Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Who Won HoH Last Night?

Results are in for who won HoH last night on Big Brother 17 after Jason Roy was evicted and just one Houseguest wrestled control away to take charge during last night’s competition.

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother endurance competition
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother endurance competition – Source: CBS

Last night returned Big Brother to the solo HoH core of the game that we know and it did so in grand fashion: endurance competition! Yes that means the last man or woman hanging on in the battle would take control and be calling all the shots.

Want to watch along? Jump on your Live Feeds right now or sign up with the Free Trial to see what happens next from inside the Big Brother house!

Houseguests have to hang on in “On The Edge” with the last HG left in the comp will take solo control of the game. Stick with us for our live coverage.

Big Brother 17 – Week 6 Head of Household:

  • 6:55 PM BBT – All HGs still in the comp
  • 7:05 PM BBT – Waiting for Feeds to return
  • 7:07 PM BBT – Feeds return. All 11 remain.
  • 7:15 PM BBT – Lots of wall leaning. Few guys already sound like they’re struggling.
  • 7:16 PM BBT – Birds fly in again and Becky yells “right in the t*ts!”
  • 7:20 PM BBT – HGs had bird “poop” fired at them. Now it’s raining.
  • 7:25 PM BBT – All HGs are still there.
  • 7:35 PM BBT – Two down! Steve & Austin are out!

  • 7:40 PM BBT – Another two are out: Meg & Julia. 7 remain.
  • 7:45 PM BBT – Ladies complaining about the birds hitting them in the chest.
  • 7:50 PM BBT – Wind and water spray was coming in hard but they hang on.
  • 8:00 PM BBT – Impressively the 7 HGs are hanging on. Birds attack again.
  • 8:10 PM BBT – More birds & rain, but no one else has fallen! Tough bunch.
  • 8:15 PM BBT – BB is letting them just hang on. Nothing actively attacking.
  • 8:20 PM BBT – Steep wall tilt sends Jackie then Liz to the ground. 5 remain.
  • 8:25 PM BBT – James, Clay, Shelli, Becky, & John are still in it.
  • 8:35 PM BBT – James is squatting and one of the Nolan twins is calling him out.
  • 8:36 PM BBT – Becky is out. 4 remain. James, Clay, Shelli, and John.
  • 8:37 PM BBT – Clay is out. 3 remain.
  • 8:45 PM BBT – Big Brother is firing up the water spray again.
  • 8:50 PM BBT – Shelli says it’s so freezing up there. James, Shelli, & John remain.
  • 8:55 PM BBT – James assures John he has nothing to worry about. John drops.
  • 8:56 PM BBT – Shelli asks for safety for her & Clay. She drops.

Congrats to James, our new Head of Household. The one and ONLY HoH this week. His noms arrive tomorrow. Should he go back on that deal with Shelli or will Austin and the Twins be his target?

We’re back in the house and there is a lot of tension as the “power alliance” is trying out life without power and they don’t seem to like it very much.

Julia and Liz are also talking to Austin and Julia is not happy about Austin revealing her identity. He’s scrambling, but she’s not impressed, says Austin disgusts her and she doesn’t want to work with him.

Read the rest of the events from last night in our Thursday Overnight Feed Highlights report.

Be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, & by Email Updates so you get all the latest news. Keep watching your Live Feeds to find out who could be going up on the block. Are you excited with the Heads of Household this week? Share your thoughts!



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  1. Becky or Austin or Liz or Steve or James wins HOH and the crowd roars with disappointment.

      • i would say to them “im not going to tell you a damn thing you will know when everybody else does “and i would not let any of them into my hoh room and watch them squirm.

      • Going back to our prior discussion, now we will see if James is smart or not. I can see him getting swallowed up by the alliance and do their bidding (Shelli/Clay/Vanessa). I maintained he was easily swayed…we shall see. Not much faith.

      • He will have Meg and Jackie guiding him now than the other alliance members.

      • I just remember James running to Austin after Audrey clued him in on the alliance. He doesn’t seem bright, and it has nothing to do with his accent. Donnie was bright and he sounded like Gomer Pyle.

