The Big Brother 17 houseguests didn’t waste anytime getting into the drama. It’s only the fourth episode and we’ve already got backdoor plans, fighting and alliances blowing up.
The episode picks up right after the Battle of The Block competition. Steve is upset that he and Becky are the official nominees. Of course there’s still the Power of Veto and the backdoor Jace plan in motion. So Steve seemingly has nothing to worry about.
Speaking of the backdoor Jace plan, James and his core alliance are on board, so it’s time for them to start rounding up enough votes to get Jace out the door. James has Jason, Audrey and Da’Vonne so he goes to Meg next and then Clay. And not only is this a group to target Jace, it becomes and official alliance. But like Da’Vonne tells us in her diary room “no, not gonna last.”
Elsewhere, Jace isn’t doing himself any favors. He’s on a lot of people’s nerves and even what he tries to do to amuse the others (like streaking through the back yard) just doesn’t work. Jace is toast not matter how hard he tries.
It’s time to pick veto players. Joining James, Steve and Jackie in the veto competition are Becky, John and Jason. So No Jace or no Austin. So that backdoor Jace plan is one step closer.
Argument alert: We’ve got Da’Vonne vs. Jeff vs. Clay. Day was innocently walking about the house counting items for a possible future competition and Clay and Jeff over-react with suspicion and it blows up into an actual argument. Day also overreacts and we’ve got our first battle of the season. Yeah, Da’Vonne is right — that alliance is never going to work out.
As if there wasn’t enough drama in the house, James has to pick the first four people to be Have-Nots. He picks Austin, Liz, Vanessa and Day. So it’s all slop all week and they have to sleep in dentist chairs.
At the veto competition, we’ve got the seasonal spelling competition. Only this season, they have to dig for gold in giant nostrils. Oh, Big Brother, who do you let design these competitions. So who passes the spelling test this season? First let’s talk about who FAILED the spelling test this season.
James spelled “lifeguards” for 8 points. Becky spelled “closest” for 7 points. Jason spelled “zones” for 6 points. Jackie spelled “judge” for 6 points. John spelled “boogers” 7 points. Steve spelled “trombonists” for 12 points and the veto win.
Let’s get back to the house drama. Audrey decides to pull Shelli up to the HOH room with James and Jason. Then she goes and grabs Jeff. So James and Jason aren’t very happy that Audrey is just randomly pulling people into their alliance. And she’s not done. She goes to get Clay and Meg. And keep in mind it’s 5 a.m.
So Audrey’s got everyone together except one person: Da’Vonne. Audrey thinks she’s doing some good thing for herself and the alliance, but all it’s doing is sketching people out. James even mentions the possibility of putting her up as the replacement nominee if she doesn’t watch out.
At the veto meeting, Steve uses the veto on himself and James executes the house plan by naming Jace as the replacement nominee. So either Jace or Jackie will be evicted Thursday night. Who do you think it’s going to be?
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Ok.Now Audry is working on James to save Jace and flip the vote lol….amazing!!..You guys should watch
I’m following on twitter.
In all fairness, Audrey can talk. I don’t know how she comes up with her argument, but they’re convincing and good. That’s really how you do it when your back is against the wall.
Can’t wait to see where this is going.
She’s really good at it, but she ruined that ability with over using it. Once you’ve pulled back the curtain no one will forget what you’re doing when you try again.
I know….she’s still working though. , we’ll see.
I find it hard to watch her anymore. She comes across as toxic to me. She is maddening, and not because she is TG. The TG thing is really a non-issue to the game. –except that apparently she just pretends to shower but doesnt really. she pretends to shower only?..That’s it man..she has to go.
Tired of listening to her
I would be sorry to see Jackie go.
I know she might look a bit bimbo, but she is very athletic, from what we saw in TAR. Hoping she get a chance to show that side of her.
she has been a zero so far. but she may turn it on after the eviction. Hear she has a big mean streak, tho.
I like her in TAR. She was very good in some of the pretty hard challenge they have in TAR. So basically we haven’t seen that side of her yet.
