Big Brother was back last night for the next eviction where either Becky Burgess or Jason Roy was sent packing and the remaining Houseguests saw that spot replaced with the completion of the completely exposed and spoiled Twin Twist.
Yes, everyone in the house was expecting Julia to soon set foot in the game and she got to do that last night as the Sixth Sense alliance strengthened their hold on the game. Could a power shift be in our future? Let’s hope so for some added excitement.
YES! Julie confirms it’s an endurance competition tonight with only ONE Head of Household. Battle of the Block is at least done for the week. Grab your Live Feed Free Trial right now & be ready to watch!
Four straight weeks of Vanessa Rousso and Shelli Poole trading off control has left the house lopsided and the underdogs know they have to ramp things up if they want to stick around much longer.
Tonight is the chance and the pressure is on for a big Head of Household competition including high stakes for Austin who has been promised a kiss from Liz if he wins HoH. Pfft. I know, I know.
Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email for our updates and keep this page refreshed as we live recap tonight’s eviction episode of Big Brother 17.
Big Brother 17 Week 6 Votes:
- Austin votes to evict: Jason
- Meg votes to evict: Becky
- Liz votes to evict: Jason
- James votes to evict: Becky
- Steve votes to evict: Jason
- Jackie votes to evict: Jason
- Shelli votes to evict: Jason
- That’s enough. It’s official.
- Clay votes to evict: Jason
- John votes to evict: Jason
By a vote of 7-2, Jason Roy has been evicted from Big Brother.
Jason goes out smiling and waving while telling the HGs to stop sleeping and keep us entertained out there. Always the super fan.
Julie Chen sends Julia in to the house after revealing Liz survived the week. Next up is the bigger announcement that yes, Battle of the Block is over for good. It’s time for an endurance competition!
Big Brother 17 Week 6 Head of Household Comp – “On The Edge”:
- James Huling is the new Head of Household. Power shift!
- We’re providing live recap coverage of the comp here
Watch tonight’s competition play out on the Live Feeds, your only way to see inside the Big Brother house and watch the game as it happens. Tonight that means watching this week’s Endurance battle.
When tonight’s episode ends we’ll be racing back to the Big Brother Feeds to watch the live fallout from the HoH comp. Join us on there with the Feeds’ Free Trial & see what the fuss is all about.
Tick … tick … tick …
Evening, Capt.
Hi. Ready to see the twin enter the game ?
I’m ready to see Jackie win HOH again. She’s about the only one , at this point, that might actually get some “blood on her hands” and own it.
I don’t know…”at the end of the day” she might not be happy with that…especially if “the house doesn’t want it.”
I see it didn’t take long for you to get caught up. Hey, there lady!
Jackie has actually been the only houseguest in he minority that is surviving this week to claim she’ll go after big targets. James and Meg are wildcards and Becky wants to target Steve. We must have faith in Jackie!
Who’s Jackie?
Stop that.
Make me. Lol
LOL Slop all week for you.
Ooh no. Okay I’ll behave.
After all, Jackie is representing the hispanic nation in the house.
Hey KSJB, I was down for Jackie winning it too, but now I don’t know…why did she vote to evict Jason? What was up with that
She was voting with the majority.
Hey Captain555, how u doin..and screw the majority, because the majority is scared of her because they can’t get a read on her. If one of them wins, Jackie is the next target. Austin is espeically afraid of Jackie and he said as much on BBAD. But I get what your’re saying.
Jackie knows she is a target. That’s why she hanging for dear life right now.
JMO, Cheryl, but I think she knew he didn’t have the votes anyway, so a vote for Jason would put more of a target on her, as she would have been pinned for it. She and Becky have been friendly, also.
Yeah but Shitty..I mean Shelli and Shitty’s puppy.. I mean Clay Vaginia.. I mean Vanessa, and Austin’s CRY BABY ASS…”pleeease Vanessa don’t put me up on the block”, I’m in love with the little Rat faced girl who I don’t know yet does not love me back DUUUUHHHH..LOL..LOL..well anyway they already knew that Jackie wanted a backdoor Austin plan to be put into affect and for Austin to be sitting on the block, but when they blindsided her, Meg and Jason they knew Jackie was mad about that. Sure Jason didn’t have the votes but all of them thinks that Jackie is after them anyway, so what would it have mattered anyway. You know what I mean.
LOL, Cheryl, I do know what you mean. I assume she knows if the people who are currently in power win this next HOH, they would use her vote for Jason to stay, as a vote against them. Since they need excuses for EVERYTHING they do, they would have one to put her up for nomination.
Well as slimy as they are I think they will put her up for eviction or backdoor her anyway.
You are probably correct.
There are 7 people left on the wall so 4 are down. One of them is Meg, the other is Julia, I don’t know who the other 2 are that’s already down.
Becky and Steve.
Now they said Becky is still up so I’m confused.
