Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results

Big Brother spoilers reveal who won the Power of Veto this week as the divided sides of the house prepared for another high pressure competition and big stakes for this week’s plan.

Big Brother 17 Power of Veto medallion
Big Brother 17 Power of Veto medallion – Source: CBS

The stress was mounting for John and Vanessa overnight as both feared this might be their final week in the Big Brother 17 house. Each went to the nominees and asked to be their champion for the PoV given the choice. One of them got that chance.

Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results:

  • Steve won the Power of Veto!

Today’s comp took nearly 5.5 hours and was the comic themed comp. Becky spoke with James and was very excited that their plan to get Vanessa out should happen without issue. By Monday afternoon we’ll have Shelli Poole and Vanessa Rousso on the Block together.

Houseguests playing in today’s comp included Becky (HoH), Shelli & Steve (noms), Vanessa (Shelli’s HG Choice), Austin, and Meg.

Shelli and Steve both told John overnight that they’d likely pick him, but then this morning Vanessa was quick to get in their ears and things shifted. Steve told Shelli he’d probably pick Vanessa after all. Well move over, Steve, because Shelli took those honors.

After the players’ pick Shelli apologized to John saying that chip was the last one she wanted to have come out of the box. Then she was afraid of what would happen if she didn’t pick Vanessa. I’m not sure I believe her story and think Shelli knew Vanessa would be a player in her corner.

What do you think of the PoV Comp results? What will happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be coming up soon and we’ll post spoilers when they happen.

Turn on your Live Feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.



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      • Serves him well…that is the only thing that is good about his game…because everything else is crap…

      • He’ll also be the sharpest/smartest one left once Vanessa is gone. Go ahead and laugh, but he’s a much bigger threat than most viewers realize. Not sure how many of the HG’s have figured that out.

      • He and Jackie, in my opinion, have had the smartest gameplay up to this point. Not to say Vanessa didn’t make good moves. She did. But she also made very bad moves that caught up with her. I personally don’t think she deserves to be called a good player. Becky said it well when she said “Vanessa is smart and dumb at the same time.”

        And yeah, I agree with you about Jmac. I think he, Jackie, and James are the three most likely to win as of now.

      • Floating != Smart Gameplay.

        Jackie Is far better than Steve in that she’s actually managed to loosely align herself with some people in Johnny Mac, Meg, Becky, and James. Steve is largely just out there in outer space marking time.

      • We are talking about STEVE, right? The guy is as big a threat to win BB17 as I am.

        A) He has 0 social skills. What alliances is he in? Who is he working with? Is he doing anything but dancing in empty rooms and talking to himself? That’s some hoss gameplay right there.

        B) He is another one that can’t seem to find his ass with both hands when it comes to determining who is in an alliance. Apparently he likes clinging to Vanessa, because she’s a smart player. WTG PAL.

        C) He’s obviously going to take the nomination this week personally, because obviously petty retribution is what matters, even though he is supposedly a ‘smart’ player. Smart players might actually try talking to Becky.

        But yes, at least he can win vetoes when it matters, so he does have that. But just because you know the game, doesn’t mean you have the social skills to play it properly. And he clearly doesn’t.

      • Neither did jason!! So much for super fans! They shouldn’t play the game from the big brother house…… They need to stick to their living room couches!!!

      • Ian Terry didn’t have the best social skills in the world either. He won BB, yes?

        All the turmoil created by today’s renom is exactly what Steve needs to thin out the house some more. Obviously, he needs to get moving at some point soon. That’s coming

      • He also was a key member of an alliance (Quack Pack) and actually made allies in the house that helped him get to the end. He didn’t just talk to himself in empty rooms.

      • That is true Steve is purposely staying quiet so nobody thinks he is a threat when really he’s a big threat to everyone’s game

      • But he really needs align himself pretty soon otherwise he’s going to get caught by the storm

      • We’ll see on Thu if all this nonsense on the feeds is real or just something cooked up by BB production to generate action on the feeds. I find it hard to believe, but you have enough idiots in there that it could actually be real.
        And yes, even if this shakeup is real–Steve, Jmac, and Becky have a chance. They won’t go quietly

      • I’ll go one better… I think Steve wins the next HOH for the DE week. It should be pretty obvious who the remaining HG’s would put up as nominees(within a general range, of course)–except him. He’s the one real wildcard left and I’d be fascinated to see what he does.

      • Well, he hasn’t won HOH, and he actually did win Veto, so you really can’t go one better yet. Also, unless you really needed to, I won’t like winning HOH on a DE week myself. You wouldn’t really get as much time as you would regular HOH. I don’t think that is fair, but that’s just me

      • Whether the twins are a perceived threat is irrelevant. Them, along with Austin constitute a voting block of 3 which gives them a lot of power, particularly as you move towards endgame.

        What happens if between the three of them they start going on an HoH tear? They can literally just burn through the house given politically they’d never go after each other until they had to @ F3.

        Not going after the twins, and in particular Liz since she holds the other two together, would make Steve the dumbest of the supposedly ‘smart’ players in Big Brother history.

      • Why? The HOH’s tend to be fairly random(particularly the A/B challenges) in who wins them. Not to say he won’t, but he only has like a 12.5% chance(certainly not ‘almost certain’). It should be a DE week though, so the first one likely won’t be a physical challenge due to time constraints, so he does have that and that’s probably his best opportunity of the two.

        I just really think though it won’t matter in that he’s likely to go after a personal target Ahab-style like Becky than a strategic one like Austwins(with a key target of Liz). He may ‘know’ the game, but so far he doesn’t play it well at all. People like to overrate ‘superfans’ when it comes to this game.

        Knowledge is only half the game and most everyone who is at least a fan has a working knowledge of the machinations of the game at this point.

      • While its true they could be a threat, neither Liz or Austin seem to have a clue. Austin is in looove and Liz is just goofy.

      • Pretty sure he’d put up Becky as retribution given his rant on Sunday’s show.

        Which, yet again is stupid gameplay because anybody with two braincells to rub together and not in Sixth Sense would put up and bust up the twins ASAP.

        He should know as much as anyone the power that a strong pair has in the house. And really its a strong trio in that Austin is their lap dog and clearly Liz’s ride or die. Take out Liz and boom goes the dynamite holding two pairs together.

      • I just thought cuz Becky wants to work with shelli that Jonny Mac would follow?? We’ll see….. But I do see him getting closer to James & co.

      • Not anymore. He’s with James and Co. now. Steve–the sleeping giant as I like to call him–is in an interesting position of his own making. He could try to take over Sixth Sense as the brains, but everybody else but Shelli is useless in comps and wouldn’t have his back anyway. He would be making himself a huge unnecessary target behind only Shelli for no reason. He’s a very smart guy and am quite sure he knows this. He also knows the Austwins need to go, so he might as well get some help in doing so. Plus he can build his own mini alliance with James and JMac along the way. I love the guy–he’s a master of manipulation and disguise. He’s playing the feeds as much as he’s playing the house, and he’s gotten away with it so far. But he has to start making some aggressive moves soon. Firing the first shot at the twins is a good start.

      • I have to say, you see things I don’t. Steve just strikes me as so ecstatic about being on big brother that he has yet to settle down and play the game.

    • I dont think Becky will go through with putting Vanessa up, I’m afraid she might target Johnny Mack.

      • Becky is tight with JMac. He’s her main ally. There is NO way she’s put him up, unless he does something stupid, breaks the bond and really hurts her. I don’t see it happening. She’s already celebrating with James about putting Van up.

      • She will def not target Jonny Mac. She’s prob closest to him in this game. I’m not sure what game you’re watching? Hmmmmm!!

    • Dream week indeed. Now Vanessa will try to get into Becky’s head and tell her that so and so is coming after her yada yada yada.

      • I think and hope Becky isn’t that dumb. Then again, you never know what the hell is going to happen.

      • She was dumb enough to nominate Steve, not realizing he wasn’t a good pawn, when her target was Vanessa. So she’s not exactly the brightest tool in the shed.


  1. I am surprised that Steve won and am even more surprised Becky is still covering for Shelli (telling James she didn’t know about the BD plan). I don’t understand the Shelli obsession these HGs have.

