Big Brother 17 Live Feeds Week 1: Wednesday Night Highlights

It was a somewhat mild evening in the Big Brother 17 house as the lockdown forced the houseguests inside all night and Audrey confided herself to her bedroom.

Steve transforms into Stefan for the BB prom - Source: All Access
Steve transforms into Stefan for the BB prom – Source: All Access

The Live Feeds were treated to a Big Brother prom and talent show, however, and a few moments of note from Jace, who is almost definitely getting evicted Thursday night.

Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, July 1, 2015:

3:45 PM BBT – Jace is apologizing to Audrey for being mean to her. He says that’s not what he wants to be remembered for.

4:19 PM BBT – Jace tells Audrey that he still plans to have his 5 AM meeting with everyone to pitch his stay in the house.

5:15 PM BBT – John and Jeff talking about who they trust. Jeff says he doesn’t trust Austin. John says he trusts Becky, Da’Vonne and Jason.

5:53 PM BBT – Audrey and Jace are still talking about how to save him and move forward. She asks him if he will blame Jeff for all the things that have happened and suggests that they might be able to secretly work with Da’Vonne and Jason.

6:05 PM BBT – Audrey has gone to the HOH room to talk to James. She starts pinning things on Jeff and asks if she can be back in the group because no one would suspect it.

6:35 PM BBT – Audrey still working on James. She tells him that Jeff is coming after him and that Jace can back her up on it. James says he’s only worried if Austin wins HOH. He doesn’t think Jeff would target him.

7:11 PM BBT – Jace and Audrey talk after she leaves the HOH room. She fills him in on what to say to James later to throw Jeff under the bus.

7:15 PM BBT – James tells Meg about his conversation with Audrey. He talks about how crazy it’s going to be if she wins HOH. James lets Meg know that he’s not interested in working with Audrey again. James tells Meg what Audrey said about Jeff being after him and Meg says that’s not at all true.

7:27 PM BBT – Jace and James talk starts. Jace throws both Jeff and Jackie under the bus and tells James that if he can get the vote flipped he will give him all of his loyalty.

7:35 PM BBT – Clay and Vanessa are giving Steve a makeover for the BB Prom. The HGs decide his alter ego is called Stefan.

8:08 PM BBT – Vanessa mentions there are tennis shoes in the storage room so HOH will probably be a physical competition.

8:16 PM BBT – James pulls Da’Vonne and Jason up to the HOH room to fill them in on his conversation with Audrey. Day makes it clear she’s no interested in working with Audrey unless she wins HOH. She also warns James to watch out for Steve, calling him Audrey’s rat. They also say that the whole throwing Jeff under the bus thing is pointless because that won’t make them keep Jace.

8:26 PM BBT – Jace smiling to Austin about his chances of staying. He actually thinks he has a shot to stay now.

9:13 PM BBT – The prom tonight involves skits so HGs are rehearsing. Becky and John are i the lounge rehearsing their skit. It involves dental floss, of course.

9:45 PM BBT – HGs are getting read for the prom.

10:15 PM BBT – Prom night starts. Da’Vonne is the red (blue) carpet host.

10:25 PM BBT – Talent show starts. His perform their skits/talents.

11:31 PM BBT – James has informed Jeff that Jace has been throwing him under the bus. Jeff confronts Jace in the kitchen and says his acts of desperation are getting him no where.  He tells him his campaign has consisted of nothing but bullying. Jace says it’s whatever because he’s walking out the door Thursday night anyway but he’s going out with his head held high.

12:00 AM BBT – The have-nots eat real food. But then BB calls them to the storage room to give them Chinese food voted on by the Live Feed watchers.

12:08 AM BBT – Shelli takes Audrey a plate of Chinese food to her in bed. Then Steve goes in to see if she needs anything.

12:45 AM BBT – Shelli talks with Audrey who says she wants to quit the game.

1:18 AM BBT – Becky discussing how Audrey tried to paint her as racist when she heard her discussing BB15’s Aaryn and took it out of context. Jason says he ran to get Becky and warn her that morning when the music went off since he knew the Feeds would be off.

1:30 AM BBT – Audrey warns Steve that if she gets HoH she’s going after Jeff via Backdoor.

4:00 AM BBT – Jace and Shelli talking about Big Brother. He shifts to campaigning but she shuts down his hopes saying it won’t work.

The Live Feeds were definitely less exciting with Audrey laying low, so here’s to hoping she actually can turn things around and stay in the game longer than two weeks. At this point in time, I can’t imagine the Live Feeds without the drama she’s been bringing.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. With everything they need to cram into tonight’s show, I have a feeling we will have a short view of the HoH comp with the end of it on Sunday.

  2. I wonder how people that only watch the aired BB shows, with no other form of info, feel about this season so far. Being that last year was my first to find BBN(accidentally) and now having that perspective available, it has definitely altered my take on the televised programs. I understand how it is possible for CBS to give a great or a bad edit to their choice of HG therefore controlling the thought process of the viewers. Naive, yes, but I had never considered that before.

