Sunday night’s episode of Big Brother 17 gave us a lot of Twin Twist action, some proof that some people aren’t very good at Big Brother and zero Becky.

Seriously, where was Becky? Did she get to go home and visit this week or what?
Anyway, the episode picks up right after the Head of Household competition. Austin tells us that Audrey is the target, but โJudasโ might have another plan. Audrey is aware that she is an obvious target, as well.
But letโs back up first. Vanessa and Liz, er Julia, are laying in bed talking about the rumor that Liz is a twin. Julia tells Vanessa that it is true and that her name isnโt Liz, but Julia. Vanessa doesnโt find this as bad news, however. Sheโs excited to have an additional ally. Vanessa goes to tell Shelli and Clay, hoping to get their support with protecting the twins. And they also think itโs good.
None of these people seem to realize that an extra person in the game will be one more person they have to get out later. AND that probably means there will be no returning juror. Iโm not sure why they all think the twins are a good thing.
Now itโs time to tell Austin. He had never even heard the rumor. So when Vanessa tells him, heโs truly shocked. He gets truly confused but thinks that explains why his connection with Liz comes and goes.
Nominations discussions start. Meg, Jason, James and Jeff are concerned about who Austin and Vanessa will put up as pawns in order to get to Audrey. IF thatโs still the plan โฆ Oh, itโs not.
Cut to Vanessa and Austin and they decide that Audrey shouldnโt go anywhere because she will be a bigger target than them. So theyโre talking about Jeff, James or Jason being the options, but are leaning more toward Jeff.
But before we get to the nominations, letโs get like 20 minutes too much on the FAILED twin twist. We get to see the 8th switch and how Austin, Vanessa, Liz and Shelli are excited to add another person to stand in their way of the $500,000. Elsewhere, weโve got Jeff, John and James trying to figure out if Liz really is a twin.
Back to the task at hand. Vanessa and Austin, who is proven to be really bad at this game, talk about who to nominate. And of course the Battle of the Block competition means itโs pawn after pawn after pawn. So enter Johnny Mac. AGAIN. Just like last week, Vanessa tells John that he will go up and if he throws it, then theyโll keep him safe until one week after jury or something. Blah, blah, blah.
Itโs time for the nomination ceremony. Austin went with pawns Meg and Jason. Vanessa went with target James and pawn John. Jason and Meg are not happy. John makes a joke out of it and James reads something written for him to say and to be honest, I canโt remember what it was and itโs not even important. Oh and Audrey is still worried that sheโs going to get backdoored.
Letโs get to this Battle of the Block to find out if Austin and Vanessaโs plan can be fulfilled. This competition is a foam party/maze/hunt competition. And Meg and Jason are ready to fight and John is ready to throw it and hope James canโt win on his own. No worries there, though, because James was so horrible at the competition, John didnโt have to throw it. Kind of like last time.
So Meg and Jason win the Battle of the Block with ease and Austin is dethroned. So Vanessa remains HOH and James and John are still on the block going into the veto completion coming up on Wednesday nightโs episode.
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I thought we already played week 2. We’re playing it again.
john still funny
lol at jeff not knowing hohs
too much twins
also who is this becky?
steve and jackie for that matter also seemed to be mia
I too thought the twins saga was waay too long. However, kudos to the producers for some very funny editing. John had me rolling with his snarky comments; James was his usual deer caught in the headlights had comments that were accidentally funny! Even Audrey had her moments, much as it pains me to say it. As to Vanessa, her eyes are weird. No wonder she wears sunglasses. And really, how does a successful poker player talk so much? What does she do when she has a winning hand? Start a 30 minute monalogue before saying “All in”? Krikeys, she makes me hyper, and then I want to take 3 Xanex just to calm myself down! Uhg…
I LOVE the twins! They are so cute together! Love those twin twist segments!
John’s voice cracks me up. He’s the cutest!
Jeff, I don’t really like him, but his stupid moments were hilarious.
I don’t know if your Becky comment is sarcastic or not. But trainwreck Becky?
Vanessa is really starting to get on my last nerve! She overthinks is going to be her downfall in the game. I can’t take her telling another HG “the story,” and I like her, but, she has to change her strategy is she’s not evicted first.
Vanessa could be too smart for her own good. But what else does she have to do but plot, plan and worry about every little detail?
I wonder if Clay and Shelli will remain with their current alliance once Vanessa is no longer HOH. Shelli seems to be very fond of the twins so I’m hoping they will become closer to C&S rather than Austin and Vanessa in the future.
I think team Shay is going to jump to whoever is in power for the week.
