It was eviction eve in the Big Brother 17 house and after days and days of going back and forth, it seems they’ve settled on the person who has to go.
And rarely in this game does anything change from the night before eviction to the actual eviction. But it has happened before, so we’ll see what goes down tonight. In the meantime, read about what they all decided to do any what they’re all thinking about for the upcoming week.
Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, August 26, 2015:
5:30 PM BBT – John tells Vanessa he still needs to work on James and Meg to flip their votes. Vanessa promises John she’ll tell him before the vote what she’ll do and it’ll be what’s best for her game. John plans to tell James/Meg that he’s not close with any of the Jurors.
6:10 PM BBT – Austwins agree that they need to keep Steve. “100%,” says Austin.
6:15 PM BBT – Vanessa arrives and hears they want JMac out. She agrees and says she feels the same way.
6:20 PM BBT – Vanessa suggests Meg and James want Steve out. Austin wants Steve to know that to make them his target.
6:28 PM BBT – Austin’s Angels (Do I really have to use that term???) think keeping Steve is best because he can serve as a shield (what if he wins veto?) if James, Meg or returning juror win HOH.
6:35 PM BBT – Vanessa, Austin and the twins are being nasty about John and Steve and it’s really hard to watch.
6:40 PM BBT – Vanessa wants James and Meg to vote to evict Steve because a unanimous vote only helps  them stay clean in this eviction.
6:55 PM BBT – More nastiness from the twins about John.
7:50 PM BBT – HGs talking about The Amazing Race. Vanessa says she and her ex-husband almost made it on the show.
8:25 PM BBT – Dinner time for HGs.
9:00 PM BBT – HGs back to playing their annoying nightly games in the house.
8:51 PM BBT – Johnny Mac and Meg talk about the vote. She says it seems pretty 50/50 right now. Meg isn’t a fan of Steve’s but she’s not sure what she should do. John says Steve is better at this game than he is.
10:00 PM BBT – Meg and James head up to the HOH room. Austin tells them they’ve decided to vote to get rid of John. Austin tells everyone that JMac thinks he’s staying.
10:05 PM BBT- JMac tells Vanessa that he knows he’s going (Austin doesn’t know anything).
10:10 PM BBT – Vanessa rambling on about Big Brother like she actually knows the game.
10:30 PM BBT – Meg confirms with the HOH group that Johnny Mac is going. She says to keep her posted if anything changes.
10:33 PM BBT – Steve wants to tell John that he’s staying and John is going but Liz is refusing.
10:38 PM BBT – Steve tries to joke with the HOH group by saying he’d nominate the returning juror along with Austin. They get mad and tell him now is not the time to joke.
10:40 PM BBT – Austin thinks true BB fans won’t find John’s speeches funny or get his humor (wrong, Austin. America loves JMac and doesn’t like you even a little). Steve, also wrong about what America says if fans were voting on the returning player, Shelli would come back for sure.
11:20 PM BBT – Vanessa lets John know he doesn’t have the votes. She says the group is worried that he could team up with any of the returning Jurors and he’s better at comps than Steve.
11:25 PM BBT – John tells Vanessa that if he gets James and Meg to flip then the four of them would basically be taking on Liz in Thurs’ HoH comp and they could win it then go after the other side. Vanessa asks if he thinks she can trust John, he says she could but Steve won’t be willing to make an aggressive move like he would.
1:30 AM BBT – Steve is pacing while the others sleep. He’s practicing his speech.
Vanessa would prefer to keep John but she can’t get the twins on board which means she’d have to draw the line on Thursday night. I won’t be surprised to see her trying again more during the day, but things look set on John heading out to this returning Juror competition.
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Can’t wait to put this week behind. I hope for a shift in power to light a fire under a few butts.
And who would be the shift in Power, Meg and James, I think he would nominate Vanessa and Steve and there you go the three headed monster sails into the finals on the backs of the Players….
They need to put up Austin and Liz
I think james has said he’d do Austin and a twin to Meg, but he’s not very smart, could easily do Vanessa and Steve/the returned HG lol.
James did say he would put up Liz and Austin because he said if they don;t break them up soon they may not get another chance. James has shown he will make bold moves in the past. The only problem is James has no protection.
The fact is they waited too long to take down Austwins. They shold have taken out Vanessa when Becky was HoH then immediately targeted Austwins.
