Big Brother 17 Live Feeds Week 10: Tuesday Daytime Highlights

The Big Brother 17 houseguests have seemingly realized that the game is winding down so for a lot of them, today was spent thinking about end-game.

Meg and James talk about their plan to keep Meg in the game – Source: CBS All Access

Meg and Julia, however are only living in the now. Meg is focused on a plan to keep her in the game and Julia is flipping out about a vote flip that would send her packing come Thursday. No one, however, is worried or aware of the Double Eviction headed their way this week.

Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, September 1, 2015:

9:35 AM BBT – HGs starting to stir, but not for long. It’s a slow, quiet morning.

11:00 AM BBT – Sleepytime for the HGs.

12:05 PM BBT – Vanessa gets the HoH camera and goes to wake up the HGs.

12:15 PM BBT – John and Vanessa discuss targeting the Austwins during the next DE. Vanessa still worried that Steve won’t pull the trigger on her plan though she promises she would.

12:45 PM BBT – HGs are up and on the move for Vanessa’s HoH pics session.

12:55 PM BBT – Vanessa returns her HOH camera.

1:04 PM BBT – Julia is freaking out that the vote could flip and she could go. She feels like Steve is acting weird. Liz calms her down. She says she’s never being a pawn again. Austin tells Steve Julia’s concerns so he goes to reassure her.

1:06 PM BBT – Julia still not feeling calm. She suggests she stop sleeping so people can’t flip the vote on her.

1:38 PM BBT – Vanessa and Austin talking about the game winding down and that it’s time to really think about the end-game. They think people want to work with them because the jury hates them and everyone thinks they can win against them in the end. They say there’s no way Steve would lose in the final two.

1:45 PM BBT – Vanessa says they’ve got to get rid of someone who can win the game. Austin says his noms would probably be Steve and Johnny Mac with James as a backdoor option. Vanessa seems to be pushing for Steve to go soon because he’ll win all the end competitions. They officially decide that if John is willing, he’s a better person to work with than Steve.

1:55 PM BBT – Liz comes in and they talk about keeping Steve close to them because they have no idea what he will do if he wins HOH.

2:16 PM BBT – Vanessa asks Steve if he thinks Austin could vote Julia out and pin the vote on Steve. He says he doesn’t see that happening at all. He doesn’t think Austin would be that dirty.

2:27 PM BBT – Liz and Julia talking about Steve and say he’d look horrible if he votes against her.

2:35 PM BBT – Julia again whining about being a pawn. She doesn’t want to pack or come up with a final speech.

2:36 PM BBT – Steve makes a joke about backdooring Vanessa and she’s not amused (when will he learn she can’t take a joke?).

3:00 PM BBT – Meg and James are getting up from a nap and James asks Meg if she’s ready for Operation Trojan Horse.

3:15 PM BBT – Julia is still freaking out about the vote and if she sees Meg and James talking to people things could get crazy.

3:21 PM BBT – Indoor lockdown has been called.

3:40 PM BBBT – HGs aren’t letting each other out of their sites, so everyone is sitting around the table chatting or getting ready to eat. Vanessa is napping in the HOH room.

It’s becoming clear that game talk is going to be hard from here on out as everyone is becoming aware that it’s that time of the season when someone has to go and it could be you or your closest ally. So not many people are letting anyone break off into pairs or small groups to talk game. So it’ll be interesting to see if Meg and James even get a chance to launch Operation Trojan Horse.

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  1. roflmao, now julia knows how other ppl feel being on the block as a “pawn”. she talks a lot of crap about ppl when they are on the block but now she cant take it… oh the irony. If she freaks out that might give them the incentive to send her packing, especially after they find out its another DE…

    • What’s really amazing is IMO she really DOESN’T know how other ppl feel being on the block because she only thinks about how SHE feels. She seems so self-absorbed that I don’t think other ppls feelings even occur to her.

    • Yeah, the other night Julia and Liz complained that they had to cook and clean up their own messes … “well, we’ve always had a housekeeper …” Well, maybe your housekeeper will come keep your seat warm on the block for you, spoiled brats.

  2. it’s so easy to say, “I’d do this” or “I’d do that” from the outside, but I think if I was in Meg’s shoes and everyone’s following everyone to prevent campaigning, I’d just throw it all out there in front of everybody, “yall need to break up a trio over sending me out, who’s not a threat”.

    • Normally, that argument would be more than sufficient. However, the house is basically a bag of hammers–all of them–so standard logic doesn’t apply here. They have all adopted Vanessa’s mentality–I want to get to Y, so I will create faulty logic/reasons(X) to get me there. Mind boggling

    • I agree, instead up coming up with some extravagant plan. How about James & Meg just state the obvious to Steve and John to save herself. The issue is Steve and John are too stupid to not realize that.

