The latest Big Brother popularity poll is here for Week 4 of Big Brother 17 so get ready to cast your votes for your favorite players and see how they’re stacking up against the competition.
We’ve got some expected changes this week for the popularity results and a few surprises too. John has held on to his top rank spot with nearly half the vote. Impressive. While the a pack of J-names & Becky round out the bottom of the results.
The biggest gain this week is shared by Da’Vonne and Shelli who both went up 4 spots. Day remains popular on Twitter and that’s no doubt helping her numbers here. I’d guess Shelli’s surge is thanks in part to her orchestrating a big move last week by taking out Audrey.
On the downturn side of things we’re seeing Austin with a five-spot drop followed by Vanessa, Clay, and James each dropping three spots. No surprise on Austin and people may be tiring of Vanessa’s incessant paranoia and theory generating mumble jumble.
It’s going to be a rough week if we lose Jason, second most popular in this poll, and keep Becky, second least popular, active Houseguest in this poll. Ugh.
Vote now in this week’s Big Brother 17 popularity poll after taking a look at the rise and fall from the previous poll’s results.
Big Brother 17 – Popularity Results: Week 4 vs Week 3
- John McGuire 49.3% (+0)
- Jason Roy 9.7% (+3)
- Da’Vonne Rogers 5.1% (+4)
- Liz Nolan 4.6% (+0)
- Vanessa Rousso 4.2% (-3)
- Steve Moses 3.9% (+2)
- Shelli Poole 3.5% (+4)
- Austin Matelson 3.2% (-5)
- Clay Honeycutt 2.7% (-3)
- Meg Maley 2.7% (-1)
- Audrey Middleton 2.7% (+2)
- Jackie Ibarra 2.3% (+3)
- James Huling 3.0% (-3)
- Becky Burgess 2.0% (+0)
- Julia Nolan 1.6% (+0)
- Jeff Weldon 0.2% (+0)
- Jace Agolli 0.2% (+0)
I feel like you guys should do a least favorite poll. That would be interesting to see each week….
that or rank all houseguests in order
mine would be
1. john
2. julia
3. steve
4. jason
5. liz
6. davonne
7. audrey
8. vanessa
9. jace
10. austin
11. james
12. jackie
13. beky
14 jeff
15 clay
16 shelli
17 meg
Mine would be:
1. Jason
2. Meg
3. James
4. Davonne
5. Jackie
6. Jace
7. Jeff
8. Becky
9. John
10. Austin
11. Audrey
12. Julia
13. Liz
14. Steve
15. Vanessa
16. Shelli
17. Clay
Definitely. I find Vanessa completely unbearable. I cannot watch her on the feed for more than 4 mins. It’s so overwhelmingly annoying how she operates in this house.
I only read about her craziness and it makes me want to slap her. To be fair, I have chronic pain and I want to slap a lot of people lol
But right now I can’t stand Austin. Declaring his love ridiculously, not picking up on any signals that Liz isn’t into this, the Judas thing, his appearance, cheating on his gf back home….he’d have my vote at the moment. But then Vanessa. Ugh.
I think John is HIGHlarious, however if he doesn’t do something and make a move soon I think his popularity will start to go down, him and Steve need to realize they are bottom of the totem pole and either start some drama and move up or try and rally the other side of the house.
When John wasn’t called on to throw a comp this week he was at a total loss what to do with himself.
I know!!!! He has barely been mentioned on the feeds or updates in my case (I live in Canada and don’t get the feeds) but I’m sure he will still get plenty of air time on the episodes.
Not much last night.
I thought that was funny! He was making a joke about not being nominated. If it was serious, I don’t think he would have said it while jumping up and laughing.
He made me smile and laugh. I want him to have more air time on CBS!~
Can someone please tell me why John is so popular and hilarious? I genuinely don’t get it. He isn’t on the feeds much and when he is he is either flossing his teeth or talking about teeth! And in the diary room he is very loud and very obnoxious.
I think it’s about the editing.
Keeping in mind that a lot of viewers aren’t watching the feeds we only get to see bits and pieces of him and he seems to give great sound bites.
Plus the fact that he’s a Bill & Ted medical professional with high-positive energy makes him so popular I think.
Like most people he’s my favorite player based on his energy and attitude. Can you imagine having that guy give you a root canal? (I think I’d jump out of the chair the second after he said hello and did an air guitar strum.)
When he’s not on screen there’s a lot less humor.
I guess to each his own. To me, he’s the only reason I watch the show. I look forward to his DR sessions every episode! Easily my favorite HG in a long time.
Guess that’s his real personality.
That is why i spelled it HIGHlarious, he is funny in a 70’s stoner sense. Or if your stoned and watching Big Brother his Diary Room scene’s will make you jump out your seat if your not expecting your volume to increase by 10.
My favorites in order:
I do not get why Vanessa and Shelli are so high on the list, even if their percentages are low. Shellis is a prima donna and thinks she is auditioning for some kind of show business career. She is really trying hard to not look bad on TV but I think she is a clueless diva.
Vanessa could be more likable but she runs around telling everyone how smart she is and how she can tell when people are lying to her. Then everyone lies to her and she too is clueless.
I just cannot get past Liz fauxmancing Austin and if she really likes him that make her even more unlikable in my mind.
I just wish the “others” would play the game more aggressively. Win HOH and start getting the queen bees, including Clay, out of the house – or at least humble them a little bit.