That would all depend on who is on the block next Thursday. Bear with me here for a second, the people who would have to be on the block should be Vanessa and Liz and here is why.
To vote out Vanessa: Austin, Julia and Steve (if he stays).
To vote out Liz: Meg, returning Juror (depending on who it is) and John (if he stays).
Now keep this is mind, Steve could be the swing vote on these two. He would love to see Liz go and he would also love to see Vanessa go. It would depend on who can talk Steve into voting one way or the other (Vanessa).
All of this would be based on James winning the HOH.
If Shelli returns the whole systems favors the 6th Sense (the former one that is). Becky or Jackie could easily team up with James and Meg and if John comes back and James and Meg votes to keep John that is.
If Becky came back, I think we’d see an Austwin attack for sure. For all of her hate on Van, I think she sees that the muscle behind Van is the 3 locked votes of the austwins behind her. That needs to be broken up and maybe even then Van could be an ally.
Then Be Vanessa if one of them wins POV.
I hope whoever returns wins HOH. No matter who it is. That would be great.
That’s what I’m hoping.
John makes the only point to be made and it is Vanessa’s real chance at making it past the Asstwins … if she’s as good as she and a lot of people think, this is the one time she needs to bully her way to getting what is best for her game … and that is to work with John.
I don’t think she is that good. Her paranoia is preventing her from seeing the forest for the trees.
I think she was better about 2 weeks ago, but has since been found out and people are onto her only looking out for herself, she has taken the target off herself, but has yet to fully get her manipulation ways without everyones trust. This will be the first real time she wont have gotten her way if JMac leaves.
I think she would prefer Steve goes this week but she is fine with either so not trying too hard
Agreed, she is just trying to subtly change the vote, but wont throw her game away, but would be interesting to see what she’d do if she could flip the Goblins, then she’d be the deciding vote.
What I don’t understand is Vanessa knows the Austwins were going to gun for her this week along with the rest of the house. Yet she is strangely calm about it. Even if she thinks they made up she has to believe that they will come for her at some point soon.
Perhaps she is pretending to play nice with them because she thinks it will help her sway the vote this week. She isn’t willing to push it too far yet, but it has to be on her mind.
Heres to hoping Vanessa and the goblins vote to keep John and get rid of the terrible group consisting of Tweedledee, Tweedledum, and leprechauns giant brother.
LOL, I just called them that before seeing your post.
I’d like it, but James and Meg wanna stay under the radar this week incase one of the twins win HoH next week so they wont target them. Even if John might be better for there longterm game, they dont look past the end of the day, let alone a week or two.
If one of the twins wins HOH, who are they going to target?
Returning juror – most likely – depending on who it is. But then they will have to target James/Meg as well. J/M must see that!
Unless they use Steve again – which maybe they should, they’ve already pissed him off – but I can see Steve flipping even this week. His comments about J/M being more important to Austwins than him & Jmac by his noms hit home. I would not be surprised if Steve turns on them all, should he win HOH, and the right juror returns to build a anti-Austwin coalition.
Finally, I think James could be smart and just laying low while out of power. But he has to see that he/Meg are next targets in line and despite all the friendly fluff from Austin this week, they will need to turn on Austwins at some point. If Van is willing to as well, this may be the best week for the house flip as only the twins (and not austin) will be in HOH comp.
There are no other targets left other than Becky if she wins the right to come back tonight or James. If Vanessa’s alliance wins HOH tonight, James could very well be the next one evicted. If he believes his alliance with Austin and the twins means anything, he is stupid. Vanessa and her alliance will remove all threats before going after each other.
Exactly. I guess I hold out hope that James isn’t completely stupid & sees what Austin is doing. Why continue to pander to him but voting the way he wants you to.
Now, you don’t want to flip if you know you are still going to lose 3-2 and you just exposed yourselves. And that is the safe play since you would have to trust that Van is going to flip with you – which is unlikely. So, I expect a 5-0 vote tonite.
But I think the seeds for a major flip are really there. It may have to wait until after HOH comp to be exposed, but I think Steve is ready to jump. Returning juror is really a wildcard – depends on who it is. But get the right one (Jmac?) and he could take Van with him. They are not stupid – like James may be. If they want to win BB, the attack on Austwins must come soon.
