s that Steve is a weak scary wimp when it comes to women. Van saw that in Steve and used it to her advantage. I with all my heart believe that the women in Steve’s life will always run Steve because he is AFRAID of women. And believe you me, he is going to meet some Vanessa’s out side of this game called Big Brother, and if or when he does, hopefully he will run the other way. His best bet since he knows he made this major mistake is to talk to Van until he is green in the face, to save JMac, vote out Liz, he sticks with JMac by FINALLY MANNING UP and get Van ass out of there. That way Van will taste the medicine that Austin just tasted, BEING THAT CLOSE AND THEN GETTING EVICTED. And just like Austin, the look on Vanessa’s face will be priceless.

  8. I don’t know why any of them wouldn’t want to take John to the F2. If you can make the right speech, you can emphasize he was already evicted and while
    It’s tremendous to fight your way back to F2 after returning to the game, a player who hasn’t been evicted is more deserving of the win. But, you have to make it a convincing and not condescending speech to appeal to the jury, and I don’t think any of them are strong public speakers.

    That said, I’d I’m John I’m making my pitch to Vanessa for her vote saying “of course you’d beat me in F2!” and then reverse it and hope she comes up with the idea “on her own.”

    • I think Vanessa is only concerned about not winning the final HoH. John is clearly the best competition against her for the final comps. But she knows JMac will not take her to the final 2 so he has to go.

  9. If Steve had added a zero…Jmac would have been HoH and safe. Surely Steve wouldn’t have thrown veto then??? But he might have felt safe and seen it as a way to save Vanessa…instead of Jmac.

    He still could have kept her safe if he had won POV.
    He either let her talk him into that or he chickened out of making the decision who goes to Jury.

    For someone who thinks, he’s had too many of these errors in judgment. He was always going to be loyal to Vanessa.

    I knew his number looked wonky. I was thinking 3600 seconds which is an hour (10 eggs, some broken/dropped, over the rainbow). 601 seconds is 10 minutes)an egg per minute for Vanessa if she doesn’t drop any). Golly, I wish Steve had added that zero or said it out loud. Yet another mistake.

    Steve has played his own agenda (going with Vanessa to the end even if it means losing the prize himself) – even if I don’t like it. And I don’t like it. But it’s his game, not mine.

    • If there’s one thing Steve knows, it’s numbers. There is no way he would have made that mistake. He was obviously trying to convince them he got lucky to downplay his HoH abilities.

      • I think he did make a mistake. Doesn’t matter now but….
        Big diff between 10 mins and 100 minutes.
        No way he thought that comp only lasted 10 minutes. It was close to an hour.
        Anyone can have a blond moment. :)

        If he’s stealthy enough to “act” like he lucked out, he should be enough to ensure Jmac goes with him to F3. I just don’t buy it. Sorry. :)

      • But the right answer was something like 2000-2500 seconds. 6000 was nearly triple the amount of time in the comp. When you’re playing Price is Right rules, there’s no way you’re going to overshoot by 3x, when you know you can win by writing 1 second. People who go over, go over by very little because they’re trying to be exact. No one overshoots by 3x. It’s much safer to undershoot and hope you’re closest.

      • I get what you’re saying. But after that bonehead move to throw the veto (to Vanessa) –
        my opinion of Steve’s smarts plummeted. ;)

  10. Never throw a veto THIS late in the game. A supposed superfan doesn’t know this? Nobody has to like Vanessa but honestly she is controlling the house and should win. Bottom line. They have given her the game. Austin should have seen it coming and targeted her before he left. He had the votes.

    • If Steve threw the veto it is not because Vanessa is controlling the house, it is because he is too immature to play the game. How could anyone throw the F4 veto? That is a remarkably stupid mistake if Steve actually did throw it. It is another example of Vanessa’s luck in this game.