I hope so in a way redroses. The close knit group of Vanessa, Austin, the twins and Steve would eventually prevail over Slay so they need to keep their options open. Shelli is playing a great social game and has been able to create friendly ties with most of the female HG’s – which is usually a very difficult thing to do when the green eyed monster rears its ugly head. Maybe playing both sides of the house is the best decision for them at present.
I love Vanessa! I do agree that she needs to tone it down some. But I think that will happen once she’s no longer HOH.
I do hope she calms down. I want her (or one of the twins) to win!
I appreciated the recap. It helped me understand what I missed. BOB was unique ~ As usual, John did an excellent job throwing the comp. While James was thoroughly confused with trying to match patterns ~ I felt sorry for him. Looking forward to Jeff’s eviction Thursday.
Things that annoy me this season.
1.) Vanessa and Audrey’s stocking cap hats.
2.) Austin’s terrible black hat
3.) A whole episode without hearing from Becky OR Jackie
4.) Jeff’s ignorance of the game
5.) Not enough Meg. :)
Jackie was in this episode…more so than Becky.
I can live with out ever hearing from either Meg, Becky or Jackie…I agree with #1, 2 and 4….how is Jeff so stupid all of the sudden? or was he always and I just never noticed until last night?….I kind of thought he would be one to watch but he has no clue what is happening….I have also had it with Clay and Shelli…I probably wouldn’t mind Clay but he is connected at the hip to Shelli so ….somebody needs to split them up.
things that annoy me this season: my perspective:
2. clay and shelli aka ken and 99 cent barbie control everything
3. vanessa not wanting to get out audrey based on personal stuff and not gameplay
4. chelli
5. jason is so sad w/out day and it makes me feel bad man
6. vanessa’s lack of game knowledge
7. little to none jmac and jason!
8.(your number 4) jeff being so dumb and not knowing the game even though he was chosen by production like at least study smh
9. are they really so dumb as to keep austin + chelli?
10. the twin twist being ruined
With one huge section of the house (Shelli, Clay, Austin, Liz/Julia, and Vanessa) picking off people without the house even knowing they are doing it, is there hope to change this? Audrey and John are working with them without knowing too. Whats going to change this situation?
If the other side wins the next HOH then that’s when we could hope we’ll see something of significant change.
Again, I agree with the writer about about the twins because Ive been saying it all along. With the twin twist busted, why is no one worried about that, and why are they so short-sighted?! The WHOLE reason the twist was trying to be concealed by BB and Liz/Julia is because it is a BAD thing for the rest of the house! That is the whole damn reason that they just didn’t come out and tell everyone they are twins from day one in the first place! Because it is something people should want to eliminate from the game if they are smart! Vanessa seems good, but this knocks her down a lot in my book.
Well, really…it is only two people…the twins. It’s not like they are huge threats yet anyways. I think it would be cool for both of them to enter into the house. And if that happens (hopefully), we’ll see if they really stick with their Sixth Sense alliance or if they betray their alliances like Adria and Natalie did in Season 5.
That depends on whether or not Van gets evicted before or after their reveal.
Any smart big brother player knows that you should only work with people you trust the most. The twins will be loyal to each other. If both manage to come into the house then that means half of the house is already gone. If the sixth sense is intact by then, it means they have to start turning on each other and Julia becoming a player creates a big problem. They say it’s for the numbers but by the time she enters the house her vote wont mean anything once their targets are already gone. That’s one more person they have to deal with. Yes even just one more player coming into a game especially if they have a strong relationship with a player in the house can be a huge problem. I have no idea how some of the houseguests see this as a good thing.
100 percent agreed.
Go TWINS! Love them!
Lets say week 5 clay (or shelli etc) gets evicted, the other side of the house thinks they have gained control, then pops in the other twin to get control back. Or something along those lines. It could be a good thing for them.
why was Meg so upset? She’s a useless floater with 0 game skill
Cant stand her goofy diary room comments. I realize most, if not all of it is scripted but she is so annoying to me…cant wait till she is gone and Shelli too….please!!!
How about how shelli was gonna put liz up but now shes all buddy buddy with her, fake lil slut
I cant understand how John just does what everybody tells him to do, these people are bullies. (Shelli…don’t use the veto on yourself ? really?)…they cant use him as a pawn every time,….I hope it helps his game and doesn’t backfire on him. LOVE Johnny mac
I am so puzzled with their attitude about the twins. Its like they have no clue that everyone has to go so they can win money. Typically in Big Brother you want people to leave not come in. The show did a good job of portraying Jeff as a big dodo head. But I got a few laughs out of that. Can they please stop throwing HOH comps? Like JMac said a request from the HOH is really an order but they can say no and should say no. It won’t always work out if BB history has shown us anything.