It was a pretty mellowย night onย the Big Brother 17 Live Feedsย as the HGs have all but put the game on hold while they wait for Audrey’s eviction Thursday night.
Audrey herself has only made a handful of appearances during the past 24 hours, so needless to say, game talk has been minimal. This kind of reaction isn’t the one we expected from Audrey, so it’s quite surprising the Live Feeds have been this tame just two nights before the next eviction.
Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights โ Tuesday, July 21, 2015:
4:15 PM BBT – HGs discussing Audrey’s behavior. Meg says she gets the sense from DR questioning that Audrey isn’t in a serious situation. Austin says he’s getting the same vibe.
4:19 PM BBT – Audrey emerges. Vanessa tries talking to her, but Audrey ignores the attempt. Vanessa is gravely offended. Audrey heads to the bathroom and then back to bed in the have-not room.
5:30 PM BBT – Clay and Shelli are talking about next week. Shelli thinks that if John wins HOH he will nominate her since she put him up twice.
6:20 PM BBT – Vanessa tells Clay and Shelli she is worried about Jackie not agreeing to a deal with her. They think she might put Vanessa up if she wins HOH.
6:50 PM BBT – Vanessa, Clay and Shelli are still talking. They are definitely worried about Becky and Jackie winning HOH. Vanessa also wonders if they should make a deal with Audrey in case she returns to the game.
7:05 PM BBT – Shelli talking to Vanessa about Clay and how much she likes him. She tells her that he says stuff about them hanging out after the show and she would really be into that but she’s afraid things will be different after the show. She’s also worried that the age difference will be more obvious when they’re out in the real world.
8:15 PM BBT – Jason mentions that if both twins stay and enter the game then none of them will have a chance to come back into the game.
8:25 PM BBT – Twin talk going on with James, Jason, Meg, Becky, Jackie, Shelli and Clay. James asks them how sure they all are of there being twins. Meg and Jason say they are completely certain. Jackie is still skeptical. They agree that they’re more concerned about Austin than the twins and that he should be the next target. Clay and Shelli aren’t saying a word.
9:00 PM BBT – Liz wondering if she should take Audrey dinner. Vanessa says that would be nice but Becky thinks they’re babying her and she is more than capable of coming out of the room to get food. Becky thenย talks about how Audrey hasย broken every have-not rule.
9:39 PM BBT – Audrey finally comes out of the HN room. She grabs her bag and goes right back in. She then leaves again to grab a pillow from one of the beds.
10:20 PM BBT – BB gives them alcohol. They are very happy.
10:35 PM BBT – Becky and Steve are talking about the Jeff votes. Becky says she voted Jeff out but thinks the house doesn’t believe her. Steve says he is in the same boat with that (even though he really didn’t vote Jeff out).
10:40 PM BBT – It’s time for another performance by Jason, Liz and John.
11:00 pm BBT – All HGs aside from Audrey talking and having fun. The game seems to be pretty much on hold at the moment.
11:05 PM BBT – Liz and Austin are talking game. They want to target Steve. Austin wants to try to get Jason on their side.
11:10 PM BBT – Audrey had left the HN room to go to the DR and now returns.
11:45 PM BBT – Clay and Shelli consider offering Meg & Jason a F4 deal. (Days earlier Jason mentioned the idea to them.)
1:10 AM BBT – Feeds return after being down for nearly an hour. No details on what might have been going on.
2:20 AM BBT – Jackie and Jason discuss best next moves. They are looking to target Austin given the chance and think it’d be better to Backdoor him by using Liz and Steve as their pawns.
2:50 AM BBT – Clay and Shelli cuddling up in the HoH bed possibly finally kissing.
Nothing changed overnight for Audrey’s situation and she’ll still be going home on Thursday. The Houseguests have moved on and are looking forward in the game to what’s next.
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I like Jason’s illumination: “8:15 PM BBT โ Jason mentions that if both twins stay and enter the game then none of them will have a chance to come back into the game.”
And yet, they still worry more about Austin than the twins. Ah well.
On BBAD they were talking about everyone who was in the discussion in the backyard having a chance to come back. Jason said that he thinks the week after next will be a double eviction. He figured that’s how they would make up for Julia entering the game. Then he went on to say with both of them in the game they would always be bigger targets.
It seems that Shelli is really kind of gaga over Clay and is thinking about the possibility of a relationship outside the BB house. Clay is very close to his mother and I think she will be very influential as to whether that happens. If mama ain’t happy….
