Big Brother 17 Eviction Predictions: Who Is Going Home Tonight?

A Double Eviction awaits the Houseguests tonight on Big Brother 17 but before we can get to all the craziness we’ll have to watch and see if it’ll be Julia or Meg who gets evicted during the night’s first elimination.

Julia Nolan & Meg Maley on the Block
Julia Nolan & Meg Maley on the Block – Source: CBS

Overnight we watched John and Steve debate the vote as they had the option to flip that left us thinking there might be a slim chance of betrayal tonight. Don’t hold your breath though.

Later this morning Steve spoke with the twins, got a promise of safety, and then went to John to shut down the vote flip talks. John agreed, but did sound a little disappointed. Can’t say I’m surprised at all by Steve. He’s more interested in immediate comfort then big shifts and potential gains. I’d say this could be a game changing decision for the house, but we’ll have to wait and see what happens with tonight’s DE.

With the latest developments in mind I think we’re safe to expect Meg’s eviction as originally planned. Meg will head to the Jury house without a single individual competition win after 18 attempts coming in just a few behind Will, but enough to take the second place position for that streak. Of course Dr. Will was trying to lose his.

Meg seems like a sweet girl and nice person in the real world, but she was disastrous in Big Brother not only for herself but also those around her. We watched as she constantly misread the lay of the house and the dynamics of the Houseguests leading to poorly informed decisions that helped lay her side to waste. I can’t help but wonder how much better her team might have fared if she had been an early eviction, but with her track record is it any surprise that she was dragged along this long?

Now with the returning Juror twist complete this will be a one-way ticket for Meg to the Jury house where she’ll await her chance to come back for the BB17 finale on Sept. 23rd and vote for the winner of Big Brother.

Big Brother 17 Week 10 Eviction Predictions – Julia Nolan or Meg Maley?:

Meg Maley
Meg Maley
Big Brother Access Meg Maley
Big Brother Junkies Meg Maley

Who do you think will be evicted tonight on Big Brother? Share your thoughts below.



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  1. And just like when they missed out on getting out Vanessa, the idiots will miss out on getting out an Austwin. They are next in line and will continue to get picked off one by one like they have the past 3 weeks. They do know they’re suppose to stay in the game, not try to get voted out right? If Meg goes followed by James/JMac I may actually stop watching… I’ve never thrown that out there, but it’s getting to be too much, I don’t wanna somehow catch w/e stupid disease they have…

    • James follows Meg out the door, unless he wins HOH or veto. Then JMac, and then Steve–unless an HOH or veto win screws up the chain. James has to turn the house on its head tonight with an HOH win, or the last rounds to the finale will be very predictable

      • Exactly, it’ll be so predictable and boring and I just can’t watch them keep doing what Vanessa and Austin want and not playing for themselves. It’s just mind blowing and I just can’t do it.

      • It’s an understatement that BB17 is SO predictable! No matter what no one want to change things!!! Sure, they will talk the talk until….. voting time! Then things always go back to norm, back to following Van plan, smh!!! Yup, Another 1 gone, that Van wanted gone, smh!!!

      • only thing that could make tonight that exciting would be Julia being evicted James winning head of household austin and Liz up on the block and Vanessa being backdoored. WISH WISH WISH. LOL

      • I predict that the next two out after Meg will be James and Liz. Then probably JMac. That will leave an interesting final 4. Vanessa beats whoever she’s f2 with.

      • Seeing how bitter season three’s jury was, I think the stigma with bitter juries will most likely force the jury to vote Vanessa, although she might not win if she actually believes the lies she’s telling and makes that her case to win.

      • I think she actually believes some of her lies now. When that’s all you do for 75 days in a row, you start to believe it. I don’t think there’s any question she’s played the best game so far, although what that actually means considering all the bad/weak gameplay from most people left is debatable. Of course, how her eviction methods are viewed by the jury is an entirely different question.

      • I predict James wins HOH and Austin goes in the DE. Then JMac wins the second HOH and he goes after the twins.

      • If James wins the HOH for the DE, I guarantee Van is sitting on the block with Austin as the noms before veto. If nothing changes, that becomes a very interesting vote. Of course, if James doesn’t win HOH or veto for the DE, he follows Meg out the door 45 min after she leaves

    • I agree with you. The only hope in the house for me is John and James,Steve is just Vanessa’s puppet and the Austwins are annoying and Austin just needs to go back to the jungle he came out of .

