The Battle of the Block is over and we have the latest results and spoilers from inside the Big Brother 17 house as this week’s four nominees competed for safety.
Nominations are in after this week’s ceremony earlier today where a panicked rush of noms left the house trying to figure out who was the real target. Ready for some Battle spoilers? Read on.
James & Jackie won, while Jason & John lost the Battle of the Block. Shelli remains HoH while Liz is dethroned letting Jackie & James escape the danger zone for this week.
That sinks Shelli’s plan to get back in the race for next week’s HoH while avoiding more blood on her hands. Meanwhile neither Jackie nor James can be evicted this week, which seemed to be a backup plan with Jackie. Jason could be in real trouble here. This could be an ugly week for an eviction!
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I don’t understand why it was a fan favorite. Its basically an excuse for people to not really play the game to its fullest. If anything came back to alter noms they should’ve brought the MVP twist and have 3 nominations again. The BOB is dumb.
It wasn’t a fan favorite. They just used that as an excuse to bring it back. Not sure why though.
Agree. When I said the same thing last week I was accused of “spewing negativity”. Lol
Remember Julie said it is a fan favorite. Sarcasm
Ugh!! I wanted to see Liz and Julia as HOH! They differ in who they like/dislike and it would have been fun to watch. Oh, and I just really didn’t want another week of Shelli/Clay.
shelli and clay disgust me, one for horrible gameplay and two for a controlling clay. the houseguests need to realize how much of a threat they are, since that is a guaranteed final two deal right there.
Apparently Shelli and Clay have a few fans. I have no idea why.
I wonder if they show Big Brother in prisons? It might explain any fans they have accumulated……
LOL! The Shelli fans are pretty mean!
Sorry I’m a Shelli fan and I live in a very nice house not prison and I’m not mean at all unless you cross me. Lol
Maybe their houses are near prisons???
I like shelli and clay. Actually I like everyone in that alliance
Cross, cross, cross…hahaha
I f**k hate Chelli so much btw 4 u dumb ones(That’s Clay and Shelli) No offence: Shelli is blinde sided by hes cuteness. Helllloooo B**h hes using u……….
Not for nothing, but anyone with your grasp of the English language, calling anyone else stupid is pretty amusing. :)
I can’t stand Clay and Shelli. In my house we call them Dumb and Dumber! haha
And Kim, your sentence is a run on sentence.
Exactly. The past houseguests evicted have stated how Shelli controls Clay and its like the people that realize get put up. Its so stupid. If I was in the house and someone brought that to my attention and I was HOH, then I would target them.
I’d nominate Audrey and Clay, have the veto to save Audrey who is alone in the house and use that to my advantage, then put Shelli up as a replacement. This would leave Shelli and Clay to actually fight for themselves.
This would be fantastic to see and I think James and Jason are the only two in the house with the balls to do it.
Basically, its sad. However I think Austin would trick someone to do it
If he were to do that it would be the only good thing about Austin.
and then they’d actually talk and persuade others to keep them in the game. physical-wise, i would get clay out but mental-wise, shelli is the more manipulative and is a comp threat, having won hoh two out of four weeks
Exactly!! Anyone who is paired up, especially romantically, need to be targeted asap. Leave the stragglers like Audrey to later when you have a duo who will not waver in their alliance. It’s weird how year after year it’s the same story.
and houseguests never learn their lessons. these people honestly confuse me, and this is why i “rage quit” big brother for a few weeks every season, over and over and over.
That they do not. Even the fatal attraction Austin has with Liz has happened before.
then liz will be ambered. i just realized i made a person into an adverb lmao
hahaha, yup and being ambered is not fun! lol
Shelli probably had a bout with urinary incontinence when she realized she would remain HOH and the final noms would be on her shoulders. I’m wondering what effect the twist will have on the elimination process this week.