Because there is no point to be 2 votes out of 5 votes. Who cares which way you voted when you will lose anyway.
Don’t trust the alliance but don’t be an idiot and just vote whichever way you want. He can’t stop them from targeting him but he can ensure he doesn’t give them a reason.
Being the only the targets is a good enough reason. Whether he votes the same way or not does not make James any safer. And if Jackie is the one that gets in, James just became a bigger target.
So being an existing target means throw away any chance you have of working with people? Burning bridges works when you have nothing to lose, here just by being funny JaMeg bought another week.
Being 2 out of 5 votes does nothing for the Goblins. Principled stances are nice in the real world but not on BB.
I’m hope James knows that after this week all bets are off and if he doesn’t win HOH he is in trouble.
It’s really frustrating to see Austwins and their awful attitudes make it this far in the competition. Do they really think America loves them more than John? I’m rolling my eyes so hard right now…
Yeah, they do think America loves them as much as they love themselves and they will continue to believe that cause that’s what they do best and because Julie Chen and the producers will ply them with fluff talk at the final show …. Example: Frankie. P.S. His show just bombed big time … he won’t take a hint from that either.
I know, I can’t wait on finale night and all three of them realize they aren’t even in the top 3 of America’s Favorite. I can’t stand their fakeness and their whining all the time.
The next HoH one fo them wins there letter from there families need to be STFU you are looking like a fool and Amaerica doesn’t like you lol.
OH god. he had a show?
This seems to happen every season. Remember Frankie thought everyone just loved him and not Donny.
While watching the latter half of BBAD this morning, Liz and Austin and whomever else was yacking about the Pros and Cons of keeping either John or Steve …
They kinda suggested that John is an open book and they can predict what he will do, moving forward in the game if they keep him ….
While, Steve, on the other hand, does not talk game and is a wildcard that may not be predictable …
They sorta, kinda implied that John may be the better one to keep, but, then spun it around that it would be better for Vanessa’s game to keep John than that of the Austwins …
I guess with all of Vanessa’s flip-flopping the last couple of days, in going around to everyone and telling everyone especially Steve and John that she is working to keep them, while throwing them under the bus, the next moment …
Loved the chat between Vanessa and John, with her telling him that she too is all alone in the House, after John, told her that all his BB Friends in the House has slowly been evicted week after week … So, perhaps, he has been the hot potato this season, as to who gets evicted ?? Hmmmm !!!!
Ya, they keep saying John would be better to keep, but then decide to keep Steve lol.
Anyone else notice on the show last night(I watched an episode for once) that when Vanessa was talking to Austin about getting out James and Meg his responce was something like ‘Ya if Jackie came back her James and Meg would be a powerful alliance, that’s whay we need to get rid of John this week’? I guess he wouldn’t want John to join them? But that’s not what he said at all lol.
I saw that. and was thinking… thats a perfect reason to get rid of James. If Jackie did come back, she and Meg wouldn’t know what to do without him.
Vanessa, don’t disappointment me this week. I really hope you turn your game around by flipping the votes and keeping JMac. That would be a big move and than you can all go after the Austwins and break up that awful alliance. Here’s to wishing.
Now that she wants JMac to stay we all love her again lol.
Next week will be the week to get an Austwin out, with just Liz playing(Cuz Julia can’t do sh*t) they need someone will balls to win and take one of them out.
That’s true. LOL If she saves my boy JMac I will start liking her again. And she needs to stay away from Austin and the twins!
Vanessa is not going to save Johnny Mac because Steve is better for her game. I would not put too much stock in what she says, it is all to mislead Austin, Liz, Julia, James. She has bashed Steve in the past but, she and Steve have remained loyal to each other. See, the reason she wants to appear to want to work with Johnny Mac is to get Austin, Liz, Julia, James and Meg to all want to evict Johnny Mac. After all, if Johnny Mac wants to work with Vanessa, he is a threat to Austin, Liz, Julia, James. Vanessa still playing a very good game and the others have no clue!
I would get some respect back for her if she did.
“Austin thinks true BB fans won’t find John’s speeches funny or get his humor (wrong, Austin. America loves JMac and doesn’t like you even a little).” Exactly! America get and understands John’s speeches and likes him. Now, Austin on the other hand is in for an awakening. America loathes him and still trying to understand his silly nomination speech. Oh, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, America doesn’t care for you much either.