      • I think because the game seemed to be getting to him. He was asking for his mom yesterday . That makes me think he is falling apart.

      • Steve has all the symptoms of aspargers i know because both my oldest son and my grandson has it and they both act just like steve only trust certain friends and play video games and talk to electronic things like cameras or talk to their computers.

      • SHH don’t tell anyone but I talk to myself….ALOT. Well, really I just think out loud and then I try to cover it up by acting like I am singing.

      • You go, Willie! Do what you want & no one should be diagnosing you or judging you.
        Go be yourself! And love it!! ❤️❤️

      • Maybe….. But I’m pretty sure you’re not a doctor & you shouldn’t try to diagnose anyone just cuz someone you know displays similar behaviour.
        You can’t KNOW for sure so please stop trying to diagnose someone who displays aspergers symptoms.
        People like you are not appreciated as you start rumours!!! Shame on you!!!

      • screw you ahole i was giving an opinion h becus my gim norandson acrs the same way i did hot diagnose anybody dipshit

      • Steve won the Power of Veto!

        Good for the nerdy Ian Terry 2.0. As with the last couple of seasons, the first PoV was a spelling competition and it sounds like Steve won with “Trombonist.” James spelled “Lifeguards,” John spelled “Booger,” Jason spelled “Zones” and Jackie spelled “Judge.”

      • Nah, Ian at least socialized somewhat with the other people in the game and provided for some funny moment. Steve is just there. I hoped he would be somewhat like Ian or even better; be entertaining in his own way. I was thoroughly disappointed…

      • I stand corrected then. My long term memory isn’t quite like it used to be. Thanks for the clarification.

      • Steve added an “s” to trombonist making it trombonists for a total of 12 points! :-)

    • Not taking up for Becky at all but I think she was covering her own butt with James, not Shelli’s, at least this time.

  2. Shelli is going to say she threw it. She will spin this into throwing it was her way to apologize to everyone for picking Vanessa to play because she was afraid of her.

    • She is going to have to do something. Perhaps, now she will do the mea culpa she should have done and blow it up to complete her journey to the other side. Becky WANTS to work with her, I believe and so does Jmac.

      • I hope that after her latest betrayal, choosing vanessa, jmac and becky can understand once and for all that shelli cannot be trusted. Even with vanessa gone she has the twins and austin, she doesn’t need the other side of the house and I don’t see her turning away from the twins after making sure that they both got in.

      • The Austwins are useless. It is about winning comps now and aligning with folks who win them.

        Shelli has stayed in 6th sense I believe because of her loyalty to Van. With Van gone, she needs to re-assess if she wants to go far.

        You may be right, she may stay with them since Austwins will likely be 3 votes in jury. So, it could be “win a battle, lose the war” problem. But if she stays with 4/6th sense, then it is a sinking ship since they can’t win comps

      • But, shelli loves alliances and if jmac is serious about a jmac, becky, steve, shelli alliance, shelli may go with it, continue to keep the twins safe and manipulate the jmac alliance to go after j/j/m. She may throw Austin under the bus, with him gone she would have stronger hold over the twins, and justify james and jackie going on the block because they were key in clay going home and they are strong players who aren’t easily manipulated. Then whichever alliance took her farthest is the one she would stick with. I hope becky and jmac are smarter than that though.

      • So do I but if all of the 6th sense goes to jury or home in Clay’s place, they will have to vote for the better player than them. As of now it lays between Becky and James but all of that can change next week.

      • They can win comps but have gotten that holier than thou attitude. That is why they are struggling right now. Well that and the fact the other side just woke up.

  3. Steve and Johnny Mac: Each with 2 Vetos won, all of them as nominees. Those two will float through this game, but if you dare try to sink their ship, HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS.

    This means that Vanessa’s fate is likely sealed, and she will be the first HG this season that I will truly miss. I’ve enjoyed watching her game go from Derrick to Devin then back to Derrick then back to Devin for good. I’m going to go flashback to her week 5 confrontation with Austin in which she made a heavyweight pro wrestler squirm. She’s Crash TV at it’s finest.

    • Ya.. and being a poker player, you’d think she would have held it together better than she has. Instead, she’s just in constant meltdown.

  4. Got a feeling Vanessa is going to throw Liz under the bus and tell all to Becky and Steve. Get ready for an epic bloodbath!

    • More like John. …more crap about Clay and John preexisting relationship. …

  5. I thought someone said Becky won Veto?? I’m glad Steve won that means sorry Vanessa your going up on the block with your bff, you should be happy.. lol

  6. Welp this could either go two ways- Steve uses the Veto and takes hisself off prompting Becky to BD Vanessa, or Steve decides not use the veto on hisself(presumably persuaded by Vanessa to keep the noms the same) so that he ensures that Shelli leaves this week

    • Not using veto would be very risky for him. J/J/M would be pissed at him (aren’t now). So would Jmac. They would still likely vote out Shelli. The Austwins will vote to keep shelli. Van would be in a pickle, but would probably keep Shelli. Becky would be tiebreaker, not good for the guy that defies her plus she has a thing for shelli. He may survive a vote, but it is too close to call to chance it

    • Steve is not that dumb to not use the POV on himself and risk getting evicted. He knows the odds of staying after doing so is extremely low if not non-existent. Vanessa will be too quick to turn on him and hold onto Shelli as her meatshield for another week.

    • Steve not using the veto on himself is such a low percentage option its practically measured in imaginary numbers :/. Do people think Steve is that bad at playing the game?

  7. If Steve goes off and Vanessa gets put on the hot seat, this would be the biggest move of this season with Shelli or Vanessa being evicted!

  8. We just need to wait and see if Becky will pick Vanessa or if shelli will convince her to put up James.

      • She won HoH when it was needed. She’s targeting Van, which his her side’s #1 target, and she’s using Shelli to do it, her side’s #2 target. Plus she is sticking with her decision to solidly align with J/J/M, instead of being a rat.

      • Meh. Can’t get excited about Becky at all. If she wins this season with that as her resume, this season would go down in history as a failure.

      • Retail store manager who survived being hit by a running tram (train) overseas, made the biggest move thus far in getting a big player out and eventually winning the season doesn’t sound like things that would make this season a total failure.

      • The narrative part of what you’re saying I agree with. But I don’t think she’s as instrumental in Vanessa’s ouster as you seem to be giving her credit for. The feeds I’ve seen have had a whole lot of Jackie and James in her ear, which makes me question to what extent any of this was her decision.

      • There is still time for Becky to redeem herself and become a good player. But I don’t think she can do that by aligning herself with J/J/M or Austwins. She will always be at the bottom of either alliance. She should form a new alliance with JMac and Shelli (and Steve?). If Shelli does not tell Vanessa about the BD plan, then Becky can trust her.

      • Right.. because Steve would have any part of an alliance with Becky after she put him up this week /nod /laugh /no. He isn’t that smart a player.

      • I don’t understand, even if J&J in Becky’s ear, it’s still her decision to make since she’s a HoH.
        Don’t forget she won 5k in prize last week and 5k in prize this week and who knows what she can win in the future.
        No point of playing brilliantly but get you eliminated.
        This is a marathon game, not a sprint.
        That’s why people are stepping up now when it gets crucial. That’s brilliant move in my book.
        Besides, you need the jury’s votes in order to win in final two. Becky has votes in her side.
        So kudos to her. She could be the greatest player ever, who knows. Never count her out, it’s still 6 weeks to go.
        And yes, Van is going to burn down in flames. Me likey!

      • My point being if she’s doing what other people want her to do, how can we say that this is Becky’s sole power move to highlight at the top of her Big Brother resume? I don’t believe she is solely responsible for this move. I believe she is doing what other people are telling her to do. She’s been a tool the entire game, and she continues to be a tool.

      • The tool to get her safe and win the competition at the end?
        There’s no art in how to get to Rome, as long as you get there.
        Again, no point of playing brilliantly but it gets you eliminated.
        Bye Bye Van.

