Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Week 1 Nominations

The first Big Brother 17 spoilers are here with the arrival of the Live Feeds cluing us in on who was sent to the block thanks to our first HoH’s of the season.

Nominations are in on Big Brother
Nominations are in on Big Brother spoilers – Source: CBS

Remember that we’ll have four noms each week instead of just two thanks to the return of that “fan favorite” twist, Battle of the Block. So get ready for another season of overload of nominees each week.

Big Brother 17 Week 1 Nominations:

  • James’: Jackie & Steve
  • Jason’s: Becky & John

These results were gathered by discussions among the Houseguests and a look at the Memory Wall. Since Battle of the Block is already over we know who won Botb and who was dethroned and who is safe from eviction. Remember they’ve been in there for a week and half so there’s been a lot of action.

Interestingly there seems to have been another special power this week. Vanessa and Da’Vonne were granted safety to give out to another HG as a result of them giving up their spots in the HoH comp. Vanessa gave hers to Austin, so he’s safe this week, but I don’t know what Da’Vonne did with hers.

Read More: Battle of the Block – Week 1 Spoiler Results

The Power of Veto comp is coming up on Friday so get ready for more Big Brother 17 spoilers soon!



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  1. OMG, I am already sick of several players…might be a long season. OH and BTW, doesn’t the tranny look like Amanda from season 15?

      • Get over yourself BB. Tranny is an acceptable term for a transgender person. It’s no more offensive than calling your friends ‘bitches and hookers’.

      • Or just explanations of why bigotry is no longer acceptable. I understand how tough it must be for you during these times of change and progression but you’ll get used to it.

      • Or just thought policing. People are free to think what they think and express themselves. The same freedoms that makes Aud’s life possible also make those who think differently possible. We dont get to privilege one form of self expression over another. Replacing one enforced orthodoxy with another enforced orthodox is just exchanging one oppression for another.

      • Now THAT is as truthful a statement as you will EVER find on this internet forum! Good post, Jason!

      • Please tell me, Jake… why is it acceptable to you for Jason to refer to his friends as “bitches and hookers”, yet you find it offensive to use the term ‘tranny’. Which, by the way is merely a reference to the procedure!… not a personal affront to a person’s behavior. Talk about bigoted! I think you’ve got that trait mastered quite well.

      • It’s so typical for people like you to change the subject and make false accusations to distract from the fact that you’re just a hateful, bitter person. Our interaction ends here, I don’t have time for mouth breathers.

      • uh…. false accusations? LOL Not sure who was changing any subject here, my friend. But it wasn’t me. I’m not sure you grasp the irony of what you just wrote. And believe me, our ‘interaction’ never began. You are way out of your league.

      • I was referencing the fact that those words were used by Jason when he was talking about his friends. No one seemed to take issue with that!

    • Except the fact that Audrey is better looking than any of the other females in the house.

  2. Just watched the 1st two hours of BBAD. Really getting to know the hgs. Jace keeps getting called to the DR ~ he’s got quite a potty mouth (I’m just assuming that’s why he keeps getting called). Meg, Audrey and Clay are getting chummy and talking game. Vanessa can’t stop crying (but no visible tears) to anyone who will listen ~ two hours+ folks! I’m sorry she wasn’t put up on the block ~ she really misses her gf and home. Looks like Jace aka Jerk and Austin are getting tight. Meg, Audrey and Clay had a fun time in the bathroom brushing their teeth and doing a little dance together.

    • I am thinking that Vanessa may self-evict. I don’t know if she is going to be able to handle this! She cried and cried and cried! I already cannot stand Jace..very annoying and very full of himself..he won’t be there long..hopefully..but, if he is aligned with Austin..he might be. I am still learning names..James is the 1st HOH, right and Jason is the 2nd?

      • I agree that Vanessa may self-evict ~ she’s one very troubled lady. Jace the Jerk is exactly that and I don’t understand his closeness to Austin right out of the gate. What’s with Austin always without a shirt? Yes, James and Jason are the HOH’s.

      • Austin is VERY proud of his six-pack and his tats. I’m tired of watching him parade back and forth, shirtless.

      • I watched the crying jag on the BBAD. But, on the network program, it didn’t show all that business, so they’ve edited it out. Unless they add a clip here and there later on.

  3. Wow~ James nominated Jackie ~ when was that? Because they were just talking on BBAD. Jackie wasn’t very friendly and seemed dismissive. Hmmmmm

      • Help me out here Matt ~~ no rush ~~ finish your lunch ~~ LOL~ So Matt, ‘a long time since that happened’ ~ what I was watching in the wee hours of the morning on BBAD wasn’t really ‘live’??? I’m so confused.

  4. Back for another season Matt…appreciate all ur hard work. I’m trying to give every1 a chance but i not a fan of about half of the HGs so far but it’s still early.

  5. Good to see I’m not the only one that can’t stand Jace. I’m still trying to remember names. I really don’t like how it seems they are in ‘twist’ overload this season but lets see how it plays out

    • Welcome bsg103079. Twist’ overload is a good way to put it. I call Jace Jace the Jerk. He was obnoxious on BBAD.

      • Agree with you two on Jace. He’s putting a big target on himself as far as the viewers go. And BB is finding more and more ways to let the fans have a bigger part in playing the game!

  6. From the comments here, it looks like everyone is coming to the same conclusion. Jace is becoming the obnoxious needs-to-go houseguest. Austin is a good guy when he’s in the DR, but on live feeds, he’s pretty full of himself. But the guy that’s quickly getting on my nerves is Jason! The house better keep him in check cause that guy is a real threat that they won’t see coming… until he wins!

    • I dont see Jason going all the way. And there are lots of annoying people in this house. Austin, Jace, John, Steve, Jason. Seems they went out of their way to foil any chance of a bro-alliance. The only two guys who could have a power alliance are Jeff and Clay. But, Jeff is attached to Jackie and Clay is a lady’s man, so I dont expect to see a boys power alliance this season.

      • Those dont have a very good track record. The strongest alliances are showmances. Mens alliances also tend to be strong, but not always. Girl alliances tend to get betrayed.

      • I agree. For whatever reason, the girl alliances eventually dissolve when ‘a better deal’ comes around. It’s already happening and it’s like one week into the show.

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