‘Big Brother 17’ Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Ceremony Results

The Power of Veto Ceremony is complete for this week and we have your Big Brother spoilers revealing who are the final nominations.

Big Brother 17 Power of Veto medallion
Big Brother 17 Power of Veto medallion – Source: CBS

Vanessa went in to this meeting suspicious but cautiously optimistic that she had talked her way out of becoming a renom thanks to sneaky, smooth talking from Becky. Who came out with the win today? Read on for spoilers.

Power of Veto Ceremony Results – Week 7:

Steve used the Power of Veto to save himself from the Block. Becky named Vanessa as the renom. Either Shelli or Vanessa will be voted out on Thursday.

Vanessa was digging in to Shelli right when the Feeds came back at 11:02 PM BBT. Shelli is worried that Vanessa is going to figure this out. Becky warned Shelli this was happening and now Vanessa is threatening Shelli that she better have not known before hand.

Yes, Vanessa is upset and yes it’s going to be a long few days for the Houseguests. She’ll believe she has four votes, but to avoid Becky casting the deciding tie-breaker she’ll need at least one more to make that happen. Think she can pull it off?

Keep watching Big Brother Live Feeds (get your Free Trial) to see what happens next inside the house.



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  1. This is GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I cant contain my happiness in knowing BECKY stuck to her plan!!! so exciting.

    • Super happy that she will leave the house on Thursday, I only hope that she finds out that Shelli knew all along that she was the target.

      • Shelli can deny, deny, deny (if she’s smart that is just as Vanessa denied her part in anything) and tell Van she didn’t know who the target was, just that she was told it wasn’t her but that they couldn’t guarantee that either!

  2. I think Vanessa can pull of getting 5 votes.
    She has Austwins and steve
    She could get 1 more

    • I think this is going to make everyone consider their options for their own game. I think the Austwins are as much of a sure vote for Van as James is. lol

    • If she can convince or make a deal of a lifetime with James.
      But if James does that, he’s gonna face the wrath of the women he’s so worried about.

      • clearly you missed the very long talk Becky and steve had around 4 AM today, he could waver but he isn’t in Van’s camp right now

      • In addition to the Becky/Steve talk, Steve has been cam talking that Van has been lying to him & trying to work him over. He keeps saying “It’s not going to work, Vanessa.”

      • Ahahahaha…love that! Now Van is telling Shelli that it was she who promised Becky that she’d keep her safe til jury than Van asking Becky to help keep her safe. Funny how she can turn her own words and make it sound just…but she’s telling this to the wrong person is all.

      • Evidently that’s all changed for this week! Vanessa also asked Becky to keep her safe til jury. Becky has helped to accomplish that now and told Van to enjoy it!!!

    • She is blowing herself up on the feeds. There’s no way she’s getting through this week.

      • JMac planned to push Becky into targeting Van BEFORE he knew Becky’s plans. After that blow up with Van against Clay & JMac, JMac can’t stand Van.

      • Right…but Andalib was saying Van needed one more vote and the only one left to give that would be JMac! hahaha

      • No way jmac is gonna keep Van, she pretty much called him an idiot when he said that he was the one who said she was in Shelli’s head not James and that Van was going after him!

      • You’re right..he won’t, but Van can try to get his vote…keyword, “try”! hahaha

  3. Well, it finally happened. I am not jumping up and down, coz I’m so exhausted from expecting it haha.

  4. The Moldy Q-Tip is NOT happy…This is going to be a CRAZY few days. (Please don’t wrap yourself up in a sleeping bag, Vanessa.)

  5. For once a plan has actually gone well so far! We usually see Vanessa and a shelli manipulating whoevers in power to do what they want the hoh to do. Thank you becky!!!!

  6. I want there to be more fights this season like bb16. Too bad there’s no one like Zach, always wanting to stir up some trouble

  7. Now who is acting immature. RESPECT THE GAME VANESSA!!! that’s what u told others when they were bd. U told Jason “thanks for being mature” when he was bd.
    Come V it’s just game:-)

  8. I can’t wait to see the moment when Becky says Vanessa’s name. I assume (based off of updates posted) that Vanessa knew it was coming so she couldn’t have been that surprised. What kind of vibe are you with the Feeds seeing? – Is she Zombified in defeat or is she already focused on a plan?

    • She didn’t know, I don’t think, from what I’ve heard. Shelli obv didn’t. It would have had to have come from Austwins. I don’t think they told her, did they? Not much time since they just found out themselves. ???

      • Joker’s posted an update before the ceremony with Vanessa saying she expected to go up.

      • No…Vanessa told Julia she expected to be put up. Julia told her not to think like that. Julia didn’t spill the beans.

      • I think she expected only because she knows that production has an early PoV ceremony when there is going to be a blindside, so the HoH doesn’t change their mind.

      • How would she know that? She’s a recruited player. I doubt she has a deep knowledge of game specifics like that. Does she?

      • They probably hinted to her as much…she’s a smart girl and knows when to take a hint when her butt’s against the wall! LOLOL

      • She expected it the moment Steve won the Veto and used it on himself. Otherwise, it would have been different had Vanessa won the Veto…but Van had to win it, no one else, to guarantee safety to both her and Shelli.

      • If you mean shelli didn’t know Vanessa was going to be the renom, she did know. But she didn’t know she’d be on the block with her as shelli was meant to come off.

      • Hold on, what do you mean as Shelli was meant to come off? Did they think that Steve would have saved Shelli rather than himself?

      • No, if j/j/m/Becky were to win, they were supposed to take shelli off and put van next to Steve. Never heard them talk about him winning, don’t have feed

      • when they were talking about veto they acted like there was no way Steve was gonna win and whoever won was gonna take shelli off

      • Shelli knew she was staying on the block the minutes that Steve won the PoV on Saturday. She’s been prancing around, so she is OK. She knows she is staying over Van.

  9. Lol Becky is currently trying to convince Austwins to evict Vanessa telling them how she is using them.

    • And they will as long as they’ll have Shelli on their side! Shelli favors the Austwins more than Van does!

  10. Wow…is this the same girl crying a few weeks ago saying “i cant target Shelli,Vanessa etc…i have to go after Steve (the easy target)”…girl grew some balls…

  11. She wants to keep things quit but is telling the Austwins that Vanessa is the target gl with that

    • They are listening to the more reasonable one! Van played all of them, including Shelli!

  12. Really smart move by Becky … To think a week ago her loyalty was with the other side… I’m glad she opened her eyes and decided to move forward with the good guys… Now let’s hope James wins the second hoh

  13. Didn’t Vanessa win four million playing poker? Okay she doesn’t need the money!!! Next!

    • thats the rumor, but somehow I can not see her winning anything. she thinks she can read a person, but you can read her. Johnny Mac said last night he knew what she was about week one.