They are my favorites there women that are playing the game unlike john
I wonder if polls like this have any impact with Production. Johnny Mac is/has been wildly popular for a few weeks now and has seemed to maintain that popularity even with a weaker storyline this week.
He’s in no danger though so maybe that’s a moot point. Jason, however, is a definite factor.
He’s the only one in double digits beside Johnny Mac because this Season seems to be so focused (so far) on TSS and all of TSS are kind of annoying.
The Producers must be aware that Jason is one of the only other players with any spark about him, right?
I wonder if that plays a role at all in DR sessions. Do they ask leading questions that sort of “inform” or “plant ideas” of ideas in HG minds?
Anyone know?
They only care about what THEY think is good TV. It’s been obvious over the past few seasons that they don’t care about what the viewers think. If they did care, would they have brought back the worst twist of them all, BoB?
Good point. (Re: BoB)
Well, JMac is still my fav HG, even though his star is fading for my pick to win, at present. I was so hoping he would start talking some real strategy to the camera so we would know what he was thinking. When he told Becky that he would nom James and Meg if HOH, it really was disheartening. I don’t understand that train of thought from him whatsoever. If it were anyone else he said it to, I might think he just saying what he thought they needed to hear, but it was Becky, his gal pal.
Guys in their 20s say a LOT of stupid things to women they’re attracted to. (And it doesn’t stop until 80 or 90 usually.)
You are a genius. lol
John’s just an awkward quirky kind of guy.
I wish that John and Becky would talk game more and realize that they need to align with ADC.
“ADC” … is that the local or the national chapter?
I voted Day. because I really enjoyed her strategic approach, not her fault Clay is a douche. also if John boy goes home or to jury, its going to be between those two and Da’vonne could potentially bag America’s Player this season, I’m honestly not pulling for any clear favorites right now, but I know I want Vanessa gone the most, it’s not like she needs any of the prize money. so come on drama, don’t let me down. :)
I don’t like Vanessa either, but whether or not someone needs the money has nothing to do with the game, IMO. Yeah, it doesn’t make for a good sob story, but being rich, just like being poor, shouldn’t be a penalty against someone.
Glad to see I’m not the only one thinking ” … whether or not someone needs the money has nothing to do with the game …” I wholeheartedly agree.
Still it would certainly be the same opinion of the other house guests if they stopped being clueless, I doubt Vanessa would even make two more weeks, I also want someone who could actually use it, to win. I’m not going to argue semantics, but that mentality is what is making this season boring, people not caring and assuming anyone deserves anything, its simply a game. but if she wants to ‘get blood on her hands’ she better be prepared to die by the sword, considering when you live by it. game or not. ;)
Shelley and Vanessa are my favorites
John and Vanessa for final 2 ~ should be fun, couldn’t get 2 individuals more opposite each other.
Wow…That could be interesting. My first reaction was “No way. He’s too likable!” But after thinking about it, if the jury rewards the best strategist (as opposed to the most likable) he could be a smart player to take with you.
But with this group? I’m not sure “game play” will mean much. I think it might be a lot more about Personal Feelings.
Steve is the new Becky…without the train story.
My Rankings:
1. Johnny Mac!
4. Da’vonne
5. Steve
8.twins/ Liz & Julia
9. Jackie
10. Jace
11. Audrey
13. Austin (ew)
14. Vanessa
15. Boy Toy
16. Mrs. Robinson
Thank god for Jason and John, they are great narrators for the show.
I think Liz will go down a few spots this week, only way she could redeem herself is to convince Austin to cut his mane and shave his chin pony.
John, Jason and Julia. Becky and Jackie nobody else.
Jokers houseguest rankings ratings from 0-5
1. Jason 3.63
2. John 3.58
3. Meg 2.99
4. Julia 2.98
5. Jackie 2.88
6. Da’Vonne 2.77
7. Becky 2.51
8. James 2.48
9. Steve 2.37
10. Liz + Julia 1.98
11. Audrey 1.92
12. Liz 1.62
13. Vanessa 1.51
14. Shelli 1.44
15. Jeff 1.43
16. Clay 1.33
17. Jace 1.18
18. Austin 0.83
I feel like every year, the big alliance that is commanding the game is always the least favorite cause so many fans like to root for the “outsiders” rather than respect the solid gameplay by a dominant group
1. John
2. Jason
3. Julia
4. Da’Vonne
5. James
6. Jackie
7. Meg
8. Steve
9. Jeff
10. Jace
11. Audrey
12. Liz
13. Clay
14. Shelli
15. Austin
16. Becky
17. Vanessa
Im rooting for John, James, Steve and Julia.
im so upset that Jason may be going home this week.. to the point that I dont even want to watch BB anymore… only hope is that Julia coming into the house will drive a wedge between Austin and Liz.
lol, Da’Vonne is higher than 5 current houseguests.
Up until this point in the season I have not seen any of these polls and I don’t feel the same. John is cool and a great player, so I am not surprised. However, I thought Jason was irritating. To me, I always felt like he complained a lot but didn’t actually make any big moves. I understand he was an underdog, but he is not playing a great strategic game.
That leads me to Vanessa, who I think is a pretty good player. so far she has done a great job not only competing but also convincing everyone that she knows what she is doing. However, she seems to be getting a lot of hate here.