      • Therein lies the problem for me. For me personally, I don’t have any interest in watching a contestant like Becky. Even by her own admission, she’s basic. She’s vanilla. She’s boring. She’s not playing an exciting game. It may be a game that takes her to the end, but it’s not a game I’m interested in watching.

      • Sorry to say this, but that’s your problem.
        Many don’t mind Becky, some even like her and Jecky rule!
        Me personally I don’t mind her, but hell I would prefer thousands of Beckys instead of why why why why and why Van.
        Don’t let the door hit you when you walk out of that front door, Van.

      • It’s not just my problem. If you’ll read through the messages on here from many other posters, there’s a group of us saying the same thing. And it is a problem for the show if ratings drop once SnoozeTown takes over the show.

      • If she keeps playing the long shots, she’s going to get gone. You don’t always get this lucky.

      • The problem with Becky is that she didn’t make smart nominations given her desired outcome. In all likelihood, she’s completely oblivious to Austwins having aligned with Shelli and the Sixth Sense alliance in general. Had she actually had a good read on the house, she’d have put up Vanessa and Shelli, with Liz as a replacement nominee if needed.

        As it stands, she just got lucky that Steve won Veto. Any other outcome and she’s probably completely screwed. Applaud people for smart gameplay that plays the percentages, not shitty gameplay that simply happens to get lucky.

        In Poker terms, Becky sucked out on the river this week.

      • I kinda likely too!
        Vanessa is a ticking time bomb.
        She goes off all the time, can’t commit to anyone & thinks she’s so smart. But she’s just a paranoid little girl.

      • But wasn’t Becky more or less a huge question mark? We know she’s aligned with Jackie but doesn’t have stronger ties game-wise with James. And according to spoilers last week, she and John were already discussing how they’re both basically in the outs with Vanessa group anyway.

      • Which is bigger? Breaking up showmance or getting out one of the HoH queens or something that someone else did?

      • We’re also talking about a woman who’s had no strategy for the entire first half of the game, has been non-existent to pretty much everyone, and couldn’t win a BoB when the opposing team had someone actively sabotaging their outcome. Let’s not rewrite history here. Becky is pretty uneventful as a BB contestant. She’s enacting James and Jackie’s will as HoH. You’re giving her way too much credit here.

      • Just because she floated the first half, which is a strategy, doesn’t mean she shouldn’t get credit for a big swing and a direct hit when it counts.

      • She decided that Van would be her #1 target long before she joined her new alliance last week.

      • I do not recall that one bit. But I’ll take your word for it. The only time I heard she was the #1 target was when Jackie got in her ear.

      • both her and jmac decided they wanted her out after they figured out that every time she started an argument with someone that person was evicted it was her strategy and they figured it was time for the snake to gtfo.and jmac was a

      • That was very recent though, no? If that’s what you’re referring to, then yes, I saw those discussions.

      • If it had been wither James or Jackie, we would have seen Van go up against Shelli round one. Steve wouldn’t have been a pawn. No, this was Becky’s call. Even her alliance agreed that it was Becky’s HoH decision and not theirs.

      • A blind squirrel finds an acorn in the forest every now and then.

        She was clearly viewing Steve as a pawn, when he was anything but. Steve on the block was a party for Sixth Sense. The only way they lose is if he was pulled off, which he will be. Going for a 16.6% longshot and winning is atrocious when this entire week could have been on lockdown with Shelli/Van on the block and Liz as the Game Over for whichever one didn’t come down.

      • The jury phase is where it all matters as the odds of winning depends on how much game play you did on that significant period of the game.

      • You have a point. It’s not too late for her. But she’s got a lot of ground to make up here. She’s been terrible thus far in the game. She’s been other people’s tool for 6 weeks, including her “heavy hitting” time in the HoH room.

      • Scroll up and argue with Andy B. He’s saying that James’ #1 target is still Shelli. That’s opposite of your view. Just curious what the result would be. :)

      • The back and forth we’re having is subjective. We can argue the finer points if we think Becky is amazing or Becky sucks (she’s terrible really), but James targeting Vanessa and not Shelli is an undebatable fact.

      • If she had two brain cells to rub together she would have put up Van and Shelli and used Liz as the possible replacement nominee.

        As it stands, she got lucky that Steve won the Veto or this would have gone completely sideways on her.

      • Bottom line is this, if Becky is up for the $500 thousand or the $50 thousand dollar prizes then Vanessa will have everyone in the jury house to vote for Becky over anyone else because she would have played the best game by staying in the game and getting Vanessa out. That is all for debate and I think I just went the wrong way again oh well.

      • I have disliked Becky since she was going to Shelli and telling her everything James was doing and saying. She knew that James was going to put her up because of Becky. I hope that she is able to redeem herself and hopefully James will win next week. Anyone in the house will be crazy not to want to keep Jackie and Meg safe until the finals, since it will be a sure win for them. James and Jackie.

      • I do still have issues with that, and also with Shelli/Becky being so close, but I am proud of her for slaying this comp and moving out of this floater status she’s been in for awhile. Hopefully James, or Jackie wins this time since it is a DE, and put Shelli right back up there so she can hang right in the jury house with Vanessa. Personally, I think bringing Meg/Steve would be the best to beat in a final over Jackie, cause I feel she might have something up her sleeve as the season continues.

      • Steve has no people in Jury, lol. He’s mostly align with Vanessa, who has no problem bringing him to F2 for that reason. Place Steve with most of the majority and he’ll probably lose if he’s a final two as of right now because he’s only won two vetos when he needed to, and his social game is not on point. With JMac it’d be slightly harder because like Steve, he’s won vetos when he needed to, but he’s now starting to making moves, and for the most part he’s either pretty likable, or at least decent with almost everyone. If he continues to put himself out there, JMac has a chance to win.

      • Not yet, but Julia, Shelli and Vanessa will vote for him to win if they go to Jury and maybe Liz if Julia convinces her and Austin if Liz wants him to. Steve has been working with that alliance since the beginning even though he would have been the first one out if it came to only them in the house. When it comes to choosing the best player then that will only happen if Shelli and Vanessa’s alliance are not bitter.

      • The only way they would even choose Steve is if they were bitter. They will not vote for him otherwise, because, tbh, he’s not playing a good game whatsoever. He’s not making any moves at the moment, so why would people vote for him to get 500k when he hasn’t put any effort whatsoever to deserve the prize? He has not been working with that alliance, because he was never apart of it. He was apart of a F2 deal with Vanessa. He didn’t contribute to any plans with them whatsoever, the only thing he did was give his vote to them because he’s a swing vote. That’s it.

      • Wasn’t he spying and doing the same thing Becky was? I remember steve telling them everything the other house members were talking about.

      • That doesn’t mean he WAS in the alliance. It’s called the Six Sense for a reason, meaning Shelli, Clay, Austwins and Vanessa. Becky, and Steve was associated with the alliance, but they never were in it because if that was the case he would have had more of a say which he did not. Steve, Becky and JMac were all wild cards because they DIDN’T really have an alliance. And while now Becky seems to be shifting towards J/J/M, Steve still has no alliance minus the one he thinks he has with Vanessa, who is simply using him to get to the F2 because she knows she can easily win aganist him.

      • Steve voted to evict James when James was on the block next to Audrey (whom the Sixth Sense wanted gone then)…but he told nobody and they pondered about who would have voted that way then…they never even considered Steve in that. I loved how he was able to pull that one off. He’s a strange one and has managed to remain invisible for the most part…til now that is! :-)

      • I agree on JMac having a very good chance to win as long as he turns it up. He’s very likeable, can convince people he was playing the dope and isn’t actually one, and that he was a team player early on throwing the BoB and instrumental in helping to get some people evicted before cooling it down for a bit.
        He at least seems to be pulling the other side of the house together, and here is to hoping he finishes strong.

      • Lol.. you think Steve has ‘people’. You mean those people he talks to in empty rooms? He has no social game. At best he has Johnny Mac. Beyond that he’s a pariah.