    • It really is incredible how much the full (well, fuller) picture can change your perspective on this game. It’s always fascinating to watch and see who gets the Hero-edit on the shows when we’ve been watching a much different character in the house.

      Really makes me want to have more footage available for other shows like Survivor. You never know!

      • I would love to see something like this for Survivor…even a longer, more detailed “Ponderosa” show would be nice and fun to watch.

      • I might even keep All Access after September if they ran Survivor extras like that.

      • Yes, texasfan, With the pressure off, I’d very much like to see more of the action in the Ponderosa.

      • Do you know how many seasons they’ve had the live feeds? This is my third season for watching them. I don’t know how I would go on without them. Lol

      • Yep. Every single season. First year they were free (AOL sponsored). Then after that it was a paid subscription. First season kept cams on during the live shows. I remember watching Karen (BB1) evicted on the Feeds since I was somewhere with Internet but no TV. Sooo long ago!

      • That’s right I remember now. I remember watching the very first season and they were hard to see. Love them now!

      • Haha well I retired a couple years ago and I take a nap. I usually only last until 2 or 3 am unless there’s drama and I get fired up. Then I can’t go to sleep. Lol BB takes up most of my life in the summer. I go on vacation in a few weeks and I’ll probably go through withdrawals from the feeds.

      • I’m also retired. Guess I just need more sleep than you (I’m probably older and more frail ~ LOL) Sometimes I get too fired up and then can’t sleep at all. BB also takes up most of my life every summer ~ I take my vacations in the Fall or Spring.

    • It’s crazy how much the feeds can change your perspective, and it exposes how CBS will lean toward one character or another with positive edits (case in point, the Social Media Mogul Who Shall Not Be Named from last season).

      That’s why I’m so bummed there’s no feeds in Canada this year! I don’t trust CBS to give me the full story on what’s really going on. So I’m even more thankful for BBN this season.

      • The guy that had his tour cancelled recently, that social media mogul. LOL…Yes, BBN is the bomb!

      • Geez, your Guardian Angel jumps off your shoulder for 2 seconds and you’re up to no good ~~ (I know who you’re referring to ~~ shame, shame)

      • Cancelled due to a “hectic schedule”, which is showbiz lingo for “not enough ticket sales”.

        Not very mogully if you ask me!

      • u were? LOL ~~ I have to learn your personality so I’ll be able to tell when you’re being such a smart a$$. LOL~

      • Feeders are Super fans of the show, but I have to think we know the full story. I still have to thank CBS for offering as live feeds which unfortunately, BBC doesn’t offer.

  3. What I saw on BBAD last nite was the hgs having a lot of fun together participating in a ‘prom’. It was enjoyable to watch. There was one hg missing: Audrey ~ she has completely alienated herself inside that big ole house.

      • I don’t think there’s any reason to, to be honest. She did it to herself. Played too fast, too hard and too personal then alienated herself. People have apologized and keep asking her to re-integrate but she’s not having it.

      • I don’t like to see anyone alone. Whether they did it to themselves or not. I just have to big of a heart and too much compassion.

      • I do too but the thing she was spreading lies that could ruin lives, such as Becky making passive aggressive racial remarks to try to throw Da’vonne under the bus. It’s not okay.

      • I understand where you’re coming from Lav ~ I had to keep telling myself that she brought it on herself. I had high hopes for her, but I truly feel she needs to go.

      • She does need to go but I hope it doesn’t get boring after that. The feeds were so boring last night. So I’m torn. Love me some drama.

      • Love drama myself. With so many others in the house, I doubt it’s going to get boring ~~ there’s Austin’s antics, Da’V’s unpredictability, Clay and Shelli’s budding bromance, etc. etc. Hang in there Lav!

  4. A BB winner must be emotionally stable and avoid excessive boasting. We have seen glimpses of these flaws in some already and with some more than glimpses. D’s freak out over nothing and Audrey’s stupid and needless addition of 5 more players into the group showed these 2 as short-termers. The limited picture given by CBS of the HGs allows them to create villains who are not villains and heroes who are not heroes. Just like the general press. That’s why I champion the unpopular. That is my vow to you all!

  5. Unless Audrey gets HOH, she’s done. First, she was going to work with Austin..then yesterday she goes up and throws his alliance under the bus. This girl screwed up from day one! What was she thinking..the way she pulled HG’s in for that alliance was so stupid. Unless there is some kind of twist that will save her..I don’t think we will be seeing much of Audrey a.k.a Dexter Morgan..Dexter would never have been as sloppy as she has been!

  6. audrey is pathetic. He/she is soooooooo using this bedroom thing to get ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • I get the feeling that Aubrey feels it would be “beneath” her to go to them. They need to come to her and grovel a little to get back in her good graces. She is delusional.

