Big Brother 17: Who Went Home Last Night? Live Eviction Show Results

Last night on Big Brother 17 another Houseguest was eliminated and sent to the Jury House followed by four surviving players battling it out for control while the outgoing Head of Household watched from the sideline as his fate could be decided.

Julie Chen hosts Nolan eviction on BB17
Julie Chen hosts Nolan eviction on BB17 – Source: CBS

The Twins Twist wraps up this week with Julia and Liz Nolan remaining as this round’s final nominees vying for the majority of three votes to stay. But as this pair of noms is no normal situation, neither was their campaigning. Both sisters petitioned for the other to stay, but the decision came down to which of them had the better shot of winning her way to the end. We’ll soon see if they made the right choice.

Ready to find out who goes to Jury and who takes control next? Stick with us for our live recap right now for the latest BB17 results. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates.

There’s been some interesting angles presented by CBS tonight like them suggesting this week’s eviction was decided by Vanessa. Not at all. She’s rolling with the punches this week but it definitely wasn’t her pick to get Liz out over Julia. But on the plus side the HGs all got video messages from home during tonight’s live show.

Only three votes this week as Austin, John, and Vanessa go inside the Diary Room and cast their vote against either Liz or Julia.

Big Brother 17 Week 11 Votes:

  • Austin votes to evict Julia
  • Vanessa votes to evict Julia
  • That’s enough votes.
  • John votes to evict Julia

Julia Nolan was evicted 3-0, as expected. She’s off to join the Jury.

Steve will have to sit out this competition and hope for a win from John or maybe Vanessa for his first chance at safety. Having eventually targeted all three of the Austwins there’s little chance that he won’t be their top pick if they regain power this week.

Big Brother 17 Week 12 HoH Competition – “Under The Rainbow”:

  • HGs must work 10 eggs through the chicken wire to the other side. This could take awhile.
  • Yes! You can watch this right now on the Live Feeds.
  • We have the results ofwho won HoH comp tonight.

Once tonight’s episode ends we’ll be jumping back on the Live Feeds to continue watching our final weeks of the Big Brother season. You can jump on now and get one free week of Feeds.

BB17 wraps up on September 23, 2015 with a 90-minute season finale following the debut of Survivor 2015. One of these remaining five Houseguests will walk away with a half-million dollars.



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  1. So here’s my big mystery of the evening… What will be more drawn out and poorly acted than it needs to be: The departure of one of the twins, OR, the UNDER THE DOME finale? Tough call because so many of us have been looking forward to both all season long. ;)

      • Yup, which is why I mentioned it’s the finale… it’s been advertised for weeks now (probably so they could take the night off and watch Big Brother themselves). ;)

      • Yup, definitely! I can’t tell you how many people LOVED that show (like I did) in the first season, then…what the heck happened?!! It’s like they fired all the writers and replaced them with first year college interns (only to find out the interns were at CBS for computer engineering)! ;)

  2. Expecting: Julia to be evicted.
    Hoping: Liz to be evicted.

    Expecting: Van, Liz or Austin to win HOH.
    Hoping: John to win HOH.

      • Expect the predictable should be the new slogan. It’s been years since anything unexpected has happened. Unlike BB Canada season 2. Now that’s a show. Big moves all the time, twits that actually matter and get you excited. It’s more fun and much less drama. Try to check that out if you can. I’d love to watch S.#3 of bbca with someone. Whens the last time BB made America HOH? Canada does cool things like that to shake it up. Unlike our sorry ass seasons lately.

    • JMac winning I think is the only way Austiz gets put up again next time. Vanessa would put up Steve and John, BD Liz. Austiz would put up Steve and John too, BD Van. They will stick to her “condition” I think of not noming her up front, but that’s it.

      • Or maybe Van would not BD Liz if she didn’t have to. Liz and Austin wouldn’t use veto, Steve and John obviously would. Van may not either.

      • Austwins want Steve and then Vanessa gone. Vanessa wants Liz gone. Who knows what anyone will do.

      • Vannesa would put up one of each side I would think. Telling each they were a pawn. Then you f veto is won, she still has one from each side to put up, and in a tie vote, she gets to decide her final fate.

  3. So, I’m confused about this week. Are there two evictions, one on Monday to be shown on Tuesday’s show, and one on Thursday?

  4. Thought Steves not so graceful ballerina fall would be the laugh track tonight instead of Julia pretending to be Judas.

  5. I only care about the vote. If these dummies keep Liz, my head will explode. On a lighter note, Jmac didn’t shout in POV; no headache yet.

  6. Go Johnny Mac and win your first HOH tonight. Otherwise, you and Steve will be on the chopping block. Go big, go home time!

  7. Oh, Julie. No es bueno, lady… What is happening? BB is just crazy TOP TO BOTTOM this week, guys. T to B…

  8. They should know how popular Vampire Dentist is … if they put 2 and 2 together and don’t get 5 like Clay Bae.
    Jessie called him Johnny Mac and even on family message it’s written Johnny, not John. It’s the term of endearment.

  9. WTF? My friend’s son started kindergarten yesterday and didn’t weep like that. Was hoping to see Austin’s girlfriend.

  10. So with eviction next Wed instead of Thursday
    Are they having POV ceremony Sunday instead of Monday? I should know that.

