Overnight Meg and James crafted a new plan to flip the vote and save their Goblins alliance. It’s more than a Hail Mary. This one looks more like Mission Impossible, but don’t tell them that.
Operation Trojan Horse is about to be launched on Tuesday as this week’s target hopes to turn things around and convince the other Houseguests to take out a brick from the “strong fortress” foundation.
I’m glad to see Meg and James working on a plan instead of her napping away the last few days, but let’s not get too excited. At this point I’d even warn against being cautiously optimistic based on the details of their plan and here they are.
Flashback to 4:10 AM BBT 9/1 to find the Goblins going through what they think will work to save Meg. First step is to go to Austin and convince him that he needs to vote out Julia. No, I’m not kidding. But to avoid having Austin take any blame they’ll pin the flip vote on Steve.
With Steve taking the fall that also means they won’t be trying to bring Steve in on the plan. Instead the third vote would have to come from Johnny Mac. They think John would be easy to flip on this plan and the real challenge for them would be Austin.
James argues that Austin knows he can’t keep protecting three people and this would give him an easy out. Now in a vacuum I’d say Austin would like the idea of having Liz to himself without having to worry about Julia riding on Liz’s back to the end. Then Austin would have both Liz and Vanessa to himself with Julia out since Vanessa and Julia would be closer than Austin and Julia if Liz were to go later.
Austin isn’t going to flip on Vanessa though. If she doesn’t approve of this idea then she won’t allow it and considering that bond Vanessa has with Julia that just won’t happen. Vanessa wants Liz out, not Julia, and she already missed that chance.
Same goes for John that he won’t flip against Vanessa and especially not for James and Meg. They burned Becky by keeping Vanessa and John knows they’re not reliable, especially not enough to burn his newly minted arrangement with Vanessa. And definitely not a good deal for him to have to get his other ally, Steve, in trouble. This plan by James and Meg would put John at odds with the only two allies he has. Won’t happen.
Now I know James is a fan favorite and Meg is well liked too, but they’ve suffered from a disconnect between how they perceive the game and what’s really going on. It’s common and understandable, but it’s been crushing to their games. This situation is no different.
Jump ahead to 4:49 AM BBT as James explains “the only way this won’t work” is if Austin has some sort of final “deals with them and they’re working together like deep undercover.” Austin has final deals with the twins, with Vanessa, and he’s been working closely Steve this whole game. The only other HG left that Austin doesn’t have a close alliance to is John.
They’re sunk, but I’ll give it to them that they’re trying and that’s important. You never want to walk out of that house without giving it your all to stay so I’m glad they’re doing something. This just isn’t going to work though. I still expect Meg to be voted out 4-1 on Thursday.
With everyone complaining about “stupid decisions”, I guess anything is possible. Lol. Here’s hoping Austin & Jmac make another “bad decision”! Cheers everyone! {clink}
I think us viewers sometimes give past game moves too much weight and have to realize from the HGs viewpoint all that matters is the game at the moment and getting revenge later. Perseverance has to be priority #1, personal vendetta #2.
I haven’t seen anyone misread a situation like this since Marcellas way back when….
Ya, they are so clueless. Like when Jackie had them convincds it was impossible that Vanessa, the twins and Austin were working together. They just don’t see the game at all. They see what is laid out before them, and don’t come to any of there own conclusions.
James explains โthe only way this wonโt workโ is if Austin has some sort of final โdeals with them and theyโre working together like deep undercover.โ
They aren’t working deep undercover, it’s pretty out in the open. They are just blind as to what is going on. Telling Austin is the dumb move here. They need to get Steve and JMac on board and then blame it on Vanessa.
I’m rooting for James, but it seems to me that Meg and James still have trouble getting that BB HGs will lie to their face and stab them in the back. James kind of gets it, but Meg still seems to be baffled by it. They also seem to expect the HGs to be logical as in why don’t they target Austwins. They don’t realize that while the Austwins should definitely be targeted, the ones that need to do the targeting are either chickens**t or feel it will hurt their game. I would love for Julia to get booted, but it won’t happen. All that’s going to happen is Austin is going to rat out James like he always does. Then we will have to see twits Julia and Liz freak out over how dare James and Meg try to save themselves. Oh, well. If this group is in charge next HOH I’ll just wait and watch the finale and put an end to my pain.
You are 100% on the mark and I hate it
Considering how untrustworthy James has been in the past by not keeping his deal with Shelli and stabbing alliance member Becky in the back causing her to go home, I don’t understand why James doesn’t realize that the other HG’s can be just as dishonest as he has been.
He never stabbed becky in the back. And Clay and Shelli were running the whole house and had lied and backstabbed multiple people. The issue is that nobody wants to be the one to make a big game changing move except James adn meg…and Meg is useless.
He really did lie to shelli snd his biggest mistake was turning on Becky when he could have taken out Vanessa
I know it’s a game about lies and deceit but he just made a lot of bad moves at the wrong times
Not only that but by doing so James lost any chance of ever having superior numbers against the SS alliance.
After Becky (one of his alliance members) showed her hand by targeting Vanessa who was the guy that changed the target from Vanessa to Shelli? Wasn’t that James? And by doing so he ruined Becky’s game since the surviving Vanessa quickly sent Becky to the jury house. Not that James seemed to mind one little bit. With friends like James who needs enemies?
James doesn’t even realize how much that move ruined his game as well.
They spend too much time isolated, in the have-not room. So they can’t see the whole picture. Terrible decision to enter this game and live an insular life?.
Hasn’t Meg misread the house the entire season? She has been by far the most clueless HG in years – maybe Helen in her assessment of Andy?
Meg is the one who thought Steve was closer to them than the Austwins right up until Steve put her and Jackie on the block and Jackie went home. Meg didn’t play the game while Jason was in the house and she only started playing when Jackie went home. But she has fallen way behind. I remember when James was HoH and he had to rustle Meg and Jackie out of bed because he was outside alone with the rest of the house and he needed support. I remember Becky doing the same thing multiple times when her “alliance” hid out in the Have Not room. They have been the worst players and worse alliance members this season and maybe for several seasons.
And just think, Meg has James’ ear… too bad for James. Though he has corrected her several times, the problem is she withholds info from him according to which way she wants to sway him… typical woman. LOL!!!
Or she’d just forgotten them until he triggered it from her.
She forgot, didn’t withhold, she’s not smart enough for that…
She’s got an agenda too don’t forget plus in her mind that’s a strategy she’ll have as her only only argument to the Jury she had game so basically “I withheld this info so… “. LOL. I’m sure she has survived in life w/looks and being a truly nice person.
Gosh, it really hard to picture her pitching to the Jury that F1 should go to her… REALLY HARD!!!
One of the things Jason realized after he was evicted was that he should have hung out with those he didn’t particularly like, something Jackie, Meg and James did and now Meg and James are still doing.
I’m fairly positive, Jeff was the most clueless house guest this summer. Poor Jeff.
Having no idea their were 2 HoHs and was completely lost when they were telling him their were twins, lol.
I don’t think Jeff ever watched an episode, much less a season.
Don’t forget Lawon! Worst game move ever!
I still lmao when I think about him. He practically begged to be voted out. haha
Anyone who votes out Meg and doesn’t view her as the perfect person to take to the final 2 is a complete idiot.