    • did you see V diary room interview when Becky laughed in her face about making a deal or an alliance with her. V stating that Becky was dumb and didn’t know what she was doing. What do you say now V.?

      • Did you see how V ridiculed JMac too..saying he wouldn’t know how to think for himself. Not good to do too early….she’s burned enough bridges now, so buh bye!!!

      • I loved that! V fell for it obviously she has seen BB and just doesn’t want to make any deals or alliaces with u! LOL

  14. Really would like to see Vanessa go. I just love double eviction night and I can’t wait to see who walks out behind her. Watch out!! Whoever doesn’t go first is going after Becky in a quick HOH, noms, veto, final noms, bye-bye!!! Love #BB17 It just wouldn’t be summer without it!!!

  15. I think this is going to be a close one…
    I truly think Vanessa will have Austwins & Steve on her side. I know Steve had done some posturing to Becky, but that was more or less to make her think he was on her side so he wouldn’t be the target.
    The swing vote is James…. He’s shown a preference to getting Shelli out, and a willingness to work with Vanessa.

    So we shall see.

    • I don’t think James will go that way. He prefers Shelli go first but he said he’d honor Becky’s HoH and vote out her target who is V. I think he will honor it.

      • It’s easy to agree with the HOH to do their bidding while your game is still at risk. But at this point the HOH is practically powerless, and James would be wise to do what is in his own best interests.

        And if you can get Vanessa and her squad on your side, it may just be the better move for him.

      • Not that I think James will put nearly as much thought into it as I have…… lol

      • But that side isn’t winning comps at the moment…they’re just numbers for him. He doesn’t like the numbers being less than if he stays put. Becky now has JMac and Steve on her side so if James were to defect, that would still be an even number for Becky…no matter how you look at it, it will still be 5 vs 5 now…because Shelli and Van, nor HoH can vote at all. Steve and JMac went to the side the power was at.

    • James is solid and has always kept his word to his team mates there is no chance in hell he will go against his girls.

      • Define ‘teammates’… I’m not sure I would throw Becky into that group like Jackie and Meg.
        And James himself said it’s up to his own discretion on whether he has to honor the checks he writes…. lol

      • steve flips soo much! He hates Becky and he didn’t vote her out! You never know with him!

      • Well even if you don’t include Becky in the team mate scenario James still gave his word to Jackie and Meg the way that he would vote and he said he would go with the HOH decision and he’s one not to go back on his word to the people he cares about

      • Becky became his teammate once she woke up to the fact the side of the house she thought would have her back no longer did nor had they for awhile…it took what James did for all that to come out and come to that realization. She wasn’t part of either team last week when she played snitch against the James Gang of 3. Stuff happens quickly it seems in the BB house.

      • James won’t flip to the other side! Their falling apart anyway and he is loyal to the people that he has been with from the start he never planned to be honest to Shelli when she asked to be safe in that HOH comp!

    • Steve will go back and forth 50 or 60 times. You know, since Vanessa is his closest ally.

      Or so he thinks…

    • It’s a even number this week, if the twins, austin and steve vote out Shelli, and James, Meg, Jackie & Johnny Mac vote out V. Becky gets to vote. there is no swing vote.

      • Well she kind of does, she just used it in the wrong context! She meant she won’t be swinging to keep Van over Shelli!

      • My comment specifically states that James is the one that can go either way, hence he is the swing vote.
        She counters by saying that Becky gets to vote if there is a tie (which in my post assumes there is a chance the vote is NOT tied).
        The swing vote is a vote that will decide the outcome, but could potentially go either way.

        Clearly she doesn’t know the definition.

  16. Vanessa is smarter but Shelli is stronger its smarter to get rid of the person more likely to win hoh. That is the 1 argument that could save Vanessa

    • Too bad Shelli has no real support left in the house once Vanessa goes. Vanessa still has the Austwins. That’s the best argument to send her out. Not to mention all the staged fights, drama, etc.

      • I am soo tired of seeing Shelli whine and cry just for that she needs to go but I think they should get Vanessa out first because she still might have a little pull on some people in the house! I love the way Meg was trying to be nice but not really and the faces she was making about Clelli visiting her!

  17. I want to see van out. If she goes, I think the hoh for de could go anyway. Who do you guys think would go if j/j/m win? I’m thinking shelli, but what about if Steve//jmac win? If she’ll wins I think she’ll target james. Can’t wait for this de!

  18. This is definitely going to be a great big brother week! So many possible outcomes with the Double Elimination and with both Shelli & Vanessa on the block… Will they both go this week??? Or maybe creepy Austin can be the second… I, personally, don’t care which one of them go home. But I think it would be smart to cut off the head of the snake. Vanessa!

    • They need to take to members of that snake out at one time during the de competition that way they will end the threat of them all at once

  19. Who would JMac even target if he won the second hoh? If Vanessa goes during beckys how I can’t think of anyone hed specifically target

    • He already said that he’s going to nom the twins with Judas as the renom. He’s good and smart and hairy at his back.

      • And Judas will have his dream, being in jury house with his Lizzy. So, Austin has already won the game, he can go next, then Liz….

      • When did he say he would nom the twins? I thought he liked Julia and he would go after Shelli if she stays in the house?

    • As a smart gamer someone HAS to break up the twins and/or Laustin, no? Right now they’re a solid 3 votes if they’re all together and 2 if Lulia split off from Austin or 2 if Julia splits from them. Either way, that’s a healthy chunk of votes that need to be broken up.

      • someone needs to get liz out. seems like julia doesnt really like austin. but liz is attached to both.

      • Liz has already stated that she will drop Austin like a stink bomb (ok, I said that) before going against Julia … As other HG’s have said, the twins are the strongest couple in the House .. it will be difficult to break that bond, imo .. especially, Liz suggesting that she would “whore” herself with Austin, as long as it helps her and her sister get further into the game …

      • What about backdooring Austin to resolve that?? Shelli and JMac have come together in hopes of achieving that.

      • Yea but Liz is attached to both. Liz/Julia is a much bigger connection than liz/austin. I mean they’re twins. NO way would they not have the other’s back. We’ve seen showmances do that but never family. Drew evicting Dianne. Exeption to the family rule is Cowboy to Nakomis but they had just met on the show and had no relationship previously.

      • That’s the next obvious move once Shelli goes. Of course, Steve could feel some heat and decide to go after them himself after he wins HOH for DE. He knows they have to go to, so he might as well take the first shot at Liz.

    • I suspect, like this past week .. who ever survives this week’s eviction during the first round, will likely be an obvious choice for nomination (renom) should that person not win either HOH nor POV …
      Steve and Austin would be easy targets, as well .. :)
      Though, if the surviving nominees happen to win HOH, I suspect that Becky, James and/or Jackie may be at risk ??