    • Becky will not deviate from her plan. When she was temporary HoH and saw Shelli take out Jeff instead of Audrey whom she wanted to backdoor, she got a bit miffed then. She’d stated if she’d been HoH, she’s have gotten Audrey out before Jeff. So I don’t see them convincing her to change her mind on going through with putting Vanessa up in Steve’s place. Then watch the fireworks. Van won’t be able to campaign for Shelli this time as she’ll be making deals to secure her own safety! :-)

  9. Well Vanessa definitely is a game player, but personally I do not like her. Strong personalities have been leaving, but unfortunately that happens every season.

    • Vanessa is a strong player and was hoping she would win–before the season started. Then I changed my mind pretty quickly.
      I don’t mind the lying–it’s part of the game. What I do mind is all the going on and on about how good “her word” is when it’s obvious she’s probably lying when her lips move. Just own it as game play–but she doesn’t roll like that. Not to mention staging fights with every single HG that’s gone home so far. Monday will be beautiful.

  10. I’ll bet ya Becky will not renom Vanessa, she will ckicken out, these are the dumbest people ever, if they dont take out Vanessa and Shelli those 2 will be sitting in final 2.

      • I hate to admit Red but she could be right here. If Vanessa can get in her ear either by herself or through someone else Vanessa may not go up. Becky has to stay strong and do what she said she would do. We all know Shelli and Vanessa will never do what they say they will do. Now they can’t seem to get a grip on reality that people do what they say they are going to do.

  11. Slayyy, Steve. I had a feeling he was the type that gets wins when pressured/needed it. Now Becky just needs to follow the plan, and it’s bye-bye to either Shelli or Vanessa.

  12. Why was Becky telling James she would pretend Steve was staying on the block? What was that all about???

    • No she said she would tell Vanessa and the austwins that John would go up but for James and them not to worry bc the original plan would still be in place

      • BBN tweet: Becky talking about pretending like Steve will still be on the Block. I’m listening to the Becky/James convo.

    • Not positive ( I did hear most of the covo) but I think she trusts Steve way more than she should and believes he will go along with whatever she tells him to do ( hence-not tell the house he is using the veto on himself) to keep Vanessa from starting drama before the fact. Just a supposition…

  13. Thank you BB gods. Now let’s hope Steve takes himself off (he could be convinced not to) and Becky puts up Vanessa (she may change her mind). It’s going to be a long two days.

    • Here’s Vanessa’s argument.
      1. Tell Steve and Becky about the Sixth Sense.
      2. Specify that Julia hates Austin & the “showmance” of Austin and Liz isn’t real except in Austin’s head.
      3. Take out Liz and you kill a 3 headed monster.
      4. Forge a new majority alliance of Vanelli, Becky, Steve, and JMac (Freaks & Geeks +1)

      • For that to happen, Van would have to tell the truth and admit that she lied. Since her “word is so good.” She can never admit a lie.

      • Yes it is. But a good one since the austwins are doing nothing for vanelli. They are useless – and nothing worse than being in a numbers alliance with a bunch of people who never carry their weight in comps.

      • Feel bad for Julia. Austin is in heat and Liz is there to make friends. Only Julia is playing BB.

      • Sorry, that list is completely against what Van does. She’ll do something, but it won’t be that.

      • It’s completely against her MO. I believe that Van is going to come up with something. She’s going to try throwing up a ton of lies and see if any stick. But, telling the truth and admitting she wasn’t honest are not in her wheelhouse of tricks.

      • But starting a fight and making it sound like that person has to go is in her bag of tricks and one they know all too well right now hehehe

      • Not going to happen. Sorry. It will be something, but it won’t be the truth or admission of guilt.

      • True, because it would blow up her entire “I’m all about honesty” gameplay and everyone would connect all her dots…

      • Wow. Would be a big play, but Van is one who would go for it. Shelli could have last week, but deferred to keeping it together.

      • Vanessa has an “anybody but me” approach to the game and is ruthless. She could totally do this.

      • Hey I’ve been saying something similar! Yes if Becky was smart, this week wouldn’t be about doing what James wants, or JMac wants, or even what we the audience wants… time for her to put on her big girl pants and start a new alliance that can get rid of the Austin & Twins combo… Then (sadly) the JJM combo…

      • Throwing the Austwins under the bus by trying to get Liz nominated would be the correct gameplay. I just don’t see Vanessa doing it. And even if she did it, I don’t see it convincing Becky to back off her original intention to get out Vanessa. She doesn’t really seem like someone who would deviate, particularly once she got lucky and Steve won veto.

  14. If Becky puts Vanessa on the block, the votes could finish in a tie:
    -For evict Shelli: Austin, Liz, Julia and Steve?
    -For evict Vanessa: James, Jackie, Meg and JMac
    It’s just a supposition. This week gonna be interesting!

      • That’s the bad side of the situation, Becky really needs wake up, her best shot now it’s still working with JMac, James, Jackie and Meg; if she works with Shelli her days could be counted.

      • Is it? Or is it smarter for her to broker a new alliance (maybe JMac, Shelli and one other) to defeat the twins & Austin??? LOTS of possibilities still…

      • Everything could happen, if Shelli works with JMac, Becky, and Steve and knows how make some smart moves they four can reach the F4. I can’t wait to see the events after this week!

      • Me too. As usual the people who complained non-stop about DaVonne, then Audrey, then Jason leaving (saying the show won’t have any interesting events or characters) were once again left out in the cold. This will be the most exciting and unpredictable of weeks.

      • Don’t forget that DE is coming. Anybody could be eliminated. That’s exciting. That’s scary.

    • It could be 8-0 to evict Van, you know.
      Shelli run over Clay last time, she could run over Van this time.
      Just throw a ‘fun’ fight like Van used to have hours before eviction.

      • Yep, that could be another alternative; if Austin, Liz and Julia felt that they’re in the bottom of the house, they could vote with the rest of the houseguests for evict Van.

    • Agreed! Heck I’m not even sold on the idea that Vanessa doesn’t make Becky an offer she can’t refuse in terms of going forward…

      • I am not a Vanessa fan, but I agree with you. There is a reason she was an expert poker player!

      • Vanessa gonna try to play with all her cards, but if Becky choose for keep she in the competition, that could be a terrible mistake, if Van win the next HoH comp (in the case that she continue in the house) maybe Becky gonna be her new target.

    • If it comes down to Shelli v Vanessa, Austin is more likely to vote to remove Vanessa. Remember that they have never been on good terms and she both called him out for throwing the veto and was willing to backdoor him and he had to scramble to prevent it. I don’t see him ever going with her over Shelli.

  15. Becky think she has the votes to keep Vanessa…..Steve and James are the deciding factors to who stays or goes, They both prefer V to stay over Shelli.

    • Huh? Except for Steve and the Austwins, they’ve all said that Van is their #1 target. So, why do you think otherwise?

      • NO, he said last week that he is on board with Van being the #1 target this week. He wanted to 1st split the showmance (done) and 2nd get Van out.

      • He said today he knows 100% that Shelli is gunning for him and he wants her out more than V. Becky begged him to vote out Shelli or else it would ruin her game. He could give an inky vote….who knows.

      • When was that? Everything I’ve read since the blowup fight that Van started, is that J/J/M/B & JMac all said that Van is the #1 target.

      • I watch the feeds. He wants both out, but, he wants Shelli out more than V because she wins more comps… and he’s her #1 target. He agree to vote out V because it’s Becky’s HOH and don’t want to go against her. Maybe he would vote out V for Becky’s sake, but he’s not 100% for it.

      • Then why when he was with Jackie & Meg was he telling them that Van is his #1 target? Who did he tell that Shelli was his #1, if not his 3 alliance members?

      • They did discussed it, but as I aforementioned, they agreed to vote out V since it’s Becky’s HOH and she wants that. I’m not saying V isn’t a target, but Shelli is a bigger target for James. As he said, it doesn’t matter who goes anyway.

      • He’s really come around and started to see the light the past couple of weeks. Glad to see him and JMac put things together and start to play.

      • James and JMac? They aren’t working together, at least not yet. They just have a common goal this week.

      • Sorry… didn’t mean to imply that they’re together. Just that both have really stepped their games up and seem to be ready to play now.

