Well After the Double Eviction came and went, six houseguest remained and a new Head of Household was crowned later in the night.
And even though you can’t really call it a power shift, at least the new HOH isn’t Austin, a twin or Vanessa. So we can most likely expect things to get shaken up a bit this week. Read on to find out who is scrambling and what the new HOH might have planned.
Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, September 3, 2015:
7:00 PM BBT – Feeds return from tonight’s Double Eviction where Meg & James were evicted.
7:02 PM BBT – Twins say Steve is their next target and needs to go.
7:15 PM BBT – Vanessa trying to convince Austin to throw HoH. He’s resistant. She suggests maybe they should both throw it.
7:30 PM BBT – Vanessa and Steve discuss having John throw this to them if they’re all three still in so he can play next week’s physical comp.
7:35 PM BBT – Steve camtalks telling us the twins are “idiots!” for keeping John and made the biggest mistake of the season.
8:20 PM BBT – Austwins worrying about John winning HoH and seeking revenge for his nom. Austin suggests Steve may throw this competition.
8:40 PM BBT – Vanessa working over the twins. They discuss Steve & JMac as the noms. Vanessa is pushing girl power and says a girl needs to win this season.
8:42 PM BBT – Vanessa wonders if Steve will throw the HOH since he’s good with everyone.
8:55 PM BBT – Austin is worried about throwing HOH because this would be the week for a twist or Pandora’s Box.
9:20 PM BBT – Vanessa and Johnny Mac going over days in case that’s the HOH competition.
9:28 PM BBT – Liz is flipping out because she thinks Meg stole something she stole from the show. Vanessa says “who does that?”
9:30 PM BBT – Liz is called to the diary room. They think the HOH competition is about to start.
9:39 PM BBT – Liz bursts out of the DR and tells everyone it’s time for the HOH completion. She’s dressed in a baseball uniform and they suspect it’s going to be a days completion. We hear a production leak and then feeds cut to highlights.
10:50 PM BBT – Feeds return. Steve is wearing the HOH key, so he won HOH.
10:53 PM BBT – Vanessa is embarrassed by her performance in that HOH. It sounds like it had a puzzle element.
10:55 PM BBT – Vanessa playing dumb with the twins about what Steve is going to do. Vanessa thinks that Steve won’t be putting John up since they’re so close. Julia says but he’s in their alliance so why wouldn’t he put John up.
11:10 PM BBT – Twins feeling safe, but say they’ll be sure to talk to Steve to make sure of it. They talk about how they shook on their deal with Steve so he better not go back on it. They think Austin needs to go up next to John since he’s never gone on the block.
11:28 PM BBT – Liz gets her HOH basket from the DE. She screams a lot. Liz reads her HOH letter. Julia seems a little jealous. Their mom mentions Liz is the “perfect daughter” which catches Julia’s attention.
11:45 PM BBT – Austin promises Steve he did not throw the comp but rather was just not good at it.
12:50 AM BBT – Vanessa talks with John and encourages the idea of avoiding both twins going up together so they’re not left with the weak one on the Block.
1:20 AM BBT – Austin and Steve talk noms. Steve promises Austin safety. Austin promises Steve he’s not at the bottom of the Squad’s alliance. Austin tells Steve his biggest fear is for both the twins to go up, one come down, and then he’s the renom. Austin offers to put up JMac and Vanesssa next week as a deal. Austin promises not to put Steve up.
1:30 AM BBT – Austin suggests to Steve that a F3 of him and Liz would be great. (Yeah, I bet.)
1:40 AM BBT – Vanessa gets Steve alone. Steve is considering putting the twins up together. Vanessa says that’s a bad idea. Steve worries about Julia winning the Veto, saving Liz, and then the twins control the vote. Vanessa says she could convince Julia to not use it. Vanessa applies pressure by assuring Steve that John agrees with putting up Austin and Liz together.
1:50 AM BBT – Austin stressing and asks Vanessa about her talk with Steve. She covers it up and doesn’t tell the truth. Vanessa tells him he’s in a bad spot if he’s not on the Block because then he’d have to use the Veto on a twin and Vanessa would be at risk. (How’s that a bad thing for Austin?)