Oh, and what is JMO, I am still getting use to the just letters thing..still trying to catch up with the 21st century…LOL
I learned that acronym on this site myself, lol. I don’t expect to ever catch up. Just My Opinion
LOL Ok Thanks..
Just a second…………….got to go the bath room..brb
My grandson saw you in the yard yesterday. He said,”There goes Sybil”.
lol Sybil? do I have to look it up?
Remember the snake you sent for my garden when my GSs were here? We said when we see a snake, we’d say”There goes Cyril”. He almost got it right. LOL
So do you want David to win HOH or the twins?
Supposedly its a physical comp for HOH. That’s doesn’t bode well for the underdogs. It depends on which side of the house Becky is with but Meg’s master plan to save Jason may have pushed Becky away and to the alliance. Nice move, Meg.
“All aboooooard!”
Blehcky really should be the one going home.
Hopefully Zingbot makes an appearance and causes some problems.
I think Meg should go home. She is a waste of space in the BB house. If there is a game show for partying should should go on that.
If wishes were horses…
But they aren’t.
We watch what happens and complain about it later.
(God Bless the Internet.)
…and Al Gore.;)
Thanks K…I needed that. :)
I know… I think she is a great person but come on… what is she bringing to the house???
I won’t be able to watch tonight’s episode. Just got back from my night shift at work (doing something for those who have TFC on their cable/satellite). Hopefully, I’ll get to watch it later in the day.
Praying for happy days for the next HOH. And yes for next week’s sure DE. :D
See you later.
indeed. :)
I just REALLY REALLY REALLY hope this is a non eviction week. Hopefully the other side of the house would for an alliance and start making moves to knock the others out. Then we would have a real game to watch and hard core fight for HOH, POV, & VETO compititions. Now it’s just one sided slowly picking them off. Or if they flip the house and vote Becky out (sorry becky.. rather see Jason stay).
On the other hand atleast Becky has been trying and fighting while the others laid on their ass.
So best would be non elimination. And vanessa and shelli sitting side by side next week. BOOM
“Non elimination week” is a TAR thing, won’t happened on BB.
Yeah, other than the surprise on BB14 I can’t recall if that’s happened any other seasons.
But with fan/viewer distaste this season I could imagine CBS maybe throwing a bone to keep people hooked, no? Maybe not probable but certainly possible.
On Neilsen, they’re doing good. Like any show that’s been running for a long time, there’s been a decline every year, but it’s still good. As far as distaste for this season, I don’t pick that up from social media. Whatever happened to the “Takeover twist” seemed to be the subject of interest.
I think it’s been a good season although I would like to see those who think they are mighty fall.
Networks keep charts about everything. With the amount of complaints I see posted here on a daily basis (that all seem to be about the same things) I’m assuming this can’t be the only BB site logging similar complaints. But you might be exactly right. Maybe I just assume the problem’s a lot bigger than it really is. Thanks for the thoughts.
I can say BB15 was a PR nightmare for them.
I don’t think they care anymore, especially not what a bunch of people on the internet think…They know as well as most people the ones crying on the internet are the ones with no life that would cry no matter what…They have their people who watch the show and thats all they care about..
Supposedly the losers are upset about something every year that is just pointless from Aaryn being “racist”, to Amanda or her family working for CBS or production was trying to cheat so Frankie would win, its ALWAYS something
Your points about Frankie and Amanda are correct. (Amanda was an actress who appeared in a CBS comedy series awhile back.) But the Aaryn one’s a bit harder to accept. They had a girl making some racist comments and viewers reacted to that. I’m not opening that old door again but associating a young white woman’s racist remarks with internet lunacies and conspiracy theorists is grouping things that are polar opposite of each other I think.
But let’s not argue about that.
While I agree with you completely on the insanity of some internet comment complaints, I think they (CBS) care more about things like viewers being bored. Or disliking a specific small number of people who are controlling things in the house.
I think complaints like THAT might get noticed. Sound complaints. Complaints that aren’t generated out of insanity but are reflective of the audience’s feelings as a whole.
I hear you though…It IS always something!
Great comment. Thanks!
Yeap, the famous reset button. but that was in play the whole week. That would not happen as a last minute thing.
It would be great to see John and Steve win HoH, then both sides are gonna have to try and pull them in!
John and Steve would target Meg, James and Jackie.
Liz and Julia have not swapped out yet. Maybe Julia will enter the game after she makes her own vote to evict. The twins did manage to survive 5 evictions.
She will come in after the eviction but before the HoH comp.
Oh, I was hoping that maybe she would have tied the vote, and would force Vanessa to evict Jason herself.
Unfortunately even so I think there are six votes locked against Jason, as he only has the support of James, Meg, and Jackie. (And they might not keep him if they realize he’s a lock to leave tonight.)
Go Twinnies!
I’m with you.
Oups…. no BoB.
Julie just said single HoH. No more BoB this season.
Duh I just realized that.
You’re welcome.
