Big Brother 17 Eviction Predictions: Who Is Going Home Tonight?

We are just hours away from the first eviction of Big Brother 17 as we ready to find out who is going home tonight. Despite the target’s best efforts, things look like a lock for the big debut vote.

Big Brother 17 Houseguests await eviction vote
Big Brother 17 Houseguests await eviction vote – Source: CBS

While some Houseguests have rolled over and accepted their Big Brother fate we haven’t seen that from Jace. He’s been working hard, with a lot of bad methods, and hasn’t given up the fight just yet. Meanwhile, has anyone seen Jackie campaign for a minute?

Last night there was a glimmer of hope for Jace after a talk with James, but James doesn’t vote, Jace. It didn’t take long for other HGs to convince James that this was a bad idea which means Jace is back on the fast track to an interview with Julie.

Do you think Jace can flip the house in these final hours? Vote away below and see what other Big Brother fan sites are predicting.

Big Brother 17 Week 1 Eviction Predictions – Jace Agolli or Jackie Ibarra?:

Jace Agolli
We Love Big Brother Jace Agolli
Big Brother Junkies Jace Agolli
Jace Agolli
Big Brother Access Jace Agolli
Zap2It Jace Agolli

Who do you think will be evicted tonight on Big Brother? Share your thoughts below.



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  1. It would be far better if the show had shown us why everyone hates him so much. For me the entire thing about him not being able to save himself makes little sense when I never saw what he did to elicit that response in the first place.

    • Now I understand why I felt very confused much of the time during past seasons by just watching the programs with no further info.for clarification.

      • I can’t do the feeds, but I have been catching BBAD since the time it was on Showtime ~ not the whole 3 hours but about half of that. It does help alot ~ but does nothing to help your sleep patterns!

    • That’s a good point. From the time the Feeds started we could tell the house was annoyed/frustrated with him, but you’re right that they didn’t convey that in the episodes. It leaves TV-only viewers in the gap.

      • Very true… this is the main reason I’ve come to enjoy your site my friend. Without it I only have an edited version of something that is already molded perception…

    • From the bits I saw, a few were saying that he was loud and a physical threat. He also did nothing to connect with the 2 HoHs until the BD was already in motion. James and Jason said to each other that he hadn’t talked to them at all. Since then, he has tried everything, including fake promises, bullying, guilt/shaming, lashing out, throwing others under the bus (without naming them), etc.

      • Now that I did notice – him not connecting with the 2 HoHs…because he said he hated everyone else in the house but Austin…I only saw how he reacted when James put him up as a BD eviction. Had I saw him do that before, then yes, I’d have wanted him out…but he reacted badly because he was going to be evicted before he even had the fighting chance to play, what anyone on the block is supposed to do…either campaign or fight to stay. I think he’s proven himself enough to stay more than Jackie has.

      • The reason he was so ticked is that the night before he, Liz and Austin had just formed a fake alliance with James and Jason called “5 Alive.” So, Jace thought he was safe.

    • For me, I will remember Jace as the wicked bully, who for about 20 minutes the other night, was a total maniac bullying and castrating Steve. He was relentless. queenbrat, if you want to read more about what Jace did, go back over the last 4 or 5 threads and see what we’ve all written about him.

    • So much stuff has gone on this week alone just on the feeds.. let alone the week without the feeds, for them to put everything from why Jace was really the target to the whole Audrey drama and the Da Vs Clay battle, the Austin Vs Jeff, etc etc, and to put that all in the hour plus the competitions and the previous battles also closing into agreements, They could literally make the BB show two-three hours and they couldn’t catch up I don’t think

      • I always thought the shows should be longer, at least some of them. Plus the way they edit it, you miss a whole lot unless you read blogs or watch feeds which not everyone does so for me they need to show us more of some things.

  2. I love listening to Liz/Julia talk..they make one syllable words into three or four! I doooooon’t liiiiiiike thaaaaat!!