    • I wouldn’t say dumb but I would say less smarter than the rest. If only he could hear and see what we do from the twins and Vanessa, let us not forget about Austin. Then maybe he would do more and side up with Johnny Mac then go and work with James and Meg to flip this house and turn this thing around for all four of them. I am sure his Mommy will tell him he did his best and buy him a trophy or ice cream because he was a good boy.

      • I’d say dumb. He has zero common sense unfortunately. Book smart but far from street smart aka big brother player smart.

      • You don’t have to be smart to realize that Austin, Liz, and Julia should be everyone’s target…it’s self evident. Even one of them makes it to final three, that’s two guaranteed votes on the jury…no one else has that. Best case for everyone’s game is to get together, get rid of the Austwins rapidly and get Vanessa’s hands as bloody as possible in the process. That’s the only chance anyone has against the Austwins and/or Vanessa. Otherwise one of the Austwins is going to win this.

    • I agree, he’s such a Momma’s baby……..can’t seem to think for himself…….I’d say it’s a classic case of parental retardation. Saw it with a cousin.

      • I hoped they would wake up this week but I guess they will continue to give the twins their money. I knew we were in trouble as soon as the house guest talked about keeping the twins safe weeks ago like uhhhhh any big brother player would want them out first! This would never happen in past seasons. Not even with the racist assholes from two years ago lmao!!!

      • Bad strategy has been the overriding theme of this season. I would also say misreading the house so much it’s laughable–but that really applies to Meg only–James too, but her moreso because she contributed nothing to winning comps and the soft skills(reading people, figuring out what was really happening) needed to be accurate–and they couldn’t have been more off base if she tried. I’m sure she’s awesome outside the house, but she was really, really bad at this game. Killed herself and whomever she was aligned with

      • Yes!!! I thought the same! What were they thinking?!? Of course the twins would look out for each other! They have made awful decisions this year!

      • Makes zero sense!!! And James tried to wake them up by getting out the showmance. Clearly having a threesome is even worse and why they would want them together in the end is moronic. It goes against the damn big brother bible lol!!

      • Whew, The BB Bible?!?! They are acting as if they have never seen any of the pass shows before with their actions, lol.

    • I think Steve is tickled to have “friends” but it boggles my mind, as a long time fan, that he can’t see through the false promises and fight for the win! Van, Austin and the twins will eat Steve for breakfast and I can’t believe he’s letting it happen……he’s walking away from a once in a lifetime opportunity on false friends. I saw van tell him (maybe on after dark) and a few others that she was going to bring him to Vegas and show him a good time so maybe he thinks this is a lasting friendship.

  2. I just don’t understand any of them. Being in that house definitely isn’t making them any smarter, maybe there’s something in the water

  3. Steve shouldn’t have ever left the safety and comfort of his mommy. He definitely doesn’t have a pair!!!

    • It may wake up Johnny Mac but I doubt that Steve will realize the scope of it until after the fact.

      • I agree, Steve won’t realize how totally manipulated he has been……until he’s shown the door!

      • I could see JMac and Austin doing a flip and as Van said earlier in the week pinning it on Steve….

      • I agree. It seems that Steve almost isn’t willing to work with anyone else because he had already aligned himself with Vanessa from the beginning. Playing the loyalty game is fine, but he should be open to multiple alliances.

      • I know. Why anyone would listen to any of her nonsense at this point makes no sense. Even though they don’t know it yet, most–if not all–must suspect that she has F2 deals across the house with pretty much everybody else including themselves. But they all just follow her, even as she leads them one by one off the cliff when their usefulness to her expires. Quite impressive, actually. Wish I had people manipulation skills like that

      • Looks like Steve is a BB fan like I’m a Cardinals fan: I enjoy watching and try to be an armchair manager and second guess the real manager but I get proven wrong and that if I was the real manager, I’d probably be in over my head.
        Steve appears to be in over his head, despite his so-called intelligence. Smh.
        I wanted to pull for him Week 1 but I felt like this was not going to be a “nerd winner” year. Still I wanted him to prove me wrong and do well. I keep being disappointed by him. After tonight, I hope he is taken out by Austwins (or Vanessa). He can go now, as far as I’m concerned. I give up on him.