      • I think that this far into the game that if the twins or Austin don’t win HOH they will be put up and if one comes down Austin goes up so either way that 3 some is split up! it’s a win all around!

      • I agree. JMac is hoping to win HoH and wants to put the twins up, then try to backdoor Austin!

      • I don’t think bd Austin is a good idea so far he hasn’t won anything and he’s just a vote!

      • Well at this point if the James Gang is still winning HoH comps, they don’t have a lot of options left. They want to eliminate those that count as votes.

    • shelli, austin and the twins. JMac knows what is going on, He said last night that he figured out v’s game in the first week.

  20. For viewers sake .. if you want drama .. Vanessa would be great for tv and the feeds …

    For the sake of the House sanity, Shelli may be the better choice …

  21. Van and shelli have vowed to not campaign against each other. These hgs are ridiculous! Throwing away their game for a friendship that they’re gonna have regardless of campaigning. Most hgs have stayed friends even after a huge betrayal on the show.

      • She will convince Shelli to asked to be voted out so that she can be with Clay in the Jury House ..
        Yes, yes, we all know that Clay is NOT in the Jury House, but Vanessa is so good that she will convince herself and everyone else that he is .. Ha !!! :)

      • she is such a liar!!!!! not even a good one though, notice when she gets caught in a lie, she starts to cry. might work on some guys, but not on the girls. I’m sorry but I know that if I want something and can not get it, the tears always works, especially with men.

      • Shelli will already know he’s not, though! So Shelli will not believe Van! Van will need something much more substantial than that to convince Shelli in leaving over her. LOLOL

      • What are they all SUPPOSED to say? Of course they’re all going to promise loyalty. That’s the game. Why do people get upset when people competing for half a million dollars (who’ve known each other less than 2 months) lie about being loyal?

      • That’s true, but I dislike that she continues to say this stuff in the dr. I have no problem with her going against her word, but she could at least own up to it in the Dr when we already see what she’s doing.

      • she is so full of it. look at her background, she is supposedly a poker player!! LOL i personally know some poker players and 1) they have never heard of her, and 2) I play poker way better than her, and I would not considered myself a pro!

      • Shelli really does not need to .. at least, at this point .. but, there still are a few days for that to change .. :)

    • Vanessa is going to throw Shelli under the bus and roll over her. Shelli might do the same but Vanessa will be more notorious about it.

      • Shelli already threw V under the bus because she knew Becky was trying to backdoor her and didn’t tell her.

    • You really believe that? Shelli may sit back and not do much. Vanessa will go bonkers and **** on Becky, Shelli, whatever it takes to save herself.

      • no, its quite obvious that van would campaign against shelli. Just think its crazy to even say that in the first place.

      • Shelli’s not campaigning because she was guaranteed safety by Becky and Becky’s yet to go against her word.

  22. is this week double eviction and how does that work? when will the HG find out and does this mean Shelli and Van will be out?! confused.. help!

    • There’s one eviction, followed by an immediate HOH competition. The new HOH will then have to nominate two people for eviction, there’s a Veto competition, another eviction, and finally a second HOH competition (which may not end during the hour; it may be endurance).

      • They don’t have much time to think about it or make deals. Best to have your thoughts together before, just in case you win HoH. And play out scenarios in case every other person wins, as well. They may be baffled so keep them in check.

      • I love DE night! They don’t give them any time to think about just like a few min to talk to each person and thats it!

      • They usually have a plan already thought out before they make it final…this year DE will be exciting because Van will already be gone and drawn-out thinking will be non-existent!

    • The house will vote out either shelli/van. After that there will be a quick hoh, noms, a quick veto, and then another live eviction all in one episode. The first eviction will be in the beginning of the episode rather than in the middle so there will be time for the next round of hoh and stuff.

    • Van is the plan…not sure about Shelli. If she doesn’t win the first HoH, she’ll probably be put up again, but the plan in the works is that the twins go up (that is if JMac can pull off winning the first HoH) and whoever wins Veto can take one of the twins down, put Austin up and hopefully be voted out the door!

  23. I honestly still have no favorite in this house this year. I’m still watching but I’m not really pulling for anyone in particular at this point. I don’t know why but there’s something that annoys/bothers me about each player. I’m glad that Becky wasn’t afraid to make big moves even if I don’t care for her – it makes for an exciting week. But while I’m not a fan of Vanessa, does anyone else think that the house will be less exciting once she’s gone? A lot of the other players are just kind of boring. Hopefully if Vanessa is the one to go, which I think is likely, someone else will bring on some drama! :)

    • I feel the same way. Vanessa confuses the hell out of me. Watching her pointless drama is exhausting and trying to figure out why she keeps doing stuff and keeping track of all the deals. And I lost track of the alliances weeks ago.

    • Remember that it’s a TV show. They edit stuff together and focus on things that make for more exciting stories. It’s all about context. They’ve focused on TSS early on because they were providing the most drama and entertainment. But like anything, when a piece of the dam gets cut, new sticks and twigs fill in the cracks. They’ll (the Producers) find new story-lines to follow. There’s always drama/entertainment somewhere. (If the house were full of Steve clones that might be a challenge, but with the rest of them I think we’ll be okay.)

      • I’m not just talking about what’s actually aired on TV. While I don’t have the feeds personally, I read a lot of the summaries found on this site and others. And it just seems that Vanessa has been in the center of most of the drama or causing it. I just don’t know if it’ll be the same without her. As I said, I don’t really favor anyone this season so I’m not pulling for either Shelli or Vanessa to stay. I just think it’ll be a little less crazy without Vanessa and we all know crazy is what we enjoy about Big Brother. LOL

      • I agree about her craziness. I’m just saying I think there’s always something new to focus on and point out. Right now it’s Vanessa’s intensity (and has been for a while) but if we hadn’t had that it might have been something about Shelli or anything about any of the others. It could very well have been about James’ cheesy come on lines or Meg’s ditziness. Anything. It won’t stay boring for long I don’t think. It was boring (to me) the first half of the Season then suddenly exploded and became interesting. Maybe you’re right. Maybe it will be boring as hell. But I doubt it. People handpicked to be trapped in a house has to lead to something, right? (I hope.)

    • It’s funny that you say that cuz the people I liked at the begining now I can’t stand and now I’m not sure who I like the only thing that I got used to was Jmac always yelling in the DR! That used to make me crazy!

      • I’ve always rooted for the underdog…so I’m hoping either Jackie or Becky wins…preferably a girl this year since it’s been mostly guys winning the last three seasons! I wouldn’t mind Shelli winning though, if she can last that long.

      • I would like a girl to win but there’s not any girl that I particularly like I’m not crazy about Becky and Jackie made me mad when she voted Jason out!

