Big Brother 17 Live Feeds: Week 1 Sunday Highlights

Sunday kept us on our Big Brother toes again. Take a guess who was busily working the house today on the Feeds? Yep, Audrey. She’s bruising her way through Big Brother 17 steamrolling over everyone for some unknown reason. But hang on because the Power of Veto made an early arrival today and now we’ve got a Backdoor on the horizon with some excellent drama following with it.

Audrey Middleton is causing a mess on Big Brother 17
Audrey Middleton is causing a delightful mess on Big Brother 17 – Source: CBS All Access

James, the surviving HoH, was on the receiving end of an unhappy renom’d HG and that should keep us entertained till Thursday. Meanwhile Audrey was worried about hearing things from Austin that she had told Vanessa. These things? False rumors Audrey started herself.

By the end of the day Audrey and Jace had a shouting match and Audrey was caught red-handed in leaking information around the house. Oh yes, it was another good day of Big Brother.

Big Brother 17 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Sunday, June 28, 2015:

9:10 AMย BBT – Vanessa has been up when Austin joins her outside. She wants him to fake an injury to throw off his physical threat status. Austin is worried about cutting in to his work out regiment. He’s shocked to find out how much his side is being targeted.

9:45 AM BBT – Vanessa & Austin continue their talk. She suggests Clay is Audrey’s #1 ally.

11:10 AM BBT – HGs find out the Veto meeting is in an hour. James realizes they’ll have 4 days to wait until eviction.

11:20 AM BBT – Austin goes to Audrey and says he suspects Jace is going up and he’s ready to cut ties and wants to work with her. Audrey & Austin lying to each other flat out.

12:10 PM BBT – Clay and Austin now having the same talk. Clay suggests he thinks he (Clay) could be James’ target. Austin knows he’s not but plays along. Clay leaves and Austin calls him an “F’n liar!”

12:15 PM BBT – Audrey goes to Clay and Shelli about Austin knowing things she told Vanessa. She now wants to target Vanessa.

12:25 PM BBT – Jeff pulls Da’Vonne in Lounge and they talk about Audrey overplaying. Both agree they need to get her out.

1:35 PM BBT – Feeds return from Veto Ceremony and things went as expect. Steve is safe & Jace is the renom.

1:45 PM BBT – Jace is pacing and flips off the camera. He’s a bit stressed.

1:50 PM BBT – Jace goes to confront James. James says he’s sorry, but Jace says James is “full of s**t.” James keeps his calm as Jace brings his daughter and Jesus in to it.

2:20 PM BBT – Audrey pulls Vanessa in to the Lounge and accuses her of spreading the girls-alliance rumor to Austin. Vanessa says she was never told she couldn’t discuss it. Audrey says she’ll go back to the person who told her about the alliance. Here’s the thing: Audrey made it up.

2:30 PM BBT – Audrey brought Austin in and everyone talks in loops as Audrey accuses Vanessa of spreading a false rumor that Audrey started herself. Good grief. Vanessa refuses to back down and defends herself against Audrey. Nicely done.

3:00 PM BBT – Jace has started his plan to cry and make up a sob story about not having anything to go home to. He begins with Shelli and it ends with a hug.

3:15 PM BBT – Austin lets Liz know Jeff came to him earlier and they realized Audrey was pitting them against each other. They think maybe they can work with him now.

4:25 PM BBT – Austin & Vanessa talk after Audrey’s interrogation that they can still try and secretly work together. Vanessa suggests they stage a fight down the road.

4:47 PM BBT – Jaceย asksย Liz and Austin to promise that if he goes, they will get rid of Audrey. He says she’s ruining the game.

5:20 PM BBT – Jace calls out Audrey. He tells her that everyone is afraid of her and he isn’t sure why.

7:00 PM BBT – Jason and Austin are talking game. Jason mentions that things usually aren’t this critical by week 2, meaning everyone will be trying to win HOH to save themselves and their allies.

7:15 PM BBT – Jace is campaigning to James. He says he doesn’t have anything to go back to if he leaves the game.

8:30 PM BBT – Audrey and Jace go at it again. Audrey tells Jace that he has been manipulated into thinking she’s the mastermind behind his potential backdoor eviction. Jace says he wants to call a house meeting. Audrey tells him he needs to talk to people individually.

8:58 PM BBT – Jason tells Jace that now would be a good time to lay low and let others come to him. Jason says it’s still possible to turn things around as long as he doesn’t make a lot more waves.

9:15 PM BBT – Jason again mentions how the game is never this crazy in the first week.

9:33 PM BBT – Hot tub time. Jason is in a speedo and Jackie is in her also-flashy bikini.

9:54 PM BBT – Jace is accepting his fate. He says no one believes anything he says and he just wants to go home. He knows everyone is voting with the house and that he can’t turn this around.

10:33 PM BBT – New alliance alert! Audrey (of course), Shelli, Clay, Austin and Vanessa officially form the “Sleeper Cell.”

10:35 PM BBT – HGs are having John’s birthday celebration.

10:43 PM BBT – Audrey, Shelli and Clay are still talking following the Sleeper Cell formation. Shelli tells Audrey she needs to actually let her speak. Audrey is controlling everything and Shelli seems pretty annoyed by it.

