Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Week 3 Veto Competition Results

The Big Brother 17 Power of Veto competition is over and we have the spoiler results. The odds were stacked against this week’s target, but could he work himself out of the hole?

Big Brother 17 Power of Veto medallion
Big Brother 17 Power of Veto medallion – Source: CBS

It ended up a tense afternoon in the house as the HGs prepared for the Veto. Vanessa moderated an argument that escalated between Audrey and Meg leaving little doubt over Vanessa’s true intentions this week.

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Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Week 3 Veto Competition Results:

  • Johnny Mac won the Power of Veto!

Vanessa and Austin are mad at each other. Well, Vanessa is mad at Austin for losing the comp and he’s frustrated that she’s giving him grief. This will force Vanessa to do something she didn’t want to have to do (renom & get more blood on her hands).

Johnny will definitely come down and then Jeff will probably go up, but many were expecting Audrey until that earlier fight. Now James has probably lucked out in to safety as Jeff could go up or maybe Vanessa will give in and renom Audrey after all.

Playing today were the noms James & John with the HoH Vanessa. Joining them were Audrey, Austin, and Shelli. Becky was the host of the comp.

What do you think of the PoV Comp results? What will happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be coming up soon and we’ll post spoilers when they happen.

Turn on your Live Feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.



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      • I used to but his diary room confessions are annoying! He’s the resident BB Beavis/Butthead!

      • I don’t think so, I think he’s wired about being there. He was talking normal once and it seemed odd at first. Then I realized everyone is still hyped. Look at how Day was overreacting when simply asked what she was doing in the bedroom, and it cost her. I’m from Philly and I hope John makes it at least till jury.

      • Day didn’t go home because she reacted, she went home because she dared to back mouth mr king (clay).

      • I like him because he makes me laugh. He did get an education, but acts very stoned all the time. It makes him sound dumb, but he is smarter than the house guests think that he is.

      • Glad he won too. I like Steven, Liz, Vanessa and Johnny Mac. He is literally with Steven have to fight to stay in the house the past weeks. I hope Johnny Mac wins HOH next week!

      • That would be a pleasant change for Johnny I agree. I hope he doesn’t put Shelli and Vanessa up for revenge. It would be good to see how he would handle the HOH position.

    • This is a worse case scenario for Vanessa. This is the question I so badly didn’t ask right before. If Jeff goes up then Vanessa and her core of Austin,Clay, Shelli and Liz/Julia will no doubt control this out come. Now both James and Jeff (if he is the renom) will have to split the votes from the rest of the house. If Audrey goes with Vanessa and crew then they only need one more vote to evict one or the other.

      • If Jeff goes against James, I have a feeling it will be a fight to the finish.

      • I hope so! It’s about time we had real campaigning and a split house! I am so tired of everyone falling in line with what the house wants, even when voting out their closest ally.

      • It is nice when things aren’t done in unison, but I find the ”new” way people are coming into Big Brother is to always be attached to what the ”majority” are doing (and simply vote with them)… Big Brother Canada is the WORST for that – mind you, that’s how us Cannucks tend to do things (by going with the crowd). ;)

      • Yep! I was so happy when there was an actual split vote and blindside on BBCAN 3! It’s rare. :)

      • Vanessa is the only one who want James out over Jeff. We could see a split in the alliance

    • The poor guy is becoming a target without even wanting to be. Winning POV after POV is not a way to slide under the radar.

      • He has to win POV over and over to make sure he’s safe. If he wasn’t on the block, he probably wouldn’t try to win, if he were able to play

      • I work at the dentist office with Johnny. He’s a great guy and not “Beavis/Butthead” at all. He’s just excited when he gets in that darn diary room! The patients love him and he is very professional. Loves Big Brother and is just playing the game.

      • I would love for Johnny Mac to be my dentist. I sure wouldn’t need “laughing gas” with him and his cute wit and sense of humor. I don’t think he’s annoying even in the diary room. You can tell he is excited to be there and relishing every moment. You’re lucky to work with him!

      • I think he’s hilarious and a real competitor… No complaints about JMac at all! I even love his Bobcat Goldthwait voice!

    • Haha right I’m so glad that it wasn’t another knowingly week where the plans would of worked perfectly

    • he has participated in every single competition and has won a whole lot of them, props to jmac!

  1. That is hilarious! Now let’s hope Jeff goes on the block, I want this house divided!

    • When will these HOH’s learn not to use Johnny Mac as a pawn? He’s going to screw up their grandiose plans everytime. He is a true “sleeper” who is playing a great game. I just love the heck out of him!

      • I think they will think twice after this. Problem is, they may target him because he is good at comps.

      • Trying to use him as a pawn twice in a row was lazy and a horrible strategy. Glad it blew up in Vanessa’s face just like Shelli. And then a repeat meltdown from The standing HOH when forced to pick a renom! Duh, what a short memory you have Vanessa.

