Big Brother 17: Veto Plans In Week 1 – Meeting Coming Up

The first Power of Veto Ceremony is coming up for Big Brother 17 and the Houseguests are ready for their next move and we know what it’s going to be thanks to our spoilers coverage.

Jace has reason to be worried on Big Brother 17
Jace looking worried on Big Brother 17 – Source: All Access

The regular Big Brother schedule is a little off this week thanks to the start of the season and a longer than usual stretch of events. Normally we’d see the Veto comp on Saturdays and Veto meeting on Mondays, but this round the comp was on Friday and we’re expecting the Ceremony today.

Jackie and Steve went in to the Veto comp as the remaining BB17 noms with the expectation that whoever won would save one of them and clear the path for a Backdoor. Steve wasn’t going to risk staying up there though and supposedly crushed the spelling competition to win his own safety.

At the Veto meeting you can expect Steve to save himself and force a renom by James, the current HoH. James is going to put Jace up on the Block and we should have some fun times ahead with that.

James has repeatedly told Jace they’re good and their silly “Five Alive!” alliance is holding strong. Jace and Austin are far more nervous now than they were before, but both hope they’ll have the votes to avoid Jace’s eviction should their renom fears come true. They don’t and it will.

While some HGs are starting to catch on to Audrey’s aggressive pot-stirring methods there is little chance of things changing and getting her up on the block. James seems pretty concrete on the Jace renom plan so that’s what I’m sticking with.

Once the final noms of the week are set we’ll await the first eviction live on Thursday night. Jace has promised he’ll go nuts if he gets on the Block and I don’t doubt it so be sure to keep your Live Feeds close by and stick with us for more Big Brother 17 coverage!



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  1. So if Jace is renom’d to take Steve’s place, and then Jace is saved from eviction, that means Jackie will go home, right? Maybe James will renom Jeff (keeping with TAR couple insertion) instead?? That’s the only other person besides Jason or Austin left to renom! Don’t think production will want him to renom Day or Audrey at this point (ratings and such), which they’ll put a bug in his ear to reconsider if he chooses to do that. So many options…what’s a girl to do? hahaha

  2. Ok what if Jace gets saved somehow since stuff happens sometimes. He would be so mad at James, Austin might be mad. Why make a fake alliance with him. I do not understand the point of all that. And not to be rude but put a shirt on him and he totally looks like a girl in that pic with his hair like that. lol

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