You guys sound like brother and sister. :)
I’d love to see Steve win HoH.
He’ll do anything Vanessa and Shelli tell him to do.
Maybe not…maybe that would be his chance to take control and shine.
Not gonna happen. He wants to part of the “cool” kids.
Ew….he’s useless, he will do anything Vanessa says…nothing changes. ..
Yeah, no BOTB! I hate endurance comps because we won’t see who wins.
Hope steve self evicts during the vote
Anyone know how a west coast person can watch Big Brother online live?
Some satellite companies offer East Coast feeds but I’m not sure you can make that happen quickly if you’re not already a subscriber.
FaceTime with a friend on the east coast ;)
My daughter is in Germany, we are FaceTiming so she can watch it
Will Becky be derailed? Woah Big Brother, that’s quite the fast one there. (Becky getting hit by a train.) Not sure if that’s morally inappropriate..most likely a light hearted joke though!
Not funny.
No contest, JMac wins the air guitar.
Soooo over the ‘air guitar’. Unless it’s done really well. And Austin and JMac? Not so much. Blech.
JMac can play guitar for real. I don’t know about the hunk a burnin’ love.
Jeez, you make me laugh! I can’t stand to watch JMac’s face while he’s at it…of course, Austin/Judas/ Hunk-a-hunk-a-burnin’-love looks goofier.
Punch line at the end Karen..made me lol
Yes ..endurance. ..Jackie might win it this week and have an HoH…….ALONE…
I hope so.
Yes…then the sixth sense would all scatter…
I would break open my piggy bank and get the feeds.
Should be a dog fight. If size matters, as in the smaller you are the better, Shelli, Jackie, Becky, and the twins will have a really good chance. They’re all really fit.
And of course Clay is a physical freak so he’ll have a chance too.
Good job, Jackie!
Shelli can’t take the heat.
Shelli is mad because everyone isn’t buying her and clays lies
Who is evicted?!
Jason has been evicted from Big Brother 17.
Maybe your people should start playing then Meg.
You tell Meg I mean duh
That was too much crying to show. But fun watching them scurry.
I get a kick out of Meg crying saying she’s sick of her peeps going home.. Ok try winning something!!
I said the same thing
I’d like to know how Shelli had a hand in every eviction. 1. James wanted Jace gone. 2. Shelli was after Da and didn’t hide it. She put her straight up. 3. Vanessa and Austin wanted James or Jeff gone, not Shelli. 4. Shelli did what the entire house wanted and got Audrey out. 5. Vanessa wanted Jason up and Shelli tried to get her to put Jackie up. So how did she get everyone evicted? Wow she’s playing better than I thought. She deserves to win.
We know better than them.
I cannot imagine JMac working on anyone’s teeth. Only because of his persona on the show.
I would think kid would love him.
JMac is going to get a lot of new patients. He’ll make well over $500,000 in the long run.
I don’t know if I would trust him with my teeth…he’s seems like it would “rock n roll” with my teeth…
Why is Steve always sniffing his fingers?
Something tells me we don’t want to know
lol. Like the edit where Jason is campaigning quietly, whispering to Cleli then the camera cuts to Beauty and the Beast dancing….in Judas Castle
Which one is Beauty and which is Beast?
lol..Hey Karen, what do you think of JMacks people?
Did you hear his bro’ laugh…just like JMac. Nice family.
sounded just like him
I want them to ask V: “Who do you consider ‘everyone ‘? Did you all have a meeting? Do you mean all those came to you separately?”
Smooth talker…you know, she can do magic.
John is not interesting, he’s not funny, he isn’t charming and he certainly isn’t rock n roll and him being a doctor is both laughable and unbelievable.
Well, I think your in the minority here. Most people love him.
I agree, but I think people are starting to shift a little because of how poor his game play has been.
Well, he is just one more pawn being used by the alliance and he doesn’t seem to care.
No I’m not.
He’s number one by far in the popularity polls.
I voted for him.
Slim pickings to choose from. No one really likes him.
Who is no one exactly?
Myself, for one.
I have to agree with you, Jen. I don’t get his popularity. He’s a big goof ball, and the HG’s just use him to do their dirty work.
I do. He makes me giggle every episode. Do I think he’ll win..hardly, but he is entertaining.
Don’t feed the trolls. Most polls have ยฝ the respondents picking him as their favorite.
Whos ready for am endurance comp!!!
YES NO BOB ANYMORE! And with it being endurance, Jackie and James have a good shot at winning…I really hope they do!
James…no. ..Jackie, plz win!!!…I think the show wants a flip now…
Jackie is such a hypocrite. She talks about being betrayed but then she campaigns against her closest friend in the house.
Who did she campaign against? She wanted Austin out.
She was trying to get votes for Jason. She said if she could get Shelli and Clay to vote for Jason she would vote Becky out. Nice friend and big hypocrite.