Clay is equally smitten. But, did you see the freaky photo of Clay next to Shelli’s bother, Lance? Lance isn’t her twin. That is just too weird.
twitter dot com/BigBrotherAM2PM/status/623656918632927232
That is disturbing. I almost want to think its photoshopped, they look so similar. Creepy.
Shelli admitted that the resemblance between Clay and her twin bro freaked her out at first but she says when she looks at Clay now, she doesn’t see it.
I find Clay to be too young and good looking for Shelli. Her teeth, hair and tan are all fake and Clay may be using her to get far since he knows she likes him.
Clay IS too young, IMO, to think any serious thoughts about a 33 year old woman. At that age, 10 years is a lot. If this continues to evolve after BB, that is when, as a mother, I would get concerned. Young guys do enjoy a little fling with an older woman sometimes.
The fact that Jackie could still be skeptical about the twin twist existing is a really good indication of how astute she is in this game.
Please stop the hair twirling, Jackie. Please.
Audrey always played with her hair too. Both of them, it was very annoying to watch.
Maybe she’ll leave her headbands for Jackie.
I like Jackie as long as he is on Jason’s team. She is a ditz, but so was Victoria and was taken all the way to the final three.
They got alcohol probably to take the focus off of Audrey. I’m glad that someone(Becky) realizes and said they were babying Audrey and she was capable of taking care of herself. Audrey no-doubt loves the “special” attention.
Audrey is taking the drama queen antics a little too far.
Out in left field! I don’t think it’s entertaining you anymore than it is me..
Do ya’ll not think these HG don’t have a clue? Jason has figured some things out but is being more worried about something else ( Austin). Steve who is so smart is playing dumb. DaVonne was the only one (IMO) who knew how to play. NOBODY can keep their mouth shut.
Davonne was very perceptive but she couldn’t really keep her mouth shut either. Still wish she was here though.
Branden, BBAD was up during the time you mentioned feeds were down. I caught a good deal of it. It was Austin and Audrey missing, Van and Liz doing dishes and the rest out in the backyard. Besides an incredibly long and boring discussion as each girl described in detail what their bedrooms were like (Shelli’s is rustic elegance HUH?), they had some game talk. The twins and targeting Van, Austin and Liz were discussed in detail. Shay, especially Clay, was very involved in the conversation and acting like he was on board with everything being said. Also, Jackie was convinced of the twins when Jason told everyone that he overheard Austin filling them in on what had happened while they were gone.
I think that Shay has finally decided to jump ship and join the backyard gang.
Good to know that Jackie is no longer a twin twist skeptic. Now if she would just stop fingering her hair. Interesting that Shay might be thinking of mutiny with the alliance. Vanessa would blow a gasket if she gets wind of that. I’m going to make sure my mute bu’on is operating.
That’s why I’d like to see Jason and Meg get HOH. Then they can do the dirty work targeting Austin and Vanessa. Just leave the twins alone. I want them both to make it in the house. Then I’ll decide if I want them gone.
I had the same exact reaction to the rustic/elegant bedroom description. Isn’t she the Interior Decorator?….lol
She’s in real estate, so yeah, I think she is.
Is that, like, barn wood with chandeliers or something? Sounds tacky.
I do remember her mentioning a burlap pillow and a fluffy duvet.
That sounds like it would go really well with Clay’s cardboard framed movie poster.
Hey, Are you Hoosier Lynne? New avatar? I think there’s another Lynne here.
No, I’m a different Lynne. :)
She stages homes. But hey I have rustic elegant decor in my home. You incorporate the two and it looks very nice.
Thanks for the update. When the feeds went down I went to bed. Lol. Time to catch up.
Shelli and Clay were involved in the conversation when Jason brought up targeting the twins so that one of them might have an opportunity to come back into the game. Also they were there when everyone outside was talking about targeting Austin. I wonder if they will relay any of that information. I believe that Shelli and Clay would be better making a final four deal with Meg and Jason, perhaps even pulling Johnny and James into a final six. Vanessa will turn on them this week if they don’t retain power.
There is a major alliance in Shelli, twins, austin, clay, and vanessa that is right in everyone’s faces. Yet lets target steve *facepalm*
I don’t think that alliance is very strong. I hope just one person outside of that alliance gets power, then we will see how fast they turn on each other. Shelli and Clay have already discussed it numerous times and I would think that Vanessa is thinking it too.
well i think they are fairly strong as they are all hoh threats. Steve and johnny mac seem content throwing hoh. Meg is a none threat. So really only other hoh threats are james, jason, jackie, and becky. Also none of them seem too concerned about the alliance either.
