Houseguests are catching on to Audrey Middleton after last night’s run of fun in the Big Brother 17 house. Now they just need a plan. Lucky for them, Meg Maley has one ready.
Gathering in the Have-Not room this afternoon Meg, James, Da’Vonne, and Jason caught each other up on the latest stories and tales flowing from Audrey and to go over some ideas on how to take care of this new problem.
Flashback to 4:51PM BBT Cams 3/4 on your Live Feeds to listen in. Meg lets them know that after Jace told her he had a dream about his betrayer Audrey said she also had a dream about people playing against her. After Jace leaves Audrey admitted that was a complete lie. No big deal, but now we know for sure that Audrey is making those up as tools.
Everyone agrees that Audrey is too much of a competitor and can not be put up directly with so many chances at safety. She will need to be backdoor’d and that’s where Meg’s plan comes in.
She knows Jeff has been working on Liz to help her rebuild her position in the house. Using this trust, Meg wants to get Liz “or someone on that side” (is there anyone else there but Austin?) to win Head of Household and go after Audrey for them so they don’t have to do it themselves.
Ehh, okay. Not the worst plan. She wants to cover her butt in case something goes wrong and Audrey survives the attack. But if it’s a Backdoor handled properly then the only thing to worry about is someone betraying them on the votes. Definitely still a risk, but we want drama too!
Whoever ends up Head of Household the week they go for Audrey, they’re definitely right to avoid the traditional route especially with the Battle of the Block. Two opportunities for complete safety plus the chance for someone like Clay to step in and save her as well. No way.
Do you think they should be targeting Audrey now or keeping her around as cannon fodder?
For even more backstory of Meg and James plotting against Audrey, Flashback to 4PM BBT as the pair talk it out in the HoH room. Watch this and everything else with the 1-Week Free Trial
Wise words my friend… wise words. :)
With our luck it will be an Amanda/Helen situation and they will leave a huge player till the end.
“I’ll do it when the house is ready. “Blah
I love that particular storyline in BB15. Helen was really hoping she outsmart Amanda first but didn’t realize in time that Amanda had already staged a coup right under her nose.
Yeah BB is a funny game in which you need to trust somebody to get you to a certain point, but then you need to distrust them before they distrust you… Very few people (aside from Dan & Derrick) have the ability to read people so thoroughly.
Well part of the main reason Derrick won was because most of the houseguests were horrible game players and he knew that like the back of his hand so he used it to his advantage
And he has no regrets making his season boring to watch, according to his interview with THR.
Bahaha really!! He said that his season was boring to watch!!? Haha that’s hilarious that shows how even he hated that season ^_^
Not exactly “boring season” per se but his exact words were: “For me, somebody whoās a strategist, no other winner has done what I was able to do, which was never be nominated with more nominations in the showās history. How was I able to do that? By exactly what I just said. Iād rather win the game, be considered somewhat boring and change my familyās lives then make sure I give viewers a better show. Why would you vote the other way just for the hell of it?”.
Well I guess that’s reasonable?/After all he did win the game….I just wonder how it would of been like for him to give viewers a better show yet still manage to win the game since that was what most BB winners were able to do….idk just my presumption ^_^
I agree. It’s amazing how others have won and didn’t play that way. It worked for him, so kudos. However, he couldn’t play that game if it wasn’t a house full of followers
Oh my tooting our own horn
And that is exactly why I love Derrick. Players shouldn’t care about making “TV gold.” Tell the viewers to go screw and do what needs to be done to get the check. And you know what? Watching him make the rest of the HGs look like fools was entertainment in its own right.
Helen, OTOH, was a simpering, pathetic coward of a BB player. I loved watching Amanda and Andy outsmart her. She who hesitates gets evicted.
He’s honest..I thought the season wasn’t that boring, but he was boring as a player.
I really enjoyed the feeds last season, and I enjoyed Derrick’s strategy, and watching it unfold., I didn’t find him boring to watch at all. Waaay better than watching Frankie.
I wouldn’t regret anything about the season, either, if I had won the half mil! Right?
I agree! He couldn’t have won with a different cast imo
That could probably be said every year..almost.
Dan almost managed using the same game twice with different casts/rules.
Derrick no doubt was a strong strategist and made the most of the shortcomings of the rest of the house, but I can’t honestly remember the last time a house has been filled with so many people who couldn’t think for themselves, so I think it’s a bit much for him to compare himself to people who arguably had more difficult HGs to contend with.
It would have been a very different and far more entertaining season had there been a few more strategical HGs last year, for sure, and interesting to see Derrick’s game in that scenario.