Julia now replaces Meg. So, it does not really matter. Both have done nothing in the game.
Considering Julia is an identical twin to Liz who has won comps, are we so certain she is as bad as Meg? Meg is clueless and unable to win comps. I think Julia is nowhere near as bad as Meg and I would be careful thinking she is as bad as Meg. Julia is more able bodied and has a better feel for the house than Meg. Plus she is being coached by Vanessa. I think this is why Vanessa has chosen Julia for F2 and not Meg.
To me Meg is Victoria all over again. She is nothing more than a vote. But Meg doesn’t have a sister in the house. If James goes home, Meg will not have anyone to seek revenge with.
There is no doubt in mind my the least threatening person in the house is Meg.
Julia is still one body, one vote and with good competitors still left in the Big Brother House, her only effect would be on her vote. However, if Johnny Mac or Steve win the next HOH, chances are good that James, Austin, Liz are the targets. Of course, if Steve or Johnny Mac fail to win the next HOH then, it is over for them and probably Vanessa as well.
And, remember Julia’s DR response to Zingbot’s comments last week about her not being the brightest bulb in the socket, as compared to her twin …
They both have the same SAT scores .. but, did not bother to mention what those scores where ??
Actually Julia is way worse…and like what was said before, Julia is her own person. You can’t group her with Liz, Liz won the HOH and POV on her own, not with her sister. So, acting like Julia’s wins equals Liz’s wins is ludricous
By virtue of alliance, Julia is way better than Meg. No question. I think she got lucky aligning with the stronger players, but in a game that includes luck, so be it.
OOPs didn’t see your post. Great minds think alike:)
But Julia is a number and vote for whoever’s in power whereas Meg isn’t.
Ding ding ding we have a winner! Idiot, was the correct answer to ‘What are these players?’ lol
For James, Meg, JMac and Steve voting out Julia makes sense, but for Vanessa it doesn’t. And since Vanessa is a master manipulator and James and Steve don’t wanna make her mad, I’d expect Meg to be voted out.
You’re right… but, the proverbial “but” if V’s ploy is too look 100% vote Meg out and last minute instructs JMac & Steve to vote Julia out… then cry & whines after the fact that the 2 boys went rogue. Letting JMac & Steve in on the overall plan and that she going to play like she ‘totally done’ with them that way no will think the 3 of them (V/JMac/Steve) are working together. This would really work if they are hit this a DE after a Julia eviction.
That’s a possibility, or I like Steve JMac, James and Meg teaming up(after voting out Julia), next HoH it’d be 4vs2 cuz Vanessa can’t play, and if they win then take out Vanessa or Austin/Liz and be 4vs2 in the house after that. That’d be the best move for them IMO.
And blame the flop on Vanessa, Austin and Liz know she can’t be trusted, but Vanessa would just manipulate them into believing her story, but at that point James,JMac, Meg and Steve wont really care if they can win HoH and just get one of the 3 of them out.
Yup, I agree w/you, problem is Vanessa… they all seem to bow to her. It’s like they don’t believe they can out smart her or they’re afraid to take her on.
Yup, all season, too scared to go against her. They can’t fathom getting her out cuz they saw what happened to Becky if you miss, you are out next. It’d have to be during a DE where she wont have enough time to manipulate everyone, but even then unlikely.
Yeah, it’s a hard nut to crack, seems they got zeroed in on Van during Austin’s HoH with the 5 person alliance (Liztins, Julia, JMac & Steve) then Van wins POV but truthfully I don’t think Austin would have done it anyway. I tend to think him & Van have a REAL F2 deal from the beginning & before his shomance came into play.
I agree, no way Austin was gonna put up Vanessa. He was too scared, saw her as a number for his side, and can’t hurt to keep someone who claims to have a F2 deal with you. And she does with Julia too, so I doubt she’d flip on her.
Maybe at one time, but at this point I tend to believe Austin’s only interested in dealing with Lizia
Especially liz lol
Yep. And them being afraid means Julia stays and Meg goes this week. With James or JohnnyMac likely to follow if one doesn’t win next HoH
I’m not giving up on Julia leaving, I still think Van is holding her cards close to her vest and might sic her dogs on Julia at the last minute when no one like Austin or Liz is looking… she might be practicing her “OH MY GOD!!!” right about now to use after Julie announces the vote. I definitely won’t be surprised if Sweet Meg goes but I believe it could come back & bite Van in the butt.
It makes less than zero percent sense for Steve to vote out Julia. In fact, I’d argue it makes negative 100% sense.
Julia = Meg and she’s on their side
Yeah, her or Julia… with Meg slightly in the lead. Heck and some people call them bad players, 2nd place is better than 0 place.
The thing with Meg, is that apparently, all the HG’s like her .. while Julie, as she has portrayed herself to be a B*tch along with her Twin at times …. may have a wee bit of an edge on the social game .. while Julia, would have an advantage with the numbers, one would think ??
But will a bitter jury vote for meg to win instead of rewarding the person next to her for great game play…I hope they would vote for the best player not the most liked
They would really have to HATE that person up against her, Meg & Julia both have that 2nd place look at best.
I don’t think there is a jury bitter enough to have Meg win. That would be like Adam (BB13) winning or spencer (BB15) winning, I just can’t see it.
Even if the jurors hate the person in final 2, they usually end up winning.
Well…. considering I’m fairly sure about 85% of the HGs this year have played like idiots, I’m with you. It’s a pretty safe assumption….
It is way too late for the Goblins after throwing allies Becky and Johnny Mac under the bus. While, they the Goblins are allies with Austwins, it is now an alliance of convenience until Vanessa is voted out or James is finally evicted. Vanessa has an alliance of convenience with her alliance mates and with James, Johnny Mac and Steve still in the house and can throw a monkey wrench in their plans, they will stick to each other for now. Now, if Johnny Mac or Steve win HOH then, all bets are off. They will be double dumb not to target Austin, Liz and James because their necks could be on the chopping block next. Make your move while, you can or let the other side chop your head. It is as simple as that and James, Steve and Johnny Mac are all expendable to everyone else.
The Dumblins can’t see past the current day, let alone a week. They have been playing for there safety each week, and not focusing on what might get them past 2 or three weeks. Jackie, Becky, Jmac (even tho he returned) and now likely Meg have all gone out. Yes they haven’t won any HoH’s, but they also haven’t taken there opportunities to to get someone out when they could have. They messed up getting Shelli out over Vanessa, and now they are trying to get Austin to flip on Julia, there view of the game is so warped.
Warped it is. It is right before their faces like a King Cobra about to bite them and still, they do not see it. Like they say, you can lead a horse to water but, cannot make him drink it.
But their reasons for thinking Austin would take out Julia are even more stupid.
They need to get JMac and Steve on board, blame it on Vanessa, create a 4 person alliance, then it’s 4-2 in the next HoH since Vanessa can’t play, and if they win take another out and then they are in a great spot with 4vs2 left in the house.
That’s why the JMac/Steve with James is the best option at this point, vote out Julia… then you’ve got Van & her boys + James/Meg taking out Austin/Liz. SWEET!!! but wishful.
Ya, but I think Vanessa likes the Austwins as a shield at this point to still say they are a bigger threat than her, with Julia gone they are still a bigger threat, but not as big as they were and someone could strike at her feeling ok about leaving a couple in the house, since it’s not a 3 person group anymore.
