Big Brother 17: Week 4 Pre-Veto Comp Plans

Just as we heard overnight the discussions from inside the Big Brother house continued today in preparation for the Power of Veto medallion and the options it would offer.

Big Brother 17 HoH Shelli Poole
Big Brother 17 HoH Shelli Poole – Source: CBS All Access

Shelli, Vanessa, and Clay had themselves a plan to target Audrey but they needed to wait until Veto players were picked before they started working on the next round of choices.

I’d say everyone but Audrey lucked out in this draw. Jason and John are on the block so you can imagine Jason was thrilled to see Meg’s chip drawn and his opportunity to pick James. Vanessa was the other Houseguest included to play. Now they’d be sure to control Monday’s outcome.

During a group meeting of the players, where everyone was on board for targeting Audrey, they agreed that Shelli didn’t have to win it which was music to her ears because she did not want the added pressure of using the Veto and naming a renom.

Meg said both she and James would use the Veto on Jason but I’ve been reminded that James promised John he’d use it on him if he won. Could be a situation where James doesn’t try for the Veto so we might be able to knock it down to four players really trying.

As for really trying, we know Jason and John will be driving hard to win, but I don’t think they’ll be alone. Just before Feeds went to Jeff Loops for the comp we heard Vanessa tell Shelli to not try to win and it’d be better for Shelli if she (Vanessa) were to win the PoV. So what’s Vanessa up to? I imagine she might be worried that if Shelli gets the power she may back down.

Vanessa seems stressed with how Audrey is revealing a lot of truth about her and that could be a Big Brother death sentence for her wavering ally. Tack on the protection associated with the Veto and it makes sense for a nervous Vanessa to want to make sure Audrey doesn’t convince Shelli that it should be Vanessa, not Audrey facing a Backdoor this week.

The Veto competition is currently underway and we’ll get the spoilers soon so stick with us on Facebook and Twitter to get a notice as soon as the Feeds return with PoV results.



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    • I just hope people don’t start seeing him as a threat and start actually targeting him because he keeps winning Veto. His voice might get on my nerves but he is becoming on of my favorites.

      • Me too! And the more I’m growing to like him, the less annoyed I am by his voice. His “conversation” with the POV necklace last week cracked me up.

  1. Already stated on other feed, but I hope JMac doesn’t win so he doesn’t get too big a target on his back. Best case scenario, imo, Jason wins veto and Austin gets BD’d!! That would throw suspicion away from Clay and Shelli as well.

  2. Shelli should stop trying to win HOH if she is too scared to get blood on her hands.

    I really hope Jason and John win HOH next week and put up Liz and Vanessa against Austin and Shelli ensuring at least one of them goes home. I cant decide who I dislike more, Vanessa or Austin. But Shelli is a close 3rd only because she is such a dumbazz,

  3. I love JMac, the way he talks reminds me of Beavis and Butthead. I agree, Austin is becoming annoying and sorta cocky, he need to get back doored this week. I think Liz will stab him in the back because it seems that she’s only using him until her sister gets in the house.

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