It was great
Helen sure screwed her game with constantly waiting on right time. They decided it was the right time to vote her out
Why is everyone so excited to get rid of Audrey? Folks, its week one and she alone has made this game unbelievably entertaining to watch.
Don’t get me wrong I agree she needs to go, but I don’t understand why so many people so passionately dislike her. If she was not in the game right now, this week would have been rather boring.
Its the thrill of the guillotine, Reefguy. When she’s gone, we’ll be circling the next wounded beast in the water.
I just don’t care for her or her gameplay. She played too hard, too fast, which generally puts people off. You need to build relationships in this game to be successful. She has 3/4 of the house in her alliance. How is that going to play out. Even Day is done
Really, we don’t know what it would have been like if she weren’t there from the beginning. The dynamics would have been totally different. She’s so dominant, no one else has much of a chance to “shine.”
Well said Deb!
They passionately dislike her because she confronts people constantly in conversations that go nowhere. You really need to have a point, and something that makes sense
Agreed! I’m tired of her and her cross-examining everyone that goes in circles, and end with she’ll go back to original source to talk. It’s just ridiculous. Say what you have to say, and if it’s that important, she wouldn’t back down so quickly.
Honestly Meg/James/Jason/Da’Vonne don’t have to do anything. Almost everyone in the house want to go after Audrey. But I don’t want Audrey to go just yet, I hope she wins veto next week. I want her to stay a little bit longer so that she can entertain us on the feeds.
No!! hehe
Por que NO senora? haha..Me gusto bueno war.
Uno, dos, tres, four…
Two years of Spanish and I can’t remember how to say squat.
Are you cussing me? I got.. why no,woman …I blow good wind?
I never knew that about you! hahaha
It’s Cyril speaking, not me, Joni. You behave!
I like your space pants. They’re outta this world! Better? hahaha
As you said earlier, HUH? LOL the translation.
Squat? I got it. You can use this to your hubby when your mad. ..”Rechoncho” squat….”ahorai” .now….”aqui”!!!….”superior” higher!!! lol
Men “misinterpret” English. You could get a girl in a whole lot of trouble, I have a feeling. I can do that all by myself and I don’t need any foreign words.
Escuate. Not sure if it’s accurate though. :D
LOL James, if you take everything I say that literally, you will be in deep dodo….or maybe it is me who will be in it deep. :)
Merci, (senior)ita. hehe
oui, oui
four = quatro … and I took one year of French in HS! ((smile))
Geez David ~~ didn’t know you speak Italian! ((smile))
araz canda babalinin imacthan..I also speak Jocastanics
R ~~ O ~~ F ~~ L !!!!!
No for me
I’d love to see someone go after her and fail so we get the excitement of an attempt PLUS the thrill of the fallout. It’d be Feeds Gold.
If at first you don’t succeed…sometimes the first is also your last chance. With Aud, they need to get it right the first time.
Haha right there is no third time’s the charm! ^_^ for her it’s first time’s the charm and we need to make it fast!! (>_<)
We’ve seen how that works before, right, Coco?!!!
I agree! The problem is they’ve included Clay in this plan. He’s such a suck up to Audrey, he will tell her everything. Day is right – don’t tell Clay anything
Thanks for taking us to that conversation with Meg spilling the beans on Aud. It was bien rico!
That’s exactly what I’m saying. “Go after her and fail” can you not love that?..and yes the Armagedon that follows.
My thoughts exactly.
That’s why I am praying she wins veto next week.
Not me. I’m ready for her to go, so we can see other people and how their game unfolds
Well there’s still drama queens (and kings) around, so I’m ready to say ”bye” to Audrey.
Me too Matt S!
No we don’t need Audrey that’s why we have Davonne ^_^
Unfortunately, Audrey is not paying attention to one, large BB fact…..those who burn the brightest and play the hardest early in the season almost always burn up quickly and fade away.
Golden rule of BB
I like Audrey and the alliance between her and Da’vonne. I was hoping James would join them, but he is a bit of a weak player from what I have watched so far. I’m hoping that she finds out and tries not to get backdoor’d.
Da is blowing up Audrey’s game
I saw that sequence when Aud made up her dream story to diminish Jace’s actual dream. To me anyway it was just too pat a story to be credible. Hopefully, as hgs catch onto her, they will start seeing through her imbecilic genius without having to investigate. Crash and burn, baby. Crash and burn!