1:55 AM BBT – Twins worry that Austin will betray them after seeing him whispering around the house. Julia is hoping John is the target.
2:15 AM BBT – Steve gets his HoH room along with a letter from his dad.
2:30 AM BBT – Austin warns Liz that which ever one of them isn’t on the Block needs to win the Veto to keep all three of them safe. He worries keeping John instead of James was a bad idea since Steve has a close deal, maybe F2 with John.
2:35 AM BBT – John advocating to Steve for the twins to stay and Austin to go to thwart any deals between Vanessa and Austin. He says this week is for them since Vanessa got her way last week.
2:50 AM BBT – Vanessa convinces Julia her best option is to make a deal with Steve that she wouldn’t use the Veto as long as he didn’t put her up.
3:00 AM BBT – Julia is upstairs with Steve making her pitch. It’s brief. She says if he keeps her off the Block she won’t use the Veto and will vote how he wants. Back downstairs Julia relays her conversation to Liz.
3:30 AM BBT – Steve confirms that he’ll likely put up Austin and Liz. Vanessa and Steve debating options with maybe sending Austin out. She feels good that they can get Julia to not use the Veto.
3:50 AM BBT – Austin and Steve talking again. Austin worrying about the noms. He tells Steve that Vanessa was thinking of nominating Steve last week because of his attachment to John. Austin suggesting that Vanessa would be a better renom than him if the twins were on the Block. Austin supports twins going up, but not him being the renom.
4:15 AM BBT – Steve says to himself that Austin and Liz need to go up together.
Oh there’s going to be some stress in the Big Brother house on Friday with these nominations and a lot is riding on Saturday’s Veto. HGs’ decision to keep the twins and a showmance together is creating problems for them now that uproot the week’s plans.
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Considering how this season is going I think Julia’s gonna win veto.
If Julia wins the veto, she saves Liz and it is Vanessa and Austin on the block with votes from Julia, Liz and Johnny Mac and Vanessa gets evicted. One big threat removed either way. Of course, everyone will be out to win POV to ensure they get one of the Austwins out this week and hopefully, the next week.
Everybody is pulling Steve in many directions. I like John suggestion better. Put up Austin and Vanessa. Then let the fun begin.
There’s no way he wants to endure a week of her crying in his ear, but I like the way you think.
If he wants to get an austwin out, We he should, he needs two on the block to maximize chances that two stay up otherwise the remaining members control the vote and stay 3 strong
Exactly. Putting two of the Austwins on the block removes two votes from their side. As long as you keep two of them on the block, you control the votes. If Julia wins POV, Liz will get off and Vanessa should go in as replacement and then, will be evicted as the Austwins will stick together to save Austin. If that happens, the Austwins would have the advantage going into next weeks HOH.
I don’t believe Steve can handle this kind of pressure. Fortunately for us, though, there isn’t a “safe move” he can make this week. Too bad, Steve!
He could really pull a dumbs move and get rid of John.That would be a real waste of an HOH
He’s not even considering putting JMac up. They are working together and are close. He trusts John more than Vanessa.
Yeah, I am pretty sure he is going to have a nervous breakdown.
Steve already had his sites set on putting Austin and Liz up with hopefully Liz going home. That could very well weaken Austin for next week and then he goes. If things go Van’s way, it’ll be either Julia or Steve in F2 with her. But if JMac wins a way, it’ll be Steve in F2 with him. Just don’t want a twin or Austin to win! Pleaseeee no!
Honestly he should just put up Austin/Liz…if one wins veto, replace with Julia. Austin/Liz and Liz/Julia are still the tightest alliance left and need to be broken up….one way or the other.
But if Julia wins veto she takes Liz down and then those two control who goes. Which means Austin would be safe and it would still be the three of them.
That would be interesting. Every ounce of dirt from 79 days in the house all hits the fan in 24 hours or less.
Either Austin or Liz need to go so it breaks up that threesome. So stupid that they didn’t do it last week. Now if only one is on the block after veto they control the vote and all three stay together.
Thats what Austwins get for not sending Vanessa or Steve out on DE. Liz took out the most obvious target James! I would love to see James and Becky’s expression if Liz walked in the jury house
Im rooting for Jmac all the way!!!