  11. If Vanessa votes out John, and saves Liz .. she may be able to redeem herself with her former Sixth Sense Jury Alliance votes, should she make it to F2 ??
    Over the weekend, while chatting with JMac .. she realized that she would not likely be taken to F2 by JMac/Steve nor LIz/Austin and felt that Austin was the bigger physical comp threat in the F2/F3 endurance comp .. and, hedged her bets …
    As it stand, JMac now would be the strongest threat in a physical / endurance .. while Steve would be the stronger on the mental side of things .. but, at least Vanessa has 50:50 shot against either Liz / Steven in the F3 .. while JMac may pose more of a threat to her, both in the physical and mental comps remaining ??
    So, yeah, by voting out JMac .. Vanessa would have single-handedly destroyed the two remaining couples that entered this week .. LizTwin and JMac/Steve …

  12. Wow if Steve threw the POV to Van then he’s a super moron of epic proportions. Now Van appears to be guaranteed a spot in the finals as it would be stupid for Steve to take Liz who already has 2 jury votes, while I doubt Liz would take Steve since he sent Julia packing when the sisters were on the block.

    • momma van controls steve in a unbelievably bizarre way. they both need help. van is abusive and steve is immature.

      • Vanessa is a bully and she plays mind games with them. I thought about what would I do.. it would be near impossible to put her on the block or back door her and then have to endure all the crying and crazy talk from her until eviction day. The best way to get rid of her and keep your sanity would be a double eviction. I sure hope she doesn’t win. And when the other HG’s find out she’s a millionaire and doesn’t really need the money they will kick themselves. People like James or Meg or Jason.. they could’ve used the money to make a difference in their own lives.. Its maddening to me. I hope Vanessa gets kicked out and doesn’t go to the end. but it doesn’t look likely.

      • —it would be near impossible to put her on the block or back door her and then have to endure all the crying and crazy talk from her until eviction day.—

        It wouldn’t be impossible for me. It shouldn’t be impossible for you.

        Every tear, every bit of crazy talk, every attempted manipulation would make me picture my loved ones’ faces and just how meaningful that $500,000 prize would be to their futures’.

      • Van is playing a GAME for a half million dollars.

        If I were playing, I would use every possible means of manipulation that was available to me in order to win the game.

        Anyone who didn’t use ALL means available doesn’t deserve to win the game.

  13. This shows us yet another casting mistake for this season. Steve does not belong in the BB house. How can someone at this stage throw a veto comp because he is afraid to evict someone else?

    BB needs to pick HGs who are closer to 35 than 25. People like Steve, who is clearly a momma’s boy, does not have the emotional fortitude to play the game. Being afraid to evict Vanessa who treats him like some kind of trained monkey is a sign of a serious lack of spine.

      • he’s emotionally immature. not stupid. vanessa has been abusing him emotionally this whole game. sickens me to watch he win this game. what a rotten individual, she is. I guess that’s what you need in high stakes poker with other sharks but it’s not ok to do this to Steve.

      • Good call Random Guy!

        Vanessa is now abusing and manipulating viewers in order to make them watch!

        Is there no bottom to the depth that Vanessa will go to win this game!

        Maybe her real objective is to take over the world.

        What should we do tonight Vanessa?

        Why the same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world!

      • “Vanessa is now abusing and manipulating viewers…” oh come on….the two of you (random and wtp) are trying to fight a point that wasn’t even being made. The manipulation bubba is talking about was between Vanessa and STEVE. And yes, she did manipulate and abuse Steve. Whether you believe this to be fair game play or not, is for you to decide. But no statement was ever made about her manipulating viewers.

  14. If Steve wins and Vanessa tells him she should have won and he needs to sign the check over to her, he would. Dumb move!!!!

    • He might view it as helping out his friend. Poor, misguided guy. As painful as it’d be, he has to see the truth so he can grow and thrive in the future and deal with his lesson learned. I just don’t know that he’ll live to regret it. Don’t think he’ll get it. Hope he does but….

      He latched onto her, loyal to a fault – meaning it’s no longer a virtue but seemingly dysfunctional. Maybe deprogramming?

      So frustrating.

  15. Johnny stumped Vanessa because he’s ambivalent to fear. He’s got a little crazy in him. Austin knew this and Vanessa knew Austin knew this. When she said she can’t read mac so well its because he isn’t scared. Doesn’t give a true-sh*&.

