Big Brother 17: What Happened With Audrey Middleton?

Since Sunday night Audrey Middleton has been slowly withdrawing herself from Big Brother 17 in preparation of her seemingly inevitable eviction later this week. So what’s been going with Audrey?

Audrey Middleton goes in to lockdown
Audrey Middleton goes in to lockdown – Source: CBS All Access

Update: Get the latest on Audrey’s behavior inside the Big Brother house.

Audrey has not quit Big Brother. Twice now there’s been speculation that her vanishing acts in to the Diary Room would result in her permanent disappearance, but as of now she is inside the BB17 house and avoiding the other Houseguests.

Starting back on Sunday near midnight the Houseguests noticed Audrey had gone missing which meant she had to be in the DR. After a few hours she returned to the house and went back to bed. It wasn’t until Monday the real activity arrived.

The Veto Ceremony is typically held late morning or early afternoon but this week things got held up. A lot. Just before the expected arrival of the meeting Audrey went to the DR where she remained for between five and six hours. Feedsters were able to confirm when another HG left the DR to determine the most likely time she entered, but it’s not exact.

Houseguests had gathered in the living room for the PoV meeting but after much delay and a brief appearance of Fish, typically used to cover production talking to the HGs, they all dispersed as though told it wouldn’t be happening for awhile. The HGs were left wondering if Audrey had quit the game.

At 3:51PM BBT (Flashback on your Live Feeds) Audrey emerged from the Diary Room and made a beeline for the Have-Not room. I do not know what she was carrying in the brown paper bag when she returned. Vanessa brought her Advil and water but was Audrey told her production already gave her something in there. Feeds cut away and soon the Veto Meeting was held, minus one Houseguest.



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  1. Audrey played the game 24/7/, her “game brain” never shut off. She just could not let things go..she had to investigate every little detail, even if things she investigated were not hurting her game. I don’t like the way she is going out of the production is catering to her. Hope Thursday gets here soon.

      • That’s what I don’t get. They aren’t saying or doing anything against her difference. They are treating her with kid gloves because of it. Treat her like a person! Like you would anyone else. JMO

      • Her actions demand “special treatment”. If they didn’t oblige, I guarantee you that there would be backlash from many. I agree that she shouldn’t be treated special.

      • People do have to be extremely careful in this PC age we live in. One little slip up and your life will be ruined by the “offended”.

      • I’ve seen people be fiercely attacked online for kindly and respectfully not supporting these type issues. So if you don’t support them, you had better be ready for the backlash. It’s sad that opinions are used to refer to people as bigots in this day of political correctness. It has even reared it’s ugly head on BBN threads.

      • I hope this type of behavior will never again raise its ugly head on BBN. Temper tantrums when somebody doesn’t get their way is so childish.
        I was happy to see that quite a few regulars here at BBN didn’t kowtow to the “offended”.

      • The offended offend me with their PC BS this is still America and the last i heard we had freedom of speech which means if i dont want to be politically correct i dont have to be if it offends the left or anybody else SO WHAT because i dont care.

      • Amen to that. I’m just glad that the people that post here at BBN didn’t put up with that nonsense and the offended were not able to take over the conversation as they had been able to do on other sites.

      • That’s a lot of the problem & BB isn’t helping by condoning the PC aspect, which they have always done. Nobody in that house is special & they shouldn’t expect people to treat them that way whether they’re black, gay, or transgendered. Her game was terrible. She lied constantly & tried to stir up trouble & she’s now paying for it.

      • maybe that’s the way they would treat anyone they suspected of having a mental break down. TPTB need to stop recruiting people that need major meds to make it through a regular day….

      • If Audrey is truly near the state of having a nervous breakdown she should be allowed to self evict and receive appropriate medical care. I’m pretty sure she’s heavily medicated and will be until the live show.

      • Production should have let her go, but of course they wanted the first transgendered person to break the rules. They never wanted her gone but the rest of the HGs couldn’t ignore her lies any longer.

      • Not even AG herself could save Audrey from herself.
        After her eviction she’ll be front page news everywhere :(

      • She can self-evict anytime! BB would not put themselves up for a lawsuit by heavily medicating her!! She is a spoiled brat, she can dish it out but can’t take it, and drama, drama, drama sells better when the season is over!!

      • No, they would have her off the show and hospitalized if she were having a mental breakdown. She’s just one of those who can dish it out but can’t take it – a spoiled bully- that gender has nothing to do with nor does any “mental breakdown”. She’s a brat and a big assho*le.

      • That is one reason why I hate that they placed a transgendered person in the house, not because I have issues with their choices, I think you should be able to do whatever will make you feel better about yourself as long as you’re not hurting other people. The reason I feel that it’s a problem is because, as a few houseguests have mentioned, they worry about how they will be perceived by the public if they get angry with her (which happens in the house obviously)or even vote against her. So what, are they just going to write her a check now and send everyone home? It starts to feel unfair.

      • And it begins to feel more so unfair when the transgendered person is having some kind of unrevealed issues and “requires” special attention. I would think the HGs are having all kinds of mixed emotions about all of this especially since they are seeing the special treatment they Audrey is receiving. It isn’t fair.

      • Id be catering to her too. Human compassion you can’t help it. Poor Steve wants to help her some how. It would break my heart seeing someone like that. Just wondering what they’re going through inside. Whether she’s playing it up and putting on a show or whether it’s real. I’d risk looking like a fool and trying to help her then assuming she’s being a brat and being cruel or ignoring her.
        I also wouldn’t make it 2 weeks in that house. Lol. I have too much feels for that environment.

      • I’d agree for most environments, but I thought that for reality game shows you had to pass a psych test. The HGs either know or at least told what they will be facing. They watch other seasons. They have a chance to back out BEFORE the show starts.