I was too but he’s made some dumbs moves
I think he’s playing a smart game.
Put the twins up. Veto can only save 1. So that means he can put up Austin or Vanessa as a renom. They all better use their heads.
Unless Austin wins the Veto and saves Liz. Then Steve would have to make a choice he doesn’t want to: Van or JM. With Julia less likely to win Veto (though she did get her first win last night, a Veto none the less), it’s a safer bet to keep Julia down.
Then he should put Van up. I don’t know why nobody see Austwins as a threat. But if Jmac won veto he wouldn’t use it.
the winner of the veto can not be renom’d if they use it to save someone
They’re numbers and can outvote another. They have to win all the comps from here on out to avoid being evicted. This week isn’t one of them.
Couldn’t Austin go up if he uses the veto on a twin? Like why does everyone think whoever plays veto can’t be renommed??
Whoever wins the veto is always safe, no matter what they do with it. I think back to when Jen used the veto on Dan in season 14..Jen was not on the block, yet, they both were safe for the week.
Why is it different for nominees then? That would mean if Austin won he could pull off Liz and still be safe himself bc he was the veto winner, right?
“Whoever wins the veto is always safe, no matter what they do with it.” No, this is only true if the veto winner is not on the block. If the veto winner is on the block, only who the veto is used on is safe.
But that’s a chance you gotta take at this point. Putting Austin and Liz up is the best move, while Julia is the worst at comps amongst the three so her chances at winning POV (again) is slim. Really any nom scenario has the possibility of 2 of 3 Austwins off the block and in control of the votes. May as well boost the odds in one of em going home.
Ok put Austin n Liz up. If either 1 wins then renom should be Julia. N if she wins then take off Liz then put up Van.
They will all play in the POV
Austin and Liz on block makes most sense for everyone but austwins since they all benefit if no veto used. If Austin or Liz win veto- then julia goes up. If Julia wins veto, maybe Vanessa can really convince her not to use veto ( a move that makes absolutely no sense from austwins point of view). More likely julia uses veto to pull Liz down and now have the two votes to decide who goes home. Steve has to choose between Vanessa and jmac to go on block and likely eviction. I can’t see steve standing his ground with Vanessa. He again will do Vanessa’s bidding and send jmac home and makes himself the likely next boot
I don’t know why I should have any faith in Steve after last night, but I do. I think he would put up Vanessa because she might stay, JMac definitely goes home. But I could actually see Julia voting Austin out.
Austin is the only option if you want to break up the BIG 3
So if both twins are up and Austin wins veto he saves Liz. Then what? Would he put Vanessa or JMac up. Either way the Austwins would control the vote and the three would stay.
Why is everyone so convinced that if the the noms are Austin and Liz and Julia were to win veto and take off Liz that that would make them the deciding vote factor? No, Julia would then be the renom! There’s no rule saying the person who plays veto can’t be renommed, remember when it happened to Brendan?
Brendon was already on the block when he did that, otherwise everyone on the block who wins pov would save the other nom.
If u win the veto you can’t be used for a renom.
Golden Power of Veto
The Golden Power of Veto was introduced in the end of Big Brother 3.
It was the final Veto used of the season. It has been used ever since
then in all of the succeeding seasons. The Golden Power of Veto allowed
the winner to veto a nomination from Nomination Block if they so
desired, including themselves. The HOH would select the replacement
nominee if the Veto was used. If a person not on the block wins the POV,
they can then take a nominee down and be safe at the same time. Or they
can choose to leave the nominations the same.
Why is it different for nominees then? That would mean if Austin won he could pull off Liz and still be safe himself bc he was the veto winner, right? ?
No if he is on the block and wins POV he can eiher save himself or he can use it on Liz. If he uses it on Liz and saves her than he is not safe and will still be on the block. It only goes for Houseguests that are not nominated. If he was not on the block and won POV than yes he could save Liz and sill be safe from being a renom. That goes all the way until there are only 4 houseguests left.
That just seems like such a assbackward rule, like oh here you can do this with the veto medallion but if and only if you’re not nominated, otherwise it’s a double veto, like what?! It should be everyone or no one.
There is that rule.