  16. If Steve truly threw the veto, this is the EXACT reason why they need to stop casting so many younger HGs. Get some folks that are in their 40’s and 50’s. They are the smart ones who would have a brain NOT to do this. They would also not let someone like Vanessa influence them. Steve is an idiot and doesn’t deserve to call himself superfan.

  17. Makes you wonder if people on the outside who know Vanessa personally, are wondering about conversations they had with her. Like, going out to eat but somehow whatever they wanted to eat got changed to what Vanessa wanted to eat. Haha If it didn’t go her way I wonder if she cried about it.

    • I don’t understand why no one can say no to vanessa. I’d look at her and say put those tears away, they are fake and don’t work on me.

      • Unfortunately for us, I think the HGs that would have stood up to her were evicted too early so we missed out on seeing that possibility.

      • Jason and DaVonne would have put here in her place. I wish they’d bring back Jason for an all star show

      • You dance with the people that brought you.

        Vanessa may have had to play a different game if different people were still in the house.

        To whine and wish for “Mama Day” or Jason to save you from Vanessa is fairy tale thinking.

        They were both TERRIBLE players.

  18. What we also learned from this season, and last to a certain extent, is how much a few really bad players can change the entire game. This season there was just a small number of people who actually know the game. Others were just lost and their poor decision making hurt the game.

  19. Maybe Steve doesn’t care about the money?
    Another HoH win for his F2 resume and he saves the mastermind by throwing her the veto. That won’t look good on his resume at the end IF he makes it that far.

    Personally Steve is my least favorite HG this year now.
    You don’t bring a hungry wolf to a sheep parade.
    No one will give you votes for guts or “integrity” for bringing your dj/stereo/whatever alliance partner (since she’s everyone’s alliance partner), whatever that was called (I forget).

    I’m sure he’s happy with his choice. Good for him.
    I can’t pull for him now. If I pull for anyone, it’s Liz at this point. I never liked the twin twist, I never wanted them both in the house, but Liz can win comps and at this sensitive moment for me (ha ha), she is the least obnoxious (can’t say most appealing). Steve must be taught a lesson and Vanessa doesn’t need my support. Lol

    • I can’t root for Liz. As much as I dislike Vanessa, Liz is annoying because of the Austin hookup. Had they kept Julia (which they should have done), I would have rooted for her (only if John was evicted). If John is evicted. then I feel it will be just like BB15. I couldn’t stand any of the last 3 remaining HGs at the end of that season either.

      • I’m just sick.

        IF Vanessa saves Jmac, I’m still mad at Steve. But I sure don’t see that happening.

  20. Interesting, to note that during BBAD this morning .. while Vanessa and Stever were chatting … since he is the HOH and she now the POV winner …
    Vanessa actually opened up to him about being a Professional Gambler, etc …
    So, now that she has secured F3 … no real need to be all paranoid and emotional now .. and, she was actually appeared to be quite pleasant and calm, similar to when she was HOH and read the letter from her Gal …
    Perhaps, the real Vanessa, make actually be coming out, albeit in the final week .. Though, I suspect now, it may be more Jury Management, etc …

    So, yeah, I suspect that she is continuing to plan for the future with a F2 deal with Steve … regardless of who may be left standing between Liz and John this week ??

  21. OMG, Vanessa put him, she chose sides with her last HOH, how can he throw the veto to her, He and John should have remained loyal they are the better match to make to the end, he is a jerk and now if John goes there isn’t anyone I want to win…

  22. This outcome, now I am not sure who to vote for for AFP, James or John. If John is not in the F2, I don’t care who wins.

  23. Vanessa will win this game because she kept steve from being a goblin. if steve flips the house, then van doesn’t make the f4 or f3. Of course she had to mentally abuse steve to do it.

    • Lets not forget, she was the reason Jace went home, too! Can’t forget that! lol. I find her style of gameplay really annoying, but my god, she’s fantastic at it.

      • She’s good with this group for sure.
        Even after they figured her out,
        They kept drinking the Koolaid
        and asking for permission to have more.