      • After they voted out 3 members of his alliance. And it still took him a week after Jason to really figure it out, and it was only with Jackie re-enacting the scene to him with sock puppets.
        Then I think it took him a few more hours. Then he explained it to Meg, who got it 48 hours later.

    • This will be an interesting voting week. James wanted Shelli out last week..he may seek a little revenge and get her out this week. I am anxious to see if Steve will keep Vanessa considering what he has learned the last couple of days about her double dealings.

    • I still think we’re all getting ahead of ourselves just a wee bit… There’s still the matter of what happens before Becky renoms somebody… Vanessa has the ability to round up the twins + Austin and say ”we’ll save you for 2-weeks if you don’t renom Vanessa, and put up James instead”….

  16. From twitter feed:

    Vanessa: are we still good for the plan?
    Meg: I don’t know
    Vanessa: I’m a little worried she wouldn’t put Johnny Mac up

    Wow. This is going to be epic. I think Van knows it’s coming, but the Austwins will be blindsided

  17. Listening to both Shelli and Vanessa trying to feed each other the “I screwed up so bad” BS! I really believe they both threw it from listening to the excuses….

    • I hope they both threw it. I mean if Shelli is still trusting her game to Vanessa at this point…

    • I’m rhinking that is fake, they don’t throw comps, to controlling but they both lost and will make up excuses and possibly tell people they threw it.

  18. Yes! I was pulling for Steve to win his second Veto. I’m glad he didn’t disappoint.

  19. Becky, lock yourself in the HOH room, talk to no one until the veto ceremony and stick to the plan.

    • That sounds like a great idea to me!! Because we all know that Vanessa can talk her way out of anything!! But I really hope she doesn’t flip Becky!!

    • Don’t think you’ll need to wait that long. Van has an idea she’s being BDd & has started asking the questions about keeping with “the plan” & putting up Jmac. She will want another meeting to confirm. When she sees the resistance she’ll get, she’ll know. Then the fireworks will start – likely tommorrow

      • Are they all afraid to lie? It is Big Brother after all, LIE. Don’t give any resistance because you don’t want to break a deal. Tell Vanessa what she wants to hear “Yes Vanessa, when Steve takes himself down, JMac is going up. The plan worked perfectly.” Then Monday when Steve comes down through Vanessa up in a blindside just like she did Jason. Now imagine those fireworks!

      • I wonder if shelli will give the same “we don’t deserve to be up here” speech?

      • Yeah let’s see how Vanessa likes being blindsided, I bet she doesn’t like it very much…. LMAO

      • I don’t know why – but at least one of them is having trouble. Twitter feed:

        Vanessa: are we still good for the plan?
        Meg: I don’t know
        Vanessa: I’m a little worried she wouldn’t put Johnny Mac up

        Van knows. Fireworks will start tommorrow. Maybe even tonite

  20. If anyone wants to know what Steve is going to do just wait until later, he will tell his #1 ally. . . . . The cameras

  21. It will be so great to see her, and that disgusting green beanie walk out the door! Somebody ought to tell her to lighten up on that eye shadow,she don’t need that much with eyes the size of footballs.

  22. I’m sorry I have to say it. I cannot restrain myself any longer. I have never seen anyone put away a pita faster than Becky!

  23. Why am I so worried that Steve may actually sacrifice himself for Vanessa and not use the POV? Is that possible?

  24. I think it truly is a done deal. Van is on her way out.

    But the bloodshed on the way will be fun to watch. And don’t forget she will be in jury and may come back.

    I am already fast-forwarding in my mind to Thursday DE. This week is over. I am hoping that Shelli wins the DE HOH so we see a re-balancing. If James/Jackie win (many fans will cheer it) and Shelli is gone, the drama of this season is going to be basically over. Sigh.

  25. Of all times for Steve to win a comp, this was the time. However, I can see Vanessa getting into his ear and head and telling him to either A: not use the POV or B: To take Shelli off the block so Johnny Mac can go home. anyone else agree?

    • Yes sir! Steve is the only HG that could be totally manipulated by Hurricane Vanessa.

    • Never gonna happen. If he wasn’t going to use the Veto on himself, he would have thrown the comp. I think he’s figured out–finally–that he can’t trust her. Even if he somehow uses the veto on Shelli, Becky nominates Vanessa and they send her home via the tiebreaker

  26. Best quote of the season (and I don’t even like Steve) he hugs Vanessa, who is crying to him about losing the veto and worried about Becky putting her up and says, “Do you know where I’ll be after the DE next Thursday? On a beach in Maui” priceless Steve….

  27. Even if Becky puts up Vanessa, there is still no guarantee that Vanessa will go home. I can guarantee you she will pick a fight with Shelli in order to send her home.

    • Even her own side of the house will probably vote her out over Shelli. Remember that Austin and her have never been on stellar terms and she tried to needlessly blindside him.

  28. Yes my dreams have come true… At least halfway! Lol what a great surprise after work. This was exactly what I wanted to happen!!

  29. They could be related and could also be in a discreet relationship. The juicier the better, you know.

  30. YAYYYY Okay, Jackie James and Meg are the bomb, but Becky just made herself more likable by making a very big move in nominating Shelli and Vanessa, good job Becky!!…. Well, Becky hasn’t done it yet of course, but here’s to hoping.

  31. Vanessa will probably create a lie or threaten Becky into not nominating her for eviction. Vanessa could tell Becky that Liz, Julia, and Austin will come after Becky if she nominates Vanessa.

    • Exactly… And all she has to do is get Shelli to agree to the ”truth” of that being a real threat and boom, what would any sane person do? Becky might end up having to renom somebody like Jackie, James or KegMeg (thank you again KSJB for the nickname). ;)

  32. So dang happy to hear Steve won POV. Hope he uses it to take him off, put up Vanessa next to Shelli and send Vanessa home!!! What a nice treat to come home to since leaving out of town yesterday!

    • That is what Becky said she would do, but I think Vanessa and/or the members of 6th sense aren’t a bunch of dummies. They’ll make an offer (I assume) to Becky to show they are still the dominant force in the house who will be deciding the HoH for next week.. It’s not what I’d want, but their smartest move is to simply bully Becky by the numbers they have.

      • Right. I am wondering if they can force Becky to put up James. Another blind side for that side that would cripple them.

      • Maybe…but how does that help Becky? To be the 5th or 6th person in an alliance?! With less people on the other side, and some recent goodwill there for putting up Vanessa (we guess she will) puts her in a better spot on the other side of the house. She has a better shot there.

      • Plus, taking out Vanessa gives her ammo to be the winner if she ever makes it to the end…nobody could deny she did a bold non-floater move.

      • Not so sure about that… you assume that Vanessa would be ”ok” with going out 4th behind the twins & Austin? Nope. She’d wait until 7 are left then she’d broker a deal with Becky & Shelli to take them out… From what I see, being 6th in the alliance with those people would be amazing.

      • Yes sadly it would if that happens. I hope not cause I’m still cheering for the little Asian Southern boy… He makes me laugh (well him & JMac).

      • You’re jumping the gun a bit. Vanessa is still there, she’s still in the dominant alliance, and they still have the ability to save her. Now whether this will happen or not time will tell, but but for now (not next week), the dominant alliance remains the 6th sense, to do what they need to do.

  33. I can’t wait for the pov ceremony ! To see Vanessa and Shelly on the block is a gift ! Just hope it happens. It is big brother !

    • I know right. Clay sacrificed himself for us so we can finally witness this epic smackdown.
      Thanks a lot Clay, you are a legend!

  34. Unbelievable! Just got home and checked Joker before coming here. My Vanessa post-eviction party is on Thursday, but I’ll take couple of shots tonight. To see Shelli and Vanessa sitting together is so dramatic!. yes!

    • If I were you I would put those shots on hold. You know Evil Queen would do anything to save her own ass. Until she sits in her rightful throne beside the Oh Where’s My Squeeze When I Badly Need Him Shelli, then you can pop up the champagne.
      As for the two shots you put on hold, I mean, hold them for me hehe

      • lol.. I missed a lot, I was gone for a while. So I’m gonna watch the feeds. So far, it looks like they don’t care who goes Van or Shelli? Am I right? You think Production will give Steve medication to do the right thing?