Ahahaha…I hope it leaves a stain! :-)
You must be working or grandmaing or both. I’ve been gone a lot or either had grandchildren staying with me. I’m missing threads and even some shows. Just wanted to say hi, Joni. Leave it to us ladies to engage in conversations about ..incontinence..stains. Such is life. LOL
I’m not working at this time…sort of semi-retired since I haven’t been able to land a job in over five years. It’s all good though. I’m not high-maintenance, so hubby isn’t strapped being the only bread winner! :-) Daughter always seems to need me to help with the baby, so being semi-retired ain’t such a bad thing after all! :-)
John threw battle of the block, Shelli told him to and he did it. I know he has many fans on here, but to me he’s weak willed and a coward. I don’t care if he’s saving himself in the game or not, the way he’s going about “winning” big brother is not honorable. It’s stupid and he’s sucking up to Clay and Shelli. He’s too dumb to realize they are using him. I really hope he doesn’t win this game he deserves it least out of everyone there.
What the hell are you watching? Shelli told him NOT to throw the comp, that she couldn’t keep asking him to do that. No way in hell did she want to stay in power this week.
Calm down! You are over reacting!
Umm no she didn’t want him to throw it. She didn’t want to be final HOH this week.
bubblesplash is a known troll ignore him
lol, I kinda figured that out, Mike. But thanks.
I was thinking the same of you. But no because you have opposing opinions that doesn’t make you a troll. But you and saturns post sound very similar in the way the words are phrased.
I watched the feeds and read updates on here and Kn another forum and Shellk did tell John that he was a pawn this week and Clay and Shelli asked him to throw BoTB and he agreed. I was upset because I don’t want JMac to go home.
No Clay asked him to throw it. Later Shelli told him don’t throw it. Play your hardest.
and who’s HOH this week???
I think Clay forgot once again that he’s NOT in charge!
Flashback to around 11:25AM BBT: Shelli is talking to John in the lounge. She tells Johnny she doesn’t want to keep putting him up to throw competitions. She put him up and he can try to win it. Shelli says she will never ask him to throw another competition. John doesn’t have to throw it. She loves having him there with them.
She later told him that he was a pawn she didn’t want him gone and if he could throw it and he said yes.
What time was that? That argument with Audrey took up most of the late morning and early afternoon, I know.
She told him he was a pawn from the beginning. And she told him to win it.
Totally agree Lavendargirl. Patrick, Go back and read recap of today’s highlights. I made a joke about Shelli telling John it was ok for him to win it. I’m not a huge fan of shelli’s game because she is letting Clay take over her game. But she does make it fun to watch! Lol
I just read a more detailed recap on another forum and yeah Shelli asked him to throw it. Not sure you or Lavendergirl understand this
He was asked to throw it “LAST WEEK AND WEEK BEFORE”. Not this week.
Clay talked to Shelli about asking JMac to throw it again and she refused!
“the way he’s going about “winning” big brother is not honorable.”
Huh? What show are you watching? The concept of BB is not based on honor … LOL
Big brother may not be about honor but I would individuals have integrity. But I have a high moral code and I know that no matter what game I was playing or how much money I was trying to win there would be certain things I would not do. But maybe you wouldn’t and have no problem that someone is playing a very dishonest and sneaky game.
I used to like John myself but I think he’s weak and scared and I too don’t respect his game play.
And why do some people here ask if someone is watching BB? Maybe they just don’t watch the feeds or read the updates 24/7 like you do Kim. Bubblesplashes is right you all need to calm down. This is just a game and people are going to have separate opinions.
This could work out for John. It could carry him long enough to win an HOH when it really matters for him.
He didn’t throw it this week…he just didn’t play as well as he has the last 3 weeks!
Ok so the Takeover twist hasn’t happened yet, right? I’m almost sure now production is going to step in, especially with basically the two fan favorties on the block together
Yeah, pretty sure there was no rule that said Takeovers had to be announced on Thursday.
Maybe John is a fan favorite but not Jason. Jason was so far up Da’s a$$ he forgot he was playing BB. Now he just switched her out for Meg. Maybe if he started playing the game instead of sitting on the couch outside and smoking he wouldn’t be up there.
Twitter will tell you different lol. I have not seen a single person yet not upset about Jason possibly leaving. They are going as far as calling him the only enteratinment left in the house. Look at it this way. The fans loved Da’Vonne, Da’Vonne loves Jason, so therefore the fans love Jason
Well I don’t go on Twitter but a lot of these blog sites people can’t stand Jason. Myself included. He does nothing except sit on the couch. He’s no different than Jackie and Becky.