      • she’s doing the whole poker thing on them, she’s teaching them the game they are so eager to learn and then shows them, teacher always wins

  24. Vanessa gets to decide who comes or goes. She should save Johnny Mac with the best of 3 HOHs coming up. Liz is a tougher competitor than Johnny Mac.

    • And she’s absolutely crazy if she thinks Liz would take her to final 2.

      But, as we’ve seen all season, Vanessa is beyond crazy AND she can convince just about anyone to do whatever she wants, so who knows.

  25. Lord Steve is more damaged than i realized,this is a 12 year old boy we have been watching this summer,not a day older.

  26. Steve, you messed up man. No one to blame but yourself. I can’t believe you threw the veto comp. so stupid.

    • What you see is 12 year old boy having a meltdown,he just doesn’t have any adult coping skills period.

  27. Steve is crying in the HoH room. He says he made a $500,000 mistake today when he let Vanessa talk him in to throwing the Veto comp. (Oh, Steve.) Steve admits he should have won it and used it on John to get Vanessa evicted. Steve is crying and saying he can not beat Vanessa at F2. He apologizes to his mom and says he chickened out on sending Vanessa to Jury.
    This is why Steve does not deserve to win anything. This is not about him betraying JMac, it’s about him being a baaaaad player because he has a “mommy” complex.
    He talks to himself all the time for us fans, and does none of what he knows is good for him. I’m soooo over Steve. Vanessa is going to be final 2, and she should be at this point. I don’t like her, but that is no reason for her to lose the game. She played the best game. Steve’s sniveling ass is too hard to watch. Van will probably take Liz to F2. They will have to put Steve in the hospital for sure if that happens.

    • Totally agree with you. Vanessa has played the best game and deserves the win. If she makes it to F2..I hope the jury is not a bunch of jealous and bitter babies like Steve.

    • Yeah I don’t buy his crying act anymore than I buy Vanessa’s. He always cam talks one thing and does another. He’s full of it.

      I agree. Vanessa deserves, at this point, to be in F2, and I hope Liz is with her. I don’t want to necessarily see 2 women finalists. I’m mad at Steve and don’t want him there. Yes, I’d rather see Liz than Steve in F2 now.

      If Vanessa really wants BB “glory”, she’ll take Steve to be the first woman to win sitting in F2 against a man. If she does, I’ll root for her. Ok, that’s a little strong. I’d RATHER she win. I don’t think I can watch. I roll my eyes when people get upset and say they’ll quit watching because they’ll calm down. But I’ll probably have to read it here on the best BB blog there is. :) I just don’t think I can watch it. I’ll miss the jury but I just don’t want to see it (right now).

  28. Steve calls himself a superfan,but he does not use his knowledge to his benefit. Why in the HE## is he playing Vanessa game for her? I don’t get. So what if she gets angry and stalks around the house like a big crybaby? You came on the show to win $500K, not $50K. Steve will realize when the game is over that Vanessa only kept him in the game because she could control him. Steve has been a major disappointment.

    • I don’t doubt how difficult the game is – I can’t do it. But as a viewer, I’m very disappointed in Steve.

  29. I wonder how Steve’s mother is feeling? Is she placing the blame on herself, “I should have..”, “maybe if I didn’t baby him…”. Or is she feeling she should be their to rescue him, save him from the “bad people”? Is she feeling “he needed this to toughen up”? He may need to take some more time off school to recover from this.

    Vanessa was a tough lesson but a lesson he needed to learn, their are mean adults…

  30. I would love for the producers to make a change for BB18…….have a money incentive NOT TO THROW COMPS. Sorry, but if JMac is evicted due to a thrown comp. it would be poetic justice, he was a comp. thrower earlier in the season and now it might come back to bite him in his butt.

    • Actually, I kinda of had the same thought except that it is now a rule that you may Not throw a comp … Ever. Okay, you do your thing, fall off in 3 seconds, whatever… The comp moves along. Someone had also mentioned that the HGs were not to tell which person is going on the block and/or who will be targeted for eviction? Whichever … Strictly enforce this rule moving on to other seasons. I think this will be more stressful for the HGs and great entertainment for us.