      • But he doesn’t want that big alliance targeting him next week. He will probably make a safe move like Steve or Austin.

      • What choice does he really have left, though? Go big or Go home or both!!!

      • If he goes big now, he eliminates one serious threat and weakens the Sixth Sense alliance. You put two of them on the block and that is two votes you take away from the Sixth Sense Alliance. Also, you can play with their heads by threatening to put them on the block if they try to save Vanessa or Austin. It may be what is needed to break them apart. The stragglers might also, figure out that taking out the Sixth sense alliance is the way to go if they win HOH!

      • Recalling James’first HoH, he made his decision about who he taught needed to go and stuck to it. I thought he handled himself well, at the time. Hopefully, he will listen to everyone then make his own decision and stick to it. Clay is always in Shelli’ ear. In the best interest of Jame’s game, perhaps Clay is where he will start. Time will tell, but a girl can hope that watching his buddy, Jason, walk out the door on a whim will scare him into making a big move…..

      • But James seems to love Clay. Remember how he chose Clay for the steak dinner? If he wont target Clay, he wont Shelli either.

      • First week as HOH he stated he loves getting blood on his hands. Get shelli and clay!!

      • James is wondering why Shelly asked him in the comp if her and Clay would be safe. He thinks he’s in an alliance with them. Last I heard, he’s putting up Austin and either Steve or the twins and planning to backdoor Shelly.

    • I’d also like to say:
      Look. If you’re going to tell me why you deserve to stay, save it for Eviction Night and tell the house.
      All I want to hear until then is (2things)-
      1. Info – it’s going to cost you.
      2. How will it benefit me? If it doesn’t, save it.

    • Then Jackie, James or Meg will talk to Vanessa and ask, who do you think I should put on the block? She will say put Becky and John up. John gets evicted. Jackie, James or Meg will say they made a big move! These guys are useless!

      • Nope…Jackie is on to them now and won’t even ask anyone in that alliance. I’m hoping she’ll start befriending the big alliance and take info back to the other two, Meg and James.

    • If they wanted to make a deal for me to drop, promise safety – I’d refuse as long as I could hang on. No laughing, joking. Just say “No way”. If I can trust you then YOU drop and I’ll promise you safety for a week. If you refuse, after approaching me with this – obv you’re lying and I can’t trust you so you’ll go up.

  2. Jackie was a traitor and voted Jason out tonight! Meg and James best watch out for this one. I hope James wins this HoH and puts the rest to shame by not talking game with the other side. Put up Shelli and Clay and let the drama begin!

    • She wasn’t really a traitor because she is close to Becky too. She was smart not to vote against Becky because Becky is still in the house.

      • She is a traitor, she told Jason to his face “you will have my vote” and then voted against him! That’s a traitor.

      • She promised she would vote to save Jason if he could secure at least four other votes, but he could only secure two. She didn’t really want to save Becky, but knew it was better to vote Jason because she wouldn’t have to lie to Becky if she confronted Jackie about her vote.

    • Jackie said if Jason can get 2 more votes than she would evict Becky. Jackie and Becky are also allies

      • But she then told Jason that she would go ahead and vote for him, or am I hearing things?

      • I knew that, but that had been two days prior to evict. On day of eviction she changed her mind and told Jason she’d vote for him. I didn’t hear that he told her to go and vote for Becky anyway. I still think she should have voted for him anyway in spite of what he said, she said!

      • I guess I didn’t hear that part but I was under the impression that she would only vote if Jason could get 2 more votes. But I still see why Jackie evicted Jason. Jackie and Becky are allies. If I was Jackie, I wouldn’t want the others to blame the votes on me and have Becky not trust me.

    • Jackie actually told Jason that she would vote to save him if he could get the votes but he couldn’t so he said it was fine.

      • I heard on the feeds she changed her mind and told him she would vote for him.

      • No, just today he said it was okay for her to vote against him. He knew the votes weren’t going to change and Jackie has loyalties to both Jason and Becky so it would be better for her game to evict Jason over Becky who’s staying.

    • Shelli and Clay seem to steer the alliance the most it seems. Without them, Vanessa can’t think straight!

