Big Brother 17: Shelli Begins “Backdoor Audrey” Routine Again

Another week, another round of “maybe we should Backdoor Audrey” talks on Big Brother 17 as Shelli is faced with more important decisions as this week’s Head of Household.

Shelli Poole on Big Brother 17
Shelli Poole on Big Brother 17 – Source: CBS All Access

No one has had more opportunities than Shelli to get Audrey out, but no one seems to be more afraid of doing it which makes for a lot of waffling and an unreliable set of threats against one of the sneakier Houseguests this season.

Things kicked off last night just after 8PM BBT, Flashback on your Live Feeds or get the Free Trial now to start your fun. James came up to the HoH room to talk with Shelli and Clay where he revealed things he heard from Audrey. They aren’t good things and include how upset Audrey is that Shelli told Jason that she was upset with him. Yes, Shelli screwed up there but she thinks she should be forgiven because she admitted it.

Shelli is there with Clay listening to this news from James and she’s getting very worked up. Shelli was already agitated by Audrey for interrupting her rest before the BotB to tell her she had another dream. As things piled up Shelli got more and more frustrated to the point of telling Clay that she was done trying to help Audrey and maybe now was the time to Backdoor her.

James and Clay leave the room after Vanessa arrives so the ladies can discuss. Shelli updates Vanessa on what she’s been hearing about Audrey while Clay is downstairs spilling way too much info to Audrey who has buried herself under blankets and is crying in fear.

Complicating Shelli’s decision is Austin. He comes up to the room (Flashback 8:40PM BBT 7/17), speaks of his heart longing for Liz, and then leaves. Shelli tells Vanessa she won’t talk game in front of him anymore after learning he was running info back to Jackie. Austin is on the outs as Shelli is concerned.

Once Shelli mentions how Audrey warned her that Vanessa had made a F2 with Audrey it seems to kick Vanessa in to action. She tells Shelli she is on board to BD Audrey and get her out this week. Vanessa is worried however that Audrey will expose Sleeper Cell, but Shelli doesn’t care since she doesn’t want to work with Austin anymore.



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  1. I would target her now. There is still plenty of big fish to fry at the double eviction. Clay will have to work his magic on Shelli to make it happen unless Vanessa steps in and throws a wrench on the plan.

  2. Shelli seems to be worried what america will think of her if she’s the one that puts up and gets audrey evicted.

    • She really needs to worry about what America thinks about her if she don’t.

      • Since she already sent Da’ home maybe Shelli has reason to worry about her image?

  3. I’m starting to think everyone is afraid of voting out Audrey out due to backlash. That fear will have her skating to 500K

    • I think if she doesn’t go before jury starts, they’ll take her out on a double eviction when she wouldn’t have time to campaign.

    • Lovezoe Da told Julie that the HGs are cowards and are afraid to put Audrey up fearing the backlash, she is going to win the game if they don’t wise up

  4. Audrey deserves to be on the outs because of the lies she’s made that were inappropriate but I want Jason/James/Meg to realize they need her. She’s a number that could help them and once she finds out her precious Shelli wants to backdoor her she’ll be loyal to them and we can see a more equal playing field in the house.

    • Jason, James, and Meg could sure use a little help right now. If it takes Audrey then I’m all for it. Anything to stop the one-sided control we have going on. I would love to see the good guys up in the HOH. I want JMac to join them.

      • Hey, KSJB! I’d love to see Jason, James and Meg get some help, but Audrey is so flaky. The “alliances” this whole season have been pathetic – these kids just don’t know how to keep their mouths shut. That’s why we need some more mature players – they’ve had life experience and know that a friend can turn to an “enemy” on the drop of a dime.

      • I think they need more than just ”age” to help that along. They need people to whom this money REALLY matters! No more part-time models & actors who aren’t even applicants. I’d rather cheer for my neighbour Ted down the road than ”Mitsy” or ”Fluffy” or ”Stu” who spends their days sleeping and their nights hobnobbing at clubs with actors & casting agents…

      • Hi, my friend, EnglishRose. Speaking of roses, I’ve been trimming and spraying mine. Those dang Japanese beetles were stacked 4 and 5 high on some of the blooms. Don’t they know the roses were made in China? Anyway, you are so right about Audrey, Grand Biscuit type flaky, pathetic alliances, and kids who talk more than they think..LOL I think we could take them. You game ?

      • They need it and even though she can’t be trusted much I feel like once Shelli goes after her she’ll pick the other side and run with it. Johnny Mac needs to leave the dark-side!

      • You are right, latifah, she DEFINITELY doesn’t deserve to be trusted, but as of now, there is no one else the “good guys” can trust. If she goes on the block, she’ll most likely be eliminated, which would be much better than the alternative, Jason or JMac. I’m hoping JMac goes toward the light soon.

      • I’d rather see Audrey go than Jason, John, Steve but people like Becky and Meg who haven’t added any dimension to the game at all would be alright too. Even though I’m rooting for that side of the house I’d prefer strategists to stay. And hey, maybe Shelli will backdoor Austin this week!

      • Hey Mr. Matt S, what’s shakin’? You know 3 turns into 4 turns into 5 at the blink of an eye, then there were none. My team needs to get their act together and quickly! A little less talk, a little more action. Times a wastin’…lol

    • The problem with that is that you can’t trust Audrey to follow thru with any plan…you never know how she’s gonna vote and she’s either a pathological liar or that’s just some game strategy…either way she’s too unpredictable to be counted on. From what I’ve seen of her actions I’d never trust her in the game.

