Big Brother 16 – Week 12 Nomination Anticipation

There’s a new Head of Household in the Big Brother 16 house after last night’s Rewind twist hit and the stress is mounting as the F5 HGs prepare for the next round of nominations.

Nomination Anticipation for Big Brother 16
Nomination Anticipation for Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

As soon as the Live Feeds returned following the comp we could see the HGs were wasting no time at all getting in the ear of the new HoH. Would this finally be the week that ended Frankie Grande’s run in the game? Decisions will need to be made.

Flashback to 7:10 PM BBT 9/10 as Derrick and Caleb begin the discussion of whether or not to target Frankie from the very start. Derrick wants him to go for it but Caleb is clearly hesitant and worried about how it could impact his game should Frankie win the Veto.

Following this conversation Cody and Derrick speak privately (7:45PM BBT). Their concern is that Frankie is trying to straddle both their F3 deal and a F2 with Frankie. If Caleb really trusted the guys, they suggest, then he wouldn’t hesitate to out their intentions to target Frankie. Of course it’s easy for them to say that than for Caleb to do it.

When Frankie goes in to the DR the guys have a group talk. Jump to 8:45PM BBT 9/10 to watch. (Get the Free Trial now & see it for yourself.) Derrick drops the logic-bomb on Caleb. He says for Caleb to do what’s best for his game but he goes by the math and the math here says that if Frankie does not go up then they could be forced in to voting out either Derrick or Cody.

Derrick points out that if Frankie is not on the block and wins the Veto then he could decide to use it on Victoria and force a renom of Derrick or Cody, whichever of them is not up. Now the theory is sound, but considering we saw Frankie pass up this opportunity last week I do not think it’s likely. All the same, I do think it’s starting to work on Caleb.

The talk breaks with Caleb agreeing to put up Frankie and Victoria. They plan to stage a discussion with Frankie later on and each give reasons why they (Derrick and Cody) shouldn’t be the ones to go up. Cody’s argument is that he was just up. Derrick’s argument is that he couldn’t defend himself yet again in the HoH comp.

All the guys get together later around 3:40 AM BBT to go over the plan. Caleb is suggesting he’ll put up Frankie and seems ready to go with the plan. After Frankie and Cody leave the room Caleb assures Derrick that yes, he’s prepared to nominate Frankie.

Frankie comes back to have a private talk with Caleb. He makes a lot of valid points about never putting Caleb up and how they’ve had a F2 deal since the start. Caleb promises Frankie the target remains Victoria and the other guys are loyal to them making F4.

Considering Caleb continues to push the storyline of Victoria being the target to Frankie even in private makes me think he’s serious about doing it this time. Frankie and Victoria look to be this week’s nominees.

As for when the Nominations Ceremony will take place, I’m not sure. The noms episode will still be on Sunday as normal which makes me think they could keep the ceremony on Friday instead of the day after the HoH comp. I’m hoping for the momentum to keep rolling though and we’ll see the nominations officially confirmed later tonight. Either way I’ll be watching and keep you updated as soon as it happens.

What do you think of the plan to nominate Frankie in the first round? Would you wait until Veto played out or put your plans out in front?



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  1. Frankie and Derrick are the two players that has the biggest chance of winning the Jury vote. So their goal should be eliminating those two. Sit beside Victoria and you win the game. I don’t think it even enters their mind……I can see Victoria being evicted in this round…………..yawn..

    • The problem is that EVERYONE sees that Victoria is an easy win. So if you’re Caleb, and you keep Victoria to the final four, what happens when one of the other guys wins HoH next week? They’re not going to want to get rid of Victoria either, and if Caleb gets put on the block at Final Four next to Victoria, they’ll probably keep Victoria. Better to get her out now than to make it easy to get kicked out in the next eviction.

      • Just a thought … what about keeping Frankie? Does he really have any support on the jury? I’m not sure that he is all that well liked. Would anyone vote for Frankie to win over anyone else in the house (except perhaps Victoria)? If I were Derrick, I might be looking at both Victoria and Frankie as possible F2. Yes Frankie has won a lot of competitions, but he’s also pissed a lot of people off and hasn’t really played the best game.

      • I don’t think Derrick wants Frankie to win even $50K, let alone the $500K. Also, Frankie can talk and has won the most comps this season. Neither of those is good for Derrick in Derrick’s mind.

      • Well, as of now, after the Rewind Twist … Caleb has won 6 comps and Frankie now only has won 7 comps … Ha !!! :)
        I think that Caleb could possibly win the Jury votes .. He is a Comp Beast Mode Player and has somewhat of a decent social game (with exception of the Amber situation .. Ha !!!) … and, have been loyal to his Alliance ..