      • Production should pull Audrey out of BB,not give her special treatment she’s going anyway just show what lead up to her leaving instead of voting

      • The fact that Production hasn’t pulled her out argues against Audrey being in a dangerous place mentally and emotionally.

      • I agree! IMHO it’s all B.S.! Just get the witch out and move on! She should have been sent home the week Da went!

      • All the HG’s have bent over backwards to accommodate Audrey, it’s nobody’s fault but Audrey’s that she played an awful game.

      • This is exactly right. She’s the first transgendered person ever in the house & they don’t want to be seen as insensitive…but she shouldn’t even WANT to be treated special because all it’s doing is making her look bad.

      • If she’s well enough to be in the house – she’s well enough to play by all the rules. If she’s ill, lets get her some real help – no game is worth your health.

      • It really bothers me to see anyone ostracized from a group, whether it’s self inflicted or not. She’s still a person. I would love for Audrey to stay because she’s actually trying to play the game – none of the rest are actually playing, they all “vote with the house” wtf is that about?! This game has been so manipulated that it’s almost not fun to watch.

      • That’s so funny cuz just before I read your comment I said the exact same thing about the manipulation. Every year it’s the same cookie-cutter people, house guests are much more aware of the cameras and how they’re being perceived by America. I have loved this show since the beginning but I believe it has “jumped the shark”.

      • I think it would be more interesting if they HID the cameras from them, or at least most of them. It’s almost creepy when some of them speak into the camera IMO. I, too, have watched since its inception but i’m growing tired of the DR and production interference.

      • I blame the BS on Alison Grodner ithink she plays favorites and does everything she possibly can to keep them in the house w/o making it look obvious what she and the rest of production are doing,and thats breaking their own rules.

      • The only one who’s ostracized anyone is Audrey herself. Everyone in the house said they like her as a person, but as for game play, she’s just irritating. Otherwise, they like her humorous side!

      • I agree Joni, nobody has been cruel to Audrey or ostracized her from the beginning of the show. Everyone enjoys her on a personal level but at the game level she is beyond redemption since she can’t control her incessant lying to everyone.

      • All she did was lie & try to put words in other peoples’ mouths right from the first day. Her game was terrible & now that she has had a nervous breakdown or whatever it was that kept her in the DR for 5 hours, production should have removed her from the game. She’s not special. Do you think Vanessa and Jason should get special treatment because they’re gay?

      • Glad you asked a question that has nothing to do with what I originally posted. No I don’t think anyone should get special treatment. Period. Never said that actually. I feel bad for her, it’s called compassion. As I said self inflicted or not she’s still a human and she obviously feels alone. That’s sad. Period.

      • There should be no compassion in this case. She brought it on herself & now that she’s heading toward the door she and production are putting a guilt trip on the rest of the HGs. She needs to go. Now. They are letting her break every rule in the house because they don’t want to be seen as insensitive.

      • Treat others as you would like to be treated. You reap what you sow. She hasn’t been very nice to a lot of people in the house. I wanted to like her but she thought she was above everything and everyone. No special treatment from me.

      • I know, James fixed her an omelette and Shelli fixed her pizza. None of this is fair and if she truly was sick she wouldn’t have spent about an hour trying to make Shelli feel guilty about FINALLY putting her up on the block! Shelli makes me ANGRY because she is soooo gullible it drives me crazy!!!

  2. Yesterday WhenAudreywentintothedr trended on twitter.

    But honestly yes she is breaking a lot of rules, but for bb at this point they know she is leaving thursday so they prob don’t care that much. If she had quit yesterday that would have screwed up a lot of things. Either this week would have been called dead or Jason or some1 else would havve been screwed and gone home this week.

    • Plus the fact if you self-evict you not only lose the chance at a return, and other perks, you also lose your stripen.(Pay) It’s all part of the contract.

  3. I wonder if there was some sort of negotiation. Maybe they made a deal with her that she would return if the HN rules were lifted for her?

    • She’s not special. She agreed to the rules & should have to abide by them like the rest of the HGs.

    • I feel like…they offered her a bonus because of her story…and they explained to her nicely that if she self evicted….no bonus.

  4. Tried to make a disqus account and it wouldn’t let me make a “name”…. Lol.
    If Audrey is in emotional or mental duress BB should pull her out. It’s a show. It’s not worth putting a person through more of it if it causing them that many issues.
    If she’s just being miserable and pouting they shouldn’t be bending the rules for her. I can only imagine the difficulty of being in that house while taking hormones. But seriously. Girls gotta pull herself together. There’s no evil ppl in the house waiting to pick her apart and humiliate her. Like some houseguest have done to ppl in previous seasons.
    BB. Pull her out and get her help. Or slap her wrist and tell her to get back in the game.
    My opinion.

    • Fixed my name! Lol
      We’ve seen many ppl in the BB house with major issues. Sexual or gender orientation set aside. Ppl are screwed up. And when you lock them up and put them under a microscope 24/7 the crazy comes out.

      • I think that’s what this was too – she needed her medications that she will always have to take from her operation. I feel for her that she’s in this position, which I think is partly her fault, and partly the shows. They’ve never seen what putting someone who is on medications like hers in this intense of a situation is like – also, many who don’t understand what you go through, and have to maintain as a transgender would not understand…I feel bad either way.

    • Good thing Amanda (of Amanda & McCray) isn’t in there with Audrey ! Audrey would have had a meltdown way before now!

  5. Audrey is a child in a adult body, sadly with deep physiological issues. I know no one is allowed to say it because he/she is transgender but it is reality..

      • Yup and your 5 year old has the excuse of actually being that age.. Whats Audrey’s excuse other than being a spoiled adult child who thinks the world has to cater to her childish behavior.