Both BB & Survivor do not like couple or 2-person or more alliance it’s been true since the beginning of time. LOL. Plus Austin & Liz both are capable at comps.
I agree, just saying it’d be more likely that she could be targeted next week or the week after if Julia is gone this week. It’s just one less person the other side has to focus on before her.
Austin has said before he wants Julia gone.. You can tell he doesn’t care for her.. But he’s to weak to do it
They didn’t mess up taking Shellie out.. She was seriously gunning for James.. She even mentioned it the other day.. The problem is James doesn’t have a strong partner.. Meg can’t win nothing.. He can’t win everything on his own..
At this point it’s not too late & think about Van/Steve/JMac/ alliance plus James in return for saving Meg so + Meg, say good-bye to Liztin is it, after a Julia eviction? I know wishful thinking but it could happen.
It could if Steve doesn’t get wind of Julia eviction now and JMac doesn’t tell Van!
Of the JMac/James/Steve vote Julia out, it would seem Steve is the loose cannon… I think that’s why Van has to play a part in this and then act like she didn’t but with JMac & Steve in on that part of the deception after the vote… those 3 seem to love acting like they are at odds with each other to fool the other HGs, just saying to me I see that.
After the eviction & Julia’s pic fading to grey, I picture Van/Steve/JMac in that food storage room jumping up & down, high five-ing each other and then saying “Okay now, pretend we’re totally pissed off at each other” before they scamper out the door, though not leaving as a group. LOL. Wishful thinking, right?
I can see that happening! So who will Van take to Final2 if not Julia? Steve? I doubt she’s taking Steve once she found out he’s really sore after the 20 min workout. And when she suggested he do this every day, he said, “I’m not sure I can do that!” or something to that effect.
Yeah, she should be seeing straight through that b.s. of Steve’s.
Julia/Meg what’s the difference? Van probably thinks she can beat the other at F2 also but one of those 2 would be easiest. I still think if she goes F4 with Austwins she’s out of the money & that may happen at F3 even. She needs 2 Austwins out to have a chance, gosh I still would hate to see her win even F2.
So it needs to be James/Austin/JMac VTE Julia instead of Steve in there.
We’ll have to ask Vanessa, silly!!!
I’m thinking of that, but without Vanessa(but with her is fine too). Cuz Vanessa has a F2 with Juila so likely wont want her gone, but if the other 3 keep Meg, then next HoH it’s 4vs2 cuz Vanessa can’t play, if they win they can get rid of Vanessa/Austin/Liz then have the majority at 4vs2(or if Vanessa is with them 5vs1) in the house. They aren’t smart enough to come up with it(maybe Vanessa, but I doubt the other 4 could come up with it without her), but still…
If Van doesn’t switch her dogs (JMac & Steve) on to vote Julia out I believe you may be right about an F2 with Julia, think about this, she probably has an F2 w/Austin and an F2 w/Steve & maybe F2 w/JMac. LOL!!! OhMyGosh… but if Van went this route with too many deals, I believe that it will turn around and bite her in the a$$. You can only hope and if it doesn’t I’ll have to eat my words & predictions and hand it to her.
Well I have read her and Julia have agreed to F2 if Liz is gone, but who knows if they will hold to it. And ya, Vanessa is trying to set F2s up with everyone so no one will want to put her up or vote her out thinking she wont do the same to them, they are all to dumb to see what she is doing and are just falling for it.
They’re banking on something similar, but still voting out Meg. I don’t think it will work because James is too emotional and James is closest to Austin.
Ya, with Meg gone it will just be send James into the Austwins arms as far as voting goes, even though he says he will pout them up, if he’s not HoH he will side with them.
Not only won’t this plan work but it will ruin any chance they have of Steve and John flipping on their own. The article hits the nail on the head, James and Meg have no idea what’s going on in the house. That’s because they often sleep and isolate themselves from other HGs. They have no connections with Steve and JMan which is shameful game play at this stage of the game. They talk game with Austin and Vanessa, but not JMac? That’s just plain stupid.
Ya they have no clue about game play, and bringing it to Austin is dumb, they’d need to get JMac and Steve on board, then blame Vanessa, and have it be 4vs2 in the next HoH comp cuz Vanessa can’t play, then get another of them out and be 4vs2 if they won HoH. That’d be very good for everyone else’s game. But they will play it safe, get out Meg this week, then James next week then JMac, then Steve and maybe Vanessa can get one out late in between.
What funny is Vanessa has thown in their faces things they said to other HGs – like Austin, and yeet they don’t think Austin will go back to Vanessa and tell her everything they offer him. Brainless.
They don’t think things though. Like the last few weeks when people have come up to talk game with them, they immediately run and tell Austin and wait for him to tell them what to do. They don’t know what to do, and know they can’t do anything on there own, so they are hoping Austin is looking out for there best interest. But why in f*ck would he do that? He’s keeping them for his own goals, and will cut them when needed, they are just dumb.
What about the time Vanessa created an 8 person alliance including Jason, James, Jackie, Meg and said this was it, meaning the alliance she was with?In the same instance, she promised to backdoor Austin. And what happened after that? Vanessa backdoored Jason meaning she lied to their faces, broke her promise as for the alliance? In contrast, Becky did not put them on the block but, put Vanessa and Shelli side by side on the block. Becky made her move early is her only mistake. She should have stuck with Vanessa and put on the block James and Jackie and evicted both of them to the jury house. That would have kept Becky in Vanessa’s good graces until she is able to evict Vanessa.
No, Vanessa has never lied, gone back on her word, bullied, manipulated or done anything else bad to anyone in the house. She is looking out for the best interest of every other house guest before her own. This according to Vanessa,
Yeah, that is why James, Jackie and Meg believe Vanessa. Clueless is the word. If Vanessa was a Cobra, all three would be dead already.
Every one in that house is trying to keep Vanessa in their good graces until they can evict her. The game is revolving around her. At this point no one is willing to kick her out, that’s why she will end up winning.
Actually, I think it is harder for Vanessa to win now. The reasons are that: 1) She has to form alliances with house guests that hate her like Steve and Johnny Mac, 2) She has alliance of convenience with her alliance members until, James, Johnny Mac and Steve are gone or Vanessa is evicted by one of the three. 3) If James, Austin, Liz or Julia win the next HOH, it will be Johnny Mac and Steve on the chopping block. That buys Vanessa some time but, she has nobody left on her side. It would be easy for the others to evict her at that point. So, Vanessa has to keep Steve and Johnny Mac in the hopes that they win HOH and take out James, Austin, Liz and Julia. 4) And if Steve and Johnny Mac succeed in removing James, Austin, Liz and Julia from the Big Brother House, what is to stop them from sticking to each other and evicting Vanessa and sending her to the jury house?
You can’t trust Steve!! He’s loyal to Vanessa.. I get bringing john on board.. He mentioned a couple of days ago he trust James, because he knows where James is coming from..
Have John and Steve tried to have any connection with them? Those two are betting everything on Vanessa telling them what to do. NO one is playing this game but Vanessa.