    • At this point with the lines drawn, with BoB, they’d just put up James, Jackie, Meg & Becky, knowing Jnac would try to win POV to save Becky but not really caring because they’d be happy regardless.

    • it doesn’t matter. Only the evil people (minus Meg) are out. The show isn’t worth watching anymore.

  3. I would love to see Meg, James or Jackie to win this tonight. The look on the 6th sense faces would be priceless.

  4. I cannot keep watching this. I hate the Evils. Why does the evil side have to win. Everybody on the evil side are horrible people, inside, and outside the house. The good side deserved to win. Not the evil side. I am so done with show. Thank god next season is the last season.

      • All I heard is they were signed on for another year after this one. Season 19 or more is still anyone’s guess at this point.

    • I don’t know how you can make an assumption of someone’s personality “outside of the house” when you know nothing about these people. You’ve seen them for 5 weeks on TV and maybe the feeds. You do realize this is a game and they are playing for half a million dollars, right? Lying to the face of someone you’ve only known for about 40 days because you’re playing a game with a half a million dollar prize doesn’t make you evil, it makes you (at worst) greedy, but so are the other 15 people. I’m sorry the people you want to win are being sent home, but that’s life. You seem to be taking this personally. Jason gets evicted and you’re acting like Vanessa killed your dog. 15 people are going to lose this game. 15 people are initially going to be upset about that, but they’ll get over it. I’m not sure if you will. That’s sad.

      • But that’s the thing you don’t get. This is not about the money. Vanessa is rich. She is a multi millionaire. She doesn’t care about the money. She did that bc she is a scumbag. And she would do the same thing if money wasn’t involved. Vanessa is a scumbag of a person inside and out. She left her husband when got sick and was dying of liposarcoma. Instead of being there for him. You know, kinda like what you promise to do when you get married. Apparently she wasn’t aware of the “in sickness or in health” part of how a marraige works.

  5. I can tell you this from watching the live feeds. Liz or Julia, doesn’t look too comfortable. looks as if she is in pain

  6. Vanessa is truly an evil person. Inside and outside the house. Everybody in the poker world hates her.

      • Shocking but yes she is considered a sex symbol in the poker world. Although poker players like playing against her because she is not very good. Although she has won 4 million in tournaments she has spent most on buy ins. She has never won or reached a final table and hasn’t won any decent money since 2011.

      • And she is mortgaged up the ying yang so needs roommates to help out so she doesn’t foreclose on that house.

  7. Results are in for who won HoH last night on Big Brother 17 after Jason Roy was evicted and just one Houseguest wrestled control away to take charge during tonightโ€™s competition. Please dont tell me that this is in reference to Austin and he won……..

      • He was too big to last very long. James and his low center of gravity was perferct for that comp. We figured Austin would drop early and predicted James would win.

        Hopefully he doesn’t let the other side get in his ear. I was kind of shocked he picked Clay to go to Outback over Meg. Anyone know why he did that?

      • Because Clay had been on slop that whole week and he knows what that does to a guy of Clay’s stature! haha Guess he was wantin to “beef” him up for the endurance comp Jason told him was probably next and get Clay so full he’d lose the comp! Endurance comps are built for small stature people! Clay probably took it as just a kind gesture! LOLOL

  8. Hope James wins,then puts Shelli and her Ken doll up,lord Clay makes Caleb look smart and Vanessa is a blonde headed “Tony Soprano” and honestly Austin makes my skin crawl..don’t have a real favorite like Zach from last year but Johnny Mac growing on me.

  9. yay! finally an endurance comp. kinda thrown off with Jackie’s vote tonight, but knowing how close she was with Vanessa and “the gang” makes it not so surprising. Feeds are gonna be a bit dull-er without Jason and his infamous “oh my-lanta” :(. whoever wins doesn’t matter at this point, they’ll eventually get coaxed to vote for a certain group.

  10. Lol I love how most of us on here are just rooting for the underdogs and hating the big alliance! Not trying to say I don’t hate them also but its just fun to see ^_^

    • It was funny on BBAD when Austin said he always rooted for the underdog when he watched and then he called his alliance the underdogs! I was wondering what Vanessa was thinking when she was listening to him.

