After a long, long endurance competition night the Houseguests spent most of the early day sleeping away and resting up their tired bodies. Now with only three players and two pitted against each other with Vanessa in the middle we’re likely to see only light talk for the remaining days.

Game talk was indeed light as Vanessa has each side afraid to tell the other anything, but we’ll have to see how things change when the next part of the final HoH arrives later this week. For now the HGs passed the day napping and chatting. Yep, it was a quiet one.
Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights โ Thursday, September 17, 2015:
8:55 AM BBT – Lights on & HGs are up getting ready for lockdown in HoH.
11:45 AM BBT – Feeds return after several hours of Loops. HGs were recording the Memory Lane episode for Sunday’s show.
12:30 PM BBT – HGs sleeping. Cameras moving around the house look at various objects to keep us entertained.
3:15 PM BBT – HGs up from their naps. They discuss how much their bodies hurt.
3:40 PM BBT – Steve is studying Skittles.
4:24 PM BBT – Steve announces they did Memory Lane this morning and then runs through a lot of shoutouts for Big Brother sites including ours. (Thanks again, Steve.)
4:30 PM BBT – HGs discussing the tattered state of their privates after nearly four hours on last night’s competition.
5:10 PM BBT – Liz and Steve having a general chat about the season and evictions.
5:30 PM BBT – Steve is alone studying or doing strategy Skittles while the ladies rest.
6:15 PM BBT – It’s still all Steve. He’s doing Steve things.
7:00 PM BBT – Steve wakes up Vanessa per her request. Vanessa complains that she’s in pain from the first part of the final HOH competition.
8:35 PM BBT – Steve and Lizย play Jenga. Liz is also in pain and tells Steve she is not looking forward to the next phase of the final HOH because of the pain she is in from part one.
8:45 PM BBT – Liz’s favorite Beatles song is “Hey Jude.”
9:05 PM BBT – Liz is worried the competition is that night.
9:08 PM BBT – Vanessa advising Liz on what to be studying for part two. She tells her to know the order of evictions and nominations.
9:20 PM BBT – Steve is again using candy to remember events in the game. Steve seems to be more prepared than Liz.
9:58 PM BBT – Liz feeling slighted starts studying along with Steve. She’s studying the memory wall while Steve is busy with his candies.
10:38 PM BBT – For some reason Steve is helping Liz study.
11:04 PM BBT – Steve goes to shower and Vanessa tells Liz she’ll help her study on the DL. Liz goes to make sure Steve is actually taking a shower.
11:15 PM BBT – Vanessa and Liz are running through past events.
11:30 PM BBT – Liz is studying away to be ready for Round 2.
12:00 AM BBT – Vanessa checks in on Steve’s studying and gives him some encouragement.
12:30 AM BBT – Houseguests are all turning in for the night. Big days ahead.
Steve and Liz are doing lots of prep to be ready for the next round of the final HoH. We’ll wait to see if it arrives on Friday or Saturday. Can’t wait to see what happens there!
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Feeds are usually pretty boring this late in the season.
Why is Vanessa helping Liz?
Pretty sure she still thinks that Liz would bring her to F2, should she win the next 2 comps … Vanessa is still playing both sides … as she still has F2 agreements with them both .. hedging her bets, I presume ??
Plus, I think she would rather be against Liz in F2 than Steve ??
But, the question is … why is Steve helping Liz study for the next comp? Unless, he is feeding her head with wrong answers ?? Ha !!!
Liz is a banana brain. Sadly, this one’s in the books. If Liz out climbs steve tomorrow and her brain has enough blood in it to answer questions as she climbs… she’s done. If she does win next one Vanessa godzillas her in the final.comp as she planned. Or As expected. Shout out to Steve who should have expected. Man Steve. U unearned that fohawk.
Please, oh please Brian5150, cannonball Steve in the pool, then head lock him for a fohawk noogie! :)
Know what, actually, after Stwve threw that veto to vanessa, it’s wedgie time, hard wedgie up through the jeans, above the belly striving for the goggles and hat before it rips.
Oh God, please help me to stop laughing … What a great vision that is!