Jason’s DR sessions are entertaining. Other than that, I could take him or leave him. I gotta say, I still stand by what I said Week 1, I don’t really hate anyone this season. Yes, I have a few favorites, but there’s no one I want to see gone as badly as I have in previous seasons.
You’re right there his DR’s are funny. That’s about it for him though. I don’t hate anyone either. Can’t stand a few people but don’t hate. Lol.
I like Andy.
Hahaha are you following me around? Feeds are boring now. I missed all the talking. I’m going to flashback for some entertainment.
I like Beast Mode Cowboy.
A lot of people hated Dae as well. She was very polarizing. I wouldn’t call Jason a fan favorite by any means. He’s always being referred to as some gross insect when i read people’s opinions of him
but but but Lav ~~~ he’s very opinionated (Jackie only knows she’s playing some sort of a game for the summer, and Becky likes to play pool).
Haha who’s Becky?
Oh my goodness, you’re right Lav, WHO IS Becky??
Jason is my favourite :)
hm so whats the backup plan after veto?
Audrey? Becky? Or can we actually have fun this week and go with austin?
Shelli will have to ask Vanessa.
The way things are lookin on the feeds, Audrey is getting on Shelli’s bad side… Could be Audrey
We can only hope…
Vanessa wont let that happen to protect her image, then again she might, what do i know, I am 90 percent dumb
Why on Earth is BOTB a ” favorite ” that was brought back. It was bad last year and made the season boring
This season is getting kinda of predictable. Its sad how the people who stand up for themselves in the house are being targeted.
Shelli should’ve nominated Austin then. John goes up as a pawn, even if he didn’t throw the BOB, he’s thrown the last 2 because he was asked. People are beginning to see this idk why they haven’t made it public. Anyways this season needs to make big moves, if not they are just gonna end up writing Shelli and Clay a check, if not then then Austin.
“Step it up people”.-Dani Donato BB13
This sucks! Jackie and James lucked out. Either of them being evicted would be a breath of fresh air. John, yet again, now has (will) wiln the POV. I’m hoping Jason stays, and whoever is backdoored (Austin would be a good candidate) is voted out.
Yessss Jason NEEDS to stay. Austin sould
And I legit think Jackie is playing the Victoria card, people tell her everything but she’s acting like she can’t do anything lol.
Its like they are going after the vocal people, so why not Austin, who instigated the confrontation with Jeff
I can’t help but find Chelly and clay the :Kathy Lee and Frank Gifford wanna-bes” in the house. I could be wrong. I hear Frank Gifford is a nice guy……
Update: It looks like the Psychic’s days are numbered.
Vanessa will not want Audrey put on the block.
Vanessa’s not HOH, Shelli is. And she’s pretty peeved with Audrey over the Jason thing. Granted, we’ll see how long that lasts.
Shelli trusts Vanessa and values her opinion. According to an earlier commentary, she was so upset before noms she needed “Vanessa to tell her what to do, who to nom, and what to say.”
I agree and Shelli does what she wants. Her last HOH everyone wanted her to backdoor Audrey but she didn’t care she went after Da who was a threat to her game. If she wants Audrey gone she’ll be gone.
I’m watching right now and it’s very interesting. Mr. Miyagi threw Audrey under the bus, big time to Shelli/Clay. Now Shelli wants her gone. I have a feeling Van would spin this in a different direction. I think you’re right….anything can happen.
Also, Audrey can always call a house meeting to clear everything up. lol
That would be awesome if Audrey did that, lol!
As we all know, Van can talk a mean streak and Shelli listens. It may get very interesting because Clay will also be in her ear and if Clay and Van are giving Shelli differing opinions….who will Shelli listen to? HAHA, house meeting!!
I like it..they’re all playing..and they’re all CRAZY!
Finally!! Hope the craziness lasts!
I noticed too, there’s not a lot of whispering of the HG’s this season. They all talk loud on feeds…JMac is the only soft spoken.
OK, you actually made me LOL with that one!
Now Clay joined Shellie against Van in the convo…lol team work…Clay is working it.
Oh my, Van will not relish being challenged by people she feels are inferior intellectually, and I do think Vanessa feels that most, if not all of the HGs are so. She will be livid if not on the surface, beneath it for sure.
They actually talked about Audreys dream. This is a new dream? lol….they’re all dreaming.
The psychotic psychic would love that.
