Big Brother 17 Contest: Win ‘Hammock Room’ Beach Towels!

Big Brother 17 fans have seen a lot of game talk, crying and scheming go down in the “Hammock Room” (or lounge) but have you ever stopped to look around? The room is one of the funnest rooms when it comes to decor. And we just happened to score some of the wall hangings from the room! Surprisingly enough, the wall hangings are actually beach towels and they can be yours! Find out how below!

The BB17 Hammock Room features beach towels as decor - Source: CBS
The BB17 Hammock Room features beach towels as decor – Source: CBS

In order to win one of the beach towels, you must be 18+ and have a mailing address in the United States. Then use your Live Feeds to take screenshots and create your best BB17 photo collage! It can be about any HGs, it can be fun, cute or snarky! But just keep it family-friendly please!

The best three collages will win a beach towel and have your artwork featured in a future blog post along with the top 10 submissions! To submit, make sure your artwork is of high quality and email them contests [at] bigbrothernetwork [dotcom] with the subject line “BB17 contest.”


Don’t have the Live Feeds but want to enter the contest? We’ve got a huge gallery of Big Brother Feed images on our Twitter account that you can scroll through here or you can grab the Free Trial to watch the Live Feeds and snap your own pics. Make it fun & creative then send it our way!

Contest ends 8/6 @ 9PM ET so get your entries on in now!



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  1. Please, don’t any one make fun of me…but I am totally tech UN-savvy. Here goes: Can you get a Twitter account on your computer? Don’t laugh!! I mean, I just got my first laptop last year. Still have a flip-phone from ’03, too. So, can anyone help me out (without laughing at me)?

    • What’s Twitter? haha Not laughing at you. My boat is trailing. Good luck and good to see you back.

      • Thanks, my friend! Been pretty under the weather trying to adapt to a new RA med. UGH. My Doc stopped it and I feel much better. It’s good to be back. you really not know the answer? Guess I’ll have to Google it.

      • I may be almost computer illiterate, but I’m not a Twit. hehe No, sorry, Sharona.

      • I did a show once called, “Twirler.” The first line was, “People think you’re a twit if you twirl.” I can never hear or say, ‘Twitter’ without thinking of that line. Our ‘Fearless Leader’ answered my question.

      • Thank you Matthew! You’re my knight in shining armor! No, I can’t see the media without signing in. But now that I know I can get an account, I will. Thanks again…it’s OK if you laughed a little :)

      • You’re welcome. I was really bummed that I was unable to see all of the towels. Although, if they’re handing out Chen-bots, I’ll wait for that contest.

      • They don’t. I don’t have a twitter account and I can see your twitter media just fine.

  2. What do you mean collage? I don’t even know how to do that. I wish there was a better way to win.

  3. I don’t know if im dumb or what lol but for some reason it isn’t letting me send my contest to “” can someone help me

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