Why is it different for nominees then? That would mean if Austin won he could pull off Liz and still be safe himself bc he was the veto winner, right?????
Crystal, whoever wins veto is safe and cannot be renomed. The only exception is when it is down to the final 4.
Why is it different for nominees then? That would mean if Austin won he could pull off Liz and still be safe himself bc he was the veto winner, right???????
After steve and John refused to flip the vote and just kept with the status quo, I lost the little interest I had left. James foe afp. At least he played his game and not vanessa’s, like every player left in the house has.
Perhaps the dumbest set of house guests ever.
4:15 AM BBT – Steve says to himself that Austin and Liz need to go up together.
That should be it. Put them together. If one gets off via POV then, Julia is the renom. Rinse and repeat if Johnny Mac or Vanessa wins the next HOH. It took this long but, this is the best we can hope for.
Steve has said a lot of things to himself. Hopefully, one will come to fruition.
Steve is a big wimp…by the end of the week…Vanessa will convince Steve to put up John and he goes…
hmmm not sure on that Jmac is in his ear now as well as Vanessa. Jmac got to where he is by playing Vanessas game Jmac thinks its time to play his own game
They all play for the POV so it doesn’t matter who the noms are really, other than at least 1 being an Austwin. To boost the likelihood that 1 of them goes home, 2 must be on the block come Thursday so they don’t control the votes. So Steve is actually bang on (for once), put Austin and Liz up, since Julia is bad at comps and unlikely to win again.
HMMMM u never know don’t count Julia out Production has been known to set up “simple” comps for “simple minded” HGs
I think at this point production would want an Austwin to go home. With James and Meg gone, it’s actually more interesting now. It’s Van/Mac/Steve vs Austwins, with some hidden crossover deals in the mix. A twin going home would make the run to the finals that much more watchable, well, minus the fact that winning comps is really all that really matters.
What is gonna be fun is watching the twins report all conversations to each other. They are close sisters and they may say they will go against each other but blood will win out. Vanessa and Austin better watch their backs this week .
I actually hope Liz goes home this week, breaking the nucleus of that trio. Julia and Austin may or may not have each others back. The jockeying for position will make the final 2 weeks pretty damn good tv.
The twins can be manipulated, Austin should be the Target this week.
I just want to see Austin and Liz on the block this Thursday. Austin has stated he won’t sacrifice his game like Clay did. I wonder how Liz will feel with him campaigning against her?
This could all be for not if Julia wins POV. If Austin and Liz are on the Block and Julia wins Veto she takes down her sister(Liz) and Steve will probably put up John. Liz and Julia vote to save Austin and what do you think Vanessa will do?
I think Steve would put up Vanessa in that scenario. He knows that the twins would vote out John, but Julia might vote to keep Vanessa and send Austin home.
If they both on the block I think Austin would keep Liz and Van would keep Julia with that Jmac would be the decided vote. Witch I think he would keep Julia cause she sucks at comps.
I wish for final 3 to be Steve Jmac and (ta da) JULIA!!!
I have watched Big Brother since the beginning…….I am DONE with this season…..all of these idiots deserve nothing….this is THE WORST season of Big Brother EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!
Austin and Liz would be the best option with Austin as the target. Julia should be the renom and if she wins veto, Vanessa should go up. I’m sure it wouldn’t play out that way but I can always hope.
But if Vanessa goes up Austrians are still 3 strong? you thing that would be a good thing for John and Steve?
Not necessarily. I think that Julia is closer to Vanessa than she is to Austin. Vanessa has promised her final 2, she knows Austin would take Liz. Austin leaving is better for Julia than Vanessa leaving.
I meant that Vanessa goes up if Julia wins veto since that would be Stevens only option if he doesn’t want John to go up
Its a toss up as to which HG needs to be evicted Vanessa or Liz both have ties that bind strong ties one needs to go this week
If only Steve will have the courage to make a bold move and BD Van…but we have noticed when it comes to her, he won’t do it. He doesn’t handle confrontation well, especially a whole week of it.
