Big Brother 17 Recap: Episode 25 — Liz Holds All The Power As Vanessa’s Paranoia Mounts

Will she or won’t she was the theme of Wednesday night’s episode of Big Brother 17. As in will Liz backdoor Vanessa or won’t she? And the Big Brother editing team made sure to throw that up in the air for people who don’t watch the Live Feeds.

Liz maintains power as she wins the POV – Source: CBS

The episode takes off right after Liz nominated John and Becky for eviction. Liz tells us that she doesn’t know what she’s going to do this week because backdooring Vanessa might be tempting. John reminds us that if he stays this week he is going to be gunning for Vanessa next week.

Speaking of which, Vanessa feels like she needs to smooth things over with John. She tries to talk to him but all he wants to do is nap. So Vanessa isn’t pleased. Elsewhere, Austin, Liz and Julia are also a little annoyed with JMac because of his recent attitude. John tells Steve his only hope is to win veto, but Steve thinks he has other options, so he goes to work.

Steve goes to the HOH room where they’re talking about John’s attitude and Steve does his best to get them off the ledge with John. And by his best I mean sitting there and nodding and doing not much of anything. Johnny Mac, you’re going to have to do this on your own.

The twins and Austin decide they want to give John the benefit of the doubt, so they invite him into the HOH room to discuss things. They first want to know what’s going on with Vanessa and her tall-tales about him. John tells them that he’s been going after Vanessa for awhile now and that he didn’t want to say anything because he thinks everyone likes with her. He tells them that every person that has had a blow-up with Vanessa has gone home. Liz and Austin are really listening and responding well to his ideas.

So John has Austin and Liz thinking that John is the person they need to take Vanessa out for them. So his safety this week is looking better, even before the veto competition.



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  1. Most annoying incarnation of OTEV to date!

    And please tell me I’m not the only one who cringed when Meg went down. I’m honestly surprised she didn’t end up with a concussion.

    • Yeah, the freaking “BUUUUTTTTTEEEEERRRR” saying…oh, it was awful, but it still seemed fun.

      • She has psoriatic arthritis, which is a chronic joint disorder AND had knee surgery before coming on BB (not sure if the surgery was arthritis-related or not). So, yes.

  2. OTEV is annoying! Meg at most will have a headache but the HG are annoying and can’t see past their own face. Incoming from jury house will be stuck getting rid of Vanessa. What is everyone afraid of???

  3. This will get very interesting if Steve or Vanessa wins HOH next week and may be wrong but feel she trusts(if such a thing is possible)Steve more than anyone else in the house and about the only person she truly listens to..Vanessa has always cast a weary eye on Austin and trust the twins about much as a drunk sailor on leave.

    • They are afraid of getting blood on their hands and Vanessa already said she would be a bitter juror.

      • Come on now, you wouldn’t be bitter in jury and miss out on winning the money.

    • JMAC has to win tonight in order to get Vanessa out next week. Of course she will have a 25% chance of returning but Shelli and I guess a toss up between Becky and Jackie would be better endurance competitor’s than Vanessa.

  4. If i had to spend 3 months locked in a house with Austin would gladly drown myself in the commode Liz has lost her mind,now in love with her kidnapper.

  5. Vanessa is a poker player and makes her moves based on body language. A HG can say anything but his/her body language says more.
    But why doesn’t someone get her out??

  6. My favorite thing anyone said this season came from Julia when she said Eww! Get off my sister!! About Austin hugging Liz. I also say Ewww!!
    I think everyone has had someone hug or kiss them and went Ewww!! inside. Shudder! LOL!
    But seriously why is everyone afraid to put Vanessa up again??

    • Either they don’t have the numbers or if they do they are afraid of the file she’s built on them or the stuff she’ll make up that they did but didn’t.

      Speaking of Liz & Austin in HoH bed and they’re kissing and Austin’s really moving in & has both hands on the back of Liz head… I thinking she screwed and not getting away but somehow she escaped. Mean- while I’m just starting to go “ewwwwww”.

    • They keep saying they are using her as a shield so there is another target in the house but I am not sure if I buy that as the total reason.

  7. Maybe a million $$$ and a shomance makes putting up with Austin in your bed worth it??
    I’ll just take the million-taxes and leave Austin??

  8. Evidently Steve likes a Mama (Vanessa) to tell him what to do. If John stays he has to go after Van. Same if Becky stays.