They are clueless, it’s so funny, JMac by far the fan favoraite, production needs to find a way to keep him, and bring anotehr HG back. JMac provides way better entertainemnt than Steve.
As for the Astwins, they are just so full of themselves, what have they done that thinks thay have accomplished more than JMac, and isn’t steve in college? They will do/have done more then all fo them. They need a few weeks out of power and one or two of them to go home to bring them back down to earth.
They do that every year. Frankie thought we loved him last year and hated Donny. HAH! Clay and Shelli thought their romance was another Jeff and Jordan. Sorry, but there is only 1 Jeff and Jordan for me. Its just funny how they try to figure out what America thinks. They take every little thing as a sign, manipulate it, analyze it and come back with a totally wrong conclusion.
Unless you’re in mainly for fame, I’d just play the game and not worry so much about that stuff. CBS can give you different edits. As long as you aren’t using hate speech, etc, then play your game. Every HG has his/her fans. Jmac has his haters & Vanessa has her fans. Never gonna please everybody. Cool to keep people entertained, I’d think, especially if you’re a BB fan. But yeah, play your game. Don’t focus on your image. If you get the villain edit, be the best villain you can. €:>
How could they know if they get villain or sweetheart edit? They can only assume. James is trying hard to be the AFP with all the Capt Camo stuff (because deep down he knows he can’t win BB, his biggest chance is that 25 grand).
Of course the troll (His Royal Pansiness) thinks he’s the AFP. Yeah, America’s Favorite Pansy that is.
I agree just play. When they start worrying about how they might appear to America, like when they were talking about getting Audrey out, it was annoying. At the same time some of them should remember there is a camera there 24/7 so don’t do anything too stupid. Ahemm Liz and Austin
I had hopes for John but he sank his own game but throwing the HOH comp this week. Everyone who is left is seriously in need of a major smack to the head. How can Vanessa, James and Meg not see they are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the three headed monsters. They would have to win all the comps from this point forward to have a chance to stay each week. They have an opportunity to turn this week into a two sided alliance and star to pick off the 3 jerks then start playing for themselves. They need to wake up…
James has already said he will target Austin and Liz.
I haven’t given up hope for him yet. Especially if the right juror comes back!
I’ve been saying the same thing. I think Vanessa or someone even mentioned how they were on the bottom. But will they play differently? Doubtful.JMac threw too many comps and was willing to just do as he was told too many times for me to care now if he goes. I had high hopes for him but he blew it on his own.
I honestly thought that Jason getting blindsided would wake up the goblins and it did for 1 week. But they went back to being the same clueless players they were before the blindside.
Vanessa’s alliance has remained loyal all this time to each other all this time. With full control of the game and majority votes, they have no reason to target each other. Still rooting for Becky to come back tonight and hopefully, win HOH! She is going to be the next target and James. Steve staying is no surprise. He is better, having won HOH and POV and will still be in Vanessa’s back pocket.
Vanessa’s alliance by sheer luck have not went against each other, there was always talk behind their backs and at pint or another someone in that group was a target but then something happened to change the target. They are not loyal to each other.
There are just too many left who are too unlikable or too uninteresting for me to care at this point who goes. I wish they’d all vote how they want to and screw that Austin thinks. I cannot stand ignorant people so I am very glad I don’t have the feeds to see what was being said.
There is almost no chance that someone from the Austwins doesn’t win this game, unless this Thursday someone else gets HOH and noms the twins or austin and a twin. Then, I don’t even want to watch. I can’t stand the twins voices (worse than nails on a chalkboard!!) or Austin’s face and ponytail beard.
I thought the point of Bb was the HOH puts up 2 people and the house decides who they want to go. The HOH target should be the strong players or people the house doesnt get along with or what is best for your game, since the HOH does not have a vote. What happened this season???? We have entitled young women controlling the men and the game. Vanessa runs the house and the game, she manipulates every HOH and they end up evicting who she wants. I just don’t understand how they all can be hypnotized by her mostly incoherent babble. Play your own game, quit over analyzing make a decision and go with it. Makes for a much more interesting game. If Jmac leaves and depending on who comes back in the house, if they don’t go after Vanessa or the Austwins I’m done it will no longer be worth watching. If Vanessa goes then the fans will be satisfied if not and what’s left of the house let’s her run the game she will win and BB fans will be livid, good luck with BB18, I will no longer be a fan.