  2. Somehow that football player (from a team I won’t name) was involved in the veto comp. Saw a pic of James wearing a t-shirt with his face on it.

  3. I wonder if Austin and Vanessa will ask John to not use the veto so the nominations can stay the same. Clay might give em the idea.

  4. Johnny Mac is the truth. You can’t keep Pennsylvania’s dentist down! Now it’s time to backdoor Jeff or Audrey and send one of them home.

    • I agree, it’s high time those four in power (Shelli, Clay, Austin, Vanessa) had something that didn’t go their way.

  5. Been rooting for John since day 2. Sadly next thing you know they will be coming after him because he is too strong a player. What’s he supposed to do? Anyone would fight to save themselves when on the block.

  6. I think they’re going to target Jeff. With Jeff gone, Jackie suddenly becomes someone you can align yourself with. Because as long as Jeff is in the house, Jackie won’t be tighter with anyone else.

    And Jeff is a disgusting pig so he needs to go.

    • Who would want to align with Jackie? The one and only reason would be if they were desperate for a number.

  7. I really hope they stick to the Jeff plan! This will be so much fun to watch

  8. Don’t send jeff home.
    Please vanessa, nominate audrey in johnny mac’s place

      • A safe bet if their target is James. That’s too bad. It won’t be as much fun if she doesn’t put up Jeff and let them fight it out.

      • Vanessa really irritates me! She acts big and bad but it’s all for show! I’m no Jackie fan but putting her up is a coward move! Jeff should go up but she’s too frightened to do it and it has nothing whatever to do with wanting James out.

        And after reading how James said he didn’t really try hard in veto I think he’s really not that bright either! It’s like he doesn’t even want to win! And I think he lost the Battle of the Block to protect Meg!

      • I’ve been gone all day. I gotta turn these feeds on and find out what the heck is going on. Lol.

      • I think Jackie would go before James. Dumb move. Backdoor Jeff and send him out the door. He makes me sick.

      • Jackie is not threatening. You’ve seen it before. They always keep a few floaters for the middle of the game.

  9. Johnny Mac is the best! I hope he wins it all. He makes this season really funny

  10. I don’t even really care who goes home at this point…. so happy that Johnny Mac won. Ain’t nobody gonna mess with my boy!

  11. I really like to see Audrey go I don’t like her game, she is such a backstabber

    • I would hate to see Audrey manage to evict one of my favorites is the only reason I think she should go now. She can not be trusted in any way and will do anything for attention. I doubt Vanessa wants to see Audrey leave on her watch though.

      • I am tired of people not wanting to get rid of her because she is transgender. She is playing so you get evicted. Should have nothing to do with gender.

      • It’s certainly a shame isn’t it Vickie that the HG’s might feel afraid to evict Audrey I agree. If A. was just another harmless floater I could see why they might feel hesitant but she’s hardly that by any stretch.

      • Did they say that? I doubt they did, you’re just assuming like Da’Vonne. Nobody has a problem putting Audrey up if they want, they just don’t want to…and if has NOTHING to do with Audrey being transgender. I doubt you would have even thought that if Da’Vonne never made that idiotic comment to begin with

      • I actually agree with you. I think she just doesn’t want to waste her HOH on someone’s that everyone’s target and that no one trust or talk game with.

      • I agree. They talk about putting her up in a couple weeks. The HOH’s have been going after who’s a threat to their game and so far Audrey isn’t a threat to the present and past HOH. They even said by leaving her in she’s always going to be a target. Just hope they don’t wait too much longer and she skates to the end.

      • They’re keeping Audrey in the game because a) she’s a target and b) they would never let her get to the end because of her story. If I was in that house I would keep Audrey around for a looong time. The real threats to get our early are the Jackies, the Liz’s, the Meg’s, etc. The further you get in the game the less goats you want in the house.

      • Nobody is protecting her, why do you think there’s a magical transgender force field around her? She’s harmless because even worse than a floater she’s a complet outsider without a single ally or chance of being trusted in the house.

      • Game wise, there’s nothing to gain on evicting Audrey. ….none of that transgender BS. Nobody is talking about that.

    • Usually, it is the undesirables that they leave alone and they end up going to the end. I remember Kass on Survivor. Good thing that Wu had the decency not to take her to the Final 2 although, it cost him the win. Both of them are going to be in the next Survivor.

    • I read a couple of short posts where she thought he purposefully lost the comp. I’m not sure if that is the issue, though, if there is one.

      • After learning that the POV comp was the cage one from last year I can see that Austin’s size might have worked against him in this one.

      • Oh what a tangled web we weave…
        I hope Vanessa caves and ends up putting Audrey up.

      • Could happen since Audrey told her in week one that she didn’t trust Vanessa. We shall see the true poker player emerge soon!