  9. With Liz’s comments tonight on the show you would almost
    bet that Vanessa should pack her bags.I believe most HG’s would
    send her out the door. It made No sense to televise those comments
    then Not use the Veto. Vanessa vs Jmac on the block would of been
    a slam dunk…Something fishy going on..

    • Agreed. It really DOES seem like this is being manipulated by production. And I don’t mean twists– there aren’t any of those anymore it seems.

  10. Hep, if its the peroxide wouldn’t all the girls except Becky be in like with Austin?
    If Austin were voted out would Liz and Julia go back to playing the game?

  11. John should have tried much harder for the veto. All along he’s said look what happens when you trust and he’s always won veto when he needed to. So why does he trust them to keep him now?? Yeah that’s fishy….and he’s the bait!

  12. Man, that was some face-plant Meg did on the OTEV comp… and JMac hit her in the head with the Beach Ball, no big deal except it was a surprise. I’m thinking Meg has been hit in the head lots of time by lots of things… so no big deal. And it’s not like she doesn’t have make-up to cover up any bruising.

  13. All cameras on pot ball….AGAIN!!! Come on boring!!! At least 3 people in the house are not playing this game. How about a camera on them?

  14. Liked how JMac planted the seed to Liz/Austin about he’d love to have ousting Vanessa on his resume if he reached the end to tell the Jury. Maybe he was hoping they might steal the idea themselves, either Liz taking credit she did it or Austin claiming it was his idea & convinced Liz to do it… if they would have BD’d Vanessa that would have saved JMac & Becky. But they’re just too chicken or the idea went right over them.

  15. Maybe I am just cranky but that episode was lame and while I normally love Otev that 1 was sorta annoying. Although most annoying of all is the twins. I do enjoy Julia’s comments aimed at Austin and Liz, but the conceited way they act as if their sh*t don’t stink like the rest of the worlds drives me up the wall. 1 conceited twin was bad enough but 2? Come on BB. Not to mention that whiny, drawn out voice thing and manner(a) of speaking(a). Ok bitch fest is over now, carry on about your evenings.

    Meg really tried at that comp and handled her face plant with class although it was hard to watch. Also I want JMac to start trying. Is he going to say if he gets to jury- my strategy was to throw as many comps as possible and kiss ass in a very diplomatic manner?

    • If Vampire Dentist won the PoV, he’d be safe this week but definitely put a big target on his back next week. By “throwing the PoV” he kinda show the Judases they could trust him therefore if he couldn’t win the HoH next week, he probably would be safe.
      So it’s a game move from him, finally.

      • He would only possibly be safe from them, what about the rest? At some point I want to see him win, not play it safe. Otherwise I can’t root for him anymore.

  16. Hopefully Vampire Dentist will not be evicted tomorrow and I look forward to a new week already. Please Please Please don’t be a Judases win again, coz I can’t stand another week like this.
    Heck, even a Van Van’s HoH win would be better than Judases win.
    James & Vampire Dentist … really counting on you both to win that damn Hoh !!!

    • If you’re a believer that 1 more HG after tonight’s (Becky or JMac) eviction then a Vanessa HoH would be entertaining and packed w/extreme tension & paranoia but no crying (there’s is no crying in BB).

      She’s paranoid EVEN when she’s in control… worrying about WHO to put up, worrying about the Veto going the way she wants. And mainly not wanting to piss off ‘anyone’ (those are potential future votes) MEAN- WHILE pissing off ‘everyone’. LOL!!!

      Oh, Vanessa what do we do with you and what do we do without you? Would love to see the ‘without you’ soon… maybe only a week left to annoy us with your paranoia.

  17. It appears they want an evil villain to win this year. If not, Vanessa would have already been out. They have some really bad actors this year and it’s pretty obvious it’s all scripted. BB…get some better actors so at least we’re entertained while we are being duped.

    • Are you kidding me? Next you’ll be telling me the Kardashians are scripted & they can’t act . Stephanie if you really THINK you’re being ‘duped’ then I hate to tell you… you’re being DUPED by yourself not BB. Those are real tears you see, well… unless it’s Steve.

  18. 1. I find it interesting that they edited out 90% of the lies Vanessa told the Autwins about Johnny Mac.

    2. OTEV is a great competition when everyone is competing and you are rooting for the underdog. This felt like a BOB comp.

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