That is where Jmac will play a big part…He has use Vanessa to get this far in the game Vanessa is really no longer useful to him or his game
He has to get a twin out ut if the Austwin not on the block wins veto, and takes the other twin off the block and putting up Van is the right move. But its a last resort because then its 3 to 2 in favor of the Austwins. Steve doesn’t know yet, that Vanessa is going to turn on him and JMac next week after Liz or Austin is gone.
If Vanessa makes final 3 she wants to take Julia a no winner summer camp girl
If Steve BD Vanessa now, then he has to hope and pray John wins the next HoH or he wins the PoV, because it would be Austin/Liz/Julia vs. Steve/John. If he gets rid of one of the Austwins this week, then it’s Steve/John/Vanessa vs. 2, then maybe if John wins HoH next week, he could then BD Vanessa.
He can’t do it yet. If he puts up Austin/Liz and then tosses up Van as the renom, he goes to the top of the target list for everybody except JMac–who has won a grand total of 0 HOH’s. Believe me, I’m no fan of Vanessa’s gameplay, but that would be suicidal for his game. One of the Austwins has to go now. Pick off Van later–F4 would be the ideal spot for it.
As much as I would like Vanessa to leave, the right target is Austin of Liz, preferably Liz. But Liz will not go home this week because as long as Vanessa is a vote then only JMac will vote her out and that’s not enough.
Its clear Vanessa wants to save the twins to the end. Perhaps she recognizes how stupid they are and how they listen to everything she says and they do everything she says. I don;t think she has the same level of trust with Steve.
I would put up liz n Austin with option Vanessa back door,but dose it really matter with James and meg gone I don’t really have n interest anymore but for jmac and he’s pretty much alone,and I can’t stand Vanessa or the Autwins,with Vanessa the town idiot and liz n Julia have so much air in their heads they have nasal problems a d stinky Austin just along for the ride with liz dumping his dumb ass at the end of the game because no one can stand stinky cheating Austin, so here’s looking to a better season next year omg it couldn’t get any worse than this season was,I hope bb ratings dropped alot because they need to step it up and get better house guests, this was worse season ever and I have watched them all.
This week will be the deciding factor I believe.
So once again Vanessa is directing everyone in the house what to do and no one questions her motives. Does Austin ask himself, why am I talking to Vanessa about Steve’s noms? Do the twins ask themselves, why is Vanessa telling us to throw Austin under the bus? Does Steve ask, why is she telling me to do what’s best for me then telling me what she wants me to do?
I dislike Austwins but their best strategy is to hang tight and try to remain a close group of 3. They can control the house, even this week if th right person wins veto. Turning against each other is exactly the wrong thing to do even though the situation seems dire.
The house left the Austwins and Vanessa in the game too long.
Has Julia ever told Liz about her F2 with Vanessa?
While I can’t really forgive Steve for deciding to keep Julia over Meg (which obviously came back around to strengthen the Austwin alliance), him winning HoH is the next best thing that could happen this week, besides Jmac winning, in my opinion. Maybe he’ll redeem himself, even if Vanessa is the ventriloquist.
Liz should be the ultimate target this week, as losing her would hurt the Austwins alliance the most.
I agree that Austin & Liz should be the nominees, because Julia is the least likely of the three to win the veto. So if Austin or Liz saves themselves, you replace with Julia.
Should be an interesting week.
Agreed, sending Liz home would have made the show alot more interesting weeks ago. Get it done now, make the final couple of weeks really watchable.
I agree that Liz is the target but Steve and JMac need to make sure Austin and Julia do not migrate over to Vanessa and work with her next week. They need to divide Austin from Vanessa by letting him know she is telling Steve to put him up and get him out.
Play her game. Steve and JMac can say their goal is to split up the twins because they will take each other to F2. At this point its a long shot, everyone in the house seems to think Vanessa is 100% with them. The dumbest HGs in BB history.
Unless Steve and JMac do this, I think they will be on the block next week with Steve going home. And Vanessa will be behind it.
It is cleat to me Vanessa actually does want Julia for F2.
Good point…they should start the rumors that she wanted him out….that would put some doubt in her mind just in case…but I think she will do it anyway based on who wins HOH next week….she will go back and forth.