No that is not what happened. Meg came up with the plan to try to get Clay and Shelli to vote to save Jason and she asked Jackie if she would vote to save Jason if Clay and Shelli did. That’s when Jackie said she would vote to save Becky. But Jackie also told others she promised her vote to Becky so she would not vote against her.
In the end Jackie voted to evict Jason.
Jackie told Meg and Jason she would vote Becky out if they have the votes. Like I said nice friend. She only voted Jason out because she knew he didn’t have the votes.
Good for Meg and James. Jackie – sell out.
Ok. I can’t root for Steve. I’m roots against him in fact.
Me too.
I still think that if Steve won HoH, he’d turn on that ‘Nerd Power’ and switch things up.
No…he will go right to Vanessa….Vanessa : put up James and Jackie… Steve: OK… (happily obliges)…useless piece of rock is better…
JMac does everyone’s bidding, but Steve is a useless piece of rock?
Yes…because he is so outside of the social whatever that he does not even know at all what is going on…he thinks Vanessa is loyal to him when it is all fake…everyone else has sorta caught on because they go around and talk to people. ..he does not have one real ally and doesn’t do anything socially. least has Becky. ..
OK…I see your point, Kenneth.
What about Steve’s face when Julie said Reboot?
Don’t say “sadly”. Lines are drawn. Stop posing, poseurs!
Big cheer!
I hate the “I sadly vote to evict.” No you’re not.
I mean they are still friends. So sad in one sense, not sad in another.
Where’s julia
Stop the fake hugging!!!!!!
Never liked Jackie from TAR. She’s fake in every way possible. I can’t wait to see her go home. (Bye Jackie, because Clay and Shelli want you out next!) Hopefully she won’t be cast on anymore CBS shows.
I can’t stand her either. The entire house wants her gone except for James and Meg.
They only bring back people viewers love (Rupert – Survivor) or people viewers hate. (Rachel – BB) That’s all that matters. Based on postings I read here she seems to have both corners pretty well stocked. You might be in some trouble down the road.
You’re right, because I liked her on TAR. And I’m still hoping she will do good on BB.
I do too
Me too.
Since Jeff left, Jackie seems to be more into playing the game. I want to see where she goes from here.
Yeap, she is.
Play hard…yep just like you did Jason. What a joke.
He really didn’t put in the work to try to stay…Meg did most of it…
Liz, what a bi..h.
Bless her heart.
Philly, you are on full throttle tonight. lol
I don’t know I like that catty side of her although she did take it to far with the crack about moms basement
Only way I could love Jason more is if he was still in the game! Hate what Liz said. Nasty!
Totally uncalled for…
Oh Jason you’re so wrong. Wait until you watch how Vanessa wanted you gone and every time Shelli brought up keeping you she shut her down.
That’s what Im saying haha
Why does Liz act so cocky every week in the diary room? What does she have in order to be so cocky? She’s ugly! And no one likes her but plenty of people love Jason.
“and no one likes her…”
Have you not been watching? Clearly Austin likes her.
Austin doesn’t count, literally.
I can’t stand her.
Working hard to help dismiss negative female stereotypes!
I couldn’t care less right now. But Liz is doing that all on her own as she is using her “sexuality” to help her on the game. She’s making women look bad everywhere.
No, sh e is making herself look bad. The other women in the house are not behaving that way. Her and Austin are destroying their reputations outside the house.
Shelli is doing it too she looks like a fool dating a man 10 years her junior, calling him poopy face and breaking up the girls alliance for a guy. Becky is weak, and Vanessa sold out the LGBT community. And Jackie does nothing all day but wear skimpy clothing. Yea, girl power!
Vanessa sold out the LGBT community? Is she supposed to never vote out a fellow gay person lest she be labeled a sellout, even if that gay person has the potential to ruin her game? Your posts are getting more and more preposterous.
Actually, Vanessa said that it would look bad for her to nominate or evict someone Like Jason or Audrey (for obvious reasons) yet she’s done both.
And if say the same about your post but they don’t merit much thought.
Actually it was a faux excuse she used because she didn’t want Audrey to go, she wanted Jeff to go.
Petty much?
It’s not like she’s 70 and he’s 20. People do date people that are younger than them. But it’s ok for a 60 yr old man dating a 20yr old girl.
No one said it was or wasn’t ok for a man that was you. And yes it does look bad for Shelli makes her look desperate and her baby talk makes her look ridiculous.
Another preposterous post. You’re on a roll!
The age difference between Austin and Liz is nothing. You’re being petty.
Oh ok desperate because he’s younger. I’ll tell my best friend who’s been married for over 20 yrs to a man that’s 11 yrs younger than her.
Hmpffff ~~ what reputations?
Exactly, there is a name for women who do that.
And what’s the name for a man?
Liz does not represent me as a woman nor does she represent the entire gender. That claim is simply preposterous.
Jason has made more than his fair share of nasty comments.