      • “A Marcella move?” can not be repeated There’s nothing he can do that will make sense, for his game, and for the viewers. Not use it? lol

      • Well, if he’s persuaded by his temporary momma to send home Shelli instead (because the lovelorn is a lost cause without her sparring bed partner) and he’s assured that there’s enough people to keep him safe. Who knows, Evil Queen gotta do what Villain gotta do. Villain gotta vile.

  35. Really what does Becky have to fear if she sends Vanessa home? That only leaves the Austwins/Shelli(4) vs J/J/M/B(4) with JMac leaning on Becky’s side and Steve on Jmac’s side… Sounds like good odds to me…

    • Not so sure it’s that black & white… I think people assume Shelli has cut ties with 6th sense, but there’s nothing really to suggest thats the case once they’re the HoH’s again (and she’d drop Becky faster than a hot potato)! KegMeg can’t win anything. So if you’re looking at Austin, Liz, Julia, Shelli & Vanessa telling me to do one thing, and yuo have James, Jackie, JMac & KegMeg on the other side (with Steve proving he’ll play with either side), it’s pretty tempting to go with the 5 strong than the 4 ragged… I’m not saying this is what I’d like to see, but from Becky’s angle it makes more sense…

      • Wait are you saying Becky would be on the 6S side also?? Because I put Shelli with them- Austwins + Shelli = 4? James, Jackie, Meg, Becky = 4? JMac with Becky? And Steve probably with JMac? Vanessa gone…. My comment was “with Vanessa gone”

      • Sorry yes, I should’ve prefaced by saying ”before” Vanessa is renomed she should consider the side of 6 as a possibility… :)

      • Too bad Shelli has no real allies left in the house once Vanessa goes. Picking Vanessa was an extremely bad tactical move considering the circumstances, and it blew up in her face. She was given a shot to reset her game and go in a better direction, and she said no. She deserves what she gets.

      • Don’t forget this all stems from Shelli throwing her alliance under the bus and making a ‘deal'(which promptly got chucked) with James for her and Clay’s safety in exchange for the HoH.

        First she loses Clay and Vanessa will likely be next lol. So really… she only has herself to blame. If she had won that comp, this would have been a far different game about now.

      • She was never going to win that comp–James has more stamina. If I were James, I I would have chucked the deal too. He figured they were up to no good, and he was right.

      • You don’t know if she would have won that comp or not. People can and do accidentally slip. She certainly wasn’t going to win given she had the predilection for quitting, so long as you could convince her she and her man was safe. She beat herself and ultimately is behind the 8-ball because of it.

  36. Reading the comments on this website is way better than watching the HGs in the house.

    • LOL I live for the commentary. I get more of a kick out of the comments than I do the feeds.

  37. Van in the kitchen eating something, looking miserable and defeated. While she hears the twins whiny voice.. Oh my gaaaawd!..She’s not a happy camper. lol

    • Rreeeallly? Like oh my gaawwwd, like what’s wrong? Is it like raining outside? Did you maybe lose your favourite cap cause I know that can like really make it seem like your shoes won’t match the rest of your outfit…. (Who needs the feeds?) ;)

      • haha You got it Matt. Their tone! I can feel her pain. Matt, I don’t think you wanna hear them when you’re feeling crap…seriously…Can you? lol

      • Mr. Patience..Would you correct them? Ends with right? What about starts with like? lol

      • Like I don’t know right? It’s like I don’t even really like then you know? I mean oh my gawwd what should I do cause I don’t even like them that way (as Matt goes and buries himself in bed with them the moment nobody else is around)…

      • I feel like when it’s just the two of them, outside of the house, their conversations consist of “like oh my god, I knowww, right?!” And because they’re twins they automatically know what the other is really saying.

      • I knowww! But do you like Austin or like, like like Austin? Oh my God I knowww, right! ;)

    • Lol I don’t think anyone would be happy being faced with the fact that you might be put up! Although I must say this stress is reaking havoc on her face!

  38. It’s funny, people have been complaining about this season’s cast not ”playing the game” but if you look at the comments, and you look at what the contestants have been doing, I think they’re each playing with some well thought out skills (well maybe with the exception of KegMeg, but even she might be this season’s Victoria)…

    • Yes. Matt, even James became a good character in the show. Remember “no blood in their hands?” Podcasters are saying “James like to have blood all over his face. lol Apparently he said that. He started “the move”…Now JMac is in full game mode.

    • Exactly. The ones who are playing Sheli/Vanesa are the top players people (here) want out. Every week as each person gets eliminated, the closer I see Jackie/Meg floating to final two.

    • This show was a bore until James nominated Shelli and Clay. That’s when things got lively.Up until then the only people playing to win were Shelli and Vanessa.

  39. I have this sinking feeling that the remaining 5S will Becky to put up James. That would suck for me as a fan. I need the underdogs to at least have a chance during the DE.

  40. People here discuss Vanessa being paranoid about the game. Everyone who does PLAY the game, should be paranoid. Some players just handle it better than others. Would people like Vanessa if she was quiet? I remember te first week wen Jace was evicted, comment were being made how disappointed Vanessa was turning out to be. Cuz she wasn’t talking and game talking. At least Vanessa is not a follower. Nor is she laying in bed twirling her hair or how she is a partier. Ala Jackie and Meg

    • Totally agree with you! And I just saw the tweet updates:

      Jackie to Meg: “Operation Best Friend Shelli” is in effect. Meg: She’s going to freak out. She has no one but Johnny Mac.

      Meg: We got to get rid of Shelli after Vanessa. Jackie: For sure. We can’t wait too long on that.

      They have become so self-absorbed. OMG what have they managed to do, besides aligning themselves with James? I just can’t comprehend how people can like either of them. At least Shelli and Vanessa have won comps and played the game.

      Please don’t let this season become the Jackie & Meg’s show. It’ll be boring to death…

      • I’m totally fine with James and JMac as final four. The other 2, I hope not. Would like to see Julia and Shelli there. I don’t mind Van either: hoping she finds a way to get through this week, or comes back from the jury house.

      • No I think Becky still likes to work with Shelli. So does John. Becky did cover for Shelli by telling James that Shelli does not know about the Van’s BD plan. As long as Shelli does not tell Van anything this week, I think she’ll be able to gain Becky’s trust.

      • She trusted Becky so much that she picked Vanessa to play for the veto. Having been expressly told Vanessa was the target. Considering the circumstances, it was an extremely bad tactical move that blew up in her face.

      • She did explain that if she hadn’t picked Van, Van would have known something was up, which did make sense I think. John did buy it though. So did Becky it seems cuz Beckly lied to James about Shelli not knowing the BD plan after veto.

    • Its ok to be paranoid, so long as you don’t show it to the other houseguests lol. You’d think she’d know how to keep her composure and put forth a good poker face.

  41. So I just briefly turned on BBAD, can anyone explain the middle school “messenger game” going on between Liz and Austin? It seemed like she was telling him how to set up the hammock so shed cuddle with him, via James, and then he gave up and went inside.

    • Never mind, I’m replying to myself to say that that’s exactly what was going on. They’re supposed to have a “hammock date” in 30 min and she wants him to trim up his beard before then. He won’t cut off his beard ponytail until she’s at girlfriend status though. This is literally the dumbest thing I’ve witnessed this season.

    • OMG, i thought the same thing. Even poor, innocent Steve said on the Joker’s updates – “I am guessing we are in 4th grade now…maybe 5th”. That is pretty telling about the other HGs. Liz and Austin are so juvenile, and so are all the others that agree to have any part of this ridiculous relationship.

      • Seriously, I started watching when James was saying it was the last time he’d be their messenger… So sorry if this is dumb, but what’s the Joker? I’ve seen it mentioned on here before.

  42. Just had time to catch up with The Rockstar masterplan to take out Van.
    Haha finally I got the whole picture of the FIGHT that sent Clay home.
    Clay didn’t technically lie, he just fucked up according to Vampire Dentist. Clay just put 2 and 2 together and got 5! Hahahahaha I just couldn’t stop laughing at that!