  24. Vanessa’s pitch should be do you want give me time out the house to go plan a return? This should worry the HG more than keeping her in the house. :-P

  25. This is the first year a player on the weak side of the house has went against the power house instead of “playing it safe”. Thank you James for being a giant BB player. It changed the whole dynamics of the house and gave Becky courage to follow through. This is the best-season-ever.

    • I agree because if James hadn’t made a big move last week, Becky would have played it safe and probably would have targeted Steve..

  26. Happy to see that Vanessa was finally nominated. I can’t remember the Muppets character she reminds me of, the singer with the same hat…

  27. I think James’ HoH last week inspired becky to turn on the big guys and get out threats. & Jackie analyzes and knows whats going on around the house. Rooting for James or Jackie to win this season!

    • Jackie could be a sleeper to win.

      She is smart and knows what is going and there are several bigger targets in the house than her.

  28. I’m not convinced Becky has the votes to get rid of Vanessa. She might be able to get them but Vanessa can be pretty persuasive and squirm her way out of it. I do applaud that she nominated 2 strong players. I get tired of them nominating pawns.

    • all because of the removal of the battle of the block. well done big brother and cbs!

    • J/J/M will most likely vote Vanessa out bc that’s Becky’s plan and I’m sure they don’t want to piss off one major alliance member. There’s no way in hell that JMac will keep Vanessa. That would be 4 votes and that would be enough to give Vanessa the boot.

  29. I knew Becky could pull this off! I’m so excited right now!
    Since it’s DE, I’m a little worried that Becky is a huge target now, but she should have covered her bases with Shelli by telling her beforehand about it, so I hope she makes it through the second eviction.
    Unless Austwins win HOH, Becky should be good.
    If Vanessa stays, I will be shocked and we’ll know for sure that the HGs are stupid. Austwins saving Vanessa, okay, but anybody else keeping her would be INSANE!

  30. Vanessa is going into FULL MELTDOWN MODE right now on the feeds. It’s pretty epic. Becky just left Vanessa a weeping mess and now she’s looking for support from the late night crew and they are having none of it. This is fantastic.

      • They’re actually quite cheap and you get CBS All Access with them and yes, you can rewind back to watch anything that’s happened previously. There’s a flashback feature.

  31. Reading updates about Vanessa’s meltdown – pure gold! Also, does anyone know if there’s a site to watch the feeds for free this season?

    • You can get two hours of live feed from 11 pm to 1 am every night on PoP TV. It’s channel 100 in Virginia.

  32. If Shelli doesn’t win HOH or the veto she might join Vanessa in the jury house on Thursday.

    • I love Becky, but by telling everybody just before the meeting (those who she hadn’t already told beforehand) and only not telling Vanessa, I feel she badly diminished the blindside effect. Then again, that’s what they were aiming for, as they didn’t want more reasons to be targeted next week. Intentional, but less dramatic. It is what it is.

    • James started it off and Becky finished it off. the head of the snake has been cut off, now it will leave Shelli all alone, I know the twins won’t have anything to do with her, since everyone besides Becky want nothing to do with her, and Austin will follow the twins. all it took was Clay and Vanessa going home, now Shelli will have to actually start playing, instead of using others to do her dirty work. last week and now this week, things really couldn’t have gone any better.

      • Yes, finally some great game play- notice how quite and nice the house has been since Clay…until today that is…

      • Definitely, I think its cute how James loves to mess with Meg, I would too. lol she is adorable. with Vanessa gone its really going to be a laid back house, should be lots of fun from here on out. Vanessa couldn’t leave sooner and her beanie cap.

  33. Once Vanessa is gone, it’s gonna be a new ball game. James/Meg/Jackie will be a trio. Becky/JMac/Shelli could be a trio, vs The Austwins. Steve/camera will kinda circle in the middle, waiting.

    I think it’s gonna be a wild 2nd half of the season. Of course a zombie Vanessa could come back in the house. Either way, it’s gonna be GOOD TV.

    • Becky/JMac/Shelli sounds like a formidable Alliance. (Both physically and mentally.) If that happens they could be unstoppable. (with Steve and his distaste for Becky/friendship with JMac being the perfect “unknown element.”)

      • Yes! They could be formidable force. Shelli is a very dangerous player to leave in the house. Very social, very friendly with the other guest. ..and a good liar in the game.

      • But all Shelli is doing now is crying and playing the pity me card and the house is already sick of that!

    • Please BN, no return of Vanessa. I’d rather see jason or Davonne again. That would really shake up the house. Should be playoff between those two.

  34. I’ve been waiting for this day, and it’s finally come. Thank you, Becky. Thank you.

  35. Now, Shelli win HOH and out up Jackie and Meg! One comes down, put James up! More crazy.

    • She’d be signing her own walking papers if she did that. But it’s strictly a revenge move, so I think that’s likely to happen. She’s better off trying to get out the Austwins and resetting her game with some combo of Steve/JMac/Becky. The Austwins can’t win anything and wouldn’t protect her anyway.

      • I agree, It would be so much smarter for her to do that. The twins and Austin are the strongest “alliance” in the house. She should take one of them out while she can. Steve/JMAC/Becky/Meg are easy to manipulate so one of them could take out James and Jakie after that. I’m sure she’ll try to avenge her man child straight away though.

  36. Im waiting for a Vanessa meltown or another ridiculous story about outside prior relationships from Vanessa…

  37. How I’ve been waiting for this, the feeds have been addicting. sorry Vanessa, sucks to be you. now you can go freak out in jury house and read your own pulse without getting blood on your own hands, the house should be more fun and laid back now, finally. about damn time.

  38. The irony that Meg’s favourite phrase has become “I can’t stand you”…

    I don’t need to finish this thought, do I?

  39. Any BB experts/historians here? Since the dbl eviction has to be a pretty quick turnaround any ideas about what kind of comp it might be? I’d imagine to add some drama it’d be nice if the comp is something Shelli might excel in (physical) or possibly even Meg or the Twins (1st grade Math or a quiz about Barbie?) – Any ideas?

    • They often use that maze/puzzle board where you move your game piece down the length of an obstacle too for POV. Usually some kind of question comp for HOH.

      • Like a one question to all Chalkboard thing? “How many times has Austin flexed his muscles in front of a mirror? – Closest number wins. You have ten seconds…Go!” That sort of thing or a longer puzzle/game? (I’ve been watching since Season 1 but don’t have events memorized.)

      • I think they’ve done different types for DE… I’m like you, I’ve watched so much that they run together… I don’t have the photographic memory of who won what contest by answering False and eliminating which 2 other players during the 5th HOH of season 6.