      • I agree Avi M. She knew coming into this game what all the possibilities were. If you are voted out, you’re voted out! Acting like a spoiled brat does not help your game. And let’s not forget, Audrey did this to HERSELF!

      • Right! But she must have been a really good actor because how did we not see this coming during Interviews week? And has anyone noticed that she is now so different from the girl we saw in that interview? The girl we saw would never give up and was more determined to win!

    • I can’t imagine the hormonal effects she’s enduring…the chemical imbalance alone would put someone in major mental and physical turmoil.

    • the irony there to undergo the sex transition surgery one has to see a therapist for a year…if she had the big surgery she would of or should have been seen mentally fit…but sure doesn’t act like it

  6. it amazes me how these so called “special people” always want to be trteated the same as everybody else but when it comes to them not getting their way, then we have to have speacial rules for them, game or not its not fair to people playing within the rules

    • You nailed it Taxman…..she knew what she signed up for… unfair to other HG…..

    • I cannot express how much I agree with this statement and how many times I’ve thought it myself in other instances.

    • better late than never lol just learning how to use this tool and saw your reply taxman. it’s nice to see I’m not the only one seeing it that way! That’s bullshit but she’s gone now so whatever lol next… Haha

  7. I don’t understand why everyone is calling her a baby and a brat. You don’t know what’s going on with her so please stop assuming she is faking it! I strongly believe that she did a panic attack but neither her nor productiob wanted her to leave (She would never want to quit, and production probably wouldn’t know what to do until thursday) so she’s on bed rest and of course she needs to eat proper food! Why are ya’ll being so jugdmental?

    • Last season when Jacosta got sick, which was real, the only preferential treatment that she received was to not play in one comp. She still had to attend meetings and she looked like death warmed over. This season Odd is getting all kinds of preferential treatment for her conveniently timed “breakdown.” Jacosta’s was a physical illness and very real. Odd’s is all mental or faking.

      • Every case is different. If she did a Panic Attack, she can’t be under huge stress right now or her situation could get worst. Maybe I’m the only one who can understand but mental illnesses are as bad, and sometimes worst than physical illnesses. I just don’t appreciate when people are being judgmental when they don’t even know the person, or what’s really going on!

      • If it was a real panic attack, then she should have been removed. If she has mental issues, then she shouldn’t have been on the show.
        Production should not allow her to break the rules so blatantly. It
        sets a bad precedence.

        I agree that real mental illnesses are as bad and sometimes worse than physical ones. I just don’t believe that Odd’s is real.

      • EVEN if ODD does have real issues, which she may, I am of the opinion that she also has “issues of convenience”.

      • Exactly! She even said in DR that part of her strategy was to get people to feel sorry for her.

      • Truth is ugly sometimes, Cuddles. Hope you sleep well and feel better tomorrow. Goodnight!

      • I feel absolutely positively 100% healthy, well, frisky, well nourished, happy ~ It’s you and your gang I’m concerned about. bye bye

      • How patronizing. I was feeling very very very well and didn’t want nor need your patronizing comment. <>

      • And IF and I do stress IF it is Real, and That bad, Production should be pulling her out of the House! But since Audrey was in DR for over 5 hours, obviously They had a doctor come check her out and she’s fine since she’s still there, and Production (AG)is just chosing to coddle her(Audrey) in Hopes of enough “sympathy votes” that will keep her in the house.

      • If they didn’t know for sure she was leaving this week, they would probably remove her from the game. But she have 2 days left in that house so she probably just want to calm down and relaxe until whatever is going on with her is gone and enjoy her stay for 2 days. That’s what I would try to do. I’m just saying that I don’t like that people are jumping to conclusions.

      • If I’m not mistaken, they have professionals in the house to evaluate. Do you really think they’ll let her stay if it’s serious?…I think they have an idea what’s going on.

      • Eric. Don’t delete your account. Just hang’s all good…we’re all crazy here. lol

      • Hey don’t be sorry for your opinion. Everyone here has a right to their own opinion. I get attacked all the time. Right Cyril. Lol

      • Right LG!..I remember you wanted to quit posting here. Glad you got the right medications. ….thank you David!..thank you.

      • I suffer from panic attacks from time to time. For me isolation makes them worse. I know every case is different but staying busy and not being alone with your thoughts seems like a better solution if she is having panic attacks.

      • Wow! The mere fact were talking about her “MAYBE” having a mental illness is a serious issue. CBS is not doing their JOB. we should be talking about the game and her paranoia moves. Although I think she knows exactly what she is doing.

      • You are the ultimate in “judgmental” if you think that maybe you are the only one who can understand the disabling results of mental illness. Try some insight pie after dinner, Mr. It’s amazing how anti-judgmental people are sooooooo judgmental.

      • You are right. I’m very judgmental and hurting people’s feelings. Guess the only thing I should do now is delete my account, because I don’t want to judge anyone.

      • Don’t do that! You’re entitled to your opinions. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re not. I may not agree with you, but I respect your right to have a different opinion.

      • Thank you Redroses. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to express myself correctly and I totally accept and understand that everyone has different opinions and I respect that. All I wanted to say is that some people were insulting her and I personnaly didn’t thought it was fair because we don’t know everything that is going on right now. But I’m obviously wrong because people are allowed to judge everyone, apparently. And to everyone, I’m sorry if I offended you,it was not at all my intention.

      • No one can know everything that is going on in anyone’s life … I take opinions for what they might be worth and on a good day, I learn from them to be a better person … on a bad day, I guess I just do something shallow.