It is part of strategy. Steve and Johnny Mac have been thrown under the bus by Austin by putting both of them under the block. James and Meg is also, in an alliance with Austin, Liz and Julia. That leaves only Vanessa in an alliance of convenience with Steve and Johnny Mac. They need each other to give them a chance against the Goblin-Austwins alliance which is the majority vote.
Ironically, with the history of James and Meg (ok, moreso James) for not respecting his promises, in recent past …. anyone who would trust them now, deserves to be backstabbed .. Ha !!!
Despite what you may say about Vanessa, regardless of all her waivering, she has not really voted, (in)directly against her Alliance .. Perhaps, like the rest of them, talked about it, but, in the end, did not pull the trigger …
If, she makes it to the F2, her argument for the Jury, would be one of loyalty, blah blah blah to her Alliance, at all costs … Please STOP it with all the “blood on the hands” nonsense, however …
I said this yesterday-if Vanessa would own her amazing game play in the Dairy Room, she would be one of the best to play in years. But I honestly think she believes her own bull. She really thinks she is a victim and I can see her in final 2 saying I was all alone my back was against the wall every week. I was being attacked on a personal level and whatever else she cries about in there and she will 100% try and claim she played with dignity and never lied unless she had no choice.
Owning it or not, the fact remains that her gameplay has been amazing.
I do not agree with that at all. Her game play has been erratic and crazy. He conspiracies and theories even more crazy. The game is not over but if she gets evicted by the Austwins it will be because she made a huge mistake letting the twins in the house.
Vanessa made herself a huge target multiple times and if not for the idiots names Meg and James who come up with ridiculous plans like the one to get Austin to evict Julia, Vanessa would have been and should have been evicted weeks ago.
Vanessa is playing like Audrey – which is why Austin called her Audrey II.
I will give her credit for one thing. She has managed to intimidate the house with her antics. James and Austin are afraid of her shadow not because of her game play but because of her crying, whining, bullying, etc.
Vanessa’s game play has been pretty poor in my opinion, but this entire house is full of people who have no clue so her game play is just a tad better than theirs.
To me Derrick set the bar for BB game play and Vanessa is nowhere near Derrick in that regard.
The fact that she’s still there is testament to the fact that she’s doing something correct. There’s a negative tendency to blame her success on the stupidity of others, but that’s severely shortchanging the brilliance that is Vanessa. They’re not all as dumb as James and Meg. You’re right in that she shouldn’t be there anymore, and the fact that she is is reason enough to admire her game play. My opinion at least.
Absolutely …
Vanessa’s only goal appear to be “Winning at All Cost ..” and have played that way .. So what, if she dug deep to play a personal game on the insecurities and emotions of the other HG’s … She has not, if I recall, made any personal / physical threats against anyone, or has she ??
Her meltdown during week 1 about missing Meg and Home, was the start of her emotional/mental strategy, imo … realizing that she could target a number of individuals with that strategy, while opting with something else, as it came up …
As noted above … if she would just “Own It” … instead of the “.. get the hands bloody …” etc…. the Game is really Her’s to lose at this point ….
If she is able to, somehow survive the Double Eviction this week ….
The people here really like to complain though. I think it’s an internet thing in general. Even if she were to own it, there’d be a new reason to discount her strategy.
My only hope at this point is that the next three to go are Meg, Julia and James in that order. Then let the real players battle it out. From an audience perspective, that would be an amazing battle to watch because every single one of them has a real shot to win.
Vanessa has never lied, gone back on her word, bullied, manipulated or done anything else bad to anyone in the house. She is looking out for the best interest of every other house guest before her own. She HAS been alone very week, everyone targeting her for no reason and no one wanting her there because she is gay. This according to Vanessa.
Are have nots allowed to eat candy? I did miss the episode when the candy came in. Was it voted to be the have nots extra food? I know the fun dip was.
Yes, they are!
I’d love to see Julia evicted, but I doubt it will happen this week. There is a $10,000 reason why it won’t………that’s what Vanessa promised to pay Julia if something went wrong and Julia was evicted.
But James, Meg, JMac and Steve don’t know about that deal.
IDK if that was ever agreed upon, and production said for Vanessa to stop offering people money. I doubt that holds much water in the discussion, plus there would be nothing holding Vanessa to that deal anyway.
I know it’s not within the rules but lets have fun and say it is, after BB finale she’d say “I never said that” or “I meant if I won” or “I meant if I won F1 not F2” or “I just meant I 100% believed you wouldn’t get evicted”.
ya, Vanessa would just claim some BS reason as to why she shouldnt/isn’t going to pay, and then probably cry for making her feel bad lol.
In all fairness, James keeps mentioning about paying one year rent for GrandMeg’s apartment if he wins, that’s also not allowed, right? But he has never been spanked about that.
He won’t do that…her rent is very high. He needs to put his efforts towards his child than her.
He’s not bribing her by saying that.
Has said it more than once
I think Vanessa had to back off this deal after BB production had words with her about it.
Yes she has an “out” or she can say Julia didn’t hug her very well on her way out the door. Vanessa always finds an excuse.
Everytime I think something sounds like a great idea or plan it never happens, so hopefully with how stupid this plan sounds and how dense some house guests are this plan will some how work!!
I suspect it will only make James the #1 target of the twins instead of JMac. This seems to be what the Goblins are best at, making enemies.
I hope this is correct. There’s only so much supreme stupidity one can take. Get the two most clueless people in the house out pronto, por favor.
John told everything to Vanessa when he was on the block, he still got sent out ( glad he came back).. It don’t hurt to try, she’s on the block.. Save yourself by any means necessary..Austin has told James he doesn’t care for Julia..
James and Meg are so likable yet so gosh darned dumb. It just makes me like them even more. Bless their hearts.
At least they are trying. I would love it if they can convince the Big Troll to evict the less charming twin, in the same time Vampire Dentist works with Lil Stevie to both evict the less intelligent twin as well so the votes are 4-1 in GrandMeg’s favor.
So the Big Troll’s missus will know her bae’s betrayal and all the hell breaks loose on live tv. Yay!
That’s if it were scripted.
Austin loves good t.v.!
Steve has zero incentive to side with Meg over Julia, and John stated in his exit interview with Julie Chen that his primary target was Meg.
It ain’t gonna happen.
Thank you! At least they are trying..
Who in that house isn’t dumb besides Vanessa? Even she gets stupid when that crazy side starts taking her over
Steve, JMac, and Austin are not dumb. You may not like them for one reason or another, but they’re far from dumb.
Steve is gullible and desperate to be liked, Jmac can’t seem to act without some telling him what to do, Austin just thinks he’s smart…..Dumb.
Vanessa will drop all of them like a bad habit, as she should and none of them will know what hit them.
You say tomato, I say no way Jose.
I’m sorry a lot of people may not like Austin, but he is not dumb.. He has never been on the block..
That doesn’t make him smart…
I agree they are not intellectually stupid and frankly, JMac has played a very smart game. So has Steve. They are not fooled by Vanessa, she is just a necessary evil until they break up the Austwins, then I think they go after her. But JMac and Steve have survived this long on strategy. Vanessa, Austin and the twins have survived because of their alliance.
That makes Steve and JMac’s game even more impressive.
The twins, Meg and James are just dumb.