  31. By keeping Liz, Van would only be up against 2 sure votes. Bye Steve. If she can, you’re going. Van always wanted to go to the end with Julia, but Liz will do. Who in the HELL throws any comp at F4? I know JMac is going tonight, but the girls are going to kick Steve out next I believe, and Van is going to have Liz do the dirty work. He’s so pathetic with his issues, that I would normally feel sorry for him, but he beats up on himself enough for his stupidity. Shades of Marcellus. I won’t even comment on Liz calling the other ladies ugly after what we have seen her do knowing we were all watching. And… who really cares about Steve’s secret?

    • Those 2 locked votes are huge, so I think Van takes Steve if she has the choice. Put Liz in the jury and maybe the locked votes go her way. It just depends on the jury, sometimes they stupidly vote out of spite instead of who the best player was/is.

  32. Steve is a superfan of this show. Hey Steve, you NEVER throw a comp during the last few days of the game. C’mon! Just watched a little of his crying jag in the HOH BR..I don’t feel sorry for him at all. Vanessa is a master manipulator.

  33. Annnnnnnnnd ONCE AGAIN, Steve shows that he is completely gutless. After this display, I honestly don’t even want to see him make F2, because he doesn’t deserve a dime for playing so gutless.

    • I can’t imagine. He knows Liz will take Van over him. Jmac would def have taken him. Steve, you made a mistake.

  34. Well if Vanessa wins this game it will just solidify what everyone has know for a while now. Nobody, not even Steve can be that stupid. C’mon you gotta be kidding me.

  35. — Right now though, things look very bad for John.—

    Really? I can’t understand why! I mean you ALL said that JMac should evict Austin. It was the RIGHT move.

    Could it be that JMac picked the WRONG house guest to evict last night? No, it couldn’t be that! All of the geniuses (including YOU Matthew) said that EVERYONE has to take out the showmance!

    If JMac had evicted Steve, he very well may have won the HOH, assuring himself a spot in final three.

    But let’s not look at it that way, maybe Austin would have won that comp.

    With a final four of Austin, Liz, Vanessa and JMac, even if JMac would have lost both the HOH AND veto, he still would have been pulled to final three by ANY combination of the remaining house guests!

    The rabid hatred of Austin/Liz and Vanessa displayed by most of this forum and pandered to by you, Matthew, blinded people to the reality of JMac’s best play.

    It’s laughable that some people actually thought that JMac was playing a great game! The ONLY reason he is still in the game is that Vanessa saw fit to use him as a tool, a showmance extraction tool. Now that the showmance has been extracted, Vanessa can put JMac into her tool box. I believe she calls her tool box “jury house”.

  36. Spoiler allert: next seasons HG’S
    1. Dr. House
    2. A professional con man.
    3. An undercover DEA agent
    4. A high class professional elite Hooke!#
    5. Ghandi
    6. Mike Tyson
    7. Oj’s legal team
    8. Vlad Putnan
    9. Deffinately Bull Clinton
    A few more &
    15. Vanessa

    • And if I knew him, he’s locking up his, julias, james and megs, jackies votes against her for sure and Becky is a possibility against but I doubt it. Remember austin persuaded all hg’s to keep him off the block for 34 nominations. No easy task unless ypu good at it. He’s absolutely hated, cool bit he has more than people see. And he was rigjt. With h there V had 3/4 the security going to final 3. Without 1/3rd. She got lucky and won and then there’s steve and all your accurate statements recently. To me people made a bigger deal out of the showmance after final 5. It was all the same to me. Showmance are a big deal earlier usually. Hey, I donoooooo

    • Do you think Austin really meant that, or was he just saying it to make John and Steve think it was true? I couldn’t tell.

  37. I hope Vanessa is worried about what Austin said in his tantrum on his way out “you will never win! Mark my words, you are DONE! Vanessa, DONE!!!!” “You dare to mess with Judas? I will make sure that’s your last mistake, DONE! I Tell you, DONE!” and vote out Liz and take her chance with Steve and John. She could blame Austin’s eviction on John and Julia’s on Steve…. I could see Austin convincing others to vote for Liz over Vanessa if they are in the final two. It is not going to take a lot of convincing with Jackie, James, and Becky, maybe even Meg.

