The first eviction of Big Brother 17 is coming up on Thursday when the final nominees of the week await their fate at the hands of the thirteen voting Houseguests. So who will go home first?
During my preseason interviews I asked everyone to tell me what they’d do to avoid the first eviction. Time to see if they can live up to their promises as the odds are stacked against one Houseguest.
Following the Power of Veto competition and ceremony we found out the final noms of the week would be Jackie and Jace once Steve escaped the Block. The renom of Jace was a well known plan by nearly the entire house, and a point of contention last night in Audrey’s fight with Jace. Unfortunately for Jace, nothing has changed since then.
The plan remains for Jace to be evicted and even his close allies Austin and Liz have relented. Jace tried his plan to cry and build sympathy but found no traction among the voters. They’re ready to say goodbye to his antics and I expect a landslide, likely unanimous vote.
I know the knee-jerk reaction is to go after a pairing like Jeff & Jackie with their TAR background, but I really do agree with the plan to get out Jace here in this week. You can’t make every choice in a vacuum. Jace has the traits to be a strong competitor and this was a good opportunity.
James told me preseason he’d go after a bigger threat than a smaller one like Jackie who is likely to repeat going up now that she was first and not proven to be an overwhelming competitor. Looks like that’s what he’s doing now. Do you think it’s the right move?
Update: In light of today’s fight and Audrey’s pariah status there could be a shift here. Jace and Austin and working to flip the vote and pull in the 7 votes they need. It’s early with the vote two days away, but the clock is going to run out fast.
So what do you think? Will Jace or Jackie be evicted on Thursday night? Vote now in our poll below:
My heart kind of breaks for Jace ending up in this situation!
It’s a bummer for him I’m sure. Not having even had a chance with the BD is rough.
As a fan, I like the idea of evicting a strong player like Jace too and think its a good strategy move, but personally I do feel for him. I would have at least liked to see him play for a chance to safe himself.
Just watched him lie and bully steve, so i have no sympathy whatsoever.
He should have known, the “bro” culture in the BB house is never accepted. Jace is a big alpha male, bro guy that tied himself with the only bro guy/Austin in the house. He was flashing neon target,
to be fair cody did pretty well last year
Cody wasn’t an obnoxious a** like Jace is. BIG difference!
NEWS: HUGE housewide confrontation of FrAud today. Flocks of chickens came home to roost. Aud completely cornered and desperately trying to lie her way out of it. Convinced nobody. Fun, Fun, Fun! Starts at 1 21pm cam 3/4
This has been the best 18 hours of TV Ive seen since Dan’s funeral.
I voted for Jackie ~ she’s a distraction ~ just ‘hangin’ out’ ~ smiling and flipping her hair ~ enjoying the free food and backyard beach.
Right now it sounds like Jace is going home this week but then again anything can happen between now and thursday night. If the vote was held right now I would expect Jace to walking out the door. Jace though I must say is going about his campaigning the wrong way. Earlier today Jace was talking to Clay I believe and one more person who told him they were going to go with the house this week. Jace kept arguing with them about giving him their vote and what not and they kept saying they were going with the house. They did say if he found enough votes to keep him they were on his side but had to go with the house because they had to look after themselves. Jace got mad and all and even insinuated that it wasn’t fair, he was only on five episodes of BB and Jackie was Amazing Race. Give me a break, to basically use the not fair card in a game all about not being fair is pretty desperate and low to me. Jace wants to save himself but I have yet to hear him try to make one agreement with anyone. In the end I like Jackie and want her to stay as I think she is playing the game well right now and Jace is not playing all that great.
After witnessing Jace’s bullying and commando tactics against Steve tonite on BBAD, I so desperately want Jace out of the house, like yesterday. He’s a menace, has no off button, is degrading, intimidating ~~ all around a very dangerous bully.
I felt bad for Jace for about a minute… but here I am watching the feeds while he’s berating and bullying Steve with every thing he can, he’s being so nasty that I can’t wait for his butt to go out the door… it’s unbelievable what he’s slinging at Steve…
No idea why steve kept sitting there and didn’t just leave.