      • Everyone knows the obvious so Meg doesn’t have to state it. Vanessa blew it b/c she was too worried about jury votes (the Austwins are a 3 for) but she could have spun it and got the twins to go against Austin (saying it was best for their game) especially since Julia was so freaked about being a pawn. How do you know what Steve and John are thinking? Just b/c someone says or doesn’t say something doesn’t mean anything. If Julia is still here on Thursday then I’ll agree with you. Surprise double eviction will be worth watching.

      • The obvious is Vanessa keeping JMac off the block to have him go after Austwins. That’s why she didn’t put him up at first and didn’t use him as a replacement. The fact that she used Julia as a replacement says it all. The twins are as dumb as Meg so they don’t get what’s going on.

        The other plan to vote out Julia is not as obvious. And if she wins HoH she will put up James and JMac or whoever Vanessa tells her to put up.

        In any case, JMac is already their target so why not vote out Julia? But they still need Steve. Maybe Jmac can convince Steve voting her out is the right thing to do.

      • I might not be expecting a blindside but I can see it happening
        Julie says: “By a vote of 3-2, Julia, you are evicted from the big brother house

      • That would be a dream come true – I’d have to do a screen print of Liz’s face and use it as an avatar.

  3. Many times pawns are voted out and how I wish this was one of those times. If these idiots are smart enough to think of their own game rather than their alliance for a change, then they will break up Austin and his girls now that they have the chance. Austin and Liz vote for Meg to go obviously and James, John and Steve vote out Julia. Austin won’t risk losing Liz by voting Julia out.

    • James, John and Steve don’t make a decision between them that doesn’t have Vanessa’s seal of approval. Those three have been a waste of space in the BB house all season. They could so easily take charge and turn this around, but no … uhhhh – couldn’t do that.

      • Of course they do. But if they’d band together, they’d realize *they are a majority of three* this week. If they got rid of Julia, vote-wise, they’d have one more vote. Competition-wise, they’d be equal with Vanessa, Austin and Liz, because Meg doesn’t win anything.

      • John and Steve can go rough. They know James is voting Julia out. They vote Julia out, tell Vanessa they did it for the three of them. I think Vanessa is hoping they vote Julia out and she says she had no part in Julia going home.

    • First James and Meg need to think of this rather than that stupid plan they came up with. Then Meg, not James, needs to approach both JMac and Steve and offer a deal. She can offer them only one thing though and that is her vote for the next 3 evictions.

      Then she can tell them James could be brought on board if they talk to him but James has to be careful what he says. But if James offers to work with them, not put them up for a couple of weeks, they may see the light. The problem is JMac thinks James and Meg are not trustworthy because they already flipped on Becky. James and meg damaged themselves with that move and now they may have to suffer the consequences.

  4. Move against the AusTwits is so obvious, I will have no sympathy as I watch Steve, James & John walk out the door.

    • For whatever reason, those three can’t count to three between themselves and understand *they are a majority* in the house right now. If they banished Julia, they’d be *a majority of four*, three of which could actually win competitions. I’m just SMH at how stupid these people are.

    • I agree. Watching Meg get evicted by Vanessa makes me want to hire a plane dragging a sign reading “You idiot! You should have evicted her when you had the chance!”

  5. James needs to win BB
    I heard on a page that Julie not Julia said for Season 18 they might do winners from ALL seasons, Boogie you might be on BB for the 4th time, the most anyone has been on BB

  6. John & Steve should vote for evict Julia, the past week when both them were on the same situation, the twins only had a bad attitude, so why keep Julia?

    • That’s true. Liz and Julia said some pretty nasty things about JMac. But I don’t know if he knows it.

      I have no idea why they would wait to go after the Austwins. Every time this house gets a target on the block they manage to let him/her off the hook.

      • I hope that they make the best move for their gameplay. Meg isn’t a threat, and Julia maybe in the competitions too, but strategically is dangerous, so, I think that the best it’s vote out Julia.

  7. This crack me up… 2:35 PM BBT – Julia again whining about being a pawn. She doesn’t want to pack or come up with a final speech.

    Final speech,,, what’s she talking about? How about this if/when Julie says “By a Vote of 3-2 Julia, you’ve been voted out of the House”… then you roll your eyes, look straight at Liz and mouth these words “I told you-ahh!!!”. Then jump up and storm out of the House, don’t hug anyone but Liz and as you turn to go thru the 1st door say “Austin, you traitor, I knew I couldn’t trust you”.