      • I think frankie and derrick are going to be hard to beat. They both played a great game and I could see jury voting for either one over anyone else. No one else deserves to win. Cody and vic are floaters and caleb doesn’t have balls to make bold moves.

      • Yanno, much as I (self proclaimed President of the “Cant Stomach Frankie Club) hate to admit it, if Derrick sat next to Frankie in the final 2, he may just stand as good a chance of winning if he managed to get Victoria there. Did you all hear the way the Jury was talking about his game last night? While Frankie has won comps, Derrick has won respect….

      • The problem is that Frankie has a very,very good chance of winning the final HOH and would most likely NOT bring Derrick. Frankie is one of the few who has caught onto Derrick’s amazing gameplay and he knows he doesn’t stand a chance sitting next to him in the final 2. That’s why it’s so crucial for them to get him out NOW. It might even be too late.

      • If Frankie sits in the final 2 Frankie will WIN! He deserves to win! With that being said I DO NOT WANT HIM TO WIN! Frankie has been a beast in the COMPS, however the turn off with FRANKIE is how IMPRESSED he is with himself! As well as things he said about Victoria! I want Derrick to win, personally!

      • At this stage of the game, there’s a risk on every move you make. Caleb has a big decision to make….You’re right they’re not going to get rid of Victoria either, because she’s beneficial to ALL the players….that’s all I’m saying.

    • Exactly, these ninnies still floating this late stage in the game! Unbelievable! We probably have to wait another week before they finally go after each other because Victoria will be gone and we will have the 4 knuckleheads left! I do not see Victoria surviving this week the way these guys are going.

      • And just wait til Frankie leaves the house, he will see how much America Hates him too! LMAO! I can’t wait!

    • They want to get rid of Victoria to increase their chances to go final 2 with any other houseguest, everyone wants to take Victoria. That’s why everyone’s logic is to get rid of her.

  2. For Derrick and Cody, it’s better for their game if Frankie is up for nomination in the first round but Caleb is clearly losing an ally if Frakie is evicted because he’ll be next target for sure. So bad move on Caleb’s part but as i’m rooting for Derrick then good job Caleb go for it :)

  3. And another thought …. why don’t people look at Cody as being as useless as Victoria? He rarely wins a comp and when he’s had the opportunity to make a smart move, he’s completely wimped out. I’m not sure Cody would be there if it weren’t for his relationship with Derrick. He’s kind of a useless player, but no one really seems to recognize that about him. And Caleb? What an idiot.

      • Exactly. He did nothing with his wins, when he did get them. What good is an HOH if you don’t use it. In that sense, he’s not much better than Victoria.

    • Because Cody won the HOH and POV to take out Donny. Those wins were HUGE for his alliance. He, after all, was the one who beat Donny in the last round of that boxing HOH comp.

  4. I hope to high heaven this is Frankie’s week to go! It makes sense to wait till after the veto comp to lure him into a sense of safety, but Frankie is as clever as he is nauseating. I’m not certain he will take his safety for granted, no matter when they put him up. I understand Derrick and Cody not wanting to keep Frankie’s seat warm for him. Caleb has wavered so much, he is risky to trust. I’m just so incredibly tired of Frankie’s disgusting mouth and self entitled arrogance that I want to boot his ass out the front door, myself!

    • I’m sorry I disagree I love.Frankie and I think him and derrick are the best players hands down this season.

      • Frankie has played a very bad game. Winning competitions does not mean you have played a good game.

        Personally, I don’t think his game should even be compared to Derrick’s. Derrick has been out of this world good thus far, everyone else has been mediocre at best.

      • Liar, everyone’s game play is different and I think Frankie has played a good game save for a few mistakes he’s made.

      • You are the Liar! Also Frankie is a disgusting and Vile human being! The stuff Frankie has said and done on the live feeds are just nasty. …..he is a horrible person and I hope he loses and I hope he gets boo’d!

      • Frankie sucks, he is a vile and horrible human being! Haven’t you seen All the nasty things Frankie has said and done on the live feeds! I hope Frankie loses and I hope he gets boo’d. ……cause he deserves it!

    • i’m hoping frankie comes back for all-stars after his BB16 win. they should have an allstars BB next followed by a super allstars BB after that. Frankie and Dan could team up as coaches then enter the game at F4 to demolish thier competition.

      • Really? You think that the most hated HG ever should come back? The ratings would be lower than the sinking ship this season has become and would probably spark a fan revolt.

      • God Noooooo! No one wants to ever see or hear Frankie again! He is vile, rude, and disgusting person! If you don’t believe me just watch the live feeds! Oh ya and he also acts entitled!