Exactly. What type of man calls another woman a “bi*tch”. Real classy.
Um, when there are being one.
He also called her a C###
The Jason apologists aren’t ready for the truth just yet. Give them a few hours to cry it out.
Good! And why do you care what he calls Liz?
So you think that’s an appropriate word to call her? You’re just as disgusting as he is then.
Liz is mean and has said worse. She keeps saying she hates James over and over again. Hates a strong word. And Jason said that in jest.
I like Amanda.
Any part of me that still liked Liz has completely left. That message was just rude and I hope she is the one walking out the door next week. I don’t even care that we are both ZTA’s.
NEVER liked her.
I agree. I actually like Julia more, but I feel they are both prettier on the outside than on the inside. Will miss Jason.
Let’s GO!..I’ve been waiting for endurance comp!
Just bought the live feeds so I can watch!
awesome !
I hope they go awhile so I can get my money’s worth LOL
They’re worth it.
James face when Julia came in….priceless
He seems to be the only one that didn’t know.
Lets go jackie
Do you know she representing the hispanic nation ?
Well i have an italian gift for her
I’ve seen you write that comment before, Captain…did she say that at some point? I’m assuming you’re being sarcastic. Not that you’d ever be sarcastic. :)
A little bit. It was a big talk on twitter today. I never realize before that she was hispanic.
Me either. I thought she was French.
Her name is Ibarra. That sound hispanic. Should have occur to me before.
J/K you, Capt.;)
Yes, Jackie is Hispanic.
How could you not realize she was hipanic?!!???
I know. I have a flat forehead now, I hit myself so much.
Hoping James, Jackie and Meg are the first ones out.
I hope one of them wins.
Not me. Fall Jackie fall. Lol
Bite your tongue! James, yes. Rooting for Jackie and Meg (and John).
I can’t stand Jackie. I think she’s vindictive with an attitude that nobody better do her wrong. But that’s just me.
We’re all entitled to our opinions. And that’s the truth …
She has her moments. And she has been done wrong. Since Jeff left, she’s playing her own game. Time will tell.
Oh boy, no need to make this about race.
C’mon, Steve!
Is this HOH comp still going?
Literally JUST started
It did if you’re watching on the east coast, but this post about who was evicted was made two hours ago, so thought perhaps it is not a live on the east coast, but on the west.
The posting goes up a few hours before the Live Eviction show with only a few things in it. (Sort of a “teaser” to get people talking.) Then the author updates it as things happen. So while I can understand your questioning it if you look at the date/time it’s posted, it’s actually very current.
its just how starting here its 8pm here and california wont have the show for at least 1 more hour,im in the west.
The posting goes up a few hours before the Live Eviction show with only a few things in it. (Sort of a “teaser” to get people talking.) Then the author updates it as things happen. So while I can understand your questioning it if you look at the date/time it’s posted, it’s actually very current.
Classic HOH it !
Where’s Dan?? I need a pep talk!!
I know right….The Renegade.
Haha love it.
Yeap, good old classic. Right does it but simple. Hang for dear life. be continued on feeds….this is gonna be good.
Fall Shelli, fall Clay, fall Liz, fall Austin… oh, Lordy, my angina hurts.
I have to say that watching the videos of Liz and Julia to the evicted house guests over the past few weeks has sickened me. They act like high school kids when they bash and taunt he evicted house guests. Their actions are classless and trashy. The way that Liz mocked Jason tonight was disgusting. Saying something like “We’re here and your not. Have fun in your mother’s basement.” was I in such poor taste. Shelly showed class and don’t stoop to immature behavior like Liz. The house guests better watch out and evict them ASAP. Hope when they watch the tapes later, they realize how nasty and childish they presented themselves to be.
No double eviction yet, for another week.
Well, feedster, keep us posted.
Are the feeds up?
Not yet
You tell me.
I haven’t looked yet I’ve been refreshing this stupid IPad to read everything.
Where’s the laptop ?
On my floor. Lol
Oh I see, Bentley needed to check his facebook.
Hahaha. Oh feeds are on gotta go.
Let us know.
You tell me.
Shelli complaining to Vanessa about how this move put the target on her and Clay is priceless. It was Shelli who decided it was better to keep Austin and have Vanessa break her deal with the rest of the house. Vanessa even warned them this could happen but they were determined to break the deal Vanessa made.
I bet jackie wins she was the only one thats back was touching the wall solidly on that last shot
She is a dancer. She is very athletic. We saw it on TAR. She is bond to do good.
Okay, now I am rooting for Meg. Not even the ice queen left such a nasty message as Liz. She can have her Judas, I am sure his gf back home doesn’t want him anymore.
Liz’s message to Jason was pitiful. I’m rooting for John to win HOH.
Meg or John for the win
She’s just showing her true self.
I have a feeling Clay will have a good chance.
This comp tends to favor the smaller HGs, though. It’s not intended for the big, muscular guys.