    • Doubt she’s worried about what Asstin spewed on his way out. I think Vanessa probably feels she has enough votes to beat any of the 3 left, and she probably felt that with Asstin too. I think if she wins her way into F2 or is taken there, she does have enough votes. Bitter or not, she would still probably have the win if she’s in f2.

    • Van wasn’t worried about the talk Julia had with John on her way out.
      Those are very minor details in the big picture scheme.

    • I said this in a previous thread, Austin is going to Jury House with a CD and they will see/hear how his eviction went down. Then you can imagine Austin’s follow-on discussion about Van’s gameplay throughout the season … He might be the one bad apple that will (successfully?) sour the jury regarding their Van votes. hmmm.

    • A few times they brought back good ones…like Jeff and Jordan, or Janelle. If I ever see Brenchel again it will be too soon.

    • Especially in his case, I hate that CBS is rewarding his horrible behavior. He stalked and threatened a woman on his season, so they put him on Survivor and bring him back to BB17? Totally unacceptable.

  38. Well vanessa, we don’t like watching you this season so please don’t come back playing big brother you’re not a favorite! And Liz, Jackie and Victoria are pretty and have their own beauty, you’re pretty but beauty wise not a fan!

  39. Be dope if Steves hitch came back tomorrow, ypu know the one where his ET physique tilts to the rt and on the back of his blue cookie monster hoodie was stitched team Vanessa.

    • Omg! Too stinkin’ funny! I am in such disbelief that he is such a dumb-ass throwing veto. I told Crystal (above) that I’ve been defending Steve as he’s not so much stupid, but socially inept. NOPE! He’s a dumb-ass! I can’t quite explain my feeling of disappoint about Steve; it’s like supporting a politician you totally believe in, then they say/ do something out of left field and you’re standing there holding your woodie … Or something like that; I don’t have a woodie unless we’re talking about golf clubs. So frustrated! Ugh!

  40. I wish they would flip houses with the part of the jury. With some kind of comp that would pick 4 jurors to come in and swap with these four HGs. Like maybe Steve gets a Pandora’s box or a button to push.

  41. If I recall, this past BB Canada … each of the F2/F3 HG’s had to select one or two Jury Members that would have their votes null and void in the Grand Finale ???

    • Just one. The number of jurors was even (10) so the final twist of the season was to cut one of them loose.

  42. Vanessa has two options; keep Liz and have a guaranteed $50,000 no more no less because she would lose to both Steve and Liz but both would take her. OR keep John and have a 50/50 shot at getting the half million. John would definitely take her because anyone next to Steve loses, so he would take Vanessa and it would be a split jury deciding who gets first place, really not sure who would win but probably Vanessa. Steve might take John leaving Vanessa with nothing but John and Vanessa have 2/3 chance of winning HOH so I would definitely take those odds instead.

    • Omg! Can you imagine! Late one night, the brenchel baby is crying. Brendon leaps out of bed, gets a wet, cool wash cloth, comes running back to bed and puts the cloth on Rachel’s forehead. Rachel wakes up and screams: what are you doing … It’s not me, it’s the baby. Brendon: Oh sorry Honey, I couldn’t tell the difference.

    • twitter post indicated that she just told him if he wanted to drop out of next round he could that she would have no problem with him doing so…

  43. I just hate how he does things and then cries about them….like Vanessa. One minute he’s in the HOH being cocky, fast forward a few minutes and he’s crying.

    • Bill, Steve will get $50,000. Vanessa was way to smart for him and everyone in the house. If anyone really believes Austin was mad and told Vanessa she will never win, then they are real suckers, like Steve. That was said by Austin to get her to the F2 because the dummies in the house will believe she will not win. Vanessa knows she is going to win. It’s a done deal. By telling a great lie to dummy Julia she wants to start a business with her, that’s all b.s. to get her vote. So if she has Julia’s vote she has Liz’s vote. If she has Liz’s vote she has Austin’s vote. Then of course she has James’s vote because he is a moron. And Meg will follow. Shelli will vote for her. Game, Set, Match for Vanessa if no one can see this clearly then they just don’t understand reality shows. And as Dr. Will said on Season two, if you don’t understand reality TV maybe you don’t understand reality. Now let’s all raise our glasses to the first Lesbian winner of Big Brother U.S. as we did last year in Big Brother Canada. Lesbians are the best liars and manipulators. Peace out.