That’s a strategy
Honestly if Vanessa was smart. Lol. She’d write a diary for the next 2 years l. Straight put in all her maniacal daily thoughts, conspiracies, paranoias, breakdowns, meltdowns, ragings, decietful vengeful plans, prescriptions taken, and her pov of the effect or response others have towards her actions. It would be a best seller for certain. Then she should leak it like Tommy Lee did when his fame was burnt and he had the gardener steal the sex tape so he could reclaim some street cred. This way she has deniability regarding its authenticity. Yes non V haters, there will be a page or two, maybe about Mel and the two dogs she pets once a month. And that’s it. I may contact her and broker this one peeps.
Not much happening on BBAD this morning with Liz and Vanessa in one of the rooms sleeping or so, while Steve was in the kitchen playing with himself with smarties/skittles on the table? Not sure what he was doing, as he appeared to be sending signals to the camera? Perhaps, one way discussion with his mom? Or, was he studying/memorizing stuff for the next comp??
Interesting to see that, even though Liz was the one in pain, she was the one of got up and went to the kitchen to grab something and brought something back to Vanessa, who was just lying around in bed … I guess Liz is still her servant for another week ??
It’s Vanessas way of remembering days. Using the candies. He’s testing himself.
Anyone having issues with voting 20x per day? It is not allowing me to vote today, said that I reached my limit. Is it 20x just one day? It clearly states “Vote up to 20 times per day. Voting closes Monday, Sept. 21st at 10am PT”. ?????
Yes, I’m having the same issue too and this is the second day I can’t cast any votes. CBS better fix it soon because I’m irritated I can’t vote for my fav player Vanessa (just kidding – ha ha – but I probably freaked out a few of you). I want either James or John to win AFP.
It’s probably not letting us vote anymore bcuz we’re not voting for Vanessa! ! LOL. .
That’s it! because it’s rigged! LOL!!! kidding….
Ha ha ha. Hmm, you got me thinking there. Ha ha.
Use multiple accounts. Ive been voting JMac a couple hundred times a day.
They’re having technical issues. I had hoped it was fixed it by now.
Thanks Branden for putting yourself thru that torture of watching the feeds so you can keep us inform of events.
Amen to that. I can’t look at the wretchs face. Cant.
Amen! Worst top three of all time.
Very boring. Cancelled mine last week but they’re still good until the end of the month. I put them on a couple times yesterday and last night and turned them right off.
At this point in the game I always wish they would just end it. Dragging it out to Wednesday seems unnecessary. These 3 are sooooooooo boring. Just finish the HOH comps and get on with it.
I agree!
Good post
Last year at this time I wanted to rip out my eyeballs – what, with them playing with Playdough, fingerprints, and Jenga (lest we forget, Victoria’s ENDLESS primping!) I think it would be great if theHGs were given mini indoor comps at this time … Surely there are creative writers on staff that could come up with games that could last an hour or so. They could offer mini prizes like a $50 store gift certificate, a bottle of wine, something. The point is, fans would be entertained, but so would the HGs. They are so bored and so are we, but hey, at least we can leave this website and enjoy / move on through our day.
By far the worst top three ever. A bitch and two nit wits, how are you even supposed to root for someone at this point? I really hope someone from CBS reads these posts and realizes how much of a failure this season is. Can they all lose? Please?
That’s why I liked JMac’s reply yesterday when Jeff asked who he wanted to see in the final 2. He said none of them. I totally agree. We usually have someone to root for, but not this year.
I’m down for that.
I just watched the latest episode and Austin is such a big ass sore loser… So glad he got judased! And props to Shelli for defending Van and acknowledging her good gameplay!
Hey Judas, don’t be so down
You have found her, now go and get her
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
What would you do if you were stuck in the back by your best Ali dance the jig like Bruce Willis, at the end of The Last Boyscout? Terrible post.
Austin has been waiting for somebody to put Vanessa up for weeks, he was just too scared to do it himself. And why should she have told him? So he could run to Jmac and convince him to evict Steve? Then Vanessa would be screwed because she told Austin he’s going home when he’s not going. They’re at F4. You HAVE to expect to be backstabbed.
This is a game, Austin lost because of his arrogance. He’s one heck of a sore loser.
True, true, and I’ll live with opinion stated on the last one. You described good logic.
