Big Brother 16 Week 6 – Veto Comic Book Covers

Zach Attack! Comic Book Cover on Big Brother - Source: CBS/EW
Zach Attack! Comic Book Cover on Big Brother – Source: CBS/EW

Tonight on Big Brother 16 the Houseguests will compete in the Power of Veto competition where they’ll be treated to their comic book personas thanks to some slick art work and jokes about what we’ve come to know about them.

Some of these are pretty good (Zach & Donny’s for sure) while you see Hayden’s and realize what do we know about Hayden? They turned him in to a crab. Why? What’s the joke? I guess we just haven’t learned much about him outside his Teddy Spanks poetry character. Ah well.

Nicole’s comic is hilarious and Brittany’s is a great reference to her 2400 soccer goals. Can’t go wrong with Amber’s cover either. You’ll have to see the rest of them to find your favorites.

click images to see full-size

Image Source: CBS
Image Credit: Michael Borkowski, Tom Nguyen, Joe Martino, Ross Hughes, Jeff Austin, Michael Borkowski, Josh Adams



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  1. Hayden’s comic is in reference to a conversation he had with Nicole. When he got put on slop the first time, he told Nicole, “You won’t like me when I’m crabby.”

  2. Isn’t it amazing what BB can do when they’re not recycling comps? Zach, Donny, Amber, and Devin all have killer covers, but Brittany’s is by far #1.

  3. I love love love… plus infinity…the comic book covers. This makes me happy. I hope each house guest gets to keep the art work. Killer concept BB. I want a comic book cover.

    • Now, Zach can claim that title. Remember he said if he loses, he can be called that! lol And Nicole wants to evict the Fruit Loop Dingus. Don’t worry Frankie is coming right after you.

      • Lets hope so… My guess is that Frankie will recover and find a new alliance somewhere. :)

  4. Ugh…I wanted Frankie to go!! Who knows if the times weren’t manipulated by production?! Ha..ha… Also Christine is a piece of work. Her trye colors are showing. Why dont they air all the tines she is rubbing Codys back?!

  5. I really love Zach’s the most!! I find it very telling of the person he actually is which is so cute and apparently Christine hasn’t heard him talk about his brother!

  6. So not to be a perve but I won’t even say what it looks like the girl in Calebs is doing with him. They are all great comics. I wish they got to keep theirs.

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