Diary Room: Big Brother 16 Week 8 Player Rankings By Adam Poch

Big Brother HG - Adam Poch
Big Brother HG Adam Poch – Credit: Greg P Photo

Well, here we are again, another week with Zach on the block and all signs point to him going home… again. Last time it took a miracle & who knew Caleb would be that miracle – even though Derrick took credit for it. Anyway – that was then, this is now and looks like Zach will be heading to a quick date with Julie. OR… as he goes to leave, they will tell him to go to the backyard. I hope there is a comp just for the first 4 jury members to come back in – and then they get to battle it out for HoH. BUT FIRST – lets see how everyone played this week and did they earn bacon or tofu.

Cody – 3 strips of Tofu – it hurts me to keep giving Cody Tofu since I really want him to win & make it back to back Jersey Boys winning Survivor & Big Brother. But Cody is just playing other people’s game and not really setting himself up for a win. Cuddling with a married woman & getting called out by the Zingbot was his biggest move this week. This is the first time all season he ended up on the block – and even with the odds in his favor, lost the BoB, It’s part of every players BB Bucket list to survive an eviction, and he looks pretty good to check that off his list, but not because he is saving himself.

Caleb – 2 strips of Tofu – While Caleb was not a big fan of picking skittles to determine the nominees – he went along with it anyway and with Cody as a partner, they figured it was an easy BoB win. Yeah – how’d that turn out? Caleb almost earned bacon for his part in the neighborhood watch – until he was caught trying to overhear conversations around the house.

Zach – 1 strip of Tofu (& a half strip of Bacon) – Zach’s game is just about over, not so much for what he did this week – but what he has done all season. You can only stir the pot so many times before it starts hurting people’s games. Sadly his unpredictability is the reason he will be gone but not forgotten. He gets the half strip of bacon for blowing up Frankie’s game to Donny, giving Donny some ammo, and I am hoping he comes right back in the house on Thursday and they form the new Power Duo – #Zonny!

Victoria – 1 strip of Bacon – Victoria is finally getting a backbone and standing up to people – especially Zach who has been a constant nuisance to her. It’s funny to watch when she gets worked up as she has a Mean Girl inside her. Most of this season has fallen in her lap & now she is seen as the “why waste an HoH on her” player – but some of these people that don’t will be sitting in the Jury house while she is on her way to 50K.

Derrick – 2 strips of Bacon – even though Derrick’s plan to stay HoH was wiped out – he did manage to not follow in Nicole’s footsteps and go from HoH to out the door. He once again kept himself safe & despite people perhaps figuring out he is playing the best game, he keeps working the soon-to-be-evictees for their jury votes. He even told Zach to stop telling people that he will vote for Derrick. That is the worst thing you can do in the game (trust me, I know!)

Frankie – 3 strips of Bacon – Frankie won his 4th HoH this week (in 8 chances) and won Veto as well giving him all the power. While he could have pretty much gotten anyone out of the house this week, he turned his sights once again on his “best friend” Zach. The only reason he has not earned more bacon this week is his cannot stick to one story – and is really setting himself up as the next biggest target once Zach leaves. The whole house has a feeling an evicted jury member is coming back, yet Frankie is not doing enough to ensure that whoever comes back will not come right after him. BUT… he has shown he can win competitions (6 total) and can save himself once the numbers get to 6 when everyone can compete in the Veto.

Donny – 5 strips of Bacon – who knew week 1 that a 42 year old groundskeeper would be Public Enemy #1 for just about the entire season, yet the rest of the house keeps trying to figure out a way to get Donny out. And the rest of the house keeps failing. This is the 6th time in 9 “weeks” he was nominated, and the 4th time he won a challenge to keep himself safe. We should start calling him Houdini the way he gets himself out of trouble. This week he pulled a Frankie by basically winning the BoB 1 on 3. Zach spilled a lot of info to him about how Skittlegate went down, and Donny put that info in his pocket, and saved it for late. Just about every other HG in there would have blown up. Donny still has a lot of game left to play, but he would for sure earn all 9 jury votes if he can somehow navigate his way there.

That brings us to the Tofurkey of the Week… this week’s honors go to Christine. She was sooooo bad at throwing the BoB competition, I mean, how many wrong sized bones did she give the other team? Fans all season have been comparing her to Britney (S12) – by letting the guys drag her along. As a “superfan” she should remember this – and not let it happen to her. Instead implementing the “flirting with Cody” strategy will probably cost her the game, and get her a long talking to by her husband when she gets home. Christine was in such a good spot for weeks, but it’s just a matter of time before the guys cut her. Her only hope is the guys will all go after each other first – and she can slide through the cracks. How amazing will it be if Nicole is the one that comes back. You know she will go Medieval on her ass!