  43. James is currently talking to Vanessa about the plan. He walked into the room where she was in bed and she immediately pounced on him about Becky sticking to the plan. Instead of making his conversation short and sweet he blathers on for 25 minutes with her saying all kinds of crap that Vanessa can twist into who knows what. He should just say she is sticking to the plan as far as he knows and that he has no reason to believe otherwise.

  44. Becky just told Vanessa she is not going up on the block. Vanessa replied with a litany of reasons why Becky should not put her on the block. This too will become a 25 minute minute all about keeping Vanessa safe. Becky told Vanessa she is putting JMac on the block.

    However, about 20 minutes ago, Becky told Shelli Vanessa is going on the block and she has the votes to evict her. Shelli is happy and on board with the plan.

    Vanessa is clearly freaking out but we all know that Vanessa has a plan to vote out JMac, not Shelli. Vanessa is going to whine like a stuck pig but she is lying.

    Monday is going to be really interesting.

  45. Vanessa is making her rounds now, First stop was James. At the end of the convo, she knows she doesn’t have James….next Becky, she’s talking to her now.

    • I love James but he did a lousy job talking to Vanessa. He ha stop keep his conversations with her short. The less he says the less she can use against him later.

      • Right,, he looks uncomfortable..While she’s studying your facial expression. lol I think only a twist can save Van…we’ll see

  46. So what’s with Bevky saying she wasn’t going to make any deals? Has her head swollen?

  47. The more Vanessa talks the more I dislike her. Her conversation with Becky goes something like this. “putting me on the block is bad for your game because it will be bad for your game”. LOL.

    She thinks people actually believe she was going to keep the deal she made when she already broke the deal by trying to get everyone to target JMac.

  48. Becky’s demeanor to Vanessa while she’s campaigning is crazy She’s giggling, off topic, so unconcerned. Van is not getting s**t from this woman lol.’s so stupid, it’s funny.

    • James was not nearly as composed. Vanessa disarmed him immediate with “your lying to me, James”. That intimidated James and he fell apart. Becky is one cool character.

      She is setting up the Veto Ceremony to be a super bowl like event.

      • ..but James reminded her during the convo.. “I don’t bully anybody to vote certain way”..I thought he scored there.

      • He did after he regains his composure. But Vanessa is a bore and I cannot wait until she is gone. What’s funny is nobody believes anything she says anymore and only she doesn’t realize it.

    • I hope Becky keeps to her word and BD Vanessa, I think most of the HG’s have come to realize how toxic Vanessa is to their game, now she is running on paranoia, I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she asked to take the seat next to Shelli leading to her being excused from the house on Thursday, say Halleluiah

  49. So James, Austin, Jackie and Meg are having fun in the have not room and who else comes walking in? Vanessa. She interrupts the jokes and fun to start talking game and of course, getting assurance that they are sticking to the plan – to keep her safe.

    Debbie Downer – only a crazy Debbie Downer.

  50. So Vanessa spent the last 2 hours ensuring Becky James & Co are keeping to the deal and no sooner does she leave the room than she goes to Austin and the twins and tells them they have to make a move – on Becky and James of course. This only makes Monday more exciting.

  51. Woohoo! So proud of Steve! I have recently really started liking Steve, so it’s good to see he won the veto this week – just makes me like him more! :D

    Now, if Becky actually nominates Vanessa next to Shelli…that would just be perfect! Can’t wait to see what happens at the veto meeting!!

  52. Steve will without a doubt take himself off the block! But I really hope Vanessa does not go up as a replacement!! I really really like her gameplay. I don’t watch the feeds but read comments, and I know she is emotional and talk a lot! But her brain is always on overdrive! Its just in her blood! I truly hope Austin goes up in Steve’s place! I don’t want Vanessa to go home this week :-(

    • It is a rare sight to see someone sticking up for Vanessa haha. And it’s not just that she is emotional and talks in circles…it’s the HOURS she spends talking in circles, then backtracking. Plus her motto of “I will lie my face off, and deny it, but you shall not lie to me, or I’ll tear you a new one”. I just can’t appreciate a hypocrite…even Shelli was willing to admit she destroyed Austin’s gameplay, Vanessa just denies denies denies whenever she is caught in a fumble. It might also be that I don’t like her face, as horrible as that sounds, she looks like she is constantly sniffing caffeine pills when no one is looking lol.
      But by all means, I am glad to see someone is on the other side, it’s people rooting for their own favourites that make the game more interesting (and the forums more interesting, haha)

      • Lol. I watch BB After Dark and it seems to be the Vanessa show. She starts talking to people while they are in bed ready to sleep and you see them drifting off, but she is blah, blah, blahing and doesn’t care. Meg asked her to move out of her spot in bed next to Jackie because they wanted to go to sleep, but Vanessa got up and sat on the other side next to Jackie and kept talking. That was hilarious. That is how she manipulates everyone, except Jackie. She listens, but doesn’t fall for it.

      • She manipulates them through sleep deprivation! The classic tool of the cults. Wake up! Come join my Vanessa cult.

    • I am a Van’s supporter too! There’s not many of us. Haha. I hope she survives this week, and if not will return from the jury house and wreck havoc on the remaining HGs!

      • There’s not many Van supporters because most people tend to like more decent people not the evil ones that throw tantrums when it might look like they’re not getting their way.

      • Vanessa, would have won this game if only she could have lay low and not be a dictator when ever any member of her alliance is in power, she got intoxicated by the power and start telling people what to do, her past action’s are coming back to hunt her. Goodbye, Vanessa

    • I would prefer if Shelli gets voted out, but Vanessa will win if they don’t take her out now.

    • I think you & I might be the only ones seeing it that way… I’d prefer KegMeg go up, but Austin is fine also…

      • I am thankful I’m not the only one :-) so many comments bashing Vanessa! I realize I am replying to this 12 days later lol but I still feel the exact same way. Everyone is insulting her because she is paranoid, but correct me if I’m wrong but does she not have every right to be paranoid!? like I keep saying to people, Vanessa obviously it was very good at reading people hence being a Pro Poker player so her paranoia is justifiable because right now she is Public Enemy number one.

      • PS. just a heads up, you might not want to defend Vanessa. my character is being called into question and I am receiving quite a few verbal attacks lol….. Why people take it that far is beyond me but clearly some people are just super hypocritical!
        I defend Vanessa, certain people insult my personal character for defending Vanessa, how does that make any sense? Because then those people insulting me are just as bad as me or Vanessa lol…..seems logical, not!! Lol lol… Nice to have someone on my side at least :-) its not like I agree with everything she does, my comments are mainly based on her outside of the game and the game itself! Not many past house guests have won the game being a perfect saint and doing nothing wrong!

      • Hey Tina, don’t worry in my eyes you are perfectly fine. And yes there are people on here who aren’t the nicest commenters and they seem to feel that typing something is ok, even if they would never actually say it to a person in real life… Feel free to look me up on facebook if you’re looking for some moral support and a friend who has your back. :)

      • haha thanks for the support :-) but to be honest with you, what people say behind a computer doesn’t bug me! I have thick skin! I would just walk away if what these people were saying about my character was really hurting my feelings LOL total hypocrites !

      • Well none the less my offer stands… If you’d like, I’m more than happy to add you onto my fb and we can always chat there if you’re needing a friend to spill your guts with…

      • I don’t see my reply to this but I don’t understand this chat thing anyway lol…. I have no idea how to follow you on Facebook?!

  53. Talking to yourself has nothing to do with aspergers. Studies show that tty indicates a higher intelligence. I talk to myself all the time, and I’m the furthest thing from having aspergers.

    • Steve seems to be missing a lot of social cues. For example, He was complaining to Shelli that Liz flirting is making him uncomfortable and that he can’t do it. Shelli had to tell him that she wasn’t being serious and didn’t want to cuddle with him lol. He’s by far the most intelligent one in that house however.

      • Steve is a such a dork and I have thought from the beginning that Julia liked him. She is pretty and not annoying like her sister. He is probably scared of girls until he tries it, then he may start to like them.

    • Bipolar and anxiety make people talk to themselves all of the time.
      I think most people do it, even if not diagnosed with anything. It helps me talk things through in my life and it works just fine.