Audrey’s a loose cannon. Initially I had high hopes for her, but she’s proved to me that she needs to go soon.
James has a lot to think about after talking to Audrey. He said he needs a realized, he has a big target too, and can’t compete.
James is so affable ~ I hope he is NOT a big target next week. I think so many hgs are aware of Audrey’s shenanigans, that’s she’ll be the big target.
People will be targeted anyway, and the house will be divided. Everyone knows Audrey is a flak It’s a matter of surviving.
David: Great descriptive word for Audrey ~~ flake … I haven’t heard that one in awhile.
You’re consistently calling me it lol..and Lavendar..sometimes..You know it’s our inside joke right?
Oh, really? It’s a joke?? I thought that was your real name? I’m so so confused! Hey, if it’s a joke, I’ll continue using ‘David’ just because you love it … LOL!
yeah, what is with the David, Cyril?
I can’t remember how it’s started, but it something to do with the surfer dude David from BB15.
Hey David ~~ wanna know my ‘inside joke’? I’m Goliath!
No, I didn’t know that then, but I know it now. I don’t want to intrude on something you and Lav have together. OK, My Cyril?
On Jeff’s side on this.
Wandering into others rooms without reasons is shady then getting all defensive about it raise’s redflags.
I disagree the house is for everyone the only room that is off limits is the HOH room. Just because you sleep in the room doesn’t mean no one else can go in just because no one who sleeps there is not there. One of the bedrooms has no door does that mean no one is allowed to pass through it unless someone who sleeps there is present? because after all they could be doing something shady,
I think she drew attention to herself that made ppl think, what’s up? She felt she was doing something sly, and it showed.
The least she could do is provide a reason why. Going into a room no one is in and your stuff isn’t there seems odd. They asked her why and she seemed to get really defensive which set off jeff and clay in return.
I don’t think they were saying she can’t go in there, they were just asking why she did. If she reacted like a normal person, it would have been a non-issue.
Funny how Audrey — who was THE subject of the week in these blogs for her negative gameplay that everyone was talking about — came off just dandy on the CBS show tonight. Not that she should be blasted, but is this editing by CBS to “help” her because of her position in the LGBT community? They protected her a bit and don’t want anything bad shown about her? Hmm.
true, especially when he is one of the worst $*%# starters in the house
I don’t think she came out of this episode smelling like roses either. Remember CBS is trying to fit a long and CONFUSING chain of events into a small amount of air time. I’m going to wait a few more episodes before I pass judgement on what kind of edit she’s getting and why they’re giving it to her.
Most of her crazy came out after the Veto Ceremony too so maybe they will show it on the live episode.. But then that episode shows alot less cause of eviction and HOH.. She may have lucked out..
Jace is definitely irritating, but the poor guy doesn’t have a clue that he is. Audrey is way overplaying for so early in the game. Da’Vonne gets on my last nerve – she’s highly intelligent, but it’s like she’s in fight-or-flight mode 24/7. They’re going to get tired of her. I already am. And what’s all that “going Inglewood” crap she talks about? When I think of Inglewood, I think of LAX, not tough black chicks. She needs to relax. Love James – he’s a little cutey-patootey, hope he goes far. The dentist? Weird.Who would close their eyes and let him go to work on them?. Also really like Meg (is that name right? It’s late at night/early morning for me) – the cute, perky blonde with the short hair. She’s a doll. Just starting to really get into the show – takes me a while to sort everyone out. Can’t wait for tonight.
Yeah, that’s Meg. WB English …
I wish they had shown more of what Jace did to annoy people so much that they wanted him out right away. Not everyone watches the feeds. D’av was walking around looking crazy then got upset and started a huge fight because people were looking at her like she was crazy. I saw own your crazy.
I still don’t understand what Day was upset about. They were just curious as to why she went into a bedroom that she’s not staying in. She freaked the eff out for no reason. Then later she’s screaming and breaking down into tears? Talk about a nut job.