Vanessa is good, but not great. She can protect herself, but has little influence over other people. She is also predictable (luckily she is playing with a bunch of twigs and tree trunks) and fearful of not being liked by the people she finds worthy.
This has been the longest week yet! Cannot wait until it is over and the Austwins get put down a few pegs. Please oh please let someone deserving win the HOH!
At this point, if James does not win HOH next this season is over!
I think James will stay with the Austwins since Austin didn’t put him up last week. Have to find out who won HOH! Gonna scream if it was Liz or Vanessa.
It is time for someone else besides Vanessa to control the house. I remember why we didn’t like the 6th Sense earlier in the season. They get in power and they show their true colors. Their arrogance and nastiness deserves a response. I hope someone else wins HoH, besides Vanessa and the Austwins.
At the same time my gut tells me James will be the target this week if Vanessa, Steve, Liz or Julia is HoH.
Fingers crossed Jackie comes back today, or the Trainiac. Basically anyone but Shelli.
I think I’d like to see V save Jmac and after the eviction see Jmac and the ret juror team up with James and Meg in an all for one alliance to take out Austwins & Vanessa first (Julia last if possible) and only then go wild Wild West on each other. That means they all fight hard for every HoH and POV…try to use front door…and protect each other.
Though the first few days/this wkd James/Meg have to pretend to work with Austwins til POV in case one of them wins, to influence if/how it’s used and/or get info. But after POV, the house is a war zone. Put on your iron underwear!
Apparently I’m the only person who actually likes the Austwins. It may be that I love to hate them but they do make for good entertainment. Without them in the house, it would be even more boring than it already is. Austin’s ponytail beard is a little disturbing but not a deal breaker.
Does anyone think that maybe Meg has been playing the smartest game by not playing the game? She’s not a threat and not on anyone’s radar. Of course she is outnumbered if it comes down to the Austwins but otherwise, she’s in good shape.
I think Meg is lucky, not smart. She really wants to play well, she’s just really bad at everything.
Ok I am trying to defend the Pansy Clan and giving the reasons why they should be the Fan Favorites:
1. America loves telenovela with guy cheating on his girlfriend on national tv.
2. America loves heart-wrenching love story, at first the girl doesn’t like the guy but then she is turned on because he stinks.
3. America loves hot actions … lots of smooches, hickeys, pretend-dates and the best … undercover eww-uhhh.
4. America loves a butch who thrashes people like a champ … wait, it’s two of them, jackpot!
5. America loves a troll who has a dark side, double personality and general pansiness. He always talks big and bigger, no wonder he owns a red clown nose!
6. Look at him … long hair, beard, glasses, clown hat (is there a rabbit inside?), tattoo, girly chest hair … what’s NOT to like?
7. Look at her … blonde, fake boobs, voice like uhhhhhh, full of self, and buy 1 get 2 (plus the second one is meaner and heavier) … what’s NOT to like?
Maybe it’s me but I don’t understand why everyone (fans included) makes a big deal about being liked by America. If I was a houseguest I would NOT care if America likes me or not. All I would care about winning Big Brother and that it. It’s not like 100% of the viewers would hate them. Aaryn has fans, Dan & Will have haters. Austwins has fans, Johnny Mac has haters. Not all the viewers hate or love a certain houseguest.
As it said in one the write ups about Vanessa she likes the game been a fan of it a while. To give up the biggest part of tournament poker season in WSOP she has to actually love the game. She could of made more money this summer playing cards with one or two cashes than winning BB pays. So if she didn’t know the game she wouldn’t risked it.
It’s best for Vanessa, John, Meg, and James (plus whoever the returning player is) to work together. There is strength in numbers and the 5 of them going after the Austwins would help eliminate the trio quickly. However Vanessa doesn’t understand that her and J/M would control the vote. She doesn’t need the twins. If Vanessa wants John to stay all she needs is J/M votes and John stays.
No one has really done anything that outstanding this season. A lot of floaters. Not really all that exciting. It is going to be another llllooooonnnnggggg week with Vanessa in charge. I’m sure Austin and the twins will be kissing her backside.