  11. I cannot deal. Can CBS keep the money? No one deserves the money. Another week of the slobbering. They could’ve broken up twins and a showmance in one shot and they vote out the worst player in the joint.

  12. Well as always the opposite of what they say happens again. Bye Julia. Just bring on the hoh at this point i don’t care who wins. I just want to know cause i been watching from the beginning.

  13. I’m not surprised Julia went but hopefully whoever wins HOH next is not Austin because we know who he will put up for sure ! Vanessa is a wild card and you never know with her ! My main pick for HOH is John !

      • Yeah, but it did like he was joking, KNOWING she wouldn’t figure he was serious or not. She took it well, just like he was joking. LOL, she can be a dunce.

        He should have added “And I think you’re prettier than Liz”, then shut his mouth.

  14. I hope that if Liz win the next HoH comp (I’m rooting for JMac) she put Vanessa on the block.

  15. Julie DOES need to fire her stylist. She’s a native NYer like ne; she can do better. I pants need to be shorter black strappy heels, lose the sweater, loosen the the shirt and hair, add a Y necklace. Boom. Easy.

  16. CBS has already decided Vanessa is going to win. Won’t be watching BB anymore. What a waste of time this season.

    • It’s really damn if she wins damn if she loses.
      If she wins, it’s fixed/rigged.
      If she loses, CBS gets scared of all the accusation so they make her lose.

      • She’s worked to hard and has stooped to trying to pay people, Bible beating…she was paranoid about production. I don’t think it’s an entire fix. And, she is kind of an effing in there. ALLLL business. CBS wouldn’t commit freud on that level for her; it stupid.

      • Omg. It’s gossip. And if it’s not, who cares. It’s a show called Big Brother as in ‘nothing up to chance’ and ‘we are in control’. Like in the book 1984 by Orwell. That’s where that phrase comes from. Pssst… Reality tv shows aren’t documentaries.

    • Totally agree. It’s so predictable i never saw anything like this stupid season. I’m Just gonna wait till the 23 to c who won. (Vanessa ) this show is soooo draining.

  17. Vanessa’s gf was very attractive. Idk how she puts up with Vanessa’s personality,hopefully she’s calmer @ home

  18. Saving Liz was a stupid move Vanessa should have never saved Austin or Liz now her butt will get evicted next

  19. Did Austin just ask to be on The Bold and The Beautiful? Such a famewhore. Dude, you are no Donny and your showman is not Brenchel’s or nothing close to Jeff and Jordan.

  20. After tonight spectacle, I hope Austin or Liz win HOH. Those 2 idiots new it was better to evict Liz and didn’t. I hope she or her hubby get Vanessa and Johnny Mac (adamia) out. Those 2 are real idiots.

  21. Whats up??? Fish has been on awhile Hope the results were in question. Maybe Vanessa had a couple of cracked eggs

  22. So at final four, V is on the sidelines, that is the good news of it.
    Then she should be taken out, let her taste victory so close then take it away

  23. What. Why.
    I thought Steve had saved this season by putting up Austin and Liz, then Julia when Austin won PoV.
    Then they send Julia home?! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

  24. Ok the evening’s done and the verdict is in… Big Brother was a bit of a let down, but man oh man, for those saying it’s the worst thing on tv… you obviously missed the finale of Under The Dome! How can CBS survive back to back bombs like that tonight?

    • People are hating on the season with the mob mentality like the Joker says in The Dark Knight. People are puppets. The Austwins and V controlled the season and we’re loathed by America so…..ergo the season sucks. Think people. Damn. Personally I love the villians and Antihero’s. My little take

      • I’m right there with you – I think an evil player is EXACTLY what the producers hope for each season. Where I would agree this season is lacking is this season has too good of a mixture between ”good” and ”evil” attributes alongside the mixing of ”producing” and ”unproductive” players. This of course forces the masses to create their own hero and villains from the current troupe even though they don’t fit the archtype…

  25. Hopefully Vanessa will nominate Austin and Liz (I know, fat chance). Steve wins Veto and doesn’t use it. Austin is sent to jury. John wins next HOH. Nominates Vanessa and Liz. Liz wins Veto and removes herself from block. John nominates Steve. Vanessa goes to jury. Final 3 ~ John, Liz, Steve.

  26. Hopefully Vanessa will nominate Austin and Liz (I know, fat chance). Steve wins Veto and doesn’t use it. Austin is sent to jury. John wins next HOH. Nominates Vanessa and Liz. Liz wins Veto and removes herself from block. John nominates Steve. Vanessa goes to jury. Final 3 ~ John, Liz, Steve.

  27. Not going to lie, the speech Liz made was really great and was sweet but when Julia said “I’m going to make this short and sweet” and then started it off by saying “all our lives” I was like oh brother

    • You know everyone hates her for being ctty etc…but lately I seen a real mind numbing lying goofy side to her and of the remaining guests she entertains me the most hands down. Why Mac keeps his talent to the DR and Voting cuts is good for his game maybe but not fun moping around thehouse. Regardless it’s cool. But Julia cracks me up and you all know you never know what’s gonna blurt out of that mouthuuuuuuuaaaaH. I’m sad

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