      • I just heard that Vanessa was upset with Austin because he tried too hard to win over Johnny. She seems afraid John will figure out his position wasn’t as safe as he had been told by V. and Austin.

      • Johnny Mac would have figured out by now that his position is very risky being put up week after week. He has to strike good alliances now before it is too late. I hope he continues to win though to keep himself in the game. I hope Jeff goes up against James.

      • I don’t know who would be better for Johnny Mac’s game but I’m leaning toward James staying in the house since Jeff wouldn’t hesitate to stab him in the back.

      • I think Vanessa is trying to defuse the fact they’re working together…can’t wait to see her DR stating that! :-)

      • actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a confessional on wendsday where Austin admits to throwing it, he has made it clear that he wants jeff out over james and vannessa was dead set on keeping noms the same and getting james out, this way john takes himself off, jeff most likely goes up and goes home, Austin gets what he wants and Vanessa gets the blame for it.

      • I’m glad Austin threw it then but concerned if any of these people can be trusted in an alliance.

      • The alliance is weak. They’re still feeling each other. I think we’re in for a lot of actions in the house.

      • Yeap. But I want to see that comp played out before I believe Austin threw it. Might have been inept because of his size.

      • He did throw it. Vanessa was really mad at him..they got into a pretty big argument in HOH room.

      • If I were Austin, I would have. He doesn’t need the blood on his hands(And he wants Jeff gone, so Johnny taking himself off is good for him)

  12. If they don’t get Audrey out now then they better believe she will go to the guy house and then they will all b up a creek without a paddle

    • He has a daughter so I don’t think so.
      If you meant Jason then yes, he is.

      • I don’t think James is gay, and it has nothing to do with having a child. My gay brother fathered 2 sons, and that doesn’t make him straight.

      • I meant that he has a biological child. He talked about her being home with her mother. I’m just saying that straight men are more likely to have sex and children with women than gay men are. I think that’s a fair assumption.

      • I said “My gay brother fathered …” ~ the word ‘fathered’ means he is the biological father of his 2 sons. Get it?

    • Weird question, he’s been pretty blatant about his attraction towards Meg and other females in the house, other houseguests have even made comments about him oggling The women.

  13. Best move for her, put up Meg or Jeff. What I want to happen…for her to put up Audrey and get her out.


  14. Vanessa is on paranoia overload right now. She now thinks that Clay is also a twin and swapping in and out like Liz and Julia. This girl needs to calm herself down or she is going to be heading straight for the front door if her alliance can’t save her. Geesh..Vanessa..just take a break from game talk for a minute!

  15. I think people need to understand that Vanessa/Austin have nothing to gain from taking out Audrey, she’s not coming after them as there the only people who actually talk game with her or don’t shun her and at worse she would go after clay and shelly which would ultimately help Austin and Vanessa in the long run. Even if she was coming after them, she’s one houseguest out of 14 with 0 allies and has yet to show any competence in comps, at worse she’s a minimal threat as opposed to Meg/James/Jason/Jeff that are clearly on the other side of the house, are working together and have a much better chance at winning power.

    • What they have to gain is that if the other side of the house wins HoH next week, they won’t target Van/Austin. That’s a bigger gain than keeping a single person that isn’t after them. So, IMO, putting up Audrey is a much better long term game move for them.

      • I’m sorry but i don’t think it works that way, they are always going to be a target from the other side of the house, who else are they going to target? shelly and clay? you still need two more noms and who do you think goes up if shelly or clay win veto, theres a split that goes down the middle of the house this year and theres no point in taking out the one loner who’s about as harmless at this point as they come except for Jackie who shares the same threat level to the other houseguests as a chair, theres always a chance of tripping over them and hurting yourself, plus jeff has literally told everyone that he wants to go after Austin and James has made it clear that he wants big threats out, they are far more logical targets then Audrey..

      • The only reason they were talking game with Audrey is because they were HOH. Every other HOH would have talked to her too and said if I keep you safe then you keep me safe, blah blah blah. Most of the time those conversations mean nothing. Audrey would have no problem putting those two up if she needed too. Vanessa and Austin are just trying to play safe this week and they have other targets in mind but if they needed to get rid of Audrey as well then they would. They aren’t loyal to each other.

    • He’s only winning BoB or PoVs when he is on the block, which just happens to be all 3 times. His strategy was to not win anything the first few weeks. But, I can’t blame him for saving himself.

  16. Sheesh, Van is acting like she was never dealt an almost perfect royal flush and then gets handed the 2 of clubs before. Someone else said this, but I’m going to repeat it … play the hand you’re dealt!

    • She is driving me nuts with the way she is overthinking everything. She really needs to calm down and quit being so paranoid.