I agree. I think Steve has a good chance.
He’s got extra weight on him with that long sleeved hoodie ~ that plus lots of water could knock him off balance.
He’s well prepared. Warm clothing, a bandana, a hat, and a hood; and he ducked his head out of the way when the water crashed on him. He’s playing smart.
Although I keep thinking that the eagle is gonna grab little James and fly away with him!!!
Tiny James is being very vocal ~~ me thinks he’s just a bit of a self-centered country boy.
I’m telling you…It’s a perfect drinking game idea. Every time he announces himself as a “Country Boy” you have to shotgun a beer. (I realize Production probably feeds those lines to him but with the amount of times he says it I’m assuming CBS must be having ratings problems in the South.)
You need endurance
Good, won’t be sad if Lurch the third to fall after Shelli and Clay.
Actually, I’m predicting Austin might be on of the first, alongside Clay. They’re the two biggest guys in the house.
I feel the same Georgia. Shelli and Clay will be within the 1st four to accidently on purpose kinda just slip off their perches.
I hope not.
I rather not see that also. Just saying.
glad we’re on the same page Captain.
How was Jason’s exit interview? How’d he do?
Great ~ he didn’t disappoint.
Did he offer Julie a butt (or ask her for one)?
Feeds are on!
Feeds are on!
Yay!! watching them now…Guys don’t look good. Jackie is like a statue. I think a girl is gonna take this.
Seems like everyone’s still hanging in there.
I am going to laugh so hard if Shelli wins HoH. The collective groan on this board would be worth the price of admission.
LMAO, I was just thinking the same thing.
Expect Clay to do well in a comp like that. As good as if Shelli won.
My money’s on Becky, Austin, Shelli and Clay. One of those 4 will likely win.
Don’t forget Jackie.
Gravity, especially in the front upper quadrant, is not Jackie’s friend.
She’s got the leg.
Jackie is on a meditative stage.
I’m not surprise.
Bigger dudes usually don’t do well on these… So Clay will have his work cut out.
As will Austin.
Shelli and Clay don’t want this HOH ~ they’ll run the house, but they don’t want to GET BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS.,
I would be shocked if anyone is not putting their all into this particular HoH. They all need to win it. Except for maybe Becky and John.
Bye bye bob!!!! Too bad no one will miss you
Amen to that!
Muscle guy like Judas is not gonna do well here..He looks in pain already.
I expect him to quit early.
This could be a pivotal moment. Everyone looks scared. lol
I’m not so sure about that. Liz did promise him a kiss if he won. That’s some serious motivation! LOLOL
Music to my ears. Keep playing, Cyril. haha
Right now he looks like “leaning tower of Pisa” lol
No sugar for Juju.
Shelli and Jackie looking rock solid right now!
This is a comp that usually favors smaller houseguests. Too bad Jason went home he might have won this one.
I am a huge fan of big brother and over the years the show has declined! I have watched it from the beginning! I keep watching because i like to see what the seasons hold but it is getting harder and harder to do it!
I so badly want Liz to go home soon. Her tacky goodbye to Jason shows her true colors and the way she’s leading Austin on is downright cruel, combined with a huge dose of sleaziness. If it was a guy leading a girl on like that, while saying all the time that he can’t stand her and her little kiss was “ewwwww”, we’d be all over him. I wonder when she goes home if she’ll give him her personal cell number?
I can’t believe no one’s fallen yet.
Down goes Steve then Austin!!
Austin and someone down..I think Steve?..Liz doesn’t look good.
Steve, unfortunately.
That’s good.
And the flame went out! Yeah!
Who won the hoh?
No one yet.
Down goes Meg!! and Julia!
Damn! I was kind of hoping Meg would win this one and stir up some stuff! Lol
Who’s left and are any deals being discussed?
Austin Julia Steve and Meg are gone. No serious deals yet.
So who’s left in the competition? (Apologies I don’t have a list in front of me.)
Liz, Clay, Shelli, Becky, Jackie, John, James
You’re a rock star. THANKS!
LOL thanks!
Seems like Vanessa suspects that Austin threw the comp. Pretty sure he didn’t.
Mr Miyagi is in it to win it. …tai-chi!
Hope the eagle isn’t “too” low.
@ CyrilAxel,
Winner yet?
I find it amusing that just two weeks ago everyone was giving Jackie crap saying she’s useless, taking up space, “why is she even there?”, “who is she?”, etc. Now everyone wants her to win. LOL!
She seems to look pretty good from all the tweets I see.
Oh she’s looking rock solid. I just think the sudden turn around from the fans is funny.
She started playing the game after Jeff left.
Thanks. I wish they would hurry up so I can go to bed. Lmao!!
Come on!!! More disaster..give me some hail storm.
Pour liquid hot magma on them! Or release the sharks with laser beams attached to their foreheads!
(insert pinky into mouth Dr Evil style)
Should I go make a coffee ?