        Or whatever it was… LOL

      • I think they’ve done T/F, Head to Head, chalkboard… all of the above for DE. I can’t remember 100% for sure though.

      • Yep and second HoH won’t be shown live…it will be shown on the feeds as production needs time for that more comprehensive competition…could be another endurance one or mental one like the black box comp where the hgs couldn’t see to find the hidden objects.

  40. Soooo loving this!!! WTG Steve for using it on yourself and WTG Becky for initiating the plan!

  41. Vanessa is just a disgusting person in general.
    I hope not only for her eviction Thursday, but it would be a bonus if she were to break a leg or arm walking off set…a compound fracture would be the best

      • Agreed! I think she’s probably an alright person outside of the house. (Probably just as frantic, though!)

      • After seeing/reading about her actions during the game and knowing that pro Poker Players sit like statues with zero emotion as they play I imagine her sitting at a Poker table all calm and controlled and they zoom into her head where the Tasmanian Devil is bouncing off the walls of her skull trying to figure out the odds of every hand.

    • A constant toothache would be nice too…can’t talk much when you have one of those! hahaha

    • I don’t have the live feeds, since I know I wouldn’t get much done, and usually don’t miss having them. BUT, now would be a great time to view them … ROFL!

    • She is trying to calculate the odds of her staying this week. Its making her head catch fire.

  42. The decision to not put Austin up continues to haunt her and will be the real reason she’s gone on Thursday.

    • TouchĂ©. I think, more specifically, the reason she is going home…she TOLD EVERYONE she was going to put Austin and then didn’t. Had she just put up Jason from the get go instead of blindsiding him (and his entire crew), there wouldn’t have been as much of a backlash.

      • Yep, and one can only deny it for so long…but they said “that may have been a group decision, but you were HoH and could have stopped it”!

    • True. When she went back on her word to the alliance of 8, it was the beginning of the end for SS.

  43. Austwins are thinking they need to make a move with Shelli on their side. If Shelli is smart she will try to let one of them win HoH. If Austwins were smart they would let her win HoH. Its the difference between The goblins going after Shelli as planned or going after the Austwins.

    The thing is, since there are 3 of them there is no way to save all of them if the goblins win HoH.

    • Honestly, if everyone can take a step back and do the smart thing, I think you go for the trio of Liz/Julia/Austin this week. Ideally, I’d want to send Liz out, because the longer she stays in the house, the closer she is to being at the end with 2 guaranteed votes in the jury.

    • Read on Jokers updates a conversation Austwins were having and Austin states they need to bring Steve in with them and Steve can win HOH. Well DUH Austin, we see how capable you are. Liz or Julia will win one before you.

  44. I love this comment to Vanessa by Becky as Becky and Meg were heading to the HoH room: “Oh Vanessa, it sucks being up next to your friends on the block. Thanks for teaching me that trick!”

  45. To all the people saying this is karma, Vanessa is a multi-millionaire. So when she leaves the house, she leaves the richest person. And when it’s all said and done, she goes to the Big Brother Jury mansion, then after the finale, back to her mansion.

    • She may lose her mansion too as she’s mortgaged it to the hilt and has had it up for sale for nearly a year. Maybe it will have been foreclosed on while she was playing another type of game that kept her away too long.

      • She can’t pay her mortgage without enough income. She was hoping to win BB to pay it!

      • So she will just live in a slightly smaller mansion of 15,000 sq feet, instead of 25,000 sq foot mansion she lives in now. She has a net worth of $4M. She’s not going to the poor house.

      • She’ll need to liquidate those assets into cash! But you’re right, she won’t be poor by poor standards, but she will be poorer if she can’t pay her bills.

      • I know she’s had her house on the market for close to a year with no takers. So the asking price must be a bit high…doesn’t take a genius to figure out why she decided to play Big Brother! I’m assuming, but I’m also logical about stuff like that too.

    • Karma, is in the fact that she gets done to her, what she did to others.
      But Thank You for making it even sweeter knowing she really doesn’t need the prize.

      • She should have never been on the show in the first place. She had no problem sending poor people like Jason home, and really deserved to win the money.

      • Exactly! Can’t bluff your way in BB like you can in poker. Always stick to what you know!

      • Look, I am the first one to talk about income inequalities and stuff, see my name? (LOL) but rich and poor has nothing to do with who deserves to win this game.

      • But Naessa is rich, and Jason is poor. Vanessa had no problem sending Jason home. Jason didn’t cry about. He took it like a man. Vanessa had no problem doing this with Jeff. Jeff isn’t rich at all. He’s an insurance salesman. He didn’t cry about it. And he said “I guess this is why they call it a blindside. But don’t cry when this happens to you.”

        What did Vanessa do when this happened to her? She broke down and cried right away. Why? She’s gets to go back to the jury mansion. Then she gets to go to her real mansion. Jason should be crying. Jeff should be crying. But they didn’t.

      • What? I can buy a candy bar, and I’m poor. I don’t even have a car. I take public transportation. A million dollars would really change my life.

  46. After seeing the last few weeks happen and how people dissolve emotionally I think this is how we should run US Presidential Elections. Lock 5 Repubs, 5 Dems and 5 Indies into a house/set (with Dr. Will as the All-Star/non-political party affiliated player) and let it go from there. #BB-POTUS.

    • I am still waiting for the candidate that represents the people regardless of red, white or blue team they are on. But of course that won’t work, would it? /sarcasm

      (in other words I agree with you).

      BB does prove that often, the Independents, or at least the nonstandard alliances, do end up with the power. I think that is why, in real life, the partisans are always so busy coming up with ways to block participation from indies and to make it impossible for indies to ever have equal footing with themselves.

  47. Very happy to see two strong players facing off this week. I guess if Vanessa stays there will be more drama, but sounds like the house will be smart and get her out. Becky and James right now deserve to be final 2 for their big moves!

    • Becky didn’t make any big moves. James made the big move. If James hadn’t done what he did, Becky would’ve been too scared to do anything.

      • Well she could have chickened out and been afraid of Vanessa. So glad she did make the move. Hope Vanessa goes even if her staying means more drama.

      • Becky made a huge move. She could have put up anybody, but she chose to put up the two strongest competitors.

      • Respectfully disagree. James not taking Clay off of the block at the time was a bad game move. He was having a perfect week but then blew it by not using the veto. What is happening now is fallout from his mistake, not some planned result of his genius game play.

      • James needed to keep Clelli on the block to prove a point. James had an agenda, and that was breaking them up. By not using the veto, he got exact what he wanted. Clay not going to the jury. And it is punishment for Shelli for sending home Jason.

  48. Becky might be thought of as this season’s “dumb girl”, but she will definitely be remembered as the HoH/HG who made one of the biggest moves as well as evicting one of the “best players” in the house (for me it’s a tie between Vanessa and James for best player thus far) this season (17). Not bad for a girl who was “hit by a train”. My current favorites are James, Jackie, and Becky FTW! Nobody 4 NOW!!!

