Big Brother 17 Twin Twist Officially Revealed – Liz & Julia Nolan

Julie Chen revealed a Big Brother 17 twist on the first night that would come off familiar to old school fans of the Big Brother series: twins! But since then it’s all been quiet so what’s going on?

Update: Confirmed! Liz Nolan & Julia Nolan are the Big Brother Twins.

Liz Nolan & Julie Nolan together on Big Brother 17
Liz Nolan & Julie Nolan together on Big Brother 17 – Source: CBS

On opening night we heard that one Houseguest was actually working in concert with an identical twin, but as for specifics there weren’t any more details. During our preseason interviews the bio sheets I received indicated Liz Nolan had an identical twin while Shelli Poole had a fraternal (non-identical) twin. But soon after the Feeds began we learned there was yet another twin’d HG in the mix.

Yes, Jeff Weldon has a twin but from what I’ve seen on Instagram, they couldn’t pass off as each other. Then again, I didn’t especially think Liz and her sister Julia could either. Without any other identified twins our options seem limited but there have been some interesting discussions on the Live Feeds.

Shelli mentioned that she looks more like her younger brother than her twin brother, so unless she’s fooling with us that one should definitely be out since they’re not even the same gender, much less similar in appearance. Now as for fooling with us, Shelli had another interesting conversation.

Flashback on your Live Feeds (get your Free Trial now) to 6/29 @ 2:30PM BBT to find Shelli explaining to HGs the Big Brother 5 Twin Twist. Ahh, yes. The origin of this season’s twist was from over ten seasons ago when Natalia and Adria swapped out in the DR and successfully made it in to the game together. Of course they were subsequently booted in back to back succession, but they did get in the house as individuals just as these twins are trying to do.

Was Shelli messing with us and knows something more than what she’s admitting and used this in hopes of alerting other Houseguests? Maybe, but I’m doubting that right now. As for other HGs noticing anything, it’s been all quiet on that front, but Feedsters did get a treat.

CBS announced on Monday via Twitter that a “twin swap is happening any minute,” but that Tweet was soon deleted for unknown reasons. It also said it was going to be the first swap which might have been the problem. That message was soon replaced by one saying the “twin swap is in full effect.” Hmm.

We were watching the Feeds at the time, naturally, and didn’t notice anything out of the obvious right away. Earlier though there had been some footage shot of feet heading to the DR and you might remember that from the Team America reveal last season.

While CBS hasn’t officially announced who the mystery twins are I’m sticking with the generally agreed upon Houseguest who recently went so far as to refer to herself in the third person during a conversation with Austin. Or maybe it was just the mystery twin talking about her sister. Hmm.

Are you ready to find out more about the Twins Twist? It wasn’t mentioned in tonight’s preview clip, but let’s hope CBS is planning to update us soon before things get too far along in the season.



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  1. I don’t think it will be announce until the live show tomorrow. Julie will surely do the honor.

  2. Matt, How come I don’t see the posters avatar/name at the bottom on other updates? Not that it matters, but It does a lil bit. I click when I see a familiar Poster.

    • Hmm. The author name & pic at the bottom of the post? I’ve just got that set up for Branden & I since we’re the main authors. I didn’t do it yet for guest writers. Or were you talking about something else?

  3. The houseguest assumed to be part of the the twist has had some mis-speaks in the game so I have taken that as the twins.

  4. Since I don’t have the feeds and don’t watch that much of BBAD, I haven’t noticed the differences some other fans have seen re the twin twist. So I’m looking forward to tonite and tomorrow nite to see what’s revealed.

  5. I think the twin twist has been going on, we just don’t see the actual switch. That’s how good they are. Hopefully we’ll see some footage tonight of the twins switching. Live feeds are still controlled in someway

  6. There’s no way that the twins are in the house together already, is there? I know a lot of twins that look nothing alike. Then there are some that have some similarities. There are two girls in the house that I think have similarities enough that I think they could be twins. Does someone know for a fact that I am way off base here? Please tell me.

    • From what I’ve seen on twitter they have switch many time already. And since we know, people can point out very easily the difference between the 2.

      • So you are saying the twins will definitely be switching, whereas,I was thinking maybe there will not be switching. Maybe they are both HGs like, Shelli and Becky for instance. Is that even a possibility?

      • No, definitely, Liz has a twin called Julia. Very hard to tell them apart. And picture I saw on twitter show that they definitely were both in the house.

      • Thanks. I’ve been driving myself crazy this week looking at the HGs to see if any could be siblings. Now I think I’ll just relax and when it happens, it happens,

      • From what was said tonite by CBS, I guess we’re going to learn more about this ‘twist’ Thursday nite. I hope they show them together ~~ a pic or a shot of them outside of the house

    • There are handlers in the Production that takes care of the twins. These are Pros. They will make sure they are identical up to the mole.

      • I think they left a few very small thing (on purpose maybe), because for one thing. one has dark hair regrowth a bit longer.

      • Yes, production sure is meticulous ~~ The twins aren’t on CBS that much and I’ve not been watching much BBAD so there’s absolutely no way for me to tell them apart.

    • Oh you thought they’re not switching and they’re there at the same time?

      • I remember the twin twist and how it worked before. I thought they could be trying something different, putting a set of twins( who are not that similar) in the house together, throwing us all off.

  7. At the POV ceremony it was the twin. If you go back and look closely you can figure it out :)

  8. I’ve been scratching my head for several days wondering why the house guests look familiar, I talked to a friend today and before I mentioned my thoughts she said the same thing. Besides Jackie and Jeff, why do the HG’s look familiar?

  9. Anyone know anything about where the other twin that isn’t in the game is kept since houseguests aren’t allowed access to the outside world?

    • I suspect she’s simply sequestered like all houseguests are before entering the BB house.

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