Yes..I just did..oh no it’s back…go ahead. These guys are serious. You have
Fish ? Somebody went down.
It went its back Clelli..James, Jackie, JMack and one of the twin are still up
Hang on Jackie!
Shelli/Jackie looks determined…now they’re being hit by a giant dead bird.
Ugh, I don’t like those dead birds!
As of 8:03pm PST:
Thing One or Thing Two?
Sipping my almond milk
Coffee and while you’re at it, you probably have time to whip up a croquembouche.
Thanks, no food.
Rainstorm!..that was good!
Another person down?
Is Liz down or Julia? can’t tell lol
I read Julia is down on twitter.
got it
only the feeds are down
Looks like Liz recovered. She’s not struggling as much anymore.
Fall on your face Liz!
This is really terrible. All the good people have been sent home. Now with the exception of Meg and James, only the evils remain. This show is no longer worth watching. It is a guarantee that an undeserving person will win. There are so many horrible people in that house, and I can tell that they are all horrible people outside the house. Look at all the deserving they’ve sent home. A single mother. An insurance saleman. A transgender. A stockboy who lives with his parents?
And look at all the undeserving people in the house. A millionaire poker player. A woman flirting with a kid half her age. A football player whos a male model, and has never had a bad day in his life. A pro wrestler. An Ivy Leaugue College student. Twins who are horrible despicable people.
This is what I like from BB, is when they have this kind of HOH comp.
Yeah, these are always the most exciting parts of the show – sitting on the edge of your seat, eyes glued to the feeds, waiting to see who pulls out the win.
Yup. You get to see how far a person’s will can take em.
A lot of deal making were made here. lol
Clay looks like he’s struggling.
I’m honestly surprised he’s lasted this long. He’s gonna feel it in the morning.
Football player usually have good endurance. This comp is the hardest on the legs.
It’s 8:13pm PST:
Three part question:
1. Still: Liz, Shelli, Clay, Jackie, JMac, James?
2. How are they looking?
3. Still too early for any deal makings? Any talk at all?
1. Yes
2. In order of looking solid: Jackie, Shellie, John, Liz, James, Clay
3. Too early. Just general chit chat.
Becky is looking solid too.
This just made me giggle. You both forgot about Becky. I know. The irony.
I’ll edit to add her in. That’s brilliant! (It’s why I call her “Blehcky.”)
Big Yes!
Hang in there Jackie and John!
And James…
Sorry Emma, I’m not rooting for the country boy
Only for this week…I don’t care for him either, but he will get dirty and get blood on his hands.
Aha ~ I understand Emma ~~ OK, I’m rooting for James too~
Yay, this week he gets a pass.
But only this week~
Agreed. Secret hand shake.
Pinky swear ~~ lol
Show is not running yet for you ?
Nope, it’s 8:20 PST here.
Partial blackout in the backyard, lol.
Clelli have each other for moral support…They talk a lot, and that helps, I think.
They should morally support each other as they fall flat on their faces.
Someone bout to go down soon.
Clay’s afraid to disappoint Mama.She can give some pretty scary looks when she ain’t happy.
I know lol
Jackie down!!!!!
Darn it!
I read on twitter that Liz is down too.
Down goes Liz!!!
Guess who goes over and hugs her LOLOLOL
And the crowd roars!
If James go down…bad news for the other side………….again!
Clay bout to drop!!!
Fingers and toes crossed.
Let’s go, Shelly. Let’s go!
Clap clap clap
Let’s go, Shelly. Let’s go!
Clap clap clap
No thank you.
Next time the wall tilts Clay is going down.
can’t come soon enough
Deals bout to be cut soon.
JMack is so smart. Coaching them anatomy on better positioning and stuff.
Hey you tell him to stop that.
Hey friend.
Hey….been reading your play by play. Thank you. You are entertaining as always.
John ~~~ keep it up!
this is better than a horse race ~
Especially if Shelly wins!
Well Shitty…I mean Shelly’s got the teeth for it…LOL..Yeah I know that was not nice…LOL…Goooo not Shelly..
No Cheryl, that wasn’t ‘nice’ but I’m ROFL!!!
It’s too quiet!!
Maybe the eagle has landed.
Shouting …DEAL!
Now Miyagi looks like he’s crapping…I’m serious.
It’s that banana he ate just before the comp.
He’s a military guy right?
he likes to think he is
I hope it’s well-formed.
ghost poopie…he’s in a squat position.
ghost poopie…he’s in a squat position.
He’s a poopie head.
I can’t wait to see how CBS chooses to edit this.
Becky down!!
One in four shot for Shelly!
Shelli looks solid (knock on wood)
Shelli looks solid (knock on wood)
Hosea ~ knock on that wood just a little more
Hosea ~ knock on that wood just a little more
One in four shot for Shelly!
James and Clay are struggling.
James and Clay are struggling.
Clay out.
Clay out.
James is literally shaking.