      • Folks were comparing him to Andy who was slinking around but Andy knew who needed shoved out the door

  4. So, Steve was getting assurances from Austwins he’ll be safe and not going on the block if one of them wins HOH. I wonder, will they be putting up Vanessa next to John if James wins veto or vice-versa? Also, is James a non-factor here? He thinks his ass is safe if James wins HOH or James can’t win HOH? What he doesn’t know is he’s James third target after Vanessa and Austin. If one gets save by veto, he’s going up…..and out. So, think you’re safe little Stevie.

    • That is Okay though, Vanessa will then just add James to her “side alliance” until she thinks she is safe from the Asstwits again.

    • If any of the Austwins win HOH for the DE, James and JMac go up. Steve is the replacement, as there’s noplace else for them to go since they won’t touch Van. I would imagine James goes up and out no matter what unless he wins HOH or veto

      • He probably is unless one of the nominees uses the veto. Everyone else freezes them. The evict chain is James, JMac, Steve unless someone wins an HOH or veto to break it

      • Just like his please don’t put me and jmac up together Austin oh ok sn wham Steve and jmac on the block together lol that should have taught him then but nooooo gullible as can be

    • I wonder how long they think none of them have to go on the block like hello folks no one is left

    • Oh my goodness – THANK YOU! For a smart guy, he’s making a dumb move if he VTE Meg at this point. If he can’t see what you just wrote – then I would hope that Jmac can explain it to him. I know Jmac doesn’t know Steve got “assurances” from the twins but he could still explain the logic.
      Instead of an exciting night, we’re probably going to get a “moaner”. Tsk. Tsk.

  5. I am still holding out hope that JMac and Steve come to their senses and vote out Julia. If we wanted real excitement, JMac would vote Julia out, Steve would vote Meg out, and Judas would swoop in and take out Julia. Too good to be true though. We will probably see Meg leave and the Austwins in the final 3. You know, because Meg has so much power in the house. I hope she campaigns her butt off today to John and Steve because she’s got a slim shot to change their minds. I of course am rooting for James to win, but I wouldn’t hate it if Austin took it. If Vanessa had practically any other personality, I would be rooting for her as she is the strongest in the house.

    • If Vanessa hadn’t been so spastic and bullied people to get her way, I would be rooting for her myself. The way she has played this game is not the way I would like to see people win. I feel sorry for her girlfriend because she probably abuses her on a daily basis. There is a reason why she was paranoid and wondering if her girlfriend still loved her. I bet she was worried about her moving out and moving on while she was in the BB house.

      • I was just about to post a very similar comment. If Vanessa had just toned down her gameplay a bit, she probably would have made my favorite player list and I would root for her to win. Hopefully she is not like this in real life, but I find that hard to believe.

      • I can’t wait for finale so a couple of these people find out just how disliked they really are

  6. meg goes home then someone is gonna be the king or queen of the house and vote vanessa out shes got to go shes really running the house not the auss twins they r just ring leaders everyone nessa wanted out has beeen evicted except jonny mack he was eviceted and won the jury twist so is back in the house i think nessa is the bigger threat right now.

    • It’d be a quick rip of the band aid to get Vanessa out this week and not let her spew BS for a week to get her way. It wont happen cuz everyone is too scared, but this is the time to do it, just like the last DE was…

  7. What is wrong with them, wake up! I’m talking abt All of them except Van! She have played them as a toy over and over again and they keep letting her do it. I thought by now others would work together to change things, but no, Van still get who she want out in the end! Wake up!!! Come on guys, change things!!! Meg only need 3 votes, smh.

    • Right on. They need to put the twins on the block. If one comes off, put Austin up or Vanessa to back door.

      • Yes, just that simple! What are they afraid of?!?! The way they are playing they are going to get voted off anyway so what do they have to lose?!?!

      • I think some of these people actually think the twins will betray one another to take a random person they met two months ago to finale to win money over taking her blood . How dumb is that

      • Twins need to go up and out on many levels and should get awarded. most annoying couple in big brother history.

    • The only one to realize anything is jmac he knows but Steve wants Vanessa to be his mommy atm so he hangs onto her coattails and obeys like a good boy who cannot handle life. Alone. Jmac has tried to convince him but he ain’t a mommy just a wacky dentist.

  8. Just found out that BB will not come on until 10:30 C where I am bc of football games. Make sure to check local listings bc this may be an issue for others. Just wanted to warn ppl.