      • I have to say that; I’m really happy/ecstatic, that we (Hubbie & I) found this forum; completely by “accident”!
        It is sooooooo wonderfully refreshing, to find an open Forum, where its members are discussing, basically….Quite a “Hot-Button-Topic/Issue” & although not every is on the “same page” regarding the “Topic Discussion” @ hand, it literally blows my mind, to see how the absolute majority of commenters/Forum Members; have truly been, for the most part; so unbelievably respectful & supportive of everyone’s opinions; even if they don’t “See Eye-To-Eye”, on others comments/opinions!
        I swear, absolutely 99.99999%, that had this been any other Forum/Discussion Group; one would rarely; if ever; see this level of kindness/respect/support/etc.; rarely, if ever!
        We found this page today; & again, I really just want to say how truly fortunate; let alone how most fortuitously; we really have been; to find this Forum!
        Thank you most sincerely!

      • You don’t get out much do ya?

        Need someone to hate?

        Well, my name’s Mark..

      • Early bird catches the worm mentality?
        Instead of, “Early to bed early to rise”, the older I get it is,”Late to bed, early to rise”. Anyway, Capt, have a great day. Maybe I’ll see you tonight.

      • Lorilei and Hubbie, I found this site last year quite by accident and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. Matt B(“Creator & tireless lead writer”) and his gang are great and keep us well informed. Nice to have you.

      • Eric, I don’t mean to be cruel, but you are now sounding like a big spoiled brat, like you are going to take your crayons and go home. If you’re going to post your opinion, be ready to support it and stand behind it.

      • Like a spoiled brat?! Ok you don’t know anything that is going on in my life rightnow, and it’s very unfair that you would say that! I obviously didn’t express myself correctly and I’m sorry if I offended anyone, I was just trying to make a point and I was wrong.

      • What is going on in your life has nothing to do with my post or BB. It seems you are taking all of this Audrey stuff personally and are having a hard time with people not agreeing with you. If you are going to post on an opinion site, you better have your big boy pants on or you are going to get your feelings hurt a lot. Hang in there!

      • Maybe I should’of take this spoiled brat thing as a joke? IDK, I’m kinda new here and I don’t know the humor ya’ll are using. I don’t have a problem with people disagreeing with me at all, I just don’t like seing stuff that aren’t nice toward someone. Maybe I just have to understand that this community isn’t trying to be mean towards Audrey, but are trying to keep it real. I’m sorry I didn’t understand thay before ;)

      • Wow, nice! And we are big jokers, we use lots of sarcasm and Cyril says bad words sometimes. Hope to see you more.

      • We know you have a lifetime supply of pizza rolls, and a huge stack of Xbox and Playstation games.

        We’re on to you…pal.

      • Being one who has experienced panic attacks, Audrey should either participate in the game she signed up for or self-evict and remove her stress. She should not be allowed to use her condition as a way to stay in the game. Feeling sorry for her will cost someone 500IK.

      • She was sick, to look at, to listen to. BB16 improved immensely after Jocasta was evicted.

    • She already did this before. This is what she does when things don’t go her way, she isolates herself and acts like a baby. I wish production and the HGs wouldn’t cater to her, and instead try to teach her a life lesson by explaining the only thing you can do to make things better here is to get back up.

      • Excuse me but with all the respect, you don’t know for sure what’s going on, so it’s not fair to assume things about her.

      • After 17 seasons, I think we have a good understanding of how houseguests act and how much special treatment they receive (i.e., none). I completely agree with either eject her or make her play. Period.

      • Next you’re going to tell me that I’m only assuming the first pic of her looks like a gray minion!

      • If she can’t perform per contract, get her a** out, or take her to the nearest mental health.

      • If you are so incapacitated by some mental frailty or issue (you don’t have to know or assume which) that you cannot play the game within the rules, then I think special treatment is not the healthy thing to do for anyone … just take her out and direct her to proper treatment. If it’s real, it’s all you can do for someone, if it’s fake – then removal from the game is the life lesson … and it’s fair to everyone else.

    • Not being judgemental at all.
      If it’s serious. PULL HER OUT.
      if it’s not make her play the game.
      It’s literally that simple.

      • The fact that you think she should get pulled out is not judgmental, I agree. But when people are calling her names because they assume she’s faking it just because she’s still in the house, That is being judgmental. Maybe production didn’t want to pull her out because they know that in two days she’ll be evicted. Maybe I’m wrong and if she’s faking it then I’m sorry. But I still believe that people shouldn’t write negative comments when nobody’s sure of what’s going on.

      • Judgment, smudgment … being speculative is pretty much part of this discussion group, though I get your point to a degree.

      • That’s what this site is for, Linda. To give opinions, pro and con, of the HG’s we’ve been watching for weeks. That’s the whole point of the show – watching how each player responds to the stress of being in a house with multiple other people they don’t know, many of whom are polar opposites. It’s a social experiment, pure and simple, and we’re the review board.

      • Not sure about anyone else, but my mental health and stability are more important than earning a stipend from being on a tv show. If she is that messed up, she should pull herself off the show and go get some help. BTW, I still put most of the blame on BB and CBS for casting emotionally and psychologically fragile HGs.

    • if she is not faking it (which I think she is ) then she needs to be removed from the game now…..with no additional eviction this week……production should have to adjust…..they allowed her to sign on.

    • You must be blindsided because one thing she is a manipulator and she does lie she likes to Sally in front of her face about Jason Shelly call her out so you’re telling me what she’s doing there is something definitely wrong now she wants people to feel sorry for her because she’s transgender this is what it’s all about Julie Chen what a look up her records she would have known something was wrong with her and it’s obvious she cannot handle the fact that she’s being evicted she cries wolf too many times look what happens when you lie I don’t feel sorry for her and I’m not being judgemental to her she done this to herself now she has to pay the consequences she is acting like a baby that’s my opinion whether you like it or not!!!!