James is literally shaking.
It’s 8:38pm PST:
1. Still: Shelli, JMac, James?
2. How are they looking?
3. Any deals?
Just Shelli, John, and James
Shelli James John final 3
Shelli looks the best
No deals
Shelli James John final 3
Shelli looks the best
No deals
Jackie is out :(
I had a high expectations from her.
HOH rerun coming up???? New blood is needed…not interested in watching last weeks use of the HOH room
HOH rerun coming up???? New blood is needed…not interested in watching last weeks use of the HOH room
aaaaaaaand fish.
I know we’re not supposed to use all caps but forgive me for a moment:
I’m sitting here staring at a computer screen feeling like a 10-year-old as all of your updates come in.
You’re all fantastic!
LOL I got the live feeds today so I figured I would help out. I’m a teacher on summer break w/ no life so this gives me something to do.
LOL I got the live feeds today so I figured I would help out. I’m a teacher on summer break w/ no life so this gives me something to do.
No kidding! I’m a teacher, too, but I’m working summer school, lol.
Dang! Good for you.
I know me too. This is awkward.
Thanks Hosea
You got it. Look out Matt I’m coming for your job!!!!! ;)
I know me too. This is awkward.
Thanks Hosea
Coming around the bend … It’s JOHN in the lead~~~ and the crowd roars
OOOOOhhhh..=This could be good.
fingers and toes crossed
fingers and toes crossed
double UGH
lol..I mean…she’s not gonna drop.
I think she can take a tsuname.
She knows her poopy head is in danger if she falls. And I’m not talking about James.
…and so as Miyagi. He repositions himself by squatting, maybe it helps? lol
so he’s still going potty?
you’re rooting for Shelli?
Not Shelli. Eww I thought we were friends! lol Cyril Updated us wrong in the beginning then fixed it.
okay ~ I think I understand. It’s past my beddy bye time.
lol, I mean ~~~ I want her to fall flat on her pasty face.
double UGH
My girl’s gonna pull this win out. I just feel it in my bones.
John and James prep for the next round as the wall returns to an easier position.
John and James prep for the next round as the wall returns to an easier position.
It’s 8:44pm PST:
1. Shelli, JMac, James?
2. How are they looking?
3. Any deals?
Shelli looks the best. James literally shakes when the wall tilts. And John looks a little better than James.
No deals yet. The whole group is outside which I’m guessing will make it tough.
James squats when it tilts, but his arms shake mightily while holding onto the pegs.
The show starts in 12 minutes here but I’m too into this now. Will have to record. This is outstanding!
Shelli starting to shake.
shake your booty
I see what you did there, Cuddles. +10 for you!
you started it AIG ~~ +20 for you!
Now that song is in my heads thank to you too.
lol like your fonts
i didn’t think we could do that ~~ how’d u do it Capt?
Check this:
help.disqus dot com/customer/portal/articles/466253-what-html-tags-are-allowed-within-comments
I’ll have to write that down ~ Thanx Captain.
Had your coffee…show off?
Ruh Roh Capt….we still love you.
house guests should go inside so deals can be made!
Why? In that house no one knows how to keep a secret. As soon as one’s made James will tell Clay about it and make him promise to give him an autograph when the show’s over.
lol, good point.
Have you noticed..there’s a lot of cheering, or is it the same as other season?
Wall just tilted again. This is usually when the falls happen.
And don’t forget, if Shelli wins and you’re not cheering for her and doing cartwheels then you’re going on the block
shelli struggling!!!!!
Someone should say: “Strong women aren’t loved in America.”
fall on that pasty face Shelli ~!! FALL
The more you hate on Shelli, the stronger she gets. It nourishes her.
I’m not sure I’ve EVER had this good a time reading. This is hilarious!
Have to have fun while we pass the time.
shelli bout to go down!!!!
Hang in there John ~~~ you’ve almost got it
john down!!!
shelli down!!!
James wins!!!!
Wow. Very interesting outcome!
Ok Cuddles, let’s bow our heads and pray..James pleeease don’t back peddle, start splashing some blood around. Get Shelly and Clay…..LOL
that’s the best laugh I’ve had all night !! thanx Cheryl!
You are welcome, I love making you guys laugh on here.
So Clay is safe?
Whew…but him making deals grrr. He better lock onto to Austin LiZ or Vanessa
James told John and Shelli they’re safe. Promised Shelli Clay is safe too. No backdoors. He “agreed”, but we’ll see.
Whoa. Ok. Buh bye, twinnie, Austin or Vanessa!
I wish he targets Liz Vanessa and Austin first
OMG! Shelli made deal with James..YES!…now you can samurai them in the back…Miyagi!! lol well, maybe not them, because you made a deal..There’s another big
Can I go to sleep now ?
Yes baby go to sleep. La La bye, and good nite, go to sleep little baby…lol…sweet dreams.
What a lovely singing voice you have ~~
Why thank you