We will have a very dramatic Thursday night show – and the rest of the season should be fun watching greed get the best of these HG’s as they get closer to the money. Frankie said last night / this morning – this is the last week of the backstabbing… something tells me there are still a few knives left in that house – and no one is safe.

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  1. I agree with all except one thing. Victoria has a chance at 500K if she can woo the jury. She played a Jun game and look where that got her.

    • There is no way anyone in the Jury will hand her the 500k, This isn’t 2003 and back then she got lucky. Everyone in that jury house will ask themselves what game play has she made? What was her biggest game move? (Cutting Zach’s Pink hat into pieces out of spite?) These are the questions Jury members are gonna ask each other and you can bet there will be heated arguments on why she doesn’t deserve 500k, JMHO.

      • looool her nose, that’s what makes the whole situation even more funny that it was hers, I would love to see her reaction afterwards cause you know Zach will bring it up and make her think about it.

    • I don’t even think she could win against Christine. She hasn’t done anything and most everyone who has been voted out was more upset about going before Victoria than being voted out at all. I think it would be amusing to see Victoria and Derrick in the finals. He would let everyone know how much he used her to vote people out and keep himself safe, and I think her only reaction would be to sit there and cry about it.

    • No, she is not playing a Jun game, Jun knew what she was doing and had Alison talk herself out of 500K with her obnoxious I won my way here I deserve it speech. Veruska actually thinks that she and Derrick have the only alliance and are actually working together. She may think her strategy is to be quiet and stupid. But that is just who she is.

  2. There will probably be some Donny naysayers hatin’ on you for the 5 strips of bacon, but I totally agree. I think this would have been the best chance for Frankie to have used his HOH to get Derrick. Because he wasn’t smart enough to see the advantage to that for his game and act on it, I think the HOH and POV win kinda’ make it an even steven deal and I wouldn’t have rewarded him with so much bacon. As always, enjoyed an enjoyable read.

    • Yea same here, Frankie shouldn’t of gotten 3 for he ruined his own game in the end even though he had all the power this week. Now Donny with 5 is on the ball, Donny is working his magic and after his conversations he had yesterday and ammo Zach gave him I can see this week to be full of fireworks, better get my popcorn ha.

  3. Frankie should not get 3 strips of bacon. He is essentially following Derrick and how is that a good thing? Derrick is playing to win that $500,000 and
    Frankie is helping him get that much closer! Also, his cowardice in making a big move when he had the chance is doing to haunt him. He will get evicted soon. The only question is by whose hand? Zach was a reliable ally all along despite, they bumping heads. Does Frankie really believe Derrick, Cody or Christine or even Caleb has his back? He just went down on the totem pole and should be eating a whole tub of tofu!

    • I agree. One week ago they were all planning to get him out by Caleb throwing BOB. Does he think that revealing that his sister is a pop singer changed all that? He really needed to make a big move this week and it wasn’t getting Zach out of the house, it was making a move on Derrick or one of his allies. Had he just renomed Victoria, Derrick would have been sure to lose a vote inside the house and Frankie wouldn’t have upset the dynamic of the group.

      • Watch for Frankie to be the target this week, no only will the returning HG will come after him but Derrick is gonna make move on him knowing he just lost one of his numbers (Zach) and he still has 2 (Cody and Victoria) and he also has Christine.

      • Agreed. I think Caleb can easily be reeled in by Derrick. I don’t think anyone would object to Frankie being the target this next week. And this season of BB has been about voting out the person that won’t make anyone else too upset.

      • Exactly, your right so far they’ve only been voting out the person that won’t make anyone else too upset or as they call it, “Voting how the house votes”.

      • I’m thinking we should just nickname Derrick, “House”. Since really it is voting how Derrick votes.

      • lol I totally forgot, your right Sergeant House since we can’t call him Dr. House (one of my favorite shows).

      • Frankie will probably just pull off another Frankie Funeral pt 2 and tell everyone that he has a famous Pop Star Sister .. and swear that he will have a clean slate and play with integrity and honour, in order to respect his millions and millions of adoring fans out there … He is, afterall, their Messiah … Ha !!!

        It worked last time … so, why should it work again, with these houseguests … Ha !!! :)

    • I agree that Frankie loses credit for not seizing the obvious opportunity to take out Derrick while one of his 2 solid votes are on the block with him. It’s one thing to have a target in mind “if” you win HoH; another level is to be flexible if you are presented with this gift no one saw coming. I’d rather risk Derrick playing to return than Zach/Hayden.