    • I personally don’t believe she’s faking. But whether it was faked or not, she’s acting like a spoiled child who didn’t get her way. The way she played the game is coming back to bite her and she doesn’t want to face it. Instead of owning up and dealing with the consequences, she’s hiding from it all. That’s what’s bratty and childish.

    • This time a week ago she was singing and dancing with Shelli in the bedroom. Now she’s lost her mind the moment her fate is sealed.

      She’s fine, and if she isn’t, she shouldn’t have been on this show if she couldn’t deal with the possibility of eviction.

    • There should be no judging…just get her out and get her the proper medical attention she needs…why judge.

  8. Can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen….or I guess, the HN room. Sad to say, she brought it all on herself, and, its not about being TG, its about being a bad “player.”

    • Whatever happened to taking responsibility for your Own Actions?? Stop being a cry baby Audrey….The way you (Audrey) chose to play the game didn’t work…so put on your big girl panties and keep playing til you hear if you are evicted….THAT is Big Brother, never give up!

      • Can’t understand how CBS is putting up with her antics..get her out…if medically she can’t continue to play like the other HG’s…then adios !!!

  9. I may not like her…in fact, I really don’t—but I hope she’s OK. It appears to me that she’s having a major depressive episode. She was pretty manic during the first few weeks; now she’s withdrawn and not making contact at all. I hate to see anyone going through something like that.

    • BTW, I don’t think she’s just ‘sad’ or that she’s going through something she can just ‘snap out of’ by ‘pulling herself up by her boot straps’…I think there’s some very real clinical depression going on. And I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. It’s HELL.

      • Thanks, Cuddles! I was kind of believing I was the only one who felt this way. Often times, people who are predisposed to Major Depressive Disorders, experience this type of withdrawal brought on by stress…whether it’s good stress or bad stress. Obviously I’m not a psychiatrist, but I’ve experienced this in my family. I mean, I’ve noticed she’s not even making eye contact with the HG’s. Her isolation (when combined with this relatively new) complete withdraw, concerns me. Hopefully she gets the help she needs—rather than ridicule.

  10. It just seems to be me to be a very opportune time for her to be sick like this. Seems like she is looking for sympathy and hoping she gets to stay another week. The thing is when you act deceitful no one can really believe anything you say even if it’s “the truth” This time…

  11. I thought they were supposed to do psych evaluations on HGs before entering the house. BB and CBS are playing with fire. A few seasons ago it was Willie headbutting another HG, but what happens if instead of sadness rage becomes someone’s go to emotion.

  12. I think it is totally unfair that she is given ANY special treatment….she should be told to play the game or no money !!! If she gets to eat regular food, so should all of the other have nots……..lights on in the room during the day….what else are they going to do to cater to her….

    • I agree with treating all Have Nots the same. I kind of think they should do away with the Have Nots. I like the “Whack Street Boys” punishment. Its more fun to watch.

  13. The way she is acting is really insulting in my opinion, if she does have mental issues, she should be out of the house regardless of scheduling and the show. If production knows that she’s faking, then I believe that she shouldn’t be allowed back at finale.

    Maybe that’s extreme, but skirting the rules and blatantly avoiding doing what you’re PAID to do is ridiculous unless you are legitimately mentally unwell. I know everybody says this, but there are thousands of people who are DYING to get on this show, her actions are a slap in the face to everyone who loves this game.

    • I would say MILLIONS…that would give their right arm to be in there…whether they fit the production mold or not.

  14. Audrey’s behavior is cause for a great concern that the producers and CBS in general should take a careful look at, they should remove all the knives and any other objects that might be considered dangerous from the BB house for now until she is dispatched from the house for fear of going wacko in the house and the possibility of harming someone in the house.

  15. They really should do a thorough psychological evaluation of everyone entering the house. There have been some really unstable people on the show. That being said, being locked up with a group of strangers for so long without one’s normal support system is probably not something a person can anticipate. It’s pitiful when they have a breakdown.

    • You are spot on, personally, I know I will go crazy just looking at the filth in the kitchen and clothes lying on the floor in all the bedrooms, absolutely irky

      • Me, too, jd, and I don’t like just any ole’ body on/in my bed. After watching the habits of some of the HGs over the years, I know I wouldn’t last. Irky is correct! LOL

      • I am with you, I forgot to mention about some one else in my bed, some body whom I don’t know their hygiene habits, a total stranger whom I just met in the house, I will tap out a quickly as I got into the house.

    • Big Brother versions around the world are actually required to have a medical team on deck whenever they are needed, with psychologist checking in every few days. The Diary Rooms are originally designed to allow housemates to vent out their frustrations, pour out their feelings and the like to production a.k.a. BB himself.

      In certain cases like what happened in the UK’s most recent season, BB would order a player to stay inside the DR if he/she got engaged to a tense confrontation and will only be permitted to leave if production gets to talk him down to a calmed state.

    • they do…although I’ve heard mixed reviews about how well those psych evals are conducted…lol (or how thorough more so no thorough they are)

  16. We have several close relatives on both sides of our family who have been diagnosed with a variety of mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, social anxiety, and depression. I have seen full blown attacks with each of these relatives and it is no laughing matter. Some of these attacks have required trips to the ER and, in some cases, and an extended stay in a psychiatric facility. That being said, I have also seen each and everyone of these diagnosed relatives act out like babies when they don’t get their way on something that is really important to them. They will shut themselves off in their room and refuse to communicate. There is a difference between a mental break and a temper tantrum…I think what we are seeing with Audrey is what I have seen with my relatives which is a bit of both!

    • Hey mental break or tantrum if she’s physically unfit to continue the game get her out….they can’t keep her there if she’s can’t handle it.
      Why is it against the rules to leave if you can’t handle the game…for whatever reason….they keep changing them anyways so what’s the diff.