  8. On Jokers, Vanessa was asking Steve if he thought Austin would vote out Julia and try and pin it on him…..somehow Operation Trojan is out of the bag before it even started….did Vanessa come up with the exact same scenario as James and Meg?????

    • This is why I am thinking that this is scripted, with actors that cannot remember the plot lines and who is supposed to say which plot lines. So they get confused and make major mistakes like this one.

      • Something strange for sure….because first James and Meg come up with the idea, and then out of the blue, less than 24 hours later, Vanessa is talking about it? hmmmmmmm

  9. I’m so tired of this crap, James, John, Steve need to vote out JULIA, the time is now or it is to late. They would be in power if they would just stick together. James win HOH, put up Austin and Liz, use Vanessa as your BD option, it’s a win win for James either way.He can cut the head off one out of three snakes. Everybody in jury would vote for James to win if He took out Vanessa, except for her of course. James needs to start thinking about the end game, all of them do.

    • Whether or not Meg or Julia go, James, John or Steve need to win HOH and put up Austin and Vanessa (tell her she’s a pawn…lol) and back door Liz b/c Liz is the least likely to win the veto. The most awesome outcome would be if Julia won HOH and put up Liz and Austin. Now that’s entertainment!

    • I agree. They have an opportunity to unify with James, JMac, Meg and Steve then isolate Vanessa and leave the Austwins down to 2 people. Even if Vanessa does align with Austin and Liz, Vanessa can’t play HoH and it will be 4 against 2. If any of them win HoH they can put up Austin and Vanessa or Austin and Liz and put up the other person if one of them wins veto.

      Meg is not worth much but she is a vote and with 4 of them, they can control the votes and evict whoever they want.

      But this house seems unwilling to flip anything. They are all afraid to make a move.

      I hope JMac wins HoH. At least we know he will put up Austin and Liz. That’s something different anyway.

      • Totally agree. Liz should be the one to be back doored because she is least likely to win veto and they can take their pick.

  10. This is the worst, I will give a top five of what should have happened this week
    5. The austwins should work together to get Vanevil out
    4. Meg and James, it is either u are blind or made a mistake Austwins will vote for you TO GET OUT
    3. James if meg leaves then your only option is to work with John Steve and I am afraid Vanevil
    2. Vanhipocrit, get twin #2 out, (reference to what Jason said in DR aka Julia) even if you think twin #1 aka Liz is a bigger threat because now you have the option to get an Ausbrat out.
    and number one drumroll plz.
    1. If you admitted Vanhipocrit that getting Meg out is a wasted HOH then why then heck did you put Meg up or even so get Steve and John to vote Julia out.

    • Don’t stop there. Like I already said, Julia should win HOH and put up Austin and Liz. If she did, she’d be guaranteed to win if someone dragged her to the F2. Only Austin would say nay.

    • Exactly what I said she needed to get twins out before jury now she is screwed I think its bus she thinks jmeg is power couple I think she wants Meg out cause everyone would take her to f2. So she is getting rid of her as she will make the case everyone should take her as the jury hated her. This week she is simply removing one of her competitors for f2 its the only reason it can be power couple my butt

  11. I know its not going to happen but I really hope the house flips and votes out Julia. She really needs a slap upside her head. Tonight she said Meg aligned with the wrong people, the mean people”. Is she kidding? Her people are the mean people. Her and her sister are two of the meanest and Julia is by far worse than Liz. Perhaps voting her out this week would send her a message she needs to hear.

  12. But John Steve need to come to their senses and forget Vancrit and vote Julia out Steve John if you want an ausbrat out NOW IS THE CHANCE AND ONLY CHANCE YOU GOT BEFORE THE AUSBRATS CONTROL THE VOTES FOR EVER

  13. And 3 lost jury votes plus Jackie’s plus maybe Shelli or Becky equals enough votes for the other one to win

  14. Ha ha ha van asking Steve if Austin would vte Julia and blame on its like they were reading this board lol I forget who but some in here were suggesting Austin should do just that but smart that van thought about that on here own she will likely bring this up to Austin and suggest someone else was wondering if he would do that..of course just bringing it up to him will now put the screws to that as if they did obviously van would be onto that..I can’t wait for DE and hope they get van out so at least then the others would play their own game rather than Vanessa’s. Idk why but I have a feeling Julia will be going I think the others have finally figured they should get her out now while they still can..and Austin I think would be thrilled with this..yes would piss off van and Julia but what they don’t know is its a DE..and van can’t play so odds are James iMac or Steve will win and put up some kind of mix of Austin van and Liz .one will go home only leaving 2 from that alliance…one can hope anyway..those Mr bean twins will be bitter jury members which is why van should have gotten someone to get them out before jury now she is stuck and they will have 2 jury votes..that’s why van made a mistake keeping them till jury she will have a hard time now getting votes to win.. She waited too long..and the jury is bitter so I don’t see van winning in a f2 with if she were to get rid of austwins then I think the jury will vote her to win only if she does jury hates awstwins maybe more than van. Can’t wait for this DE. If Julia doesnt go this week I see her going in DE and depending on who wins if jmeg win you will see van or Liz go