11:51 PM BBT – Audrey and Meg tell James that Jace knows James had planned to sing a song when naming Jace as the renom.ย Paranoia relaunches as James tries to figure out who the mole is. He thinks it’s Jackie, Jeff or Clay. Audrey and Meg don’t think it’s Jeff. Audrey is sort of throwing Clay under the bus now.

12:15 AM BBT – James and Audrey get Clay and Da’Vonne up to the HOH to discuss the alliance leak. Day and Clay say they had nothing to do with leaking the info to Jace. They tell James to just ask Jace who it was. And it’s really that simple, but Audrey and Jason try to talk him out of it.

12:40 AM BBT – Audrey blaming Vanessa to Clay for the song leak. She says Vanessa was the only person she told so it must have been her.

12:41 AM BBT – Downstairs Meg, Jason, and James compare notes and agree that it was Audrey. They know she has been causing the problems and blaming others.

1:00 AM BBT – Jason tries talking to Clay about the song leak and blaming Audrey. Clay hopes Audrey admits it so they can move on.

1:05 AM BBT – Clay runs his convo with Jason back to Audrey. She tries to shift the blame to Da’Vonne now. Audrey tells Clay to go hang out with Jace. He scurries right along.

1:40 AM BBT – Jeff updates Jackie with Audrey being busted. They agree she needs to go, but Jeff wants Austin gone first.

2:00 AM BBT – James telling Jackie to be careful about Audrey and the trouble she’s causing. He wonders if Audrey could be America’s Player.

2:20 AM BBT – Jace working on Steve for support. Steve does want to keep Jace, but doesn’t know how to pull it off.

2:35 AM BBT – Audrey, Clay, and Shelli solidify their 3-person alliance. Audrey tried to name it “Dark Moon Treehouse.” Earlier she tried to name her 3-person alliance with James & Meg as “Dark Moon” as well. They settle on “Karma Sutras.”

3:00 AM BBT – Steve and Da’Vonne discussing all the drama and its connection to Audrey. Seems everyone is fully aware of Audrey’s methods.

3:30 AM BBT – Jeff, Meg, and James together in the hammock discussing Audrey and everything they realize she’s been doing.

Is your head spinning yet? It’s been a crazy week and it’s only week one. We definitely have Audrey to thank for that, but it’s doing nothing for her reputation in the game. It sounds like it’s a done deal for Jace, but Thursday is far away and we know there will be a lot of back and forth action from now until then.

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  1. “her also-flashy bikini”
    What’s that ? Can we see a screen cap please.

  2. Looks like Audrey’s going to get her day of reckoning sooner than later. Awwww Audrey you outplayed yourself!

      • Yass Cap! Devin 2.0 indeed! She keeps on blaming everyone else. Sooner or later she won’t have no one else to blame and eventually start blaming herself! Like calm down chick!!

    • Aud has a lot of talent for this game. But, Thursday is eons away in BB time. It’s not too late for the focus to shift from Jace to Aud.

  3. What confuse me the most was the fact that Clay is still leaning towards a solid alliance with Audrey inspite of all animosity people has around her, and I think he knows she can’t be trusted, so why? Please, Clay get yourself a clue before its too late. Jeff and Vanessa seem to be playing a good game.
    Oh its so intense.

      • I think I heard Jeff said once that Clay is trustworthy. I wish he would let him know in strict confidence that he should keep his distance off of Audrey. But I doubt it.

    • I think he realizes that he made his bed. No one is trusting Audrey and he is associated with that mistrust. At this point, it’s either Audrey or he will be forced to join an alliance where he feels he could be low man on the totem pole. I have no respect for Clay or his gameplay at this point.

  4. Just checked out the pics (thanx Matt) ~~~ they are dental chairs ~~ what a hoot! Some of our worst nightmares took place in one of those chairs!

  5. Like, what’s up with that cap? Covering up a dirty mind? Or a dastardly disposition? Or just a really mean person? No trust for her. And poor little cash register boy. How about him and Jace to the first-out death-match! Who has the Will (as in doctor)?

  6. There’s one thing for certain. Audrey will join the list of the BB alum that will be remembered for years to come.

    • She wont even have to make jury to be remembered. My hope is that she is remembered as a cautionary tale of how not to play this game.

    • You mean the same way she and the others behind the walls talked Jace out of self evicting yesterday? He said last night to JIZ that they talked him out of it.

  7. And meanwhile, Becky and John are just enjoying their entire first two weeks drama-free.

  8. Shelli said it best to Audrey last night in the HOH room after the 975th alliance was formed…”I am just as confused when our conversations are over as I was when they started.” There you go! The way Audrey just makes all of this stuff up and then gets herself out of it, I guess that is good game play, but it is exhausting and frustrating for feeders, as least this one, to watch. But, since just about everyone has caught onto her now..things may switch up a bit…we’ll see!

  9. I’m good with Jace going this week. If not he has a good shot at winning If HoH next week/whenever and then they’ll wish they had pulled the trigger. I think he has had James in his crosshairs since James won the 1st HoH because James is a comp threat. I like James so I am ok with Jace going 1st. That would SLIGHTLY defang Austin (whom I like) but regardless of what alliances Austin goes along with, he seems to me, to need one “ride or die” buddy in the house.

  10. Audrey has got to stop blaming others for all of her lies! Its your lies and your problems Women!! So own up to them! Don’t expect others to becuz then you’ll just end up with a huge smack on the face! ^_^

      • Bahaha! Indeed it would be a lot! Even if all the houseguests got in one smack she’ll still have so many faces.

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