      • I agree with you…she seems unfit to continue (in my opinion) and she should go home now not Thursday…

  17. Good riddance they are catering to her and she being a big baby. Put your big girl panties on and play. I don’t feel sorry for her one bit.

  18. This is all game move by Audrey. John should be worried. Audrey can pull the votes together from the outliers who are blindly following sixth sense. I expect a move from Audrey Wednesday night.

    • If they fall for this asinine move…they should give her the money right now….cause they are all morons to be taken by this schoolyard move. You know how many MILLIONS would like to be in her place right now that have some knowledge of the game!

  19. I doubt she had a psych meltdown, if she needed psych intervention in the first place do you really think they would put her back into the house? They would be risking her, the houseguests and themselves. She would be pulled if she had a mental breakdown…

    • So we can say it childish tantrum…like when a child doesn’t get their way?

  20. Hmm I haven’t been one in awhile and I don’t have any…but isn’t this exactly what little kids do when they don’t get their way?

  21. If Audrey does in fact have an illness, be it mental or physical, then she should be pulled from the game. It’s not the fact that she’s getting “special treatment” that bothers me; it’s the fact that she needs help. Her health is way more important than the game. I will keep her in thought and prayer as I too do not like seeing someone suffer. However, if it’s an act, be it her idea, productions idea or a combo of both, then I find her behavior (and theirs) to be loathsome. Mental or physical disabilities/illnesses are not something to be taken lightly. It isn’t good game play; just like when people lied about loved ones being terminally ill on past seasons. Mental and physical disabilities/illnesses are real and everyday people battle against the illnesses and their effects. I hope Audrey gets the help she needs, if in fact she is ill; and if she’s not than I will pray for her anyway.

    • She isn’t in jail. Though there would be ramifications she can leave any time she wants if she really feels her health is in jeopardy.

      • True, she is not in jail; however, if she truly is sick and is having a mental breakdown she may not be able to tell just how bad is she is. The old saying if you know you’re crazy than you’re not is true. She may not realize just how far off the reservation she has traveled. In this case it would be up to the psych CBS has on hand to evaluate and pull her from the game. I’m watching this show called Unreal, and while it’s an over the top look at how far production will go to keep the drama, it’s amazing to how close it’s come to some things that have been speculated about what goes on on Big Brother.

  22. Someone on here said maybe this was a stratagy on Audrey’s part and John should be worried. Even though I don’t agree, I will consider that opinion. If she happens to pull it off and stay, what will she do the next time or the next? What did she think, she would never go on the block? I think she has never watched BB and not a Super fan like she claims.

    • She did say in an early DR that getting people to feel sorry for her was a part of her strategy. I don’t think she was lying when she said that.

      • I wonder what she wanted people to feel “sorry” about. That’s kind of an insult to the entire LGBT community.

      • Oh! I didn’t think about it that way. I took it more as just a sympathy strategy. The ol’ “oh, poor me, everyone picks on me.” You may be right, though.

  23. I don’t see how BB can expect the other house guests to play by the rules if they allow Audrey to break the rules. Audrey agreed to play the game for compensation the same way the other HGs did. She should get no special treatment. If she is ill then she should be pulled from the house. Period.

    This whole transgender thing is become a farce. First HGs are afraid to evict her because they think their will be backlash for doing so. DaVonne made this clear when she was evicted.

    Its time for CBS to enforce the rules for Audrey like they do for everyone else. If she refuses to play by the rules then she should be kicked out of the house.

    • Kicked outlook at her, that girl needs to be carried out. OUT being the key word!

    • CBS should can all the casting crew…they don’t know how to do their jobs…on top of all this you hear rumors of them looking for people on tinder and the like. What the hell are they doing. Get people in there that want and can play the game…do the proper screening and evaluating. What are they going to do next go on forensic files and look for serial killers?

    • I agree 100%. When groups want “equal rights” (for various kinds of issues) and to be treated like everyone else, THEN TREAT THEM LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! Here me CBS and Production??

    • I think that if Audrey has become a non HN, then the other three I should be as equally treated. Unfair

  24. I’m wondering if maybe she was suffering from a migraine. That could explain the 5-6 hour absence and being allowed to keep lights off in the have not room. I’m just guessing here, but it does sound plausible.

    • Migraine can be hard to prove. I just remember how easy it is for her to lie. How easy is it for her in “real” life

      • It absolutely could be a migraine and if that is that case, then no one should get uptight about her hiding out in the dark. Migraines make you feel like your head is going to explode. But perhaps BB could just tell everyone that this is what’s going on instead of allowing all the drama and mystery.

      • CBS would have to have Audrey’s permission to divulge any such information. I doubt she would allow it.

    • It sounds totally possible, but if so….why doesn’t she just tell the HGs that? It wpuld garner her way more sympathy, if that’s what she’s wanting.

  25. I think CBS has done something grossly unfair this season. After BB15 with all the real world consequences for racist statement by cast members, there is now a constant fear by cast members that anything they say or do that is non-PC could do irreversible harm to them in their real lives after BB. Every time Aud plays the martyr (which she is not) she is making a veiled threat that if things dont go her way she could destroy the lives of other cast members. This is cruel. You can see and hear in Shelli’s face and voice that she really dreads even raising her voice to Aud. Im eager for this odious chapter in BB history to be over.

    • I agree! The racists comments were as uncalled for as much as swinging the other way to using kid gloves. Everyone should be treated the same. No derogatory treatment and no special treatment.

  26. Wouldn’t it be interesting if Audrey IS NOT transgender but used that as her first strategy, starting when she was interviewed by BB. I doubt CBS could ask her for proof that she was telling the truth. I know that sounds stupid but a few weeks ago on another “comment” site, somebody wrote- “She is not transgender. I went to school with her.” My first thought was, what a bunch of bull *hit. She could have had things done, over time, after they graduated etc. I believe she really is transgender, however….if she wasn’t, can you imagine what a strategy (and blow up!) that would be!! Lol!