I don’t agree on Vanessa or Austin at all, but I’m on board with the rest of what you’re saying. The alliance IS Vanessa and Austin. They are the two who created Sixth Sense, and if the alliance is what got them this far, then as creators of the alliance, they deserve the credit.
After reading about this plan of theirs I have decided James and Meg both need to go. Meg this week and James next. That fact that two people as clueless as they are have survived this long is ludicrous. Do they really think they can get Austin to turn on Liz’s sister before they can convince Steve to vote Julia out? Not that I think they can convince Steve or JMac but how they believe Austin will be easier is beyond comprehension. Not only that, approaching Austin with such a plan will most certainly get back to the twins and will make James a huge target next. It is so stupid it is infuriating. I can see Austin and Vanessa laughing at how ridiculous an attempt to save Meg this is.
Everything that has happened to them since Becky was HoH is their own fault. They turned on Becky and now no one trusts them enough to make a deal with them. They believed Vanessa’s lies about Becky and left Vanessa in the game and now Vanessa put them on the block and Meg is going home. I hope when they go to JMac he tells them “sorry, no deals. Since you back stabbed Becky I can’t trust you. Vanessa is here because of you so deal with it yourselves.” That would be nice to see.
James and Meg, just give up. You are too dumb to play this game. And Meg, winning physical comps is the least of your weaknesses in this game. You are the worst strategic playing I can remember.
Thanks for making my day. Feel the same way
With all due respect, James and Meg are no worse than the rest of the house with respect to strategy. They are a bag of hammers, just like everyone else in there. This could be the worst season in the history of the show in terms of misreading the house and bad gameplay in general across the board
I agree they are all wimps and dummies but this plan is by far the dumbest thing I have heard yet. Just think, Meg wants Austin to turn on Liz’s sister and then lie to Liz about it! As if Liz would not find out after the show is over! OMG this is stupid. Worse, Meg and James are stone sober because they can’t drink!
When Meg and James get out of the house we have to let them know they are cute together but so stupid we felt sorry for them! Meg, just needs to go away. BB should move the eviction up two days and let’s get it over with today, like now. Get Meg out of the house before I we hear any more stupidity like this.
The plan by itself is fine–the only problem is that they torpedoed any chance of it happening with their previous actions. Hanging Becky out to dry with the Shelli eviction destroyed any chance they had of flipping JMac. Yes, they have only themselves to blame for the position they are in. That being said, I’m pulling for James to somehow win–besides him and JMac, there are no other likable people left in the house. I can’t see him getting much further–he is totally on his own now, but maybe he can run off a string of HOH and veto wins
I guess the brain cells work in reverse when you have basically no good options.
The alternative is Meg pulling an Audrey, or sleeping the last 2 days away in the HN room. She’s fighting, which is commendable.
I think there’s a strong argument to be made that James and Meg are far worse than the rest of the house with respect to strategy.
That’s fair. But the rest of the house isn’t much better
Yup 100%. They are just dumb. They have a warped perspective of the game.
Yes they are playing in a vacuum those two.
But come on…something is better than nothing for us viewers who have to watch Austin and Liz go at it every day.
it must make the viewers–in general–want to vomit
People forget so quickly how Becky was playing both sides and ran right down to tell Chellie what James was doing.. It’s easy for us to say what someone should do because we can see the whole picture.. If Becky (which I like now) had stayed loyal to one side, Vanessa wouldn’t have had anything to tell people..
Yeah. Plus Becky was trying to be way too close to Shell and made it obvious. There was no way she was going to be able to work with Shelli and James at the same time. Heck Shelli was still talking about James in her final goodbye message.
Come to think about it, after what John told Julie last week during his exit interview about “… targeting Meg …” should he return back into the House, I would be shocked to see him vote otherwise, regardless of what Vanessa will / will not sanction?
Besides, as the outgoing HOH … like Austin after the POV last week, she really has no more power this week in the House .. so, why is everyone so / still afraid of what she thinks/wants ???
They are wimps, that’s why. And if you think about it, if someone scares you so much then why not evict her when you get the chance? Let’s remember, Vanessa survived once before because of James and Meg and their stupid reasoning. If is like poetic justice that Vanessa has Meg on the block and going home.
Absolutely … Just surprised that they have lasted this long ?? Ha !!!
And, ironically, it all happened while Vanessa was sobbing in the HN room for the day or two …. and, just allowed them to strategize and think … and, look at what happened? :)
There will be time for bloodbath … now it’s not the time.
Take out the weaklings first before the war starts … otherwise while they finish off each other, the weaklings will float to F2.
But this is bad strategy. You want the weakling there and the strong players gone when it gets this late in the game unless those strong players are on your side. Aside from Austin and Liz who can trust anyone in the house at this point. JMac and Steve have already talked about getting rid of Vanessa. Austwins will get rid of Vanessa too. In an odd way, James could wind up being in a stronger position as long as he doesn’t do anything stupid like asking Austin to vote out his girlfriends twin sister.
What a long shot but I guess their trying,but Austin to vote out Julia and Jmac to not vote out meg is a real big flip and doesn’t seem possible but worth a try I just hope since it’s a double eviction and Vanessa thinks it’s next week because she’s a dummy and has only ever watched season 10 or she would know it’s double eviction this week,that one of the goblins can get HOH n blindside Vanessa or liz n have them out in one night so they don’t have time to bargain.
She watched season 10 and beyond. Not just season 10. ;)
The easier play is to convince Steve or JMac because then they can help get the other on board. Its a long shot and James and Meg would have to come up with good reasons for them to do it but it would certainly be more likely than to get Austin to vote out his girlfriends twin sister then lie to his girlfriend about it as if Liz won;t find ot when she watches the show after they get out of the house. It is such a stupid plan I get angry just thinking about it! And calling it stupid doesn’t really describe well enough how bad the plan is.
Operation Trojan Horse, ha, ha… guess we know what James has in mind.
Worst season ever for gameplay.
you know if the HG’s would just put their heads together(JohnnyMac and Steve) look how many times Vanessa burned them. And the Austwins, when they are HOH she tells them what to do and when she is HOH she won’t listen to them at all. Vanessa should have been gone by now and then get Austin out.
They know but they have finally reached the conclusion that they cannot wait to break up the Austwins. Vanessa should have gone a few weeks ago.
The only person James would be at all capable of flipping is John because steve is too much of a loyal rat. But I doubt it will happen. It wouldn’t make any difference anyways because they still wouldn’t have the votes.
Johnny told Julie his primary target was Meg. Why would he flip to save his primary target?
Just because he told Julie that doesn’t mean he couldn’t have changed his mind. That was ever since last Thursday. Keeping Julia definitely doesn’t help HIS game. Those twins seem to hate him. They will toss him out long before steve.
He’s not changing his mind. If an evicted juror says in his exit interview that his number one target is Meg, and Meg is on the block, and that juror had a chance to go back in the house, why in the world would you ever expect him to change his mind?
Maybe he thought about it some more….He was placed on the spot when she asked him that. People change their mind in this game all the time. It’s not like he had to sign his name in blood during the exit interview under a declaration of getting meg out….lol
I don’t EXPECT him to do anything but be a follower. I said he would be the only one cable of being flipped. But I doubt it will happen…
His strategy is tied to Vanessa now. You said he has no incentive to keep Julia. You’re mostly correct on that, but not totally because he does have some incentive to keep Julia. Why? Because Vanessa told him to. At this point he has to do what Vanessa says because his survival in the game is dependent upon Vanessa protecting him.