Ooohh I gotta put the feeds back on.
Mr. Miyagi spoke up to the HOH??? Where’s he getting his spunk from?
Can someone tell me why the producers continue this BOTB twist when it’s so obvious how lame it is? Players are talked into throwing the stupid comps nearly every week. It’s confusing and pountless! I’d love to know how this stupid twist ended up being dubbed “A Fan Favorite” when I’ve never met a fan who likes it…..
I agree. If they MUST have it, why not once or twice a season. Not every week!
At least as far as Johnny Mac is concerned, he couldn’t even throw BOTB properly if his fellow nominee does a better job doing it.
Great, that means more smooching HOH bedroom scenes with Clay and Shelli
They haven’t even kissed yet. ….
So glad Shelli remained HOH. Austin and Vanessa would of controlled Liz if she stayed HOH. Shelli is at least playing the game and gets out who she wants gone.
Sorry, I don’t have feeds. So am I wrong about Shelli? Is she playing her own game or is Clay/Van influencing her quite a bit?
You are not wrong, Melanie. Shelli was falling apart before noms and needed help. If Van and Clay disagree, I’m not sure who’s opinion she would value more. I think she would stand up to Clay on her on, but I don’t think she would stand up to Vanessa without backup.
Thanks. That’s what I thought. I really want Austin to go up and there is no way with Van in her ear. I just hope JMac is safe.
Me, too. I love JMac. I agree that Austin would be a great renom if Shelli needs one, but unless Clay and Shelli want a sworn enemy,namely Vanessa, Austin will not be nom’d. That is,unless he upsets V between now and then. We all know how quickly things can change in the BB house. LOL
They all kind of work together. They bring each other information and they discuss each person. Right now Shelli is mad because she found out Audrey was throwing her under the bus. That may be her target unless Audrey talks her way out again. But I think Shelli makes up her own mind. She knows what she’s doing. If anyone is being controlled Shelli kind of tells Clay what to do. Vanessa just runs her mouth and gets on my nerves. At least that’s the way I see it. Not everyone feels the same though. That’s why it’s fun to see what everyone is thinking and who people like and don’t like. Lol
I like Andy
Lol. You would. I like David more.
So true KSJB about things changing lol. I totally agree about Vanessa. I really liked her befor her reign of terror as HOH. I watch BBAD and she was crazier than my Aunt Connie and that’s saying something lol. I’m thinking about hitting her up for a game of poker in Vegas after she’s booted. If she plays poker like she does BB maybe I could win some of her millions lol
Haha good idea. I’m going to Vegas in a couple weeks maybe if she gets evicted before jury I could get her in a game. Lol
Ok but who is Shelli targeting? Who do they want out?
I’m not even sure they HAVE a set target for the week. Vanessa advised that they just let the results fall where they may this week and they seem to be going with that so far.
Hope that doesn’t mean John could potentially go.
JohnnyMac will win Veto….he’s the veto king.
He might not though, then what?
Think positive. I don’t think anyone will vote him out. I’d be so upset if he goes. She’d need to put up Audrey if Jason gets off. Then it would be unanimous and crazy would be gone.
I cant help but worry. This nominating him all the time is bs. Sooner or later they will realize he is a threat and bye bye John
I’m praying he wins the next HOH.
I think he’ll be safe. He seems to be pretty well liked in the house. They have yet to bring up his Veto wins, so that’s usually a good indicator.
I wish she would target Austin. She’s already said to Clay he needs to go. The only problem if she did that she would have Vanessa, Liz, Julia against her besides the other side like Jason that wants her gone.
I like Austin. Did I miss something?
I used to like him but he’s creepy with his obsession with Liz
Hopefully she isn’t leading him on
Hopefully not backdooring Steve after the Veto.
i wouldnt mind that.
Backdoor austin
I want becky to win the veto and take john off the block so Shelli will be freaking out for renom!
Jackie has the ultimate ASS!
Thinking that Jason is the likely target this week…the Chelli’s know that he has the most potential to flip the house if left to fight another day.
I like everything about big brother this season. I like all the twists and turns, this season.
whens audrey leaving? the money will be handed to her in the end, i already see it.
They need to get rid of Shelli and Clay. It’s becoming very boring with the same people running the house. Bring back players that was voted out. At least they bought some drama.