    • Vanessa said it to plant a seed and put doubt in Steve’s mind…ut wasn’t a new idea, didn’t Vanessa and Austin already discuss it? Could be wrong. I think Vanessa’s strategy is to get everyone so confused they don’t know which end is up. No wonder that dizzy broad managed to stay focused last HOH.

  15. Me too. Won’t happen though, both girls are pretty useless in the game too, especially without their protectors.

  16. Despite the negatives of the season, (there’s a lot) I will say I like that everyone in the house gets along. Even those wanting each other out still enjoy being around one another. A good environment mostly. There were seasons before when lines were drawn, and they were rude and uncomfortable. Micranda anyone?

    • Really? You think the annoying twins are nice to Vampire Dentist after all the trashy and threatening talks about him?
      Remember the Troll’s missus was so angry she almost cried because Vampire Dentist just returned from the dead?

  17. Some ppl think that Vanessa is a Derrick, she is more of a GinaMarie
    Anyone want to list character traits.
    1. They both look ugly without makeup

  18. I know most won’t believe it,but I worked out with Austin at his gym before, and he’s very nice and smart. I think some of what he does and says is for the benefit of the show. After seeing this I believe that the producers want them all to play a certain part, a certain aspect of their personality more prominently.

      • Did you not read that msg prior to replying? The whole point was that they manufacture a character to be a certain way, only highlighting aspects of that person’s personality. Pay attention.

      • Well who does that? Ignores almost the whole thing to quickly try to point out the person’s wrong. When they aren’t. We are here to converse- I thought.

      • I personally know people locally in maine who did a “reality” sort of show on A&E and they forced everything, and I mean everything. Though you wouldn’t know it otherwise. It’s a little different, but point is that I do agree.

    • I do think it is possible. Image is everything, and while some has to be natural I’m sure some things are intended. Like on shows like this or survivor, when edits are meant to paint a certain image.

      • “when edits are meant to paint a certain image”

        I agree to that but to a certain extent, coz there’s no smoke without fire. They provide production with all the nasty things that they do or say. Actually the production is nice to them, coz they are really bad on live feeds, but only a glimpse of that was aired on live tv.

    • So you mean he cheats on his girlfriend on national tv is a fake out?
      Not necessary his real personality?

      • Gameplay, maybe. He told steve his girlfriend s aid to do whatever necessary to win. Who knows. But no I didn’t mean that necessarily, nor just him. I used him because I met him, and he was different.

  19. I wonder how Van Van could come out with the idea that the Big Troll would vote for evict the less intelligent twin and pin the blame to Lil Stevie.
    Whether she’s that smart … in good paranoia kind of way, or … some whispers in the DR?
    I think the producers do want GrandMeg to go. Now we are in the nitty gritty part of the show, so NinJa-Mes would go guns blazing in the DE is better than the Caretaker with a baggage GrandMeg.

    • I didn’t think of that. The idea of getting Austin to vote out Julia sounds so crazy its hard to believe Vanessa would think of it or take it seriously. I have no idea what production wants or says but we do know that they do hints in the DR. I remember Amanda talking about it during season 15.

  20. Vanessa is a crappy player, but lucky for her she’s the only one playing the game. Who in their right mind would take out Meg now, instead of Julia? Vanessa’s big mistake was not putting Liz up, but that’s cool I can’t stand Vanessa anyway. I hope somebody grows a pair and sends her packing during DE.

    • I gave this a lot of thought and I am coming around to this point of view. I do think Austin is trying to play the game but he is playing a defensive game to protect Liz. The twins are floating to power. Steve is doing the same.

      JMac is just starting to play but I don’t really understand his strategy. Meg and James are playing the game 30 second a day and they are oblivious the rest of the time. James seems more interested in going camping with Meg than winning the game.

      So that leaves Vanessa as the only one with a real game plan to get to the end. I think she has made a lot of mistakes but she has been lucky that the other HGs are so bad at the game.

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