I said the same about Vanessa taking Julia for final 2
when did Vanessa all of a sudden not become an option to either straight nominate or back door? My GOD these people are stupid
When she strategically placed herself in an alliance with the Austwits and JMac and Steve. It was very smart of her to get rid of the two people she didn’t have any long term deals with. She is a sly one.
You better believe it…you got to give her credit…she groomed the two loners in the game to get a 3 person alliance to battle the Austwins….and she is going to succeed.!!
I think she still has some more work to do. She needs to get Liz out this week. This will separate Austin and Julia. Then she gets one of those two to target JMac and Steve. She needs to get to the end with Julia by her side. I think that is the only definite win for her. I think she can do it, but it will take some wrangling and some trust in other people.
One of the Austwins out…she now will see who wins HOH and play accordingly…from one side to the other eliminating the other side based on the HOH of the week. She’s got it all set up to do it.
She does. But it will still take some good moves to end up in the final 2 with Julia, who she could easily beat. The last thing she wants is a final 2 with JMac, who already has enough votes on the jury to win. I think her best to worst shot is the order of Julia (best), Austin, Liz, Steve, and JMac (worst).
I wouldn’t go handing out the 500k to Van just yet. She still has to navigate the rest of the season and face a jury that is very hostile to her. But I think she doesn’t get that far anyway. There’s one real threat left in the house to her–and that’s the guy currently with the HOH key. In all her calculations, she missed one thing–she’s underestimated him, as the rest of the house did.
I predict that Steve knocks her out at F4 and wins. He’ll win big points from the jury by taking the first shot at the Austwins–and talking out the big baddie. Pretty compelling resume argument for 500k. All the floating stuff for half the season doesn’t matter when you make the big moves at the end. It’s time to go and he knows it.
No, I don’t think V has underestimated Steve, she knows exactly what he is (gutless) and how to play him.
We’ll see. I think he’s got more cojones than you think he does. He also knows he can’t take her to F2 with him–he’s already said so multiple times
That’s exactly what he wants Van to think too. He knows exactly what he’s doing–and he fully knows Van isn’t “all in” with him and JMac either.
She’s a pro. Vanessa has positioned herself in the best spot in the house, decision maker for 2 separate alliances.
I’m rooting for her to win, she deserves it.
Yes she does…she is playing to win..even if it doesn’t look pretty. Hey when you are dealt sheep…you become a shepard!
Of course she does!
Vanessa can coast to the Final 4 and beyond, even without winning HoH next week. This week Austin or one of the twins are gone all thanks to Steve. Next week, if John wins HoH, we will nominate the two people left over from Austwins, if one of the two Austwins wins HoH next week, they will nominate John and Steve. Vanessa has a great plan, especially with the stupid people in the house this year.
Basically from here on out, at most Vanessa will have to win is another HoH and a PoV or two PoV, in order to make it the Final 2. Of course she can also do it with much less.
Next week will be one of the trickiest weeks for her. Right now, Steve has to get rid of one of the Austwits, but next week if the remaining four people start comparing notes, then she might be in trouble.
Very true, but I feel she will pull out her Jedi mind tricks and bamboozle them once again to try and keep her in the game. You got to give her credit, she’s playing everybody. Reading the updates before the HoH comp where Steve won last night, it seemed like she was trying to make a Final 3 alliance win the twins just on the off chance Julia won the HoH, then she really would have had all of her bases covered. Of course in the end, that wasn’t needed.
Vanessa and Liz on the block with Sasquatch as backdoor
Steve can’t afford to lose Vanessa over getting out one of the Austwits. If she goes then its 2 vs. 3, and really in the next HOH its 1 vs. 3.
The Austwins deserve to win. Not because they played well, but because it will show the other houseguests how stupid they were to keep them.
If the final 2 is Julia and Liz, I will still probably watch it, but it will be muted with close caption. Their voices are nails on a chalkboard to me.
That is most likely who it will be. I wont like it, but will still watch.
If I hear them say “no” or “know” one more time, I might cut off my own ears.
Yeah that’s true. Just wishful thinking I guess. I want Vanessa gone.
These twins are amazing. They were planning to go after Steve if they won HOH, but they can’t imagine why he would put them up because they’re in an alliance with him. Apparently only they are allowed to lie and break deals!