      • That’s why I said she was married “at one point”. They actually divorced before he died from cancer, very sad. Good looking man too!

      • She is full on Lesbian now with a very good looking woman. Believe me I was once married but when I met Michele I could never be with a man again. Most men bore me. I know this is the way Vanessa feels. It must have been murder dealing with all those boring men and that momma’s boy Steve who is really strange.

      • You’ve taken this to a weird and unnecessary place. This is Big Brother, a social experiment that mandates you spend time with a house with fellow Americans from all walks of life. If Vanessa considered that “murder” then she shouldn’t have signed up.

      • Apparently she was way too smart for him and SOME people in the house. But that’s like saying a monkey trainer controls his monkeys because he is way to smart for them. You simply cannot give credit to Vanessa because Steve threw the F4 POV. That has to be one of the dumbest moves in BB history. It is incredible luck that for Vanessa that Steve slipped up like that.

        Vanessa has been the beneficiary of dumb moves by a number of players for weeks now. It goes back to when Clay and Shelli were on the block and they refused to throw her under the bus to save themselves. Had they done what was necessary and also smart for their game, Vanessa would have been evicted the week before jury with no chance of returning. As luck would have it, Shelli and Clay decided saving Vanessa was more important than saving themselves.

      • For such a “super fan” how does Steve even give thought to throwing the F4 veto comp???? With that around your neck YOU are in control and as HOH you run the show the way you want to.

    • I couldn’t agree more, it’s been set for her to win since the beginning. It’s absurd how she magically gets herself out of any dangerous situation by literally asking someone to throw her something and they do it without batting an eye.

      • Yea it’s stupid. And if she does have a new show on cbs then she should not be allowed to even compete

      • Crystal: I think I wrote something to you in another thread about an hour ago regarding Steve and kinda of defending him that he is not stupid! Okay, I am now begging your forgiveness – YES, Steve is stupid. I had not read these hi-lights until minutes ago and I am Sickened – how Do you throw veto at this stage? Good for Steve being upset; hope you develop a peptic ulcer over it dumb-ass. Com’on, we all have enough common sense to look both ways before crossing the street; this is not Rocket Surgery …. Jeeeee-Zuuus-ah!

      • It breaks my heart that John is going home tonight all bc Steve doesn’t have a spine. I can’t believe he would throw his entire game away without batting an eye, oh wait the show is rigged for Vanessa to win, I keep forgetting.

      • 1,000,000 pct agree about John. We could have gotten more great entertainment with him on board. When John cast his vote last night, I sat up, slapped the couch and screamed YES! (My poor dog got startled and scooted behind the couch!) I’ve had so many ‘oh, wait’ moments with these HGs, that I am now constipated. Oops, TMI!

  44. “Vanessa says she’d come back and play Big Brother again” mmm… how about no! Vanessa maybe has one of the best strategic gameplays, but her social skills are terrible and that makes of her (like a player) one of the most unlikable houseguests.

    • I’d like to see her back with some tough ass players that would get in her face, put her on the first block and evict her! Maybe that would permenantly shut her down. Then sayonara to any published book strategy she may have out there at the time!

      • It could be great see Becky taking she out of the game in a new season (like Becky’s revenge hahaha), or another strong houseguest of past seasons (Derrick, Shelli, Ian, Nick, Nicole, Cody, JMac or the aforementioned Becky).

      • I hope that the producers bring back Becky for a new season, she is one of the best players of this season.

  45. WAIT, Steve threw the veto because Vanessa asked him to? Did that really happen? Screw him, I hope he loses. What a stupid move.

  46. Liz is so stuck up ! She has no right to call anyone ugly but her personality sure is ! I wish Van would evict her but i don’t see that happening.

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