      • Lol Austin is far from being an underdog! More like a buzzing bee near your ear during the summer or a pesky fly!

      • Austin saying chalk one up for the good guys was hilarious because he thinks america is in love with him big surprise.

      • Love when hgs get delusional! Caleb said everyone loves BeastMode Cowboy too! hahaha

      • One thing you don’t want to do is say how america loves you. If you do america hates you every time.

      • Lol I’m pretty sure the only person who’s in love with him is his self and his really big ego ^_^

  11. I do not want Liz to win because we will have to watch she and Austin spawn all week in the HOH room. She does like him because no one short of a prostitute would tolerate him the way she does. If Austin makes any romantic twin comments this week I will barf, and even more if the twins decide to cuddle with him together “to keep him on their side”

    • Ughh yes I’m with you on that! I’m pretty sure all of America would join you in barfing

    • Know what you mean,had to put on sunglasses and keep a trash can near in case I got ill.

    • Or….she and her sister decide its time to let him go so they don;t have to deal with him anymore.

    • I couldn’t agree more with everything you said! Ugh, Austin makes my skin crawl and Liz is playing with fire, I do believe. When he talks about Judas….I just want to scream (actually, I do scream at the TV).

      • Exactly! He is just too much and wow, the twins really showed their true colors tonight with Jason’s goodbye message. The comment about watching from his moms basement was soooo MEAN. Not a Liz fan at all. I hope Julia is smarter and can convince Liz that she’s being an idiot. However….it’ll probaly be the other way and they’ll all be cuddling together. Barf barf.

      • There could be many reasons he lives with his mom. I live near him and the town he is from is very poor. There is a good chance he lives with his mom because without Jason’s job, although he doesn’t make much, his mom would not be able to support herself. That is the situation of many people in his town, kids living with and supporting their parents.

      • I struggled for years…so yes, there are many reasons, so I will never judge a person in this predicament!

      • Right just because your secret got out doesn’t mean that you should treat a person in that manner! After all they are human!

      • Liz was mad because Jason figured out she was a liar and then got really mean about it
        That speaks loudly of the kind of person she is

      • The twins are trailer trash. I saw that character flaw all along. It just took you’ll a bit longer to see their true colors. I hope James puts up Clay and the bitch troll shelli. Separate these two nasty people.

  12. Thanks so much for the update. Is it just me or is this season not as good? I was surprised last week when Brittney said this was her favorite season to me it’s just ok

    • Battle of the Block really had a negative effect on the season. Now that it is gone I will wait a couple weeks before I decide if its a good or bad season.

    • It’s as good as lasts year maybe even a little better with all the added drama….but that was before all of the dramatic people were evicted -__-

    • Not as bad as BB 15 but probably in the lower tier for me. Thought BB16 had a great cast..

    • Last year was great and so much more fun than this season,this one is interesting but rather lackluster compared to the previous one.

    • Its better than last year but not much. Last year the biggest move was the alliance evicting one of its own, Zack Rance. Other than that it was a predictable bore.

  13. This is really terrible. All the good people have been sent home. Now
    with the exception of Meg and James, only the evils remain. This show
    is no longer worth watching. It is a guarantee that an undeserving
    person will win. There are so many horrible people in that house, and I
    can tell that they are all horrible people outside the house. Look at
    all the deserving they’ve sent home. A single mother. An insurance
    saleman. A transgender. A stockboy making minimum wage.

    And look at all the undeserving people in the house.

    • Look, I can’t stand Shelli and Clay, but if Shelli wins she will deserve it. The same goes for Vanessa. She is just so much smarter than everyone in this house its not even funny.

      • Agreed., Day was treated terribly. I can’t understand why African American keep going on these reality shows with racist white Americans, knowing they will never win. And the first time the AA makes a play, or making a derogative statement, they are out the door. The contestants on BB this season talk way to much. They can’t keep a secret. Day did talk way to much right off the bat, which sealed her fate. But the other houseguest have done way worst, and yet they are still there.