      • Better yet – Becky, James, Meg, John and Jackie – “The FaceTrain” alliance!

    • I’m starting to believe this too. I knew she had it in her…and she was smart not to get as tangled up in the SS as those who aren’t doing so well anymore had.

    • Ok… I still like Johnny Mac. He’s a smart player and I like what he’s doing, but he really needs to step up and win an HOH or do something to earn some respect as a player.

      But over the past couple of weeks, James and Becky have worked their way up to the top of my list of faves.

  49. What all the house-guests should tell Vanessa when she tries pitching for their votes to stay is, ” Vanessa, you spent the pass two weeks fighting to keep Shelli in the game. You can rest now she’s staying!”

  50. Good. Now who will the house vote out.
    The twins and Austin may keep Vanessa and Meg, Jackie and James may keep Shelli.
    Steve votes out Shelli and John votes out Vanessa. is a tie.

  51. One Knit Beanie – $25
    One large container of eye rouge – $50
    One tube of acne medication – $40
    Watching Vanessa walk out of the BB House?

  52. “Vanessa is threatening Shelli that she better have not known before hand.” Or what? What is Vanessa going to do? What is the point of talking to Shelli this way? Who does Vanessa think she is? Typical can dish it out but can’t take it! This would be the moment in the Big brother house I’d be in Vanessa’s face listing every way she’s screwed and lied to people.

    • A Shelli vs Vanessa fight would be one of the best BB moments of all time. They are both the exact same way, Vanessa is just slightly crazier.

    • Is that anyway to treat one of your alliance members? I’d say Shelli is now even with her for being quiet when Van chose to BD Jason instead of Steve or Austin!

  53. I never liked Shelli, but if she is able to bullsh*t all these people, she definitely deserves to win. I have no idea how these naive house guests let the twins get this far either. They should have never let them in. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them wins in the end.

    • Or Austin. The threesome of Austin and the Twins will be a force. Shelli and Vanessa made that possible by stupidly allowing Julia in. DUMB

      • I think no one believes the Austwins can win anything. They don’t seem to have a strong game plan. They flip-flop constantly and have no idea what’s going on in the game.

        Austin seems to be the one with the level head.

      • And that is why they just may win! They are a rock solid 3sum that people should care more about, but don’t. As numbers dwindle, a solid 3 becomes potent.

      • Austin isn’t winning anything. He doesn’t even seem interested in winning.

        Julia and her sister are definitely a lot more capable of pulling out a win than he is. They also haven’t made any enemies, so they are sitting pretty nicely right now. The twins and Meg are the safest people in the house.

  54. Ok, help me out. I don’t get the feeds. Did Becky tell Austin and the twins about putting up Vanessa before the ceremony?

  55. Here comes Becky. When you survive being smacked by a train, you have got to be tough. In addition, look at her healthy diet.

  56. She will not get the vote, remember she was attempting to back door JMac, all she has is the r wins, Austin and Becky will have the pleasure of send. Her packing. The Jury house better have some strong meds, and following her Shelli.

    • The Austwins cannot vote to keep Vanessa because they already approached Shelli to work with them. It would send a bad message to Shelli if it was a 4-4 tie with Becky breaking the tie to keep Shelli.

  57. Though, she could return to the game. That never seems to last long, though. But, who knows?

  58. It’s funny how she had no problem blindsiding Jeff or Jason. And Jeff even said “Don’t cry when this happens to you.” But when Vanessa get’s blindsided, she cries.

  59. I was hoping this would have happened last week with Clay still in the house BUT after thinking about it, Shelli and Vanessa both in jury will be even more fun.

  60. Not only is Vanessa going to “jury”, but it’s the way she’s going out the door that’s so cold/cool!
    1) Becky’s revenge for Vanessa humiliating her week 3 (Jeff’s eviction).
    2) “Blind Squirrel Alliance” avenging Jason’s eviction.
    3) “Backdoor – Blindside” of Vanessa (when’s the last time we saw one of this……………….they are so rare).
    4) Eviction vote is a tie (James, Jackie, Meg, and Jon vote for Vanessa, while Austin, “Twin Evil”, and Steven vote for Shelli) allowing the HoH to break the tie vote.
    5) And this week’s HoH is…………………(drum roll)………………….Becky! She will have the pleasure of personally sending “DJ ‘Nessa” to the jury house. Flawless/Perfect HoH/Eviction for Becky and the “Blind Squirrel Alliance”.
    Nobody 4 REAL!!!

  61. Great Job Becky! This is a great move for her gameplay; now I can’t wait to see Vanessa trying throw Shelli under the bus.

  62. I get that most people are pleased with Vanessa getting booted and going to the Jury but what about the Jury itself? At this point we potentially have: Vanessa, Shelli, Austin, Liz, Julia as potential Jury members. That’s a majority vote if they’re somehow all in Jury together and discuss and stay on the same page as a sign of defiance and revenge, no? – I know there’s no guarantee about anything but if James/Jackie/JMac/Becky or Steve somehow manage to make it to the Final 2 that certainly has to matter I’d think. – Thoughts?

      • Hopefully they’ll leave their emotions out of it and vote for the one that played the best game of the two!

      • I’m not sure that’s a possibility with this specific group of people. (TSS) They’re all very heated and emotional.

      • That’s the way is should be…emotions aside…at the final point…who played the better game…and a lot of back and forth happens when they are in jury…cooler heads will prevail.

    • I’m not counting my chickens before they hatch just yet. We still have 5 more weeks to go. Wait another 2 weeks to broach that scenario! hahaha Nothing’s for sure it seems this year!

  63. I can’t wait to watch Becky toss Jackie ,Meg & James out. Wake up people Becky is playing both sides herself but nobody has a problem with it. Yet! Don’t get to cocky Becky!

  64. I feel so bad. Vanessa has been my hands down FAVORITE this season! It will suck to see her get evicted, but not all will be lost. If she’s the first one in the jury house, she might have an advantage when it comes time for one to come back into the game. I’m not losing hope that she’ll try to sway Steve and Johnny to vote to save her. I don’t want to see Shelli go either (I actually see Shelli as a possible contender to win), but between Vanessa and Shelli…Vanessa’s the one I like the most.
    Oh well…if she leaves…not all is lost…I’m still rooting for the rest of Sixth Sense…that includes Shelli.
    I wouldn’t mind if the twins, preferably Julia, started playing real hard and knocking people out.

    • Hopefully Vanessa comes back in and knocks Becky out. Becky and Jackie my respect for personally attacking Vanessa by calling her names. No need for that. Everyone else has keep it clean.