  3. I kind of want Audrey to get HOH just to see what she’s going to do. Stir the pot some more!

    • Audrey and Austin or Liz would be perfect! But, when we really want something to happen in the BB house, it usually doesn’t..imagine the drama that would happen if she did win..what fun the feeds would be to watch then!

    • If I was Production, that will be my preferred outcome after all this chaos..Get the temperature going…honestly. lol

      • I’m not putting all my marbles in one basket yet. I agree, my David, it’s too early. ((let me write that down in my mind: Goliath says the 4th week will be intense))

      • I’ll make a quick phone call to Allison. Hopefully she’s available.

      • Hey somebody is asking me how our inside joke “David” started? lol I honestly can’t remember the details. Cuddles thought that was my name, and I believe Jason wants to know…have you read that thread?

      • No what thread is it? That’s too funny. The season he was on we just started joking about him. Anyone that I rant about like Spencer, etc. you always have some comeback. I don’t know why David stuck. Guess we’ll have to ask him. Lol

      • I remember David is a surfer dude, another “bro man”..and probably the worst player in BB history. …and we just keep saying “David” when a question is asked like who’s AFP or say Allstar we’ll say…aaaaah David!! haha right?

      • Yes. He was the one that liked Aaryn. At least until he watched the show when he was voted off.

      • so that’s why Lav calls you David? Hmmmm ~~~ I’ll have to think of another name that doesn’t remind you of ‘surfer dude’. How about Cyril? LOL~

    • She’ll have the hgs bring her food and drink while she lays in that HOH bed for the entire week doing what she seems to think is best for her game, issuing orders. I hope she doesn’t get HOH ~ she’s leaving next week, right?

    • Amanda the second in the house? I don’t think this bunch would fear her as much.

  4. As I’ve stated before, Jackie feels she’s safe from being evicted when they told her she was a pawn and wanting Jace to be evicted. She doesn’t know anything about how this game is played as the others do. Steve didn’t like being a pawn because he knows pawns have gone home in the past, so I’m glad he won Veto. I think Jace has done a lot more in BB to be able to stay than Jackie ever probably will. Loved his speel last night. And look where Audrey stayed the whole time during Prom night. Maybe it’s time to make her fight to stay next week?

    • I think Jackie is there to just show off her body..and I think her and Jeff are a pair.

      • Jeff and Jackie are definitely not a pair any longer. Jeff even said he would have preferred another Amazing Race contestant to have been on the show with him rather than Jackie.

      • Maybe, but I doubt it. Jackie doesn’t even seem like knows she’s playing Big Brother.

      • Yes, her body AND her long locks of hair ~ she never stops touching it. Jeff has moved on to greener pastures.

  5. Jace got annoy too fast. He was showing up to the girls… and got blasted. They didn´t like that things… most of the girls are older, so they don´t want a little kid around. Probably, only Meg would go for it.

  6. So with the new twist of BB Takeover, do you all think Jace might be saved from eviction and they do a FF?

    • I don’t think so..too early for something like that. I think Jace will go ahead and leave and something will probably happen after that. But, I could be never know what is going to happen for sure.

    • Love the BB Takeover. I think it makes the game better by stirring up paranoia and uncertainty. Make the house guests play the game instead, of floating around.

  7. Audry still has the bone and muscle structure of a man so if it’s a girls only contest she would have an immense advantage. We don’t know yet who is athletic or coordinated, including her, so this could be a lot of fun.

  8. The teaser: “Find out who;s living a double life in the house tonight”. So the reveal is tonight.

  9. This Big Brother season is showing a lot of promise. I hope they continue with the BB Takeover. That is a nice addition to give someone power at random to change the game around. This is going to be even more crucial when they have less house guests and nobody wants to make a move. These twists make the house guests play the game as it should be. You can no longer afford to float if there are twists like not being able to vote for this week. The good thing about the BB Takeover, you have endless possibilities on adding more and varied twists to add some paranoia and keep everyone playing the game.

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