  54. Vanessa is a huge threat to win. It would be smart to send her home. I respect her game, but not her alliances or who she voted out. I’d love to see Shelli gone, especially since she’d be all alone in the jury house crying over her douchebag golden boy.

    • I agree. Vanessa is the best player in that house. She has manipulated everyone including her own alliance to vote her way. She needs to go because I don’t want her to go to the finals. I also didn’t like Derik last season and look what happened with him, because everyone was blinded by his game. This season at least they see right through Vanessa.

      • If she were the best player in the house, people wouldn’t ‘realize’ it. If you’re too overt, you’re not a great player because you’ll simply be paved over by the other HG’s at the first opportunity.

        Johnny Mac has the potential to have his gameplay emerge as a far better alternative to paranoid Vanessa, but he’s going to have to kick it up a notch.

      • I agree, but she was not figured out until now. I stil think she is a great player. Until she is finally gone I will continue to think that.
        She is a good player, but has mental issues that prevent her from relaxing.
        She doesn’t even need the money, but acts very desperate.

      • I think she has potential, she just couldn’t hold it together and has run her game to the point that its off the rails.

      • Potential. Vanessa is a good player, probably better than the rest of the housemates, but she needs to go now.

      • I didn’t like Derek either. But I can’t deny that he deserved to win. I thought last season was one of the worst seasons ever. So boring and predictable!

      • I also thought that he deserved to win. He played a great game, but I always choose the people who are left out of the big alliances. Like this years James and Jackie, but only because they are actually playing now.

  55. Idk why Johnny Mac and Steve are so desperate to suck the teet of Shelli. She’s made it clear that both of them are completely disposable to her. Especially John. I think steve desperately wants a motherly figure.

  56. Vanessa should be sent packing and then Shelli and let the others go to battle, Jackie is becoming my favorite, she has figured Vanessa, Austin and Shelli’s, game very well to the point where she is ready to nominate either one of them for eviction.

  57. I hope Becky keeps to her word and BD Vanessa, I think most of the HG’s have come to realize how toxic Vanessa is to their game, now she is running on paranoia, I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she asked to take the seat next to Shelli leading to her and Shelli being excused from the house on Thursday, since it’s double eviction week, say Halleluiah

    • She’s seems pretty adamant on Vanessa being her target. Also, I don’t believe that’s how the DE is going to work unless it’s changed this year.

    • I just hope Vanessa doesn’t get wind about this in advance. Becky has told virtually everyone, so I don’t see how they can keep this from her. Someone’s gonna slip up.

    • I loved it when Becky said “she is dumb and stupid at the same time!” about Vanessa, her and Johnny Mac were hilarious.

  58. FINALLY something I can respect about Steve…he knows he’s weird….first time he’s been aware of ANYTHING….I seriously gained a little respect for him….Own Steve…Own it!

    • I’m with you. And I felt much better about his participation in the show after hearing him own it. Before then, I was a bit concerned that he was not doing okay and that perhaps BB had taken advantage of his awkwardness in casting him, but they finally gave him some legitimate air time and you know what? Steve is who he is, he’s cool with it, and he seems perfectly okay with being in this game.

      • I think a part of that also comes from various boards like these. CBS pays attention. I’d be willing to bet if it starts to feel like people think someone’s being victimized or exploited (after they’ve been edited to look a certain way by Production), CBS might say, “Let’s dial it back a bit on the ‘I want my Mom’ stuff. It’s starting to creep some people out.” – Just a guess. But it really is all about PR.

      • He’s been playing it safe all these weeks. Nobody bothers a floater. They use that floater down to the weeks that are critical..

        Steve is playing a good game. Was surprised when he and Johnny mac teamed up.

  59. Steve and is own alliance of camera’s, perhaps the most dangerous alliance ever assembled, be careful house. please be careful.

    • Right? in his own little world, I think its kind of cute but also really strange lol he is like the weird little brother I never wanted, I just hope him and John can make an alliance, be the wacky duo they came off as, on tonight’s episode.

  60. When Becky puts Vanessa on the block tomorrow Vanessa has no argument about Becky breaking her word because Vanessa broke her word the minute she walked out of that huge HoH room meeting.

    When Vanessa leaves, good riddance. BB, stop bringing people back into the house. It never works and if it means a maniacal lunatic like Vanessa can get back in the house after they finally rid themselves of her scheming and lies fans will only be disappointed.

    • Agree agree agree. I hate the bring people back thing. Those people had their shot and lost. Let them stay that way so that the others can continue to play using actual strategy.

  61. I m loving Becky. She is making all the right moved. I hope it see Becky in final 2.
    Go Becky go!

    • Becky has made the same mistake Vanessa made in telling people not to say anything and then running to Shellie telling her the plan. Ugggghhhhhh, how stupid is this.

    • She made some big moves, but she isn’t being very secretive, and Johnny Mac ruined her game by telling Steve and now she is a target by Steve, the people this season sure like to tell everyone everything and sooner or later, it always come back on your game.

    • Becky finally made a good play, but that is all she has. I don’t see her winning anything else including the game. She loves to hear her self talk just like Vanessa. They don’t allow others to speak and constantly interrupting them.

  62. OK, just watched the show and saw Becky tell everyone not to tell a soul that Vanessa was being back-doored and then she tells Shelli and JMac? What was she thinking and what am I missing here? I can see why she’d want Shelli on her side after the vote, but why not let the backdoor go forward and then royally kiss Shelli’s butt? I haven’t been able to watch live feeds or BBAD, so if i’m asking a stupid question, please be kind LOL.

    • I think what she really meant is don’t tell Vanessa. If she tells Liz, Julia and Austin, then it will get back to vanessa quickly.

      • On the feeds Meg convinced her to tell Austin and the twins before the Veto Ceremony tomorrow. Becky said she will tell Austin around 11am tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what happens if Austin does tell Vanessa – which I think he will – then again he is getting tired of her antics too. He was talking to Liz today saying he is getting tired of her talking game all the time. He said they have a lot more fun hanging out with James and his crowd.

        I think Austin will be relieved to see Vanessa go home.

  63. Austin and Liz said they were not responsible for Jason going home. Do they forget how they voted????? Really! !!!!

  64. FYI: Something’s wrong with the layout of the board tonight so the thread dealing with tonight’s show is actually posted under this thread on the homepage.

  65. Vanessa’s only hope is convincing Steve not to use the veto. They are allies and she could tell steve that she’ll be going home if he uses the veto. But, if steve stays on the block, shelli WILL go home.

    • Steve is on to Vanessa’s tactics. There is zero chance he does not use the veto to save himself. He knows if he stays on the block Vanessa will begin the campaign to save Shelli.

  66. I find myself wearing out the mute button on the remote when Van, Shelli, Steve, Austin, or the twins are in the DR. BB found some of most annoying people this season. And Van tops the list

  67. Question??? Why is it being said that Vanessa tried to use Crisco to win in the HOH comp?? Is this rumor true or is it a going joke?? I am confused.

    • see this is a big part of the problem, so much speculation and rumors directed at Vanessa. why do people think she has so much pull?
      no offense to your comment! I know you were just asking :-)

  68. Its hard to feel good about Jackie, Steve and JMac because of their tendency to complain about how bad the bad guys are and then consistently align their voting with the bad guys. If they had been true to their criticisms the bad guys wouldn’t have had the numbers to come back at them.

    • So TRUE! nice to read I am NOT the only one seeing this happen!
      I know a lot of people on here are fully against Vanessa, & I do not agree with a lot of things she is doing in the house however, she’s playing and she’s playing hard! She’s doing what she has to do to win. correct me if I’m wrong but is that not what big brother is about! Anyway, I know you posted this a while back but I just saw it now! definitely nice to read someone sees it for what it is! ♡

      • The only problem with evaluating Vanessa’s game is that there is so little game play going on by anyone else. The majority of the house could have formed a voting bloc and evicted Vanessa weeks ago but I guess no one told them. They act like :sitting at the cool table is the point of the game instead of winning the money. Why didn’t they just hand V

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