      • I guess I can agree with you on that much! But this season the majority of them have been fighting dirty when they’re not the ones on the block. Becky has more reason to fight dirty against them than the other way around. They said she couldn’t do anything that benefited their alliance, but she was only good enough to use as a pawn and nothing more. She’s just returning the favor. Let’s not forget using her to snitch for them too!

  65. **ALERT – ALERT – ALERT***
    Checkout the “LIVE FEED”! Becky is in a bikini and her ass is eating the bottoms up………………., but not as much as Jackie’s was yesterday! Becky got enough “cakes too” start her own bakery. Nobody 4 EVER!!!

  66. So I originally though Vanessa was toast when we knew she would be the renom and while she has her work cut out for her she definitely could make a strong case to James, Meg and Jacki. It’s two fold: 1) Shelli is a bigger threat to their game. Admit she likes Shelli and won’t talk bad about her but point out that her talent in comps and loyalty to Clay is very dangerous to James. She will 100% be looking for revenge against James and by extension Jacki and Shelli. If she manages to win HOH in the double elimination one of their group is pretty much guaranteed to be voted out. Do they really want a dominant competitor playing for HOH going into a double eviction? 2) Place doubt about Becky’s loyalty. Obviously they want to work with her and won’t want to go against the Becky as HOH but Vanessa has plenty of ammo to convince them that it’s better for them to protect themselves instead of Becky. Becky has been floating and didn’t come completely clean to Meg, James and Jacki (She gave Shelli lots of info on them, “the generals”, her tossing Jame’s name around, etc). She has strong ties with others such as John. Not to mention that she can’t play for HOH this week. Vanessa then just stresses that she is 100% going after Becky if she wins and promises not to use them as pawns in her quest to get Becky out. SO yeah, not saying it’s a slam dunk but the great players have shown they can do a lot more with a lot less. Then again Vanessa hasn’t shown herself to be a great player.

    • I would be happy with both of them gone. I feel vindicated. I hated Vanessa from day 1, when eveyone loved her. Now they can see how much of a scumbag she really is. I’ve hated Shelli since she started lusting over Clay.

      • Aren’t you contradicting yourself? From your posts. I could’ve sworn Vanessa was your favorite. You couldn’t stop expounding on her good virtues.

      • Are you being sarcastic? The whole season I have been saying she doesn’t deserve to be on the show, because she is a multi-millionaire, and live in a mansion, and does not need the money.

      • He’s planning to at least work with Steve, but not the twins too as they’re not nice to him.

      • If I were James I would campaign to Meg and Jacki to keep Vanessa another week. He doesn’t technically need them but he will want them on board. Vanessa will 100% make a deal with them for the double eviction and be very likely to honor it if she won HOH as she will be seeing red for Becky.

    • Becky can’t rely on anything Van says, though even if it’s a strategic move. The minute she reassures Becky’s safety, the next she’ll pull the rug out. That’s what happens in BB house, so it’s best to remove your targets when you still can.

      • I’m just suggesting that Vanessa has alot of ammunition to rally the last vote she needs from James (assuming she will likely lready have Austwins and Steve). I don’t even necessarily think she can because she’s too emotional but logically could support a strong argument.

      • That would have been a good move had she not burned her bridges with him too before she needed to and caused all the chaos than did those he put on the block did. I truly believe most of the hgs like Shelli more than V at this point in time.

      • Yes no doubt she will have to pull a rabbit out of her hat but I personally think James is flippable as long as Shelli will surely target him the first chance she gets.

      • I’m expecting that too. She needs to regain that power to do so though by winning HoH and if not that, at least the Veto!

  67. After Vanessa, Johnny Mac needs to go! He is the second most annoying, and he gets on my nerves!

    • I liked him before he started crying over clay. When he started sucking Shelli’s teet after clay left, I was done with him. When Shelli didn’t pick him to play POV that should have been a major heads up to him that shelli finds him disposable, but NOPE.

  68. So my fellow viewers, from a gameplay perspective, do you get rid of Shelli or Vanessa?
    Shelli – good competitor, relatively emotionally stable
    Vanessa – good competitor, toxic in the game so unlikely that people will work with her again, but has jedi mind control powers

    • If Van was able to pull a rabbit out of the hat right now, I’d give her credit for that much and keep her over Shelli who’s still mourning her housemate’s eviction! hahahaha

      • I don’t see how she is going to be able to do that, the way things are right now, I believe, she is toasted

      • Close enough if both go during DE week.

        How much fun would it be to send them to jury, first two, alone, right after they were on the block together?

    • Well Vanessa likely already has the twins, Austin and Steve. I think James should strongly consider being the last vote to send Shelli home. He sent her man home and Shelli will always 100% be gunning for him and is a strong competetor.

  69. If they’re smart, they vote out Shelli. She’s honestly a bigger threat at this given time; the longer you let her stay, the more dangerous she’ll become. Vanessa is very emotional and, despite being the smartest player in the house, she’s now a huge open target. Shelli slipping back under the radar is NOT SMART. If these houseguests use their brains, they ship out Shelli now.

  70. To vote out Vanessa first is an emotional move, the game move would be to vote out Shelli, a stronger player with allies.

    J/J/M need to convince Becky to take out Shelli first then Vanessa who will be easier pickens

  71. Like I said yesterday, pretty sure they need to take Shelli out first. James needs to think of himself right now and vote to evict Shelli. If Shelli remains, I think it will be Meg, Jackie and James against the rest of the house. Vanessa is not the bigger threat (she may be loopy but Shelli is a far bigger threat to James, Meg and Jackie).

  72. John is trying to convince Shelli for them to work with James’ gang instead of Austwins.

    • He is making some sense too but I don’t think Shelli will buy it unless someone like Becky or Jackie approaches her with the idea.

      It is a good idea to form a final 6 at this point because they will need numbers and HoHs to get Austin and the twins out. The twins do not deserve to win this game

      • She has also mentioned that James doesn’t talk to her. I think she needs to talk to him first to reassure him she’s not coming after him. If that’s the truth. Let’s face it…sticking with the twins she’s dead. Especially now knowing John is after them.

      • She should approach him. She is the low man out now. Either way but just saying she can approach him. I think he might use her to break up Austwins but I don’t think he should/would trust her.

      • I don’t think she will do that because she has vengeance all over her face because James sent her boy toy home

  73. Van has been fully figured out. She is toast. From jokers:
    Mon 12:26 PM BBT Group in HN room, laugh, say Vanessa give them so many good reasons to keep Shelli last week, so they’ll do that this week. NT – SouthernBelladonna

  74. When Meg gets evicted she is not going to know until someone in the jury house wakes her up!

  75. For DE, I hope JMac can pull it off working with Shelli to help get Austin out. He stated the obvious to her…that after Van leaves, there will be 3 groups instead of two, so could she work with him to regain control of the twins by putting them up and BDing Austin? He told her that the twins don’t like him anyway, so why not? She agreed! So good to hear this!