      • I agree but I feel like she is loyal to Shelli she just doesn’t like her with Clay so once Shelli goes after her she’ll have no choice but to find someone else or else she’s gone and her loyalty could be a helping hand for the other side.

      • Who was the loose cannon last year, the one who wore the pink hat. He was not near as bad as Audrey but the game play is somewhat similar but not exactly.

  5. Next, John wins veto, then someone other than Audrey gets put up and evicted. Repeat next week.

  6. I’m surprised the HG’s don’t scatter every time they see Vanessa coming. That girl, who seriously looks as though she has a thyroid/hyperactivity problem, never shuts up. Just watching all her expressions is exhausting. She’s going to need a long, long vacation after this is all over, just to wind down. Or maybe the HG’S all will, to get over the stress of putting up with her. P.S. Do the HG’s know how much money she makes from poker? Knowing someone doesn’t need the money usually makes them a target.

    • She told everyone she was a DJ in Vegas. None of them have any idea about what she actually does.

      • At the end of the day, I doubt too many of them even care what she does… She’s a fellow houseguest and in the way of the prize. ;)

    • On one of the first nights BB After Dark aired, Vanessa was crying about missing her girlfriend and saying maybe it was a mistake to go on the show, then said she didn’t even need the money. Steve seemed to be the only one who picked up on it and asked her what she meant, but she avoided the question. Thought that was interesting!

  7. Good Grief..Shelli is now crying because she just can’t put Audrey up..she just can’t do it! This chic is so naive. Audrey is playing her like a fiddle!

    • Last I saw, Vanessa was talking to Shelli about personally guaranteeing Audrey’s eviction. But then she (Shelli) joined Austin and Clay in the kitchen, where talk turned to Liz, so I tuned out.

  8. It’s still a long way until Monday’s Veto Ceremony. We’re just gonna have to wait and see.

  9. Why is a DE the best time to get Audrey out? I don’t get it. Any week that she didn’t win veto would work. Audrey does wake people up a lot so I can’t blame Shelli for being mad.

  10. Getting Audrey out this week is actually the smartest move for Shelli and Clay. It gets them through another week without too much blood on their hands since everyone wants Audrey out anyway – except Vanessa. Then, if one of the people from the other side of the house wins HOH, Shelli and Clay can flip on their existing alliances and align wit the rest of the house against Austin, Vanessa and Liz. They get out Liz next week before her sisters come in and it the house against Vanessa and Austin. Since no one on the other side of the house has taken the leadership to create an alliance, Shelli and Clay would become the defacto leaders of the new alliance. Honestly, I don’t think Vanessa will win another HOH. She won a luck comp. And despite her claims to be a genius with a photographic memory she plays like a moron.

  11. If POV is used, what legitimate excuse remains for Shelli not to BD Audrey unless she just doesn’t want the responsibility for it? But will she? I hope she has it in her, but the girl has no idea what she is doing. I think if she was doing what SHE really wanted to do, it might have been Austin for renom. Alas, Vanessa squashed that. Better Audrey than JMac or Jason, though. Fingers crossed!!!

  12. Shelli doesn’t deserve an end game. If the other side wins hoh. Break the show mance up and get her out! She’s a terrible hoh. And doesn’t have a social game. She’s like sobbing one moment and threatening someone the next!

    • I agree! I’m ready to see her and Clay go. Neither of them seems to realize that showmances eventually get split up, and then the one left has no true allies since they were only really loyal to one person.

  13. I love Audrey. The one shady thing shes done was in week 1. Since then shes been laying pretty low.. if she survives this week she needs to win HoH and either get Clay, Shelli, or Liz and Julia. That would be the best game move

  14. OMG, you guys! Someone check back around 4:47pm on the feeds. If I understand this right, then Vanessa and Shelli were talking about ways to cheat during the POV name draw, saying that they could feel the names on the chips.

    • This debate also took place in BBCan Season 1 where supposedly one of the POV draws was recalled because a houseguest somehow manipulated the chips… The details are sketchy because there’s only some references from the houseguests (which production of course cuts to fish when discussed)…

      • I can’t believe that BB didn’t think of that. I’m sure they are blowing smoke.

      • Ordinarily I’d agree Capt, but it seems (though nobody will know for sure) to be legit. There was a constant amount of feed-cutting when in BBCan’s 1st season whenever a slight reference was made to the recalled pull (because of some cheating the first time)… I wish I could remember the details better, but as I mentioned it had something to do with 2 of the houseguests managing to somehow manipulate the chips in their hands while pulling them out from the bag…

      • Yea, but what I was saying, BBUS sure took care of that if that was a possibility.

      • Oh yes, I totally agree then… I would think they wouldn’t let any possibility of that happening (unless there was an oversight which might be possible I suppose)… ;)

  15. Clay is class idiot #1 right now. Who goes running to blab to their closest ally’s target? I just dont get it.

  16. Yanno, I get that Audrey is the 1st transgendered houseguest on BB. As far as the public’s feelings if Audrey is evicted (and the HoH who fears nominating her), I see it as an insult to everything the transgendered community is about! Keeping Audrey in the game simply because she’s different is setting her apart….period! Transgendered, gay, older contestants, anyone who plays who is different should expect to be treated just like any other houseguest… and out of the game!

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