It seems to be an alliance of HoH convenience. Shay definitely prefers hanging out with the backyard gang. Also, Van is willing to throw all of her allies under the bus. That’s going to catch up with her sooner, rather than later.
Who knows what will happen. People can’t seem to see van do wrong. Really hoping power shifts this week otherwise this could be another dull week.
I think if Shelli and Clay feel in danger this week, which is probable since Shelli can’t play HOH and Clay hasn’t even come close to winning anything yet, they will try to expose Vanessa to keep themselves safe. I think Vanessa will do the same to them or the twins if she thinks it can keep her out of danger.
I wonder if Clay will throw it so he doesn’t have to turn on his alliance. Him and Shelli are in pretty good with Jason, Meg and James. If he won he would have to put someone from that group up or turn on his alliance. I think he should throw it because I think they’re safe with both groups.
There was no point in trying to target that alliance this week since they are in power and without knowing who will win HOH next week, why make any waves. I think we will see something happen to that alliance in the next week depending on whether someone outside gets in power. I agree about Johnny not wanting to win, there is no upside to him making outright enemies in the house when everyone seems to like him. Steve is foolish to keep throwing HOH comps, he isn’t as in with the in crowd as he thinks he is.
No you don’t have to say target the alliance this week, but strengthening your own alliance now wouldn’t hurt. Its already post veto so you know you won’t be nom’d. Becky, jackie, meg, jason, james should solidify something and make sure every1 is trying hardest to win hoh. Also convince jmac and steve other side doesn’t care about them.
If that doesn’t happen this week, we may be in for another long week with very little excitement. I don’t know about ya’ll, but I need some drama, action.
The minion meltdown wasn’t drama enough for you? Sheesh, girl, you need to go watch a hockey game! LOL
I suppose you are referring to Audrey. Her meltdown has been a little lack luster to me. All she has done is hide in the HN room for almost 3 days now. She needs to burn that house down on her way out.
I’ve sat though EVERY movie with the minion characters and I’m not a minionite.
I like hockey, though.
It was but that was over 2 days ago. I need some more drama. Lol
If the Liz/Julia gets voted out, Austin may just lose it and become BeastModeJudas. If they want to target Austin, just put him up against Liz/Julia and hopefully one of them is evicted.
With Van as the BD plan.
When nominating Liz, say “I nominate…Julia – Wait, no – I mean ‘Liz’, yes, Liz. I nominate Liz.” ;)
If they haven’t overheard the name “Julia”, then say “Liz’s identical twin”. :P
They think her name is Angela.
Someone remembered that name from her HOH letter.
They (i.e. Jason) could mess with her/them. Next time she gets called to DR (if they have been quietly monitoring the swaps) to swap out, Jason runs to the DR and when the other twin emerges, says, “Hey girl.” When she says, “Wha-a-at?” He says, “Where is it?” and proceeds to mess with her by saying, “What – You JUST told me – Now you have NO recollection??” I totally would.
I know bbadboy. There are so many things they could do. Whether they haven’t thought of that or are hesitant for some reason is beyond me. You and I would be having some fun with that.
Oh yeah!
Imagine if you’re taking both the twin to F3, and you had to evict one. “I’m evicting Julia…noooo!, I mean no!!
Which one are you, again? LOL
Jason wins HOH and nominates “Austin and Liz alongside her twin, the slightly bigger one, that’s not as friendly”. Liz gasps, “Oh my gawd, Jason!” Jason replies “gurl, you ain’t fooling nobody”.
Jason is really a very witty guy. He makes me laugh often.
Jason is very smart, but I think he’s talking too much. When he was telling everyone that Austin relays information to the twin who enters the game, that’s something he should only be sharing with his closest allies. Or when he was talking about targeting Austin and the twins next, he practically shared this with half the house.
It’ll be interesting to see what Clay and Shelli do with this information.
Really Vanessa? You want to make a deal with Audrey in case she comes back. She’s been in bed for over 60hrs only to come out for the bathroom and DR. Do you really think she would be coming back? Not very smart Vanessa.
Vanessa is smart outside of the game, but that clearly doesn’t translate to inside the game
Jason needs to wake up and stop talking in front of Shelli and Clay. Why are these tow obvious pairs not a target to them. These people deserve what they will get. I hope John makes a good move if he wins.