Another contributing factor for Austin’s “loss” is that he was busy bending over at the waist in Van’ HOH rooms (plural) with his pants pooling around his ankles and an object in his backside. You know what they say in Alaska: only the Lead dog has the best view… Everyone else is looking at rear ends! (Trying to word this ‘delicately’.)
And if I was knifed like that, expecially after saying just have the respect to let me know and I’m ok with that. Now of course he would have campaigned but….personally I would have Lit Her Up in front of everyone. I would have called her out to the remaining houseguests about her side deals and crushed her game. Also I would have said what clay said to James straight up. “Your a piece of sh $/” Stwve, Liz, Jon, don’t listen to anything g she says, she manipulated julia was behind (named all the lies to hg about those evicted, then ducked out. What he did was classy compared to 70 some odd percent of us and if you tell me you would have said “thank you”. Well your a better man than me. Sorry for the crush but not feelin it.
Only problem I see with calling her out is ineffectiveness. It happened once earlier in the game, and she crawled out of that hole little by little with explanations and fibs. She has this way of explaining that makes people think different ways, and no one was ever able to get to the bottom of it all. Only thing that would work against her this late in the game is there being less people to get stories straight with each other – the game of telephone would be much, much smaller at the point of Austin’s eviction.
because it was taped, they didn’t show the whole thing. According to an interview with julie at EWdotcom, she didn’t think he was actually going to get up and leave and spent some time trying to get Van to undo her vote
Nice! I would have
You should see the interview at the jury house or rt before with the guy who is pretty cool who interviewed all the hg before the season. You’ll see his response to all the reasons of the behaviors etc and see a side of h most never could never imagine was there. Geeky nerdy real. It’s a good watch also discusses the gf emplosion. Sorry for the tough response, I just like facts.
Wow, you sound as bored the rest of us. There simply isn’t a way to make this interesting
I think there might be. If I was Steve I’d tell production I’m severely constapated. Keep stashing the exlax they distribute for the next 3 days, of course after telling them the one they gave him isn’t working and he needs something stronger. Then crush it up before V’s next comp and make her a nice frothy glass of OJ. By the time she hits the comp stage, booM. She’s got some problems of the worst sort. At’ll keep her brain distracted from scheeming, competing well and straight blow her out of contention.
Hey Branden, where do I go to nominate Brian5150’s entry above as one of the BEST on your website all season long? Brian, you MUST go on as an HG … Your demeanor/ thought processes/ attitude are the “Right Stuff” for this game.
Kind words, Margaret, tryly. My personal psyche is a book for another day. My grandfather was the best man I’ve ever known and I grew up with some good men in my corner. He was married to 1 woman who he left the war to Marry (went awall) to get the lisence then straight back to war. 60 year marriage. Most stand up honest good person ever and he said it best. “Brians a good kid…but he’s out there..” my dad felt the need to share that with me. Lol. As if I didn’t know.
Thank you for sharing something personal; truly grateful. And thank you to your grand-pap for his service and all others who have done so past and present. Love the Love story!
I was just going to say you sound as bored as the rest of America. By far the worst top three ever. A bitch and two nit wits, how are you even supposed to root for someone at this point? I really hope someone from CBS reads these posts and realizes how much of a failure this season is. Can they all lose? Please?
You said “nit wits” that funny. And perfect.
I hope James win the best player for his daugyter, I hope Steve wins HOH. Between the girls I haven’t liked Vanessa the whole game, Liz is a servant to Vanessa. Good Luck Steve
If Liz somehow manages to win Part 3 of the HOH I would hope to God that she would make the wise decision and take Steve instead of Vanessa… That would be the best blindside this Season!! However we can only hope since everyone has seem to be doing Vanessa’s biding lately
I hope James wins the best player money for his daughter,
I am hoping Steve wins HOH.
I haven’t liked Vanessa this game
Liz is Vanessa’s servsnt.
Good Luck Steve. Win HOH.
Why are these idiots helping each other study? Don’t they realize it’s a COMPETITION?!! Also,my heart is breaking at the photo of Liz in that big bed without her cuddly little Austin. I miss him! NOT!!
imo Liz doesn’t need Austin’s protection from these evil people like he thought she would.