  5. Sophie, it is certainly your right to disagree with me. I’m just curious about what you find likable in Frankie. He has been so offensive on so many levels that many viewers are completely disgusted by him. I rarely hear someone say that they really like him. Is it because he has won comps? Please don’t tell me it’s because of his charming personality…..

  6. 23 seconds Derrick. You need to knock at least a minute off your time. Frankie will be faster this time. I hate these type of comps because it’s too easy for production to change times so the person they want to win actually wins. So ready for Frankie to be gone.

    • I don’t want to be conspiracy theory guy, but is there really anyway to CONFIRM 100% that the person who wins actually has the best time? How do we know production doesn’t fudge the numbers? They’re probably asking themselves “what’s better for ratings – Frankie winning the POV and once again dodging elimination, or Frankie getting blindsided by Cody and Derrick?”

      Should be interesting…

      • By the same token, there is no way to verify anything production does : internet voting, d r sessions etc etc

      • Competition shows have to adhere to standards and practices laws. The production can manipulate house guests and steer them towards doing what they want, but they can’t straight up change the time results in a competition. It’s against the law.

  7. Matt have you heard anything about next Fridays show yet? If they are evicting someone Tue and Wed I can’t figure out what Friday is unless maybe Jury House.

  8. We are one veto loss by Frankie from him going out the door. After that I’m content with whoever wins cause Victoria won’t

  9. I would b/d him. If you put him up and he wins veto he takes himself off. If he is not up and he wins veto same outcome.

  10. Frankie needs to go I can’t fucken stand him in this show …. He’s just there for charity this whole game is fixed … If his still on the show I will stop watching it

    • Charity? More likely the FFF, Frankie Fun Fund. Can’t wait until they interrupt regular programming to inform us of all of his contributions. Frankie is so self-centered; I’d bet with any contribution he makes, there is something in it for him or he would never do it to begin with. Just my impression of him.

  11. This is the season of house guests who are chicken to make big moves and now it’s coming back to bite them in the a$$. If caleb had some guts, he’d nom derrick and cody out of spite.

  12. I hope frankie figures this out and wins the veto !!! he has been the greatest competitor this season. Just cause he’s already rich and famous shouldn’t be a reason to not let him win it all. Go grandie go !

    • No, but being vile, vulgar, mean and a host of other rotten things is reason enough that he shouldn’t win anything.

      • That’s one of those trolls that use one name to post, then they go out and use another name and upvote themselves. They always post something they think will get a reaction but they probably don’t even believe it themselves. I don’t waste my time with them. Hey redroses, love your new bouquet!

  13. What is interesting to me is that the jury already realizes Derrick’s game. Will they respect that or not. Caleb has a good chance of winning from what the jury thinks if he is in the F2 with Derrick.

  14. Derrick has played an amazing game. He has been the puppet master the entire season. Knowing when to speak and when to be quiet. To me he overplayed how upset Victoria was going to be once he told her she wasn’t getting his vote. Seemed a little suspicious watching it. He should have just let it happen and have the other HG watch it unfold

  15. All of you Frankie haters are pathetic and disgusting. Seriously, leave the guy alone already. It’s gotten old and now you’re all looking like homophobic haters. It’s not Frankie that is making the season look bad; it’s YOU people. Oh my God, so Frankie is trying to play the game as hard as he can. Big freaking deal. He’s played the best game out of everybody and all the constant hate is really just horrible. Where’s the hate for a terrible player in Victoria? Where’s the hate for a family man policeman like Derrick who has said just as bad as things as you all accuse Frankie of saying? Where’s the hate for Cody, who pretty much was just letting a married woman have a fling with him, and also talks smack about everyone behind their backs? Where’s the hate for Caleb, and how delusional, perverted, stalker-like and stupid he is? All this hate only directed at Frankie is ugly and pathetic, and it’s ridiculous fans like all of you that is the reason this season is bad. All of you should be ashamed of yourselves, and before you start casting stones, maybe you should all take a look in your mirrors first. Idiots. I really hope and pray Frankie wins this season, to teach all you hateful rejects a lesson.

    • Skankie Frankie has to go and it has Nothing to do with him being gay and you know it! Everything Frankie has said and done on the live feeds is rude, vile, and disgusting! I hope Frankie ‘ s entitled a$$ needs to be kicked out of the house and I hope and pray Frankie gets boo’d! He deserves that! Frankie has ruined this Season!

    • Frankie sucks, obviously you haven’t been watching the live feeds…..Frankie has been a rude, two faced, vile, disgusting, entitled, rotten human being!

  16. They should have taken a shot at Frankie weeks ago when they had the opportunity. It might be too late. I don’t think their problem is having to beat Frankie in the F2 (unless your Victoria), I think it’s the fact that Frankie has a very,very good chance at winning the final HOH and then he’d have the power to say who will go with him to F2.

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