Everyone’s survival in this game seems to be dependent upon Vanessa. Except James. Which is why he will be gone soon.
So I guess you’re right. They are all just seeing how long they can last lol
John’s in a damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t position. If he can make it through the next two weeks somehow, he may win the whole game. This will be an interesting next two evictions.
Yes it will. But I really don’t think Vanessa will be upset to see Julia go….that’s kind of what she’s keeping steve and John to do. As long as she could blame it on the other two flipping on her. So she’s in a good spot regardless.
Vanessa is much safer right now than most people realize. She will coast for two more weeks.
I agree. I don’t like her, but you have to give credit where credit is due.
Because he got a better deal. JMac said he would taget Meg because James would never work with him as long as Meg was there. But maybe the real reason is he knows Meg is an idiot and wants noting to do with her.
Everyone in that house should know that meg is useless and they are capable of beating meg at anything. Julia? maybe not so much.
I think that JMac was joking when he said that he was going after Meg.
He sure didn’t look like he was joking. And he was joking the whole interview with that laugh of his. No laughing during that segment of the interview.
John is so silly who knows if he was joking or not. It seems like it takes John a while to catch on to some things. The only time I’ve seen him be dead right on something is when he was calling out Vanessa that week.
The Austin voting Julia plan will not work, James needs to convince Steve and JMac, that they are not F4, but stooges of Vanessa for now to get her there with the Austwins.
Those classroom smart ‘Nerds’ are being old schooled by street-smart Vanessa and they can’t see they are being bamboozled. Of course as we head toward the end, flipping loyalties are up in the air, too bad James may have to fight alone
Smart move Vanessa. You want Liz out so you put up Julia. Real intelligent
It’s too bad that JMeg are so far out of the loop of what’s really going on in the house. Instead of trying to save Meg, James needs to focus on plans for surviving after Meg leaves the house. If James wins the next HOH he might finally be clued on all the alliances and gameplay going on around him.
Otherwise, he’s just a number to Austin and Vanessa.
These guys are throwing their games away for the women in some way or another this year. I suppose he is waiting until after Meg leaves to think about himself. Hopefully it won’t be too late then.
Hmmm, makes me wonder if BB cast a lot of Beta males this year in order for a woman to finally win BB again. :D James is the last Alpha male in the house so he is probably Vanessa’s biggest competition.
Idk if he’s her biggest competition, but I’m sure he’s her number one target after this week. Vanessa doesn’t like people who dare to be resistant to her mind f*cking.
If James would stop playing such an emotional game and start thinking strategically then he might have a chance to get rid of her. Unless he goes on a comp run his days seem numbered right now.
James is actually able to play both sides right now. The only one I don’t see him getting in good with is steve. His emotions/pride will keep him from doing that though.
Actually, I think he should try ti blend in an stay off the radar this week and he will be better off. JMac and Steve are going after Austwins if they win. The Austwins will go after JMac. if they win. James can be safe unless he does something stupid like ask Austin to vote out Julia.
I’m still not completely convinced that steve would take out Austwins before james, unless someone else takes a crack at them first. If James actually goes thru with his foolish plan he will be at the top of every ones list.
But this plan requires strategic thinking …
I agree that he should blend in and stay off the radar though but I’m not sure James is able to do that.
SMH James is hopeless. “Clued” and James don’t belong in the same sentence.
I am convinced by reading BBN that all HG have a low IQ by the way Vanessa the poker bully has been controlling them all
They look so pathetic like little minions following Vanessa’s orders.
The only reason a person like Vanessa I srunning the house is because she is surrounded by idiots!!!
Young idiots at that. I feel like older people wouldn’t be this controllable. Shelli would have been the only one capable of standing up to Vanessa if she were still in the game.
Austin ain’t looking so young to me, and he is totally under her thumb.
lol Austin is just a wuss. This is the guy that said “tel me what to do” during his HOH.
Ha! As long as he can stay out of power, he can talk like he’s the man with plan.
In the end he went running back to Vanessa to tell him who to nominate for eviction. That was very telling wasn’t it?
He said Vanessa is not going to run my HoH. Then he let Vanessa run his HoH. But the problem is not just Austin, its the two idiots that are chained to his ankles that work against him.
Austin and James should have dumped their women and worked together a long time ago. Both are hurt by the women they keep.
At least Austin is getting some, James just likes Meg because she’s cute and can talk lol
A creepy wuss.
Austin is a Pisces and they tend to be wishy-washy – no offence to the wonderful Pisces people commenting here intended. :D
Don’t kid yourself. She’s a bag of hammers too, just like everyone else in there
The are not stupid as much as they are intimidated. Imagine Vanessa pulling that crying act with Evel Dick? He would laugh in her face and throw a cigarette butt at her!
Seriously, previous HGs would eat her alive. The HGs the last 2 years in particular have been way too tame to play this game.
I hope James wins HOH and shake the house a little
Between Disgusting Austin, Liz the lizard , Vanessa the Poker bully and Steve gosh this season is pathetic!!!
Clearly Meg can’t win, or even really get much further in this game than she’s already gotten. Surely she knows that, right? I mean, if I were Meg, at this point, I would just be praying to get voted out so I could go hang at the jury house, stress free, enjoying the vino and sleeping whenever the hell I wanted without any annoying competitions to get in the way of my relaxing.
Maybe Meg has secretly fallen in love with James lol?
I think she’s been playing for second place money the whole time
It seems inevitable that when James realizes that this plan is going nowhere he will vote like the rest of the house so as not to “go against the house…
By a vote of 5 to 0, Meg you have been evicted from the BB House.
ANOTHER unanimous vote. Yawn.
Maybe when they find out it’s a DE, they’ll flip and vote Julia out in hopes of maybe getting Aus/Van/Liz out, thus getting two of them out in one night. Or maybe not.
That would be amazing. But its a guaranteed NOT with this scary group of sheep.
Ya they wont want to make big bad Vanessa mad at them lol
It not that they are afraid of her getting mad. No one wants to deal with her crying and ranting all week. They hate when she runs around the house asking in her shrill voice “What did I do? What did I do?” Then she follows that up with vitriol towards the person who “wronged her”. She makes it personal even if its a game move.
The house can’t take that behavior anymore. If that was her strategy it worked. Its like the last days of a marriage when two spouses can’t stand being around each other anymore.
Years ago the house use to vote out floaters and the game was fun to watch down to the end, real battles, nail biting comps. Now they keep all the floaters and comps are boring
We already lucked out with James winning the veto this. I don’t think he/we could be do lucky to win the new HoH comp (besides, production would never allow that to happen).
LOL Reality is horrible – I want to keep on pretending the “good guys” stand a chance.
The problem with that is… The “good guys” are playing a horrible game! Vanessa is playing the best game right now and, believe it or not, Austin is close behind.
If Julia’s nomination was next week or even the second part of this double eviction, then I would definitely expect Austin and Vanessa to work out a plan to send Julia packing and blaming it on John and Steve to stay in good graces with Liz.
The Goblins might be nice people, but nice doesn’t win games like this… Strategy does.