  17. Love Gronk’s takeover twist!!! He’s going to throw parties where the HGs have to do what he says. If they don’t show or don’t do it, they become a have not! This should be loads of fun!!! See LF Sat 8:34 PM BBT

  18. Paranoia is hitting Vanessa. Now she’s sounding like Audrey. lol I knew that alliance is a joke.

  19. Why more people aren’t worried about the twin twist is beyond me. Soon, a voting bock of two (Liz/Julia) will need to be contended with. It is like a sure double vote — so get rid of them, dummies. As a guy watching, though, I wont complain too much.

      • still a smaller chance of you winning. Vanessa playing the game based on math should understand that the way the alliances are currently structured she has a higher probability of winning if she evicts Liz. I assume she will one of the next two weeks or she will be choosing to lower her chance to win which I don’t see her doing.

  20. Sorry if I keep comparing Audrey to Amanda, but it is happening again. People say to get her out, but they won’t pretty soon she will be sitting in the jury house. I wanted her out yesterday

      • Do you think HGs are being talked out of evicting Audrey. On last week’s HOH comp, after Audrey took her turn, and she was clearly out of comp, Julie slipped and almost said she was still in the game. Just like Day said, Audrey the person, is not Audrey the player. Has Audrey even watched the show?

  21. They are all idiots and the number one priority should have been to get Audrey out of the house. She should have been gone last eviction. Everyone in the house knows how she played and how manipulating she is yet every week they find an excuse not to take her out even though they know she should go. They need to watch out because if they are just keeping her so she’s a constant target and it makes other less of a target then soon it will be too late and she could end up flipping people and having the votes to keep her there. I also hope they are not scared of evicting her because she’s a transgender for fear of being labeled a bigot. She doesn’t need special treatment like that. She’s a regular person like everyone else and should have no advantage or disadvantage because of it

    • Her entire game was exposed in the first week. She has no allies. Eventually someone will want to get her out, but blaming people in the mean time for getting out players that would target them really shows your lack of BB understanding. I wouldn’t waste a HoH to get out a lone player. She’s like Frank but not as good at comps, why waste the power?

  22. Now normally when somebody does good in competitions, its considered a threat. I guess since Johnny does what they want they don’t care. Weird

  23. How couldn’t De Vonne..a poker dealer…not recognize Vanessa..a poker pro…who is well known…

    • Makes you wonder if Day, as a dealer, was more successful and recognizable in her own mind than in reality.

  24. Wow missing most of the weekend on here really means having to catch up on a lot of stuff…. Glad to see everyone giving their input and feedback.

  25. Don’t begin to understand why the young players have such a pack mentality instead of thinking individually. We saw it last season, and now again in BB17. They need a bigger age and educational range to avoid this- it would also give us more personality types – this year it’s hard to find anyone to really like or dislike.

    • Yup, I’ve been one of the longest standing (and more persistent) people commenting for years on the lack of diversity issue… They need less Caucasian part-time models, actors & minor celebs and need to get back to the majority of guests being ”everyday people”… The strategy thing however is really a trend that’s been happening for a few years now (in most reality shows). There’s a ”pack mentality” because it’s been shown that if you vote in the minority you most likely will be going home so contestants (like it or not) will vote with whomever they think ”the house” wants out.

      • When you “plan” the cast you will inevitably assemble people by stereotype. One from category A, one from B…

        The formula seems to be
        Los Angeles
        New York
        The South/Texas
        Gay and/or Lesbian
        Will Trans become a permanent fixture?
        Fill in with white models.

      • Yup that seems to be the modern ”ratings formula” for many reality shows… I hope that trend ends sooner than later.

  26. Another season of lambs to the slaughter. I thought last year’s crew was dumb but at least they had Derrick. This season there is no Derrick, they are all dumb. Does no one see that Shelli and Clay are not asked to be pawns? That Johnny Mac is the only one to be asked to throw comps? With Shelli and Clay hanging out in the HOH room all the time no one sees a poosible alliance. And how can everyone in the house think they are part of it?

    And, doesn’t Johnny Mac worry that one day they will ask him to throw a comp and HE will actually be the target?

    And Vanessa, Shelli, Austin and Clay – This is a game of elimination, not a game of addition. Allowing Liz/Julia to say in the game means each of you will have one more person to get rid of down the road and unlike the rest of you, the two sisters will NEVER turn on each other, even at the end of the game. If they make final 3, the rest of you have zero chance. And even if one of them goes, its a guaranteed vote in the jury house for the other. And once they make it that far, good luck plotting to get one of them out.

    Big Brother to find people who want to win this game instead of people who want to get far enough to get their own hashtag.

  27. Audrey will not go up. Guaranteed. She is not playing the game. She is just there for bb17.

  28. Good job, Johnny Mac! I like him despite his voice and VOLUME in the diary room, he seems like a good guy and at least he’s not a dummy.

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