    I’m very bummed I won’t get to watch this live. :(

  9. Dumbest house guests ever. I don’t care for Vanessa, but she’s playing one hell of a game. If Steve would realize the Austwins are not loyal to him, he and John could change the game. Something every BB fan wants to see. I’m just hoping James wins the next HOH!

    • If Steve or JMac vote to evict Julia, then they violate Van’s alliance and Austin’s and Liz’s alliance.
      Neither is good for them because then Van stays hooked with Austin and Liz and abandons Steve and JMac for not getting rid of her target leaving them at the bottom of the Goblin Alliance, which is all that will be left for them to do.

      Steve and JMac will have to win HOH to ensure their staying in the BBH. This puts four against two in the live HOH competition. They are not good odds.

      JMac could then be the target, if either James, Meg, Austin or Liz win the double eviction HOH and can’t win the double eviction POV.

      I have always said: stick to your alliance, win HOH competitions and win POV competitions.

      I do not like Van that much but she has done just that. In fact she made many alliances in secret and has lied the best, cried the most like she is a victim to gain the sympathy or allegiance back in her favor just to get where she is.
      She has my vote.

      • Too bad the jury will be extremely bitter and likely feel otherwise. Her “abrasive” eviction methods will lead to some very nasty and hard questions if she gets to F2 and all her blubbering nonsense won’t help her. She could beat Julia in a jury vote because she’s the new Meg, but that’s about it

      • Other BB final 2 have had their abrasive individuals, i.e. Evil Dick. Yet once in the jury house all bitter feelings seem to go bye bye and they vote on game play.
        She will beat any floater, i.e. Steve, Julia, Liz etc.

      • This season has been one of many exceptions. I believe strongly that a very bitter jury awaits Vanessa.

  10. I really wish Julia would be the one going over the two but Meg is annoying because she just doesn’t get it. She’s been on vacation and chilling this Summer. Can’t wait to see how the Double Eviction plays out tonight!

    • Yeah meg was pretty useless in the big brother house . People liked her but as a alliance member she was completely useless

  11. We all know that Meg is leaving to go to jury but I am hoping that James will win HOH so he can put up Liz and Austin then back door Vanessa if his plan works he had a chance to vote off Vanessa but he chicken out he was to afraid of Shelli because he was the one that got Clay out and I hoping that James win Veto too that way he could save Liz or Austin then put up
    Vanessa I remember when Amanda was on BB that everybody in the house wanted her to and she went during DE I hope that this is the night
    that Vanessa goes keep fingers and toes cross.

  12. I hope one of the Austwins wins HOH and takes out John & Steve for this move. But if I had to guess either James, Liz/Austin, or John are in danger during this double eviction.

  13. If I was James this is what I’d do.

    Step 1: Bring in jmac and Steve and make an alliance/f4 deal with him and meg called the executioners.

    Step 2: after Julia is eliminated all 4 of them sell liztin, on the same story that it was Vanessa’s plan to BD her. Remind them of her BD plan for Austin.

    Step 3: pending on hoh results
    -if meg, James, jmac, or Steve win hoh nominate Liz and van
    -if Austin or Liz wins paint that target on Van so maybe they nominate her

    This works on so many levels. Once Julia is eliminated Liztin will suspect Van. During a DE Van won’t be able to defend herself, but since they don’t know it’s DE they can all sell that story and not fear Van because she’s outgoing hoh. If Van makes past DE then at best she’ll have a split house to side with.

    If one of the executioners wins hoh Liz/Van/Austin are guaranteed to go home. Then it’s 4 of them vs 2 of them.

    What Mr bb expert-Steve is failing to realize is they have the most perfect opportunity to not only get Julia out but to also throw Van under the bus for making that happen. By painting that target on her back it also saves him for next week because otherwise him and jmac are nominated if Liztin wins hoh tonight. Does he not remember being nominated 2 weeks ago by Liz!?! Even with Van upset she has zero power next week and by not doing her dirty he looks bad. Think about this, if Julia stays then austwins know Van is trustworthy and she will remain off their target list. If Steve and John flip and send Julia home Van becomes suspect #1 and takes the target off them.

    It’s literally a no lose situation for them and it’s frustrating, as an outsider, that these morons cannot see this.

    • Excellent analysis but you contradict yourself, ” throw Van under the bus for making that happen. if Julia stays then austwins know Van is trustworthy and she will remain off their target list. If Steve and John flip and send Julia home Van becomes suspect #1 and takes the target off them.” I agree to some extant but believe that you should go after one alliance at a time at this stage of the game. Besides Van knows how to save herself she has done so time and time again and she will do it again.