      • Vanessa is not that smart, she keeps telling the other house guest that she is smart, and you people have bought into the myth. She has a good rap ( talking, talking, talking) , which is very annoying., And the entire time she’s talking, she’ s lying. Is that a smart ploy, I don’t so, Plus she needs some Proactive for that face. And supposedly Vanessa is rich, don’t want her to win.

    • Not really a fair comment if their still in there unless they are floaters these so called evil people have just played the game better!!

    • Although I hate nearly everyone left, I found it funny that you said an insurance salesman was deserving. I have never heard someone say anything good about insurance salesman.

    • Quit cryin “yo”, Jason was a cry baby who’s a chain smoker and does nothing with his life. It’s his own fault he’s a loser.

    • You know they say those who are critical of others are not happy with their own lot in life!

  14. Liz and Clay say their lips are so hard. Not hard enough to not speak though! LOLOL

    • Lol apparently not hard enough! BB can you soley throw ice water at them only? Please!?

  15. We all know upfront Vanessa is a snake,she does not hide the fact but Shelli is even worse,always pretending in the goodbye videos how sad she is they are gone,what a phony!!.

    • Shelli is auditioning for a career in TV after BB. She is going to be very disappointed when she gets out of the house and finds out she is not as popular as she thinks.

      • Lol I find it extremely hilarious how she always looks shock when she hears the crowd scream for all their favorite evicted players! Like yes Shelli they were loved! Not hated

      • I find it funny when anyone on big brother thinks they have a career in tv waiting for them. In reality there life changes for a couple months and then everyone forgets who they are.

      • and only the big fans remember them. Like Steve and Jason said Big Brother is not that popular a show the overwhelming majority of people have no idea who you are.

      • I think Shelli wants to be the female version of Jeff (of Jeff and Jordan fame). The only problem is Jeff is a likable person.

    • I do not understand why nobody in the house seems to notice when Vanessa talks, her eyes are so big and she does not blink. She has to be alluring in person but it does not come through on the TV

      • Think Vanessa calling card is stark terror,with those sunglasses on makes her looks like she is fixing to order a hit on anyone that crosses her.

    • Okay, is it just me or did anyone else hear James call Shelli “Shelby” last night? That’s now what I call her…she makes me sick with her fakeness.

  16. I think Liz is going to be next to fall. She’s beginning to hate the noise of the birds. Hitchcock comes to mind for me! LOLOL

  17. The show will miss Jason,he one of the few that provided some much needed energy this season sorely lacks.

  18. I think its going to be a long night. They are all holding on like their lives depend on it. JMac may be the dark horse in this race but Jackie seems like she is mentally stronger than the rest. Hopefully she holds out as long as necessary.

    If she wins its going to be a great week of BB. Less predictable and full of back stabbing and more surprises. Just put up Shelli and Clay with Vanessa as a renom in case someone takes Shelli or Clay off the block.

    • Quiet backstabbing from her since that’s what happened when Jason went on the block!

      • I hope she stabs them hard and very deep. send one of their people home next week and make the rest of them decide on who to keep.

      • Yes, put two people up so the others have to make a choice. Whoever the choose to save alienates the rest of the alliance.

      • Right on!,make them feel some of the pain they have inflicted on the others,that whole click are nothing but bunch of snobs.

  19. Alright you guys this is beginning to feel like a bore I hope that Jackie SLAYS each and everyone of them in this comp and wins for Jason! On that note Good night all! ^_^

  20. Jackie fell! Now it all rests with James. If he falls them the rest will just make a deal to give the HOH to one of them. This is such a disappointment.

  21. What do you guys think John will do if he wins? He has the option of either putting up Shelli/Vanessa since they nominated him, or trying to use the HOH to get in with the Chelli/Vanessa group.

  22. John giving tips to Becky on which grips work best. But both are really beginning to feel the cold seep in.

  23. Finally, no more BOTB. Now, maybe, the other side has a chance. I think CBS heard the criticism.

  24. If James or John could win, they could put Shelli and Clay up against each other for eviction. That would make votes interesting.

    • JMac is my favorite but I’m scared he doesn’t see Chelli the same way James and Jackie do.