      • I think it depends on her ‘mood’ ~ she had no problem running up and down the stairs from the HOH room to wake up (I think it was) 3 hgs and implore them to join her in the HOH room. She seems to get shots of adrenaline but not too often.

  7. Audrey is acting like a pathetic little wimpling because she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar!!!!!!!! I wouldn’t vote her out just yet the other houseguests need to give her a second chance. John is dumb who spells the word boogers seriously in a veto competition one season a contestant didn’t spell ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

    • A person who doesn’t get any advantage by winning that POV. He was already safe for the week because he won the BOTB and winning would put him in a precarious position he didn’t need to be in. I thought it was a smart move. He knew “boogers” wasn’t going to win him the POV and it would get a laugh from other houseguests.

      • He’s a real player ~ knows what he’s doing and the effect it’s going to have.

    • I like John, but I am having a hard time believing he is a dentist because he just seems so hyper and immature that I’m not sure how he managed through dental school! He must be much smarter than he is letting on!

  8. I’m curious on how CBS will handle the edit of Audrey. The first TG house guest. She was in a unique position in the house and could be portrayed in a positive light. With so much material about Audrey as a sh** starter all week that has thrown the house into mass chaos, they have no choice but to show us what kind of a trouble maker she really is.

    • I’m not sure Day is even a real poker dealer. On the second night when Vanessa Rousso came in the house the camera was on Da when they walked in, you could see she didn’t recognize her. What kind of player or Dealer doesn’t know who Vanessa Rousso is?

      • I have been saying the same thing. I thought for sure she would recognize her so even if she is a poker dealer she does not follow poker or watch it apparently.

      • Just because she’s a dealer doesn’t mean she would know her. Depends on where Vanessa plays poker and where Day deals.

      • Vanessa is one of the most well known players in the world…..there is no way a pro dealer would not know who she was

      • I’ve watched a lot of poker and have never seen or heard of her. I think most of her winnings were from online.

      • I don’t know about her, but that’s Dayday’s world, I expect her to know about her. Check her bio on wiki, it’s pretty impressive.

      • 16 WSOP cashes 8 WPT cashes online world champion, plus she was married to “Downtown” Brown who had a very impressive resume before he passed away. Trust me, a legit dealer or serious player would no who she is.

      • Vanessa is well known world wide as a professional poker player. Placed 2nd in World Championship Online Poker. High school valedictorian, graduated in Duke University. Dayday is from Inglewood LA, She probably works in Hollywood Park Casino, as a dealer. That’s the only casino I know in Inglewood.

      • Most likely Day works 2nd tier gambling places in LA. That would pretty much guarantee she doesn’t see high rollers unless she worked in Vegas.

  9. Steve should wear his hair slicked back like that all of the time. It transforms him from looking like a little kid into a young man.

  10. Audrey seems to only be reinforcing peoples opinion of her by isolating herself and refusing to talk about anything but game with anyone. Maybe she isn’t used to making friends, but a week is a long time to change her position in the game. Not to mention if she did win HOH, BOTB, or POV this week, that gives her two whole weeks to make inroads by befriending people instead of just talking game.

    • I agree Fldreaming. She doesn’t seem like much of a social person. Her avoiding last nites prom, where it was all fun and no gameplay, was a giant mistake. She doesn’t seem to want to make friends. She’s just cut and dry and antagonistic ~ definitely not a leader.

  11. Wow! What is Audrey doing, she has really messed up herself with any game plan she might have had, if there was any, she has fatted in the whole house, I say major fat, not as FAT/BIG, but stink the whole joint by throwing almost everyone she has aligned with under the bus and they have all caught up with her and now she is in the can, what a drama, I wonder what her next action is going to be, I am sitting at the edge of my chair waiting for the a major suspense from her.
    Besides, Audrey, Shelli and Da’Vonne, I can’t remember who is who yet because this is the early stage of BB17, so far no one is playing the game with their intellect by strategizing, instead they are all bickering and yapping, while Shelli is enamor with the dude from Texas, (Show mance) forgetting at this early stage the reason why she is in the game. I suppose it’s part of what makes BB intriguing to watch.
    Hey gangs, with the way things are going so far, it looks like it is going to be a fun rocking BB17 this summer and I have my Kool Aids, Salsa and Chips all geared up for I hope a riveting show.

    • Audrey played way to hard way too early,,,,,i bet she’s on the block next week. Da’ better look out…she’s doing the same thing

  12. it is a topic of wide discussion on Twitter that Vanessa is an expert poker player and she certainly seems to be putting those skills to work.

  13. I sure hope if they end the show tonight with the HOH comp we can see it play out on the feeds like we used to be able to see. I think last year we were only able to watch a few of them.

  14. You want to know the worst part about the feeds last night. I will probably never know who won the Lets Play Zoo game….

  15. Is anyone else having problems with their live feeds repeating? Mine does it all the time and it’s very frustrating. Is there a fix out there for this?

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