      • I know it’s hignsight but Julia gone would have put Van on the table with Liz winning. But they didn’t and now I hope Liz wins

    • No matter what if they don’t take out a twinthen it is almost a guarantee that Liz and Julia make finale. If Austin, Liz,Julia, or Steve win second h

  14. I totally agree with many other posts that I have seen on here. If they have house guests like this next year, I will definitely not watch. Where did they find these people? Do any of them even realize they are on a reality game show?

    I started out liking Vanessa, and while I will admit she is playing a great game, if I hear “blood on my hands,” one more time I will vomit. This is Big Brother; you are supposed to get blood on your hands!!! Someone (James, maybe?) should paint her hands red while she is sleeping. Get over it and take ownership for some of your decisions. It’s a game!!

    Julia and Liz, worst contestants ever. It is pathetic people like these two that worry me about our future. I used to look forward to grabbing some popcorn and settling onto the couch for B.B.A.D. Now, I prerecord the show so I can fast-forward through any scene that has Liz or Julia in it. I am totally serious. “Oh, my Goooooddd-duh, that is so stuuuupiddd-duh!!” On top of the constant whining, they are totally self-absorbed, vain and callous. I am tempted to send Big Brother Productions a bill for the cases of ibuprofen I have gone through because of the stress headaches these two have caused me. Two total morons.

    Austin, another idiot. Thinking with his johnson instead of his brain. I do not mind showmances, most of the time they are sweet and you tend to wonder what will happen after everything is over. But, if I have to see any more footage of Austin & Liz sucking face or in bed together, yuck! These two are just plain gross. If Austin thinks that Liz has even a small inclination to stay with him after this is over, he is in for a huge wake-up call. It is a shame that he chose to waste his time inside of the house this way. I hope Judas shows up soon and boots out the twins. That would almost make up for the sickening displays we’ve been subject to all season.

    Um, Meg. You are not on a vacation, this is a competition to win money. Aren’t there any physical or mental requirements for Big Brother? Guess not. Don’t get me wrong, I like Meg. Who doesn’t? I just think she took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up on the show accidentally.

    James… another waste of a potential good game player. The only one who tried to make a “big move” this season. Too bad he never played harder, he might have got somewhere. Got to love his comments in the D.R., though.

    Steve, your mother is not in the house. It is okay to have some kahunas. For a super-fan, he sure is wasting valuable game play chances. Stop asking permission and just do it. Geez!!

    This is the most frustrating season I have ever seen. I have never witnessed Big Brother contestants worrying and fretting over the most trivial things like these people have been doing. Who cares who is hooking up with who or what they might think. It’s a game!! Eventually it will come down to you and the people you are only pretending to give a crap about. They are all practically giving the game away to each other, throwing away huge chances to make smart moves, and for what? So the “Austwins” can stay together? So “Grandma Meg” can have another foot rub? So Vanessa will not be mad? Sorry, just had to vent. I am a bit frustrated and hope everyone forgives me for letting it out.

  15. We all know that Meg will be leaving but I hope James wins HOH so he can
    put up Vanessa we only can hope that he keep his word and the only way
    he can do this is winning Veto everybody wants her out like they did
    Amanda during DE keep you fingers and toes cross that it will happen

    • James is an idiot and a slob, throwing all that food around and then denying it. Nine months latter he finds out he is a father. I did not see any pictures of his baby when he was HOH. is he telling the truth? Besides what girl waits until birthing to call the father. Really, you all believe him?

    • Actually I hope he wins POV during the DE then wins HoH so we have a week of Vanessa and the Austwins throwing each other under the bus. It would more fun to watch.

    • I hope James wins hoh puts the twins up and backdoors Vanessa Coz three make it four playing in veto almost guarantees backdoor and pull Julia down and put Vanessa against Liz

  16. I don’t understand these people they are playing for 3rd, 4th and 5th place!! Even Vanessa does she really think Austin is going to get rid of Liz’s sister at Final 4-NO he won’t. And Vanessa has been dropping hints at Steve to flip the vote and he’s just not getting it. She even set up Austin to take the blame if it does flip. Like Steve come on you know you should, you’ve said it yourself, now DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Exactly, the only person who will actually be mad is Liz. Austin will pretend to be, but he won’t be. Vanessa will put on a show for Liz’s sake but will actually be ecstatic on the inside. Than you are going into an HOH as 4 against 2, rather than odds don’t matter cause your bottom of the alliance and if Veto is used your next.