    • I would think that they would all be required to have a physical from a BB approved physician and have to sign release papers so that certain individuals within the CBS production hierarchy would have access to those results for various reasons.

      • I hear you, but with HIPPA laws etc, I don’t know how far they can go with stuff like that anymore. Besides, if a CBS doctor (or any other doctor) examined her they would just see a typical woman’s body. (Unless of course she still had her “manhood” in tact.)

      • Uh, I’ve never seen an up close and personal post-surgery transgenders private area, but I have seen pictures and heard stories. I don’t know how true the stories are, but “typical woman’s body” was not the description. But like I said, that’s word of mouth and may not be factual. No matter, I guess it could happen, but I don’t see CBS not requiring some kind of proof before allowing the claim on such a popular show.

      • I’ve never noticed her adam’s apple but will look for it tomorrow and Thursday! That’s assuming she’s in any footage!

      • It’s really small and you can only see it from the side, but a Dr. would notice it.

    • Austin was talking to someone last week on BBAD. He said that Audrey told him that she wasn’t going to say anything. But CBS told her she had to make the statement about her secret. I would really like someone from her work to weigh in what she is like at work.

      • Allegedly…because cbs didn’t want backlash if she ‘kept her secret’…she was greatly encouraged to reveal it immediately as she did. (or more so they didn’t want sure would have been a different game for her if she didn’t tell everyone nearly immediately though)

    • One of my closest friends is transgender. She waited until her late 40’s to let anyone know, although she’s known since she was 7 or 8. She hasn’t gone through chemical or surgical changes, yet. She told me that no one she went to high school with would believe it now.

  27. Does anyone think she became seriously ill at the most inopportune time? Maybe it is time for her to go anyway and recuperate at home rather than interrupt the other hgs.

      • I’m trying very hard not to speculate! Ha! I just think it’s best she recuperate elsewhere if she truly is having hormonal issues that a transgender must go through.

  28. I think if Audrey is allowed not to be a HN, then the other 3 should have the same rights

  29. Sounds like Audrey got up, went to DR, probably to get medicine, and that is speculation, then went back to her room. If she is taking medication that should not be taken on an empty stomach, I still don’t get why she can’t fix and eat her own have-not food. Great day alive, most of us don’t get waited on hand and foot when we are sick and wouldn’t expect to. Gosh darn it, now, I’m not happy. And I’m gonna’ make all of you miserable, too.

  30. BBAD is horrible. I am so glad I am not paying extra. Every time someone starts to whisper and talk strategy, they cut to commercial or someone talking about different comps. UGH!

    • It is horrible – I don’t remember other years having so many commercials. Hardly worth watching.

      • Complete waste of time. I read BBN and Jokers every AM and find out in 2 mins what I need to know.

    • I agree about BBAD. However it does seem like they aren’t doing any “bleeping” this time around. Last year you couldn’t even follow any conversations.

  31. This is way off target, but could someone tell me how Becky received her scar? She talked about surgeries last night on BBAD, but nothing else.

    • Her face was hit by a train last year, from what I recall her telling everyone earlier in the season ??

  32. I thought that if they quit the game m they would lose their stipend?

    Also, in hindsight, she may have been better pulling of a Frankie frim last season, in waiting for point in the game before revealing that she was/is a transgender, for sympathy, as he did with his half sister?

  33. She was not sick, she was acting like a 2 year old because she got caught running her mouth,she knew darn well she was getting put up so she pretended to be ill, if BB lets her stay that is bulls…t, she will do the same crap everytime they try to get rid of her, myself I think she is a little unstable.

  34. Matt, you did a great job with this latest update – fair and objective and I couldn’t ask for more.
    If Audrey is this fragile she should be allowed to self evict.
    And I certainly hope the other Have Not’s are exempt from slop too! !

    • The other have nots have to stick to the rules. No reprieve for them. That’s part of the uproar over this.

      • I can’t believe this redroses – how unfair! I guess CBS doesn’t care if we’re offended though.

  35. I’m wondering if she has a migraine? It could very well be stress induced since she has been on edge since she entered the house and it would have been intensified when she realized everyone had her number and she couldn’t talk her way out this time. It could also be an emotional/mental breakdown but BB doesn’t want her to leave that way both for her and the other HG. It would be a HUGE let down if after everything she has caused she left on her own accord and they didn’t get to send her packing.

    • I was thinking the same thing – that ties in with being in a dark room and covering your eyes. If it was some kind of nervous breakdown, I would think that she would have been removed for medical and legal reasons – they wouldn’t have let her back in where something tragic could conceivably occur. I don’t agree with her getting special treatment either, but since she’s pretty much guaranteed eviction this week, perhaps Production thought it didn’t matter much. If by some miracle, she escapes that fate, I would imagine the other HG’s might have a huge problem with it, in retrospect.

  36. A part of me sympathizes with Audrey. If she has some mental or physical ailment going on right now, thats rough. When I am sick I just want to be alone so I can’t imagine being stuck on a show with cameras and people while sick. Also, she is right about the alliance. Imagine if there was an alliance and you were the only 1 who saw it, no one believes you. It would suck. Part of the reason they don’t believe her though is her own doing. If you say the sky is falling too many times when it actually does no one listens. The biggest problem I have with this is I don’t think the show should play favorites. If Audrey is sick, fine, but the rest should have the restrictions eased for them too out of fairness.

  37. The lights are STILL out in the HN room and it’s been daytime for hours. Also, what’s with Audrey getting an omelet room service?