Julia is sstarting to feel the heat of being on the block. She is worried Seve will flip the vote. Let’s hope this triggers some thinking in Steve’s head about why it would be a good move to flip the vote and keep Meg and make a deal with James. This would leave him and JMac covered when they go after Vanessa and the Austwins.
I’m sure the live feeders love watching her whine.
Naw, Steve has fooled himself that Julia actually likes him to some degree. He isn’t going to flip. Even Vanessa has some concerns now that he may not go after them when the time comes.
What a delusional dreamer! I’d say he was out of his league, but the twins are so scuzzy it would be hard to be out of your league with them. Still, a lot of men might not find them scuzzy, so in real life he wouldn’t stand a chance (unless he were to win the half a million, in which case he’d probably become a whole lot more attractive to her!).
I would hope an attractive woman would at least sell herself short for a lot more than $500,000 lol….. Plus, how much does your country / state take in taxes? At least half? So now you’re looking at $250,000! can’t even buy a house, I guess he could take her on some nice vacations, buy her a nice car, get a nice new wardrobe and eat at some pretty nice places but $250,000 (even $500,000) won’t keep her around for long……
I would have 500,000 spent immediately, & I certainly would not complain! I would buy a new (smaller) house with property in full, no more mortgage!! (sell our house b/c my house is too big! Too much to clean! & save money on housekeeper and the sale of our house!!) a new vehicle or 2, a family vacation, a vacation alone with my husband and put money away for university for our 3 daughters, give my family a little bit or at least take them all on vacation! and hopefully sit on a descent savings account!! God….NO mortgage payment! That would be the best! it would be so easy to keep the large savings account And continue running our business (but maybe build a small office on our land just for escape lol) & by the time our youngest goes off to university / college sell our home (unless the one I initially got from the winnings was ideal to grow old in, I already said it would be smaller then the home will now that’s nice!! lol) & lastly, within that time our youngest heads off to university / college buy A beachfront property in Mexico or Turks and Caicos! one can only dream :-) I don’t need to win money to do this all, it’s just going to take a lot longer lol
sorry, I went way off course there lol…. veered off the Steve / Julia romance and started thinking about my own dreams lol lol lol
& this is exactly why I have said since day one regardless of being team Vanessa, I did not want her to win because I wanted someone who really, really needed the money to win! of course we could all use more money, but obviously I would like to see someone like james win it for his child and their future!
that said, vanessa is involved with many charities and is an extremely charitable person and I can guarantee you if she wins big brother, a lot of the money will go to a charity or charities she is involved with already! I am so sure that I will give you $10,000 if I am wrong lol lol lol… Get it? Haha
โกโกโก thanks for letting me dream on your post xo
I quit watching after the underdogs and recruited people started to control the house week after week. A friend told me about what was going on. Just discussed over everything because the contestants that actually need the money won’t win anyway. We use to make a big brother party but a lot of us quit after the same people kept winning week after week.
I still can’t get over what a waste of an HOH this week has been if it ends up that Meg goes home and Julia stays. I’m with a lot of other BB fans who think Liz should be up there and the other HGs (minus Julia and Austin) should vote her out. Then try to make sure Austin doesn’t win HOH or POV and send him packing too. I’m not a person who’s good at analyzing all the possible HG moves after that (and I have nothing but respect for those who can), but at least it would open the game up, plus how wonderful would it be to see Austin or Liz’s faces (or, even better, both of them up on the block) when they realize there’s a chance of their plans falling apart?
Meg likes to make fun of Vanessa crying and that’s all she does herself. Bye girl with the tattooed red lipstick!!!!
Pawns go home! Phone home Meg!
Operation save grandma? aren’t they just adorable. them crazy kids.
Lol … your statement made me actually laugh out loud
Amazes me that Steve doesn’t see that Julia is only being sweet to him to get a vote.
poor Steve has no experience w a manipulative girl, I’d think. he’s too innocent.
Agree but did you expect more? Lol poor Steve! Superfan! of what? Can’t be Big Brother LOL
good idea for them to try something. I can see Austin getting rid of Julia and lying about it, and I can see going to Steve and not Austin. I’m wondering are JMac, James, and Steve planning to put up Austin, twins, and/or Vanessa if they get HOH? is JMac really thinking Vanessa is good to work w or is he going along w it until he gets his chance?
Matthew you are correct about James and Meg not having a beat on the house. He has said to Meg on numerous occasions that he is starting to think that Van and Austin are working together. I feel bad for him because he really is one of the nicer people in the house. He also served our country for 6 years, so I wonder why he doesn’t think more strategically until it’s too late. I know you follow orders in the service, but you also have to think on your feet to stay alive. I changed my vote from John to James for AFP. He only makes $20,000 a year, so I would like to see him get it. Love John too, but Vsn, who I don’t like so far has almost played the perfect game with a few mistakes. Leaving a voting block of 3 as the game gets smaller and smaller is the worse game play ever. Also, if John was my dentist and came in the room screaming and laughing like that, I’d be scared as hell. LOL
James is getting my vote for AFP.
Mine too. Don’t see how he can get to the end from here–but if he does, he deserves the 500k no matter who he’s up against
I just want to scream when I read these updates. Why are these people even in the house.
I have watched BB every year since it began. I admit that I often get lost in game player’s layers upon layers of strategy….. alot of times, it feels like the old brain twister “Who’s on first… ” kinda thing. It actually makes my brain cells hurt!
Try as I might, I cannot understand why the house has not done more to split up the Austwin mess. Are they afraid of this trio not voting for them in the jury house? Surely their jury votes would be lost among the rest of the jurors, who would admire the gameplay of the HoH who finally broke up the caveman and his matching set of valley girls. I realize that things are different in the house than it is for those of us watching, but Geeze Louise players!! Are these people really as stupid as they appear, or is there some multi-layer of strategy that I’ve missed or mis-read? BTW, when I close my eyes, this Trojan Horse plan reminds me of some lost episode of the old “I Love Lucy” show….
Hello my friends (& a handful of haters b/c I am “Team Vanessa” & because I stand behind her and try and defend her for certain things that people are blowing up about or taking out of context! but then being completely hypocritical by insulting me personally! just trying to have fun :-) )
and I DO NOT ALWAYS agree with some things Vanessa has said lately, but I know the real Vanessa and I can see how difficult this really is for her emotionally and mentally! I AM NOT saying some of the things are warranted nor am I saying other HGs are not feeling the pressure but vanessa has been “On GO” since day one and has not been able to turn off so she’s running on overdrive and the game is getting the best of her! Most of the people remaining have not been playing “the game,” they have just been laying around acting as though they are at “summer camp” (other HGs “oh, we are on big brother & we are supposed to be trying to “win a game?!” Oh, my bad! So like what do I do now? I guess it’s close to the end so maybe I should play because there’s a lot of money at stake! and I have been lucky because I have not had to make any big moves, get blood on my hands nor have I been talking any game and I haven’t had to throw names out there…. I’ve just had friendly talks about life so now that I’m playing the game, I look good because I have played an “honest game,” I haven’t really had to do much to get here so this might be pretty easy to win, at least fan favorites because I’ve never had to talk game and with doing that I haven’t had to backstab, get blood on my hands, talk about other people, say or do things I wouldn’t necessarily do outside of the house because I haven’t needed to do ANYTHING…….. I really haven’t had to do much to get here! Maybe now is the time to start trying a little harder because I was just trying to make it to jury but at this point in the game, the jury part of Big Brother is almost over so it wouldn’t be much fun there, maybe I should just stay here!” LOL Just Sayin โกโกโกโกโก
so all of that being said, they are a lot more relaxed, chill, level headed and do not have the same fight as Vanessa to win the game because they never have really played it! if they win the game, they win the game in their minds….. there never was much fight in any of them to play the game but if they don’t win the game, they are okay with that because they just enjoyed their time relaxing all summer.