    • I am willing to bet that the twins would flip on Austin and vote him out if he was placed upon the block. They would then just join another alliance afterwards. It is clear to me that they merely put up with him and he is in full stalker mode on Liz. Julia will go where Liz goes to have her back.

      • To keep Liz in check, yep, but Julia would gladly relinquish that task in a heartbeat if there was a way and Liz would be none the wiser! :-)

  76. I’ll be happy to see either one of them go. How does the double eviction work? After the first eviction, don’t they do a quick HOH and immediately vote someone else out?

    • Yes, then another HoH comp will start without a Veto right behind it…but the 2nd HoH comp won’t be seen Live is all! You can see it on the feeds before it’s edited!

  77. I know James is having fun with everyone right now, but it would be in his best interest to think long and hard about getting rid of Vanessa instead of Shelli. This move will hurt him the most.

    The only one Shelli is gunning for specifically is him and she has already started to turn Austin against him. Vanessa is good with playing jedi mind game with the Austwins so I could see James working with the 4 of them for now, but I doubt he’d drop Meg and Jackie.

  78. I am sooo happy that Becky stuck to her plan, I don’t think anyone will vote to keep Vanessa, they say they will but I doubt it! How many times have we seen the vote go a diff way on eviction day, everyone is gonna say it was better for their game beacuse Vanessa is constantly changing things last minute!

  79. Latest update: Shelli keeps complaining how “they” making the game personal when it doesn’t have to be. Julia says James worries her the most bc if he could come after Clay/Shelli then he will come after them (twins). Wellll duh! You have Van to blame for that transpiring too! :-)

    • The “Sixth Sense Survivors” are freaking out because one of the “best players” in the house is about to be evicted by the least respected player in the house, Becky aka Bex! Nobody 4 LESS!!!

      • Another fact, she took it personal because Day chose to save Liz and not her in the very first week of nomination

    • Absolutely correct, the twins are still in the house by default because of the greed from SheClay and Vanessa

      • It was more Shelli wanting both twins than Vanessa…Vanessa was thinking more numbers to deal with than people! LOLOL

    • So if Shelli targets James, it isn’t “personal” – bwahahahaha. She knows better than that. He made a real game move by breaking up a showmance (anyone in their right mind does that). That’s game; not personal. Becky targeting V – also a big move. Like Shelli told V in the bathroom (“WE ran this house for 4 wks..) – so obv getting you guys out is game. The references to the Jason blindside is proof to them you’re not on “their” side, which you had them believing for a minute. If you did it to Jason, you’ll do it to them. They went on the offense. Don’t get your feelings hurt. It’s game.

  80. I’m glad to see Becky picking a side but I’m not really rooting for her but I like the side she chose! Austwins better get on the ball cuz they are the next targets if things keep going the way they are! You should never name ur alliance its always bad luck!

  81. Awesome! I am not sure which is the bigger highlight, James putting up the Shelli/clay or vanessa possibly getting back doored by becky. I find it hard to believe that Vanessa could possibly be a bitter jury member considering she makes a living on lying/bluffing in a game. She of all people should be able to respect a game that allows deceit. If she ends up being a bitter jury member, she may end up being looked at as a hypocrite especially with the Jason eviction.

    Vanessa was her own demise. I wish Audrey didn’t start off so fast with those needless lies. I think it would have been very interesting.

    Congrats to Becky for making some moves

    • I agree This game was taylor made for a poker player, she just played every hand and didn’t sit out enough.

  82. Way to go Becky, good for you for staying steadfast on your words and keeping it, after Vanessa is out, then you guys should go after Shelli, then Austin and Steve.
    I don’t understand why Vanessa is all PO’d for being nominated, she didn’t have any problem when she was manipulating the house and sending people home, does she think that the remaining HG’s will just hand over the 500K check to her and not fight for it, hey, Vanessa take it and deal with it and stop sulking, this is BB house not a poker game, go drink some kool aid, pack your belongings and kiss your gigi goodbye from the BBH.
    Remember how you gave the whole house your word that Austin was going to be the renom but instead you blindsided the under dogs and sent Jason packing, I quote you, in your own words when you and SheClay plotted to back door Jason, “you said Jason should be back door and sent home because he is the smartest one among, James/Jackie/Meg, if you take Jason out, the others will crumble” guess what, they did not and now you are getting a dose of your own medicine, that’s called karma, so deal with it okay, hypocrite
    Vanessa, I am laughing my a$$ off now seeing you go through the same pain other people whom you were involve in sending home felt, so stop with the theatrics, you should thank your blessings that at least you are heading to the jury house where you are still going to be pampered unlike the other HG’s before you had to go straight home, in other words, cry me a river and see if I care.

    • Why isn’t anyone reminding Vanessa about her changing the votes on the whole house from Austin to Jason.

      • They don’t want to talk to Vanessa at all because of how she uses those conversations against others. But they did tell Shelli what Vanessa did and then denied it was all her doing, that the house is the one that chose to do that because she didn’t want to get blood on her hands…her favorite phrase! LOLOL

  83. Vanessa trying to guilt everyone in to keeping her in the house. Steve needs to shut up and sit down.

  84. Vanessa is most likely a goner this week. Here’s hoping she returns from the jury house and wrecks havoc on the remaining HGs! Haha. Despite the overwhelming number of people that hate her, I believe when it comes to playing the game, she really plays it hard. Too hard perhaps and this is why she’s leaving the house this week…

    Shelli plays the game too; James only started last week. JMac and Becky are starting now. The rest are just boring… I’m a big supporter of people who play the game! Imagine how dull and depressing the it would be if the house only had Jackies, Megs, Steves, and Austins…

    • James only started last week? DUDE MADE A BIG MOVE WEEK 1! Then his “alliance” couldn’t win anything. Grant it, he was throwing a lot of the HoH competitions, lol.

      Also, Vanessa’s paranoia is annoying. She’s awesome otherwise.

      • Haha so basically you agreed with everything I said! I don’t think getting Jace out week 1 would qualify as a big move…

  85. They have to get Vanessa out now or they all get what they deserve later if she wins Big Brother. It is what is BEST for EVERYONE. Do it NOW.

  86. sick of Vanessa and her lying every which way. she’s did good at the beginning by overplayed her own hand. Keep your shades on girl, your eyes give you away.

  87. I hope Shelli goes to jury first, its about that time she hits the bricks, J/J/M are doing a smart thing by letting her leave the game and use Becky as the target, but to still send Vanessa to the jury in the double eviction

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