      • Maybe Frankie wanting to continue the Team America challenges is the reason for not targeting Derrick. I don’t know if TA continues if one of the 3 are evicted though but both Derrick and Frankie have stated they need the money.

    • He won HoH & Veto – that should count for something this week. He is also using the power he earned this week to get rid of someone who could have gotten very far & could have gotten him out down the road. Thats why he gets Bacon.

      • Yeah, but, he had absolute power to put anyone on the block and wasted his power. Sure he is HOH and had the POV but, doing Derrick’s bidding nullified any powers he had! It is like being in a fight with a guy lunging at you with a knife. You have a gun but, chose to throw away your gun.
        We know how that will turn out. More than likely, you will get stabbed and fatally at that! Still do not agree. Maybe, Frankie should get 1 strip of bacon at most!

      • lol love that analogy, he did throw away the gun, got stabbed, took the knife stabbed Zach instead of the assailant (Derrick) and then laid there in recovery while Caleb licks his wounds. In summary give him Tofu for when he looks back at this week he’ll kick himself knowing this was the week he made the mistake that cost him the game.

      • Hayden, Nichol, and Frankie threw it away. Controlled, all of them. I just hope Zach stops worshipping Derrick. Everyone who does, gets evicted. Hayden at least saw it right away, and Hayden is Donny’s best hope. If Nichol would have got it as quick, she could still be here. Somebody please make Victoria go away. All of them, even all the jury deserves to be ahead of her.

    • Personally I would have gone with “Zanny” as there alliance name. But “Zonny” is pretty good.

    • #zonny has a nice ring to it and when they go on the offensive, it’s #Zonny Attack, or you’ve fallen victim to a #Zonny Attack, gotta love it your bbadboy

  4. I wouldn’t give Victoria any bacon. She’s behaving horribly and is harming her game rather than helping it. I have had no fun watching her this week (live feeds or show)! Cody and Christine are both ranked where they belong, though I’d put both Donny and Frankie a bit lower, Caleb a bit higher.

  5. I do like that Donny and Frankie are making it clear they know if Victoria gets too close to final 3 that she is too easy to beat at f2 and anyone would take her. That might put a dent in Derrick’s oh so obvious plan of taking her as his final 2 spot. But I do oh wanted to see Cody cut at final 2 so he finally would get the hard way what Nicole and Donny were trying to warn him for weeks. I have come to terms with Derrick winning. I think people have too high expectations for jury member return. They won’t be able to do much damage. Derrick has already been bashing a return saying they have been relaxing in jury house for weeks while we have been fighting to stay here. The easy option is to kick them right back out. My only goal now is to see Frankie get turned on and watch him go down in flames begging for his life in the game.

  6. Frankie is dead to me and, thus, I don’t think he deserves any bacon! He’s a liar, a sneak and a backstabber — but he’s not good at any of those things. I was a huge #Zankie fan but, after what Frankie did to Zach this week, I think Frankie’s game is coming to a quick end next week. One can only hope. “This is. . .the part when I say . . buh-bye to Frankie.”

    • I hope Frankie’s game DOES end soon. The way he’s treating Zach absolutely sucks. Can you imagine how Zach must feel–knowing he didn’t take any of the HG’s stuff, and having your best friend perpetuate the lie? I have a feeling that Frankie’s game in the house is the same game he plays outside of the house.

  7. I don’t get how being nominated every week can ever possibly be a good thing. Clearly you’re not playing a good social game if you have no alliances and are targeted every week…
    5 strips for not having any alliances or foothold in the game? Seems reasonable.

    • People keep saying that Donny has not played a good social game. Think about it like this: When anyone leaves the house, the one person they tell Julie they love is Donny. Those people who are gone have all been weak in one way or another, and so they went with the wrong crowd while in the house… but they all love Donny. Right now, there are three members of Jury. All three members would vote for Donny if he makes it – over ANY other person left in the house. A “social game” can mean a lot of different things.

      • He’s going to be targeted in the house for the remainder he’s in there. Yes Jury management is important, but you also have to hold a social game in the house too. Donny isn’t doing that, and as a result he’s being targeted every week.

      • He’s going to be targeted in the house for the remainder he’s in there. Yes Jury management is important, but you also have to hold a social game in the house too. Donny isn’t doing that, and as a result he’s being targeted every week.

      • I agree Donny’s a beast. And not just everyone in the jury would vote for him but 99% of America love him.

  8. I think Victoria could win 500k if up vs Frankie. I wouldn’t vote for him no matter who else is there. If Nicole came back and FINALLY these girls could get together and move on the boys….but ALAS….will not happen. There is a pattern here….join the men, get dragged along, only to be dumped in end. Dopes.