      • Simple, we see what only we can see. He cannot see what we see. Further, he is not the most confident nerd superfan believing in his own thinking. He constantly doubts everything that he thinks.

      • I wish Austin would pull Judas out (I Hate him,but would love this) not knowing about the flip and Julia left 4-1.

      • That would be the ideal but I don’t think he trusts JMac or Steve enough to keep one of the votes for Julia so he would be exposed (ick…perish the thought).

    • I don;t know. They seem to go back and forth. I thin Vanessa expect it but she is not letting on. Probably because she thinks she makes a perfect DE eviction.

    • Yes i agree.i hope he leaves tonight for being stupid and not knowing how to advance in the game.

      • OK, so how did he advance so far? By being compliant and nice to everyone staying off of their radar by being weird.

      • He ad advance by luck. Just like meg.Steve wasted his nomination with the first double eviction.

      • But that is not really an option at this stage of the game. There are too few players left to choose from for nominations. No one can take a chance at this stage of the game. Its winning HoHs and POVs or go home.

      • Maybe he is playing, not only with the houseguests but us as well (putting on a show for the cameras). If he makes a big move tonight we will know. If he doesn’t then it will be too late and yes, he is a dumb dumb.

      • I doubt it but he never let on that he would put up Jackie and Meg as he did the last DE so maybe you are right.

      • Could be wrong but I think the Jackie thing was kind of last minute vs a plan after someone lied to him about Jackie’s intentions. That should be a lesson though…don’t believe a word you hear, especially at the last moment.

  17. The only hope for a great show tonight is if James win hoh tonite. I think he’ll put up Vanessa and Liz. If not then he’s gone.

    • He said he would put up Vanessa and Austin. Another mistake by James because Austin will go home and the twins, Steve and JMac will vote him out gladly. He should put up Vanessa and Liz with Julia as a replacement for whoever comes off the block by veto.

      • That is the same situation prince, he is screwed unless he puts two true alliance members like Liz and Julia or John and Steve. Mix and match then you have 3 angry people after you wait 4!

  18. Why would Vanessa be the target??? I don’t get it. She just needs to be ignored. Give her the silent treatment. Austin should be the target (from the viewer’s perspective). Austin and Vanessa should be targeting each other.

  19. The throw pillows in the house have played a better game than Meg,at least they are useful,Meg is not..her only plan for winning BB seems to be crying but the only person getting wet is her.

  20. Meg confused a junior high sleepover with BB where 500,000 is at stake,failed to grasp that basic concept from the moment she stumbled in the BB house like a drunk sailor on leave.

  21. Please, send Julia to the jury house, her absence will not be notice, in the house we have another one that looks like she :v

    • It would be noticed. There would then only be one whiny voice in the house that highlights the end of every sentence with an annoying uptick.

  22. Where did bb fine these misfits? The game probably would of been better if jace and Jeff stayed and my boy Jason. Bottom line the real player’s got evicted to soon.

    • Jeff was terrible. He went from one person to the next telling each one about the conversation he just had with the person he last spoke to. It was non-stop too. No one could have tolerated that for more than a few weeks.

      I would like to have seen Da stay longer but she too blew up her own game with her attitude. She was very perceptive in reading the house but she could not control her aggression which ended her chances. This house cannot tolerate people who are that strong because they are all so weak.

      Perhaps Jason would have been better than Meg. If Meg had gone instead of Jason maybe things would have been better. But to me, the game turned for the worse when James, Meg and Jackie flipped on Becky to keep Vanessa in the game rather than creating an alliance of Shelli, Becky, James, Meg, Jackie and possibly JMac. That was the biggest blunder in the house by far.

      • Yes your exactly right. But isn’t Vanessa doing the same thing as Jeff. Yes i was pissed when they flipped on becky.

  23. Yes, just that simple! What are they afraid of?!?! The way they are playing they are going to get voted off anyway so what do they have to lose?!?!

  24. The only thing that keeps me from exploding is that Meg does deserve to leave. She is a terrible player and ruined the game for Becky, Jackie, herself and James. You can throw in a little Shelli there too. Jason may have left too early to blame his eviction on Meg but Jason wasn’t much different than Meg. Too bad Meg didn’t go home when Jason went home. James, Jackie and Becky may have fared just a bit better.