    • James is a good egg. I’m sure he would have done it even if he had known she made fun of him for being short and wearing camo a while back. Maybe he should have made her green eggs and ham.

  38. I wonder if production is plotting a way to somehow keep Audrey in the house. Even though she’s mostly sulking now.

  39. I can’t get passed the brown bag and being allowed to sleep the day away, undisturbed by the other HG, in a darkened room. Makes me wonder if Audrey has come down with something? Either way, she’s outta there on Thursday. I don’t dislike her, just the incredibly mindless way she’s played the game so far.

  40. She was probably set to win and become some kind of “trans hero” and now that her game got wrecked she flipped out.. Her contract is probably a lot different then the other house guest.. She should be disqualified.

  41. Just for fun today, I went back and watched episode 1 of the very first Big Brother. One thing that I wish they would go back to (if not every time, then 2-3 times per season) was on season 1 they had the viewers call to vote out who they wanted out every week!!! Wouldn’t that be a hoot now??!!!

    • And probably more interesting weekly luxury tasks. If they fail a task, they’ll live on staples for the rest of the week.

  42. this forum is mostly populated with elementary school age individuals. please stop apologizing Eric and stand up for what you believe in. thanx.

  43. Sounds like a bunch of crooked bullshit by the crooked eye network!

    CBS is being crooked by pushing Audry as far as they can so she/he will be a tie-in to the CBS show, B&B which has a transgender character.

    CBS does crossover promotion like no other network. Now, they’re bending the rules of their own show to help advance their other shows!

    CBS should be ashamed.

  44. I think that a lot of us in the LGBT community were rooting for Audrey. I’m not generally a fan of identity politics, but the reality is that positive role models do matter. The flip side of that is that people unfairly generalize about a community based on one individual’s actions. The bottom line is that Audrey has played the game very poorly, and that has nothing to do with her gender identity. If anything, she squandered the goodwill that her life story engendered. I was impressed by the reactions of the other houseguests to her story. They genuinely saw her as an inspirational figure. Let’s hope that this all leads to some personal growth on her part.

  45. Reminds me of the episode of Even Stevens when they sang “What’s the Matter with Ren” except replace it with Audrey :P

  46. I got the Live Feeds this year because of the drama Audrey created. Than 2 days after getting the feeds, this all happened. UGH! Hoping next week is more interesting =/

  47. Audrey is completely acting like a child! Pretty much saying “if you don’t do what I want then I’m just going to go home!”
    that is something I have heard numerous times having three daughters! But they are all under the age of 18!! it’s like playing a game with someone and they are losing so they say they don’t want to play anymore, exactly like a child! It really bothers me that production is catering to her! don’t get me wrong, I want her to stay but only because so far this season has been very very boring!but I do not agree with the fact production is letting her eat and whatever else she wants she is getting!

  48. I don’t care if her story is big because she is transgender! She is no more important than anyone else in the game playing! She just has a courageous story ……..aside from that, she is just a regular Big Brother house guests and should be treated that way by production! (please don’t take my words out of context and imply or think that I am saying this because I am homophobic or racist! I am just saying that she should be treated equally! & and not get anybenefits and what not! In my humble opinion

  49. All an act.

    It’s the ‘pity party’ hail Mary move.

    Audrey sucks.

    And again, this year like last, the HG’s I dislike are bouncing out the door. A few more and we’ll be down to the ones I kinda like and then I just watch.

  50. You can’t stop a trans-gender pity party ARE YOU CRAZY?

    The Morlocks will come up from below and eat yo cisPC ass.

    #ImmunityNecklace #BB17

  51. Audrey was fine the first week when she ran the house. Seems like a “things aren’t going my way” attack. Wonder if BB will have the audience stacked with staff to applaud loudly the way they did when Frankie was evicted.

  52. This catering to Audrey is truly ridiculous! So she couldn’t and wouldn’t accept the fact her “game” was blowing up in her face and she put herself into a panic attack and anxiety attack! She held up over 5 hours of everyone’s day by staying in the DR ! Then the fact she wouldn’t even be adult enough to come out of the HN room for the Eviction ceremony! And she still hasn’t stirred from that room since coming out of DR! Production should be telling her to either Play and participate or don’t get paid! It’s as if she has self-evicted without actually leaving the house. She doesn’t have to follow ANY of the HaveNot rules, nor any of the House Rules. She gets to live in the complete dark day and night, gets to sleep on the floor instead of the dentist chair whenever she wants. She can eat whatever she wants. What to heck is making Audrey So dang Special? Does she really think this living in the dark wrapped in a blanket face hidden in a hoodie is going to buy her sympathy votes? None of this has anything to do with her “hormonal changes”,or a “chemical imbalance”. They(Production and her doctors) would have made sure she had whatever proper medications she may still be taking during her ” transition”. She had been just Fine until she realized her game blew up in her face and she couldn’t make anyone believe Anything she said anymore,even if she was telling the truth. So she pulled this BS.
    This is just a very pathetic way to go out of Big Brother. Will she actually come out on Thursday and go out on that stage with Julie? We can only wait and see! This has been the most ridiculous move by Production! But of course,Audrey is a Grodin favorite and she wouldn’t send her home or let her self-evict and lose her stripen. So she just gave Audrey special privileges and told all the other houseguests to be Nice to her until Thursday! Heck, some are even cooking for her and serving her the food! Audrey must be feeling a bit like Queen sheit on turd island, but of course they won’t let anyone see That part ! I’ll be glad once Thursday comes, and Audrey is gone! Then …on to Austin !

  53. She’s acting so spoiled. It’s a game! The other guests didnt act all childish when they knew they were leaving! And she got to eat?!?!? That’s crap!!! I hope the other have nots got to eat real food!!!

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