      • Jmac is much smarter than he’s letting on, him hiding the fact that he’s a superfan was definitely a smart move.

      • he did say early on in a dr session he would get them back for putting him at risk constantly. I am just scared he has changed his mind.

      • It’s still too early for a Jmac move- he has to wait until the Six Senseless start cannabalizing each other. They are still too u tied, powerful, and loyal to each other.

      • It’s still too early for a Jmac move- he has to wait until the Six Senseless start cannabalizing each other. They are still too u tied, powerful, and loyal to each other.

    • Yes! Then put up Vanessa as a replacement nom should Shelli or Clay get off the block via the POV.

  25. James is apparently struggling. I hope he can dig deep and hold on to win. I am losing hope quickly now.

  26. Going to leave you guys,enjoy the rest of evening and come on James don’t disappoint me,want you go for the throat next week!!

  27. Does anyone mind stating who is left on the wall? I dont have access to my live feeds right now.

  28. Does anyone mind stating who is left on the wall? I dont have access to my live feeds right now.

  29. If Shelli drops and John drops before James that is a sign that John is not that close to the alliance as they may think.

  30. When all that showmance stops , the games will begin…that will be the time to watch bb…..

  31. Everyone’s updates are even better than the live feeds! I don’t have to deal with all the unnecessary sound effects.

  32. Come on Johnny Mac, either you or James. The last thing we need is another power one of Shelli’s power trips.

    • IF Johnny Mac wins, SHelli and Clay will tell him what to do and I hope he doesn’t listen.

      • If there’s one thing tonight’s episode taught me, it’s that John knows this game better than anyone.

      • God, I hope you’re wrong, but I’m really afraid you’re not. Maybe he’ll grow some danglies and not be so easily manipulated.

  33. James should promise Shelli and JMac he won’t put them up if they drop. Then he should nominate Shelli and Clay!

  34. I think Shelli is using psychology on James by complaining how cold she is. Its a way or reminding him how cold he is. He needs to ignore her or tell her she look really bad.

  35. Shelli makes James promise no back doors for her or Clay. James agrees. Shelli jumps down

  36. Yes! Now hopefully he makes the right moves, Clay and Shelli up, Vanessa BD option.

  37. Go had to get back out of the bed and check and glad I did..JAMES WINS!!!,revenge is in the air!..good night(again!)

  38. F the deal Shelli asked, if I was James I would put both Clelli on the block. Why keep your word with them when they turned their backs on your alliance.

  39. The best thing about this is that the alliance has to squirm all week! Shelli and Clay will have to kiss James’ ass. I love it. Watch Austin and the twins throw Shelli and Clay under the bus! This is going to be so great!

    • He doesn’t have to screw the deal or lie. All he has to do is put her on the block up front! She said don’t back door…hahahahaha! She’s gone!

    • he can agree to anything he wants but it doesn,t mean that he plans to keep his word after all they promised to backdoor judas/austin then went back on their word along with vanessa.

      • I fell asleep last night and missed this part. I bet you Austin, Vanessa, Liz and Julia about pooped their pant’s when James won HOH LMAO. Now time to send Austin, Liz (if he only had heard Liz’s goodbye message, so damned rude and evil), Vanessa, Shelli, Clay or Julia.

  40. Woohoo! Get out Austin, one of the twins, or Vanessa if he did promise Shelli and Clay.

  41. If James talks to the other HG’s (not Shelli, Clay or Vanessa) and lets them “persuade” him to still put up Shelli and Clay, he can go back on his word and not look like a liar.

  42. “I promised to not backdoor you, so I will nominate you both now and you can play for the veto”

  43. However, I will cry if James says “blood on my hands” this week. Better blood than walking out the door.

  44. Time to get JMac to work with him and the “others”. Time to get Clay or Shelli out of the house. He must nominate them!

    Then watch them blame Vanessa and Austin for everything. This could be a priceless week of BB.