    But let’s not give James any credit here. He is pretty horrible too. Sure he wins comps, but his blunder insisting on evicting Shelli because she took Clay’s shirt from him was the epitome of dumbness. Ever since that week, his side of the house has paid for his emotional reaction. Wait until he finds out it was actually Julia who took the shirt from him.

    When the game is over, I hope to hear how Meg and James respond to questions about the week the torpedoed their own side of the house to save Vanessa, especially if Vanessa goes on to final 2.

    • James has been playing personal all year long – that is his problem. He has vowed to get Vanessa next week if he wins HOH – even though it does not make sense to not target the Austwins

    • Agreed.
      I don’t get all the love for James considering he’s a terrible player. He ruined the game for himself and a lot of other people. Both, he and Meg, deserve to get eliminated.
      I don’t like Austwins or Vanessa, but they (especially Vanessa) are doing much better game-wise. Then again, it’s not hard to play a better game than James and Meg who – being completely stupid as they are – not only sabotaged the best game move of the season (aka getting Vanessa on the block) by evicting Shelli because she “stole Clay’s shirt” but also got their best ally (Becky) evicted. It would have been easy for them to convince Austwins to keep her, but no, they’re dumb and let her go.
      Becky had a good read on the situation in the house, she was good at comps and most importantly: she would have been a bigger target if she had stayed in the game.
      So, to summarize: Meg out this week, James out next week, and I’m happy even though I don’t like the remaining HGs (except for maybe JMac, he’s alright)

    • Evicting Shelli was the right move, she was coming after him. James would already be in jury if Shelli stayed.

      • Shelli had no one at the point. She was looking for a place to be. She tried JMac and Steve but she had a good relationship with Becky. I think Shelli would have buried the hatchet with James had he agreed to keep her safe and she to work with him. With Vanessa out of the house, Shelli would have had no choice but to work with Becky. We will never know but we do know what has happened because Vanessa stayed in the house.

  25. I called it from the beginning, my V girl is going to win. She played a brilliant game. I’m just wondering the hate for Vanessa is because she is a Lesbian. I can’t wait to see the first BB USA winner being a Lesbian. Just like BB Canada had the first winner last year and she was a Lesbian. Let’s here for all those cute Lesbians.

    • I am not against her for being a Lesbian my sister is gay and I love
      her no matter what she has a right to choose who she want to be with.

    • Nobody gives a flying fig that she’s a lesbian. The only class that hates lesbians is straight female feminists.

  26. I must have misread… shouldn’t it have said Steve spoke to twins, got promise of safety for him AND JOHN then went to John to shut down the vote flip talk?

  27. I am so mad that CBS has BB double eviction tonight & I can’t even watch it live because of pre-season nfl football!!!! FRUSTRATING

    • It will be on tonight when the game is over. I am on the west coast and my tv guide says it will be on at 11:35pm tonight. Plus last week it said at the bottom of the tv screen (while Big Brother was on) that Big Brother would be on after the game on Thursday night September 3rd! Hope you get to see it! :)

      • I know I’m late posting this but yes it was on where I live in Ohio at 11:35 that night but unfortunately I STILL didn’t get to see the double eviction because we had a bad storm at that time & we lost satellite signal! If it had been on at normal time I would have seen it because while it was storming at that time we didn’t lose signal! CBS really needs to evaluate showing stupid preseason games that mean NOTHING during Big Brother season or change the night! I look so forward to Big Brother every year & they ALWAYS do this towards the end! It’s frustrating!

  28. Watching Vanessa talking to the twins last night made me think the twins are as dumb as Meg and James. Vanessa says “I don;t want to alarm you but if Julia is voted out it has to be because of Austin. He never said anything to me about it. But I know how he thinks better than anyone. Again, I am not saying he told me anything and I don;t think he’ll do it but you should know this anyway. Oh, and don’t tell him I said any of this to you because he’ll think you are closer to me than to him. Okay?” The twins reply, “Okay”. Basically she asked Liz to lie to Austin as if Austin will never see the TV show.

    Where did CBS manage to find so many blithering idiots to be on this show?

  29. I really hope Julia wins pov so Van has to go up. Steve won’t put jmac up. The twins will control the votes so bye bye Van. They can’t keep putting getting her out it has to be done this wk or she’ll get to the end. And that can’t happen. The other 3 can go after each other next hoh. Jmac has to make it to the end.

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