I just wanted to throw this & that out there :-)
I have said since the very beginning of this season that I wanted Vanessa to win however, I wanted someone to win who really needs the money! Like Derrick last season, I was super happy he WON….. not only because he deserves it but also because I knew the money would go to better his family and help them be financially secure. And, I have read comments about people not wanting Vanessa to win because she already has money, but we could all use more money lol but in all seriousness :-) I would love to see James win because not only does he somewhat deserve the win, but also because I know he will be smart with his money and it will go to a good place for his family and daughter! That said, (& I know no so many people are going to cringe because of this comment) … YES I’m “Team Vanessa” because she has played the game since the very beginning unlike most of the other HGs who think they are at summer camp! I’m not going to bother defending Vanessa personal character outside of the house because I’m just getting repetitive and I am NOT going to help change peoples minds who have a big hate on for her, and no matter what she does whether its good or bad those people are ONLY going to remember the stupid things she has said and the way she has acted inappropriately at times! (even though she has played a very good game since she entered the house!) but unfortunately people are not going to remember that, people are going to remember what happened yesterday, today and tomorrow! & not accept any mistakes she has made or is going to make regardless of her character outside the house. I ONLY want to help people remember the good in Vanessa, and remember the respect she has for at least playing the game! because I know she has said / done a few “uncharacterist” things I have not liked, but I just don’t like the personal attacks on her character! Regardless if she said some stupid things lately! If I was stuck in a house 24/7 for over 3 months, I can guarantee you I would say a lot of stupid things lol and I’m pretty sure most of you can agree! It can’t be easy! But unfortunately she cannot take back some of those things, so she will just have some explaining to do when she is either evicted four wins!!
BUT I do know her personally and I do know she is a very good person! I can only assume because it’s so out of character for her to be saying some of these things that the house has truly messed with her head, has made her paranoid, plus I have to mention it’s been pretty easy for her thus far so NOW HGs are actually playing the game now (sort of lol) so she is just upping the ante (again, doing / saying some wrong thing & I am not defending some of the things she has said over the last few days!) but aside from some things taken out of context and definitely something said that are extremely out of character for her! I do want each and everyone of you to know (I know a lot of you already have heard my speech lol & I thank you for your maturity and respect!)
I just think so many people on here are very judgemental, hypocritical, and feel the need to attack someone you do even know at all character! it’s not fair to her or anyone else in the house now or previously to attack their personal character!
it’s not necessary, it’s a game, and people make mistakes! We need to learn to forgive and move on and just enjoy the Big Brother reality TV show game! without the personal attacks. In my opinion :-) and I respect a lot of what you all have to say until I start getting insulted, then it’s useless to debate, have a friendly debate and have fun talking about the game with people like you. I am NOT hurt by the words people have said to me hiding behind a computer, it just speaks volumes on your character!
& again blah blah blah blah blah lol… I honestly at this point was just going to drop it stop defending Vanessa But Here I am again lol love me or hate me, I am Who I am and I will defend my friends and my acquaintances until the end if they deserve it!
โกโกโก funny thing is, this comment came out of nowhere! I had actually intended to talk about something else lol and it was supposed to be short! You don’t have to read my comments, I get it! It’s annoying lol so it’s all good! I will just post my quick comment I was originally going to say in a few minutes :-) โกโกโก
thanking you all for making this season entertaining because I joined this chat group finally lol and it’s been fun for the most part! A little difficult at times defending someone who is so disliked but, it’s difficult for me to not say anything in defense of her true nature and personality outside the house.
HOLY SH*T that was long! Lol I’m super sorry! Talk to text… Blah blah blah but it would be a lot shorter if I didn’t get repetitive and repeat myself numerous times lol I just hope I can at least help some of you understand her better, and maybe just maybe bring down the Vanessa insulting, especially when it involves her personal character because she is not the person she is in the house, I promise you that! and I know each and everyone of you would like her a lot if you met her in person :-)
maybe I can arrange a meeting with Vanessa and all of you (and me )who has been very active in this chat for you all to meet her and love her like I do! Vegas anyone? could all plan to meet up! It can happen! she would do it, I know it!
No offense ladies but I really hope at least one of the men step up and think for themselves. All the men on the show are weak.
Clay ruled by Shelli, Austin ruled by Liz, James ruled by Meg, Steve & JMac ruled by Vanessa
yes, very true! That is a sad fact! but it’s nice to see guys riding on girls coattails this season lol
It would be nice if James went to Vanessa and tells her he was in the yard and someone yelled Vanessa, Austin and the twins are taking you out. And he came back in and wasn’t sure if it meant anything but he wanted to let her know so she can watch her back.
did that really happen?
No, but I’m 60 yes old and if I had 500,000 5 people left I would do anything to get people paranoid.
WOW!!! the personal attacks on my character are in full swing!! And that my friends is reality!
CBS is loving the drama and loving the negative feedback because sadly in this day and age it’s what brings in ratings! positive or negative “press,” ……it really doesn’t matter to them! As long as people are talking about it, they are winning!
Reality shows like Big Brother are completely based on the people playing the game, obviously lol end whether it’s someone we love or someone we hate, we are all going to talk about it and we are all going to watch and hope the villain goes home!! so at the end of the day it really doesn’t matter who wins or loses, as long as big brother is relevant!
Ex: survivor….. For those of you who watch survivor, several years ago there was “guys vs girls” and among the guys there was this guy, I think his name was Colton who was gay AND he was a huge villain, hated by most of America not because of how he was playing the game but more about his diva attitude and the negative things he said about other players and talking about being rich and having servants… He was very much despised by most of America! (& I Canada, where I am from!!)
A few years later they had “blood vs water” & Colton was back with (I think) his boyfriend or maybe it was just a friend. Why did they bring Colton back? When the fans SOOO dislike Colton (& he even left I think both shows early because he broke a nail or something <<<>>>> ) but they brought him back because of ratings! I just don’t understand how people cannot see this? this is the way the world works now, do I agree with it? No! But, these shows are clearly all about ratings & bringing back Colton would be and was for good ratings! And his partner was actually well liked!!
so in regards to Vanessa, Austin, the twins or any other HGs you or I may not like, Big Brother and other reality shows know they are going to get big ratings! think about it, they brought back Rachel lol….I.wouldn’t be surprised if Frankie came back! (and I do believe he was probably the most hated player to have ever played big brother!)
not to mention so many things are edited on shows like this to make people look bad. and I’m not saying vanessa hasn’t said some stupid things, but we are not in the house, we don’t know what production is saying, we really have no idea what’s going on!
reality shows are not reality shows like they used to be. I would like to think big brother is a close second but who really knows! I guarantee you, houseguests are told to say or do certain things! and that’s a sad fact