    • Nicole would NEVER trust Christine again in the game. If she gets in and does then she deserves all the tofu in Ca.

      • I read an interview with Nicole and she would target Christine and put Derrick up next to her to ensure Christine goes home. So she has learned a little but not enough to know that Derrick should be target number 1.

    • So you would look past his big moves, comp wins and sound gameplay because you don’t like him?
      You’d be a horrible jury member.

    • Some of the best people to rank and pick winners are not the best players or even players in a game! Rank all you want Adam! ZaCole or ZaBeard….better yet…two hgs return and we have ZaCoDon as an alliance

  9. Why am I the only one who thinks there is a possibility of TWO jury HG’s returning! When I do the math there will be enough weeks with two returning for the rest of the season. I am just considering this because this season was based on TWO HoH’s nominated TWO hg’s each and all four competed in the BOB where two hgs would remain. Why not continue with the twist and have TWO houseguest return and then end BOB! I think that would be the most twisted twist idea thus far. It has never been done but either has BOB with two HOH’s. I think it would be awesome and the hgs in house would freak the dingus out! ZaCole teamed up with Donny would be a great three person alliance! And, I could theorize that Jocasta & Hayden(first 2 jury members) compete on BOB against 3 & 4 (Nicole & Zack). I see ZaCole winning! ZaCoDon(Alliance of 3)! A fan can dream can’t they? Bring home the bacon…bring back two jury members…Twisted Twist! Oh yah!

    • I think I would like that too. It actually does make sense since this has been the season of twos. They could have DE 2 weeks in a row. Viewers love the DE nights because of the action and players hate it because they don’t have time to save themselves.

      • I saw an even BETTER idea on Twitter this morning. Picture this: Live eviction….Zach goes out & meets Julie. Then, all 4 jurors go back into the backyard to join the HGs in the long-awaited endurance comp for HoH. The FIRST 4 to fall off the wall (or whatever it is this year) go to jury, regardless of whether they’d been on the Block or not! That’s a twisty-twist I could get behind 100% Hee hee

  10. Come on Adam, Donny needs a pound of bacon. He admits he has no social game, yet everybody has a love/hate relationship with him. He is a comp beast when it comes to saving himself.

  11. I look forward to who has the most bacon each week! I love this column and I’d like to see a “Zonny” alliance. If Christine, Victoria, and Caleb could be voted out, it would make for an interesting final. Wonder what would happen if Frankie and Zach somehow got to the final two?!?!

  12. Agree with everyone except Victoria. All she does is follow Derrick around. She doesn’t think for herself. When Frankie won HOH Derrick tells her you don’t need to be around when we talk your safe. Or he will say just be quiet and look pretty. She’s such a waste of space and just because she cut up her own hat does not make her deserve bacon. Maybe tofu of the week right next to Christine.

  13. Frankie is an idiot. I really hope he goes soon.. Victoria is the scarecrow, she’s looking for a brain. they are only keeping her because they want someone they can win easy over.I would love for Zack to get back in and evict Frankie.

  14. Seriously, you are praising Frankie. He is an idiot and basically is guaranteed to go home in the next maybe three weeks or earlier. Depending on, if, Donnie wins another competition. Zach was his biggest ally, and, putting him up was so damn stupid. I never liked Frankie or Zach, but, now I feel really bad for Zach, and, after what he has done in the house, and, how I hated him that was not easy to do, for me. I still watch the show, because, I watched it up to this point. I like Donnie, and, if, a detonator has to win I hope it is Derrick, since, he has not really done anything personally bad to someone. Sure, he has made strategic moves against players but that is the game. However, Frankie, Christine, and Zach have made moves that were just evil. Yet, I still felt bad that everyone was throwing Zach under the bus for the stolen items when he had nothing to do with it. I do not know why I watch this show when it is so damn evil! Last season, there was the racist controversy, and, now, all the personal attacks. This show celebrates people being evil and mean spirited, and, it is sad that everyone loves it. I am not counting myself out as someone who watches it, but, I watch it hoping that at some point a good person will prevail. This is why I am kind of rooting for Derrick, because, I think he is good in the game, whille, still playing the game. You cannot win this game, innocently, and, I get that.

    P.S. I did not expect to get philosophical,but, the popularity of this show is kind of disturbing!

  15. Derrick deserves more bacon. The fact that Frankie had the ability to bd his biggest competitor and knowing that he is his biggest competitor and not doing it is a testament to Derrick’s game. Also, the fact that even if Frankie put him up he had a decent chance to stay with (Caleb, Victoria and Zach) being the most likely votes against Cody. That’s covering your bases and playing the game. He deserves more bacon.

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