It’s petty to do that. They are catching on, and Day has distanced herself. She doesn’t want her game blown up by Audrey
Getting rid of Audrey really only benefits people sanity and not game as she doesn’t seem likely to win HOH and even if she does I’m quite curious who she would put up with her seemingly playing the whole house. Likley noms would prob be like Jackie, Jmac or Becky
Where’s Amanda when we need her?? haha
Which Amanda though?
Amanda Zuckerman
Amanda from BB9 seems just a crazy though hehe.
Well I guess it could be said that sanity is overrated – just ask any reality tv show contestant! ;)
As Derrick proved last season, you dont have to win HoHs to win the game. Audrey matters because of her head game.
That gameplay worked for Derrick,because he didn’t offend, didn’t get into the drama, and had a core group he dictated their every thought. He would have to have a different strategy with a house of different people. Case in point – Cody taking him to Final Two, which was stupid. He wouldn’t be a winner if not for that
He was on feeds chat Sun night. It was pretty cool
C’est vrai.
Audrey seems to play all over the place. She goes with her emotions and paranoia. My guess is, if she ever won HoH, she would put up whoever her targets of the moment were….then change her mind over and over. I think she may be a bit paranoid from being sleep deprived. I don’t have the feeds yet. Has anyone seen Audrey do much sleeping??
She spends time laying in bed or on a sofa ~~ does she sleep? Maybe just a little. I totally agree with your above comments.
What makes you think she isn’t likely to win HOH? It’s a little soon for that judgment, isn’t it?
Well it is 1 in 14 odds.
I think it benefits the game. The show isn’t about one person. There are a lot in the house,with some interesring personalities. I would like to see more of them. The biggest problem now is including Clay. He’s aligned himself with Audrey and runs to her with everything
Nice that they are actually getting creative in getting around BOTB, as it should be. How they are executed, then that’s a different story.
Who’s volunteering to do the ‘dirty work’ for Meg? The line forms to the right …
I’ll sneak in some notes!
Why is everyone convinced Audrey is such a good player? Its only been a week! Even her social game is collapsing now that everyone is on to her so she is definitely not near Derrick’s level.
Just put her up and get rid of her. Nominate her next to a really bad player or have that player throw the BoB competition. I really don’t think this would be that hard. Sometimes the best answer is the simplest one.
I am just over the hand movements from Audrey… So over exaggerated all the time.. It’s too much.
Before the season started I got the feeling that Audrey would be the one Houseguest evicted early for playing the game too hard too fast and I see right now that she is doing exactly that. I thought after the first two episodes she was playing well to start the game but after seeing some of the feeds and reading what has happened in the house I can see that she is definitely playing too hard too fast. I think she is playing a really bad game right now and it will eventually kill her game. Now the plan to backdoor her is smart in some ways but extremely risky and probably too much of a risk right now this early. Backdooring Jace this week feel is already risky and not the best move this early in the game so backdooring Audrey next week I don’t think is any better. I will agree that giving her two chances to save herself is not exactly the best idea but if your cards right it might be better to just put her up at the beginning. Audrey has shown that she is not great in endurance competitions which means that letting her play in BotB won’t hurt much if you put the right person next to her on the block. You put up Audrey and say Meg or someone else that will either be willing to throw the competition you can ensure she has to play for veto which is another endurance competition which means she likely doesn’t win that either.
So basically Meg’s “master plan” is to backdoor Audrey?
This is Big Brother history, you guys! We’ve never seen this before!
I can’t wait for them to get her or him out (Audrey). One of the worst player ever. I like Jace but I like Jackie a lot more.
I agree in that Audrey came in guns blazing, but little game to back it up. She never listens, which is critical in this game. I think DR told her to lay low for a day or so. I didn’t see her at all yesterday until last night. She actually did keep a low profile, which I thought was impossible
Austin Matelson, Clay Honeycutt, Jace Agolli, Jackie Ibarra, Jeff Weldon,
Liz Nolan, Meg Maley, Shelli Poole, Vanessa Rousso
Audrey Middleton, Becky Burgess, DaāVonne Rogers, James Huling
Jason Roy, John McGuire, Steve Moses
I don’t know if I like John yet. I haven’t seen him enough to know if I like or dislike him yet. I’m not a big fan of Shelli or Clay. Clay is Audrey’s tattletale. He’s playing both sides, and I don’t think he’s smart enough to keep that up. Becky is okay. I’m just meh with her
I actually had a ‘Too Soon To Tell’ list which had Shelli, Vanessa, John & Steve. So I had to make a decision for this post. I’m starting to agree with you about Clay, I just thought he looked & acted cool, but I don’t know anymore about him because I can’t stand snitches.