  45. Please, James, avenge Jason’s departure. Nominate Vanessa and Austin. (Or Clay or Shelli if he didn’t promise them safety. Or even if he did …)

  46. If James made a deal with Shell he will ho or it! I think Austin will be his target or Vanessa!

  47. Jmac and Shelli are both struggling. Shelli initiates the deal, she begins talking to James and Jmac

    Shelli – “Both of y’all, I’ve done this twice, I want to see Gizmo and Bailey, I need your word, no nomination for me or Clay.”

    As she was talking, Jmac fell. Shelli then talked directly to James

    Shelli – “James, no nomination or backdoor for me or Clay.”

    James – “No nomination or backdoor for you, Clay, or Johnny Mac.”

    Shelli falls and James wins.

    • Damn! James isn’t very smart, he could have worded his response a lot more cleverly to leave himself a way out.

    • I just hope he does not waste his HOH on Steve! Austin or Liz would be a mediocre play but better than Steve. But The big fish are Shelli and Vanessa.

      • Agreed! He has the chance to make a big move and shouldn’t waste the first single HOH of the season.

      • Getting Vanessa out wold be the smart move because she is the glue that hold that Sixth Sense alliance together. Without her There is no way Shelli and Clay will work with Austin and Liz. They will be very suspicious of each other.

        But putting Shelli and Clay up will test the loyalty of the rest of their alliance.

    • he has the power to work the others over this week though. Not guarenteed, but these houseguest flock to those in power.

  48. Everyone needs to realize that Shelli needs to go ASAP or she and her little doggy, Clay, will be standing up there as the final two. Shelli has a very strong personality, plus she’s smart – deadly combination in an HG.

    • Totally on board with you there. Wonder what Liz said to Julia before she went down meant…”everything you heard up to now, erase it!”

  49. Joni utter Anderson Jackie is not a traitor for voting jason out she knew that they didn’t have the numbers so she did the smart move and voted with the house

  50. Unless he targets sheli or Vanessa I think the hoh is waste then like Vanessa said cut the head off and the rest will fall now you got a Caleb in charge which means someone like Steve will go home

  51. Best for him is nominate Shellie and Clay, if either wins veto they can only take their self off. Then bd Van. One of the top dogs will be gone.

  52. Shouldn’t have told Shelly and clay they were safe, that’s a bit disapointing, but maybe he could still back door one, if not he could get Vanessa or Austin.

  53. I really don’t think there is a bigger scumbag than Vanessa. This woman doesn’t care. She left her husband when he was dying.

  54. So much for Vanessa’s calculation of a 94% chance that they win the HOH. She didn’t factor in that James is short!

    • Vanessa’s calculations are crap. She literally just makes up a number and people believe her. There is no calculation going on at all.

  55. If James were smart (and no offense I do not think he is), I would be overheard telling someone he made a mistake promising Chelli safety because he is AMERICA’S PLAYER

  56. I think the fans are overestimating James game to make a good decision he seems like a floater and I think home will be Austin and Steve

      • How do you figure if 6 people are in his ear promising him immunity he will turn on meg and Jackie he seems easily persuaded and intimidated to me

      • That doesn’t change the fact he is floater I predict he turns and puts up a fellow floater in Steve and no big move is made every time we fans want something from this game it doesn’t happen ala Jason staying

      • He is not a floater anymore. He cant be. After last week the line was drawn and he now knows where he stands. Or at least Meg and Jackie do.

      • That’s the point its James’es decision not meg or Jackie he will do something dumb that’s what floaters do dumb stuff he stands around people and says OK he brought clay to the dinner you think he’s not a floater James is vintage BB floater

      • I’d say he’s more a follower than a floater…oh well! We’ll see soon enough!

      • John is this your first season watching BB I am starting to think it is you will be disappointed look up Donnie

      • If you think steve is being put on the block you are clearly just trolling. It may not be Clay and Shelli, but sixth sense members are going up. Also spell Donny’s name right.

      • Why would he gun for the sixth sense when after one leaves they still hold numbers brains and brawn the smartest move will be to put up Austin and Steve less blood on his hands better for his game long term oh I spelled Donnie right like Whalburg the one that is rich and famous ;)

      • First off sixth sense is gunning for him very clearly so yes it makes sense to put them up over Steve. Secondly what does Donnie Whalburg have to do with anything?